Transcript for:
Trusting God's Timing in Heartbreak

[Music] ladies and gentlemen I have a sneaky suspicion that I'm not the only one in the sacred Sanctuary who has arrived to this place in your life I've decided I've decided now I taught us this before but repeti is the mother of learning decide is comprised of two words the prefix d and side d means to remove which is how we have things like dehumidify decompress Decline and side c i d means to kill off which is how we have words like pesticide or homicide or genocide so when you decide you are moving and killing off all other options because I have become a decided man I have become a decided woman and I'm praying and believing that we have some decided people in the house who have made up their mind and you're like you know what I've decided to be sold out I've decided to not compromise I've decided to stop cursing people out but I'm going pray for you I've decided to stop being petty I've decided to keep my legs closed until marriage I've decided to stop getting high I've decided to stop getting faded I've decided to stop getting tipsy not because of legalism but because I'm protecting my time somebody say I've decided I've decided I've decided to be all in I've decided to trust God with his timing I've decided to be a man or a woman who has surrendered my life to the gospel I have decided to heal I can't wait till therapy Thursday starts back up in a few weeks there's so much beating on my heart I've decided to heal because watch this unaddressed pain unaddressed pain or pain that has not been dealt with keeps our Evolution and our spiritual growth stuck in transit one more time unaddressed pain this is the pain that you keep saying I'm cool I'm good I ain't tripping over that I'm straight that unaddressed pain keeps our Evolution and our spiritual growth in Christ stuck in transit that's where I want to park for this sermonic presentation that's where I want to park for this preaching presentation as we are entering into part four of our timing series I told my wife cuz I was studying I said I'm seeing something that I never saw before heartbreak many times is married to God timing heartbreak and God's timing God's timing and heartbreak we're going to deal with that we're going to deal with disappointment we're going to deal with being let down we're going to deal with heartbreak because there is nobody under the sound of my voice who has never experienced disappointment heartbreak and God's timing and I said okay I I I think I see what the enemy is trying to do if he can get for us to mismanage pain that will lead us into mismanaging time because pain causes for us to pursue false remedies did y'all I'm telling you I said Miss Flowers you going to have to help me towards the middle part of this message we're going to have to double team this on today because there's some people who don't understand maybe God is trying to see can I trust you with disappointment heartbreak and God's timing if the enemy can get us to mismanage pain that will cause for us to mismanage our time because pain causes for us to pursue false remedies you wouldn't entertain that man if your heart Wen broken before him you wouldn't even be entertaining that woman if you weren't trying to heal from a pain that you experienced you're using her as medication you're using him as medication because that's what unaddressed pain does it makes you pursue false remedies so the enemy sends somebody to hurt you but God will s send somebody to assist you in your healing please notice I did not say God will send somebody to heal you I said he will send somebody to assist you in your healing because you must be a participant in your own healing process you must participate you must be intentional to go to therapy you must be intentional to come to community you must be intentional to reach out to spiritual leaders to help you and say hey this is what my marriage is going through this is what my mind is thinking you must seek out the help as well like I told us many times you don't catch Health you catch sickness so just like the enemy will send somebody to hurt you God will send people to assist you in your healing but if you are still in love with what was oh your neck if you are still in love with what was this means every person God sends you'll push away because they're not who you want they're not who you want can we talk sometimes heartbreak it's your heart screaming I did not want this to be a lesson I wanted this one to be love didn't want for this to be a lesson I'm tired of learning through pain and your heart is aching and God is going to encourage us today sometimes that pain I'm trying to see if I could trust you with it I didn't want this to be a lesson I wanted this to be love I wanted I wanted I wanted I wanted maybe that's it could it be what we want is a form of self-sabotage God's like okay your appetite hasn't changed from Egypt yet so everything that you want feels good to you but it's really slavery so I'm trying to teach you not to go off what you want but to go off what you need right now you need discipline right now you need discipleship right now you don't need to miss any church service every time the doors are open you need to be here because I'm trying to deal with your foundation we are dealing with a generation who wants platform but they don't understand if you don't have the foundation everything that's built on a weak foundation will collapse in a storm and God said I need my people to understand what you do in time matters to me your birthday is me giving you a clock I'm trying to help you with your time could it be could it be how we Steward our current wounds affects how we see tomorrow ushers y'all get ready going to be a lot of tissue Kleenex I already see it but this is prophetic how we steart our current wounds affects how we see tomorrow which is why everybody knew who comes your mind they're gonna hurt me too they're gon to do the same thing they're lying too some somebody right now can't even hear the message this