Transcript for:
Ментальная устойчивость и личностный рост

be the guy who Embraces the ugly the miserable um be the guy who Embraces hard work the grind don't be afraid of being hurt don't be afraid of sacrificing some blood you be that warrior in that garden and you stand strong you be a strong man you be a good man and you just let the world rage around you that most men live life lives of quiet desperation it's one of my favorite quotes ever because it's true and I've been that guy you're just in this world where you just can't wait to just run away but the only way I could be this person now is if I took that chance when I was 21 when I was dead broke and had my cars repossessed and all that stuff that's the only way you ever get where you want to go you have to you have to take a path that's dangerous and most people want to take the safe path the safe path leaves you stuck in quiet desperation almost every time it's hell your family is looking for that one guy right now they're looking for that one guy who's strong who's that pillar for the family at Hard Times make sure they look around they look around and find you these are the times right now for you to step up be that guy that can take anything reminder that if you want to be exceptional you're going to be different from everyone else that's What Makes You exceptional you can't fit in and also be exceptional both have discomfort when you fit in you have internal conflict because you're not being 100% you when you're exceptional you have external conflict because everyone sees you as different pick one when your friends start to say you've changed remember it's because they don't know how to say you've grown you see that look right there I don't ever let a man see you like that did you give him the power over you if you got to take a l you take it with your head up chest out like a man everything was done to try to learn how to become a better basketball player everything everything you know we have a million and one excuses that we could go to fact of the matter is we're not going to make any uh they play better than we did in the series we had our opportunities to win it then go for us uh you know so we have to regroup like I said next season starts right now and uh you'll come back next season and play how much harder will you work in this offseason now to get back to the [Music] championship I pushed myself to exhaustion and so when you have that point of view then literally the world becomes your library to help you to become better at your craft out the 100 men that go under War 10 shouldn't even be there 80 of them are just targets 10 are do most of or nine do most of fighting one is a warrior and it's a true quote to life I saw it going through train I saw it everywhere I went there's so many people who just show up to life that shouldn't even be around and there's few people who do all the work I wanted to be part of that nine and I'm working towards being that one if you had to create a human what would you put them through to make them tough it probably wouldn't be what would you put them through to make them patient you probably wouldn't give them things immediately and so it's like we want these traits but each of the traits has a price tag attached to it and it's just like do you want to pay the price tag to get the thing and so I think if if people reframed the the period of life that they're going through as the price that they're paying out of their wallet but the wallet is their time is the seconds of life that they're trading for it then I think more people be willing to make the trade because at least when I look at myself like when I'm 80 something years old and I'm looking back on my life I want to have these traits but in order to have those traits I know I have to go through these things and I think for me that's given me a lot of comfort in hard times you are a man stand up and be a man make the hard decisions make the sacrifices make the unpopular decisions and become comfortable in your own skin and if you are not a person that you are comfortable being alone with that is the one person in this universe that you have full power full right and full responsibility to change it's the moments in life the decisions you make on a on on a momentto moment basis that add up to be the guy or not the guy tonight I did something you know that feel more of a guy for me who I am my guy your pride and your ego has been killing your career growth your could be on another level you know better but you're deciding to not do better you are a lazy unprofessional mean attitude having And yet when things are not happening good for you when things are not coming your way when things are not happening as fast as you want them to happen you blame everybody else and what they're doing and saying and you completely disown everything that you're doing to contribute to your career not going to another level you know better but you don't want to do better my personal goal is to squeeze every ounce of potential out of whatever I have and I think that if you feel like you have potential left over then it will eat you alive until you do something about it winners always show up they're willing to lose in order to gain big mental thing there guys this body is great great as you are as sharp as you make the Arsenal it can't do anything if you don't have confidence in yourself We All Fall Down in life the question is who gets back up you go after and you give it all you have if you lose at least you try man I failed it's 10 times more of a man and someone said what if cuz what if never went to the arena when you guys find a fear that fear will either create you or destroy you I love fear and the reason why behind every fear is the person you want to be fear is self-imposed meaning it doesn't exist you create it you can destroy it too it's an intangible if you face your fears guys you will realize it's not that big and once you face it you got my God man I spent all this time running from it it was so small if I just faced it my God not only did I face and I beat it back energy is never lost transferred that negative energy that fear is destroyed it comes back in his confidence you're like what else am I what else am I capable of what else am I hold my back from that I'm capable of more what am I running from I don't need to what else can I overcome you face your fears you become the person you want to be you run from your fears you're not living you're alive it's easy to give up you know it's easy it's the easiest thing in the world to do I man I'm done I ain't going yeah I ain't going to keep going I don't feel like going to work done man it's easy it's very easy but what's hard is going yo yesterday I got nothing from working as hard as I could nothing happened from that I'm going to do the same thing again today but I'm going to try to go harder that's the hardest thing in the world world to get up every day and give 100% And and be in the same position that you were each day but mentally know that you're trying and trying and trying that's that's a real that's a real grind that's not normal cuz we don't want to be normal normality is what weak people call living I call it death let or break up any type of normality that you might fix in your head I'll also push you past what you currently thought you could do giving you confidence and you know what I'm selling myself too short I'm capable of more I just saw something happen there I I like that taste I want some more of that