Transcript for:
Torah ( class ) Covenant

[Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] alright praise yah wear hijab Miss Baja hallelujah welcome to Torah light study tonight so good to see the Miss Baja and those who are watching us via social media Bray's yah yah so good to see everyone how's everyone tonight ok Paulino yeah most of us are from Michigan area so obviously it's nice weather out on fries yeah we'll get right into our lesson tonight hallelujah and we have another treat for you today y'all has gifted us with tremendous teachers the ability to dissect the scriptures you have a vast understanding of the Scriptures so praise yadah for that so just want to share quickly again go to our website go to WWE a hebrew awakening or read about the litany of things we have going on in our ministry I'm not only here in Michigan area but across the nation also want to remind you to get involved with our Hebrew Academy in Detroit there are wonderful classes being offered this spring Hebrew like psycho customs scripture interpretation biblical feasts he language Hebrew Scriptures taught by myself Hebrew some Negroes are to talk by Brian Dalton jr. defending the law the biblical law taught by myself also we have a myriad of courses for children in the Hebrew faith and beyond the Hebrew faith and so do you want the children to know the history beyond 1619 are you tired of the mis-education of the American school system are you looking for a black oriented history language culture in business curriculum for your child then now we believe that God's given us the wherewithal he has given us the techniques he's giving us a scholarship he has also given us the d-team the human resources to facilitate exactly what I think is needed in the Hebrew community and beyond the Hebrew community particularly for Melanie children and so again you can go to WWE a org this is strictly preferred to as virtual learning so 100% online we put a lot of emphasis on the Hebrew Awakening and we're dedicated to excellence so you're going to see the spirit of excellence in this particular educational module so our curriculum again as I said before Hebrew language through history agriculture and business economics and so we won't just go to Hebrew Academy of Detroit org or you can just simply go to Hebrew the h8 Oh Deena or so Hebrew Academy of you tricked out of work or dot H a o D or for a jean so we know that we are counting the omer and literally a little over a week we will be at shallow root shovelled and so shallow is the anniversary when Moses received the mitzvot he received the laws on Mount Sinai and so we find even in a trick I saw in the New Testament on the day of Pentecost it's the Greek term tentacles but Shaba shadow root is the term there and it means the feasts of the weeks w ee k s weeks because we count seven weeks and on the fiftieth day should be shallow and so in the Old Testament or the Hebrew Scriptures Moses receiving written on tablets but during the day of shadow in the and acceptor two we receive the same Commandments but now we receive it in our hearts and that is the Holy Spirit of the ruach ha'qodesh may making evident the laws that the most high set that will be written on our hearts according to Ezekiel chapter 36 in Jeremiah chapter 31 so praise yah we are yet on the heels of another moet een and that is salute or what the world calls Pentecost so praise yah praise yah all right so tonight we are going to start our lesson and praise Jah we have some seasoned teachers in fact the word more ray means teacher so we have some some seasoned teachers and seasoned points or pastors and we have one who operates in both of those capacities and so praise Jah tonight for Laura James as Maura James that's going to instruct and teach us tonight the way of the Most High so preach out for more Ray James our bridge oh well I just want to say is uh definitely honored to to be counted as someone that yah gives to instructs to do things I want to say that number one Ric Marlon did a fabulous an awesome job talking to us last week in regards to halakha which is walking with the most high so I'm gonna pretty much kind of still be in that trajectory most I kind of put it on my heart not just to talk about it once and kind of leave it there but to elaborate on it only because I know that we in a season that we have to not only walk with him but put our trust our total trust in him and so with what we going to be talking about tonight is actually covenant obviously most of us have been in a relationship at one point in time some of us are married I guess technically all of us are married all of us should be in a covenant with the Most High and so congratulations to PK and Pt for on 20 years 20 year anniversary and I noticed that we mentioned he mentioned about going with the flow and so even when we look at our walk our halakha we are with the most high we better be going with the flow we better be going with you know his page his direction what he says and so I just go ahead and pray before we get started father yah we thank you Father for what you are doing today we thank you Father for all that have attended all that are listening father I pray to your rock breeze on this word I pray father for the spirit of accuracy we were group the spirit of era and I pray father dad that it's not me talking but father did I will speak the words in which you have given to me we give you glory honor and praise and I thank you for it hallelujah so again I think that the most high is not the fact that he walks with anybody if you look to approach him if you look to walk with him it should be for a reason definitely the fact that if you are in covenant I know for instance if I walk with anyone there's a certain way that I walk with my wife there's a certain intimacy that's involved it's a certain pace that's involved it's a certain gentleness involved and so I believe that's when the we walk with the most high when we halakhah that he does us the same way there's a certain intimacy there's a certain gentleness that he that he that he treats us with but it's also our responsibility so we go go real deep or a little bit deep into the word covenant so the Hebrew word for covenant is Baris breathe and we're gonna go over some of these Hebrew letters that consist of buried so belief itself literally is a covenant it means it is a covenant it is a pledge there is an alliance there's an agreement there is another thing that I did not put on there but there's a commitment and commitment is a huge one because when we are committed to something I remember when I got married we took vows and it said you know through good or bad or through this or through that and I had to really think real strong about because again when you in covenant there's a promise that's involved and you know unlike how we are today that promises are broken you know I remember back then given promise rings and you know typically we are we we tend to break promises you know there was even the old saying that promises are made to be broken not in this case so the most high actually made promises to us some are conditional some are not and then the other thing is we we should have it to where we make those same promises to him with the with the intent on fulfilling those promises and so when we pledge it's not the fact that we pledge allegiance to anything else including where we live and things of that nature again I recall being younger and in some of that being instilled and in me to pledge allegiance to the flag you know I pledge allegiance to to a country I pledge allegiance to a nation and not who I really should be pledging my allegiance to my allegiance should always be to the Most High same with each and every one of us so Strong's h-12 85 is buried brief and so we first have the first word we have skip back for me uh so buried we start with with bait bait bait is the second bait is the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet and that it represents a house also in so again even with starting with it before we even go deep is telling me that we need to be all in we need to be in to the most high a lot of times we see in the word Kent or heads that there's a fence and that fence represents separation or outside well this this term bit represents the inside which means we don't want to be caught on the outside so you either in a covenant or you not in a covenant so in this case we see immediately that we should be all in and that also represents family or misclick ah so the next letter that we have is rush rush obviously when you look at it as a hat that it represents the head the head in this case is obviously yeah the most high you see that it also means first which means he should be priority top he should be at the top of our list so even when we look at the fact you know that's his his commandment to love me with all of your heart mind and soul you know that's the first that's at the top and also beginning which means that that should always start our covenant shall always start with him in mind that should be the beginning that should be the most important part of our not of our just our walk our halakhah with him in our relationship but literally in our life if we love anything more than him then we are not worthy of him so again you kind of see where it's already going then we have the yo'd which represents it looks like an arm or hand but again hand hand always denotes the doing of something and so part of what we do is again the work the work that we perform so if he puts anything be anything in front of us then obviously is to do the work and each and every one of us have work to do if we're in this company we have work that needs to be done it's not just Symphony following to arrive but it is to preach the basura it's also to pick up our fellow person again and even the second one the second commandment to love others as we love ourselves then the worship our worship to him this joy represents when we are in covenant I forgot where it says it at but he's a jealous God you know our goal we were made to literally worship Him yes to have dominion over the earth but also to worship and so when we're not doing his work which is taken back Dominion we should literally be worshipping him so that right there even a hope that whole circle of right there you're either doing something for him or you're in worship of him and then it's also deed things that we do deeds in regards to things that he may tell you to do personally and then yo is to make to make so so far we have the bait the rash and then we have the yo'd so the next thing is table table itself literally represents a covenant it represents a promise it represents that agreement that pledge that alliance and it also represents to seal something it's not on here but to join joining two things together again when we got when I got married that was a joining of two people i sealed my love for my life through our marriage also mark it and some mark mark