foreign part two my goal is to get to 11 45. I I decided I needed a year I was originally thinking I was going to try to get to like 11.73 but I think I'm gonna I'm gonna be more realistic um I'm tired it's a long semester I'm just thinking 11 45 is more realistic the lights are powering down so we'll see if this what what that means uh all right so I've got a a new wall maybe better Acoustics we're doing an experiment I like the wall it feels very inclusive don't you agree I feel it's very it's very inclusive mind-blowing actually uh so I believe I left off an 11 10 11 11 and right about that point I think I told you that the the Tripoli had fallen if I haven't told you I guess that's where I'm starting so Tripoli had a six year long Siege it's one of the longest sieges in human history they just the Crusaders are outside they're holding the people inside are holding on they're hoping that they can get support from somewhere else and they don't and in the end they they collapse at that point there's a guy in Aleppo so in a way a lot of my story that I'm going to tell is about Aleppo Aleppo is almost it's a city but in this case it's really a character it and it and the tragedy of course is that large parts of Aleppo are completely destroyed now because of the asinine Civil War that Syria has just that's still going on and by the way Aleppo is the center of the remaining resistance so they're still fighting for Aleppo um Aleppo is an ancient city I believe it's one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities on the planet if not the oldest continuously inhabited City on the planet um it's you know it's art and it's culture are just amazing it's always been a rival in Syria economically culturally politically with Damascus Antioch and Tripoli not today of course Beirut is sort of eclipsed Tripoli but Tripoli used to be the one that was on the the what is today Lebanon pushing back because Lebanon was carved out of Syria recently it's not an old territory so when I'm I'm I'm saying Syria I'm not trying to erase Lebanese just don't I want to be clear it's just I want to use the terminology for the time period so AAA was part of this Syrian sort of competition it goes down to the Crusaders the Crusaders already captured Antioch right that's the first city they take so at that point now the Crusaders on two of the great cities in Syria they definitely also want Damascus in an Aleppo these are huge scores if they can get one of them it would be incredible if they could get both the Crusaders need them actually because what they have is Antioch and Tripoli by by 11 11. um they have Jerusalem obviously um and then they have some coastal cities like they've just captured Haifa at this point they have acre at this point they just captured cider sidon at this point so they've got some Coastal Beirut but it's not enough for them to drive their economy and they don't have enough people one of the problems with the Crusaders have is there's so few of them there's so few of them they shouldn't have been able to pull off what they did and what what they've done is in large measure they they pulled it off because they psyched the Arabs and the Muslim leaders out they saw they psyched the seljic Turks who were ruling the area out and they and they sort of pulled off through psychological warfare or something that shouldn't have been doable so they have to get past that now right because at some point psychological warfare doesn't keep working think of what that's what the Nazis did in World War II their initial successes were all psychological they just psyched the enemy out and then they would win but eventually they ran into the problem of the numbers and the numbers game was never on their side there was no way for them to compete numerically they didn't have the industrial capability they didn't have the number of soldiers and So eventually they were eaten to the Bone they were destroyed and that's what the Crusaders are facing how do they overcome this problem and Damascus and Aleppo would be a partial solution so there's a religious leader Agave he's a judge his name is so son of the wood I think that's a fantastic name the names from the time period are just amazing amazing has to be the best although shahan Shah is there too right the the the best leader of leaders like wow how did you you have to get into politics with the name like that there's no there's no is it the system of monarchies wow hey system of monarchies how's it going it's fun like what do you say to that like anyway so uh laughs I'm stuck on his name um decides he needs to somehow get somebody else involved because at this point it's 13 years that the Crusaders have been tearing the area up and they shouldn't be tearing anything up because they're so severely outnumbered he goes to Baghdad so there's something that I should have probably talked about last time but I didn't so I guess I have to introduce it now there was something really strange about this condition of the Arab world the Arab Empire by this point uh is collapsed and it's been replaced ah I thought of another Erasure thing but this is perfect about the Arab Empire so last time I said people are reluctant to say air of Empire and some of that just boils down to anti-arab hate which you know we just had a conversation about uh some of it just is part of Erasure when I said that somebody that immediately responded on YouTube actually it was other more than one person but uh that the Arab Empire was by no means Arab and what they mean is the Arabs were a tiny portion of the population so they were a small minority yeah just like the British Empire was a tiny minority of English I mean do you like India was in the British Empire like the English were this if the Indians had figured it out earlier they probably could have just ran over them squished them under their feet uh uh the Roman Empire was minority Italian the Nazi Empire was minority German the Japanese empire was minority Japanese that's what Empires do it's a group of crazy people who go to somebody else's country and steal it and and they're always then going to end up a minority if they keep grabbing more and more it so again Auntie um hey it's the only explanation for not wanting to say Arab Empire uh the other pushback is it should be called the Muslim empire well so okay so are we renaming the British Empire the Christian Empire the Anglican Empire that's what it but known in the United States is the Episcopalian Empire like I don't I don't understand are we going to go back and rename the French Empire the Catholic Empire well that's confusing because the smell so is it the Spanish Empire or the French Empire that should be the Catholic Empire and then when the Italians made an Empire when they defeated Ethiopia the second time they attacked it because they got defeated the first time uh is that the Catholic Empire I don't