taste and I'm hungry for it success is the only Revenge as you expand they shrink into irrelevance as you get louder no one can hear them you don't beat them you cast a shadow so big no one can see them to begin with when people copy they copy the wrong stuff because they don't know why it worked to begin with and when it breaks they don't know how to fix it because they didn't build it so don't sweat it copycats will always be behind everything counts everything that you do counts the biggest mistake that people make is they think that only what they want to count counts no when you read a book when you listen to an audio program when you go to a course when you go to bed early and get up early and you work it all counts if you haven't gotten what you want then you're not worthy of it period and that's okay now you can admit that you suck and improve better to know you're bad for a season than pretend you're good for a lifetime you're not making as much money as you want because you're not as good as you think you are you're a student and pretending to be a teacher no students say they feel like frauds for trying to learn you're a fraud when you get up to teach the class and you've never done it you know there comes a day man everyone's going to have this day there comes a day where being average being mediocre is just sickening to you it's just sickening it makes you want to throw up because you've seen people with far less Talent than you as you're growing up with them their childhood buddies whatever else they didn't have what you had yet now they're going to become something that you haven't there comes that day it's either when you're young you know and and it strikes you on the baseball field cuz you're sick of striking out or it's it's when you get fired from your fifth job you know and your wife and kids are on your ass cuz you don't know how to support them anymore there comes a day where push comes to shelf where being mediocre being like average and just burns it sucks so much you can't deal with it one more day and you get off your ass and you create something it's always been there it's always been inside of you trying to come out but but you've never wanted to unwrap it cuz it's too much pain and commitment you were scared you're going to fail you were scared if you started you never finish it you didn't want to tell anyone about it you knew it was there but you never wanted to embark on it until something hits you get fired or somebody else gets success to remind you what you could have been and then the spark is born and no matter what happens I'm never going to be in this boat again and you get up and you go even it gets knocked down you keep going keep going you're a wild man and life has never been so sweet that can happen at an early age it can happen at a later age it's going to happen to somebody every you know no matter what it's going to happen to you and when it does happen to you thank your lucky stars that finally you're alive it's time to unwrap to the potential you can be superior man it's within you it's within every single one of us and the people that have that have have risen to that level were no different than any one of us it's just they believe it and they're willing to work their ass off to get it it's time to stay focused it's time to decide clubs partying trying to fit in and socialize rub elbows with everybody so people can stop calling you weird we don't want to be left alone by oursel with oursel so we come in and we sit down and we get on our phone or we turn on the TV or or or we go wherever we do whatever because we don't want to face the reality of being by ourself with ourself start making yourself a companion that you're comfortable with if you had a friend if you had a person you going to sit down and spend all the time with what would you want from that person what would you want well I would want to spend time with somebody who's honest makees sense I don't want to spend time with somebody who's going to be lying to me all the time someone who's going to gently tell me the truth about myself you got to face the reality of who you are you got to face the reality of what you are all right and uh and nobody's going to tell you that like you yourself will tell you that you're going to lose sleep you'll doubt whether it'll work you'll press to make ends meet you won't finish your to-do list you'll wonder whether you made the right call and have no way to know for years this is what hard feels like and that's okay everything worth doing is hard and the more worth doing it is the harder it is the greater the payoff the greater the hardship if it's hard good it means no one else will do it more for you this is all about the quitty mind so what's the quitty mind so let's say it's day one of a job interview we all know what that feels like you have your clothes laid out you got your food ready to go in the morning you've been preparing for weeks and weeks and weeks you show up and you bring your best self you get the job Merry Christmas all right after a couple of months you start showing up to work a little later you don't look as good your clothes aren't laid out your breakfast isn't ready your mind's getting softer we do that everything in life when New Year's coming up guess what don't have a pretty mind repetition every day stay hard I'm astounded by how many people want to be spectacular in life but also want to be normal by being normal You Are by definition aiming for average normal people get normal results except exeptional people get exceptional results you literally can't do what everyone else does and expect to not get what everyone else has got by doing what everyone else does you guarantee average results how bad do you want this if it's as bad as you want to live or breathe or sleep whatever the hell it may be I can work with you but a lot of people most people don't want it that badly which why they always ask the question man how did you get to where you are you know how to do it m you know exactly how to be you or how to be me you don't want to do it so I can't make you do it in order do I have the time or energy to force you into that place that I know you have to be to do it there's no luck in this game man there may be a little bit of luck but the luck happens after you bust your ass and you put yourself in that lucky situation luck doesn't happen you put yourself in that situation where luck might happen if you haven't gotten what want then you're not worthy of it period and that's okay now you can admit that you suck and improve better to know you're bad for a season then pretend you're good for a lifetime you're not making as much money as you want because you're not as good as you think you are you're being a to yourself man you're not getting out there and squeezing that soul out every day yeah if you grind hard man I got time to worry about your monkey ass I I ain't got time worry about you man cuz tomorrow I got to go back to the grind and tomorrow got to go back to the Grind again and again and again and again I don't have time to put you into the hate bank there's no hate it's all filtered out man through the grind people don't get it there's there's great joy in The Grind Great Joy in the suffer it's it totally cleanses your body out man of any kind of hate makes you grow up you're not running the day the day is running you you always be the servant not the master guys if you find a fear the quickest the easiest way you can beat it is initially right when it