Transcript for:
Exploring MacCready's Character Development

Robert Joseph mccre appears to be a rather one-dimensional character you first meet him in the VIP lounge of the third rail but actually he's a multi-dimensional character and actually you first meet him in little Lamplight of Fallout 3 that's right Robert Joseph mccre is the very same mayor mccre from Fallout 3 in Fallout 3 mccre appears as a young boy wearing an army helmet and wearing a bunch of military gear he is the mayor of a town called little Lamplight this is a town comprised entirely of children and they live safe and sound in a cave mccre is a non-nonsense kind of guy even as a child I'm mccre I run little Lamplight because they made made the mayor and I don't like strangers or mongos look I don't just let any [ __ ] into my town and I'm taking a risk making an exception for you so you're welcome in my town at least until you start screwing up once that [ __ ] starts you're out on your own again any kid can say they want to be mayor here it's just that most don't want to bother with the responsibility of leading of course I've kept this place going strong for 3 years to most kids that makes me mayor for [ __ ] life fine by me I say the way mccre became mayor of little Lamplight is a funny story a girl in the town convinced everyone to vote her to become the mayor as soon as they did she demanded that they all call her princess and she started to make difficult demands mccre stood up punched her in the face and appointed himself mayor of little lamplite this childhood moment tells us a lot about mcc's character he may be a foul-mouthed non-nonsense kind of guy but even at his worst he hates incompetence and he hates it when people abuse power and Leadership mcc's closest friend in little Lamplight is a girl named Lucy she's the town's doctor she's kind of appointed herself to be the mother of the outfit I'm Lucy and I'm the closest thing we've got to a doctor around here if you get yourself into trouble see if you can drag yourself back here she tends wounds and she became close with mccre when mccre injured himself when the cave partially collapsed she nursed him back to health and she sort of treated him like a little Pet Project ever since mccre as a child is rash and bullheaded but she tempers a lot of his impetuousness 10 years later we meet mccre in the VIP section of the third rail in Good Neighbor in some ways he's the same person like the mccre we know from Fallout 3 the mccre of Fallout 4 has a silly sense of humor both the child and the adult make really silly jokes yeah I'll bet you've heard all about the fungus in my Cavern hey have you heard this one it's about the Super Mutant who wondered why a raw kept getting bigger than it hit him no it's quiet out here too quiet oh man I always wanted to say that mccre is a treasure Trove of references to Fallout 3 he's a great companion to take with you if you'd like some Nostalgia about the capital wastelands I've got to be honest with you I feel more comfortable with a rocky ceiling above my head but as he is matured his personality has evolved his life in the Commonwealth is very different in the Commonwealth he's a mercenary specifically he's a former Gunner mercenary he worked with the Gunners for years until he finally decided to leave I've been doing this since I was a kid I know my way around never heard of the Gunners who are they one of the biggest gangs in the Commonwealth got a rep for being crazy you know so tightly wound you think they were a cult or something stuck with him for a while cuz the money was good but I never fit in that's why I made a clean break and started flying solo now at first it sounds like mccre left the Gunners because he didn't like the military structure they had going on on there he didn't like taking orders and he just didn't fit in with the chain of command but once we delve deeper we get the idea that mccre might have left the Gunners for more ethical reasons you see mcrey married a woman named Lucy when I left the capital Wasteland I didn't just leave little Lamplight behind I left my family behind had a beautiful wife named Lucy and a son we named Duncan now I know what you're thinking is this the same Lucy from Little Lamplight at first I thought so but no it's actually a completely different Lucy perhaps it's no coincidence that he ended up marrying a woman named Lucy after all the little girl Lucy at little lamplite was sort of a balancing factor in his life she restrained some of his more impetuous impulses maybe he really missed that counterbalance in his life and when he met this new Lucy for the first time he thought that maybe he could have found that in her maybe he eventually saw that counterbalancing Force within her which is why he ended up marrying her when you maximize Affinity with mccre he tells you that he never told his wife Lucy that he was a gunner mercenary and instead told her that he was a soldier I uh I told her I was a soldier and she made it for me never could bring myself to tell her the truth that I was just a hired killer the soldier story was the best thing I could come up with I didn't want to lose her because of what I was this tells me that he is