Old Testament Overview

Jul 12, 2024

Lecture on Understanding the Old Testament

Overview of the Old Testament

  • Key Theme: God seeking a bride for his son
  • Structure of Talk: Overview of the entire Old Testament, not just one book.
  • Importance: Understanding how 39 books over a thousand years relate together.
  • Bible as a Library: Not a topical book but a collection of books that cover different times and places.
  • Bible in Context: Each verse and book exists in a specific historical and geographical context.

Geography of the Bible

Maps to Know

  1. The Middle East (Fertile Crescent)

    • Links two major river valleys: River Nile, Tigris, and Euphrates
    • Centers of power: Egypt and Mesopotamia (Assyria and Babylon)
    • The Promised Land located in a strategic narrow corridor between these two powers
  2. The Promised Land

    • Fertile strip between the sea and the Arabian Desert
    • Important areas include Mount Hermon, Jordan Valley, Dead Sea Valley, Jerusalem in the hills, Megiddo (Harmageddon)
    • Geographically diverse (like a miniature world)
    • Importance: Crossroads of the world; the place where God planted his people

Historical Timeline of the Old Testament

2,000-Year Timeline (Before Christ)

  1. Prehistoric Period (Genesis 1-11)

    • Creation, Fall, Flood, Tower of Babel
  2. Historical Periods (500-years each)

    • 2000 BC - 1500 BC: Election of Abraham
    • 1500 BC - 1000 BC: Exodus led by Moses
    • 1000 BC - 500 BC: Empire under David and Solomon
    • 500 BC - Christ: Exile and Return

Key Figures and Leadership

  • 2000 BC: Abraham & Patriarchs
  • 1500 BC: Moses & Prophets
  • 1000 BC: David & Princes
  • 500 BC: Isaiah & Priests

Two Gaps of 400 Years Each

  1. Before Exodus: Between Genesis and Exodus
  2. Before New Testament: Between Malachi and Matthew
  • Significance: Periods when God was silent and inactive historically.

Types and Organization of Books

Types of Books

  1. Law Books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
  2. History Books: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, etc.
  3. Poetry Books: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
  4. Prophetic Books: Major Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel), Minor Prophets (e.g., Hosea, Joel)

Hebrew Bible vs. English Bible

  • Hebrew Structure: Law (Torah), Prophets, Writings
  • English Structure: History, Poetry, Prophetic (major and minor)
  • Differences: Distinct groupings and arrangement affecting interpretation and understanding.

Main Points & Conclusion

  • Importance of understanding geographical and historical contexts for better interpretation.

  • Old Testament as a connected narrative where every book and event serves a divine purpose.

  • Different leadership phases and their contributions to Israel's history.

  • Recognizing the significance of gaps and their historical implications.

  • Differences in how the Hebrew Bible and English Bible structure the texts.

  • Key to studying the Old Testament is understanding the timeline, geography, and different book types.

  • Visual Aids: Use maps and charts to contextualize historical periods and geographical significance.