Transcript for:
Lecture on Atlassian's JIRA Service Desk

Atlassian the vendor that makes the JIRA service desk solution was a fairly unknown company until they went public recently they're now a 3.3 billion dollar company with over 800 employees and at last official count there were more than 43,000 organizations including 80 of the top Fortune 100 that we're using Atlassian software including Citigroup and eBay and coca-cola and Tesla and NASA we'd like to joke and say that alas Iain is the biggest software company you've never heard of so the atlantean solution is a purpose-built suite of software that's modularized for ease of use and flexibility but then combined make up a well thought-out solution that can support your organization from DevOps to IT Service Management the various pieces of the elastance solutions such as JIRA software and confluence HipChat and bitbucket bamboo and JIRA Service Desk combined to make a full end-to-end solution to support the application lifecycle so in today's session we're going to be focused on the JIRA Service Desk piece of that solution but I'll also mention a few other integrated pieces of their solutions as such a tip chat and confluence as we go along teams of all shapes and sizes have transformed the way they deliver IT use in JIRA service desk to give their customers the best service experience in fact just since it launched three years ago there are more than 20,000 teams using JIRA service desk now these are small and medium sized teams all the way up to larger enterprise teams one thing really sets your service desk apart from a competition and that's their mission to provide an effortless a user experience simplicity is really key in their design and everyone loves how easy it is to setup and use JIRA service desk in fact the independent reviewers have rated JIRA service desk not only easiest to use but also shortest time to set up an easiest to maintain among similar solutions so your service desk is a purpose-built is purpose-built for IT and service teams and then provides your teams with everything they need right out of the box including incident change problem management and service requests it lets you give your customers an easy way to ask for help while your agents resolve incidents faster than ever now JIRA Service Desk can scale to meet the growing needs of IT Service Management enabling teams IT teams to deliver world-class service to their customers so what about ITIL can cheer a service desk support the ITIL needs of my organization you bet it can as many of you already know I feel as the gold standard for IT teams around the world it's a integrated set of best practice processes for delivering IT services to customers ITIL primary objective is maximizing value to the business by aligning IT resources with business needs so many lasting customers are adopting JIRA Service Desk to address to address their organizations ITIL needs it's super flexible because it leverages the power of JIRA it also offers an excellent starting point where IT teams can adopt best practices right out of the box so Atlassian knew that ITIL was important to their customers so they were very happy to announce that recently JIRA service desk has been ITIL certified they achieved ITIL certification from both pink verify and Excellus for the ITIL processes of the film excuse me request fulfillment incident management problem management and change management so to attain an ITIL certification a software vendor has to satisfy 100% of the mandatory criteria for the process being verified and JIRA Service Desk was assessed against a token pata Balad ik teachers and terminologies and workflow and functional requirements and other criteria and I tell certification then is a reassurance that the product is going to be capable of supporting your ITIL processes but here a service that stands above the other vendors in the ITSM market because of its ability to adapt and and and the adaptability in being able to implement in streamline support processes it really offers a path to lean ITIL and ITSM so I wanted to take a quick closer look at each of these four processes to understand how JIRA Service Desk supports i2 so service request fulfillment so we all know I teach receives a wide variety of requests from customers and they can include simple requests for support or a new mobile device or software installation it's really the size and frequency and low risk nature of these types of requests that means they're more appropriately handled by a separate process rather than alongside incidents or the change management process so ITIL defines this process to handle these types of requests as request fulfillment and JIRA Service Desk can provide a fast and efficient way to implement an ITIL based Service Catalog for your customers it provides a best practice ITIL workflow that's needed to support requests which require approval and then another workflow for those that don't need approvals the self-service customer portal makes it easier for customers to request help and track progress on their issues and then when you add the atlantean collaboration so on solution known as confluence JIRA Service Desk makes it super simple to add a searchable knowledge base to your request process to deliver even greater value in fact when used as a knowledgebase confluence has been shown to deflect up to 45% of incoming issues so our next process is incident management now the Service Desk team provides first-line response for incidents as they provide a single point of contact for customer communications with IT and according to ITIL the aim of incident management stew restore the disruption of any service as quickly as possible and that would include monitoring for any conditions that have the potential to result in a reduced quality of service jarreau Service Desk provides for that the best practice ITIL workflows and fields for IT to streamline their process for major to resolve major incidents when you combine the power of dynamic queues in JIRA Service Desk and collaboration and proactive SaaS you really have a service that empowers IT to resolve incidents very quickly our third process that we're JIRA Service Desk is ITIL certified force problem management so while incident management is all about finding the shortest path to restoration of normal service problem management on the other hand is all about finding the underlying