pastor probably fake too they probably do this they probably think about it unaddressed heartbreak causes for you to use yesterday's pain as today's perspective so you can't even hear what I'm saying today because of what somebody else was saying yesterday heartbreak and God's timing but hear me church family it's not until the pain of change outweighs the irritation of being stuck that you won't move one more time it's not until the pain of change remember I told us two weeks ago discipline is to lean into discomfort and visit there daily it is not until the pain of change it's going to hurt but I don't want my flesh to be boss anymore I want to change it's going to hurt I want to change I don't want my flesh to be boss I don't want to have to go down the alcoholic beverage aisle to try to find peace from a stressful day anymore I want to change I don't want to have to use my vibrator to go to sleep I don't want to have to watch porn and masturbate to try to sleep I don't want to have to have Hennessy to try to have fun I don't want to drown myself in things that steal my time I want to be able to have peace and peace that surpasses all of my understanding that's what I want and until the pain of change outweighs the irritation of being stuck you'll never move you'll never move the reason why we're doing this word I know you probably came here thinking that you're going to hear some holiday season message I want to preach from this thought T the season you probably thought you were going to hear something about something like that some Churches preach that and that's cool but that's not what God has put on my heart what God has placed on my heart is okay the quality of our heart and the condition of our soul and what we do with our time affects too many people for us to ignore when the limp Remains the ity of my heart and the condition of my soul and the choices I make with my time affects too many people for me to ignore when the limp remains when it hurt me when it broke me when it wounded me I know I'm about to be excited about 2024 I've already heard these Cho churchy colloquialisms 2024 is a year I'mma get more I'm like why y'all keep lying to people not if they don't submit it to Jesus God's not waiting for the calendar to change for you to experience his Blessing he's like we could do this on today there is still enough time in 2023 for me to do exceedingly and abundantly more than you can ask if you just render to me your obedience obedience when the limp remains when it still affect my heart when we're people hear me who do not know how to identify the yes the no or the not yet of God disappointment is imminent and when we have allowed disappointment to have the last word doubt and paranoia will be your first words did y'all hear me when you've allowed disappointment to constantly have the last word doubt and paranoia will be the first words why cuz the body remembers you could try all you want I know what all your churchy statements you could try with all you got to stuff events and disappointment and heartbreak and the luggage of your heart you could stuff it in by saying I'm cool I'm straight I'm all right I'm over that but all it takes is for one person to pull your trigger all it takes is one more pandemic all it takes is for one more unfulfilled expectation and the zipper of trying to hold it all together is going to break and I want us to look at this text in the Gospel of John chapter 11 I've been hearing this biblical story since I was a little boy but this week I saw something different and I want to share it with you and hopefully I can shift your perspective that's really what my job is is on today to shift your perspective John 11 verse3 it says so the sisters sent word to Jesus Lord the one you love is sick emphasis on you love cuz sometimes we think if God loves it he'll do it okay the one you love is sick when he speaking of Jesus when he heard this Jesus said this sickness will not end in death no it's for the glory of God so that God's son may be glorified through it now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus so when he heard that Lazarus was sick he stayed where he was two more days and then he said to his disciples let us go back to Judea okay pause okay I I just want I don't want you to miss this verses 3 and four give us the biblical intelligence and the biblical Enlightenment that Jesus heard about their situation he heard about their issue let's make it sound churchy Jesus heard their prayers he heard their prayers he heard their request he received the news that Lazarus was sick but verse five and verse 6 says something crazy it says Jesus heard it and he loved Mary and Martha so he stayed I love you so I'm not going to get involved right now I love you so I'm not going to stop it I love you so I'm going to allow it to hurt you I love you that much and I'm like this proposes three very important questions that I want us to consider for just a few moments first question is do you know how to Steward pain that God allows and you won't leave them do you know how to Steward pain that God allows and you won't leave him then number two I I think we need to ask ourselves secondly do you know how to Steward pain and that pain don't cause for you to pursue time wasters girl I just had a rough day I need me some I just had a stressful day bro when y'all firing it up do you know how to experience disappointment and not pursue false remedies and the most important question of all from this just few passages of scripture can God trust you with heartbreak I know that's a question that you probably never heard a preacher ask you because in western hemisphere Christianity especially America we have been over preaching the yes of God we will shout about God giving us blessings and Shout about breakthrough and Shout about abundance and Shout about Harvest and Shout about wonders and Shout about miracles but what about when God is trying to get you to exuberate this fruit of the spirit that I really haven't heard many sermons on what about