all right alrighty so in today's video we're going to be talking about one option strategy that you can use for retirement right so if you're the kind of person that you know you don't like to trade many different kind of strategies you just want one strategy that you can trade over and over again and you were to ask me you know what would I suggest then I would say it would be this strategy so what is this strategy well this strategy is what I call the put ratio spread retirement strategy right so we're going to use the put r spread and train it in a way where it will suit our retirement purposes so first of all what exactly is the put ratio spread so if you're not familiar with the put ratio spread the way that I like to see it is a combination of two different strategies right two different strategies both are simple on its own so the very first strategy is what is called the short putut right so with the short putut when you sell the put option you're going to receive a premium for it right so this is the first part of it you're going to receive a credit for selling this put option now with this credit that you receive what you're going to do is that you're going to buy a put spread right so this is what you call a put debit spread or a long put spread or you can also call it you know the bare put spread so for this long put spread what's going to happen is that you're actually going to pay a premium for that so the whole idea down here is that you're using the premium which you receive for the short putut to fin the purchase of the long put spread right so as you can see down here you will have two short puts and one long put so when you combine it together basically it will look like this so the whole idea down here is that the short putut part of the long put spread as you can see over here is actually sharing the same strike price as the one sh put on the left hand side right so if you combine them together you will see that there are two short puts at one strike and then on top of it you have one long put right so some people take a look at this and they say hey there's two short puts isn't it double the risk so it's not double the risk because for one of them you actually already have this long put right so it's being covered by this long put so how you want to see it again like I mentioned you want to see it as a long put spread and then one additional short put at the side okay so this is the put ratio spread so again the whole idea down here is that you're using the short putut to finance the purchase of the long put spread so here's an example so let's say you sell one short putut right you sell the short putut and you receive $3 in credit for it so for every short putut that you sell that is $300 you're going to receive in premium now with this $3 credit that you receive you're going to use a part of it to buy the put debit spread right so as you can see down here if you buy the long put spread for a dollar then the overall spread the put rtio spread when you combine them together the total credit you're going to receive is $2 right so that means you're going to receive $200 per put ratio spread so this is the whole gist of the put ratio spread how you're going to construct it now you might be asking hey Davis why do I want to add the long put spread right wouldn't it be much more simpler if I just had you know just the short putut and that is a good question so there is a reason why we want to use the long putut spread and that is because we want to use it as a defensive measure right because one of the things that a lot of people are afraid of whenever they you know do the short putut is what if the market comes down right if the market comes down this is where they're going to panic right because they got a short putut they don't want the market to come down so they you know are afraid right but with the put ratio spread you have this long put spread so it is like a defensive measure so in case if the market actually comes down we actually have like a semi hatch in place right not a full hedge of course a semi hch in a sense whereby if the market comes down you can actually still make some profit from the put debit spread portion right because the put debit spread is a bearish strategy right so the short putut is a semi bullish strategy right depending on how far away your short putut is but generally it is a neutral to bullish strategy in the sense whereby you want the market to go up to make money whereas for the long put spread it's very clearcut that you want the market to go down in order for the long put spread to make money so what you have down here is a combination of a bullish and a bearish strategy so whenever we put on any strategy of course if you put on a bullish strategy we want the market to go up right but how good are we in picking the direction right if you're already so confident thinking that the market is going to go up then don't get into options right just buy the stock outright the market if it goes up you're going to make even more than just selling the put option so the reason we want to put the long put spread in place is also because we're not very sure if the market really will go up right nobody can really predict the market 100% I mean if you can then of course you're a genius you should be a millionaire by now or a multi-billionaire by now you shouldn't be watching this video right but for the most part all of us Mortals the rest of us we're not sure so we want to have this long put spread as a defensive measure the market comes down we can still make some profit on that put debit spread and at the same time if the market goes up we will actually still be in a profit right because remember we receive a credit for this whole put ratio spread so we're not that worried and if the market comes down we actually also look forward to it because we have