comes in if you allow it to sit it will grow root and start breaking you down destroying the potential the person you can be again the Champions guys it's not their potential it's not their genetics it's their perseverance to always show up always willing to fail cuz then failure that's part of success success is not you know a marathon of life it just UPS success is formulated through failures fear is never Reaching Your Potential that's it that always falling short always quitting before you're done always procrastinating always not doing the right thing and then one day you're an old man Y and you look back and go God I could have been great yep it could have been great everybody's asleep man or they're getting home after a long night you know going out their party it's Friday night it's uh close to 300 in the morning right now you know the thing is man it's always going to be a party there always going to be a time to celebrate and a time to join friends and or a day I mean the bars are always open always open no matter how old you are they're always open you know what's not always open is the opportunity to to check the box in life you achieve your dreams that's not always open man I would like to know when you're in that moment failing MH and you have to keep going what do you say to yourself what if a lot of times I'll be in a 200 mile run or something like that and I'm all jacked up bodies broken Minds broken spirit's broken I start to say what if I can pull this off when I first walked into the Navy SEAL recruiter's office he looked at me and said there's only been 35 African-Americans in 70 years make it through you know I said to myself what if I can be the 36th it's the what if I can pull off a miracle what if I can become someone that no one thinks I can be and just that just me talking about that I have the hair gr up on my arms because it makes me just like what if I can be that guy that people who called and this and that and now I'm speaking at Tom Fair event through facing your fears through falling down and getting back up that's what creates the champion success does not define us we Define the success why would you not go for it why would you not take a chance at one point in time you got to take a chance on you what you know is very limited and what we what you don't know is Limitless you know so man go in there and listen go in there and try to learn go in there and try to open your ears up and say what can I take from this and apply to my life so that I can be a little bit better every day for myself and my family and the the people that I'm closest with you guys must be be the now what you want to be later and starts right now if you're not doing the now don't ever expect the later to be the person you want to look in the mirror everyone's like oh later in life I want to do this later in life I want to do that later in life is turning around look in the mirror right now that's the later in life and un let that turn around is something in progression later in life ain't gonna be anything this believe when you turn around you're going to see something or put a smile on your face it's going to make you turn around the next day for Action turn belief in the productivity otherwise why are you in here man you in here to grow what you in here for think guys think of where you want to be before you start what it is now it's too hard man the Giant's too hard you [Music] guys start trying to follow someone else's path sucess you guys are Daz and confused you must travel your individual path success someone else P's already been done it's not for you to incorporate what you believe in make your own [ __ ] p almost every successful person that I have ever encountered has gone through not a month or a year but many years of doing work without reward where they have to do things that other people find boring and they have to sacrifice things that everyone finds interesting that most people want to do during that entire season of their life and they basically sacrifice a season of other things that they would prefer to do to do stuff that they would not prefer to do because of the one thing they want most but if you want to see if you're a brave person what they call the 4:00 in the morning courage wait when things go completely to Pieces when things are the worst when your very best deal falls apart and your rent is late and you're tired and you're sick and everybody is mad at you and your car doesn't work then it's the person that picks themsel up and says nothing is going to stop me but the quality is to develop the quality of being Unstoppable I had to figure out I wasn't going to be a punk kid all my life so the only way I could turn around was to suffer I had to build calluses in my brain the same way I built calluses on my hands so I broke the Ginsburg Royals record for pull-ups a long time ago but I failed at it twice and I did 67,000 pull-ups in trying to break this record so to do 4,030 pull-ups I had to do 67,000 for training for that and so what I realized is for me to become the man I wanted to become I saw myself as the weakest person God ever created so I wanted to change that to be the hardest man ever created am I that I don't know but you had to have a goal right and my goal when I was sitting there not going to school being bullied being having no self-esteem my goal was the only person that's could to turn this person around is me everybody has a turnback moment you have a moment where you could go forward or you can give up but the thing you have to keep in mind before you give up is that if you give up the guarantee is it will never happen that's the guarantee of quitting that it will never happen no way under the sun the only way the possibility remains that it can happen is if you never give up no matter what the fish just don't jump in the boat you know me meaning you better go out there and do it yourself you know don't wait around and wait for someone to hand deliver something go make it happen my personal goal is to squeeze every ounce of potential out of whatever I have and I think that if you feel like you have potential left over then it will eat you alive until you do something about it almost every successful person that I have ever encountered has gone through not a month or a year but many years of doing work without reward where they have to do things that other people find boring and they have to sacrifice things that everyone finds interesting that most people want to do during that entire season of their life and they basically sacrifice a season of other things that they would prefer to do to do stuff that they would not prefer to do because of the one thing they want most and instead of lasting 5 minutes it just usually last 5 or 10 years stop running around here trying to live up to the hype homie is easy to give up you know it's easy it's the easiest thing in the world to do I I'm done I ain't going I ain't going to keep going I don't feel like going to work done it's easy it's very easy but what's hard is going yo yesterday I got nothing from working as hard as I could nothing happened from that I'm going to do the same thing again today but I'm going to try to go harder that's the hardest thing in the world to get up every day and give 100% And and be in the same position that you were each day but mentally know that you're trying and trying and trying that's that's a real that's a real grind it's grind season homie it's not about today it's about the future you do the work now do