when God is trying to get you to produce the fruit of longsuffering preach the fruit of patience amen I need that preach the fruit of Joy I need that Joy to the World what about do you trust me when I'm trying to get you to produce longsuffering you're not going to like it it's going to hurt it's going to be uncomfortable and we can't sit here and be like you know what I just don't agree with that what type of question is that can God trust you with disappointment and can God trust you a heartbreak I don't agree with that Pastor let me give you Bible to show you that's one of God's methodologies it had to hurt Abraham's heart for God to give him a promised son and then tell him go sacrifice your son the son that you waited 25 plus years for God was testing him can God trust you and do you know how to Steward pain to where you want leave them when it hurts I'll give you more biblical characters gyrus when he went to Jesus saying my daughter is sick can you please come heal her and Jesus is taking his precious time turning around talking about who touched me for I perceive that power has gone out from me your 12-year-old daughter is sick and gyrus hears what no parent ever wants to hear the people from gyus house come to him and say your daughter's dead why bother the teacher any further make it make sense why pray that stuff don't work why come to church that stuff don't work why fast that stuff doesn't work why listen to those sermons all they want is your money that stuff doesn't work why discip why submit yourself to discipleship why get accountability because to not have accountability is a spiritual liability why bother the teacher any further you think it didn't hurt jra's heart in that moment I can give you more Biblical characters what about the disciples when they saw Jesus getting beat up Jesus getting spit on and fogged and we followed you for 3 years and left our businesses we thought that you were going to overthrow Rome and give Jerusalem back to us but now you're going to die you don't think that pain and heartbreak hit the disciples heart for a few days so God was saying I need you to be able to Steward this heartbreak because I have a timing when I'm going to do something different heartbreak God's timing heartbreak God's timing I can give you more Bible how do you think Mary the mother of Jesus fell looking on the cross at her bloody mutilated son and Jesus has to push up just to breathe because crucifixion was made for Suffocation and if you don't push up you'll begin to suffocate which is why the Romans would break their knees so that they couldn't lift up where they would die faster and Jesus is on the cross looking at Mary and saying woman behold your son you don't think that hurt to see her son's intestines hanging out and him nailed to a cross can God Trust trust you with pain and you won't leave him what about to go to Old Testament again Joseph you don't think it hurt Joseph's heart for his brothers to hate him so much so that they will take his Roe from him throw him in a pit then take him out of a pit then sell him into slavery then Piper's wife saw that he was fine she took his clothes because he was running from her here we are once again somebody taking Joseph's clothes I guess they don't understand the favor is not on my garment fool the favor is on my life you don't think it hurt Joseph to see the very people who sold me into slavery didn't know how I was going to survive didn't know how I was going to live and now I have to see them in another season and now they need my [Music] help do you know how to Steward pain and can God trust you with heartbreak to where you won't leave him pain has formed many atheist pain has formed many agnostics because God did not do what they thought he should do I no longer believe that he exist and I'm not preaching to you from some height I've never been I know what it was like to be on vacation with my family and get a call that my grandmother was found unconscious and get back to Houston and look through the hospital windows and see my grandmother on life support and I'm praying and believing that she's going to live but then we got word later that she died I know what that feels like when God hands you pain and that's not what you ask for I know what it feels like to pray for my grandfather to be able to see me graduate high school and we get the call 2 days later that he died in the hospital I know what it feels like to look at a building believe by faith and trust God that that's going to be the building that we have and it got sold and somebody's using it for something stupid like God we could have used that I'm trying to get a larger facility so we can facilitate your people can I trust you with disappointment because I have a time when I'm going to do it if if not in this life then the next see some of us you can't handle Next Level because you can't handle current level pain you're praying for God to bless whatever it is your ministry grow your platform and God's like critics in the basement are disturbing your peace how you going to handle the hate upstairs you got to clap back to every comment somebody on 45 a stranger can cut you off and you lose all your Christianity I mean you start swerving and looking all hard making sure they see [Laughter] you am I telling the truth can I trust you with pain and you won't leave me I want us to consider what is your pain response some people try to smoke it out drink it out sex it out club it out o this is heavy could it be possible your last two marriages were a pain escape attempt the person that you're dating with now you know it's not God's will it's just a false remedy so that you can escape the pain of loneliness I didn't come to play today came to help somebody said you don't play any day I heard you yeah could could it be possible that our choices are pain Le which is causing for us to waste time if I can get them to mismanage pain that will cause for them to mismanage time let's speak around that thought from this subject heartbreak and God's timing