causes of those incidents and the best resolution and prevention of future ones the aim of problem managers really should reduce the adverse effect of incidents that are caused by errors within the IT infrastructure and then prevent recurrence of incidents related to those errors and Jareau Service Desk provides a great path for ITIL IT teams to implement problem management make it a logical extension of their incident management process and finally we have change management every IT organization you know faces the challenge of managing constantly changing IT infrastructure so ITIL provides a set of best practices for change management that makes it easier for IT teams to prioritize and manage changes efficiently while trying to minimize the impact and risk to the business of those changes so change management specifically is the process design to understand and minimize these risks well making the changes that I need to make the critical systems and services your Service Desk offers a streamlined path to ITIL change management which provides a standardized approach for prioritizing and responding to requests for change while reducing failed changes in service disruption defects and rework and things like that and that your service desk leverage is a collaboration to make it easier for IT teams to plan and review and implement changes HipChat is one of the integrated solutions that provides a lot of that collaboration functionality IT teams can also leverage team calendars for confluence it's the lasting collaboration solution for calendars within conference confluence 2 uses the ITIL forward schedule of changes in order to plan and coordinate the appropriate time for implemented change another great feature that makes your service desk really easy to use for IT teams is the ability to link change requests with software releases over in the software development side of the house to create complete visibility between the ITSM teams and the develops teams so I'd like to move down to a live demonstration of the JIRA Service Desk suite and again just wanted to mention feel free to enter any questions you have in the Q&A box and we'll have some time at the end here to address them so I'm going to change our view now over to my demo system so first thing I wanted to do was set the stage for the role I'll be acting as today there are really two roles in JIRA Service Desk one is the role of the customer and the customer interacts through the sit with the system through a separate URL to the customer portal and they're allowed to do three things in the customer portal they're allowed to search knowledge which hopefully will deflect them submitting new issues they're allowed to submit new issues and then they're able to find existing issues that they've submitted and update them agents are the other role in the system as opposed to customers and agents are the people in the system that can do anything else they are able to open tickets for other people they can transition tickets along their lifecycle they can resolve those issues they can collaborate with backline and create knowledgebase articles and so and so forth so today I wanted to start with the customer perspective here in the portal and we'll look around the customer portal and then I wanted to toggle over to the agent view at a separate URL that the agents access the system and we'll we'll look at the agent view and then find these issues that have submitted as a customer from the portal as an agent in the agent interface and see what they look like and work them so here in the portal we've got lots of options for branding with colors and logos and so on and so forth there's an option here at the top for a banner message which is a great place to let your customers know something important about an outage or an upcoming event I've got one mocked up here about a voice service outage across our offices and I'm even able to add a URL link here to some sort of document about that phone Aled adage that could be a link to another ticket or somewhere on your internet or stag PDF but those things are supported in the center of the screen here we've got some again configurable options I've cleverly called my service desk hear my demo ITIL Service Desk but obviously that would be whatever makes sense in your environment and I've included a statement here that you're able to raise a request from the options below all of that is configurable in the center of the screen here we have a way to do the first thing that we talked about end-users being able to do customers being able to do from the portal that's search knowledge so if I come in as a customer and I'm having some network issues I can begin to search on keywords and the system will bring back knowledgebase articles that match those keywords and I can drill down into those and and verify solutions that I might be able to try they might prevent me from having to submit a new issue will say that I wasn't able to find anything here on my in my knowledgebase today that would help me so we'll need to proceed on with creating a request and so it's a bottom part of the screen we have a list of our requests now down the left side we have a list of the categories of requests and then and then down the right side we've got a list of those requests in that category now one neat feature is that these categories are really just a label on these requests which allows the same request to appear in multiple categories so you'll notice that under common requests here I've included a report a system problem if I were to go to applications I could see this exact same report a system problem request type so that allows you to construct your service catalog service request catalog in a way that users find things anyway that users are able to find things easily so we're going to take a couple of scenarios today from the customer portal the first we're going to say that I'm having some sort of issue with the ADP payroll link unlike company's intranet as a customer and I'm logged into the portal here as my JIRA Service Desk customer to which is the very creatively named demo user you can see is a picture icon up here is a little circle with the face in it so you can tell I'm logged in as this customer and I'd like to submit an issue about not being able to access that ADP link so I'm going to come and search for a request type to use and we'll go ahead and use this report