Transcript for:
Getting Certified in No Hesi Solo Challenge

three two one and go the timer has started I want to see how long this whole thing takes if you're wondering what is the challenge that you're doing right now well let me explain to you recently as you guys know I got certified in no hisy but I had somebody helped me stylex who's a really good driver now you guys in the comments have been calling me out saying I can't do this solo this man says no solo is a bunch of BS okay another one says I'm still top 250 got so ified solo no proxy to be honest pretty easy solo until about 180 mil 200 mil points I see here's another one bet you can't do this alone and you know these go on might be a hot take but the proximity bonus is kind of lame when you usually Drive Solo or don't have anyone you can trust behind you listen you guys have called me out and I'm going to prove that I absolutely could get S fight solo and no hesy okay now I'm going to try first attempt in person view if it doesn't work out we're going to use the hood view which I like the most third person view is not the most accurate everybody knows that the thing is yeah sure if you drive with somebody else you get these proximity points right so if you're close to another player you get bonus points a big multiplier which makes the whole thing way easier also you are going to be driving slower with somebody else because you guys have to match each other's pace so I'm hoping because I'm alone I can go faster and I can still get the points needed to get certified which by the way increases every single day because more and more people are doing this challenge last time it was like 95 mil to get certified today I checked it's basically 102 mil it's 101 something Mill so 102 mil to get certified and hopefully I can do this solo to prove all the haters all the doubters that this is possible okay now it is going to be hard and probably harder than with somebody else but you guys are calling me out so I want to prove you guys wrong okay and dude I learned so much as well driving with the pro Styx dude that helped me get certified like I know the lines now like you get a white line I didn't even know that was a term white lining so basically this line you see right now that I'm driving on this means white lining so you only turn a little bit and you're basically driving in between cars basically like lane splitting with bikes but right over here like sometimes you can't do that that was really tight so it is actually easy to make a mistake you think you get fit through and sometimes you won't even the pro stying dude like he ta cars left and right I remember Ed to roll the clips oh you already temped somebody what huh oh dude yo that's the Pro driver bro no that's the Pro driver so even if you're an experienced players you can make a mistake hopefully I won't because you know if I do this first attempt I will be really pleased with myself but we'll see how it goes we are right now 150,000 points solo we have driven for less than 4 minutes which don't worry the points will ramp up later as you can see we got the combo points this is the most important thing the faster and closer you pass cars the more combo points you will get combo points is what I need to grow over here there's also two little tricks that you guys probably have to know about one is every lap is two u-turns you turn back on a two lane and the other U-turn is the pits area so in the pits area the starting area you get to turn around over there as well and that is the whole Loop that you got to do to maximize the points that's what most people are doing that are trying to get certified and we are almost at 300K point so it is definitely ramping up and my Pace I've already noticed is faster than I was with di again because we got to like match our cutting speed and you know the speed on the strengths chance to like get the proximity points to be as close as possible we don't have to worry about that no more and I was also afraid to like tap stylus from behind so it was pretty stressful doing it with somebody else definitely a little easier driving around in these server solo but not as many points I am really determined like I really want to oh God I really want to complete this Challenge and just be like yeah Bo boys I can do this I will be in full Focus mode but I will still be yapping the yapping won't stop luckily we have daytime which is good visibility is better so I can send it a little faster oh God the braks in the BMW are not the best a lot of people have actually told me to use the Evo because it has smaller hit boxes and better brakes now I don't know if the brakes part is true but Styx did seem to have better breaks and Styx did use the Evo so maybe there is some truth to it but haven't tested out the Evo I'm just so familiar with the BMW that I don't really want to learn a new car right now but we might have to hop on an EVO if it's just so much faster and as you can see I took the left lane over there it is frowned upon you are not supposed to take the left lane oh that was TI there I don't know why I did that there was not even a need to go on the left lane but I did anyway also yeah something I've noticed this no hzi has programmed the AI that on these two right lanes there is always a gap like look at this there is always a gap you can take it never blocks you off so yeah no Hy a traffic is really good there's always a gap that you can pass unless somebody has crashed in front and messed up the flow of the traffic but if you're alone like right now then you absolutely can always take a gap like right now I don't even have to break I just know there is a gap there so that's pretty cool we are half a meal already which is looking pretty good that does give me confidence a little bit I know that the time and the points don't add up right now