thanks very much again to to diggers and dealers for allowing uh leoric the opportunity to present at this conference and uh and share with you some of the highlights that we've seen over the last 12 months with the CER project it's been a it's been a very busy year for us there's been an awful lot of uh project advancement that's gone on in that time we've kicked a lot of goals and it's it's a good opportunity for us to sit down and share that with you right now okay just a bit of a snapshot with regards to our location so we're we're located in that very Southern portion of Min Jus Min Jas I can't say this enough Min Jus is a great place to do business Brazil is a great place to do business uh I've uh developed projects in several parts of the world and the support that we get from this part of the world is exceptional um and you're really pleased to be working with the not only the federal go government the state government as well the support we're seeing from those guys absolutely tremendous so we're located in that very Southern portion uh Minister R very well known mining Center uh lots of mining operations I think around 1300 permanent operations operating within uh the ministeria state itself uh we're very close to large Town centers of bell Horizon Bell Horizon is important a lot of Big Iron Ore operations which are operating that space a lot of technical expertise so very uh nearby uh mining Center for us to draw that technical expertise from and and uh and move forward with Rio de Janeiro and to the south of us sou Paro sou Pao being one of the biggest cities in South America and with that come along long of opportunities as well sou Pao um is the home for guos it's the largest airport in South America great bit of infrastructure to be close to the largest port in South America is located next to uh sou Paulo as well the Santos Port which is where we'll be looking to bring material in and also exporting our product out from these are all major is very close to our m in posos theas so we're very blessed to have uh this sort of set up the drive between guos when you land at sou poo up to to posos Calas you're on a three lane Highway you're driving through the industrial Heartland of Brazil as far as you can see on either side of that drive is industry Brazil is a highly industrialized country for that reason not only is there great support with regard to getting a project up and away but also a great future Downstream going Midstream Downstream for offes and also developing those relationships with oems so you know we're in a really good spot can't say that enough uh just recently I guess uh you all know or will have known that we've just raised some money uh We've uh We've now got about $41 million in the treasury so that's going to certainly provide us a nice long Runway going forward with these studies that we're doing uh again some of the the infrastructure we've been through some of that I guess the other thing about poost calus is it's very well serviced within the the microcosm of poost calus itself we've talked about the wider region but within poost calus itself we've got companies like CBA and Alcoa that have been operating and Mining bite refining porite on that area for the last 70 odd years with that comes a great uh culture a great Workforce we've got the teex technical expertise within uh that ecosystem and we've got great infrastructure connections as as well paved roads leading right up to our project site we're looking to operate in the south in that Capo Deale area uh same with grid power we've got an ample amount of grid power that we can connect to within a couple of kilometers of that uh of that site so this is not an infrastructure project as uh most mining projects typically are this is a plug and play you we really are focusing on developing the mine and taking that forward little bit about the flow sheet and this is really this really starts to boat in as to why it's such a lowcost operation uh we are mining Clays this is the same process that you see nickolite mining the same process that you see in bite mining okay so it's a low cost mining environment there's no drill and blast there's no crushing and grinding we're simply mining the Clays we're stripping off the top soil mining the Clays screening the Clays putting them into solution inside a tank adding the ammonium sulfate ammonium sulfate is the chosen lixiviant but there are other options in that space as well and we are exploring those magnesium sulfate is an obvious choice uh to look at uh and there's certainly some uh some positive um opportunities that come around with using that particular elivan we put the uh The Rare Earth elements are pushed into solution there's an impurity removal phase and then they're simply precipitated down this is a very simple flow sheet and uh I know what complicated flow sheets look like very simple very low technical risk and with that comes a low Capital cost as well we precipitate down we produce a carbonate the Clays are washed the ammonium sulfate or whatever other liant we choose to use at the end of the day is recycled and those Clays are filter pressed and taken back to the pit and back field no tailing stamps in this process and that's a commitment that we've made to the local community tailing stamps are a very sensitive issue in Brazil at the moment and was an issue was raised very early and we've we've Incorporated that uh that issue into our flow sheet and we're certainly taking that forward sorry I think I've skipped the slide there apologies for that we'll just go into the production you can see the production profile here and this is one of the great opportunities that this project has it has a lot of head space you can see the yellow line in the graph on the right hand side spot price that we bought the scoping study out to and below that you can see uh our cost per kilo of ndpr and that green dotted line there's a lot of head space here and the reasons