a system problem because this is a problem that I'm having and we'll say that a ADP is down and you'll notice as I begin to type into the request fields on this request the system automatically also begins to try to find matching knowledgebase articles that match keywords that I've entered so if your user is unable to find anything when they search knowledge directly or skip searching knowledge directly maybe we have one more opportunity here in the middle of submitting this issue that had this issue off of the past by providing some information that could deflect the issue or possibly even a knowledgebase article that would help me understand how to submit this issue and what to expect upon submission things like that so we'll say that I don't have knowledgebase articles here that solve my problem and I need to report this ADP being down we'll say that I'm getting a 404 error now I've decided to include as an administrator of this system these three different feel on this particular type of request now these the requests in your environment would be configured however makes sense for you in your environment so I've decided to include a summary in a description an attachment field but these would be whatever fields make sense for the requests that you are creating in your system one thing I did want to show you here by adding this attachment field to this type of request is a neat feature about these attachment fields in JIRA Service Desk we can drag and drop files here as you can from many applications and of course I can browse out to my file system and select a file but one neat feature is that I'm able to use my print screen' function on my keyboard and then directly paste right into the attachment field without having to save the the image as an intermediate image file and then go find it which is a great time-saver for users and we're always asking send me a screenshot send me a screenshot so this is a really easy way for customers to be able to do that I don't actually need to screenshot on this particular request so I'll go ahead and delete that but I did want to show that to you and now that I filled out my request I'm going to go ahead and click create to submit my request and when I do you can see that I'm brought to a view of that request I've just submitted so I can see my new ticket number here is $13.99 I can see the subject I provided in my request ADP is down and the description I provided and I'm also able at this point to comment on my request if I maybe forgot information that I should have included or I need to come back and add some additional data or feedback I can do that in a comment which will be shown to the agent in the agent view of the issue as well so maybe I'll say I need this ASAP because I need to do my taxes and I'll go ahead and click Add to add that new comment and you can see this new comment appears here in the customer view as well as we'll see in the agent view a bit later so now that we've submitted our first request I want to come back and do one more request and we've submitted this one is an incident type of request with an outage sort of problem the other request type I want to do is more of a service request so I'm going to come back to my portal and I'm going to choose to create a new request on board and new hire will say that my user is a manager and he needs to bring a new hire on board so I'll come down here to login an accountant I've got a new hire on board request tutors if I can open that up and you'll notice here there's a lot more data points that are able to be filled in by the user for this type of request because in this type of request for a new hire onboarding I've defined as an admin here in my demo system that I'm going to collect a good bit of information name and job title and location and start date and what we need on the computer and so and so forth to save us a little bit of time during our session today I went ahead and pulled up a separate tab here with this request already filled out so I'll select it now so you can see I'm creating a new request here for Jason Smith as an analyst here in Dallas and I'll go ahead and scroll down and submit this request I do want to note though that I said that I needed a laptop here as opposed to a desktop or not needing a computing equipment at all that's going to come in important a little bit later I'll go ahead and click create to create money request and again I'm brought to a view of that request of all the information that I provided when I submitted the request so we've now seen two of the three things that end-users can do in the portal the other thing that your customers can do in the portal the third thing is to find and update existing issues that they've submitted so I do that with my request button up here at the top of the screen so we have an option here for my requests and all requests so JIRA Service Desk is often includes customers that are grouped by organization rather than by individual so with the latest release of JIRA Service Desk there's a new concept now of customer organizations which has been added which allows for sharing an issue within their organization so we now have two options the portal to look at my own request or if the system has can been configured to do so I can also look at a list of other requests for my organization so I'll choose to look at my request because we know we want to look at the ones I submitted and we can see here the new hire onboarding request that I just submitted and by choosing that I can get right back to the view of the issue I was on when I submitted it or would it allow me to add comments and check on the status of the issue and you will notice that this request is a little bit different because it's more of a service request than a service outage type of request and I've defined in my system that we need an approval for that so as the end user in the portal I can even tell that my request needs approval before it can move forward I see a note here that it requires approval and I can even see who the reprove ilysm and just to be clear here my username that the approval is needed from is department manager that's not a role that's a user's name in my demo system I have a user whose first name is Department and last name is manager so that's the person who's going to need to approve this new hire request here in my demo system because that's the way I've configured it so