the long put spread in place now the next question you might have is Davis how do I make money with this strategy so there are a few scenarios that we actually can profit with this strategy and I'm going to share it with you right so the very first scenario is if the stock actually expires above the put ratio spread right so this is our structure down here so anywhere above this structure it will expire worthless right basically because you know it did not come down right if it did not come down the profit which we're going to get is pretty much the full credit that you receive for putting on this strategy so if you recall the example earlier I said that you know you put up this put ratio spread you receive a total credit of $2 right so for every put ratio spread you will receive $200 so this is a very straightforward scenario now scenario number two what if the stock actually goes below the long putut but it actually stays above the short puts so right now as you can see it actually went in between our structure down here so at this point of time what exactly do we do so if you do actually have this scenario it actually is good for you right because you are actually going to be in a profit as long as it stays somewhere there close to expiration right so once it's near expiration all you got to do right is just close out the whole spread right close out this put ratio spread for a profit right so as you can see down here this is the p&l graph of the put ratio spread so as you can see down here there are two puts down here so this corresponds to this one down here and then you have one long put so this one long put is down here so you can see down here this is where the market price is right so this also you know coincides with where the current market price is down here so that means to say if the market actually comes down here and stays between the put options right that means the two short puts and the one long put you are actually going to make more than if the market actually went up right so you can see down here if the market actually went up all you're going to get is just the credit which you Reed for putting on the strategy but as the market actually comes down you notice that the max profit is actually near where the short puts are right in fact the max profit is right at where the short putut is so if it actually stays between these two puts down here then actually you will be in a better profit right let me just draw a line down here so somewhere down here or let me just shade it this whole area down here right as long it's below the long put above the two short puts then your profit is going to be greater than what you would get if the market goes up right basically you get more than the credit so why is that so and the reason is because remember I told you about the long put spread when the long put spread is in play When the market Comes Down The Long put spread actually helps you make money as well so that is why you actually make more than if the market was to go up and you just receed the credit right so if you think about it this way you're actually paying money for the put debit spread so if the market actually go goes above the put debit spread so let me just remove all this again so let's say if the market stays above the put debit spread your put debit spread actually lost money because you actually paid for it right so you actually do not get anything from the put deit spread you lost whatever you sort of you know used to finance this put debit spread but if the market comes down now your put debit spread actually makes money so down here you have a combination of two things you have the credit which you receive UPF front plus you get a profit for closing out the debit spread which is in profit all right so this is for scenario number two now scenario number three what if the stock actually goes below the put ratio spread right so if you were to just go back to this graph down here you notice that even though if it goes below the put ratio spread that means let's say for example somewhere down here let me just remove this drawing again and I'll draw this so that means we just go slightly below the two shuts if you actually go slightly below the two short puts you notice that at expiration we actually still going to be in a profit right at this point down here it's going to be you know a pretty nice profit but we actually do not want to hold it to exploration why is that so well because if you're going to trade this on individual stocks right or even on index ETFs these two shuts is going to get assigned at expiration right so for scenar number three if the stock goes below the put ratio spread what we want to do is that we're going to separate this tra stry into the two components which we talked about right the short putut and then the long putut spread because now we're going to manage them separately so bear with me here just uh really pay attention to this part because it's quite important so the first step you want to do once the market actually goes below the whole put ratio spread construct that means below the short put this is where your put debit spread will be in a profit now at this point in time you can actually close it out for a profit now that you have already closed out the put that spread you are left with just the short putut so what do you do with the short putut right so there are two methods that you can do right now number one you can leave it to expiration because remember the whole idea down here is that you actually do not mind getting into the long stock position right the way we want to trade put ratio spread is a way whereby we don't mind getting into the stock and then if we are in the stock position the market goes up again we're going to profit on the shares that we got assigned on so method number one you leave it to exploration two things