the work now and all of this that you could ever want to do for your family your kids your loved ones it's all going to be on a whole another Stratosphere it's time to stay focused man don't settle make make sure that whatever life that you want you strive for that you make sure you go for that don't let anyone tell you it's not possible don't let anyone tell you that's not practical you make sure that you go for it you hungry you want it then get it get that I went to a homeless shelter to get what I have now I went through a homeless shelter I struggled I went hungry three nights in a row every week to get what I have you don't let no one stop you no one tell you what the to do you make sure you get it don't let no one stop you right you're driven you the the the energy that you need the drive you need to get it you pull that from yourself cuz when you pull it from yourself no one can influence it just you we're running from the truth man so the only way I became successful was going towards the truth as painful and as brutal as it is it changed me it it allowed me to become in my own right who I am today courage courage is the key to life itself there are a lot of people who are born in situations where say I just I'll never get out of this so they won't I say to people who say well I I would like to have done so and so and so so you could have done it so well I couldn't get out of here man the bus runs every day you have to be your own motivator your own coach your own your own trainer your own everything so to do that you have to come into work work and work is whatever your work may be ready to go and what that means is you may have failed miserably yesterday but you come to work like people like man you just lost everything how the hell are you just damn motivated cuz this is what it takes this is what the it takes and you got to get it from wherever you can whether you make up this illusion of your life or this false reality that gets you motivated ever gets you motivated it's got to be here at the tip of your brain at all times cuz in those dark moments you got to you got to pull it out say in yourself that no matter what life throws at me it'll never stop me no matter how rough it gets I will never quit and nothing will ever stop me make the decision that you can be tired you can be worn out but nothing is ever going to stop you that's a wonderful decision because then no matter what life throws at you you pick yourself up and you say okay give it you know do give it your best shot as foni says why would you not take a chance at one point in time you got to take a chance on you I'm astounded by how many people want to be spectacular in life but also want to be normal by being normal You Are by definition aiming for average normal people get normal results exceptional people get exceptional results you literally can't do what everyone else does and expect to not get what everyone else has got by doing what everyone else does you guarante average results well I believe that you have to build belief belief is like there's an after school special belief where the mom says believe in yourself and that's all great but there's also a built belief and the built belief is one where you are constantly like for me I came from a bad place How I build belief is through the the daunting tasks I put myself through so that proof positive that I can so it correlates and that's how this piece of I once thought I was built belief by saying hm I was in three hell weeks I went to Ranger school I tried offer de the selection undeniable stack of proof that is proof so whenever you think whenever you think you can't confidence comes from the thing that you built you must build belief you must build confidence it can't be like hey um I'm going to go knock that out you got to look over here and say I can knock that out it's belief and it's built on what you put in to yourself that if you're not a little bit afraid at least three or four nights a week you're not trying hard enough if you're not falling your face over and over again if you're not trembling when you go to sleep with your heart pounding what is happening is you're not trying hard enough you're living too far within your potential that all really successful people live on the outside edge of what they're capable of and it's always a little bit scary on the outside edge because we all have feelings of uncertainty we all have fears we all have doubts that hold us back but the brave person is simply the person who moves forward and keeps taking the chance most people the bottom 80% are lazy and they're looking for an easy way they're looking for a shortcut to be successful and there are not there aren't any but if you do something repeatedly over and over you develop a habit so most people are in the habit of looking for easy ways to get the things they want every day is just constant Improvement constant curiosity constantly getting better the results don't really matter uh it's the figuring out that matters and say to your mother this kid's going to be the best kid in the world this kid's going to be somebody better than anybody ever knew and you grew up good and wonderful it was great just watching every day was like a priv V didn't the time come for you to be your own man and take on the world and you did but somewhere along the line you changed you stop being you the biggest key to success in anything you do is you got to have an unlimited supply of you this drive and passion and it and it may come from nothing like for me there was no passion no drive no nothing but I had this fire that I'm going to be somebody and it has to be there because on all those bad days on all those days you don't want to do you have to be your own motivator your own coach your own your own trainer your own everything so to do that you have to come into work and work is whatever your work may be ready to go and what that means is you may have failed miserably yesterday but you come to work like people like man you just lost everything how the hell are you just damn motivated cuz this is what it takes and you got to get it from wherever you can whether you make up this illusion of your life or this false reality that gets you motivated Whatever Gets You motivated it's got to be here at the tip of your brain at all times cuz in those dark moments you got to you got to pull it out so that's the big thing for me man I was always fired up at all times you let people stick a finger in your face and tell you you're no good and when things got hard you started looking for something to blame like a big Shadow I think most people have the potential to be exceptional because most people are peculiar in their own way they just stifle that because they want to be accepted by most people but in so doing never accomplish what they want to do because they conform uh and so like if there's probably a lot of things about the world or even your world around you that you're like this never made sense to me but then you do it anyways and I I think that a lot of innovation and a lot of what makes people exceptional is feeling you know thinking that thought or seeing that thing and then being like huh I don't think I'm going to follow that rule anymore let me tell you something you already know the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows it's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it you me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life but it ain't about how hard you hit