the bottom line is that every sentence that you go into you want to come out of that sentence knowing exactly what the author said what i find myself doing is i'm reading each sentence i'm understanding it and then i'm rephrasing it to myself in more in plainer english it sounds weird but english that's more plain spoken to me and then i find myself also doing that throughout the passage so like let's say i'm about a third of the way the passage a third of the way through the passage i'll stop and i'll be like okay okay i get what you're saying there's these you know one group of people who think this and there's this other group of people who think that and that like reframing for me helps me stay you know on top of the passage in the sense that i i see the big picture so you need to understand the details accurately but then you need to step back and just kind of think about how they all relate together i'm not oversimplifying but i certainly am uh when i'm recapping i'm taking the information that the author has given to me and reframed it in bite-sized chunks that are just so much easier for me to understand and when i can see that in my head then when i get to the end of the passage i know what the main point is and that just that helps with really all the questions on some level so anyways just something to keep in mind as you're reading reading comp it's the section that probably requires the most just like brute force practice right you just have to practice reading practice getting better at translating these sentences which is requires mental load but it's also a section that just like anything else in your life you can on the outside you can improve just by persistently going after it right so for some of us that may be one passage a day drilling um it's extraordinarily valuable the difference between drilling one passage a day and you know not really touching it because you feel like it's overwhelming is immense like you could make serious progress once you look back after three weeks of drilling one passage a day and taking it very seriously and making sure you own that passage