not as in the man but mark as in on our hand even the word Hebrew every we know that it represents see a man with a mark on his hand scripture talks about us having it on our hand the Covenant or carrying out the Covenant and also it should be a it said a frontlet on our between our eyes which means in our mind as he said he's going to put it in our heart but also it's a sign whenever there's a covenant there's always a sign that's involved so the true meaning of belief the true meaning of birth again which is covenant literally means to enter into the house and in this case we're talking about the kingdom the house of the head not just any house but the kingdom of yah we must make again as that word yo we must make the mark and the mark in this case again is to keep Torah so we know that the root word of Torah is Yara Yara means to shoot or to hit the mark so if we want to enter into the house of the head we must make the mark we must keep Torah and it's also our work and again is just not work for anybody it's just not work for the mores it's not just work for each and every one of us has work to do if you don't think you have work to do then you didn't you already missed the mark so it's your work and also your worship your work in your worship is a sign to seal the agreement which means I have to not just talk a good game but I have to literally walk it out so some people may think I never even made this company you know I just was kind of you know it just kind of was upon me or whatnot I want to say that Moshi and Mount Sinai when I spoke to him literally there was a sprinkling of blood and that right there literally helped to mark the fact that when we came into covenant by the way is it does anyone have any questions so far just want to make sure we we kind of all on the same page all right I'll continue and so the word bara so strong 12 and 62 is the word bara that's the root word of Baris so covenant again brief goes back to Strong's 12 and 62 which is bara and what that literally means is to select the best and so when we think about things that happen when there was a sacrifice typically you had that they had to select the very best if you ever if you think back whenever there was a sacrifice being made you know you used the word without blemish and you know a certain age and a certain look and things of that nature so again the word bara think about it to select the best so I haven't think about even with our marriage number one I had a chance to marry whomever I wanted to and so did my wife but literally when I chose her to make the Covenant I was literally selecting the best that was my best selection so think about when yah chose us we I know we may not we hardheaded we're stubborn with stiff neck but and his it would seems as though he was selecting the best it was something that he know about us maybe that we don't know about us maybe he saw some potential in us but there was a ruler so and even with the within him establishing this covenant we're about to go a little bit deeper in bara to select the best well there are covenant how it was established was to the mashiach nahusha and so even with him selecting him for sacrifice for this covenant we we will see that he literally was some selecting the best while talks about him being perfect sinless flawless again he bara he select the very best that he could when it came to this covenant this new covenant that he was establishing with us and so a little deeper so we know that the word bara comes from is the root word of bow wreath but now we have another reward of bara which is simply bar and that's in Strong's 1250 bar and so bar when you look it up literally means a grain or either corn so grain or corn so now we have this trickle-down effect whenever we're talking about covenant that there's something about selecting the best and then there's something regarding a brain or corn I'm go try to make it make sense and so bar if we look up the Aramaic word for son many people know about Bar Mitzvah so that where bar obviously means Sun and then mitzvah is the commandment so when we look at a bar mitzvah it's literally the son of a but in this word we are only looking at bar because when we look at somebody that was perfect in the best in a son we automatically think about our Mashiach we automatically it automatically goes to the Mashiach but again that root word bar it talks about corn or grain so how does what does the son and the Mashiach have to do anything with corn or grain we should have a precept that goes today he said when we look at yoga 9 or John 12 and 24 he says I mean I mean or truly truly I say unto you except a grain of wheat and the original actually says a grain of corn and less a grain of corn or wheat falls into the ground and die it abides alone but if it die it brings forth much fruit so we talking about the mashiach now it says and this is him talking this is almost right when he was talking about that the hour has come for him to die he goes right into saying truly truly I say unto you except a grain of wheat or a bar or a Sun fall into the ground and die that's where you get that word barrel sheath so we remember that dr. Laws talked about when he broke the word bara sheath down it talks about a son let's go fall to the ground did all the way from the beginning and it says and it abides alone meaning that it's only him that can do it that there's no one else but it stands but if it died if he dies it brings forth much through which means in order for him to die remember we always deal within the parameters of this covenant so we talking about with him dying it is this his covenant Disko bring forth much fruit what about this fruit because that's that's the main thing now we kind of dissected the fact what a grain or a bar or the Sun was and again this all points to the Mashiach so we have where's the fruit part of me where is the fruit again we go back a little bit please so where is the fruit when we talking about a fruit against in it standing yoke and on bumping up a couple chapters it talks about the fruit and yolk and I on 15 and 5 number 1 it says that I am the vine again it's talking about the Mashiach I am the vine that's the vine in which this fruit is going to come from ye are the branches so typically fruit doesn't grow necessarily on the vine itself but literally it grows you got the branches that comes off of the vine and then you have the fruit and it says I am the vine ye are the branches he's talking about us he that abides in me and I in him so again that's that intimacy again there's that covenant if you abide in me and I abide in you the same brings forth much fruit again not just a little fruit but much fruit so that's we have to really make sure that we are abiding in him that he dwells within us that we dwell within him that everything that we do it literally is in glory of him that we appointed to the glory even our lifestyle what we do how we walk how we talk everything that's in him to the point where it begins to bring forth fruit and it says for without me you can't do nothing and I didn't put it on here but when we think about it it says without me you can do nothing it automatically takes me to the precept that I can do all things through him which strengthens me so you got without without him I can't do nothing and with him I can do everything so it seemed like well the fact that we in this covenant most of the time I've noticed some people actually it seemed like they set himself up for failure with certain things that they wind up doing but in this case it literally seems like that yeah is literally setting us up for success so we fell in any way it gotta be because of us and not because of him cuz it's not only his vision but again he's making provision which means he's setting away for us to do even with this path when we talk about halakha or walking with the most high number one he have to there has to be a path you know he's not just moving not to go nowhere everything is already established which means he has already laid the foundation down set the path it is literally just up to us to take his hand and to walk with it and again every single thing he has already literally he set us up for for so much success we don't have a reason to fail unless we get in our own way hallelujah we can proceed so again this is pre step at the preset this ditch that's telling us not only that who he was or who he is but is also telling us you know there there's there's this comparison nowadays that I would like to make so number one so we know his role in the Covenant but we also have a role in the Covenant so number one he was our perfect sacrifice which means anything that we have to offer as a sacrifice is is not gonna be it doesn't even compare because if he was already our perfect sacrifice what more can we do what more can we give and again the precept that talks about what we can do get it or what we can do is Romans twelve and one which talks about us presenting our body as a living sacrifice so again not only just you know going to Sabbath you know or zoom in on Savage sometime when we're not doing that we wait around we wait the Torah application class we may look up a little something here and there but no it talks about literally when we are living you think about every day every day we are living so that means every day that we should be presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice which means and think about this in order for a sacrifice is something that always dies yeah Yahoo show was so perfect that resurrection was was already in the midst that you know I wouldn't say dying wasn't nothing but he was the perfect sacrifice so he died as a sacrifice and here we are we are to live present our body as a living sacrifice so totally end of the spectrum I'm so glad that that the Most High didn't want for us to die to be that's that dead sacrifice and the only thing I have to do and I say only because it's something that we should be doing anyhow because it's setting us up for eternal life is presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice which is to do it to simply allow him to lead us allow him to guide us that we no longer have no control over our life that our will is submitted to his will same as the mush when he went to die on the on the stake on the tree he said not my will but your will and so now we got to go to the obedience factor he was obedient at what he did and think about this if he had to operate in obedience what make us think that we don't have to operate in obedience and so while I'm getting Romans five and nineteen because I want to I want to go I want to be able to actually not only just tell you where to go but I actually want to read through some of these and we won't we won't be long at all but I do want to go through some of these so Romans five and nineteen Romans five a nineteen save for as by one man's disobedience talking about Adam many were made sinners so by the obedience of one which