I'd like to leave the portal for just a moment from the customer point of view and we'll toggle back over to the to the it toggle over to my other browser here where I'm logged in where we were currently looking at an end user logged in to the Firefox browser here into the customer portal but I have also got my Chrome browser here logged in to the system as an agent so this is what we see when we log into the system is an agent so first when I log in as an agent I'm brought to my dashboard now a dashboard is just a collection of gadgets that can be configured to show visual representations of data in the system there's gadgets that do some 2-dimensional filter statistics of a two columns in against each other to do totals and counts we've got one here that's able to show me what percentage of my requests have come in from what source I've got an activity stream here in pie charts and bar charts and heat maps there's literally hundreds of different gadgets you can add and configure - a system - brought to a dashboard and then in your system you define a single dashboard as your system default but then you can have as many public and or private dashboards as you'd like so a manager could create a dashboard for his group to use or an individual could create a customized dashboard for that individual to show exactly what he or she might need to see in the system so there's a good deal of flexibility around that and I wanted to show you - that any of the dashboards can be chosen to be viewed as a whole board so if I choose this view as a wall board option this puts the data in a format that it could be displayed maybe on a monitor in a hallway or a conference room or in your tier 1 support room something like that and what the wall board does is scroll through the gadgets on the dashboard for a few seconds for each of the gadgets that will fit on one page and then it Scrolls to the next section of gadgets so you can scroll through and continue scrolling through a series of gadgets that will display current data in your system and help all of your users who are able to see that monitor for example stay on top of what's going on so we'll leave the wallboard functionality here and come back to my dashboard and then when a user logs in a agent excuse me logs in um after coming to the dashboard that agent chooses a project to work with so I'm going to choose my ITIL Service Desk project that we'll be working out of today and a project in JIRA Service Desk is really just a collection of issues that are handled in the same way so you would have a project for maybe a software development project or project for an IT Service Desk or maybe a business project for an HR or marketing sort of use you can have multiple different projects in your system so when I come to a particular project such as my ideal service desk project here I'm brought to a left-hand nav bar that I can expand here to see the words that are related to the icons here once you get a good feel for what these are you can leave that collapsed to save some screen real estate but you can expand it to be able to see what's what each of those icons mean the first is cues which is what I'm brought to when I enter an project and cues in JIRA Service Desk are somewhat analogous to accuse probably in many service desk type applications however in most service desk application cues equal tickets assigned to obtain period so we have different cues that are that are different buckets of tickets assigned to different teams we can certainly do that in JIRA service desk but the advantage of queues in JIRA service desk is that ultimately they are just the criteria put against all the issues in the project to get you down to a list that makes some sense for some reason so I do have a cube that represents a team here's my service desk team and my problem management team and my change management team cube but I've also got cues for just everything that's open or all issues in my system or things that have been resolved in the last seven days I might have a queue for the IP tickets or critical priority tickets or or something like that ultimately queues give you a very flexible way to slice and dice through the work to be done in your service desk to be able to get you to what the work that needs to be done easily and quickly so I wanted to show you before we find a couple of those couple of issues that we submitted as a customer from the portal I wanted to show you creating a ticket directly from the JIRA Service Desk agent interface so to create a ticket from the agent interface I just click my create button and when I do I am brought with a screen here that lets me choose a project that I'm working in and an issue type and we're going submit an incident here today from the Service Desk and I wanted to show you a little bit of template functionality that can be added to your JIRA service desk to allow me to define some issued templates that are preset values for issues so I'm going to choose my network password reset issue template here and when I do that's going to populate my summary and excuse me my summary and my description and my priority and my reported source and so and so forth because that's the way that template has been defined so I will go ahead and change this to my JIRA service desk to customer here so we can show that I'm using the same customers I use from the portal and I've added a little bit of extra functionality to my system where imma lay a Beloit the first call resolution button here as I enter a ticket and we'll say that this was just a network password reset so I've provided all the service I need to provide to my customer during this initial call and all I really need to do is an agent now is log this ticket so I've set up functionality in this system to be able to do that so when I click create here on this new issue I get a pop-up that shows me a link to my new issue here and when we navigate there we'll see that because I chose that first call resolution button I've got some workflow that's set up to automatically resolve my issue which automatically resolved my SLA s it automatically assigned it to me and it automatically put in a comment here at the bottom that this was a first call resolution issue that was automatically resolved so those are things that I've defined as an admin in this system as I setup my demo system to be able to add some extra functionality there that I