it's like there's no way you're going to do it trust me the combo is over 200 already it's ramping up this is one we need to ramp up the combo I'm just trying to focus going as fast as possible right now because that is my only Advantage right now I need to have a faster Pace than I did with Styx if I'm slower then there's no way I can do it but right now the pace is looking a little faster and also tur person VI is really uncomfortable like I don't feel that safe in this view I wish I could use the roof cam view which by the way even cro uses roof cam view like everybody nowadays even Styx dude everybody seems to love the roof cam view it's like a combination between first person view and third person view slap train what call that GoPro view I guess during like FD comps like the cars have the GoPro on the roof it's looking pretty good no I was about to say it's looking pretty good you know what let me try this we're going to try the rof listen don't sorry boys that was just a warmup all right we are now back to where we failed on the first attempt pretty much 1 million points this time in the roof C view which for me is way more accurate so we're going to be using that and we're going to continue the whole thing so far has taken me 21 minutes this includes me getting back to 1 million the second time but it's looking so much better first of all the combo first of all the combo is already better now if you you slow down like I did right now the combo is just going down you don't want to slow down you want to go as quick as possible as close to the AI cards as possible which I'm trying to do I'm so focused I'm dialed in right now I'm not going to fail this challenge this would be a disgrace but even if I fail it will be a video so even if I have to show you guys that I failed then I will of course do it hopefully doesn't come to that but oh this is a dangerous place to merge I really don't like this place I failed so many times over here the AI cars just sometimes t- bone you out of nowhere but 1.2 million already okay here we go 52 minutes remaining on the no hesit timer on top left corner and it is night time again dude I don't know what it is but night time feels like too long in no e daytime is like just I don't know 5 minutes and then there is like an hour of night time I wish we had daytime the whole time kind of hard to see yes boys I'm a little bit visually impaired during day time I have like 10 out of 10 Vision okay but during night time not so good because I had the uh the lasic surgery like whistling diesel for me it worked out though I know that he had like issues with his operation there but um definitely fixed my eyes at least so I guess I was lucky maybe but the problem is during night time I see pretty poorly I don't know what it is overall still I'm happy I did the surgery because I can just see through the walls now pretty much have like a wall hack in real life now but yeah nighttime is kind of like all just Blended in together even if it's on screen like right now it's difficult to see but points wise 1.5 million already so it is ramping up combo is going up as well and I'm just flooring it oh this is the merge area I'm got to be careful over here got to go all the way to the left over here on this white area and over here you can go on the right side and stay on this Lane and over here you're going to turn around this is the starting area which for us is a U-turn area you try to slow down as little as possible to not lose a lot of points and you just send it quick because the combo is going down right now but that's the second u-turns and over here stay on the right lane immediately because traffic is going to merge to the right but not at the very last Lane so go on the very right lane otherwise you get rammed from the side by the AI cars and yeah guys I'm just in the fourth gear pretty much on these traits just flooring fourth gear I don't want to go too fast as well because the braks are not the best on this BMW M2 that I'm using I know it is not the best car to use the Evo should be better but I just so used to the BMW that uh relearning I feel like is a disadvantage at this point and now we are officially 2 million boys solo Run 2 million so far so good like it just feels pretty easy and every attempt can last maximum of 1 hour so after 1 hour whatever point you have get finalized and that's the point you end up with and also noticed I have not once like spawn out with no hesy cars like they are so grippy I know boys it's not like you know realistic car pack but I don't think it has to be realistic it has to be fun we're peeking at the 3 million already we are officially now at 3 million so things are ramping up combo is almost 600 I wish it was a little higher to be honest oh yeah the points are going pretty good right now we are online as well which means sometimes you will encounter other players and the other players can ruin your whole run which is really frustrating here's a quick fun compilation of other players ruining my no h he runs oh my God I got ran from behind are you kidding me bro I got trapped from behind the game all right here's the merage area hopefully you enjoyed the compilation as well got to be careful over here we can take the left about 3.5 million already combo is over 600 it's going really slow though feels like I would have to risk a little more but yo this pace right now I'm doing is good though also some sometimes no he resets the top 500 scores I don't know how often that happens is it like once in a quarter or something I'm not sure every day it gets harder and harder to get certified because more people trying it so the minimum entry score always increases every single day so the more you wait the harder it is going to be to get certified unless no has he resets the elite aboard again I don't know if they invented