is our messiah yahushua shall many be made righteous so how how can we possibly be made righteous well again it goes about talking about when we go back to the screen it tells us that obedience literally is better than sacrifice and that's in 1st Samuel 15 and 22 so why is obedience better than sacrifice number one because he was our perfect sacrifice which means there's nothing more that we can offer other than present in our bodies as a living sacrifice which again goes back to simply being obedient to him let allowing him to rule over anything that we do and again when we look at the word belief remember it talks about the beginning that resh is he's the top priority whatever he said is the top priority that I'm busy trying to get to the head I'm trying to get to the house of the head the kingdom of yah there's no way that that's happenin without obedience and again it tells us that obedience is better than sacrifice well how can how can I possibly be obedient well again we know that the Mashiach is our perfect example our perfect example if we ever want to look at anything of how he did anything we'll learn from it and so when we look at how did he learn obedience Hebrew five and eight tells us that he learned obedience from suffering and sumit so again Hebrews five and eight again we'll read it it said though he were a son talking about yahushua yet learned obedience by the things which he suffered and again think about what he had to suffer the things that he went through before he even died so number one i'm glad that we didn't have to die he's looking at us having eternal life but the fact that what he went through before he died he had to suffer before he died so again if he learned obedience then again if he's our perfect example there has to be a way that we must learn obedience and so again when it talks about learning obedience again the way that he suffered we can never suffer we can never it can never we can never compare because he art he did it for us and i'm so thankful that he did he did it for us but for us there's a different type of suffer so in first Peter for one it says to suffer in the flesh is when we go cease from sin ceasing from sin equals to righteousness because again we noted transgression or lawlessness it is sin so that automatically is disobedience and again we know that it said the wages of of sin or lawlessness is death which means to be obedient also has a wage to be obedient we must we look for eternal life but in order to be obedient we must suffer and in order from us suffering it says to suffer in the flesh that cease from seeing now the only way that we that when we look to to suffer or there's a word whenever yom teruah comes around it talks about i'm having a moment here when it comes to young to rule but anyhow it talks about us fasting it talks about us are our flesh suffering are beating our flesh up or to suffer it come to me later but anyhow to suffer in the flesh so in order for us to be obedient in order for us to learn obedience and again remember obedience is better than sacrifice but yet we must present our bodies as a living sacrifice in order to be obedient in order to be obedient aren't we must suffer in the flesh that we must cease from seeing so part of fasting is key for us because it helps to conditioned us to be more in the the spiritual or the more the Ruach than it is to be in the flesh and so again we know that too we for us to really suffer in the flesh we simply just have to fast and that helps could condition ourselves so much that we have been in touch with the Ruach we know that yah is a rock and he's looking for those that will worship Him and Ruach again i got that word worship remember that's part of the covenant part of our our role in the covenant is to follow torah but also to worship him to worship him not any kind of way but in Ruach in spirit not in the flesh in rueake in an admit or truth so we'll go on and so the only reason I really want to point out the fact of this covenant because we we just say covenant like it's just this laissez-faire thing that that you know I'm an accompany you know and that you think about he made so many promises to us but there comes a time that we have to there's an obligation that comes with this covenant it's the obligation on our part there's there's a commitment and there's a certain level of commitment that must be on our part I think of the word Emunah Emunah that he talks about faith James talked about faith without works is dead show me your faith without works and I'll show you my faith wit words and it and in faith this faith of Munna again is a Hebrew word for faith which literally means a firmness it's a steadfastness there's a faithfulness unmovable we you can stay there you can stay there that's fine I'll look our reflect on the word when I think about a covenant in any marriage there becomes a time that we become mad at each other there are times that we may not want to speak to each other and sometime we don't hear the voice of God but there's times that that we go through things but that a moon are when a moon our kicks in faithfulness to know that I'm not gonna tip out that I'm not gonna talk to someone else that I'm gonna be faithful that I'm gonna have a Munna because I know that better things are coming and so when we look at things when it comes to covenants I wanted to point out this covenant because there are other things other covenants that we can make within our covenant with yah to literally help us with the Covenant I think about job 31 and one when he said I made a covenant with my eyes not to lust after women and so think about it that that that right there making that covenant there's a separate covenant that he made literally with his self with his eyes that I won't look too lush after after this this woman and when I went even I thought I think about that I think about a covenant there's a personal covenant that i made with yeah that I told them that if you ever give me something to say that I won't be afraid to say it and I think about that helped me take take me over the threshold of not being scared to speak not being scared to say because literally by me doing that I made my covenant with yah literally more personal and so when I think about maybe there's something that we all need to do because again we take this covenant a little bit too lightly we take this covenant for granted the fact that he laid it out for our success he wants us to have eternal life and in order for us to do that again we have to do our part just like he did his part and so when we look at this covenant that David and Jonathan made first time you 18 and 3 it says that he loved him as his own soul or the word nephesh the fish means soul in Hebrew so think about this when he told us to love each other as we love our self think about the deepness of that dad not I can't love sometime I do I do for other people and it seemed like I put myself on the back burner but again I think about this I love myself so much that I would do anything for myself I should be I should have that same mindset when it come to my fellow brethren I should have that same mindset when it come to the Mishka car I should have that same mindset when it comes to neighbors I need to love them on the same level as I love myself but he took it even a step further not even as he loved himself but as he loved his own soul so all of us wherever you at if you watching all of us we want we want our soul to be saved we don't want to go to the the lake of fire so you think about how much you love your soul so it's the difference being I just like I love myself but it's a totally different aspect to say I love you as I love my own soul which means as much as I don't want to die or have eternal damnation I should have that same love for my fellow brethren that I should be not just you know beat nazir - how about it but I should be trying and trying and trying and trying and if it don't come in if I can't do it one way I should try this way and I should try that way and I just try that way could think about it even with us being in a covenant we should be able to try think about if something doesn't work for us then guess what we should try it another route and we should try another route and we should try another route until we literally get it and that's the same thing when it comes so 1st Samuel 18 and 3 when when David and Jonathan they make this covenant and actually if you skip down to chapter 20 and 8 it says that ya witnessed it so I remember when I got married and I'm sure the detailing when he got married and anyone else got married they remember that there has to be witnesses involved and you think about how many witness the Mashiach when he hung how many people had to witness so whenever you talking about a covenant there should always be witnesses and he talks about it it actually says in King James Version version it says there was a covenant of the lord and not not not for or with but it said of meaning that he witnessed it and then in that same furs he said guess what if I don't hold to my covenant and I break this covenant you can slay me yourself you can kill me yourself so think about the Covenant that we have with the Most High if we were to say that I'm so deep in this yeah if I break this covenant you can kill me yourself you can put me I won't say out of my misery he'll put you in misery you can slay me yourself then we should be that that intentional about our covenant our halakhah our walk with ya you go to the next one hallelujah all right well now for sure what's going on but anyhow we should be intentional with our walk when it comes to him but we look at so there's a word so we look at the word to make a covenant whenever we read the Bible he talks about to make a covenant I'm gonna tell you why we need to look at the fact of Hebrew words when we talk about anything for the most part because it's not watered down it's more direct its intentional so we have the word caress barese we know that Bharath simply means covenant but conrath keroth means to cut so not just to make a covenant but you look at the word carafe arethe which means to cut a covenant whenever you cut anything is gonna be blood involved whenever you're talking about a covenant cutting a covenant there's usually bloodshed that's involved can we go to the next slide so we go to bearish sheath or Genesis 15 9 through 12 and then we have 17 through 18 so it says in he he being yah said to him him as Abram bring me a three-year-old heifer and a three year old female goat and a three year old Ram and a Turtledove and a young pigeon notice how they want specific things then he brought all these things to him and he cut them in two and he laid each half opposite the other but he did not cut the birds and the birds of prey came down upon the carcasses and it tried to eat those carcasses when he first cut him open he tried to eat it and it says an abram had to drive them away now when the son was going