believe will be useful to my service desk folks so I want to come to my queues now and find those issues that we submitted from the portal so first of all I'm going to go find the new hire onboarding one we submitted and we see that that was automatically assigned in my service desk teams what appears in my service desk you and I can open that issue up and view it we see all the data that was provided by the end-user here when he submitted the request and we can see that we're waiting on in a from the department manager so notice that I don't have a workflow menu here between my Moore and my admin menu and and to be clear the admin menu only shows up because I am an admin you wouldn't see that if you were not an admin in the system but I don't have any way because I don't have a workflow and you need to be able to transition this issue and that's because I'm waiting on an approval before I'm really allowed to do anything with this issue so I'm going to toggle over to my customer portal interface one more time and I want to log out as my JIRA service desk to customer but I want to log back in is my department manager user over in the portal to show you something here in the portal that approvers have so my department manager is able to log into the portal just like my JIRA service desk to customer was but when he looks at requests in the portal he not only sees my requests and all requests for his organization if that had been enabled he's also able to see an approvals list if there are any approvals that had been assigned to him so the approval users can come right here to their list of approvals and be able to review and approve or decline different approvals in the system so when I come to this request as an approver I can see all the information that was provided by the end user and I'm ready to approve or decline I do have the option to comment here if I had maybe questions for my end user I could converse back and forth between the person who submitted this ticket and the department manager who is approving in this in this scenario but we'll say for now that I had all I needed and I'll go ahead and approve that request and that will change my status to approve and show that I have approved the request so if I toggle back over to my agent interface now and just refresh real quick you'll see that the system is automatically removed moved the ticket the issue to an approved status it shows the department manager has approved here and I now have a workflow menu which allows me to begin to take action on this issue now that it's been approved so I want to note that when this issue came in the user provided a good bit of information about what he needed that appears in the main body of the ticket but I also as an admin in the system set up workflow on this particular type of request that automatically generated some subtasks for this new hire onboarding so in my demo system the first four tasks here are always generated to create the network account on the personal drive and voicemail and update the staff directory but in my system these last two tasks for building out a PC and installing software were only created because in my request I said I needed a laptop so in that way you can create subtasks on an inbound issue for the different pieces that might need to be done to resolve that issue automatically in the system and I've even gone so far is to assign each one of these down to a group and a user so I'm able to Jen to drill down into this sub task and see that it automatically got assigned to my network team and to my Normand network user to generate this network account so I will pretend that I'm going to take responsibility over all responsibility for this issue and I'll go ahead and assign it to me I'll pop back up to the main issue level here and I will choose for my workflow menu to begin work and it might a system I have defined that that's going to change me to in progress that's going to assign it to me and because I moved in progress I have met my Fla so let's say a word about SLA is in the system a slave's can be attached to any type of ticket in the system and defined in any manner you wish I've defined here in my demo system two kinds of SLA s1 for time to resolution and one other time to acceptance now I define my time to acceptance in this case as the time from the ticket creation until it moves to in progress so me taking responsibility for this ticket and moving it into progress is what met my acceptance SLA I've decided I've defined a resolution SLA for service requests of 24 hours and you notice if I hover over the calendar calendar icon I can see that I'm working on a nine-to-five clock here so that 24 hours that I've given for resolution of a service request in my system really equates to 3 business days so I want to go ahead now that I've assigned this issue to myself I want to let the customer know that I've got this and I'm beginning to work it so I can come down here to my comments tab and and begin to compose a update a comment that it can be sent to my end user I'm going to use a little piece of functionality that can be integrated with your JIRA Service Desk system all canned responses that gives me some templates much like the issue templates we used earlier but these are templates for comments so I've got one defined here to let the user know when I take a new issue that I've taken ownership and I'll be back with them the system automatically populates the users name after the word hi and automatically populates the agents name after the word thanks so that it's tailored for your particular situation now anytime I'm adding a comment to the system in JIRA Service Desk I have the option of commenting internally which only posts that comment to the agent view of the issue or I can share with the customer which posted to the Asian view but also post this posts it to the customers view in the portal as well as if configured to do so send a customer an email update with that comment so I'll go ahead and share with customers so that I can let my customer know that I've got this and I'm working on it and I wanted to show you here too that just like when users in the portal are beginning to submit requests and are met with knowledgebase articles suggestions based on keywords that they type similarly agents in the system are presented with possible knowledge-based related knowledgebase articles based on the text that has