understand so anyway fine we got we got through that we're done with this so by the point that IBN hashab is going to there is a Khalifa in Baghdad that person it for about 200 years has been nothing more than a symbolic power they had they had no real political military or economic Authority on paper they do but in reality they didn't and when in the in the time period before the seljuk Empire starts to get founded in the seljuk Empire conquers Iraq and captures in the time period before that there was a really awkward situation actually so in North Africa um there were there were actually multiple Arab states but Egypt was ruled by the fatimids the fatimids were Shia and the fatimids claimed they had their own Khalifa and they set that up in Cairo so there's now two two people claiming to be the ultimate authority of Islam and and then in the East Persia had been carved up by multiple persianid States so there's the haznavids um this is the kakuyids there's the buoyage well the buoyage or Shia and they owned Iraq and Baghdad so they actually were in a position to force the other Khalifa to do what they wanted to so in other words the Shia were the dominant Muslim political force at that moment when the seljic Turks begin to conquer Persia they start in Horizon and they slowly conquer out 10 37 is the the date most people agree is the start of the seljuk Empire they will eventually conquer the buoyads and capture Baghdad and then they just keep going and they eventually end up attacking the fatimids the fatimids own Syria and Palestine and they began capturing Syria and Palestine as they're pushing towards the Mediterranean and they capture it they take all of Syria and Palestine from except for ascalon I think the Egyptians managed to hold on to that they take it and then they invade Anatolia and they're Conquering the Roman Empire by the time the Crusades start but that was 1037 the Crusaders arrive in the Middle East in 1098. so in other words the seljics had only been an empire for 61 years by the time they make contact with the Crusaders they'd only own that real estate for 61 years they captured Antioch from the Romans the Romans had just taken it from the Arabs and then and then nostalgics took it back from the Romans and now the Crusaders have it so what happens is because what he wants to do is he wants to shame the Khalifa in Baghdad into trying to get some of the Muslim leaders to send support at this point uh the seljuk sultanate is uh Muhammad the first and so he's not the Khalifa he's the seljic sultan he's like the prime minister in a way and then the Khalifa is like Charles III so he's he's there and he actually starts a protest that turns into a riot where they actually attack the Khalifa's Palace and what it does is it shames everybody and to the point where the Khalifa actually wants to call out an army unit to kill these people but the sultan the Celtic Sultan goes no they have a point we really should be stopping these Crusades I'm gonna do something about it and he stops the Khalifa from overreacting goes back to Aleppo to sort of take up the cause and uh Muhammad actually sends an army to to try and help sort things out when the Army arrives he finds that Aleppo is deployed an army Damascus is deployed an army Jerusalem is deployed an army and Antioch is deployed in Army Arabs and Crusaders against the Army the seljics took to fight the Crusaders the soldiers are so so angry they can't believe it like wait no we came here to help you guys fight the Crusaders you've lined up with the Crusaders to fight us they turn around they go home they're just outraged has an interesting position himself he's not Sunni either he's Shia also he plays a major role in Aleppo because he's seen as the sheer godhi and the Shia population was significant enough that there are important but there's a Twist in this story so ridwan so when we started the story ridwan was the leader of Aleppo and as this guy his brother at the [ __ ] was the leader of Damascus and they don't work together Antioch Falls those guys ridwan was himself under the influence of a a sect of Shia that I don't know how else to describe this but went off the deep end so in Egypt under the fatimids that were Shia there was a succession argument and not to get into the Weeds on the succession argument the the Khalifa The Fatima Khalifa his name was montessir um he doesn't set up his who his error is going to be or he did but his wazir his prime minister hides that information odds are he did it it was the Prime Minister and the guy that he almost certainly picked was a guy named uh Nazar and so what happens is another son becomes the the successor has the support of the state because is the wazir who's sort of pulling the strings in the last few years of Al montessir's life so when he dies he gets the younger son to become the Khalifa the older son Rebels he captures Alexandria he takes an army he goes to Cairo he's fighting his younger brother and aloftal but in the end aloftal prevails he defeats on hisar's Army he captures Nazar and he executes nazarus General and then he kills Nazar by trapping him into a confined space so they'll slowly starve or dehydrate to death well that creates the nazari sect of the ismailis who are a sect of the Shia and that nazari sect claims that he was supposed to be the next successor well one of those nazare's is a guy named hasana Sabah Asana Sabah goes to a fortress on the Caspian Sea in the elbows mountains and he captures this Fortress and there's only one way to get to it so whoever controls this Fortress through you you can't dig them out of it but he manages to capture it he creates uh I think cult is the best word for this he creates an organization of fanatics who are willing to do anything including suicidal attacks to achieve their goals that sect may or may not have been using hashish but the name gets stuck on them and they get called the hashishians and that becomes the word assassin red wine is actually not only in bed with the hashishians with the Assassins he's actually partially controlled by them and ibnel Hashem hates their guts so one of the things that he's trying to do is he's trying to get other Muslims to jump into the war to fight the Crusaders he's actually trying to convert the war into a religious War because it is for the Crusaders already and he's thinking if I can convince the Muslims that this is Islam versus Christianity maybe they'll fight because right now they're not the Muslims weren't thinking that way they saw it as an Invader but they didn't see it in religious terms so he's trying to convince people that it's a religious War he's trying to get some needs to jump into the war he's trying to keep his own Shia people in the war and then he's trying to fight the hashishians without toppling red wine because he needs ridwan because he's the guy in charge so it's this really crazy