can happen the first thing is that if the stock goes back up by expiration that means it expires actually worthless then you actually do not have to worry about anything because right now you made the full profit on the short put side because the credit whatever you receed you got it and then you also sold the put debit spread you got a profit there as well right so this is a good scenario for you now the second scenario after using method number one is that if the stock stays below the sh putut at expiration you will get a sign right you get 100 shares and this is actually what we want so remember the whole idea of this put ratio spread strategy is we actually don't mind getting into a long stock position right a very simple way is to just get into the shares if the market goes up and then you get a profit from there as well now method number two is that you can actually roll the shut right so how do you roll the shut you can roll the shut simply by roll pulling out to a further DTE and to a lower strike price so for example if there's maybe let's say there's 15 DTE left in this shut right and then you just roll it so what you want to do is you want to roll it to maybe a higher DTE so it depends on what you can get right and also how low of a strike price you want to go to but basically when you're rolling you can actually get an additional credit and at a lower strike price so maybe this time you want to roll it to 30 DTE and then you want to roll the strike price further down right so whatever the price is so maybe if originally it was $50 then you want to roll it down to maybe $48 depending on what you can get on the option chain so when you do this you can actually get a credit at the same time you leave more room for the market to actually have a possibility to go back up then this whole sh putut again will expire worthless now what if it goes down well if it goes down then guess what you can go back to Method number one again right method number one that means you can either just leave that to exploration see whether you get assigned or if you can roll it again you can choose to roll it even further down and if you get assigned again this time you will get a lower strike price right you will buy the shares at a lower price so this actually is a very good scenario for us because if you actually get assigned the shares and then the market shoots back up you make on a lot of wayte right you make on the put debit spread you also receive the credit for the shut and then for the shares you're going to make profit if the market goes up right so there'll be a capital gain so at this point in time you might be asking Davis this sounds all fine and dandy right it sounds so good but where is the risk in this strategy by the way if you like this video so far Please Subscribe and also click the thumbs up button and also do get your free copy of the options income blueprint where I share the top three options strategies that help you generate a consistent income each month trading just one to two hours a day right so if you want to go ahead to get this copy just head on over to options with blueprint all right back to the video well that's a very good question because we must always find out what is the risk in the strategy and the risk is if the market keeps going down right so for example in scenario number three you get assigned the shares the market keeps keeps going down so if the market keeps going down you're going to start to lose on your shares all right so in this case what do you do right how do you reduce the risk okay so I'm going to share with you a few ways that you can reduce the risk so uh really take some notes if you can so the very first thing you want to do is to keep a watch list of stocks that you actually don't mind owning right so ideally you want to go for fundamentally good stocks or index ETFs right so if you go for stocks that you know in the long term it's going to keep going up you actually do not mind getting into the long stock right so for some people they like to you know buy more speculative stocks for example I've had people that say you know I like GameStop right they're waiting for roaring Kitty to maybe suddenly come up with a tweet the stock shoots up right that's all up to you right basically you want to keep a watch list of stocks that you do not mind owning so even though if you're long the stock you're okay with that now the next way that you can reduce the risk is to actually identify the stocks that are currently undervalue right so you already have a watch list of the stocks you don't mind owning and most of them hopefully is fundamentally good stocks then what you can do is that you can go to some of the sites down here right for example simply Wall Street or Guru Focus or Morning Star so on so forth right there are a number of the sites where they actually you know tell you what is the value of it whether is it undervalue or overv value now each s might have their own valuation so what you want to do is that you just want to go through you know all the size and then just maybe get an aggregate of it or just find the one that has you know the the one that makes sense to you most or whereby you know you find one where the fair value is the lowest all right so out of those stocks you want to find the one that is undervalued because now you have an additional defense mechanism right because you may have actually fundamentally good stocks that you want to go long which you don't mind owning the shares but if you get it at a price where it's too expensive right if it's above the fair value then it could take quite some time before the market comes back up again if it keeps going down right and that is why you know if you find it undervalue again then this would be one other way that you can further reduce risk whereby if you actually do get long let's say