Introduction to Vectors - Lecture Notes

Jul 6, 2024

Introduction to Vectors

Lecture Overview

  • This lecture is associated with the book Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra: Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares.
  • Focus on fundamental concepts regarding vectors.
  • Topics covered: notation, examples, basic operations, and special types of vectors.

Vectors and Notation


  • A vector is an ordered list of numbers.
  • Vectors can be written in two forms:
    • Vertically, as an array of numbers stacked on top of each other (column vector).
    • Inline, as a horizontal array.

Components and Dimension

  • Elements/Entries/Components/Coefs refer to the numbers in the vector.
  • Dimension/Length: number of elements in a vector.
    • Example: A vector with 4 elements is a 4-vector.
  • Entries are referred to by their position, e.g., the second element.
  • Scalars: The individual numbers within a vector, usually real numbers but can be complex.

Abstract Notation

  • Vectors are often denoted by symbols (lowercase a, uppercase X, etc.).
  • In various fields, vectors might be denoted with bold letters or arrows.

Entry Reference

  • Entry of a vector denoted by subscript notation, e.g., A<sub>i</sub> where i is the index.
    • Indices often denoted by i, j, k, etc.
    • Example: If A is a vector, A<sub>2</sub> refers to the second entry of A.

Equality of Vectors

  • Two vectors are equal if they have the same size and all corresponding elements are equal.
  • Symbol overloading: Using the same symbol (equality) for different contexts (e.g., numbers vs. vectors).

Special Vectors

Zero Vector

  • Denoted by 0.
  • Can also have a subscript to denote size, e.g., 0<sub>3</sub> is a zero vector of dimension 3.

Ones Vector

  • Denoted by bold 1, e.g., 1<sub>n</sub>.
  • A vector with all entries equal to 1.

Unit Vectors

  • Vectors with all entries 0 except one, which is 1.
  • Denoted by e<sub>i</sub>, where i is the position of the 1.
    • Example: e<sub>2</sub> in a 3-vector would be [0, 1, 0].

Block Vectors

  • Combining smaller vectors into a larger one by stacking them.
  • Notation: [b, c, d] represents stacking b, c, and d.
  • Example: s = [-1, 1], t = [0, 2, 2], combining them results in [s, t] = [-1, 1, 0, 2, 2].


  • A vector is sparse if many of its entries are 0.
  • Important for large dimensions (e.g., vectors with millions of entries).
  • Efficient storage and manipulation techniques available for sparse vectors.
  • NNZ: Number of non-zero elements in a vector.
    • Example: A zero vector is the sparsest with NNZ = 0.
    • Unit vector e<sub>17</sub> in a 100-vector has NNZ = 1.

Mathematical vs. Computer Language Notation

  • Standard mathematical notation vs. specific computer language syntax (e.g., Julia, Python).
  • Important to differentiate and not mix the two.
  • Learn both mathematical notation and the syntax of the chosen computer language.
  • Examples of possible syntax: ones(5) would create a '1'-vector of dimension 5 in a computer language.

Key Takeaway

  • This lecture introduces fundamental concepts and notations of vectors, laying the groundwork for more advanced topics and applications later in the course.