delicate balancing act that he's doing in 1113 Sultan Muhammad tries again he sends another Army this one's led by a guy named maldood so by this point the [ __ ] is dead when the [ __ ] dies his son he has two sons that become temporarily the guy in charge but his top General uh replaces the sons and takes over he's not he's not playing that game so when when shows up he goes into Damascus he's walking through the streets and somebody stabs him to death an assassin just murders him well the question is was it talked again was it ridwan ridwan is Accused by talked again talked again is Accused by ridwan was it the hershisians nobody knows it was probably talked again that's my guess and uh Celtic army goes all right you killed our commander screw you and they turn around they go back again and at that point the seljic sultan goes you're on your own I don't care what happens to you I am not wasting more armies and more generals on you I try twice to help you and you've messed it up both times the Crusaders do make another move on Aleppo they keep doing this they they'll occasionally launch an army they go to try and grab Aleppo and what they end up doing is they grab some of the towns in the area and some of the forts in the area and eventually ridwan actually goes and he pays them off so they won't try to take Aleppo but of course they still want it so they're still trying to figure out how to do this and to keep pushing in that direction and then eventually ridwan dies and when he does his son takes over his son is a guy named Alp arslan so to be clear because this is this used to confuse me I guess in a way it still does which is why I feel the need to clarify so when I when I was telling my story last time which was the Crusader part one I talked about kilija arceland that's a different guy but there's also another Alp our slum the AL parcelon the first is the second seljic sultan I'm not talking about him I'm talking about our another Alp Arsen who happens to just be the guy in charge of Aleppo years after the original owl Barcelona is dead they're not related in any meaningful way it's just name coincidence like you know like Cleopatra the Fifth and the sixth um this is my sister Cleopatra this is my other sister anyway so uh Al Barcelona the son of ridwan the ruler of Aleppo when he takes over this is my opportunity to clean house I'll get him to start killing some of these hashishins and we can maybe get rid of them and and free the city from their influence so he goes to all barcelon he's like kill that guy and kill that guy right and so all parcelon does this so he's thinking okay this is good I've got this guy and then all passed on grabs another group of people and kills them and and you know it's like no no not not them just just let's just go after the the hashishians and Al parisland grabs another group and executes them he grabs another group and executes them and it's turning into this guy has lost his mind and he goes on a two-year-long murder spree he's just slaughtering people there's only one person in the whole city who isn't terrorized of him and it's his slave Pearl look Isn't that cool that's a great name for a guy uh Pearl so uh Lola decides in 11-17 I think that's the year in my head anyway to uh stab I'll barceland to death as was necessary in that moment and he does he just he just kills him uh might have been 11 15. anyway a couple years later is walking through the streets and the hashishians take out Vengeance on him and stab him to death so it it wasn't great in the end for for but it was good for him now because he's now stopped ridwan's son from murdering everybody and he can now try to stabilize the city he effectively becomes the de facto leader he doesn't want it he's trying desperately to figure out a way to get out of this and he finally convinces the people to get out of him being in charge when look was murdered the city plunges into chaos that was 11 17. I'm pretty sure when he was murdered the city plunges into chaos and people are fighting each other there's like roving factions and people are trying to take over trying to get everybody to stop the Crusader Army is moving towards the city because they're like this is awesome kill each other it'll make it so much easier to capture your city does is he talks everybody into letting a guy named irasi take over the city he had originally thought if you could get the Atta bag of mosul to do it it would be better because muscle was closer but he he didn't think that would work so he went for LA razi um the answer bag of mardine el grazi was the guy ruling mardinian Iraq so El grazi shows up he's got an army to take his City he's been basically democratically elected the 11s went they went with idea and they invite him it's 11 18 and he gets there just in time because the Crusader Army had set up a Siege and they were about to capture the city ilgazi defeats the Crusaders drives them off I mean he beats them badly um tankrid died in 1117 he's replaced by a guy named Roger Roger is the guy who tries to capture Aleppo in that in that attack they're driven off everybody's celebrating it's very exciting there was a problem with El grazi though he really liked to drink so I don't mean like you know he got a little drunk once in a while he goes on a 20-day Bender where he's just drunk out of his mind after winning this battle and that's it he's done he will not fight the Crusaders again he spends all his time liquored up he's just hanging out in Aleppo enjoying the gardens and he'll do this until uh for three years he just basically locks Aleppo into this drunk Fest and finally his liver gives out and he dies as you would expect from somebody who drank as much as he did and that's it what should have happened when they defeated that Crusader Army is he should have immediately attacked Antioch they were in no position to defend the city in that moment but by waiting 20 days he gave the king of Jerusalem time to recover and the king of Jerusalem Baldwin II sends an army up and and and recovers the city Baldwin then decides you know what now that I've secured Antioch I'm gonna go attack Egypt now the Crusaders don't have the power to capture Aleppo they don't have the power to capture Damascus how are they going to attack Egypt they don't have the numbers they didn't Baldwin the second sorry it's Baldwin the first I keep saying the second I mean Baldwin the first Baldwin the first grabs 500 soldiers think about it what is that uh 18 classrooms full of people and he marches into Egypt he gets all the way to the Nile he takes a bath in the Nile the phantomids are so scared of 500 soldiers that they basically just retreat in front of this crazy Crusader Army it looks like he might pull it off he gets really sick he probably got belharicia anyway uh I have drunk from the Nile I did not get it don't do it though I'm insane you shouldn't do this I'm