Introduction to Propositional Logic

Aug 22, 2024

Lecture Notes: Introduction to Propositional Logic


  • This lecture introduces the first chapter of discrete mathematics: Propositional Logic.

Key Terms

  1. Propositional Logic: Composed of two words: Proposition and Logic.
    • Proposition: A declarative sentence that can be true or false, but not both.
    • Logic: The science of reasoning that helps understand and reason about mathematical statements.

Purpose of Logic

  • The primary purpose of logic is to construct valid arguments (proofs).
  • A statement that is proven true is referred to as a theorem.
  • Logic forms the basis of mathematics.

Importance of Logic

  • Logic enables reasoning about mathematical statements:
    • Validating mathematical arguments.
    • Proving or disproving statements using established rules.

Example: Sum of Positive Integers

  • The formula for the sum of the first n positive integers:

    For every positive integer n, the sum of positive integers not exceeding n is ( \frac{n(n+1)}{2} ).

  • This statement is a valid mathematical argument and can be proven using logic.

Application: Knights and Knaves Puzzle

  • A logic puzzle involving two types of inhabitants on an island:
    • Knights: Always tell the truth.
    • Knaves: Always lie.
  • Example:
    • Alice says, "Bob is a knight."
    • Bob says, "We are opposite types."
  • Propositional logic can help solve such puzzles systematically.


  • A proposition is defined as:
    • A declarative sentence that can be true or false, but not both.
  • Examples of propositions:
    • "Delhi is the capital of India." (Can be true)
    • "One plus one equals two." (True)


  • Sentences that are not propositions:
    • Questions: "What time is it?"
    • Variable statements: "x + 1 = 2" (depends on x)
    • Commands: "Send us your resume before 11 pm."
    • Requests: "I request you to please allow me a day off."
    • Commands: "Fetch my umbrella."

Homework Assignment

  • Identify propositions from the following sentences and state whether they are true or false:
    • London is in Denmark.
    • Do your homework.
    • India wins the match by two runs.
    • x is an even number.
    • Five is an odd number.
    • Five plus seven equals ten.
    • The moon is made of cheese.
    • The only odd prime number is two.
    • God bless you.


  • Understanding propositional logic is essential and can be both fun and valuable.
  • Feel free to post your homework answers in the comment section.