[Music] wow [Music] oh [Music] shalom israel this is bishop from the statue i want you to know that you can review all our sabbath classes live on iuic tv that's right i said on iuic tv download the app today you gotta eat [Music] [Music] i got [Music] brought to you by israel united in christ all praise of the father oh man it's been some uh pretty heavy topics out there right what what was that okay go ahead this is your place for end time news and we're trying to keep you all up to date with all the signs and the things that y'all need to signs are the things of the the events that's going to happen that you need to be looking out because we are god's watchmen and that's watchmen we gotta bring to light the things that are happening that christ foretold that was gonna happen before his return let's i like what you just said officer i was messing with a little bit but he bring out a heavy point this uh give me that in song not psalms isaiah 62 and 6. yes all right the officer bringing it out he he was speaking to oracles for real so let's go let's go to the priesthood he's right we are god's watchman and we are here to uh alert you regarding the signs of the times that we need to be aware all right of our surroundings and what's going on on the day today read what you got the book of isaiah chapter 62 and verse 6 i have set watchmen upon thy walls of jerusalem which shall never hold their peace day nor night ye that make mention of the lord keep not silence and give him no rest till he established until he make jerusalem a praise in the earth and that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to continue to prophesy we're going to continue to go to the streets we're going to continue to be on these shows highways and the hedges facebook uh what another one twitter twitter all of them we're going to continue to push this truth until jerusalem is back on top bring it out that's right thus save the lord all right what we got what we got this is rtnews.com nato threatened russia with consequences over ukraine nato boss jen stoltenberg warned russia against exerting force exerting force on neighboring ukraine amid a series of unsubstantiated claims moscow is massing troops at the border so what do we see we see russia is beefing with ukraine right all right and nato they don't want that they say chill out piece all right because this could turn into something whoa so is that on eso on on esau crime esau on esau crimes y'all got anything officers these are the things that um we we've already brought out on the last on the um um the last sketch that we was talking about where we were saying that nation was gonna go against nation these are the things like i said christ told us was gonna happen prior to now um we may have had wars but it ain't been on the scale that we're looking at now it's been a major country against major country against major country um continuing to threaten each other that all that's going to take in that little spark that little spark is going to set us off exactly the way it's prophesied to happen and that's why we come out here to give our people warning it's time to wake up and come out of the wickedness of the world and come to god's laws all right so this is the time that um so all right all this is on the war and rumors of war man is going to happen in the earth all right and real quick i'm going to give me revelation 11 and 11. the book of revelation chapter 11 and verse 11. and after three days and a half the spirit of life from god entered into them so this is talking about on 350 years already we've been here on a well over 350 years on it but after that time the spirit on the will come back into the israelites reed and they stood upon their feet reed and great fear fell upon them which saw them so on we are standing back on our feet on the today in 2021. all right the israelites is waking up yes but great fear is on the fallen on the nations all right on the read on and they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them come up hither and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud and their enemies beheld them so on the world war three is about to pop off that's right all right all right at the same time when the christ is going to come back on the earth and say you want to come up hither in a cloud okay those on the clouds is talking about the uh the ifos that identified on the flying objects right all right now because we understand all right on honestly the lord is uh i'm gonna come back on coming back to get us all right now so we got to keep the commandments of god and on the come back to who we are hey all right can i speak on uh you the one who talked about that uh white on white crime right yes sir the white on white crime i understand why why don't white crime ain't never stop okay it's just that they accuse us [Music] let's go to revelation 6 to show you that white on white crime has been happening for years okay give me the book of revelation six and give me verse four the book of revelation chapter six and verse four come on and there went out another horse that was red that was what that was red and understand it ain't really white on white it's red on red crank it out ain't nobody white right right our shirts are white but not they are red i read that again and there went out another horse that was red and power was given to him that sat there on to take peace from the earth to take peace from the earth all right this is going into the world war one and two reed and that they should kill one another that they should do what kill one another they shall kill one another what do you have germany yeah the united states of america yeah russia you had all of these different um back then they weren't called russia they were the ussrs yeah ussr all right but you had all of these uh edomite or red nations fighting and killing amongst each other so yeah what do we see again we see russia in the mix ukraine they're all the same people right damn different dogs there you go there's different dogs with different names man hey go back to the article yeah let me get something good uh let me because