Fog Accountancy Tutorials: Accounting for Issue of Shares
- Focus: Accounting for the issue of shares
- Excludes: Detailed theory on company accounts (definition, regulations, types, etc.)
- Types of Companies:
- Company limited by shares
- Company limited by guarantee
- Unlimited company
- Public company vs. Private company
Characteristics of Companies
- Limited Liability: Common in both public and private companies
- Public Company:
- Can issue shares to the public
- Unlimited number of shareholders
- Private Company:
- Limited number of shareholders (1 to 50)
- Does not issue shares publicly
Shares and Share Capital
- Share Definition: Right to ownership of a company
- Types of Share Capital:
- Authorized Share: Max number of shares a company can issue
- Issued Share: Portion of authorized shares actually issued
- Subscribed Share: Portion of issued shares that are bought
- Paid-up Share: Portion of subscribed shares that are paid for
Share Values
- Par Value Shares: Value assigned at registration
- No Par Value Shares: Value assigned at issuance based on market conditions
Share Issuance Process
- Stages:
- Application
- Allotment
- Calls (First call, Second call, etc.)
- Double Entry Accounting:
- Debit bank account, Credit relevant share account (e.g., application, allotment)
Worked Example: Leonardo Limited
- Scenario: Issue of 20,000 ordinary shares at $2 each
- Installment Breakdown:
- Application: $0.50/share
- Allotment: $0.80/share
- First Call: $0.30/share
- Second Call: $0.40/share
- Double Entry Steps:
- Debit bank, Credit application (on application)
- Debit bank, Credit allotment (on allotment)
- Debit bank, Credit first call (on first call)
- Debit bank, Credit second call (on second call)
Journal Entries and Transfers
- Transfers: From temporary accounts (application, allotment) to stated capital
- General Journal Entries: Reflect each double entry including narrative
- This session covered the basics of accounting for the issue of shares
- Future lessons will cover advanced topics such as oversubscription, forfeiture of shares, and shareholder accounts
Action Items
- Subscribe to the channel for updates and more lessons
- Read further on the theoretical aspects of company accounts
Remember to review these notes and practice double entries and journal entries as discussed during the session.