probably going to get in trouble with Egypt I love Egypt don't be mad at me don't drink from the Nile though oh jeez anyway I I know I just admitted that I did it I did it in a swan I figured I was you know 80 of the way right I all I had was the Sudan and Uganda and Rwanda and Burundi and Kenya be and Ethiopia behind me I figured I was safe you know what I mean so um foreign he gets sick they decide they got to take him back to to Palestine and they bring they bring him across the Sinai they get him back he dies he just that's it he's finished that's how he goes down so they need a new king so the they they pick Baldwin the second that's I was telegraphing Baldwin a second Baldwin the second takes over Odessa when Baldwin the first becomes king Baldwin the first is the guy who created The Little Odessa the county of Odessa that the Crusader state had which is in today uh it's split Odessa is split between turkey and Syria because when the French were were drawing the border between Syria and turkey they you know they had that napkin out and they had a crayon and they were just drawing the they didn't they didn't think about anything they were just randomly putting lines on the map as they're Drawing the Line they actually split Northern Syria off of Syria and gave it to Turkey and so that's that's why Odessa is in Turkey now instead of in Syria honestly they probably should have created a little Armenia or something but it's okay the Turks genocided them so there's no point um so Odessa is today so if you want to look it out on a map look up sunlight or for turkey it's in Turkey now but it's historically a part of Syria um so Baldwin the second comes from uh Odessa he he replaces himself with a guy named Jocelyn so Jocelyn was a guy's name like Hillary and Leslie and Ashley and Tracy all of those used to be guys names so in case you're like confused uh about me talking about Jocelyn and a guy it's just it's what we do is we switch guys names to girls names over time because parents have figured out that we're profoundly sexist and this is a mechanism for correcting the sexism by trying to help your daughter out by giving her a guy's name so that when people see the name at least she's not being discriminated against yet once they meet her they'll do it but at least up front on paper she'll have a chance but then after enough people are named Leslie enough women are named Leslie people are like is it a girl's name I didn't notice cast name and then they switch to not using it anymore so heads up on John Noah Moses all of those names will eventually become girls names um there is a solution to that we could just stop being sexist but we don't I know that'll not happen anytime soon so okay so um Jocelyn is now the guy in charge of Odessa at that point now that is dead uh uh he is replaced by balak balak I think was his cousin uh it's not his son so I I want to say it was his cousin Bala comes and uh Jocelyn decides he's going to do a military maneuver to grab something runs out with his army fights Jocelyn beats him captures him all of a sudden one of the Crusader States loses their head of state he's now a prisoner Baldwin thinks oh crap he just captured Jocelyn he takes his army up north to go liberate Jocelyn he's all he's going along the Euphrates he's got a cap set up and Baldwin the second the king of Jerusalem decides now's a good time to start doing some falconry he's got his because right there Arabs love falconry so they had taught somebody had taught the Crusaders Falconer and they're like yeah this is amazing so he's out there with his Falcon and bollock shows up with his army but he just surrounds them and Baldwin's like oh hi and now all of a sudden the guy in charge of Aleppo has physical possession of the king of Jerusalem and the count of Odessa he's just taken out two of the four Crusader leaders well the king the most important Crusader leader he's sitting on top of it everybody's starting to think this might be it this is the turning point we're gonna flip this story around you know it's like 11 25. the Crusaders have been here for 27 years and we've already captured their King what's left to do at this point um so here's what's left to do so the crusaders had captured all the city state all the cities on the Syrian Palestinian Coast except two they were still missing too they were missing askalon that the Fatimid still had it they they had tried to capture it and actually they had even gotten a Garrison into it I think in 11 11 actually uh what happened was that it surrounded the town they were going to put it under siege but the ruler was panicked because I think that's what a lot of what was going on I was just Panic people are freaking out the Crusaders are so scary with their crazy blonde hair and blue eyes ah and then they would just surrender so this guy the the leader of Escalon surrenders he allows a 300 person Garrison in he pays them thousands of dinars to get them to leave him alone and the people actually end up rising up they kill him they kill like his his guard they go over to the Citadel and they murder the Crusaders and they liberate their city so the Crusaders are so annoyed they decide to attack tear uh sewer in Arabic it's in Lebanon now it was an island but when Alexander the Great went on his narcissistic adventure to conquer the Persian Empire he wanted to conquer everything so when they got to this place they had no means to get out there because they didn't have a Navy to contest the Persian navy so he built a Causeway to the island it's still there today and it's now covered in buildings it's now a peninsula his Causeway became a permanent thing he built this well the causeway is still there so the Crusaders ride out on the causeway they build a tower and they bring the tower up they got a battering ram and they're trying to capture this place it's still 11 11 I think and uh the Arabs actually built uh a grappling hook that they dropped down and they would grab the battering ram and they would pull and that would tip the the tower so the Crusaders would have to cut the battering around free to keep the tower from falling over and then they'd attach a new battery arm and the Arabs and drop it properly hook and they grabbed that one and finally the Crusaders attached a massive battering round that was too big for the thing to catch and they got this thing and they're gone so their herbs just took oil and fecal matter and they mixed it together and they dump it on the Crusaders the Crusaders are stuck in the stench they also threw in some garbage waste just to really bring the smell home so the Crusaders are trying to get the filth off of them and then they they Light It On Fire the Crusaders are now throwing water water on this thing trying to put it out as they're doing this their arms are just dumping more oil more oil finally the tower is just an inferno and the Crusaders give