ashamed of what he did now we know how the Gunners act we've been doing a series of videos on the Gunners and they are ruthless they don't care about people they burned settlers in bonfires in the middle of town how many atrocities did mccre take part in how many innocent people did he kill personally until he finally couldn't stand it anymore until the thought of his wife finding out caused him enough shame to leave the Gunners for good we don't really know but in some of his idle conversation he does admit that in the past he has taken life frivolously I'd kill for a drink come to think of it I have we don't know any more to this story did he really kill a person over a drink was he drunk at the time high on chem or was the person he killed maybe belligerent we don't really know but this murderous Gunner behavior is definitely part of his past and he is ashamed of it the great tragedy of this is that he never got to tell his wife the truth he tells us what happened in his own words she ever find out the truth no it doesn't really matter anymore she died a few years back we made the mistake of hauling up in a metro station one night we didn't know that the place was infested with ferals they were honored before I could even fire a shot ripped her apart right in front of me there was nothing I could do took everything I had to escape with Duncan in my arms maybe it would have been better if we died there with her can you imagine what it must have been like to watch the love of your life be devoured by ghouls to live the rest of your life knowing that you never told your wife the truth Ruth that she never really knew who you were you can confront mccr about this and he gets rather hostile I can't believe you'd lie to your own wife like that sorry you feel that way would have been the first time I've made a mistake and this is something interesting about mccre that we see in both incarnations of the man both when he was a boy and an adult he has a fiery temper and this usually comes out when he is being disrespected no no you know what you can go take a hike you insane mut [ __ ] get out of my town why not just kill them and be done with it if it was that simple I would have done it already he's quick to let you know when you've offended him he's quick to let you know when you've been rude this is making me kind of uncomfortable when I killed you to say something nicer there but I suppose it isn't your fault but he's not a hypocrite he's actually a rather polite guy when he talks to people whom he respects he treats them with respect and he expects respect in return all right Deacon I guess it's your turn stay safe appreciate that mccre you do the same all right strong looks like it's your turn my massive mutated friend goodbye MC this human good fighter almost as good as strong thanks strong going from someone like you that's a pretty big compliment time to hit the road I knew you couldn't live without me mcrey huh that's a hell of a gun to have at your back I aim to please he has great admiration for mayor handcuff Hancock that was the coolest ghou in the Commonwealth hey mccre don't wait up as well he should it was mayor Hancock who allowed him to set up shoping good neighbor as a mercenary I needed somewhere to hang out so that people could find me when they required my services the folks in Good Neighbor tended to not ask too many questions which suited my needs so I made a deal with Hancock and started waiting for the Caps to roll in and as a former mayor himself I think he's impressed by the show of strength that mayor hancu often shows when you first walk into Good Neighbor Hancock murders a man who challenges his authority you hand over everything you got in their pockets or accidents start happening to you big bloody accidents you lay off that extortion crap what do you care she ain't one of us no love for your mayor Finn I said let her go you soft Hancock you keep letting Outsiders walk all over us one day there'll be a new may come on man this is me we're talking about out let me tell you something now why' you have to go and say that huh breaking my heart over here you all right sister you killed him got a good pair of eyes on you I think you'll fit in here good neighbors of the people for the people you feel me everyone's welcome but Hancock doesn't do this because he's greedy or because he's hoarding power he does this because he wants good neighbor to be a safe haven for the world's Rejects kind of like little Lamplight was a safe haven for lost children you see mccre empathizes with what he knows and this is a distinctive quality of mccc's Personality he likes it when you steal because he thinks it's important that you look out for yourself and he likes it when you intimidate people to get a better deal for selling your services he acts this way because he has personal experience with meeing caps at first glance it may seem like mere materialism caps are pretty important you're goddamn right they are right now I need every cap I can get it's those two assho those two idiots you saw me talking to at the third rail windlock and Barnes they've been hounding me for months and it's been driving off clients no one wants to touch me once