heartbreak and God's timing if I was a notetaker I write this down what's the definition of heartbreak heartbreak is when our emotions have to readjust unwillingly that's so good heartbreak is when your emotions have to readjust unwillingly I don't want to adjust to not having them in my life I don't want to adjust see this is why some people are still stuck you won't turn the page because you know who won't be in the next chapter so I'm going stay right here I'm going tolerate the narcissism I'mma tolerate the abuse I'mma tolerate the pain I rather be kept warm by a real devil than have real peace I'm going to act like I'm happy I'm going to act like I'm okay I'mma post on the gram like I'm at this false place that I'm really not because I know if I listen to God and turn the page they won't be in the next chapter so I rather deal with a devil because heartbreak is when your emotions have to readjust unwillingly I know I know it hurts I know I know it hurts when you when you are homesick from arms that if you let hold you will hold you back your homesick for that embrace you want that hold again but if they hold you again they're going to hold you again from your peace and hold you again from discernment and hold you again from Clarity and hold you again from purpose but your homesick from what was and God is saying can I trust you with heartbreak because I have something better it's not it's not about he'll come when you want him he comes in the nick of time no he always had a time just I love you so much I'm not going to come when you ask me to I'm not not going to get involved right now this heartbreak is for your recalibration you were going down a route that will make you waste time and I love you so much to hurt your heart to recalibrate your feet to get right back on the path because his word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path and is it possible we've gotten so used used to walking in darkness that we're mislabeling it as night vision but God is saying no that's not night vision that's you wasting time can I trust you with heartbreak and disappointment and you won't leave me I know the memories are painful some somehow and some way memories have a way of sneaking out our eyes and rolling down our cheeks I I I know it hurts but I have something better if you were to just trust me and I'm like why why aren't we doing more preaching about suffering and pain why aren't we telling people sometimes doing what Jesus wants you to do hurts it's going to hurt for you to end the relationship because you're installing standers that hurt it's going to hurt for me to have my family talk about me and I no longer can go over there for Christmas because they they are unhealthy atmosphere for me and every time I try to go over there my peace is vacuumed out it hurts sometimes when God is telling you endure it and say nothing feel what it feels like to be my child because a wise man could Overlook an offense Overlook that stand above that when they go low just go higher have character that that that's difficult and if we don't talk about this when we don't get the raise we leave when they leave us or when we get divorced we leave when life gets hard we quit when we don't get the yes we fold when it doesn't go the way that we pray for it to go just like Mary and Martha we begin to question is any of this Christian stuff even worth it because we don't know how to handle them we've not been taught that God wants to trust you with disappointment and it's married to his timing ask the disciples how they felt for those three days ask Joseph how he felt for all of those years you don't think that God allows us to experience disappointment because of his Divine timing pain is inevitable but misery that's optional we all going to get hurt one day pain that's inevitable misery that's optional loved you so I stayed where I was two more days verse 17 I want to see the same Luke 11 verse1 17 it says on his arrival somebody say arrival arrival so that's when Jesus saw it was time for him to show up on his arrival Jesus found that Lazarus has already been dead already been in the Tomb for 4 days don't forget that number four somebody say four four okay so he didn't come on the first day didn't come on the second day not the third day and in those days ancient Jews believed after the third day Resurrection was no longer possible so it's like Jesus is deliberately coming when it's so bad where it seems he can't do nothing somebody say four four now Bethany was less than two miles from Jerusalem and when the Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them in the loss of their brother when Martha heard that Jesus was coming she went out to meet him but Mary stayed at home Lord Martha said to Jesus if if you had been here if you would have showed up when I asked you to if you would have answered my prayer if you would have gave us the building make it personal I try to put me in the Bible if if you you had been here my brother would not have died see the conditions of my life because you didn't come on the time that I asked for you to do you know the pain that we feel in our heart we know that her sister Mary felt the same way because verse 32 tells us when Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him she fell at his feet I wonder was she so exhausted from pain she fell at his feet and said Lord if if you had been here my brother would not have died when Jesus saw her weeping and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled and I'm reading this and I'm like okay I've read this story so many times you you know you going to raise Lazarus from the grave what you deeply moved for this how I read my Bible you knew that this was going to hurt Mary you knew that this was going to hurt Martha you knew it was going to hurt heartbreak God's time timing and then I begin to study I begin to do a little research you came on the fourth day Matthew 14 verse 24 a whole another episode it says but the ship was in the midst of the sea tossed with the wav so the disciples