it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward how much you can take and keep moving forward that's how wi it is done and we don't feel the need to get something done we can become incredibly lazy because there's no necessity so you have to create necessity in your life you have to create the need to get things done you have to give yourself deadlines you have to remind yourself that tomorrow everything could go k co could come back you could be fired you could die you could have an illness give yourselves sense of urgency that I need to get things done quickly now if you know what you're worth now go out and get what you're worth but you got to be willing to take the hits and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you want to be because of him or her or anybody cowards do that and that ain't you you're better than that and my personal question to you is why not you you eventually you are going to have to jump you cannot just exist in this life you have got to try to live if you are waking up thinking that it's got to be more to your life than it is man believe that it is believe in your heart of hearts that it is but to get to that life you going to have to jump you've got the brains you can make decision ISS you can study the plan you can change your life you can grow immensely in the next few years you can make your dreams come true you can build a financial wall around your family nothing can get through you can become healthy you can become powerful why not you why not you be the one to make it to start that business to do the impossible to do what people don't even think that anybody could do why can't it be you how do you if you can see it here and you have the courage enough to speak it it will happen so intentionally act like the person you want to become because when you intentionally act like the person you want to become your brain sees you taking those actions so your brain starts to change the way it relates to you when your brain sees you high-fiving yourself in the mirror it starts to go oh wait a minute Steven loves himself Steven's cheering for himself we don't beat Steven up you need to just keep living listen to the pain it's both history teacher and fortune teller pain teaches us who we are we sometimes it's so bad we feel like we're dying but we can't really live till we died a little can we there's no worldly possessions that should come between you and your expression human beings we're a blip in existence death is Promised there's a quote that I've fallen in love with the magic you are looking for is in the work you're avoiding F dude the magic you are looking for is in the work you're avoiding a lot of times people believe in certain things but they keep to themselves they don't put it out there if you truly believe in it if you become vocal with it you are creating that law of attraction and it will become reality the more I listen to this the better my life gets if they don't have what you want don't listen to what they say there's no greater waste of time than justifying your actions to people who have a life you don't want it's the what if I can pull off a miracle what if I can become someone that no one thinks I can be and just that just me talking about that I have the hair going up on my arms cuz it makes me just like what if I can be that guy that people who called and this and that and now I'm speaking at Tom Fair's event why not you why not you with good self-esteem why not you starting to change and setting goals why not you starting to make progress toward Financial Independence uh if I can do it you can do it if there is something that you feel is good something you want to do something that means something to you try to do it because I think you can only do your best work if you're doing what you want to do and if you're doing it the way you think it should be done and if you can take pride in it after you've done it no matter what it is in life folks you cannot change your life unless you change something if you always do what you always did you'll always get what you always got no matter what it is many times you say to yourself I got to lose weight I got to lose weight I'm too fat and then you know what during the day you eat you eat at night and then next day you get mad at yourself well what do you want what do you want you got to change something I truly believe we are all equal as human beings if we are obsessed with something and we truly pursue our passion with everything we have regardless of any anything else if you are obsessed work hard and put in the time you will succeed and don't be afraid to fail big to dream big but remember dreams without goals are just dreams the real pain in life is getting to the end of it and realizing that you left something on the table I think that I had unfulfilled potential I could have done more and I and I didn't right if you want to be great you want to be bad ever at what you do you can be misunderstood by everybody because you're going to be so obsessed and so driven to get there that's what it takes that's the truth it takes every second of your life anybody says balance yeah balance is important for a lot of people it is but if you want to go to that edge with people do not like you don't understand you question everything you do you you've arrived when you are misunderstood to the point where people think you're psycho and you're nuts and you're this and that why are you in the gym at 1:00 in the morning you got through doing an OP for 13 14 hours at the Ranger school man at the gym what wrong you will never understand what is wrong with me do you actually want to do this or not do you actually want to do this or not cuzz if you actually want to do it what's going to stop you nothing and if you don't really want to do it what's going to stop you just about anything that comes up if you have an idea that you genuinely think is good don't let some idiot talk you out of it it's time to stay focused it's time to decide clubs partying trying to fit in and social ize rub elbows with everybody so people can stop calling you weird why are you so antisocial because I'm trying to get it why are you staying on the basketball court so much because I'm trying to get it why are you out there practicing in the hot sun when ain't nobody else out there because I'm trying to get it why are you not clubbing like every time I text you and invite you to go do something fun and cool you always studying because I'm trying to get it it's most socially acceptable to be our own biggest critic than it is to be our own biggest cheerleader why we all ask why we should work this hard why take that many classes why go to school that many years you know why take the notes why read the books why work that hard why put yourself through the push-ups and the disciplines why good question why best answer to why I think is the second question why not why not see how many books you can read how many classes you can take how many skills you can develop why not see how valuable you can become to the marketplace to your friends and to your family why not see what you can make of yourself why not see how far you can go how much you can see how much you can earn how much you can share why not that's the Heritage all of us have in America especially is to see what we can make out of our Lives now that we've been given this extraordinary opportunity let me tell you something homie these women ain't going nowhere these clubs these parties all this going nowhere the more weird you