Building a Web3 Crowdfunding Platform

Jul 2, 2024

Building a Web3 Crowdfunding Platform

Introduction: Importance of Web3

  • Web3 potential to revolutionize the internet.
  • Building first blockchain application early in trend.
  • Crowd funding platform with stunning design.
  • Integration of blockchain and smart contracts.
  • Interaction with MetaMask and sending Ethereum.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand Web3, blockchain, Solidity, and smart contracts.
  • Create user interface with Tailwind CSS.
  • Follow UI/UX best practices for responsive design.
  • Develop and deploy a fully functional crowdfunding application.


  • Beginner-friendly course.
  • Basic React knowledge required.
  • No prior Web3, blockchain, or Solidity knowledge needed.

Project Overview

  • Connect React application to blockchain with MetaMask.
  • Write smart contracts in Solidity for Ethereum.
  • Build a full-fledged Web3 application.
  • Create, view, and donate to campaigns via blockchain.
  • Use of Thirdweb library for simplification.

Steps to Build the Project:


  • Create a new empty folder "crowdfunding".
  • Drag into Visual Studio Code (VS Code).

Frontend Setup

Initial Setup

  • Create a React app with Tailwind CSS.
  • Structure app using Flexbox for responsive design.
  • Utilize Tailwind CSS for styling.

Sidebar Development

  • Create Sidebar component.
  • Sidebar with navigation links and user profile.
  • Utilize SVG icons and static assets.

Navbar Development

  • Create Navbar component.
  • Add connect button for MetaMask.
  • Responsive design with toggle menu for mobile view.

Home Page Development

  • Create home page to list crowdfunding campaigns.
  • Integrate with backend to fetch campaigns.
  • Display campaigns using reusable components.

Backend Setup

Smart Contract Development

  • Write smart contract in Solidity.
  • Develop and deploy using Thirdweb.
  • Use Structs to define campaign details.
  • Map campaigns to creator addresses.

Web3 Integration

  • Use ThirdWeb SDK for simplified contract interaction.
  • Connect wallet using MetaMask.
  • Implement functions to create and donate to campaigns.

Data Handling

  • Parse and format data for user-friendly display.
  • Handle form input and submission.
  • Validate form data (e.g., image URL).


Deploy Smart Contract

  • Use Thirdweb dashboard for contract deployment.
  • Copy contract address for frontend integration.

Deploy Frontend

  • Use Netlify or Hostinger for frontend deployment.
  • Drag and drop build folder to deploy.


  • Built a functional Web3 crowdfunding platform.
  • Learned foundational Web3 and blockchain concepts.
  • Implemented a full-stack application with React, Solidity, and Thirdweb.
  • Deployed both backend and frontend successfully.
  • Encouraged to further explore Web3 technologies and build more projects.