are in a storm for the wind was contrary and in the Fourth Watch of the night Jesus went unto them walking on the sea so you waited until it got bad then you going to start not running it's me if you don't put some [Applause] step I'm looking Daniel 3: 24 then King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished and he rose and haste and spoke saying to his counselors did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire they answered and said to the king true oh King look he answered I see four men loose walking in the midst of the fire and they are not hurt and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God does God have a method of waiting until you are asking God to arrive but it seems as though he keeps coming at the Fourth Watch I begin to keep thinking he fed 4,000 people with two fish and five five loaves of bread in fact God installed timing and seasons in Four Seasons so maybe four represents when you think I'm too late he has a pattern of introducing his timing when you say say the time is late like this is so good now let's look at John 11:4 verse four it says when he heard this remember this started off the whole sermon when he heard this Jesus said this sickness will not end in death no it is for the glory of God so that God's son may be glorified through it so in other words I have to let this hurt your heart but if you trust me it's going to give me Glory it's going to hurt just for a little while because Joy comes in the morning it's going to hurt for a little while but can I trust you in the middle and so I've arrived to this place you have arrived to spiritual maturity when you view disappointment as God ordering your steps that's it we didn't get the building that's God ordering your steps the relationship didn't work out that's God ordering your steps maybe next Sunday I have to speak about when you are doing things that's causing for you to break your own heart like if God is going to use pain to teach us certain things at least let it be a lesson because I'm going to get a blessing not a lesson because I just need a lesson does that make sense I I want us to say this particular confession and then I want my wife and I to just kind of give you a natural illustration on how God could use pain because it was a part of his perfect timing okay can I get us to say this everybody in the sanctuary overflow and watching online put this in the room and all caps father father I trust you I trust you even when it hurts even when it hurts help me to view help me to view disappointment disappointment as you ordering my steps as you one more time father father I trust you I trust you even when it hurts even when it hurts help me to view help me to view disappointment disappointment as you ordering my steps as you ordering my steps does anybody agree with that I know this is not your typical Sunday message but when I was reading that story I never noticed heartbreak in God's timing often are synchronized and if God can't trust us with disappointment we can limit ourselves of walking into our appointed time so will you trust him even when he allows the pain to sit in your bosom and you prayed against it let's work I know it's real sobering right now but I I want us to what we talked about last night show these charts and we're done um so can you can you put up my first point for me yes I can Carl can you go ahead and put up the first point for me Point number one um the enemy comes he can manipulate comes at the time when either you're most vulnerable in in in pain and most successful to cause pain so what I mean by that it when um I was back in college I uh I was I was about to graduate I was finishing up um my senior recital I was like I am ready for life right I'm at this point where I feel like I'm getting my ducks in a row and that's the enemy will use that manipulate that time to cause pain when you're when you're at like the highest peak so when your you know your business is booming when your relationship is is doing good when everything is going good then the enemy tries to sneak in and cause that pain to throw you off track and so for me uh I was at a very good place I had not been in any relationships my whole College I was focused and then somebody from my past comes right now this wasn't a relationship this was a friend this wasn't a this wasn't a relationship this was a friend of mine somebody that I grew up with somebody that I knew from the time that I was like 10 years old and that I had that I stayed in contact with um man of God um in the church right got to put you know that in quotes because you know he can come as an angel of Light right that's what the that's what the that's what the enemy does so came back to my life reconnected with me just as a friend but then at the more that we started talking the more he wanted to you know pursue me so I was like this is perfect yes this this is it this this is it right you know I'm graduating you know I'm going to go back to my hometown I'm going to get married like God this this the timing is perfect right and that's why I said the the enemy will manipulate that right because um we were talking on the phone and just to make a long story short he kind of just abandoned me just like disappeared I'm I'm not and I'm not exaggerating like just stop calling me one day like before ghosting was ghosting right I got ghosted right and I mean and this is somebody that I knew for years so I trusted this individual I mean we went to to middle school together to high school together talk to all through college so this is somebody that I easily let my guard down for that's why you should never let your guard down you should always be watchful no matter who it is and so because I let my guard down um and didn't truly truly seek God I just kind of accepted it's like yes God this is it I know it I can feel it and you know I felt like all my ducks were in the road but that ugly duckling just kind of swaddled on in there um and so that's why the enemy can use those moments and so after that I did not