are is a reflection of how committed you are to focusing on your molding and shaping and developing your ideas and your craft so that when it's time for you to make your rounds you going to fly if you want to become successful in life young man he said number one you got to change your mindset he said you don't get in life what you want you get in life what you are you're not afraid of failing you're afraid of what other people will think of you if you fail but if you're afraid of that imagine what they think of you when you aren't even trying oh yeah they aren't the quote goes like this one day or day one greatness is something that truly exists in all of us it's very very simple this is what I believe and I'm willing to die for it period then I'll tell you what changed my whole life when I finally discovered it's all risky the minute you were born it got risky if you think trying is risky wait till they hand you the bill for not trying if you think investing is risky wait till you get the tab for not investing see it's all risky getting married is risky having children is risky going into business is risky investing your money is risky it's all risky I'll tell you how risky life is you're not going to get out alive the first step before anybody else in the world believes it is you have to believe it there's no reason to have a plan B cuz it distracts from plan a starting tomorrow what are you going to do that'll make a change in your life's Direction good question what are you going to do starting tomorrow that'll make a difference now see if you don't do something starting tomorrow that'll make a difference guess what it's going to be the same and see that way you can guess what the next five years are going to be like look at the last five cuz the next five are going to be like the last five unless you major key tomorrow change it all or change a little or change something or don't change it's Choice time you can do whatever you want but it's nice to know any day you wish you can change your whole life stop complaining about the results you didn't get from the work you didn't put in the only way to become more successful than most people is to be willing to do something most people aren't willing to do so I want to ask you a question what are you afraid of what are you scared of because we all have fears don't we we all have something that's blocking us that's holding us back and as we begin to look at life what we realize is that the reason that most people are not living out their true potential are not doing all of the things that they would really like to do is because of fear the big question is what am I becoming here because true happiness is not contained in what you get happiness is contained in what you become here's the big challenge of life you can have more than you've got because you can become more than you are that's the challenge and of course the other side of the coin reads unless you change how you are you'll always have what you got I don't you ever tell me there something that you can't do the heaviest things in life aren't iron and gold but unmade decisions the reason you are stressed is that you have decisions to make and you're not making them I think that there's a certain delusional quality that all successful people have to have you have to believe that something different can happen confucious said he who says he can and he who says he can't are both usually right if you fake bravery when you're terrified that is bravery and I kind of feel like motivation is the same thing if you do the thing when you're feeling unmotivated that is motivation that's it being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity why would you be realistic sometimes life can really hijack your mind when that happens to you you're all up your goals your Ambitions everything is out the window in life we all go through different things sometimes your girlfriend or boyfriend breaks up with you guess what get the over it they no longer want you maybe you fa a test in school you worked your ass off guess what you fail the test get over it move past it learn to not let life hijack your brain at work you've been working off for that new promotion you don't get it someone else does maybe they kiss better than you do guess what get over it life will hijack your mind if you let it don't allow all these things to make you a lesser person you must own your mind don't let life own yours do you love this game I mean love it with your whole heart because if you don't let's not even bother let's not open that door that just going to slam it right in our face I love this game I live this game there's a thousand other guys waiting in the wings who are obsessed with this game obsession is going to be Talent every time you got all the talent in the world but are you obsessed is it all you have think about let's face it it's you against you out there when you walk on that Court you have to think I am the best guy out there you're always afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing 10 Mi down the road but you can do anything you want you are bound by nothing you know when you're on the way up everyone roots for you because you remind them of their dreams and when you're at the top everyone tries to tear you down because you remind them of what they gave up on the the fulfilled potential is the story of most people's lives it is it is it and it could have been the story of mine and I tell a lot of people who people go what's your biggest fear in life and my biggest fear honestly was let's say this let's say uh I don't care if you believe in God or not I don't care so this this just play a game with me let's say let's say you're God and we have a big long line of people and I made to heaven I'm 75 years old I'm 300 lb I made to Heaven I worked for eolab my enti I praying for cockroaches that's what I did but I'm dead I'm in heaven now and you are at you're you're judging us all now so we're in line we're all sitting there in line you have Adam Brown he has a big board up and you're talking to Adam Brown about his life and you rip it down and I'm next in line David Goggins I see my name and I see all this God goes hey you say read this man and I'm reading this list and I'm seeing 182 hounds Navy SEAL Ranger school motivational speaker changing lives okay man pullup record all this and I'm like that's not me man and God looks at me and says that's who you were supposed to be let me tell you about a voice not this voice but the one inside the one that Whispers it tells me what's right and it's not when to leave and where to go it's not Shakespeare it does not speak in memorable lines my inner voice always gives it to me straight tells me who my real friends are when to say yes when to say no whether the person sitting next to me is the one I'll be spending the rest of my life with or not sometimes that voice is crystal clear go stay right wrong sometimes it merely Whispers don't let it drown in a noisy world because in the end no man woman or algorithm knows what's right for you always trust your inner voice everybody has one few listen to it the fear is never Reaching Your Potential that's it that always fallen short always quit before you're done always procrastinating always not doing the right thing and then one day you're an old man yep and you look back and go God I could have been great yep I could have been great bottom line is no one's coming no one no one's coming to push you no one's coming to tell you to turn the TV