George Eliot’s Old Grandfather
Rode A Pig Home Yesterday. Mnemonics are great for trying to
remember our 4th grade spelling words. But actually deciding what that word
geography means is a bit trickier. Sure, we memorize state and world capitals
[because everyone’s impressed if you can rattle them off - like the capital of Canada?
Ottawa.] Or we learn that rivers flow downhill or that the US imports more than 3 billion
pounds of bananas from Guatemala each year. And those are cool factoids, but
that’s not all Geography is.
Geography helps us answer bigger questions like
"what's the story of the Earth?", "how do humans change their environments?", and "why, of all
places, did that huge mountain form there?" There's a lot to cover in this series
because geography encompasses all 4.5 billion years or so of the Earth's history
and even makes predictions about our future. So we’re going to do our best to highlight
the weirdest, most awe-inspiring parts. I’m Alizé Carrère and welcome
to Crash Course Geography. Let’s take a closer look at that last factoid
I threw out and... go a little bananas. It might come in handy at a trivia game to know
the volume of the US-Guatemala banana trade, but there must be more to the story.
Like, why Guatemala? And why bananas? In geography, we use those questions
to better understand the connections between us and the physical world.
So today, let’s start in Guatemala. We think of the land now called
Guatemala as part of Central America, a region between North and South America
that's covered with dense rainforests and incredible biodiversity.
To look just at Guatemala, we’d jump between 13°45’ and 17°48’ north
latitude and 88°14’ and 92°13’ west longitude. We could even give the absolute location,
or geographic coordinates, of different geographic points of interest in Guatemala, from
Volcan de Fuego to the Mayan ruins at Tikal. From there we might notice the physical
environment -- like the climate, the landforms, or the rivers and waterways.
Guatemala is a mountainous country with both recently active and long dormant volcanoes
that have provided rich, fertile soil. With soil like this, it seems like there’s
no shortage of options for what would grow, and yet...bananas. It turns out, to be successful, bananas need
to grow at a temperature between 20 and 35 degrees celsius -- Guatemala’s tropical regions
range between 18 and 35 degrees. Bananas need about 170 centimeters of rain a year -- most of
Guatemala gets between 70 and 200 centimeters. And bananas need well-drained soils rich
i n potassium -- Guatemala's volcanoes spew rocks rich in iron, magnesium,
and -- you guessed it -- potassium. What we’re doing here is identifying the space,
or the features and relationships that occur in a given area. Basically it’s the cold, hard facts
about a specific location on Earth’s surface. We need to pinpoint where we’re interested in, before we can start to answer
why various things happen there. Working with the idea of space is one of
the defining characteristics of geography, and we’ll get into even more
specifics in later episodes. Historically, maps, and more recently, satellite images are tools that
help define and quantify space. But there are plenty of non-spatial things
we might already have in our minds about Guatemala and Central America. For example,
that it’s long been home to large populations of indigenous peoples including Mayan
groups like the K’iche’, Kaqchikel, and Mam, and non-Mayan groups like the Xinca.
Or that it’s a region known for its history of empires like the Mayan or
those created by Spanish colonizers. Guatemala has been known by many names
including Cuauhtēmallān, a name given to the area by Tlaxcalan warriors accompanying
Spanish Conquistadors. Like almost any land or mountain or stretch of sea, “Guatemala”
means different things to different people. It’s a place, or somewhere that has attached
value, meaning, and emotion to it that can’t be measured. It’s subjective, for sure,
but a place can be observed and described to others. We can think of place as the
significance attached to a particular space. So as we try to better understand the significance
of bananas and how they fit into Guatemala, the space and the place, we’d learn bananas actually
aren’t native to Guatemala or even the Americas. Explorers and missionaries brought bananas
to Central America in the 1500s from the areas near present-day Indonesia and Papua
New Guinea where bananas grow natively. Thinking about where bananas
can grow in Guatemala and why adds another layer to our
geographical investigation. After all, almost one out of every three people in the
workforce works in agriculture as of 2020. So the next chapter in the “Geography
of Guatemalan Banana Imports” story is thinking about interactions
humans have with the environment. In geography, human-environment interactions
are all the ways humans connect with and live within the environment and the impact
the environment has on lives, choices, and experiences of people.
This is key to geographers. So in Guatemala, where there’s enough
flat land and fertile soil and it’s not too hot or cold or dry or wet, humans
might decide to grow bananas. But that still doesn't tell us how bananas
came to be one of the main crops grown in Guatemala or why there’s so much
trade in bananas specifically with the US. If we think about demand economics, one answer
for why the US imports more than 3 billion pounds of bananas from Guatemala each year is because
there are no tariffs or import restrictions, and transportation costs are fairly low. Other banana hotspots like Ecuador,
Panama, and India are a bit farther away, so transportation is more expensive.
The greater the ocean distance, the higher the price. But
that’s not the whole story. To this day, the agriculture industry
in Guatemala relies on the plantation, which is a large scale commercial enterprise that
just produces one crop and mostly exports it. Plantations arrived in Guatemala with
European explorers colonizing the Americas. But they can also be found in other parts of the
world that experienced colonialism, like cocoa plantations in the West Indies, tea plantations
in Sri Lanka, and cotton plantations in the US. No matter where they’re located, using
plantations has had long lasting consequences we still contend with today. To peel back
the layers, let’s go to the Thought Bubble. Bananas first became popular as a “rare and
delicious treat” in the United States in the late 19th century --even though they’d long
been a diet staple in many tropical regions.
