I want to show you what sometimes people do to me, okay I go this and they push back on me to come up so yeah we don't want to do that either right so just this balance both up and down where you're just you know there's there it's like a dance right and you do it and there's no bullying [Music] Hey everybody welcome back to to our Channel we are For Pilate Sake and today Matilda and I are going to cover spine stretch okay all right let's set ourselves up shall I do it yeah absolutely okay so we're sitting up nice and tall if the hamstring length is available to you it if it is not if you happen to have a raised mat like we do obviously you can just swing your legs off to the side and any level of pad to sit on yoga block, large book, a rolled up yoga mat endless items just so you can get totally straight in the spine we don't want anybody hanging back that's not good posture and or good alignment no , so should we'll go for the full thing and then maybe we'll break down, I think so yeah, I think so okay right so we've got nice and wide with the legs like Veronica said sitting up nice and tall to start so you're basically right on top of your sit bones to start and I think it's important here when you guys are setting yourself up is just to start to feel inside of you whether you tend to, like Veronica said, kind of sit back in your low back a little bit too much or whether you tend to hyperextend so you really want to feel like you can stack your head over your ribs, over your pelvis and in an ultimate setup if you have a wall behind you or if you have someone you can sit against that's a nice way of like getting feedback especially sitting against people cuz sometimes I've done that with clients and they bully me and I'm like no, no, no don't bully me so that's when you either have to bend their knees or prop them up and we'll maybe show them that after we do this you and I can do that you can do it with right because we'll see we'll let you know why that happens so but anyways this is the setup we'll just do the breath real quick so that you can get a sense of where this goes so it's basically just an inhale to float the arms up the blades stay nice and heavy and then as you exhale it's spinal flexion so if you can think of the spine flexing top going forward bottom coming under and then she's going to inhale and she's going to stack herself all the way back up again and then she's going to exhale and as she comes down just going to give her a little bit of real flexion here excellent there how's that feel awesome and then stack back up cuz as you'll see with Veronica she is a lot more flexible than me so I'm just giving her feedback because I know she can just sit in the hip joint and by sitting in the hip joint we just ignore the spine completely exactly so I'm did you like that yeah let's do it again let's do it again felt good right so there's her inhale she expands her lungs gets her ribs up nice and ready and then as she exhales and she comes down all I'm doing is I'm drawing her head into her thoracic I think you can see in the camera here that she has to stay back in her flexion otherwise watch she'll come a little bit more forward that's just really hanging in the hip joint rather than creating so that's hip flexion versus spinal flexion, yeah, and I think ultimately I mean we want to get through every joint of the spine and if you can then the hip would be the very last joint you would flex that but it is true people tend to hang there first the other thing that they'll do is they'll roll back to spine stretch and that's when we are not using our flexors cuz I very much much felt my belly and my psoas when you did that this is just I'm just hanging out everything's hanging out I'm over stretching my back it does not have support and in no flexion exercise this is a prep exercise for more flexion do we want to be doing that no and what Veronica is talking about right there which a lot of us sometimes don't even know is that there is a difference between rounding and flexing which is I think something we can talk about at a later date because it's quite a thing but in short rounding is just taking the tissues of your back line and over stretching the tissue right and flexion is actually engaging the flexors of the spine and creating flexion through the vertebrae so rounding happens behind you and flexion happens in front of you all right so let's go back to back yeah so that we can show them what we do with our clients right so if you want you can do this with your clients you're going to go back to back right so you're going to do the same hold setup so see how Veronica and I right here at the bottom rib we are going to try to keep our bottom around here yeah connected okay so we can't push into each other we're basically just connecting and keeping it there so we're going to inhale the arms are going to float up as we exhale rib cage we're flexing forward ribs go forward sacrum comes under and then we'll bring it back so I feel like I've lost her yep come back toward there okay yep and then you stack back up again yeah okay how's that feel good hello good so if we even just gently yes it's like find it's almost kind of like you guys you want right here to be connected sorry me okay and then her sacrum can slide towards her heels my sacrum towards my heels my ribs towards my toes and her ribs towards her toes and just kind of trying to create just a balance between top and bottom basically top and bottom absolutely yeah all right so I want to show you what sometimes people do to me okay go this and they push back on me to come up so yeah we don't want to do that either right so just this balance both up and down where you're just you know there's there it's like a dance right and you do it and there's no bullying that happens it feels kind of nice the nice warmth there too and just last but not least I would like to say watch what happens with your feet and again you know this is our perspective just today there's lots of things we can say but a lot of times because people don't have the length in the backline of their body they start to point or they rotate their legs out and in and then we're not getting a true balanced stretch we can say through the back line but I think that's it for today that's a lot of information yeah okay thanks for joining us yeah see you next time