Steward my pain the right way so the next season after that I stewarded my pain very badly by bad relationship after bad relationship after bad relationship because um I was so hurt like I was devastated I was like why why would you do this to me like I thought that I was it's like the that thought that like yes this is finally happening for me I've been trusting you God and I've been focused and then you going to let this happen so it's kind of like the first person that kind of showed interest I jumped on in that thing okay and and it was definitely not the will of God and so it started this spiral of bad relationships now mind you people I was still going to church I never stopped going to church I was still on the praise team still active um and still St I know I know y'all and still uh going through these bad relationships and being heart broken Time After Time After Time and so I had gotten to like wits in with this last relationship y'all because this is the one that came right before him and so the last one broke my heart so bad I was like okay Lord I'm just listen I can't do this no more okay I'm just done I am done y'all been there like I am done God just forget it I don't want to I don't want to get married I'm just going to be single and I uh I remember being so hurt in that season like crying at work guys I can't even teach hold on I'm serious you missed a very critical part what I miss um a year before this oh no you supposed to say that part okay I'm sorry it's not my part that's your part a year before this um my cousin had died and I went to Oklahoma for the funeral and I saw Tanisha with this dude I didn't know him at all it it's amazing now speaking about it because it's it's like we were meant to be but not at that time we were in Whole Living in whole different states I was in a whole different state we were meant to be but just not at that time we are at a funeral and I'm noticing man that woman's pretty forgot about it didn't see her until a whole year later that during that whole process she's getting her heart broke cuz he wasn't me you know I'm sorry go ahead continue this St go ahead it obviously wasn't you sweetheart um so after that one that one was very very painful like crying at work I was just devastated but I was at the point that I'm like I'm not stewarding this wrong anymore that's good so God either I'm just going to be single and with you and I was for real y'all and I I mean when I tell you that I was pursuing God like I had never in my life I'm telling you I lived 30 minutes away from my my church and we had 5:00 a.m. prayer I was getting up at 4:30 and driving before work because and there was only like seven people there but I was one of them yeah because I was so desperate for God at that point I'm like I am sick of going through this unnecessary pain that that started now mind you this was 7 years before the first one was 7 years before I even met my husband husband so I'm tired of going through this unnecessary pain so God I'm going to Steward this right this time okay no more bad relationships okay I am pursuing you with my whole heart I am going to 5:00 a.m. prayer I am praying I am snotting I am crying out like Lord please show me the way and and there were there were other and we've told this story before there were two other men pursuing me and I was like God I don't want this you got to show me and I remember crying out on the Altar and our pastor was preaching on Clarity and he like he said my my pastor at the time was his cousin and he was J Flo the rapper y'all remember that he was J Flo and he came J Flo came to the church and J Flo he was flowing you know he's spitting bars and I uh I'm I'm crying out during worship and he's watching me and I'm like God give me Clarity I need and he's watching me so my purpose was watching me as I'm praying for clarity okay as I'm praying for God to answer me as I'm praying God show me God I don't want to make another bad decision I am in pain I'm hurting I don't want to be heartbroken anymore God you know I I'm falling deeper in love with you I want to draw closer to you and as I was at that State of desperation to God God was sending my husband and so you have to so time is up for mismanaging the pain that's good and that's what I'm saying so I spent seven years going to church going on mission trips y'all I'm going I'm going you know to third world countries and preaching the Gospel of Jesus and still getting into these bad relationships okay so listen you can be in church and still do some dysfunctional stuff [Music] okay so listen it you you have to make the decision to Steward and manage that I didn't manage it right the first time yeah and it took me four bad relationships so you think I'd learned the first time I didn't you think you thought I'd learn on the second bad relationship I didn't because I just I just wanted to feel loved and I just wanted someone to want me and I just wanted to feel accepted and like somebody was fighting for me and all the while I had a God that that a God that died for me why you trying to find some dude that's going to fight for you find F you serve the Trust In The God that died on the cross for you and that loves you more than anything focus on him and so once I got to that that point and um I met Jerry then I was like all right listen I'm not about to play with you I'm serious I had got so I had gotten so to the point where I'm like listen if you ain't listen if you're not from God I don't have time for you this is fact I I do not have time I am incapable of foolishness at this point I was incapable of foolishness and I told him okay listen I need some time I need to fast I need to pray I need time alone with the Lord cuz I don't know who sent you God or the devil and he said well surely I'm not the devil and I said well the devil would say that the devil would say that it's true story so go ahead I need some time away from you yeah cuz I wasn't at that point I was done being thirsty before thirsty was thirsty I was done okay and that's the