up and they leave well it's now 13 years later and the Crusader King has just been captured the Crusaders don't know what to do so they decide you know what let's go take tear it's been like you know a dozen years since we tried last time let's go try again they should be able to do it this time either except something as dramatically changed for the Crusaders so one of the problems the Crusaders have had this whole time so they don't have enough people so that's driving them nuts they don't have a big economy but it's okay they're Fanatics it's amazing what fanaticism can do when you don't have money you know like you can compensate for a lack of money if your people are willing to die if you've promised them an eternity of hanging out with Jesus as their reward if they if they do this insane nonsensical War it's incredible you can move mountains so okay but they don't have a Navy and the fatimids control the Eastern Mediterranean and it causes them not only Supply problems but they they don't it messes with their ability to trade they do have nice ports but they don't the ports only work when either the Genovese or the venetians show up because the Genovese and the venetians show up with their Fleet and their Fleet is just big enough that they can fight back if they get attacked but normal trade is just not very doable because if you know it's one ship alone there's nothing to stop the Fatima it's just growing up and seizing the ship so the venetians show up and they go we're interested and the Crusaders go okay what's it going to cost us and the venetians go so for us it's about money we're not interested in this God stuff I mean we'll pay lip service to the pope but we want one quarter and the Crusaders go one quarter of what everything and the Crusaders go what do you mean everything you capture four acres we get one of them wait what yep one quarter of everything that you make one quarter of everything you do us and the Crusaders go where do we sign because they're going to get an AV and the Venetian Navy is a damn good Navy and they fine so now tear has a problem the city is on an island in the Mediterranean it didn't have a freshwater Supply underneath it so it's only way to have fresh water with cisterns where they stored it either by catching rain water or just having it brought there and then they store it there and then if the city goes under siege they have boats in the water going and getting fresh water and bringing it to the city but if the venetians show up with their Navy there's no way for the boats to go get fresh water the venetians show up with their Navy the Fatimid Fleet is in Escalon the Venetian surprise attack it sink the Fatimid Fleet go surround tear they're done they just it's just when they run out of fresh water there's no point asking the fatimates for help because they're just falling apart so they think you know what that bollock guy you know the guy that captured the Crusader kick who still has the Crusader King I have an idea let's ask him for help so bollock mobilizes his army but as he's getting ready to go fight to lift The Siege on tear man Beach goes into Rebellion the Muslim leader in charge of man page it's in Northern Syria uh isil captured it and there was a big fight in man Beach at one point so it got on the news um recently like as in you know six years ago or whatever it was seven years ago um the the balak things okay I'll go put down this rebellion in man Beach and then once I've done that I'll go lift The Siege on tear how long will it take he goes to deploy his army and then he thinks you know I'll just leave it in Siege mode and I'll take my Force to go lift The Siege on tear but I want to make sure everything's in place so he's inspecting a stray Arrow comes hits him by the clavicle and sinks in really deep he pulls it out and then he looks at his man and he goes Islam was just struck a terrible blow Falls over dad not crazy so the guy is going to take over now is a guy named timurtash timortash is ilgazi's son the drunk teamortash is like 90. he has two things on his mind and none of those two things is a lapa it's sex and alcohol that's all he cares about he hates Aleppo he wasn't born there he wasn't raised there he wants to get out as fast as he can and he does he decides I'm going back to mardine that's the town I like that's the town I know that's where I'm gonna have all that crazy sex and drunken alcohol but he owns Jocelyn and Baldwin the second so what should he do with them before he leaves here's what he does he has them brought before him he has a crown of gold he puts it on Baldwin II's head he gives him the horse that he got captured with his Hawk from falconry that he got captured with and he gives him a bunch of money he goes over to Jocelyn he gives him a bunch of money he releases them and he goes good luck and he goes back to Martin Baldwin's looking at Jocelyn gone I don't know I don't know I just do you know what just happened is this really gold it's like well this is crazy I couldn't afford this what a nice guy that guy was I'm gonna take Aleppo literally the first thing out of his mouth after trying to sort through what just happened so he goes back to Jerusalem he gets his guys together and goes hey let's go take Aleppo so the Crusader Army is on the way again is like what is going on he's trying to figure out how to save Aleppo there's got to be a way to save this city he comes up with another plan it's a guy named albersuki he sends the word to Al borsuki al-barsuki shows up with an army just as Baldwin is putting the city back under siege albersuki a taxi Army drives Baldwin away and saves the city from falling again shortly afterwards hashishan sneak up on on and they stab him to death in the street and then a few months later they sneak up on albruzuki and they kill him too I'm thinking I can't figure out what the title of this thought Crusades part two oh my God like I feel like OMG or what the hell or something because oh my God what the hell maybe that's it it's just nuts so there's no leader of Aleppo because right in between all the crazy there was always holding everything together but he's dead now that she should stabbed him to death and so Something's Gotta Give there's gotta be like a break somewhere strangely enough there is a little bit of a break because of the leader of Damascus when talked again so as talked against heading towards the exit himself because he's he's starting to get old and sick the harshitions start to take over Damascus now too so technically the Physicians have lost Aleppo right because but but they keep killing everybody so Aleppo is just in the state of chaos but now that toxicants getting old and frail and weak the hashishians take over and uh here's what happens when toxagon is dying Buri his son is going to be the next leader he's basically a puppet the hesitians are totally in charge of the city