what defines a good Warhammer Lord to me it's definitely the highest you have cheer the defender of Alana aor over ra and then there's testicle he doesn't really do much except for this [ __ ] tortion so anyways I decided to play as him and we got to work on trying out some of the B tier Lords but I quickly realized why people don't play the high eles outside of alwan it's it's [Music] [Music] awful H bro oh not again I'm going to suffer bro I'm going to suffer it's Brut you know what you got a lot of high of haters just play the highs you know what play Tech play techlist I was thinking teist Me and Charlie could be could dab each other up bro I don't think it's going to work how you think it's going to cuz last time I fumbled so hard what could go wrong man what could go wrong so Tas has nothing on him mhm he literally he's got nothing yep hey man Owen got to moon dragons with him so I think you can man F he's very basic figure it out idiot I'll be taking over The Fortress of dawn for you buddy we got lots of cool spells and stuff you know I guess so I guess he's got some magic prepared I'm just wondering how his uh who you know God damn it then I get this [ __ ] cman I got a goddamn recruitment place now I got to break that building y cha you shoot yourself mean okay buddy I'm going to fuing defender of TR pull the goddamn laces out of your boots bro oh [ __ ] I might lose Bon hopefully none of you guys put a Outpost there what I've never built an outpost for like the last time we played it all I I have not built an outpost foron brettonia is not worth an outpost I'm sorry oh that's fair that's fair I I hang on hang on hang on I I don't even have enough to do that never mind but you're on your own I need to save my money for more important things why oh oh it's TR what happened ra I was going to hop in that cement the chaos does took them how the chaos do wounded can you take them not really oh not really I'm jering a hey yo can we get a loaded back if this doesn't go good for me no n you got it you're just going to have to take it man you're going to have to take it depending on if if I throw if this if I get thrown if this is how I throw bro I'm going to be don't do it then except your fate until you can beat him later the problem is he's get taking attrition damage that really cucks him get vant we can hold it you can hold a valiant I hold a valiant [ __ ] D gu start like an army you got to p as long as he can kill drazo with quickly Charlie what's going on here why why is the the game why are you just sitting here Charlie oh cuz I think he's losing his army it's a valiant battle it's probably a valiant that he's about to start yeah bro seems mad bro opening the second one the orc laborers oh Charlie he he has the dread Quake Charlie has the dread quake since since we're in the area I might might as well wipe out this this batch of goblins yeah I'm I'm going for them blunder busies all right I'm going to kill one of their weaker units real quick my they're reforming the K reborned white people nice my oh that were my archers o oh they oh it wasn't even the armored once Loser yeah they launched it oh god I didn't even notice a don't matter it's not even the good Archer all right if if you're going to send your Spearman in there I'm going to help you out I'm going to assist you in this battle bro it's time I'm [Applause] coming dragon is retreating dragon is retreating yeah we're we're dragon is taking a lot of damage we're pinching the [ __ ] out of him right here with your Rangers it is good how they're all bunched up all the way out here we can Dragon princess and shatter their morale pretty easily [Applause] take some fire hurt go for another C charge oh it's going to hurt them more let's go oh they have blender buses just firing on your dragon watch out yep yep yep Shadow wizard bunny okay we love C they won't even that that's wild I got him down to 14 and they won't Retreat what is that BS we love okay they're they're charging the their blunder buses at my horses over here it's kind of weird [Applause] Pace oh look the eyes have made it that's no fun charge Dragon Boy oh [ __ ] the blunder bus is about to about to return fire stop him stop him I'm charging the blunder bus all right I'm just [ __ ] cycling around as quickly as I can I'm coming in for that uh DZ withth kill Dro is unbothered drth is very powerful he does not give a [ __ ] his entire Army just got melt and he's just chilling bro's just vibing oh now he's starting to give a [ __ ] yeah oh [ __ ] yeah he might just give a [ __ ] oh is he breaking if you give him a few more minutes he might give a [ __ ] only one though no leadership's going back up oh never mind there we go the dragon [ __ ] destroy yeah they shamn right let's go shattered completely the dragon [ __ ] just Alex really does pop off with dragon princes bro that's cuz Dragon princes are are just Gods they're goed they they annihilate even their best get your get your kills so you can look even cooler in the cut scene bro 480 485 490 no we could have get to 500 490 oh 496 no you're four off we could have got 500 kills with horses alone [ __ ] that's that's 500 we round up we round up on dude those rangers went in on those labor bro yeah R rers yeah