point that we not just ladies just in in in anything not just relationships in whatever that you're doing get sick of being what the world is that's good get sick of being that yeah and like I said now I was still going to church you see what I'm saying so when you are in church don't just come and be a body in the seat allow God to truly work in your life in your heart okay to to renew your mind yeah okay to re-calibrate your desires yeah for what he wants okay because you can be and I've been I've been going to church since I was a child but I had to get finally to a place in my personal walk with God that I said God I need less of myself come on and I have to have more of what you want so good and there has to be the time for that yeah and I think what she's AR articulating was I'm no longer going to allow pain to steart pain that make sense like I don't want and I don't know what would have happened if before I met you I didn't focus on the young adults Ministry and you didn't focus on your healing I don't think we would be together and y'all wouldn't be here yeah so I I I want you to see a natural example of how heartbreak led to us coll fing with God's timing if that breakup never would have happened it was a messy Church breakup too Church breakups are the ugliest we don't that's a whole another sermon but Church breaks that church breakup was instrumental and if you would allowed that pain to cause you to leave when I came I never would have saw you correct and I wanted to leave the church yes because it was a church breakup yeah and I was so embarrassed yeah cuz he was a Church musician I was on the lead worshippers so big old messy nasty breakup and then he marries another girl in the church that was my friend I know I know and it was a small church so everybody was in our business um but I told Jerry this just a uh just a maybe a year ago there was some other just a little tidbit that's why wise counsel is so necessary I remember these two ladies at our church and they were the it was a younger church but the we had these elders and her name was Sister Eddie and she had a sister um and I think her name was Wanda and I was going through the breakup and I was talking to Sister Eddie just shooting the breeze and I was like yeah I'm just trying to do things right sister Eddie I said you know and she's like don't worry just keep trusting God baby and I said well you know you know I broke up with brother such and such and she was like oh oh she said honey I could have told you brother such and such wasn't the right one for you oh my God and then she and then she looked at her sister she was like huh Wanda Wanda Wanda I never forget it she was like s she told me she was dating sister such and such hey he he ain't the right one for her huh and she was like oh no she said uh-uh sister Tanisha whoever you marry got to be something special and I will never ever ever forget that and literally months later I met Jerry and he's definitely something [Applause] special so trust listen I'm telling you wise counsel is important which goes to the next Point go ahead and put the second point up there put the second point up there obedience discernment wise counsel and prayer will save you some time y'all that's so good yeah don't view it like man I got to pray for 40 50 that prayer time will actually save time okay we want you to get these number three take your time take your time you will never ever see Jesus in scripture running so why are you Fourth Watch of the night he's not running he's walking okay so take your time the time that you are taking to heal to get your biblical intelligence is needed for you to collide with your appointed time all right and number four you don't have time to waste so it may sound like a contradiction right take your time you don't have time yeah right but it's really not you need to take the time necessary to heal yeah to mature yeah to grow yeah to get yourself together to get your emotions regulated to get therapy mhm take that time to do that because if you're like I'm good like Jerry said I'm good I'm straight like I did jumped right into something else not taking the proper time to heal and and have God to really work on my emotions and show me hey you know what you jumped into that and you didn't seek me at all you just thought that it was good you just thought that it made sense but you really didn't seek me yeah instead of taking the time necessary to heal and and and a and have God draw closer to him as he can draw closer to me I just jumped in the next one and we all do it you just jump in the next one because it feels good yeah so take the time necessary to heal to mature to get to get your whatever it is to get your finances in order don't just get jump into the next thing take the time that you need so you're not repeating this vicious cycle yeah so good because you don't have time yeah to be wasting time on all of this Vicious Cycles yeah does that make sense yeah so I want you to see this chart of the devil's method God's method and then I think three points and you're done this is the devil's method okay this is what I saw from just studying this week okay so the first thing the enemy likes for there to be trouble he doesn't always necessarily cause it because you remember in John 16:33 Jesus says I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace in this world you you will have trouble okay so it's not always that the enemy is authoring trouble but he'll try to capitalize on the trouble so the first thing is there's trouble and with that trouble I want you to mismanage the pain of it how do you mismanage the pain of that you start taking false escapes relationships weed being lazy hook a bar whatever it is mismanage your time so that you end up wasting your time everybody say the Devil's method Devil's meth now I want us to see God's method this is God's method okay God's method is there's going to be trouble there's going to be pain but trust me that part that part trust me I know it hurts that Lazarus died trust me because