at this point bury doesn't know what to do he's trying to figure it out he's thinking all right maybe this is just my path forward I'm gonna just be this puppet of the hashishians and then I'll just bide my time until I can figure out what to do next and as he's trying to figure this out he finds out that the hesitians are planning to turn the city over to Baldwin the second they're just going to surrender it they've actually already set it up they sent a message to Jerusalem saying we're ready to turn the city over to you come get it and the reason the hesitians are doing this is because they believe their their their their religious belief is that the Shia are in sin because of what happened to the guy they thought should take over and the semi are just awful because they're not Shia and so the only way to correct this is to let the Christians punish them and so they're going to give the Crusaders Damascus because they believe this is divine punishment manifest through them and Buri finds out he freaks out he decides I'm probably going to get killed doing this but I'm going to do it anyway he base he rises up and he ma he ends up massacring them in this just daring move and he saves the city from being captured by the Crusaders and so when Baldwin shows up he's like setting up the siege he realizes he's probably not going to be able to pull it off he turns around and leaves again and so Damascus is saved this buys Aleppo some time to try and get its feet the 11s are like okay something's gonna have to give what it is we're not really sure but we need another leader from outside and so they go shopping again but think about it at this point right they've got they've had El gazi they they've had bollock they've had um isn't their fault that was just alcohol but still you know like arrow in the clavicle and hashish and stabbing you today it's not great it's not great they finally come up with a guy there's years a few years of chaos but they finally come up with their God the guy is Amada Dean zenji he is the atabag of mosul now there's a he's a problem he's not perfect his problem the reason he's a problem was because his opening move the thing that starts his career you know like you want you want that thing to be kind of like your shining thing that you put on your resume yeah I was that guy so like for example John Adams right the Revolutionary War hero his opening move is defending successfully defending the British soldiers from the Boston Massacre in the courtroom you're like wait what that seems backwards anyway John Adams is complicated so what is zenji's opening move his opening move is the Khalifa and Baghdad decides he doesn't want to just be a symbolic figure anymore he wants to have real power at a moment when the seljic sultanate is being transferred over thus uh Muhammad has died he's being replaced and end the process the Khalifa decides this is his chance he's gonna move and he makes a move what army shows up to defeat the Khalifa's Army it's zenji's Army and so he the seljuk sultan owes him because he puts down the Khalifa in his army the Khalifa runs back into his Palace and hides and he you know he's kind of Untouchable it's not like they're going to go into the palace and drag his corpse out after they kill him well not not this time um he's not completely untouchable nobody's really Untouchable you know what I mean like Frederick II went after a couple of popes for example you know what I mean like they might be close to Untouchable but is anybody really the answers no it's not how it works so anyway so that's Angie's move is opening career move but also as the leader of mosul he wants Aleppo he wants Damascus because he wants to make a little bit bigger of a territory the city is under siege again from the Crusaders and he shows up and he busts this he busts The Siege he's greeted as a hero everybody's really excited and it looks like he's going to be the guy that stabilizes everything he's enjoying Aleppo Society things are okay and then Baldwin Mason another move he decides to bring his army up the coast on his way to Antioch but here's why it's not the fight in Aleppo it's because uh the the ruler of uh Antioch has died the ruler of Antioch was bohemon the second so bomb on the first then Roger then boham on the second bohem on the second is Bo him on the first son he looked like him right these are he's a they're Vikings they're they're Normans so he's got like blonde hair and blue eyes and he wears them in braids and he's built like a viking because that's what they are they're they were the Vikings who ruled southern Italy and Sicily like he's related to Roger II the guy that curates the kingdom of Sicily and who is also a viking they're french-speaking Vikings so it's really weird you're like anyway so here he is bomb on he dies and here's why uh Baldwin has to bring his army up to Antioch because bohemon the second was married to Baldwin's daughter so her name is Alice but it's spelled a-l-i-x so most people just say Alice Elise his daughter at least decides she's gonna go into Rebellion herself and she actually launches a rebellion from Antioch here's how she does it she goes to the Greeks the syrians and the Armenians who were living in Antioch the Greeks the syrians and the Armenians are all Christian and she goes honestly who do you hate more the Muslims who used to rule you or the Christians who rule you now and she goes they say oh yeah totally the Crusaders are horrid we totally miss the days when the Muslims used to rule us any day we will bring them back she goes so my mother was Armenian my dad was a crusader it's Baldwin the king right that guy I'm born and raised here I'm one of you if you will follow me let's do a rebellion and let's break Antioch away from the Crusaders and let's do our own thing and they're like you're going to betray your dad she's like I am there I hate these people so much when when mohomon died in battle it was a good thing by the way just for the record when bohemon died they cut his hair off and sent it to the Khalifa in a glass case because they were because his his blonde hair was so cool in braids like that they thought that was really neat so they just sent it to him as a gift thoughtful thoughtful Mother's Day gift it's coming up it's like the perfect Mother's Day gift boham on the second's hair um so she Rises up so Baldwin the second is coming to put down his daughter's uprising as he's a as he's reaching Antioch he sees a knight a really well-dressed Knight riding up he's like okay what is this this is strange they captured the night he had on him a letter the letter was from Alice to zenji and it said I need you to help me I'm gonna rebel against my dad and I'm Gonna Give You Antioch and let's let's go back to the old way oh since he never gets the letter because her dad does her dad kills the night because it storms the city the daughter