been included in the issue so I've got one here that shows up on top for preparing a new hire if this is a knowledgebase article I might want to send to any of my managers that are bringing new hires on board to tell them what to expect I have the ability here to share this as a comment and I can share that with my customer and that will send a comment with a link to that knowledgebase article so that the user can drill down on that and look at what they can expect so in this example I say we submit the new hire request and we need an approval will contact you with any information we need and when we're done we'll let you know the new login information and stuff so of course this knowledgebase article would be whatever makes sense in your environment but the idea here is that I the system automatically suggest knowledge-based articles to the agents that might might help them in working the ticket so I do want to show you one thing here about logging some work if I were to drill down into one of these subtasks and as one of these assignees on the sub task if I wanted to log some work we'll say maybe I spent an hour on this task I can go ahead and log work on that and you'll notice that under my work log have I see the entry here for an hour that I span and I can see a logged time total for this sub task of one hour if I pop back up into my main issue that that sub task is on and maybe I want to log some work exit agent maybe that's been 2 hours is the agent in addition to whatever's done on these sub tasks I can log that work on the main issue as well if I look at the work log here I see this new entry for two hours but you can also see that over in my sidebar that the three hours total has been rolled up that I spent on this issue so far two hours on the main issue and the extra hour that I added on the subtask and I can see here that work has been done here on the sub task so this is a great way to keep an eye on how much time you're spending on each of these issues so the last thing I want to do will say that all these things have been completed I just want to show you how to resolve a request I'd come up here to my workflow click result and provide a resolution I have an option to spend too long some more time here if I'd like or to even add a comment to internally or to the customer but I'll go ahead and resolve this issue now and when I do we'll see that I brought to a resolved state so that the customer can get a notification that their issue has been resolved so I'd like to pop back out to my queue one more time and find the second request that we submitted and we'll choose this ADP is down request and the first thing I want to show you is that the SLA is different here on incidence than it was on service requests on service requests I said I had two hours to acceptance in 24 hours to resolution for incidents I've defined that as an hour in eight hours so that I really only have a business day to be able to resolve an incident so I would begin to assign this to myself oops I would begin to begin work on this which automatically assigns it to myself and meets that in progress of the acceptance SLA and I might pop down to some added functionality here that I have on a tab to show me similar issues now I see that there are a bunch of ADP is down issues in my demo system here so I believe that that indicates more of a problem than just an individual incident it sounds like there's something bigger going on in my environment that might be causing these incident so I'm going to create a problem to create a problem request I simply come down from the more menu and create issue and instead of choosing an incident I'll create a problem and we'll go ahead and leave the well let's say that ADP not working on intranet let's say that and I'll just be sure that this gets assigned to my problem team and I'll click create and what I do I get my pop up with my new issue here but I also get a link a permanent link on my existing issue to this new issue so that from $13.99 I can navigate to 1408 and from 1408 I can navigate back to the original incident that created $13.99 so that link is in both directions I would then probably go ahead and link other issues here that would be related to this so maybe I want to search for things that have ADP and sorry we'll do text it's like ADP it will get a list of ATP maybe we'll just select a few of them here too to add to this request and when I do you can see that they are linked here now in addition to the original that I had now it appears that I have accidentally a linked one that was already resolved which doesn't make much sense but that's what that striker is for so after linking some of those issues in creating that problem I wanted to do two things I want to figure out what the root causes of this issue and also I wanted to be able to provide some guidance on a workaround in the meantime before we can resolve it and maybe as an agent I don't know how to do that so I wanted to show you an integration here with say HipChat I am chat solution from Atlassian called HipChat I can create a dedicated chatroom through this integration and then when I maybe I should slow down here so I can show you what I did I about to either create a hip chat room or to add an existing one and I created a new one and when I did I have a link here to that new knowledge that new chatroom so when I open that up I'm in a new chat room and I can see that all of the updates male that would come into this issue also get posted to this chat room and people can watch this chat room and participate in it and be kept up to date on what's going on it also gives me a way to add mention different members in the in the hip chat area and ask what's going on so what do I do here maybe is what we want to ask tummy and tell me can reply to that in and I can have a discussion about where we are so we'll say that we've determined with Tommy that what I have here is that the reason I can't access ADP on the internet is because I can't that the ADP URL has changed but we haven't updated that on our intranet so I know that my resolve resolution for this is going to be updating our infinite servers to this new URL but also I could put knowledgebase an article out there with a workaround to go directly to the ADP site in the mean time so I can create a knowledgebase article directly here from JIRA Service Desk I choose a template we'll say this is