down a deep sleep fell upon Abram and behold Terah and great darkness fell upon him skip down to verse 17 and it came about when the son had said that it was very dark not just a little dark but very dark and behold there appeared a smoking oven and a flaming torch takes me back to the burning bush there is fire a flaming torch which pass between the pieces so it walked between the pieces and on that day yeah caresse buried oh yeah I made a covenant with Abram saying to your descendants I have given this land from the river of Egypt as far as the great river the river Euphrates and so we really examine this this passage it illustrates the meaning of this covenant of this agreement of this pact of this alliance this commitment that was made by passing between the haves the two halves of the cut flesh so in this case he had a high figurative language and we talking about moshi-moshi a said that yea alone passed between the halves of flesh that's key that he alone pass between the halves of flesh so back then whenever you made a covenant you there was a cut in the Covenant they split it in half and both people would literally walk in between and part of them walking in between those was to say listen if I break this covenant that me and you just made you can do me just like we just did these sacrifices that's literally what it was saying when you think about what what Jonathan interaction has happened between Jonathan and David he said that remember he said you can kill me yourself you can slay me yourself because they both literally when you walk through the Covenant and but it I'll just skip back here indicating that y'all cut an unconditional covenant with Abram note the spillage of blood was part of the cuttin of the Covenant but yeah again y'all alone when it talks about that oven in that flaming torch he alone passed between the two halves which means he alone there was their responsibility that step unconditional it's that mean it was just his duty alone because he alone walked through it so he cut that unconditional covenant with Abraham or Abram please go to the next line thank you thank you so much to for working the slide so now let's go to Jeremiah Jeremiah 34 18 through 20 and I give the men who have transgressed my covenant again April covenant who have not fulfilled the words of the Covenant again they haven't fulfilled it they have been carried out they part which they made before me how did they make it before him when they cut the calf in two and they passed between its parts again they meaning this that means everybody pass through between the parts you had the princess or either what they call the officials of Yehuda you have the the princess or the officials of Jerusalem or Jerusalem you have the eunuchs you have the priests and all the people of the land what they do they pass between the parts of the calf and it says and I will give them into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of those who seek their life it says their dead bodies which mean again remember you cut that covenant it's serious serious to the point if you break it you die in it and their dead bodies shall be food for the fowls of the heaven and the beasts of the earth remember if we went back we don't have to go back but if we think back when Abram cut those those things in half remember those birds immediately came down and tried to get it and Abram had to shoot him away shoo shoo go but it said that their dead bodies shall be food for the birds of heaven and then the beasts of the earth next slide please so this again so Jeremiah records a covenant between man and yah but it was not an unconditional covenant like the Abrahamic covenant therefore we see that the failure of men to keep this again there's an obligation when it comes to covenant it had severe consequences not just any consequences but severe consequences from these passages we can see that yah is serious about covenant he is serious about halacha he's serious about this walk why can't we be just as serious as he is about this walk because we'll be jealous if he picked another nation again remember about the olive the olive tree he did it originally to provoke us to anger to make us jealous but again he's serious about this covenant we need to be just as serious or not or even as much serious and we was literally made in his image and we are just like him and we are jealous we should be just as serious as he is about covenant so in this case taking the lives of those who broke this covenant we also see a description of one meaning of the Hebrew word again carafe or carafe burry cut in that covenant which literally the passing or walking between the pieces of the cut flesh and animals and contrast to Genesis 15:18 where Yahoo passed through the pieces himself in this covenant was the man who passed through the cut pieces of flesh note also the cutting of Covenant entail the spillage of blood next slide please that that's it for that portion I wanted to make a couple notes we didn't I didn't go all the way when it came to those but I wanted to make you know there's a lot of us think that we don't have to we all have to necessarily walk this thing out that you know we just part of the company it's it's like we're a phantom participant that we we their own paper but we not really there and so we look at if we go be a phantom participant then we go be a phantom recipient to receive something you literally have to go through it so we know that we always willing to we always willing to give yah our permission for something but very rarely are we trying to give him our participation you know we always there's a saying that won't he do it you know well when it comes to covenant remember that there is two parties involved with covenant there's two parties involved if you go be one of them you can't be phantom we have to be present we have to be present in our walk to literally walk with Him we have to be present you know if we really want to be a recipient of all that he has to give because again he laid it out for us to the point where we don't have to we literally just have to walk this thing out but there has to be a Munna remember you said you can do nothing without me but we can do all things through him why not of our own strength but of him that strengthened so even when times get rough then again think about a coveted when I don't feel good when I feel sick when I'm not I'm feeling under the weather guess what my wife step right in to help strengthen me to carry me on to the next day and think about with our covenant with him we should have it the same way that he strengthens us with him we can do all things not just something but all things is just a matter of us halacha walking it out we notice that whenever there was a covenant that there were two things that the things were cut when we initially broke covenant with the Most High he literally cut us into two nations that's a week when we see that you have Israel and then you have Yehuda so he cut us into literally into when it came to that covenant when there was another covenant remember when we broke it it's not on here but if you can write down Jeremiah three six through eight Jeremiah three six through eight because again it's talking about things that we did things that we can't say that we were just we are just innocent in this whole thing we did our part we did something that says and Yahoo said unto me in the days of Josiah the King has thou seen that which backsliding Israel have done she have gone up the two high mountains and under every Green Tree and there have played the harlot you look up that word harlot forgot the Hebrew word for it but it literally means whoredom and it says and I said after she had done all these things turned thou on to me but she returned not so meaning we was we not even just broke covenant but we weren't even sympathetic about we wasn't even we didn't even sympathize with the fact of what we did we did we would we didn't even repent we didn't even sue chuva we didn't even turn back city and she returned not in her treacherous sister Yehuda or Judah saw it and I saw when all that causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery again we had he divorced us it's a wrap I have put her away and giving her a bill of divorce yet her treacherous sister Judah or Yehuda feared not but went and also played the harlot herself monkey see monkey do and thus we was in the same position as Israel I wanted to point out two things and we don't quite have time to go over it and this can be homework for for each and every one of us but when we go back to where it say that she has gone up into every high mountain and under every Green Tree a couple Torah application classes ago we talked about PK talked about how the Bible the scripture uses metaphors when it comes to talking about things so when we think about the tree remember if you can remember back the tree being people or nations remember that anyone of anybody remember that we talked about tree being Nations he referred to nations as being trees it says that we went under every Green Tree so we went under every Green Tree and when we look at the word green it's talking about being prosperous so we jealous we we were so envious of other nations that we went under every one of them that we tried to be like them think about it if ya said that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and he think of us as being this precious thing but yet we want to be like somebody else not only that but if you if we if you go to and then he talks about mountains so what about these mountains we went up to every mountain talked about every high mountain and there's there's there's a couple different instances when when it talks about mountains metaphorically speaking again trees for nations but mountains refers to worldly systems and that's in Revelation chapter 6 you can we can probably read through it in our own time but mountains being worldly systems you think about this nothing really has changed because we rather buy into this system there's worldly system this Babylonian system of think about the American dream everybody want to live the American dream that house that card had marriage this and that and think about it we didn't brought so much in today that we forgot about that plan that path that yah had already laid out for us that covenant that we should be ceilings remember to seal the covenant through our work in through our worship do torah then we should be selling it and then it talks about and then ezekiel chapter 6 says revelation chapter 6 referring to the mountains regarding worldly systems then ezekiel chapter 6 referring to mountains as like religious systems and think about it we've been brought into these worldly systems and religious systems it we didn't brought so much into it that we look in so much at the other nations of how they lived a life and what they doing and what they eat and how they talk and how they dress that we didn't lost our own