off no one's coming to tell you to get out the door and exercise nobody's coming to tell you to apply for that job that you've always dream about nobody's coming to write the business plan for you it's up to you and because you're only ever going to do the things that you feel like doing right now or that feel good right now unless you understand that you've got to parent yourself you got to push yourself you're not going to make your dreams come true you're just not we're not wired that way you weren't born that way you weren't that way when you were growing up and you're certainly not that way as an adult you are responsible for your life and if you're sitting around waiting on somebody to save you to fix you to even help you you are wasting your time because only you have the power to take responsibility to move your life forward what matters is now this moment and your willingness to see this moment for what it is accept it forgive the past take responsibility and move forward so then my question was if it isn't going to change how will my life ever change when you change everything will change for you when you get better everything will get better for you got to run 120 M week 2,000 pull-ups 4,000 push-ups and hundreds of reps at the gym you're not afraid of having a up part you're afid effort when I was in the military we go on these instructure Le runs most of the time we knew the St and end point so on the way back I started seeing people getting happy and because the end was near but there were some instructors that would hear the happiness and go right on past the end point when that happened everybody stopped talking head stopped dropping and I start taking soul at that time I knew what happened in their minds they were living off the Hope Factor they hoped the instructors would sto running they hoped the water was never cold they hoped the weather was good I don't live off that hope I wish the water was cold I wish the [ __ ] instru keep on running I wish for rain when the in is unknown and the distance is unknown that's when you know who the you are consistency doesn't guarantee that you're going to be successful but not being consistent will guarantee that you're not successful hey sh sh listen up I want to say something people Earth I need to say something listen to me I hope every one of you behind your screens or on this Arena can feel this level of Happiness just one time in your life I hope all of you can feel how happy I am just one time in your life but guess what you never feel this level of Happiness if you don't go for something in your own life when they knock you down where they try on you when they talk about you and they try to put their foot on your neck if you stay down you will never ever get that resolve fortify your mind and feel this level of Happiness as you rise one time in your life but I'm blessed to be able to feel the again and again and again and again and again how bad do you want this if it's as bad as you want to live or breathe or sleep whatever the hell it may be I can work with you but a lot of people most people don't want it that badly which why they always ask the question man how did you get to where you are you know how to do it you know exactly how to be you or how to be me you don't want to do it so I can't make you do it nor do I have the time or energy to force you into that place that I know you have to be to do it there's no luck in this game there may be a little bit of luck but the luck happens after you bust your and you put yourself in that lucky situation luck doesn't happen you put yourself in that situation where luck might [ __ ] happen y so through all these things in life man to to to be your best person you have to find your best self and and to do that you can't stay in the comfortable world like when you're running I know you hate running but you do it you do it very well is it something you tell yourself in your head and it's kind of like a mantra that you keep telling yourself in your head to keep doing it well some I tell myself daily so I make sure I do at least one thing every day that sucks it could be for an hour it could be for two hours sometimes it's for 10 hours but every day I do something to strengthen the mind we're all looking for this great mythical mental toughness mental toughness doesn't come from sitting on a couch it doesn't come from wishing it would come true it comes from putting in the work and you you have to start developing your mindset mindset is not developed by wishing mindset is developed by doing and actually putting into practice the Mind wants to have control over you you need to have control over your own mind so that's all about the mental health your mind's going to always guide you in a spot that wants to make you feel comfortable and nice and secure and it's in those spots that there's no growth without friction there's no growth judge yourself against no one but yourself there is no there you're you're racing against no one but yourself and when you continuously think that you're when you compare yourself to other people you are losing the race it like this race is you against you man so don't get caught up in all this out here of the social media and this is where I'm at and this is where I'm doing this is how great I am leave all that behind man worry about yourself worry about what you're doing and worry about where you're going and only where you're going to be your best self you can't wait for everything to be perfect to start living your life cuz I've I've been that's what I've done my whole life has been like that inside of me it has been as soon as it's all lined up I'm going to show you myself as soon as I've got it all looking the way I want I'm going to show up up for you I'm never going to get to that where everything's okay where everything looks a certain way and in the meantime I'm burning the best time I do have available I'm burning that candle up I'm burning this candle down and I'm saying as soon as it gets bright enough or warm enough in here I'mma show up but the candle's getting smaller your biggest enemy is you my whole book is about you battling yourself people don't understand is you against you the only person that gets in your way is you nobody else it's you look I love to sugarcoat this thing for you I love to tell you look you can go out here and get rich do a couple of things D ain't happening you got to get real doggish you got to get down right funky if you want to make it when you had that third failure in a row did you think I need to pack this in never why not I don't ever give up I mean I'd have to be dead or completely incapacitated I found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks nothing to all of are you watching here come close to the screen and listen people don't have to like you people don't have to love you they don't even have to respect you but when you look in the mirror you better love what you see you better love what you see I fail to be at the Pinnacle of any game and any whatever you do you've got to be a little bit gone to it you're not all there you've got to be almost insane to your craft not a lot of people can understand that that's why I don't know about nothing else I do not pay attention to nothing else now like I was telling you before if you want to be ordinary you ain't even got to listen to me just go about your business if you think ordinary is cool ain't no problem it's some really really wonderful Ordinary People but if you are sitting in this