Exploring Post-Colonial Theory Concepts

Oct 16, 2024

Lecture on Post-Colonial Theory


  • Focus on Western relationships with the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.
  • Shaped by unequal imperial conquests.
  • Novels studied this semester involve themes of colonialism and aftermath:
    • Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness": Dutch Empire in the Congo.
    • Jean Rees's "Wide Sargasso Sea": British imperialism in the Caribbean.
    • Roddy Doyle's "The Commitments": Post-European empires in Ireland.
    • Hanif Qureshi's "The Boot of Suburbia": Characters from pre-partition India in London.

Post-Colonial Theory

  • Focus: Impact on people during and after colonialism.
  • Relevant to European colonies in Africa, the Caribbean, Ireland, and India.

Key Theorists

Edward Said

  • Considered the founder of post-colonial theory.
  • Key Work: "Orientalism" (1978)
    • Western powers created a version of the Orient for consumption.
    • The Orient as Europe’s "other," a deep image of difference.
    • Orientalism as a mode of discourse influencing Western literature and thought.
    • Core Argument: Knowledge and representation lead to Western power over the East.

Gayatri Spivak

  • Key Work: "Can the Subaltern Speak?" (1988)
    • Subaltern: Least powerful in society, existing outside power structures.
    • Focus on subaltern women and representation.
    • Key Argument: Subaltern cannot speak due to societal structure; intellectuals must represent them, though it's an imperfect solution.

Homi Bhabha

  • Central Concept: Mimicry and Hybridity
    • Mimicry: Dominated people imitate the dominant culture.
    • Hybridity: Creates people who are neither their own culture nor the colonizers.
    • Impact: Challenges dominant cultures by showing cultural traits as performative rather than inherent.


  • Takeaways:
    • Said: Western representation of the East as a tool of dominance.
    • Spivak: Challenges of subaltern representation and who speaks for them.
    • Bhabha: Mimicry and hybridity as cultural phenomena from post-colonial encounters.
  • Next Steps: Review the video content, prepare questions for class discussion.

Study Recommendations

  • Review core ideas of each theorist.
  • Prepare for upcoming quiz based on this lecture.