Sensing an opportunity, American businessmen like Minor C. Keith and Andrew Preston started
importing them from around Latin America. The two men were forced to merge their
lucrative banana empires in 1899. Tropical Trading and Transport Company in
Central America joined with the Boston Fruit Company that dominated the Caribbean, creating
the soon-to-be-infamous United Fruit Company. Along with others, it would become so
powerful that in 1901 the author O. Henry described countries like Honduras
and Guatemala as “banana republics”-- a reference to the vast control the fruit
companies wielded over many nations. For example, in 1904, Keith, as vice
president of United Fruit, signed an exclusive deal with President Manuel Estrada
Cabrera that gave the company tax-exemptions, land grants, and control of all railroads
on the Atlantic side of Guatemala. By the 1930s United Fruit was the
largest landholder in Guatemala. Across Latin America they became embroiled in
violent disputes, like the 1928 Banana Massacre in Colombia that was immortalized in Gabriel Garcia
Marquez’s great novel, “100 Years of Solitude.” Or the 1934 Great Banana Strike that eventually
led to the creation of trade unions in Costa Rica. Or in 1954 when they lobbied the US government
to stage a coup and depose the Guatemalan president when hoarded United Fruit land
was being redistributed. Which the US did. They had to be politically
involved to keep control. A US-backed military dictatorship
didn’t actually help their stock value, but such a big and profitable company
had connections across the US government and were able to set up agreements that
persist in some form or other today. Which means that the US still gets
most of its bananas from Guatemala. Thanks Thought Bubble! It might seem like
we’ve confused History for Geography, but the sordid past of the
banana isn’t in the past at all. You might not have heard of United Fruit, but
you’ve probably seen the label in grocery stores or heard of Chiquita bananas. The United
Fruit Company eventually became Chiquita Brands International in 1984, which is still
the number one US supplier of bananas today. Basically, banana plantations have had a
huge influence on the unequal distribution of land and wealth, leading to peasant
uprisings, repressive military regimes, and the growing economic
inequalities in Guatemala. Entire books could be written
on the last 150 years of banana trade and they’d read like political thrillers. So with fertile soil, the political power
structure, the rise of colonialism, and Europeans swooping in to create plantations...bananas
have been stamped into Guatemalan history. Wow! All that from just one little factoid about a fruit you can buy in pretty much
any corner store across the US. I told you that Geography was complicated! And
every factoid actually has a story behind it. But there are always more questions.
Like, if we focus on the environment part of human-environment interactions, what’s the
environmental impact of these large plantations? And this is just Guatemala. What about the other
places in the world where bananas grow – Costa Rica, Panama, and the Dominican Republic. What’s
the story associated with their banana exports? And that’s why just the factoid you
learned in 4th grade alone isn’t geography. Geography is that factoid and
the story that surrounds it. We just looked at the geography of bananas, but
we could have done the same thing for chocolate. Or the Nile River valley. Or
heat islands in the Chicago area. The Earth has so many stories, and
geography is here to tell them! Clearly, the world is complicated. But
in geography we try to look at the big picture – the confluence of space,
place, and the human and environment interactions and how they’ve overlapped
to bring us this far into the story. This is what makes geography
a spatial science – it’s all about how things vary from place
to place and asking “why here?” No two places are the same, but when we ask
questions to learn more about one place, we just might be able to explain
what is happening in another place. Of course, geographers are going to
make mistakes because we’re curious, imperfect, wonderful humans. And there will
be so many more moments where we go bananas and realize what we thought was just a
cool fact actually has a huge backstory. There’s a whole team working on Crash Course
Geography trying hard to avoid making mistakes, but we also know that when we tell
a story we make certain assumptions, or we have to leave out facts to make sure there's
a beginning, middle, and end in a 10 minute video. So as we move through this series and
learn together, let’s all try to think about the interconnectedness of Earth and
its peoples and economies and histories. And the fact that a banana factoid can
be way more complicated than we expect. That’s what will make us all a little
more thoughtful and geographically aware. So, what is geography? It’s so much more than just
identifying cities and countries and capitals on a map. Geographers look to find connections between
the physical processes at work on Earth’s surface (and under the surface too) and how
people use and interact with the Earth. Next time, we’ll look at one of the
most useful tools that geographers use: maps. Maps tell their own story, and can even
be made specifically to tell a particular story. Many maps and borders represent modern
geopolitical divisions that have often been decided without the consultation, permission,
or recognition of the land's original inhabitants. Many geographical place names also don't
reflect the Indigenous or Arboriginal peoples languages. So we at Crash Course want
to acknowledge these peoples’ traditional and ongoing relationship with that land and all the
physical and human geographical elements of it. We encourage you to learn about
the history of the place you call home through resources like
and by engaging with your local Indigenous and Aboriginal nations through the
websites and resources they provide. Thanks for watching this episode of
Crash Course Geography which was made with the help of all these nice people.
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