the points thing but like they definitely popularized it like that was a good move I haven't realized for 4.3 million I'm starting to have my doubts I got to dial in a little bit more more throttle and less yappen maybe and I want daytime so bad seems like it's getting a little lighter because I can see a little better now as for daytime and daytime you shall receive thank you noi oh combo is over 700 I do like that that's really good news we might get over 1,000 combo soon after all I think a merch is coming up soon right now unless I'm tripping like right over here should be a merge I'm careful yeah there we go here is the merge that I was talking about yeah yeah yeah yeah it's a little too tight as you can see I can't really pass on the left okay I can pass on the side over here okay this is good quite dangerous but this is important now soon we will go to the right side so we get to slow down over here and just look over here somewhere and if you see a gap I think I see it it's right over here right over here slow down don't get drowned from behind by AI cars and go go go go go go go clutch kick it just send it because combo is going down now man I hate this oh my God we had 700 combo and now it's like down to 500 again this is really bad okay there was a lot of combo lost but what can you do and to the very right side over here very right side because traffic is going to be emerging as you can see oh God that's not a gap sometimes I guess an exception there is no Gap usually there is a gap sometimes there is no gap which can ruin your whole run if you are not paying attention mention but 99.9% of the time there's always a gap on the right lane that you can take as you can see trying to get close to the left as well to get those points why is it like still so dark what is happening where is the sunshine any second is going to be 6 million let me check the score and we at 6 million right now we're ramping up boys 35 minutes to go oh God we need a way better Pace we are in free servers I've heard like there's pain servers that are better to get points set oh dude I lagged there is no way my game actually lagged for a split second I lost all force feedback and split second later I hit the barrier like that actually wasn't even my fault that was so unfortunate bro oh no we go again you know what I'm going to try the Evo for fun see how good that is all right we got the Evo oh it shoots Flames from the hood that's cool wait that's so much faster than the BMW wait what is happening I should have used this car all this time this Evo is so much more narrow than the other cars it's so much better for cutting are you kidding me right now now I can understand white lining this car is so narrow you can basically Drive in between just make your own lane that's crazy by the way I can already tell you the braks on the EVO definitely better than on the BMW but with this car I will surely get started by solo so all the haters watch out ghost is coming in with an EVO dude the graphics look so dialed in by the way I like it if you like the graphics grab them on patreon I'll put a link in the description as well custom made ghostest filters grab them points are rolling in so fast I like it oh yeah I'm cutting so much faster with this car that's crazy this car is like a needle bro it fits through anything yeah boys if you want to get certified this is the car right over here I mean look at this here's the merge area got to be careful over here oh God oh God how did I survive that I thought that'd be GG right there this is the first time I've tried the Evo and I'm already in love we're already past 1 million that's wild I feel like I'm cheating right now the combo is already at 700 I spent so much time with the BMW to get the combo to 700 and we're already at 700 boys I found the hack to getting s f no hesi it's the Evo grab the Evo right now before you remove it over 2 million already by the way just like that okay here is the merge you got to be careful over here yeah we're going to lose a lot of combo right now sadly nothing we can do but there is going to be a U-turn very soon wait over here this is the U-turn area slow down over here and go do your U-turn and send it send it send it the acceleration is so much better why was I using the BMW M2 I was in a disadvantage the whole time oh we're getting so certified solo right now with this car I was starting to look lose hope on the first two attempts with the BMW M2 I didn't know how crazy this Evo was everyone was saying like yo Evo is crazy use it I was like nah I like my BMW man was I wrong I got to trust you guys more often yeah 2.5 mil already almost 3 million here we go 3 million with the Evo we're so much ahead compared to the previous attempts that's not even funny bro I didn't think the acceleration was better I just thought maybe the Evo was a little more narrow but Evo has has better branks better acceleration it's more narrow like why are you not using Evo if you want to get certified and now there's going to be people in the comments saying yo ghost you cheated you use the EVO One V one me in Roblox we're just going right now 3.5 mil there's no stop in the ghs right now kind of hyped up right now I'll be honest yeah 4 million I'm literally swimming like crazy right now Jesus I'm never driven that fast in my life in any server we already have 900 combo are you kidding me me oh my God D look at this Graphics this is crazy by the way I am loving this Graphics over 1,000 combo this is unreal oh yeah this is so doable I'm not even joking right now this is so doable 5.5 million I mean this is pretty much what we failed on the last attempt oh it's going to be night time though it's going to be a little difficult to see but that's whatever the points are ramping up like so quick I just said 5.5 million right well we are at 6 million right