once you trust me you collide with God's timing so I wanted us to see that give you these points that we can go home number one you can't birth anything without pain results six-pack babies business you can't birth anything without pain the only reason your butt is sitting on a seat right now is because somebody was in pain to get you here you can't birth anything without pain number two sometimes the Heartbreak is for recalibration right I love you so much that I'm not going to allow you to take that route because I have something better for you number three we ain't going to like this it had to happen you had to experience that breakup God saw this moment back in 2005 he saw that now it had to happen Judas betraying me it had to happen I had to get to the Cross Joseph's brother selling him to slavery it had to happen you have to be in position so that you can help them when a famine hits the L it had to happen some of us need to stop I'm trying to help you stop being mad at exes boo we should be sitting out thank you letter us thank you you helped me have a prayer life thank you thank you you help me get back in church thank you thank you you help me start praying first thank you it had to happen in that moment it doesn't feel good good Friday never feels good when it's Friday Day come on but it had to happen for us to experience a resurrection last point the fireplace is the meeting place the fireplace is the meeting place didn't we throw three why do I see four men in the fiery furnace if you're not in the fiery furnace you'll never see the Fourth Man so just perhaps your fireplace is a meeting place it's where God is introduced introducing himself to you in another dimension and I can tell you personally there's another level of fire you get once you've been in [Music] it this is why the devil can't stand when Christians are on fire because it's a prophetic reminder of his [Applause] end so God In This Moment help us to trust your timing and help us to Steward pain with wisdom we understand that you're a good father and you're a loving father and sometimes we don't know why you've allowed things to happen and maybe in this life we may not ever know but God one thing we do know is that all things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to his name and and the purpose that you have for our life help us God to stop trying to find prescriptions and counterfeits help us to trust you with our pain it's the pain as mared to purpose and just like Mary and Martha we crying because they wanted you to come at a different time you're such a compassionate God that even though you knew what you were going to do you still felt their pain which reminds us what the author in Hebrews tells us we have a high priest who can be touched thank you God for being concerned and touched with what bothers us and just like I prayed on Thursday night God whoever has been using people for pain medication addiction for pain medication would you cause for them to come to you because you're the master physician and what you give God is better than anything in this world can ever offer us we'll trust you even when it hurts in Jesus name we pray amen amen was this good for somebody yeah Hallelujah praise the Lord for the word of God and um God wants to use the time that he's given you God wants you to use the time that he's given you for his for his purpose and I have to take this um point from our senior pastor it's so awesome how the message is aligned because in the first service she was speaking about timing as well and um I took this note one of her point of emphasis was to protect our time our purpose and our lives while in time God gives us an assignment by which we must be occupied yeah so God has an assignment for you he's got a purpose for your life yeah and he doesn't want you to waste your time he he he has all the time of the world he created time he he functions in and outside of time but our time here on this Earth is limited yeah and he wants you to use that time to pursue the purpose that he's given you yeah not what you think you should do not what you want to do yeah he wants you to use your life for his glory and for his kingdom so if you're in this sanctuary and you know I have not been giving my time to the Lord yeah I've been taking all this time for myself and what I want to do this is your opportunity to say God I need you to redeem my time yeah and I need to give my life to you so I want everybody to pray this prayer under the sound of my voice just bow your heads and say father God father God in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I need you I need you to save me to save me to change me to change me to wash me to wash me make me more like you make me more like you I believe in my heart I believe in my heart and I confess with my mouth and I confess with my mouth that you that you died died and raised and raised just for me just for me teach me how Teach Me How to Love like you to love like you teach me how teach me how to live like you to live like you thank you thank you for allowing me for allowing me to surrender to you to surrender to you so I can say so I can say with confidence with confidence that I'm saved that I'm saved come on clap it up in the sanctuary come on say I'm saved Hallelujah I'm saved thank you God I thank you that I thank God that the angels in heaven Rejoice every time somebody comes out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light absolutely it's a beautiful thing and so if you did pray that prayer for the first time please text the word fresh start to the number behind us on the screen and you'll get a video just explaining the prayer that you prayed whether you're in sanctuary or you're online it's the best decision that you've ever made yeah and that you will ever make and God can redeem the time that maybe you've wasted yeah it's not too late it's never it's not too late as long as you have breath in your body yeah it's not too late and God has a perfect plan for your life and he wants to use you for his glory