puts up a fight but it's not enough she needed zenji's help and uh they recapture the city that's the end of his daughter's Rebellion so kind of sad but it's okay she had an eight-year-old daughter so the eight-year-old daughter her grandfather marries her off so that there can be a new ruler for Antioch that's not his daughter and they bring in a guy named Raymond it's not the Ryman from earlier because that's that guy's dead it's a neorimond it's okay she was eight it's not you know what I mean it's not all right it's really horrible um so so anyway zenji is watching that Army go by and thinking wow this is crazy these people are crazy like they turn on each other like we do at that point something shocks everybody John come nenos the Roman Emperor decides he's done he launches an army he's coming through Anatolia he's headed straight towards Aleppo zenji mobilizes his army he's ready to go and he he brings it out he's gonna fight as he's out he's heading towards Antioch uh a letter arrives from the Roman Emperor and it says it's not for you I sent the Army because I'm gonna go take out Antioch I'm going to put down these Crusaders zenji's like all right you guys gonna kill each other that's cool I'm okay with that I mean Baldwin's daughter just tried that so let's see how this works out so he goes and he's like cleaning up forts in the area grabbing them using the opportunity to sort of solidify his power base and as he's doing that uh the Crusaders start negotiating with him and they talked him out of taking out Antioch and instead they form an alliance so now Baldwin II is bringing an army up because now the Crusader army with the Roman Empire a Roman army are going to attack zenji so zenji finds out and here's the deal that the Roman Emperor had made he was going to help them capture or or just outright by himself capture one of these major cities like Aleppo and then he's going to hand it over to uh the Crusaders as a gesture of Goodwill and that'll be that'll be the basis for their Alliance well zenji goes and he sends a message to the Crusaders he says dude if the Roman Emperor captures any City in the area he's never gonna give it to you you guys are not he's here to reassert Roman dominance over the area he is not here to help you guys in any way shape or form you have got to stop him from doing this in the meantime he sends a letter to the Roman Emperor saying you can't work with these guys they're insane they backstab each other they will backstab you this isn't going to work you can trust me though in the meantime he he sends word back to all the leaders in the area the leader of Damascus he sends word to Baghdad you need to send an army and you need to send it right now I'm going to be fighting the Romans and the Crusaders at the same time I don't have the people to do this he then takes his army and he gets it behind the Roman army and he starts harassing the roman armor he can't fight them had on he doesn't have the numbers and then the Romans will turn around and come chase them and they'll run off and they'll strike them from Another Side and harass them and the Romans will turn to move after him and he'll run off he's just total harassment mode while he's waiting for Muslim armies to come reinforce them while he's trying to split the Crusaders off from the Romans they they get a city I don't remember the name of the city they they get a city that they surround uh uh it's a city in Anatolia they surround it they're going to capture it and eventually they're lobbing they've set up manganels they're firing rocks into the wall and eventually they the Crusaders are like yeah we're not interested in working with you anymore and and the Roman Crusader Alliance falls apart and zinji just walks away with this really cool victory that he hardly had to work for uh it was just diplomacy more than Warfare and the Roman Roman army turns it on and goes home irritated and annoyed at the Crusaders and that's that was that little Adventure at that point zenji turns his attention on Damascus he's starting to think I own mosul I own Aleppo if I own Damascus then I wouldn't have to deal with and worry about these Crusaders very much and then I could secure Damascus and I wouldn't have to worry about it falling apart down the road so bury has died he's been replaced by his son Ismail Ismail is a basket case he goes very similar path uh that the 11 Alp arslan went down where he's like just killing people he goes totally paranoid so it's like a Stalin purges kind of paranoia where you know people are naming each other and he's just oh yeah I'll kill them if they're a threat and as this is going on it becomes clear that he is now negotiating with of all people the Crusaders again so he's kind of going down the path the hesitians were going down his mother finds out when his mother finds out that her son Ismail is going to do this she freaks out by the way zenji had told her I'm willing to work with you if you can work with me she rejects his offer he has an army he brought it up he's ready to take the city over she's like no but she kills her sought and then she replaces her son with another son hoping that'll stabilize things zenji's like all right I'm going to fight you he goes uh he goes and he captures homes and then after he captures homes he swings into balbach which was the last city that Damascus on that wasn't Damascus and he puts balbec Under Siege in the meantime I don't remember the the next son's name uh he sends word to Baldwin saying I'm in trouble I need help so Baldwin mobilizes an army to defend Damascus against zenji there they make these major concessions uh they and then so by the time zenji gets his army to Damascus he's he's got a problem he's got the city under siege but the but the Crusader Army shows up he's worried he's going to get trapped between the two I skipped a zenji story so a few years earlier before this uh uh I'm forgetting his name almost Rashid the Khalifa in Baghdad the one that did the Rebellion that was zenji's opening thing he does another Rebellion a few years later zenji brings down an army to put the same Khalifa down a second time but he gets defeated the second time his army is so destroyed by the Khalifa's Army he actually barely escapes and in fact he has he's like running on foot because I think he loses his horse there's a Turkish officer in the area he ushers him into a place of hiding and gets him to escape that Turkish officer wasn't a Turk at all but he was working for the Turks he was a kurd named Ayub and zenji never forgets that Ayub saved him so after he's captured ball back he gifts it to Ayub this is important because of the third lecture that it hasn't happened yet but will happen that name is coming back so I'm planting a seed here so balbucknow is under ayub's control zenji turns to him and says I'm coming back I'm gonna get you this I'm going to get Damascus but