Rangers have anti-infantry that's very ni pretty to your infantry well for I figured it was just how it head is going to be I mean yeah they're perfect they're perfect for my ass boys check that ass oh she don't even die Alex oh my God and she got a kill let go give me that L and occupy everyone survived that that's wild that's a 20 stack that just made it through that that's right I'm buil Different a how much heal does he have right now 70 HP 70 [ __ ] Hanging On by a thread diplomacy be going slow no if you get off it while I'm trying to do my diplom diplomacy you [ __ ] fat ass okay I'm done I'm done I'm done Jes cheeks over there that's what I'm trying to do buddy what who you you don't Confederate with diplomacy you're pronia yeah I tried confederating with him I [ __ ] up because I you have to use the tech yeah I know and you [ __ ] have to don't let him gas light you don't let him gas [ __ ] it though I did [ __ ] it how did you [ __ ] it don't gas I had 5,000 gold and then aoness was just like hey give me money I'm going to declare war on you and I don't want a fight her right now I rest here if I must I'm just not getting a lot of healing in this [ __ ] hole I really don't want to be down here but I got to I got to Antarctica sucks no you love that [ __ ] well too bad no we did I want to hear somebody say something important of course W hang on hang on hang on okay now teritory Return of the prince what should I do I'm about to click I'm about to click play Baby I actually need like back up on this I don't remember which one what's the best one to no not talk about Alex yeah what's the what's a good one here uh uh you want to use up as much influence as you can like five favors abroad yeah you B and now now you now you're in the high elf territory let's go all the way toor baby now I've got money again and another Army that I just saw there what D you want both my vle bro he really wanted swamp town did not just vassalize his ass he really wanted swamp [Laughter] town just vassalized him okay I did I got y I got I got Juan boo is my vassel let's go why the [ __ ] is quak head taker over here why are you sailing so far down south what are you talking about what what are you doing down there you have to go secure your country I am actively you're you're fighting Arin not yet your entire country is over Bastone is overrun by vampires that's bone that's not my country how much you need oh um hold up how much is that uh about a th all right I guess that'll be payment for the 500 I gave you 800 but yeah oh my God just mad oh holy [ __ ] okay thank you Mazda Mundi what Mazda Mundi has what you need brother absolutely not to give me here you go what how much did he give you about five gold about about about I don't trust you boys I don't trust you let let me do a demand money on you real quick maybe maybe maybe we can find the TRU that way he gave me a couple Shillings give me a couple Shillings you only have 2,000 here where did it all go did you spend it instantly you you spend the money you instantly got from Mason I don't know what you mean he didn't give me any money he give me 350 he already liquidated his access bro bro he he immediately spent that I said that [ __ ] and like okay spend liquidating his assets bro he's being smart I I said I'm 6,200 bucks and he just instantly spent it what the [ __ ] I got the dinosaur Army oh and and I'm still positive upkeep get [ __ ] okay buddy that's a shitty dinosaur Army it's tiny it's tiny it's not it's not good it's not that good I don't got to dump him in the river it's not that good might dump him in the river I don't got to I still I'm still making 1800 to turn yipp oh just confederated hey hey neighbor how's it going I didn't didn't mean to see you here Charlie God damn it bro what you do it to your neighbor those guys are giving me money he's mad hold up my money I'm getting attrition well in this guy s wait that's count knous I thought that was nari oh how knct this [ __ ] this guy all I could see was pink I couldn't see who it was oh God he's got a big boy Army too where is he oh up here Valiant defeat but I think if I uh play my cards right I can kick him out of this area all right me and Charlie are are little neighbors now I mean I wish I was neighbors with you guys well you Sor this is high elfs only this is our ethnos state unless you can somehow convince the other guys to get up here stay yeah yeah I know exactly what I do yeah I'm definitely not like right here yeah but like you're this is our Island so like you have to stay out there ooh the the the war Crown doesn't seem too hard let's try it out it's an ambush what does that even mean you're getting ambushed oh that it's so [ __ ] over oh I click the auto resolve for the the quest battle and I have like three three units left nice nice oh hey but you got that war Crown didn't you though I got that war Crown we're going to have to back it up a little oh God I didn't think the quest I didn't think autor resolving a quest battle would be that bad we're heading back to base we're going to go recruit some uh High tier units real quick yeah yeah I I'll give you that teas ain't looking too good we're turning we're turning the ship around turn the ship around boys seek knowled it