troubleshooting and I'll click create when I do I'm brought to confluence where I can begin to flesh out a knowledgebase article related to this issue and go ahead and save it you might wrap a an approval process around this in my demo system I've said if an agent publishes a knowledgebase article it's immediately available but you can put an approval process around this so knowledge is reviewed before it is exposed to customers but I will show you that from the portal here now if I were to search for ADP I not only get that original ADP how do I access it but I get my new ADP not working on the internet troubleshooting guide that might provide my workaround for this in the meantime so that way hopefully I can had new issues off at the pass the next thing I want to do is create a change actually I want to go out and find my servers that are involved in this so I'm going to navigate out to my CMDB my provided by insight asset management and we'll look at my servers and I know that this is going to be my internet a and B web servers here that are going to be affected so I will attach them to this problem ticket and then we'll go ahead and create a change from this problem match the way we created the problem from the incident that this time I'll choose to create a change and we'll say I'll just leave everything else correct as the same there and now I've got a new change request that's been created on this problem beside the work for the status field on any JIRA issue you can look at the workflow related to a ticket and you will notice in this one I've got workflow is really just a collection of states that an issue can be in and possible transitions between them so in this one I'm going to come in for this particular change request workflow with multiple approvals I'm going to get a department manager approval a cab approval and then I can begin working my issue now you could put approvals anywhere you wanted in this process I've just defined it this way in my system so I'm going to pop back out to I'm going to show you here that I do need an approval from my department manager here before I can work on this issue so I'm going to pop back out to my customer portal as my approver here real quick and we'll go ahead and approve as a department manager and you notice when I approve that I now am waiting on an approval my second tier of approval for my cab manager so I'll go ahead and log out is my department manager and log back in as my cab user here and we'll go ahead and approve this request as my cab user so that now my request over in my agent view is all approved and ready to begin work so I can see that my cab user in my department user have approved and I want to also notice that I have created this change to automatically create some sub tasks here to implement it so the first thing I've defined as the step after approval is to plan my change where I would come out and select some dates that I want this to be done we'll say I want this change Friday within production it's a it's a upgrade let's say we'll make it a normal change the earliest we can do it is tomorrow and we'll say it's risk level five and I'll go ahead and plan this change so that it moves to a new status of planning in progress and in my environment here the next thing I want to do is review this from a scheduling perspective to see when we're actually going to do this change so my next step is to complete planning and at that time I need to provide some scheduled dates well this is a great place to come out and show you the ITIL forward schedule of changes I've configured for my system supported by confluence team calendars and if I open that up I can see a calendar view of the changes in my system so I've shown in red here schedule changes that haven't been completed Green scheduled actual changes that it's been completed and gray here are the requested changes that haven't been scheduled yet so I can see this new in here for tomorrow and I know we don't do changes like this on a Friday we do them only on weekends I've got something the following Saturday in the Saturday after that but Saturday the fourth is clear so I'm going to use that as my date so we'll go ahead and complete oops I am afraid I just cancelled this change well that was unfortunate I would have completed that change and then worked this on the resolution I apologize for that in my system I don't have a way to go back from like canceled although I could have created that if I wanted to but the idea here is I would have moved to my scheduled state waiting implementation and implementation in progress then I would follow the chain back to my change request now that my prod back to my problem request on my change has been completed so that I can work through the issues related to this problem the incidents and make sure everything is resolved and go ahead and close out this problem and the related issues with it the system can also be defined to generate a survey for the users upon completion of the of an issue so under my reports here in my agent view I can see reports on workload and my SLA goals and so on and so forth and I can see I'm not doing great here on SLA is in my demo environment but I can also see satisfaction reports here so maybe I want to look at everything's come in and I can see the comment from the user I can see the rating that came in and I can even drill down into a particular issue to see what the problem might have been or maybe to communicate directly with that issue with that user about what the feedback was they left on that issue so that's about all I had to show you today let's look and see what questions might have come in while we were going um do we have anything oh yeah where we go and those two the top of the hour here go ahead yeah we are but a great job by the way there's a question that that came in and let me see if I can find it here as it says is there an automated way to populate the CMDB I know you didn't really cover that today yeah yeah there is so the inside inside asset management add-on is what provides the CMDB functionality for JIRA Service Desk and you can go with that that piece of functionality on its own and either manually populate your CMDB or if you already have discovery tools that are collecting that data they can be imported into inside asset management but recently insight has also provided a new discovery tool called insight discovery that is able in an