identity because we lost fact of the Covenant that we have made we don't need only break the covenant remember I said it she returned out unto me so we didn't even to Shuba we didn't even want to turn back we was too busy looking at these other trees being under every tree and being on every high mountain that we literally lost sight when we talked about halacha that Hebrew word halakhah when we talked about walking with yeah walking with the Most High the last thing we talked about is when when you go to walk with somebody you literally begin to see things from the same perspective as they see it so when we walk in Ruach when we walk with an ax men when we have a muna we have faithfulness we begin literally to see it through the lens of the eye of yah we begin to see things the way I see it I refer back to my marriage with our covenant sometime we if me and my wife are walking and it's this thing that she know what I'm thinking and I know what she thinking at some time literally we could be thinking did you see that because literally we walk in together and we so close and so in tune with each other that she see things how I see things when I see things and that's the same way we should be with y'all we should be so in tune with walking with Him so in love with walking with him so in tune with this covenant not only for the consequences not only for the the benefits that come with it but the fact that we love him so much with all of our heart that's the only thing that matter that we love him so much that we so deep in love we're not just thinking about the benefits what I'm getting out of you know some people when they get married when they go into a cut what I'm getting out of it you know that's what that's what that's what all these what a prenuptial agreements and things that need to come in because there's some there's some shadiness in the business think about it yeah I didn't even ask for a prenup just say listen I want you to walk with me and only me I'm jealous I'm telling you ahead of time I'm jealous I think about it like this and I'm winding down but you think about like this most people don't remarried who they divorce that means it just didn't work out whatever you go your way I go my way it was never intended it was never meant to happen but you think about he he gave us a bill of divorce and then he turned around and said but it's something about us think about it when people remarry people that they divorce it gotta be two things they're either the love is there and it is so strong or either did there's a lot of hope there's a lot of potential is there think about it you either got to be a lot of love is there still over just came shaker or again there got to be potential or hope there I see something in and you that you don't even see in yourself right now remember Barack to select the best to select the best there's a couple things last thing I want to say is when you in love with somebody when you in covenant with somebody you tend to make pet names for these these names these poetic lovey-dovey names think about Psalm 68 and for when we that we call the Most High yeah just yeah now Yahoo upper just yeah did he said I'm so in love with you that I can I have a name I have this poetic name it is just yeah that I'm so in tune I'm so intimate with you that it's not just you it's not yahuwah it's yeah there's three things that represent Israel or at some point represented Israel you got Jacob whenever it refers to Jacob and not Israel it refers to Jacob the servant Jacob the servant one day does does does servant and then we have remember when when Jacob name became Israel it was through wrestling it was through this wrestling this this tug-of-war this so think about us that at one point we just thought that just serving just doing whatever we do I baked a cake this for him I I hope somebody with a groceries it's for him I'm a servant servant servant servant servant and then at some point we begin to wrestle we begin to wrestle with with our relationship we begin to wrestle with our identity we begin to wrestle with who we really are we begin to wrestle with who he really is we begin to wrestle with our role in this whole thing we'd be getting to wrestle with a whole lot of stuff so there's I think three maybe four four times in scripture where it talks about not Jacob not Israel yes sir on Yesha wrong yes your room yes your room yes our room when you look it up it's almost that poetic name it's almost that pet name for Israel yes your room and so we need to get out of being Jacob and even get out of being Israel stop wrestling we need to become Yasha room becomes so intimate with him yes our room it literally when you do research on it that is the ideal name for Israel that is the idea which means I see beyond what you are I see your potential I can I see that what I put you to do to have dominion you can do it because again I'm here when you walk in covenant with me i strengthen you because i abide in you you and me and even when we see that mocchi are talking about that we talk about I am The True Vine and bringing forth much fruit you read on down and it talks about keeping the commandments following the commandments if ya had the word and his word is forever and it was very emphatic about saying forever and we know yahushua was the Word made flesh go back to yoga 9 I believe even one that it was one in one and he was the word in the beginning was the word and the word was with ya talking about the Mashiach and it goes on to say that the word became flesh the law was never done away with especially because think about it the Maciek was our perfect example he walked in covenant he walked in relationship he was the word made flesh he fulfilled he did his part again remember it's up to us to help to fulfill our end of the Covenant again it's an agreement made between two I don't blame ya if I laid things out the way he laid it out and my only my only thing was you have to be obedient that you have to walk it out if you love me keep my Commandments guard my Commandments don't just say it but I want you to do it and again I think the most high in this season he's telling us be serious about this covenant we know it's not just something that's it's just given to us it's just not we just not you have you ever had somebody to think that they you just owe him something that we walk around we Israel he oh it to us it is nothing nothing old to us it is a privilege that he selected us it's a privilege that he favored us it's a privilege that he called us his people it's a privilege that he know us by his by our name it's a privilege it talks about him knowing even a very hair on our head it's a privilege think about it and so when will we become Jasha room when she'll win will we become this ideal when will we live up to the potential that the most high seeing us only when we learn obedience like the mashiach only when we cease from sin when we suffer in the flesh only we will become when we literally remember that we walked in between only when we say that you can slay me yourself you can kill me yourself if I break covenant when we keep that in mind it'll help us to walk it out even more to we that we will really enjoy this Holika we were enjoyed as walk we enjoyed the beauty of the walk and we enjoy the beauty of seeing things the way he see it that we enjoy the beauty of would ever break his heart break our heart it's not thinking a season it's covert and everything going on that there was there should be a lot of introspection going on there should be a lot of looking at myself what's my role and my identity anymore what was my role hallelujah well that will that will end it for our Torah application class or or today don't know if anyone has any comments any questions yeah Marie it was I mean I'm just taking notes here this was not very powerful and we began to see these revelatory concepts you just dropping revelatory concepts and the revelation you receive obviously doesn't come out of your mirror just mere study jokes that can a man find yah by by searching alone and obviously the answer is no and so you all have heard me said throughout the years is that revelation is relative to relationship you don't get revelation void of relationship revelation is essential to relationship and so people say well I got revelation oh really you have a discovery you can search and you'll find discoveries but you don't have revelation revelation means somebody revealed it to you and Maria was very profound tonight your statements particularly when it comes to covenant I was able to see it shed new light in terms of covenant because every covenant requires relationship let me say this again every covenant requires relationship any relationship that where there's no reciprocity it's gonna die and we said it again because I think Norway James threw out the message tonight I think that something that he was echoing that any relationship without any real reciprocity is gonna die because there's an inch eventually if you are giving and you're giving and you're giving to in a relationship dynamic and you don't see that anything is coming back there is no reciprocity coming back you're gonna come to the conclusion that the investment does not warrant a return and so no one is going to continue to invest in something where there is not reciprocity and so society have taught us that this Babylonian system have taught us to be parasitic and that's why in our community we are consumers and we're not producers we are taught to take take take take but covenant if you're going to be in a covenant to relationship it requires two things that requires it's a dual dynamic that goes on you can't just not with the most high you can't just take take take take that's what Christianity take you oh hey the grace is sufficient oh I can just do what I want to do I don't have to do anything I he just love this is never failing his grace is unmerited favor not based on my works I can just exist and I'm going to make it into the kingdom that's not coming in relationship that's usury so society have taught us that we can take without giving back think about the ecological system and I think about the ecological system guess what if you don't put nothing in the ground it's not going to heal anything so even how the most high structured not just when we talk about anthropology or dealing with human dynamics in terms of relationality but even when it comes to typology of what we call soil what we call the agricultural system agriculturally and even ecologically you cannot a ground that that's not producing as a ground that no one has invested into you you gotta invest into the ground in order to get something out of it so more are you were talking about Jonathan and David and one of the things that I thought about was nomenclatures because nomenclatures are essential they very important nomenclatures are names all right so that we find Abram and Abraham name was switched to Abraham that hay hay means