they learn I used to run with the Gunners and I figured if I could get enough caps together maybe I could buy them out but mccre has a clear need for the Caps he needs to get the Gunners off of his back and he thinks that he can pay them off that by getting as many caps as he can he can cure his own Freedom again and when that doesn't work he likes a show of force this is why he solicits your help to confront windlock and Barnes maybe you and I could pay them a little visit and put an end to them before they realize what's going on at the Mass Pike interchange they should send a message to the Gunners to stay off my back I'm sure they heard you loud and clear definitely you see these are all character qualities that he's familiar with that he understands and that's one of the reasons why he really likes Hancock another reason that he loves caps is because caps gives him the ability to repay his debts this goes back to him being a very polite and respectful individual he has been used in the past and he's been disrespected his entire life truth is I haven't been able to rely on anyone since I was a kid everyone I've met has either tried to rip me off or plant a knife in my back he knows what it's like to be used and disrespected so he chooses not to do that to other people and he dislikes it when other people are disrespectful out of an abundance of politeness he's constantly reminding himself how much he owes you after every good turn that you give to mccre he is so grateful and so thankful that he wants to pay you back anyway I guess I owe you a favor now after all you hired me but I'm the one that dragged you out here a favor huh can I decide later well I don't like these things hanging over my head you don't owe me you clearly needed the help sure but I like everything to remain nice and even and you're one up on me he also doesn't like owing favors owing fa makes you vulnerable it means someone can come back at any time and expect something from you expect something from you that you may find ethically unpleasing this may go back to his history with the Gunners by allowing him to join their ranks he now owes them something and they probably asked him to do quite a few things that made him very uncomfortable but one thing mccre has never really had is a friend that's why he approaches every encounter he has with you like a transaction he's not really seeing you as a friend he's seeing you as a business business partner this is a friendship not a business contract yeah you're right I don't know how I'll ever be able to pay you back for this I owe you big time you still worried about balancing the books always I don't know you're already running quite to tab I know I am even if it takes me the rest of my life I'll repay this debt to you I swear it he feels like he owes you because he doesn't want to be in debt it's only after repeatedly helping him and not really asking for anything in return that he begins to trust you and he begins to understand what it is to be a friend friends do things for each other just because they love and respect each other and that respect means the world to him and at the end he finally gets it when you maximize Affinity with him he again brings up the debt that he owes you but he repays it with something surprising what's uh what's on your mind this has been nagging at me for a while I've been waiting for the right moment to talk to you and I suppose this is as good a time as any after helping me get Duncan's cure for Medtech I figured I owe you something and I always pay my debts here I wanted you to have this I know a carve toy soldier is a strange reward for risking your life but this one's special it means a lot to me if it's special to you then it's a thoughtful gift thank you you're welcome just be sure you don't lose it my wife Lucy gave this to me right after we met this wooden Soldier isn't valuable it doesn't have any intrinsic value and any sane person who really wanted to be repaid by mccre would not accept this they would throw it back into his face and say where's my real payment he understands that you won't do that he understands that you see the value in this this is a personal memory for him it has value only because mccre values it he finally understands that friendship isn't a Tit for Tat relationship that he doesn't have to settle his books with his friends he gives this toy to you because he respects you and he knows that you'll find Value in it because you respect him and that means the world to him but this character trait does have its limitations it limits mcc's maturity as an adult if you're only able to empathize with people whom you understand based on your own personal experiences this leaves open a wide range of people whom you can't respect we see this when he talks to robots he's not terribly fond of codsworth and he's a little bit skeptical and even scared of Valentine and this comes out with passive aggressive joking damn I uh forgot to pick up that motor oil for you Valentine cute MCR you come up with that all on your own Mr mccrady please take care of my master if harm should befall him I would be most disappointed quit worrying codsworth you're going to blow a fuse or something I