why we have that head space again that low operating cost environment that low technical risk that we have with our flow sheet they all bowed well uh for for providing that low cost ecosystem that this project has over the 20- year M life and it was only caped 20 years because uh it was an arbitrary number that we used we could have pushed it out further um we see a very high grade profile grades in excess of 4,000 ppms for the first four to five years and with fera coming on uh there was a recent announcement out this morning on our figa license update around 40 million tons 40 to 50 million tons at plus 4,000 PPM now that's going to fold in exceptionally well to this story uh this very high grade early year story that we have we're going to extend those high grade years out again we may see seven eight nine years of of plus 4,000 PPM uh a feed grade coming into that project uh over that time frame and what that does in a simple sense is it reduces cost we produce more tro for those same fixed costs we lower our operating cost so some real advantages in that space going forward um you can see uh here we're talking about some of the metrics that came out of the scoping study so life of mine C1 cach costs of around s$7 C1 cach cost for the first five years of around $550 for those first four four years or so and as I said before we're going to push those out with those ferons coming on board and you'll certainly see those coming through in the scoping study going forward cost estimate $297 million uh with some with a a fairly large lick of contingency and and we'll certainly accept that contingency is important at this stage there's a lot of unknown in this project and we haven't bent to the to the uh to some of those forces which really push you to see to push out a very sharp Capital cost number we've let the studies speak for themselves and we haven't fiddled with that contingency in any way shape or form we are we've got a really we a long list of opportunities in the optimization space around capital and operating cost and we're certainly rolling those out with the pre feasibility study going forward and you'll start to see those Capital costs come down you'll start to see those operating costs come down you'll start to see that grade profile increase over time so lots of opportunities in that space going forward uh at the uh the adamus price deck that we used an MPV of around 1.23 35 million billion dollars sorry so highly profitable this is pre-tax highly profitable operation at those sorts of numbers and a pre-tax IR 3 38% so some great metrics there and look forward and I you I look forward to sharing some better metrics going forward we're certainly going to see some uplift in the uh in pricing over over the next few years it's a great time to be developing a project not a great time to be commissioning a project or operating a project but certainly a great time developing we certainly look to be in place to take advantage of that almost inevitable price lift that we're going to see at some stage in the future going forward mining operations uh we spoke very quickly about that but again uh we work in a directional phase we have near grade I'm sorry near mine high grade opportunities right adjacent to the processing facility and this is really important these are are very cheap tons uh and we're certainly looking to exploit those going forward you can see the pits in the top right hand side uh going forward and in the bottom area you can see the uh or the bottom slide you can see the backfield areas going for it's a sequential mining process C We R we create a void we create a back fill product we back fill back fill those pits and we uh we rehabilitate as we go much like you see uh in a sandmine same sort of approach dry stack tailings we're having great success uh with the uh the test work that we're doing in that space as well M schedule just again demonstrating what we're seeing in those early years with regards to grade we make an awful lot of metal in those early years and we're looking to build that out with the figura story coming forward so you look forward to seeing an extended Runway of highgrade production uh with this project as we progress Metallurgy and processing so this is um the back end of the the back end of the flow sheet is something that's been raised quite a bit in the past and we've spent an awful lot of time uh and extra effort making sure that this part of the story is well covered and what you can see uh in these photog photographs uh is filter cake this is the cleaned and rinsed spent oil this is the product that goes back into the pit please come by to the booth we've got some examples of it sitting in the booth Tony and mid just would love to show you what that looks like very hard stiff dry uh crunchy sort of material that's going to go back in we don't see at this stage any technical risks coming from that filtration process with this story so as I said before we spent a lot of extra time in the background there you can see Tony holding some filter cake there's around 4 5 tons of material there that's gone through the freem metal Metallurgy lab testing all various zones of the uh of the licenses uh and as you can see we're getting a great filter cake coming out of that process so that's boting really well as far as the technical risk goes with this project we absolutely spending a lot of time trying to cancel that and it's uh it's paying off in Spades it's looking really good resource and Reserve development the recent fera resource has seen the uh the resource upgrade now sitting at around 740 million tons we started that Journey at 409 million tons so there's been some significant growth there in the last uh in the last few in the last 12 months or so grade really hasn't changed we're seeing more of the same we are seeing though with that infield drilling that that that comes with this we are seeing discret high grade zones that we can exploit and they're