Harm Reduction Lecture by Raven Hoops

Jul 27, 2024

Harm Reduction Lecture by Raven Hoops


  • Speaker: Raven Hoops
  • Topic: Harm Reduction
  • Personal Background:
    • Homeless and addicted to methamphetamines at 17.
    • Began working as a youth street outreach worker, focusing on harm reduction.
    • Has been in the harm reduction field for 20 years.

Definition of Harm Reduction

  • Key Principle: Realistic strategies to reduce harm.
  • Realism is crucial: Unrealistic expectations hinder change.
  • Meeting people where they are at:
    • Physically: Services in homeless camps, parks, etc.
    • Emotionally and Mentally: Understanding current emotional states.
    • Spiritually: Respecting their spiritual beliefs.
  • Continuum of Risk: Harm reduction operates on a continuum from risky behavior to complete abstinence.
  • Success in Small Steps: Celebrating small victories as progress.

Goals of Harm Reduction

  1. Reduce Harm: To the individual and community.
  2. Increase Quality of Life: Defined individually.
  3. Reduce Risk Behaviors: Handling risks one at a time.
  4. Celebrate Any Desirable Outcome: Any positive change is noteworthy.
  5. Active Client Participation: Engage clients actively in their own process.

Strategies for Harm Reduction

  • Client-Centered: Focus on the individual's needs.
  • Offering Choices: Provide multiple realistic options.
  • Empowerment: Encourage and support individuals’ progress.
  • Non-Judgmental: Approach clients with respect and without judgment.

Practical Harm Reduction Techniques

  • Everyday Applications: Hand sanitizers, safer driving habits, portion control, etc.
  • Sexual Behavior: Using various condoms, lube, getting tested, knowing partners, reducing the number of partners.
  • Substance Use: Reducing frequency and dosage, using new needles, safe injecting practices, cleaning drugs, ensuring hydration.
  • Injection Drug Use Process: Safe handling equipment, alcohol wipes, using sterile water, new syringes.

Harm Reduction Services (HRS) Overview

  • Location: 2800 Stockton Boulevard, Sacramento.
  • Services:
    • Syringe Exchange
    • HIV, Hepatitis C, and STD Testing
    • Medical Case Management
    • Free Basic Medical Clinic (JVMC)
    • Women's Clinic
    • Overdose Prevention and Response Training (naloxone distribution)

Statistics and Impact

  • High Rates of STDs in Sacramento County: Over 8,000 cases of chlamydia in 2013.
  • Injection Drug Users: Estimated 25,000 daily in Sacramento County.
  • Syringe Distribution: 750,000 syringes distributed in 2015.
  • HIV Rates Decreased: Injection drug user HIV rate dropped from 7% to <1%.

Overdose Prevention

  • Opioid Overdose Crisis: More deaths from opioid overdoses than motor vehicle accidents.
  • Training Programs: Recognizing and responding to overdoses, administration of naloxone.
  • Local Impact: Hundreds of overdose deaths expected annually in Sacramento County.

Conclusion and Call to Action

  • HRS Contact Information: Visit harmreductionservices.org.
  • Encouragement to Engage: Join harm reduction efforts, ongoing training, and volunteer opportunities.

Key Takeaways

  • Harm reduction prioritizes realistic, individualized strategies for reducing harm.
  • Building trust and meeting individuals where they are at is essential for successful intervention.
  • Small victories are crucial and should be celebrated.
  • Multiple services and resources are available to assist in harm reduction efforts.