agentless or agent-based manner to survey your network and populate your CMDB for you so yeah we've got that covered ok a related question is and I know you we went through this I think they asked the question before you did the demo he says what is the process for populating the knowledgebase I know you were showing some of the knowledge articles mm-hmm right so we've got a couple options there um if you have knowledge elsewhere in another system or a SharePoint or some other knowledge based system or maybe even file somewhere in a directory we can do imports from from Word documents and PDFs into the knowledge base we can also let knowledge base our authors create knowledgebase articles directly in the knowledgebase and then as I mentioned we can wrap an approval process around that if you choose to in confluence so that only approved knowledgebase articles can be accessed by your customers and service desk team and you can even wrap at an annual or some sort of periodic maybe every six month review of all your knowledge base articles around that so you can keep that the knowledge and your knowledge base fresh yeah and I think you showed when you were typing in information it would look to see if there was knowledge well yeah right yeah I really like that every classes too episode yeah okay next question here and I think the answer I assume is probably yes but it says can't approval to be processed via email yes you know what you showed yeah well we showed doing that through the portal but yeah we are able to configure the system so that approvers could respond to email emails notifications about those needed approvals and they could respond with approve or decline and the system can incorporate that email response and update the ticket accordingly we also have a way for end-users to interact with the system through email much like the way the users came into the portal submitted to submit a new issue they can also email the the email account email INBOX for your system which would then be received by JIRA and turned into an issue if the email did not contain an issue ID and if the email did contain an existing issue ID then that new email is posted as a comment to the existing issue instead of creating an issue okay here's a here's another question I'm not sure if we need to get back to them or not but it says how would I still run my daily stand-ups today we are running IT and Kanban boards so I guess what that tells me if they're not using JIRA software they're probably using some other type of system a DevOps system that has a Kanban and agile some sort of agile methodology so if you're integrated then or if you're serving yeah yeah you bet so all the Alaskans foolish solutions in the suite are integrated and your service desk which provides the service desk functionality we looked at today and you're a software which provides either agile or Kanban boards to manage software development projects are really all on the very same platform just divided into different projects for different uses so they're not as much integrated as they are just on the exact same platform so they're able to access each other and you're able to create tickets in one for the other and vice versa which is really great and one thing I can show from that agile board if you do have JIRA software installed you have board functionality in your system that you could even use in your service desk so I've got a mocked up ITIL Service Desk board here as a link I've added in my ITIL agent view here and if I open that up I can see a board that could reflect the same information that's in those queues so I've got an IT Service Desk board here and I can filter for things only assigned to me and see where we are maybe I look at things for the Service Desk team you know I could come up with an individual board for my service desk team but just as an example here I've got some toggle switches to be able to show and just like with software JIRA software we could manage these issues by moving them between columns in a Kanban board all right here we have definitely an option are you in JIRA software now or if that was I that was a Kanban board provided by JIRA software functionality but showing JIRA Service Desk issues you know I do need your software on your system to have that functionality but once it's present you can use it for any issue interested okay and actually the user just responded saying yes he has a JIRA software so good don't perfect okay that's like we have networks we're kind of running late to where there's one final question here and is it the question is cloud on-premise or both actually we have three different options from Atlassian for for a type type of server I guess it's the way to say that there is an Alaskan cloud version of JIRA Service Desk that is hosted in the Atlanta provided by Atlassian that is on a monthly or annual subscription basis there is a JIRA server version that can be installed on Prem at your location in your in your environment as a single JIRA JIRA server and that is a one-time perpetual server license that is purchased for your server a number of users and then annual maintenance on that and then there's a more robust version of JIRA server that also would be on prem called data center which provides redundancy and fail over and and disaster recovery and those types of things for high availability needs in in large enterprise type situations and that is an annual subscription model as well but that would be on premise oh right that is on Prem yeah that is on crime however was either of the own Prem options you do have the option of choosing a third-party hosting provider if you want to if for some reason the atlantean cloud doesn't work for you for some reason you could still not have it on Prem and have the server or datacenter versions of the product hosted by a third party okay and then here's one I promise that was a last question but here's one more this year and it can JIRA software and your service desk coexist on the same server you bet and actually that's the recommendation you could put them on different servers and build some stuff that would pass issues and comments back and forth but the preferred option when you are running both of the applications is to have them on the same server that way users are able to freely move tickets back and forth between projects even between a service desk project and a software project