know your reputation mccre I'm confident you can handle whatever threats you encounter uh yeah thanks I guess now women apparently find mccre attractive I don't get this as a guy he kind of looks a little weasly to me but many of the women in your company find him alluring well hey there handsome watch this girl for me will you she loves to get herself into trouble for you K I'd do anything curi is the best she gets all flustered when mccre gets near well cury I uh guess you're up have fun out there always so polite to you MC do you have any new injuries for me to treat today M MC feeling fine thanks but uh if a couple of stim packs fall my way I wouldn't object you see it's that politeness of mccre that curri finds so attractive so attractive that she even volunteers her medical services to give him an inspection for free she just she just can't help but being a little curious about mccre the only female in your company who appears to be immune to mccc's charms is Piper and that's because she's rather principled so when are we going to have that one-on-one interview Piper I'm mcrey never in a million years maybe just try not to get each other killed out there getting us killed is the farthest thing from my mind Angel he may be an attractive bloke but the fact that he's a Hired Gun that he kills people for money that insults her ethics and it rubs her the wrong way and it's the same story with many of the other principled characters in your party characters who are not privy to mccc's personal thoughts like you are and you don't know the many layers that make up mccre who might not know that he's changed I'm not sure why you'd want to travel with this insubordinate civilian but it's your decision yeah sorry dance I couldn't hear you over all that clanking so this is the sort you're taking up with now yeah and who could blame her still killing people for caps mccre I don't know you still pretending to be anyone but yourself he may be a Hired Gun but he doesn't kill just anyone for money not like the Gunners do now we know that mccre came from the capital Wasteland that's where we first met him and we also know that he likely owns property out there we learn this when he talks about his son my son he's sick I I I don't know what's wrong with him one day he's playing out in the fields behind our farm the next he took a fever in these blue boils popped up all over his body last I saw he was almost too weak to walk I didn't dare ask him to come with me honestly I don't know how much longer he's going to last his son got sick on his farm he met his wife while a gunner mercenary he refused to tell her that he was a mercenary and instead said that he was a soldier and yet they owned property where he had a home and a farm which was likely in the capital Wasteland because that's where his son got sick now I did an ire video about mccc's personal Quest where we go to get the medicine to save his son so I won't cover that here if you'd like to watch that video you can watch it by clicking here but if you do mcc's personal Quest and you find the cure for mcc's son you can go back to Daisy and good neighbor and she says that she'll send it on off to the homestead I'll get the sample on the first Caravan leaving the Commonwealth the driver owes me a few favors and he's reliable it will will arrive at your homestead in no time mcre thanks you're a doll we know that he and his wife were in the Commonwealth together at some time if you go to The Dugout in with mccre Vadim will have a conversation with him and talk about how he remembers Lucy but he doesn't know that Lucy has since been killed oh man I love this place viim is a character VI still killing people with your moonshine M it's good to see you tarish how is she's still as beautiful as I remember no she didn't make it Vine I'm sorry mouth tends to be faster than brain tell you what I give you a drink on the house for all times thanks that's you're always a real standup kind of guy well let's drink I think what may have happened is that mccre left the capital Wasteland and came to the Commonwealth where he became a Gunner and worked as a mercenary he then met Lucy told her about being a Soldier but the shame of his job finally got to him and he couldn't work for the Gunners anymore so he and his wife pack up and move back to the capol wastelands where he founded some land created a home and worked a farm but for some reason they found themselves in a metro station all three of them because as the ghouls were feasting upon the corpse of his wife he managed to flee with his son he went back home only for his son to get this strange illness and then he left maybe leaving his son in the capable hands of a trusty friend to head back to the Commonwealth to find the Cure he didn't want to be here because he knew that he would be encroaching upon Gunner territory in case you forgot I left the Gunners for good yeah I heard but you're still taking jobs in the Commonwealth that isn't going to work for us I don't take orders from you not anymore are you always this suspicious hey you approached me and frankly I'm taking a huge risk being out here in the Commonwealth in the first place so I'm not about to leave anything