revelation notice the H was added to his name as well we get the word revelation the moment he had revelation of what mem mem means water or vast amount of something that he got the revelation that he will be a father a mini nation it required his whole nomenclature or his name to change of we find Sarah notice what was added to Sarah or Syria the H the hey the moment she got in revelation that she cannot do things in her own spread because before she did in her own strength I said well let's help the Most High out I got this pretty PYT young thing I'm old I already been through menopause 20 years ago hey won't you go into her and let's help the most high up and that's why the Most High said listen Abram and Sarah I I don't need your help she got a revelation that the Most High didn't eat her health that's what her naming and now that she be tried to operate in the RAM Inn and it from y'all same way that that ievei Eve said I'm gonna take upon this nature upon myself I'm gonna be asked God I'm gonna be as yahuwah I'm going to now have knowledge like him once I bite into this fruit I'm gonna become like him she began to operate in a room independent from yah she operated her own strength but the moment that Sarah began to or seria I begin to get the revelation the hey that she can't do it within her own strength her name changed so all throughout the scriptures even we talk about where we find where was it Rachel where Rachel dies on their way to a frat or a frat which is now Bethlehem as they are on their way with Jacob no one should give birth to two - Ben to me before she dies but before she give birth she's struggling and she's had this conversation with her handmaiden and notice what happened she went a baby is born see name's Benjamin but no not but known I mean son of my sorrow until after she died and now Jacob has to bury her in the desert she now we find Jacob who now renames his son from my son of sorrow but known I to Benjamin which means the son of my right hand or the son of my friend so what was their sorrow now becomes their strength and so as you were talking about that begin to think about all of the name changes throughout the scriptures and the significance of no McLeish's the significance of names that we see throughout the scriptures throughout Tanakh throughout the Brit hadashah significance of it remember we're talking about Judaica remember Jacob Jacob worked seven years and he eventually get he get Leah and obviously he didn't want me and is he she's unattractive to him the scripture said that she is she's tend to die which means that you know her eyes are what we would see in our society his cross I and so for him she was not its aesthetics aesthetics she was not beauty foe to him and and all of her life when you read the scriptures and you really begin she because the scriptures is lavish in terms of exploiting our humanity but when you look at it from a humanity standpoint we begin to earn anthropologically we begin to see that leah herself was always unwanted so typically as we saw in rachel as ray too is dying or she'd give birth to Benjamin she names a child that's part of the Hebrew culture based on your current condition and life your current stance and life so notice she's unwanted by man Leah she's unwanted by Jacob she's always feel like she had to play second fiddle because her sister is more beautiful and and Jacob is spending more time with her sister who is Rachel was more beautiful and her she's kind of second class she's kind of one that it's a mistake and so now she's trying to prove herself she's trying to prove or trying to buy or win the love of object and so what does she do her first son she said in this Reuben Reuben mean what Reuben me the son that a I gave you a son now he's a lovely oh I bet he gonna love me and guess what he didn't love her since she had a second son second son was who Simeon so oh yeah and Samia means to hear or to listen nah he don't listen to me I gave birth to a second son now you don't listen to me now I'm gonna get his attention but guess what dad didn't get his attention so she said I'm gonna have a third son and his name will be Levi and Levi needs to be attached it means to be connected I'm gonna have a son that's going this third son or he's gonna be committed to me now oh he's gonna love you now all he's gonna be attached to oh I'm telling you he's new he's going to love me and he's gonna be loyal to me he's gonna help fidelity his fidelity for me it's going to be unprecedent because because I have given him a third son that's what Levi's mean it means to be attached but but Hebraic culture you name your children based on your current mood or your current position and life because all names are prophetic all names are Theophilus all name and that's why the most I have to come in and change a lot of our names based on what prophetically whether it is demonstrated in our lives so guess what you didn't have it and then the first one is prayers which means Judah Judah means praise so listen I'm just gonna praise y'all I cannot win his affection I cannot win over his affinity to me so I'm just gonna praise them and so for us when we look and read about our ancestors they tell a story and so when when Mora James was talking about covenant itself I thought about Levi Levi means to be attached it means commitment one who would commit to y'all one who will have faithfulness to you here's what I tell people we don't continue continuing in this walk does not earn their salvation but but our continuance is proof positive of our salvation and we said it again I don't want you to miss that that we don't continue in the walk to earn salvation we don't continue this truth to earn salvation but the fact that we are continuing is proof of our salvation if if you fail to show us the the fruit of your continuous that's why the mark said if you continue in my word if you be committed you say you commit it now but if there isn't continuance if you commit and you have fidelity and you are a loyal estate lawyers and you are loyal and you are committed then you are truly my decide so if if we don't see any fruit of continuance then we can draw suspicion to the route of conversion but you really have not converted because it's going to it's based on your commitment he talked about a muna of course is faith but it's not faith as Christians put it all my faith I'm just gonna use my faith and I'm going to just fish it out there and I'm going to get a new automobile oh it's my faith I'm gonna use my faith and I'm just going to throw it out there and I'm gonna wheel me in a new husband and a new wife oh if I send my 999 in I'm going to in return get some some some oil and it's probably not olive oil but it may be Crisco oil or it may be some other type of oil and I'm going to get it and put it on my forehead and I'm going to attach my fate to that and I'm gonna wheel it in well that's not faith even the Greek term for faith its piss test Pistons is not a getting - it's not something that you acquire I'm gonna use my faith cuz all my faith it's good here my unseen is in a hospital all I got faith my faith is just gonna take me to the next level oh I got faith and my faith no piston is not a getting two Pistons is a building - that's why I Peter what did Peter say I must add to my faith shower rabbi shai rule Paul said I must build up my most holy faith faith it's not a kiddie tool faith is a tool of demonstration thus in the name Asmara James talked about tonight thus the name a munna is the Hebrew term for faith and its associated with faithfulness so the tree chief reward of your faith is your faithfulness how faithful faith has always proven based on your walk it's not oh I I don't I don't I disregard the most high but I disregard his lost actually Commandments on him to read the Bible but all boy when I'm when I'm going through life I'm just going to throw my faith out that's Greek philosophy that's Malaysian Aristotle Socrates philosophical jargon I'm just going to release my faith I feel it right now I release my faith and I'm gonna go to the next level I'm gonna feed no that's hope and we know that faith and hope our faith is diametrically opposed to hope now faith is the evidence of things but hope for it is the evidence of Hope in angels hope but when you see hope materialize that's faith because faith is actually met is materializing it is actually walking out that thing what you hope for it's a moon ah and so when you remove the scriptures of his Hebraic context then you get convoluted understandings like this so Levi literally means commitment and so you know it's been a year since I taught on this but what more at Jane's really kind of all these things to surface if I recall Levi was cursed by Jacob he was cursed by and he was not supposed to amount up to anything in life he suppose had been one you never accomplished nothing because if you go back to the scriptures Levi was cursed but guess what happened with mache and when most shave went to the mountain he came back down and of course we know that under Aaron and Korah and other leadership administrate administration at the time they allowed the sanctuary to return to a strip club right there was immoral deviant behavior people were doing it would loose and will have sexual orgies and all those things and notice where most shady said listen I want you all the stunts on this side he was with Korah and others who are with me you stand on this side what happened the people who the majority of the tribe who still Moses was Levi go read the scriptures and at that moment the curse was broken at that moment the cursed so it was through Levi's commitment that he was able to break the curse off him Israel we're going to ever reverse the curse as we see through scriptures it's because of our faithfulness and our commitment to the laws statues and commandments see for us Judah do not come before Levi and Christianity Judah means praise they praise them with no commitment better get your praise on right and so they thought about praise and worship and all those teases Greek the Most High should be praised but that's why the scripture talks about in the days of Kabir and many people were seeing beautiful songs and worship done to yahuwah and the scripture says in isaiah chapter 9 Ezekiel chapter 9 I'm going to destroy her I'm going to destroy people and holds that thing cause it took 14 - but some way that the fact check me on that but I believe they are talk about the days of the beer basica beer was the days that the people were lawless they had no king so they did what they want to do but yet least thought that he can steal worship the Most High they were lost I think that was in the days of the judges so in the days of the judges they did it people did as they please they'd say oh I don't have to praise I can I don't have to follow the law statute commandment we govern ourselves we're gonna be sons and daughters of anarchy we can do what we want to do how we