the ones that we're looking to bring forward in the schedule so we continue to explore through the bit six out of the 69 licenses we've drilled uh this uh tenement package is grossly underexplored and as you can see the continuous nature of those licenses too bods really well for exhaust resource extension Capo Mill in particular the southern license of Capo and we'll get to a slide at the very end of the deck uh which is going to show the high wall we have on that very southern boundary uh the only thing that's stopping us there at the moment is that tenement boundary it's certainly going to be a priority Target for us going forward we're going to get in there we're going to drill that out the uh the high level met studies that we've undertaken with some of the holes in that southern license directly to the south of capot brought back excellent results so we're looking to build from those and go forward key development programs you can see the list of partners that we have there but again we continue to push the pre- feasibility study it's about 40% of the way through uh including the Fig figa mineral resource estimate which came to Market Today Opex and capex reduction they're a main focus for going forward and we think there are lots of opportunities for us to bring that down so we're looking forward to bringing that to you in that in that next round of work and we're also very pleased to announce that we've started the uh the journey with regards to separation as well so we're about to kick that off um starting off with a scoping study and then building into the test work phase for that metalurgy completion of that test work package this year uh that'll be done fairly soon uh commencement of Separation oxides test work program I've just mentioned that the demonstration facility in poost calus itself uh is something that we're looking to get in place fairly soon now that's going to be important we have a lot of inbound uh inbound requests for product uh we have off takers that we are talking to they all need to have sample and we need to produce that sample at that this particular facility so we'll look forward to getting that in place and getting that working and again that extra emphasis on filtration and dewatering and environmental improval uh we've got great support from the state Governor Minister and investment us uh and through them uh through our Consulting environmental Consulting Group Alo uh we are making great progress the Eis report has been submitted and I'm very pleased to say that at the moment about 30% of the way through that uh permitting process we are on track uh so the construction permit time frame for December next year is absolutely holding just quickly I'm can see I'm running out of time here so I apologies for that but uh funding offtake as I mentioned before we have lots of inbound in the in the offtake space uh we are certainly looking to be oversold so really for us now it's a matter of picking and choosing who we who we should be thinking about going forward with uh in that separation space and Beyond over time uh more recently we received $250 Million worth of exm funding um that's that's the first start for the debt financing process in the form of an ECA loan but we are talking to others we're talking to the bra Brazilian Dev Development Bank we're also talking to uh facilities in the EU as well so lots of support in the debt funding space grant money uh is something that we're working very hard with as well with the US government in particular but also the Brazilian government as well there are certainly significant funds available for supporting projects like ours to get up uh binding agreement with Neo performance materials this was an important First Step Neo are a great partner to have uh and we are working to rewards closing out that term sheet again they need product for us to go and do that work uh so we continue to progress uh in that in that space and Ne are are an important partner too in that sense because not only are they in the separation space but they're also in the magnet making space so that ability to build out the value chain further Downstream is absolutely real and exists so we uh look forward to going forward with those guys uh and multiple other inbounds coming through strategic Partnerships are also something we're looking at as well particularly in the OEM space particularly those that are sympathetic uh to the to the industry that we're in and those those ongoing steps in that chain as we go further down the value chain just quickly on community really good Community acceptance uh we had a community support rating of around 89% this is one of the highest ones I've ever come across in my uh project Development Career uh but the particularly the communities in the south of the cold era very supportive and looking forward to going seeing this project get up and us being able to take it forward and just closing off and you can see a great snapshot there of the uh proposed Mine Development and in the very near foreground just behind the processed plant you can see the cap odl area that highgrade zone but what we are looking forward to go forward with you know one of the reason and the reasons why this is such a special deposit very high grade resource extremely high grade resource it's absolutely outside of the bell curve with regards to Clay deposits we have very strong response to ammonium sulfate wash this is a true ionic clay deposit and ammonium sulfate has a great response to this ammonium sulfate flow sheet so we get great recoveries it's a very simple flow sheet low technical risk with this project all that folds into a low operating cost a low Capital intensity and really strong financial metrics and as I said before we look forward to bringing you some vastly updated Capital cost operating cost numbers and grade profiles as we continue to take the project forward over the next 12 months or so thanks very much for your time everyone