Understanding Connections While Reading

Sep 12, 2024

Making Connections While Reading

Essential Question

  • How can I make connections while reading?

Concept of Connections

  • Connections are like puzzle pieces that fit together to create a picture.
  • Helps to better understand what we're reading.

Types of Connections

  1. Text to Self

    • Relating the text to personal experiences.
    • Questions to ask:
      • Where have I seen this before in my own life?
      • What does this remind me of?
    • Example:
      • The Recess Queen:
        • Connection: A mean girl on the playground in second grade.
        • "When I read about Mean Gene being mean, it reminded me of my experience with a mean girl who pulled my hair."
      • What Do You Do With a Problem?:
        • Connection: A fort destroyed by a storm.
        • "This book reminded me of when my fort got destroyed and how I fixed it, similar to the boy in the story."
  2. Text to Text

    • Connecting the text to another text that has been read before.
    • Example:
      • What Do You Do With a Problem? and The Most Magnificent Thing:
        • Connection: Both characters face challenges and persist until they succeed.
        • "When the boy was afraid in one story, it reminded me of the girl from the other story who kept trying until she succeeded."
  3. Text to World

    • Connecting the text to real-world events or situations.
    • Example:
      • The Lorax:
        • Connection: Cutting down of Truffula trees and deforestation in the Amazon.
        • "When reading about the trees getting cut down in the Lorax, it made me think about the real-life deforestation happening in the Amazon rainforest."


  • Three Ways to Make Connections:
    1. Text to Self
    2. Text to Text
    3. Text to World
  • Encouragement: All readers should go out and make connections!