want to do it and then when we feel is appropriate we don't seem praises into the Most High we the most high do he he destroyed a certain people why because he's looking for people who have a mark people who have a sign of the covenant people who's going to be committed so for us Levi comes before Judah Levi precedes Judah Levi means we're gonna commit to the Most High so then our worship will have much more potency it'd be more significant when we worship the Most High because we know our commitment produces the worship that he's worthy and Christianity and other faith sectors what they do is he praise Him we're not real truth commitment to him so so that's I'm glad she's mentioned in more rain I didn't think I was going to take his time no one has to comment but that was powerful that was most powerful when it comes to coming it anybody know what our ok there we go um anybody know in terms of covenant what all entails a coven there are three components that are very important to every couple by the way how many covenants are there biblically yeah that's right more right there's there are six yeah there are six covenants right so we know we got the ax didn't come in it after it didn't come in it what company do we have at brahmic nope before Abraham oh no no a egg that's right and after knew a egg what is it I promise Mohammed and then no no no no mozi mosaic also row of what is mosaic what is another term for mosaic yes I'm a take sign a take right sign a tech company why's it called sign a tech company but the Torah was given on Mount Sinai freeze yeah absolutely what company comes up to that well where James just mention it Oh nomadic yeah you have Davidic or that we right so we know the cognate of David what was the Covenant deal about is that for me or anybody anyone what was the Covenant David about we see it all throughout the Brit hadashah the New Testament the Mashiach will come through is live that's right the mushy awkward company was line and that he would actually sit on the throne indeed that's why Paul that's why in many of the epistles that's why in Revelation it refers to Christ or the Messiah or yahushua who will sit on the throne of die weed for david and then what covenant comes after that that's five what's the six covenant renew renew covenant right and what do we find a renewed covenant Jeremiah 31 in Ezekiel 36 yeah Ezekiel 36 in Jeremiah chapter 31 and where do we see the fulfillment or what do we see the manifestation or the actual event where that has taken place in a Brit hadashah or the New Testament acts - that's cute ex - absolutely so so just in short just as a conversation piece what are the elements in every cut what are the components in every covenant relationship order to have a covenant there must be what promise of some sort yes there's a promise for Asia every covenant yacht gave a promise what was the promise that he gave to Noah that's right that's right you made a covenant did he make a covenant with animals - was that a covenant with animals - the no egg coming in I have to return a row on this one yeah there was a covenant with animals as well that's why we got it carefully go through the Scriptures line upon line precept upon precept did he spear animals yes right five clean of every kind pairs and then - of unclean right so there was there was animals as well so there is a promise what are the other two elements that are crucially important to covenant Oh relationships no signs are involved that's it there's a sign right there was a sign every covenant relationship there was a sign what was the sign for Moses I'm sorry for what was the sign for that's easy what was sign for Noah the rainbow the rainbow what is the last element if they were coming into relationship so it so josh is gonna give us promises he just don't give us promises praise y'all you gave us these promises and then we will have a sign yeah I see a sign and y'all he's a relationship with me he's in covenant with me and that's all we got to do all we got to do is man he just don't give us his wonderful promise made up his promise and then I'm gonna see a sign and see I told y'all I felt that shake up a roll shot I felt that in my spirit I see a sign of it I'm telling you he's about unshackle he's about to bless it I'm telling you what he promised me and I've seen the fruit of it I'm seeing the manifestation of it I'm getting ready to be thrust to a new level I'm telling you I feel this promise in my Naraka I feel it in my so there's a promise that y'all gills and then there is certainly there is I see a sign of that promise praise yah hallelujah in a story right some summer conditions thank you every covenant has conditions every covenant how conditions what was the condition with the Noah or no egg that he would he was he would save them he would uh so that was the promise what was the condition so I'm ask you a question so no one lived in the days of what we call antenna boolean antediluvian anybody know that word antenna buti'm antediluvian great yeah tree flood or before the flood right anything that's that's pre deluge before the great deluge or we call it the great flood but historically speaking is called the great deluge so before the great deluge so Moses received the law statutes and commanders like that correct so the law statutes of Commandments did not exist prior to Moses is that correct come on y'all HBO help a brother out tonight so then again bro I think you're a mumbling the laws existed before Moses hello the laws existed before Moses hello the laws existed before Moses you block you watch the laws existed before motion and you all who have been following our teaching uh know that as we have interrogated the scriptures as we have dissected description yet we have properly executed subscriptions to show you even Abraham that the commandments Adam had because there was a condition what was the condition would Adam and you didn't coming it nobody knows we is right what is the condition you can eat from every tree except for as long as he follow what the command meant that the Most High I'm given so his commandment even in Abraham's days now so I'm actually again what was the condition with Noah somebody please just get down let's get that tonight before if you don't mind mall right before we leave and get off because I got to drive to Atlanta to pick up some items out of this dorm at Morehouse tomorrow to do it oh so I'll be getting on the road but let's do that really quick let's look at no unless that's Integra gate descriptors and would adjust the number of interrogatories so that we can yield the proper understanding of the scriptures let's get Noah let's find out the Covenant that y'all made with Noah and when you get it let me know let's see what the condition ones were Noah see I'm telling you folks the more you study the scripture to more define out these modern-day practices are foreign to the the scrutiny of the Scriptures anybody find it as Noah's building the Ark you'll get it momentarily this is what torah study is about it's not being spoon-fed what it's making you search yourself if you believe because I tell you to believe you really don't believe you only believe when you decide for yourself that's why the mossy oak from the world called Christ never really had a time we had an author call he will preach to the people teaching people that he would leave and go and pray so they can ponder the word in which he just thought about because nothing is truly yours until you discover it for yourself you believe because I tell you to believe you really don't believe you only believe when you discover it for yourself so embarrassed she in Genesis the narrative of Noah someone tell me what was the condition why did I mean rephrase it why did the Most High select noise right there in the text in fact you see an author in the same chapter what was different about Noah well I want to say he walked we say found grace he was a he was righteous uh-huh that was right - of course what does the what does the term righteous what do I mean it means that which needs the practice of the law right mm-hmm so it should be something in that context - to a sinuate and to support Noah in the law no is perfect in our own generation okay all right hooray that's that's great but let's look for something with more specificity did he keep something he did what do you keep the sig 622 he said according to all the Elohim commanded he did him what according to what all that was commanded he did all that was commanded India do we see that all throughout that particular passage of scripture and that which the most high commanded his Commandments Noah did the condition that most high have in all of his covenants His commandments you cannot have real covenant relationship with the Most High void of Commandments the moment you disregard the law his precepts his Commandments then you dissin all the covenant arrangement the covenant arrangement is null and void when you disregard his Commandments it's pretty simple it's cut and dry it is his Commandments that allow for the coming of relationship to have harass me to be supportive to have authenticity there is no up the authenticity of covenant relationship void of his Commandments go look in all of the six covenants throughout the Scriptures all through what do we find we find there is the law is the common denominator the commandments is a common denominator so with would the identic was Adam coming it then with the wood with no other noahic and then of course the abrahamic is all dealing with Commandments it's Commandments Commandments if you do this so this is what we call Casa you stick all of the covenants are constant you stick Casa Lucic is if this happened then this will happen somebody give me a cost of istic law it's made plenty of his scriptures even Christians quote them even if they don't understand the proper context in which they're quoting it didn't want to give me one you know what I guess it's terribly to the rod me 28 yes dude I'm 28 all right yeah if you made it my Commandments then then blessed be the fruit of that ground if I increase the fruit I'll buy land for the body but for the facts you should be blessed in a city blessed and feel blessed when you come but then it but if you do not then what's going to happen then you're going to be cursed in your basket cursing storehouses cetera so if and then somebody give me another cost of mystic law there's only two that he ever gives one is a caustic the other one is a politic you don't have to worry about it but costs elusive upon to dignities if there's no condition is you share you will and and we know that the Deborah aim or the 10 commandments for the Decalogue as we call it those ten are or not caustic there's not or if you do this Connaught it's when it comes to that those are pretty cut-and-dry thou should not kill thou should not you know steal thou shalt not bear false witness thou should not have any false gods before me those are those are