y'all mentioned uh about um them fighting against each other um let me get that in a second ezra's 13 and 31 to show you that all that you see go what you see popping is prophecy to happen before the return of christ second israel chapter 13 and verse 31 and one shall undertake to fight against another one city against another one place against another one people against another and one realm against another and the time shall be when these things shall come to pass and the signs shall happen which i showed thee so those things will happen with the bible just uh tell you about that they're gonna stand against each other one realm against another kingdom against kingdom christ said the same thing we don't before and then shall my son be declared that jesus christ would be coming down like cap brought out in acts the first chapter the same way he uh uh uh uh went into heaven he will be descending into uh from heaven in the same fashion we don't whom thou saw as a man ascending and when all the people hear his voice every man shall in their own land leave the battle see that the moment they see christ coming they all will stop what they're doing now they're like hold on hold on now we got something bigger to deal with this the big black guy coming from the sky bring it up the same people that they used to hate they that they have uh hatred forever for now their king their gods is coming to defend them right they have one against another and an innumerable multitude shall be gathered together as thou saw as them willing to come just like they did to bring us down they come together with one consent to destroy us they're gonna try to do the same thing to go against god to go against christ but that ain't gonna happen and to overcome him by fighting but he shall stand upon the top of the mount zion and zion shall come and shall be shown to all men being propelled and builded like as thou saw was the hill graven without hands there you go so that's showing you what's gonna happen to them in the latter day those that gonna try to stand against christ will be put to death that's all i got all right go back to the article heavy stoltenberg said the alleged increased russian presence close to ukraine's border is something which is very concerning for many reasons calling it unprovoked and unexplained criminal spokesman dmitry paskov mark stokenburg's claims stating the movement of our armed forces on our own territory should be of no concern to anyone yeah that's what russia is saying they're saying nato a state of our business do me a favor type in on google why was nato created all right next article ukraine journalist fires her whistler at russian occupiers yuri buddhisov editor-in-chief of keith controversial since sorenit released a video purple turn to show him firing band large caliber artillery at russian occupiers the stunt he claims commemorated the 1930 civilian famine soviet famine click the video just showing you the tensions between ukraine and russia esau goodness you notice bro who else is esau bro click the video please hey y'all got uh did you find something on google did you did you type it in yet the north atlantic treaty organization was created in 1949 by the united states canada and several western european nations to provide collective security against the soviet union there you go against the soviets that's the the russians all right so they see the russians trying to start some stuff ukraine is stepping in again russia not russia not feeling that they're like hey we want to do this my own business all right all right so tensions is starting to brew go to the next article read that rtnews.com us surrounds russia with military bases right because the u.s is a part of nato so u.s troops uh are surrounding russia with different military bases right now reed russian fm laurel calls out hypocrisy russian foreign minister has said it's hypocritical hypocritical on washington of washington to baselessly accuse moscow a military escalation within its own borders while pulling nato forces closer to russia now it's true like it's not like russia is doing what america does and goes to other nations and bullying them they're within their borders so you say what are you what are you doing here you understand reid lavrov insisted that moscow has a proven track record of pursuing dip diplomatic solutions unlike his western colleagues unlike it when they talked about the west is only talking about america okay read on the fm also accused the united states and nato are breaking their promise not to expand towards the russian border rig we were told a lot he concluded to put it very politely and diplomatically so we understand something's broken right here we already know we uh we went over this with the glenn beck episode a few months back uh in revelation 17 how uh the the horns would pull away from america right okay now we also see what russia is like hey bro hey america need to get the hell up out of here yeah right okay let's go to the next article this is rt.com if nato missiles can reach moscow in five minutes what do they think we would do so russia like all right we see what y'all trying to do let's go yeah it says hey what you think we finished we figured the hypersonic missiles too yeah all right we had to start developing hypersonic arms putin pune has announced russia will soon have mack nine hoppers mark nine hypersonic weapons the the president was speaking at the russian calling conference when he explained the so-called red lines in ukraine and nato's step which have led to the current retentions if they put missiles near the russian border that can reach moscow in 10 or even five minutes what do they think our response would be we had an almost idyllic relationship in the mid 90s putin questions why the military alliance had to expand with anti-missile systems around its border all right so this is this is basically like a cold war it's like hey hey you got the proper song okay we got them too yeah it says they're just a back and forth right now right this is the this is the rumors of wars right here right right and then it's gonna it's gonna pop