room and you have extraordinary aspirations then you going to have to do extra you put extra on top of ordinary and you come up with extraordinary you have to decide if you are willing to do the things to put you in that category rich people don't sleep 8 hours a day that's a third of your life it a't 24 hours in a day you cannot be sleep 8 hours a day you can't live in LA and wake up at 8:00 in the morning it's 11:00 on the East Coast the stock market been open 2 hours they already making decisions about your life and your ass will sleep when you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and your your life is just to live your life inside the world try not to bash into the walls too much uh uh try to have a nice family life have fun save a little money but life that's a very limited life life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact and that is everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it you can influence it you can you can build your own things that other people can use the minute that you understand that you can poke life and actually something will you know if you push in something will pop out the other side that you can you can change it you can mold it Nelson Mandela said there is no passion to be found playing small and settling for a life that's less than the one you're cap capable of living is that when it feels scary to jump Ian that is exactly when you jump otherwise you end up staying in the same place your whole life and that I can't do I'm going to have setbacks I know but if I'm feeling bad that doesn't mean I'm doing bad that doesn't mean I am bad that doesn't mean that I can't still take some action because yeah nothing changes and nothing changes man take yourself out your comfort zone do not live in your bubble put some more air in your bubble if you stay in your comfort zone that's where you will fail you will fail in your comfort zone success is not a comfortable procedure it is a very uncomfortable thing to attempt so you got to get comfortable being uncomfortable if you ever want to be successful I don't want to live in a hole anymore and makes me feel poor we are poor but we're happy comei kamsa anyway the views are better above ground honey I'm seven nonf Fox years old now my father died at 7 and A2 I don't want to live in a hole anymore and I'm going to do something about it some people it's attractive and they go I want to do that too like you seem pretty happy despite all the stress you're under like how are you doing that and I'll tell people that cuz I create my own and my own it's way harder than whatever I'm facing in the world and that's how I mitigate the stress of success and pressure and criticism and all that stuff like I do to myself way worse than they're ever going to do to me so that's that's how I mitigate it also I calm my body I calm my body through I calm my mind through calming my body and I calm my body through work I make it work and I I make myself do things that are very uncomfortable that I don't want to do and by doing that I developed this strength and perseverance and some people hear that and like I don't even want to do that I take a [ __ ] nap you're exhausting me like I'm not you I don't want to do that and they just like they it takes them away from that and I'm like you don't even have to do that just go for a [ __ ] walk every day it sounds like it's easy to do but there's going to when that walk comes and look your clock oh it's 8:00 time to go for that walk you're like I don't want to walk I just rather play video games I don't want to walk I'd rather like read emails I I don't want to walk I'd rather like scroll through Tik Tok but if you just force yourself to go for that [ __ ] walk every day you will develop mental pers perseverance you will develop some tenacity you'll develop the ability to force yourself into work it doesn't have to be grueling just has to be a thing that you have to do or it's it's when you get fired from your fifth job you know when your wife and kids are on your ass cuz they don't how to support you anymore there comes a [ __ ] day where push comes to sh where being mediocre being like average and [ __ ] just [ __ ] Burns and sucks so much you can't deal with it one more day and you get off your [ __ ] ass and you create something it's always been there it's always been inside of you trying to come out but you've never wanted to unwrap it because there too much [ __ ] pain and commitment you were scared you're going to fail you were scared if you started you never finish it you didn't want to tell anyone about it you knew it was there but you never wanted to embark on it until something [ __ ] hits you get [ __ ] fired or somebody else gets success remind you what you could have been and then the [ __ ] spark is born and no matter what happens I'm never going to be in this boat again and you get up and you go even gets knocked down you keep going keep going you're a wild man and life has never been so sweet that can happen at an early age it can happen at a later age it's going to happen to somebody every you know no matter what it's going to happen to you and when it does happen to you thank you lucky these stars that finally you're alive it's time to unwrap to potential you can be superior man it's within you it's within every single one of us and the people that have that have have risen to that level were no different than any one of us it's just they believed it and they willing to work their ass off to get [Music] it it wasn't about the potential it wasn't about the genetics it was about the perseverance and it was about being the hardest [ __ ] worker in the room do you ever have a day where you just think I can't be asked to do anything I'm not going for a run I'm not stretching I'm doing nothing every day yeah so you have the thought but you don't have the day every day you ever let yourself have a day when you just watch Netflix never because Netflix I'm haunted no I can't do it I can't do it there may be some days I get up with poopy pants and I'm like you know what man Fu this man like what am I training for yeah I have no race in the docket why am I having this this such a structured life why and I'm like you know what I'm good I'm done I retire every day yeah I'm done with it and I sit around I say okay and then this is my thought process so you want to be normal so you just want to be like everybody else that roams the world not knowing the power that's in them being fine with being mediocre you want to go back to who you were huh David man I and you have that conversation with yourself every day not every day it's those bad days it's those bad days I see a whole bunch of people walking around out here who have no idea how talented they truly are now I'm talking about Talent like some god-given ability talent that sometimes you have to hone you have to work on you have to harness yourself and they just walk around just on their phones just clueless to how powerful they are n said I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and impossible the fact that something seems impossible shouldn't be a reason to not pursue it that's exactly what makes it worth pursuing where would the courage and greatness be if success was certain and there was no risk the only true failure is shrinking away from life's challenges you're born alone and you die alone and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts but iin never forget I'm living like there's no tomorrow because there isn't one