for example you get assigned on that short putut you now at least have the conviction to hold on to those shares because you can see that it's undervalue right so for example as an example we're just going to use this price right for some people you know if you find this too expensive go for the cheaper stocks right so let's say for example for this you can see that the fair value down here and the current price is quite a big difference right so if you think that this fair value is pretty accurate then even though you get assigned at the current price you don't have to worry right you can just hold on to it right for example in 2022 where a lot of the stocks right they went so far down that you know a lot of people panic they close up their stocks but if if you already understood the stock that you are buying the company and you think that it's undervalued you can hold on to it and then the market will eventually come back up as it did right as you can see in 2023 2024 the market just shot back up that is why you know certain stocks like Google meta Amazon if you had entered them at a price where you know it was undervalued then you definitely would have the conviction holding power to hold on to it until the market eventually comes up now the third one is to wait for a good setup right so we already have quite a number of defensive measures now this will be the final defensive measure right so what is a good setup so this is something that I've talked about in quite a number of videos so this is a very good way especially if you're new to trading options then this good setup you can use is number one just put on the stochastic oscillator right so the stochastic oscillator basically just measures the condition of the market right is it overbought or is it oversold so as you can see down here I've circled it in rate already as long as it goes below this line at the bottom it considered overs so that means to say that the market has already sold off quite a bit and the chances of it you know going back up at least would be slightly better than if it were to continue going down right of course that is not to say that the market won't continue to go down it can right but you've already reached a point whereby it's really pretty overs soap right and you've got this two points down here as well that gives you further conviction that if you're assigned you can hold on to it right so if it's oversold definitely it's a much better position for you to put on the put ratio spread than if it's overbought right you notice that every time if it's overbought take a look at the chart right this is where the market has gone up quite high right that is why the stochastic label it as overbought right so if at this point if you were to put the put ratio spread right the market could just come tumbling down very quickly and you may not necessarily be you know comfortable holding on to the shares if you get sign right so wait till the stochastics oversold and next one the final one identify support level so if the over so reading is not enough you also want an additional defensive measure whereby you find places where the prices find it very difficult to go below right so these are what you call support levels so you can see that prices have bounced off several times and then it went back up now it come back down and then it's about to test this support level right so doesn't mean the support level it's going to hold all the time it's just that you know again everything about trading and options is about probability at least you have a better chance of it going up so if it does go up then the whole put ratio spread expire worthless you just make the full credit that you receive for putting on the put ratio spread but if it does go down despite all the measures that we have in place and then now you're assigned the 100 shares then guess what you are already at a point whereby the market is pretty pretty overs right it has gone through quite a bit and that is not to say it won't go further down but there is a chance that there could be a retracement back up right or even a reversal and at the point as long as you are in a profit you can choose to close out those 100 shares all right so once you've identified all this this is where you can construct the put ratio spread right basically you want to construct the put ratio spread below this support level okay so I've already given you quite a number of defensive measures that you can use to further reduce the risk of this strategy so now let's get into trade construction because this is where a lot of people will ask me Davis so for this strategy what is the DTE which DTE should I go for should I go for zero DTE or minus one or minus 7 so that my profit you know would have been already realized before I actually put on the trade no okay I'm just kidding right so the whole idea down here is that whenever people ask me DTE a lot of times they want to go for the shorter ones and yes I understand why right we want to realize the profit very quickly and here's the thing about this strategy for the most part whenever I talk about you know DTE with a lot of the strategies that I shared on my channel I tend to go for above 45 DT because that's where our Edge lies right the edge where the realize move is often time lesser than the expected move but for this strategy the TT selection is actually not that important because we actually don't mind getting into the shares right we don't mind getting into a long stock position so with that said there is still some difference between the shorter DTE and the longer DTE that you need to know in order to crop the put ratio spread according to your preference right so now let's talk about the shorter DTE first so with the shorter DTE you actually get a higher return right so you notice down here the ROI is higher compared to this one and