it's not my turn this time but then he gets a letter I'm trying to remember her name I want to say her name means Emerald what's emerald that's not right crap anyway whatever Emerald is I think that was what her name translates into uh I feel like it starts with a d but anyway she's uh uh she sends a letter to zenji and she says you know what I've reconsidered remember three years ago when you offered to take over Damascus to calm things down what is it that sounds like that's it and it doesn't start with a D it's perfect uh so he she sends him a letter and says I'm interested he goes what do you what are you thinking and she goes why don't we get married and then I just turn the city over to you he goes okay and so he brings his army out they have the wedding ceremony he gets married and then he's like all right are you gonna hand the city over and she goes no because my son won't hand it over they stay married for about a year he realizes this isn't working out he divorces her and then he decides he's gonna try a different approach He he'll try a couple more times but with the Crusaders defending the city he just can't break it and then something interesting happens Jocelyn II who's replaced Jocelyn the first as the count of Odessa that guy uh makes a mistake a military mistake zenji realizes this is his chance he races up to Odessa he attacks Odessa and he and he captures the city all of a sudden the first Crusader state has just been taken out permanently in 1144. so at that point now there were four Crusader States they're down to three Jocelyn escapes he dies like 15 years later like he gets to live a nice long happy life but he's lost his Crusader state and so at that point what zenji now has is mosul Aleppo balback Holmes and he has uh Odessa he's carved together a little bit of a state where there wasn't one in a in a place in the seljuk Empire which is literally falling apart because in the meantime the seljic Empire is plunging into Civil War and the Civil War is so bad it will only the Celtic Empire will only exist for like another 50 years it literally just tears itself to pieces so it was a short run the whole thing was a short run it was poorly rotten and it falls apart but actually what's really crazy is it started off really glorious so not only were the first tokoro the first and then Al parcelon the first nostalgic Sultans not only were they really amazing guys who just carved an Empire out of nothing Al parislam made his wazir nazima nizamal Mulk wasn't just a political leader he was a philosopher he was he was brilliant he wrote the siasana the Sia satnam was this book that explained how you should be a leader a couple of centuries later it's going to read that book and a lot of whatever comes up with it is directly drawn from that and then two centuries after that a guy named Colo machiarelli is going to read that book and he's going to turn around and write two books The Prince and the discourses on Libby largely based on what he read from nizamal's book in other words even though the Celtic Empire is just coming apart at the seams and I'm telling you this horrible story of these guys turning on each other and backstabbing and there's assassins running around and at the drop of a hat they're they're betraying each other and working with the Crusaders or they're working against Crusaders and the Romans right in the beginning there was actually this really glorious moment but not by this point those fights of the Khalifa have triggered a Civil War and now there's a line of succession the the Celtic state is basically splitting two and then zenji's thinking I'm kind of on my own he's carved out his own state within a state he has a state with right he's still technically is seljic he's never not been nostalgic but he's ruling this territory with his own Army his own military his own economic system and one year after he captures the Dasa he dies but he has established something he's planted a seed and it's slowly turning into a tree and he's been on the scene now for a long period of time right all the other leaders are like the leader of the place for three years before they're stabbed to death or an arrow kills them or they drink to death this guy goes for decades hahaha as a result and with that seed I planted with Ayub and balbek what's going to happen next in part three is a little bit of recovery um but before that happens when Odessa goes down the pope calls for a Second Crusade and the Second Crusade is going to be another wave of Crusaders who are going to march across Europe now at some level this is a reinforcement Crusade the the soldiers coming are are going to reinforce the existing Crusader States but they do have as a goal the to recapture Odessa they they won't they're not going to pull it off one of the Crusaders who's coming is a German named Frederick Barbarossa Redbeard Frederick Redbeard he's the only commander who will participate in two Crusades he'll also come on the Third Crusade um so anyway that's where I'm going to end this because I don't I said I was going to get to 11 45 and I did I I even killed emada din zenji like I'm feeling like I achieved my goal I got us there and I've even triggered the Second Crusade which we will cover in part three I guess that's kind of wrong we should have covered the Second Crusade in part two but there's no point at this point it right when you think about it though the Crusades themselves only last a short period of time and then the Crusaders Rampage in between the Crusades um and for the record I'm doing par four parts there's part there's only three Crusades that arrive in the Middle East so when I cover the third crusade in part four I love still you see what I mean it'll still work I'll also cover The Fourth Crusade in part four but the Fourth Crusade never makes it which is why it's such a cool Crusade and totally worth talking about we're going there and then they don't they go there and it's you know like wow did you get lost oh you have an American public school geography knowledge I know what this is yeah questions 11.99 will be it will yeah it will be in part three yeah so 1187 that's that's the year I'm excited to talk about personally but uh so then when part four I'll be I'm really going to be covering uh yeah I guess you're right the Third Crusade will be in part three because that's the Third Crusade well 1187 is the end of the Third Crusade so I don't know we'll see how it goes maybe I'm being too ambitious with part three I think I can get us to 1187 in part three maybe I won't get to 11.99 I'll try 12 58 100 should be in part four 12 58 1291 I'm thinking that's part four that's my plan we'll see maybe there'll be a part five all this backstabbing and cruelty surely it's joyous like you you're getting something out of it right no all right thanks any other questions okay good all right thanks [Applause] [Music] foreign