a chance hold on what kind of risk are you talking about I already told you way too much need to learn to keep my big mouth shut but he had to come back for his son and he's not one to give up hope his fiery temper comes back out at even the thought of abandoning his son maybe you should find a doctor every doctor I've talked to is worthless they never even heard of the disease maybe there's nothing you can do but go home and let it run its course no I can't accept that there's no way I'd ever give up on him now I don't think mccre is really looking for love he's still getting over the death of his wife Lucy and he's solely focused on finding the cure for his son but he's never had a friend like you before someone who's polite to him who treats him with respect someone who shows him kindness without expecting anything in return that's why he gave you that trinket that meant so much to him personally and that's why if you initiated he is receptive to romance I was hoping what we have together could be more than friendship I I don't know I mean I I never thought of us that way and if you think about it based on your life experiences both mccre and the Soul Survivor have so much in common both of you lost your spouse in horribly violent ways and both of you are trying to save your son wa what about your husband I know he's gone but you still love him don't you you're right I still miss him I don't know what I was thinking believe me I understand exactly how you're feeling right now would it bother you if I still love him I don't know I mean we're two sides of the same coin right it's true I Miss Lucy to death but at some point we have to move on don't you think it might be difficult for me but I think I can make our relationship work I I can't believe you feel this way about me I know I was taking a chance dumping all my feelings in the table but now that I know how you really feel about me it was definitely worth the risk for once in my life everything's going right and I have you to thank for it I don't think anyone in the world could ask for a greater gift than that thank you after Romancing mccre at first he kind of treats it frivolously I'll never get tired of this I'm having too much fun he's just living in the moment but over time the more you run with him and as you remain faithful to him he begins to see it as a long-term relationship the day you told me that you loved me was the greatest day of my my life I plan on walking this Earth with you until the day I die and that makes him so happy happy for the first time in my life I'm happy can you believe it all in all mccre is far from being a one-dimensional character he's a nuanced character with a backstory spanning two different games his view of morality and ethics is molded by the world around him he's a very practical man he likes working hard for caps and even being intimidating to get them but he hates rudeness he hates disrespect and he stands up for the week especially for children what did mccre do to help you out running a business in a town like good neighbor is a challenge let's just say I've had my share of unfriendly customers and MC's been there to help me handle the situation hey do me a favor take care of mccre for me he's one of the good ones he doesn't have a very sophisticated personal philosophy he doesn't really take causes which is why he thinks the minuten are foolish good luck out there mccre still wasting your time trying to save the world huh Garvey but he knows what he's lived he knows how to treat people right and if you treat him right he can become a loyal and faithful companion for you and you can become a new source of joy in his tragic life that he never expected but deeply cherishes I'll never forget what you've done you saved me for myself and that ladies and gentlemen is the full story of mccre a onetime mayor and former Gunner mercenary and an all-around interesting fellow to know what are your thoughts on mccre do you like the fact that Bethesda brought mccre back from Fallout 3 and give him such a prominent role here in Fallout 4 let me know your thoughts in the comments section below I read all of your comments and I use your comments as inspiration for my future videos mcc's profile is another video in my series on the Gunner mercenary faction so if you want to make sure that you don't miss a video in that Series be sure to subscribe and click that little notification Bell icon to become notified when I publish my next video and if you're interested in checking out my t-shirt shop you can find a link to my Teespring T-shirt shop in the description below where I sell oxhorn and Fallout 4 themed t-shirts with some of your favorite images and quotes and if you like what I do and you want to support me in a more personal way consider becoming one of my patrons on patreon patreon subscribers can access to a private channel on my Discord server as well as a bunch of other cool oxhorn perks but more than anything ladies and gentlemen I'm just so glad that you're here watching this video today thank you so much for for watching and I'll see you tomorrow morning bright and early with a brand new video have fun with this junk I have no idea what any of it does