off for real we understand that reid i mean uh go to the next article this is newbreak.com russia claims another successful test on circon hypersonic missiles there you go next article rtnews.com russian fm warns nato arms buildup could provoke our conflict there you go y'all keep doing this oh y'all are going to provoke us and we're going to have to go to war with you russian foreign minister sergey lavrov highlighted the build-up of significant units and amaranth from nato's countries near the border on tuesday and reiterated moscow ability to prepare for escalation if the west cannot hold back ukraine and actually encourage it of course we will take all necessary steps to ensure our security right so go go to revelation 17 real quick just to refresh the the listeners out there um if you get a chance go back and view the um the glenn beck episode we did um give me what i want revelation 17 and i want verse 16. the book of revelation chapter 17 and verse 16 come on into ten horns which thou saw us upon the beast these shall hate the [ __ ] and shall make her desolate and naked right so right now america is still with nato the european union right but it says there's gonna come a point in time where they should hate the [ __ ] and make a desolate and naked reed and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire now remember nato was created what to stop the soviets but what you're gonna see in the last days is that them soviets and nato they both going to unite and turn on america that's what you got this is developed this is the beginning stages uh read on for god have put in their hearts to fulfill his will for god i put in in their hearts to fulfill his will remember he will be uh touched on another topic in revelations 4 talking about god makes things for his pleasure right so here's what he wants this to happen their vessels fit for destruction they're crash test dummies yeah this dead i read that again for god have put in their hearts to fulfill his will come on and to agree and give their kingdom unto the beast and give their kingdom unto the beast all right give me um give me one moment give me the book of uh jeremiah the 50th chapter okay watch this jeremiah 15 1 verse 41. the book of jeremiah chapter 50 in verse 41 come on behold a people shall come from the north and a great nation and many kings shall be raised up from the coast of the earth who is this this is going into the european union and russia this is the north right here it says a people shall come from the north and a great nation and many kings many kings this is going into nato and the soviets read on they shall hold the bow and the lands they are cruel and will not show mercy their voice shall roar like the sea and they shall ride upon horses every one put in a raid like a man to battle against thee against who against thee oh daughter of babylon yeah it is all it is this is this is the disturb is stirring up but we know according to prophecy that every nation is going to turn on the [ __ ] the united states of america that's right all right hey officers y'all got anything before we close out y'all good hey all i could say um with all this message that we be bringing out it's just to give our people a chance to repent come back to moses to the most i got you so-called blacks hispanics and native american out there it is time that you wake up the time is near and believe it or not that's your uh redemption that is near as as all these things going on all these things that are popping off is just because you're not in your rightful position right you better read your bible give me that one in um like i'm just going off what you just said officer give me isaiah 34 real quick he's like he's exactly right all of this is happening uh because the israelites are not in their rightful place you're correct officer uh give me verse um tell you what start at verse four the book of isaiah chapter 34 and verse four and now the host of heaven shall be dissolved and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll that's going into that uh that mushroom cloud from a nuclear missiles nuclear missiles read them and now their hosts shall fall down as the leaf falleth off from the vine come on and as a falling fig from the tree for my sword shall be bathed in heaven behold it shall come down upon i dominion upon i do mean once again come on and upon the people of my curse do judgment upon the people of god's curse the sword of the lord is filled with blood it is made fat with fatness and with the blood of lambs and ghosts with the effect of the kidneys of rams for the lord hath the sacrifice in basra and a great slaughter in the land of i dominion reverse eight is what officer was going into why is all that is taking place on the earth is because the israelites are not in a rightful place so all of this has to be stirred up and has to actually play out in order for us to be reestablished as the true rulers on this earth that's right three verse eight verse eight for it is the day of the lord's vengeance in the year of recompenses for the controversy of zion for the controversy of who zion for the controversy of zion because everybody should know now that the white people over there in the land they ain't the real jews controversy man anti-semitism is is a farce it's not real they're just trying to um excuse me they're just trying to deny the true identity of the israelites right all right so all it is all these wars why is all this happening to earth it's literally because they're trying to hide the true identity of who the israelites are we used to scream black power while heroin was pushed but at the end of the day [Music] nothing's in vain iuic has been given a vision the tenth of judah has risen many has attempted to mission minor murmuring omitting and missing the mark just reading that he had the flame of fire in his eyes gave us a spark we on paul's mission we out on the road purple and gold from mexico cuba haiti ghana sierra leone 144 000 boots banging concrete crackling these are our men repented at heart the scriptures is proof iuic we delivered it [Music] so [Music] [Music] you