how do you calculate the RO I is actually pretty simple right you just take the credit which you receive you you can see down here 0.34 which is $34 right and then you divide it by the strike Price Right basically the cost of the amount that you have to put up to Long 100 shares for this right so basically if you were to just calculate Roi divided by the DTE * 365 that's how you're going to calculate the ROI you will get a higher return than the longer DTE right as you can see down here I compare it with a 29 DT but there are some slight differences where you might consider a longer DTE right so for example you have lesser premium to purchase the long put spread right you can see down here if you sell this 134 strike you get only 34 CS so 34 cents is going to be quite difficult for you to buy you know a bigger put spread because you don't have that much credit and at the same time your put ratio spread is going to be closer to where the current market price is right mainly your short strike right so if you take a look at this down here 134 it's giving you only 34 cents that means to say that if you want to go for a further strike a further away strike let's say maybe 130 you're not going to get that much credit already right it's going to be so little that there's no point for you to even put it on but whereas for the 29 DTE you notice that hey you get $243 for the same strike price what does this mean it means that if you were to go further out the market so maybe you can even go to 130 maybe 128 127 and you find that there's still some credit so why does this play an important part because if the market actually comes down and you reach a point where you want to actually get assigned or you have to get assigned then of course you're going to get a better entry price if you get a further away strike price with the longer DTE down here right so if you're going to get a sign is it better for you to get long at maybe the strike price of $127 or at $134 of course $127 so that is why you know longer DTE will actually give you that better strike price if you are going to get into the long shares right so again you get more premium to purchase the long put spread and a put raal spread is further away to market price only difference or rather the small setback is that it's a slightly lower Roi if you would just you know get the credit but for me I value more towards the risk side right if the risk is to the downside if I'm going to get into the long shares I rather get it at a lower price than a higher price okay so this is on DTE selection now next let's talk about shut strike selection where are we going to position our short putut right so there are two ways that you can do this now the very first way very simple way is just price selection basically you choose the strike price at a place where you don't mind going long the shares at so let's say for example uh it could be at a price of $50 so let's say for example you think that $50 is what you like then you can place it at $50 right if you are able to construct this whole put ratio spread for a pretty decent credit right so that's the first way the second way is that you can use the Delta to select your short strip right so you use Delta as an indication of the percentage chance of being in the money at expiration so let's say for example you want only a 25% chance that you could get Bri on the short put side then you get assigned then at this place you can go for the 130 strike price now the final component is the long put strike selection so how do we Define where we put the laput strike so if you have a more bullish Outlook then this is where you want to go for the further out of the money strike right so as you can see down here this is where the current market price is so out of the money will be below this current price down here so basically the lower the price is the more further away it is and the cheaper the put right so if it's much further away then you notice that the purchase of this uh put is going to be much cheaper so you're going to get a higher credit for the put ratio spread and a lower Max profit for the long put spread right because your put spread right now is going to be smaller so this is if you're more bullish but if you're more bearish you know you're not very sure or you want to be more defensive right you're afraid that you know the market is going to come down then in this case you want to go for a nearer to where the current market price is the strike price there and it's going to be more expensive right as you can see down here because you're going closer to the current market price so at the money strike will always be more expensive than further out of the money so for this is the good thing is that you have a much defensive uh structure if the market comes down so you actually anticipate the market to come down you want it to come down so that your put spread down here you can get a much bigger profit right the trade-off is that you get a lower credit for the put ratio spread that means if the market goes up then your overall credit that you get is going to be lesser as you can see down here this is 50 Cents for the previous structure you actually get much more right you get $2 if the market actually goes up but for this if the market comes down then you're going to get a higher Max profit for the long putut spread all right so this is the put ratio spread retirement strategy so use it and let let me know what you think in the comments below by the way if you like this video then you're absolutely going to love this next video which I have for you so go ahead and watch that video right now also if you haven't already gotten your free copy of the options income blueprint you can do so just by clicking this link down here on your screen and you'll be able to get it for free all right I will see you in the next video