Transcript for:
Understanding the Elaboration Likelihood Model

the elaboration likelihood model sounds complicated but let's break it down you know that to elaborate on something means to take the time to really think about it if you have to buy a new car for example you'll probably give a lot of thought to which car is best for you you'll read information listen to people watch commercials putting information together like this and really thinking about it is elaborating now we don't always do this much work how likely are we to do all this thinking that's what the elaboration likelihood model is about how likely are you to elaborate to think hard about what you read see and hear if you're the kind of person who does a lot of thinking about all this information then you're using what this model calls central route processing you're really paying attention to the central details however some people make decisions based on peripheral route processing they don't read much at all about cars they buy one that looks nice or one that a friend already owns people like this are paying attention to peripheral information information that's not really central to what the products all about and even people who typically use central route processing might sometimes use peripheral routes we can all be influenced by what attractive people or smart people tell us and we sometimes make decisions without thinking about them so elaboration likelihood how likely are you to use central route processing really thinking hard about something or peripheral route processing allowing yourself to be influenced by things that really aren't that important you