ന്യായപരമായി പ്രാവർത്തിക ലാറ്റിൻ പദങ്ങൾ

Oct 9, 2024

HICO Test - Legal Terms Lecture Notes

Channel Introduction

  • Adar 24x7 Malayalam YouTube channel
  • Previous session received overwhelming response
  • Discussion on various legal topics including Hindu papers and legal vocabulary

Legal Terms in Latin

  • Focus on Latin legal terms that are important for exams

Key Latin Terms

  1. Ab Initio

    • Meaning: From the beginning/start
    • Usage: Refers to the starting point of something.
  2. Actus Reus

    • Meaning: The illegal act itself
    • Example: Committing a theft.
  3. Ad Hoc

    • Meaning: For a specific purpose
    • Usage: Often used in political contexts for committees formed for specific tasks.
  4. Ad Idem

    • Meaning: In agreement with
    • Context: Used in court when stating agreements based on previous cases.
  5. Ad Infinitum

    • Meaning: Forever or endlessly
    • Context: Often used to describe situations that persist indefinitely.
  6. Adjourned Signed Eye

    • Meaning: A term used for stopping or breaking a session in court.
  7. Ad Valorem

    • Meaning: In proportion to the value
    • Context: Commonly used in taxation discussions.
  8. Alibi

    • Meaning: Evidence that proves a person was elsewhere when a crime was committed.
  9. Bona Fide

    • Meaning: Genuine or in good faith
    • Context: Used in legal records to indicate sincerity.
  10. Bona Vacantia

    • Meaning: Goods or land without an owner
    • Context: Property that will go to the state if unclaimed.
  11. Caveat

    • Meaning: A warning, often used in legal contexts.
  12. Corpus Delicti

    • Meaning: The body of a crime, including evidence and facts.
  13. De Facto

    • Meaning: In fact; the actual state of affairs.
  14. De Jure

    • Meaning: Lawfully; according to law.
  15. Lex

    • Meaning: Law in Latin.
  16. De Minimis non Curat Lex

    • Meaning: The law does not concern itself with trivial matters.
  17. Et Cetera (etc.)

    • Meaning: And other things; used to indicate additional items not listed.
  18. Per Pro

    • Meaning: On behalf of; commonly used in legal representation contexts.
  19. Pro Rata

    • Meaning: In proportion to; used for distribution based on contribution or entitlement.
  20. Res Ipsa Loquitur

    • Meaning: The thing speaks for itself; used when the facts of the case are clear.
  21. Sub Judice

    • Meaning: Under judicial consideration; not to be discussed publicly.
  22. Subpoena

    • Meaning: A court order requiring someone to attend court.
  23. Terra

    • Meaning: Land; often used in legal discussions about property.
  24. Ultra Vires

    • Meaning: Beyond one's powers; used to describe actions taken outside of legal authority.


  • Emphasis on understanding legal terminology for exams.
  • Importance of these terms in legal discussions and their application in the court.
  • Encouragement to continue studying and sharing the knowledge gained.
  • Reminder to like and share the video.