is so [ __ ] over for tlist but I L back well boys this is going to be a painful one to lose but I'm not fighting all thatc you didn't put your banner on Charlie that wouldn't have saved a oh my God your health hold up let me zoom in on this that is that is awful that's worse than mine yeah that's worse than oh it's cuz he's got a plague too Char you might actually die from the plague yep you got to like encamp or something I'm just living life I can't encamp uh kick Dorian tell Dorian to get out of the settlement I would but grumpster is busy grumpster is a life or death matter I'll just leave him on the street to die kind like and Camp Doran you might be able to save it but it's no you can't wait the right the right the right Charlie what right do you have it that one's the left oh it's cuz you're the party why can't you do it did you just perform one or is it cuz someone's fighting probably had to click through all his menu bull first maybe oh yeah now it now it says plus 4 there you go immune to all attrition and Casual replenishment far left that might save you oh my God it did you're alive look at your your Lord he's [Music] alive bro just barely managed to [ __ ] fix this situation Tas after losing his entire Army is back with a goated army I I'm I'm I'm not having it anymore should I do another Quest battle and see what what happens yeah just do it it's it's the sword of tech list and apparently there's let's just try it I want to see if I just lose my entire Army again it's a perck but I don't lose my entire Army everyone just gets the [ __ ] kicked you know might as well might as [Music] well well there I defeated Malak my infinite knowledge is my entire Army is now beat to [ __ ] hell off I go once again inspecting the Garrison we are so back oh I want chocolate my master will I I am such a silly little Goose sometimes boys I know who would you bize don't tell me I just look oh you don't even oh you going to ruin the surprise man you're going to ruin the surprise I was just going to be a surprise how did you get them they're my bells what do you mean they're across the map yeah but like uh oh wait no I forgot you're right here never mind yeah I'm a little closer now but yeah still guardi of the they're my pals what do you mean bro never had friends in high places whoa bro come here Alex come over here for a second yeah look at this the [ __ ] M speaking of minor faction these [ __ ] dwarves that spawn in the mountains just took this random [ __ ] s settlement they just wandered on over boys I've never seen them leave the little mountain range the door and the name of the he just took one of the random settlement at the altered of the horned one I suppose I'll start making another uh I'll make another Lord make your offer but beware there is no oh mama I just want him to walk bro my power grows Jesus Alex what nothing nothing nothing you're doing good I'm doing good yeah it's all that's all you're going to say all right that's all you're going to say I'm ready I'm almost it's almost done you know I can't go look what you're doing now ready up Mason Jesus oh [ __ ] there's [ __ ] Steven still alive what the [ __ ] are you Goro interesting amount of Tomb King Bassel I need to collect them ball was that your new Pokemon another piece to my my Army you also have a lot of trading GRS teas will return with an army of the undead teas will be the true king of all one I'll be the true king of Al one and the true king of the Tomb cetra what the [ __ ] cetra bows to Tas trying to tell me walk up to Tyrion and tell him he doesn't serve and then at the same breath bow down to Tas oh perfect we are so back boys we are so back they're all mine every single one of them is mine they're all mine you're acting like it was ever going to be J at any point I own every single one one of the Tomb gangs they're all my slaves I I have 400 with with goddamn aor and they still are like nah we're we're just friends we're just friends I mean yeah 400 Al I amarel is actually friendzoning me well it's cuz he's she's married she ain't married to anyone yes she is she's married to Tyrion she's only married to the bag that's all that's all she cares about yeah and that bag's name is Tyrion the undying what's you guys favorite uh highelf Army uh a dead one uh yeah I would say either either teist or oh I well I have just the thing I have this uh this one Lord his name's called King raep he's my he's my cool Lord he's got a few you shies in his SE attend God damn bro these [ __ ] are going to sit there and die unless I claim it for what you mean I really want to kill them no it isn't I want to kill them I want to exterminate them oh God so he's going on to his villain Arc I have to proper and thorough with how I take care of scaven if you don't do it right willans not plans he's got [ __ ] schematics blueprints even are they dead or is that the last of them who else would that no they're not dead bro you didn't see a pop up they're not dead now he wasn't born let's go my strength is rewarded it's it's so over it's so over boys we did it he did it the he killed queef head Giver guys I just noticed that you weren't actually subscribed and if you look under your bed I'm waiting for you subscribe subscribe I loveon bro