cutting dry those are not costing istic but costs allistic somebody give me just one more I've been quoting all your lives Casas who state oh here Deuteronomy I'm sorry second chronicles 7 chapter 7 verse 14 yeah scale humbled themselves pray seek my face turn away then so notice as it and adian it is conditional so but if you notice go through all the companies all the covenants are costs allistic if if and then it's a cause and effect if this happened then this will happen this happened then this is going to happen and we see that all throughout the company arrangements that the most high made so you can't be in coming in relationship with them oh it's the new covenant and so many people they did a new covenant or renewed covenant yes I do as I please because jesus paid it all because at the cross at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden so it's it's it's he done it all and that's not the character that is not the mindset that is not the word the wheel or the wisdom of the most high that's inconsistent with the scriptures because every covenant even the new or renewed covenant is the if in the middle all its condition so every covenant there is condition there got to be condition this is the condition in order for you me to be in coming in relationship with you then of course after that you always give you a promise if you if you stay in coming in relationship with me if you keep these conditions this is what I'm gonna promise you in for ham I'm gonna promise you you're going to be a father of many nations I'm gonna promise you that and then here's gonna be my sign that I'm going to show you so the most high always use size gives conditions there's after conditions there's a promise and then there's always a sign that the most high meet where every couple of relationship so when you've looked at the six covenants throughout the Scriptures that's something that you have to keep in mind you have to be acutely cognizant of those three conditions what are the conditions and all the conditions is centers around and the common denominator is this lost artistic Commandments go look at all of them and then of course there is a promise and then there's what there is there's a sign there's a sign what was the sign of the new company or the suicide you just said what was a sign the receipt of the sphere right so do so the new covenant is a law abolish is it nor lingual wait is it is this something that is none applicable because we got the spirit now on the day of shovel intercourse and we don't have to keep the law right most Christians would say we own a new company as if the new covenant is synonymous with the abolishment or the prohibition of the laws somebody please for the people way in the back someone please tell me what the new or renewed covenant was about in Ezekiel chapter 36 and Jeremiah chapter 31 please because because in Christianity and other faiths you know societies they somehow equate new covenant equates to no law no we don't we don't get no passes here on no law in fact if we say we are born again and we are spirit filled we should then be move the move of the Holy Spirit or the ruach ha kodesh is to move us to keep the decrees of God the decrees and to actually follow his laws so no not if you got the holy spirit you not thrown away a lot that sounds good and I'm almost convinced as a as a recovering Christian I'm almost convinced but please I will be thoroughly convinced if somebody give me a precept on that I would be thoroughly if you can convince me that part of the sign the sign is the Ruach or the Holy Spirit as many say in our tongue Holy Spirit or the rule if you can prove to me that's associated with the law then I'll convert to be a Hebrew 36:27 okay read it for me and I will put my spirit in them to move them to keep my decrees and to follow my laws yep say I will put my Ruach within them and cause you to walk in my statutes and you shall guard my judgments and do them oh so what is the statutes oh that's that was one of our Hebrew words of the week that's that literally means this I mean is set in stone like it's no it's no changing them it's Commandments it's no no doing away with them that they are forever it's like anything else anything else does edge store inscribed in stone it's no erasing it okay so so are you all telling me I've been raised as a Karass maniac all my life shake adorable coat ah I've been raised as a charismatic all my life and I know I got the Holy Ghost and you mean to tell me that that the sign of the Holy Ghost it's me keeping the statues of the Most High what you're talking about Willis are you serious now just give me one more cuz I'm y'all ki bruised y'all are ruining my religious illusions you're messing up my man my my dogma that I held for centuries y'all are are rocking my boat and I don't like the Shocker making me uncomfortable cuz my pastor always taught me now cuz I got the Holy Spirit I don't need the law but I'm almost dead he's got another one for me oh you got Jeremiah 31 what do they say please provide a precept anyone I want to see this new covenant which is the Holy Spirit which now you are telling me it's about keeping the statues but doesn't specifically say law what if I don't know what's what statues is about I think a statue is maybe new this Monument there's gold monument of a man I don't know what a statue is what is what is the statute I mean we know what a statute more just said but is it anywhere specifically setting about about the law and there's new covenant Jeremiah okay read it jeremiah 31:33 says but this shall be the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days says the Lord I will put my mock my law in their inner parts and write in their heart and will be their God and they will be my people so wait a minute so you're saying the New Covenant is receiving the Holy Spirit but Jeremiah is telling us has the audacity to tell us that this new covenant is really still about the law man as a recovering Christian I'm trying to get away from the law I'm trying to get y'all keep reminding me of a law so you mean to tell me that the design is the rule or the spirit but you still tell me the condition is keeping as long that what y'all telling me yes absolutely are y'all emphatic about that 100% are you positively positive unequivocally without question when I'm down irrevocably are you telling me not the rule having the holy spirit has something to do with the law yes wrongly they what Romans 8 what do you mean Romans 8 all Romans 8 that nothing should separate me from the love God is that what you talking about come up so bro come on get up come on just a little bit mo Romans hey I think in my five through eight did you read that just what people way in the back okay here's one moment pulling it up so Romans eight I will start at five says the following are they that are after the flesh do things of the flesh do it help me really good for they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh but they that are after the spirit the things after the spirit we just read what the Spirit is supposed to do in Ezekiel but just move us toward to keep it the guard assist decrees and to follow his laws all right so verse six says for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace and that's really Psalms 119 165 those who love that law a great peace have those who love that law and nothing can make them stumble then verse seven because the carnal mind is enmity against yahuwah for it is not subject to the law of yahuwah neither indeed can be verse eight so then that they that are in the flesh cannot please Yahoo verse nine but ye are not in the flesh but in the raw in the spirit if so be that be that the spirit of Yahoo was the welling you now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of he is basically telling you if you walk in the flesh you cannot and you will not be subject to the law of yah so walking spirit cuz it's gonna move you're giving praise Jah in that's all folks all she wrote prayed powerful right there people just read the scriptures line upon line precept upon precept context upon context the scriptures what will will interpret themselves you don't have to read into the scriptures in which we call eisegesis you don't have to read your own opinions your own statements the scripture is telling me that the purpose in the objective of the Ruach the Holy Spirit only goes whatever you want to do is so that you will walk in the spirit if you walk in the spirit you will walk in the flesh walking in the flesh is enmity against the law so if you walk in a spirit it's the direct opposite of that walking in the spirit is that you are operating within the confines of the law almost invariably when you read that Oh what about Galatians chapter 5 is talking about the fruit of the Spirit and then it goes on and talking about with the law and vinegar lisanna Galatians 5 on this all of the works of the flesh which is one the same as the law in the Old Testament there are the same Commandments so great job bro great job more a phrase Yan sorry Morrie back over to you papa I think we'll just we'll just pray out thank everyone for for listening in more importantly I prayed that everyone take heed to to always say it to take it more personal taking more serious and to be more intentional so father yeah we glorify you and I thank you father for all that was said father I just pray right now father for all that was listening father you said that he did have in here to let him here but I pray that we doesn't just hear the words that were spoken but I pray father that we were hearken unto your word the father that we will be intentional with our walk from now on I pray father that we will not only know our role but that we will walk in our role I pray father that you will help help us father that we know that you are our strength I pray father that we walk in the rule of father that we continue in your word father that we will show ourselves approved father that we will worship you in spirit and in truth I thought I just pray right now father for those that are having problems with reading the scripture I pray father that they will let scripture interpret Scripture the father that they will read your word and that you will give them a banal that you will give them an understanding like never before father father we glorify you today and I thank you father for what you are doing the father I pray father that we will do it with you the father that we will walk with you and we will continue in you that we will abide in you and you and them by the abide in us father we glorify you today and forever more and I pray that you continue to keep us and to watch over us and then make your face shine upon us in the name of our Maciek Yahoo sha hallelujah you well I think that is it I'm not for sure if anyone wants to make a comment if not good lesson good lesson this evening all right all right miss BA guess we'll see you the box yep okay thank you you [Music] you