now also I got to make sure I don't forget where to do a uturn during nighttime it's hard to see the7 million already oh God I got to go to the right side over here there we go D look at this cuns like I'm just so confident right now with this evil you literally have your own lane in between the cars look at this how am I going so fast in between like I could never do that with a BMW I scratched mirrors so often with the AI cars oh this is the merge never mind okay this is the merge area this white line is safe kind of oh God oh God oh God I'm not getting tapped oh my God that was a little too close yeah right over here after this merge you do a uturn we got to go fast because the points are going down already the combo the com look at this combo no oh we are on the right lane quickly okay the combo didn't go down as fast as I thought it would be we are over 8 million already and don't worry boys it's going to ramp up 1.2k combo over 9 million already boys 10 million is coming soon it's pecking yep 10 million right now right here 10 million and 11 million very soon and we have 11 million almost 1,500 combo yeah boy oh here is the merge area I don't like this place uh can I go left barely I feel like if I fail it's going to be one of those merge areas oh God wait this this no I can't pass wait huh I'm stuck in traffic no my combo is going down there's nothing I can do we're at 12 million right now this is bad there's nothing I can do there's nowhere to go what is happening right now yeah my combo is just going oh no they're just all the same speed like why such a scam on this attempt yeah my combo is just going down great this is awesome is anybody going to move okay over here we can kind of take the left over here we're going to squeeze by here that's crazy we lost so much combo this is a huge setback right now so now we got to try to push even harder go even faster and maybe risk a little bit more but we're going to have to make up for it somehow but man just the Tre cars ruin so much well it is what it is I'm not giving up at least it's going to be daytime I'm going to try to wh line more more crazier Cuts just to make up for it like right over here that was a crazy cut 30 million though combo's going back back up my hands are sweaty and my mom is spaghetti wait no my mom is huh my hands are spaghetti no my hands are mom's what is the doesn't matter forget about it that's a horrible C next your turn is at a two lane 14 mil combo is back up at 1,500 30 minutes left on the no is a timer by the way oh that's the merge over here oh God I got so lucky there that's wild and 50 million right about now right over here we're got to go slow there's going to be a U-turn I'm going into neutral and uturn is right over here so full braks turning don't want to tap any barriers clutch kicking going come on Tesla move and to the very right side immediately we need 102 million by the way I mean it would be a shame if I failed this challenge 16 million at least and all the haters and doubs would be like hey gills told you so no no no we can't let this happen over 17 million now now I'm telling you we're ramping up I mean I'm going just as fast as I can possibly and 18 million I'm telling you boys the millions are coming in hot near the very end okay 19 million we're going to get 20 soon 1,600 combo wow it's bright outside and we're 20 million okay this is already looking pretty good I'm happy even to get 20 it's a small number but I like it 21 million dude I'm going so fast right now between just cars I'm just floor in it oh there's the merge area I'm going to slow down or something I'm going to go over here not slowing down just going oh that was good that was one of the best merges so far 1,800 combo 22 million points we're looking good we're looking strong this is doable 23 we got 23 oh boy okay we got 20 minutes left on the no hasy timer after that the points whatever you have get finalized so we're going to push it to the limits 24 million oh this is looking pretty good and here is another U-turn area full braks full angle and clutch kicking going trying to get the rev up and to the right lane again ladies and gentlemen 25 million solo right now solo 25 mil and we ain't done boys it's going to ramp on from here 26 million already 60 minutes left on the timer no no no this going to be so close I got to send it faster 27 ion I'm going as quick as I can I have like tunnel vision right now yeah it's going to be night time soon I can see the sun going down everything is getting darker as well 28 million 15 minutes remaining on the no hesy timer dude this is so hard and so fun at the same time I feel like I'm like addicted right now 29 million come on 1 million for 30 oh yeah 30 is so soon bro 30 million now Bo is 30 million solo 30 minutes left I don't like that number 32 million oh no 12 minutes to go though I need my combat to go up faster 33 million well the millions are going up I just don't know if that pace is enough 34 million I'm pushing boys come on 35 35 already deal from 34 to 35 was so fast I'm literally flooing it though there was some kind of emerge or something coming up soon I feel like I've been going in a straight line for too long something s is coming up soon I'm just looking out for that 36 million ladies and gentlemen oh no less than 10 minutes to go I got to full send it I got to go all in oh God oh God oh God oh God I didn't see the merging time I did not see the merging time I've been trying this for almost 2 hours now trying to get the certifi point solo and you know what these comments on the screen the doubs for once you have won but I am coming back I'm going to practice and I will prove once and for all that it is doable but it is hard that it looks like until then boys stay tuned I'm going to go practice you guys like And subscribe and as always stay sideways peace