Transcript for:
Visualizing and Achieving Goals

not the best look five years ago six years ago when I was 18 years old I drew up a future for myself and I created vision boards of what I wanted my life to look like with an excruciating level of detail it's come true and it terrifies the living [ __ ] out of me I'm going to show you something and it's going to make you feel strange cuz I just found these documents and they resemble my life to a [ __ ] tea it is scary the reason I'm making this video is because tomorrow I'm buying a car C63 AMG I've wanted one since I was 16 and a huge the the initial driver of my work ethic was this car now I've had the funds and the resources to buy this car for a long time but I wanted to wait for a specific Financial Milestone before before I invested in it so that I held myself accountable to a goal and was patient with my impulse and I can now comfortably say that I deserve to buy it not financing it not renting it I bought buying it in cash if you can't afford it don't buy it I'm going to scare the living crap out of you I've got three documents here right I made these I think six years ago so I'm 24 now I made these when I was 18 years old when I was finishing when I was dropping out University doing an apprenticeship with no money to my name and I saw I saw a version of the future with such Clarity I spent months and months designing these things and thinking about what do I really want how do I want to manifest the future a goal is a snapshot of the future it's a temporary screenshot and if you're good at what you do or if you want to be good at what you do then you need to have a way to manifest it look at this so this is a vision board that I created six years ago Kean can you blow out the wom in the middle of this this is another vision board that I created you see that six years ago and this is another one I created six years ago now one thing going to notice is there's two recurring themes you see the Mercedes the black AMG in there you also see it in here right and I'm pretty certain if I'm not mistaken like even dedicated an entire page to it the point is is that I drew this up when I was 18 years old and I had this uncanny foresight to determine exactly what I wanted my life to look like there you go you can see the car there so I initially wanted the c250d which is like way cheaper than what I'm buying tomorrow um what I'm buying tomorrow is is is pretty expensive um you see this window right might look familiar it's night time now but I live in this exact flat not it's not the exact one it's in the same building cuz the one that I wanted wasn't available so I was restricted right but you'll see this like you see this here you see that arrow pointing to that building with the with the glass pen houses and you see these sort of glass panel bay windows I live in that that building and tomorrow I'm going to buy that car right all of this has come true another thing you can see here right you can see I actually went into stripe once and I even adjusted my um my like stripe thing to show like I wanted to make a million dollars and there's more detail to this in fact I'm going to read you something right so what I would also do with these documents is I would actually draft up what I call the Charlie Morgan Manifesto and this is an incredibly narcissistic thing to do right but I'm going to walk you through like what I told myself I would become and bear in mind this was me when I was 18 making £350 an hour doing a cold calling job as an apprentice with the UN I Dr have of University much to my you know much to my parents dismay although they were very supportive so let me let me find one of these manifestos I can read to you and it's going to sound awfully familiar because it's who I am if you want to be successful you shouldn't chase a goal you should chase a character you should determine who you need to become to accomplish the manifestation of your physical being all right let's go you can see this Manifesto here it's going to be flipped but who is Charlie Morgan Charlie Morgan is a seven figure consultant he's known for his Mastery of organic attraction and sales and is a million dooll entrepreneur he's completely transformed himself and his character is unshakable his standards are ruthlessly high and his business went from $4,000 a month to $100,000 a month in 12 months which is what happened Charlie is the co-founder of Imperium acquisition the best and most effective coaching business for agency owners and coaching Consultants Imperium agency has transformed the lives of thousands of clients and is quickly becoming recognized as as a force to be reckoned within the market Charlie students get incredible results and he's soon to be getting attention of Forbes for a candidate of their 30 under 30 which I haven't yet Imperium acquisition makes it easy for any agency owner coach or consultant to scale to multi6 or seven figures so here's the thing right I had this ability to like the vision for my company is to make clent acquisition easy I was thinking about this [ __ ] like six years ago here's the cool part Charlie Lives I'm not going to tell this City I'm in but Charlie lives in a certain city in the UK in a corner Penthouse flat at insert house nightmare his desk looks out over a beautiful view of the countryside and the city he lives in and the penthouse is clean with a minimalistic design Charlie drives a black C63 AMG Mercedes and lives alone the flat is optimal for Charlie's routine Charlie has control of his finances location and time he often takes monthl long breaks to any City or place he fancies and his not restricted by money time or location Charlie is considered one of the best experts in client acquisition he manages a team of upwards of five to six sales reps who work in harmony to close $500,000 a month in business guess how many sales reps I've got six guess how much money we make 500,000 right Charlie is a ruthless Relentless entrepreneur he's not afraid of paying or confrontation he's a master of sales and finds closing High ticket deals easy Charlie has a disgusting pain and fear to Toler an he has an extremely competitive attitude compared with his genius he's a force to be reckoned with in business Charlie takes great care of his health he eats clean exercises regularly and has a lean muscular body he meditates regularly practice minimalism with a monochrome style and lives a simple but focused life see what else came true shall we and this might sound like I'm being like super cocky or some [ __ ] like that like you have to be to some degree narcissistic and you have to have a level of grandiosity in your character to to do something like this let's see what the goals were so basically this is a document that I would create and I teach people how to do this in an easy grow um and this is basically what I would call my self Transcendence document where I basically create like you know I create all of my goals I put vision boards in place and I basically list out who I want to become my legacy and all this Shenanigans right but let's have a look at some of our goals right so let's go through some goals and this is these are goals that I set for 2021 right this was actually um a little bit you know I didn't set for 2023 although certain of these things do say 2023 so so the wealth goal for 2021 was to make 10 grand a month in income to sign a 12month lease in this apartment to buy a C63 AMG and to have more than $100,000 in cash in a personal account I can tell you that all of that it stuff is very true business goals get to $100,000 a month in sales happened help 200 agency owners happened organic attraction automated booking more than eight calls a day on autopilot happened sales automated 25% conversion rate with top train sales reps happened program that [ __ ] bangs and gets clients their dream result happened thriving personal brand of student Community happened and I've got ones for health and fitness as well which I lined up perfectly and I've got these things called unquestionable standards at the bottom so things that I hold myself to consistency I am consistent and will not forget to do what needs to be done non-judgment I do not judge others pain seeking I actively seek pain I move towards pain and I'm not afraid of the truth Fearless I fear nothing wealthy is a hygiene Sounder for me so it's actually quite scary I am in took me six years I mean to be fair I had I've had the money to have the car and the flat for a while but I decided to live a way more frugal lifestyle until I Hur certain Financial Milestones otherwise you can let your your personal life can can engulf your business so one thing you'll learn as you become successful is your business is like a Galaxy right anyone who's a physicist um please forgive me but your business is like a Galaxy and you as the owner of the business are a black hole and your ego determines the size of the whole and the the bigger your ego becomes the more expensive stuff you buy when you can't afford it the business basically is sucked into the black hole so as you start to have a better personal life and you start to you know as used to I've had the discipline to not move into this place and buy the car for I could have really bought it three years ago but I told myself to wait but if you're not careful you're your personal life expands and this black hole gets bigger and bigger and bigger and what it does is it everything around you and your business right get sucked into this black hole and it can't escape so if you start buying Lamborghinis and then go to the club and all this [ __ ] goes to your head then you stop working or things get sacrificed that they shouldn't have so it's not the most prudent thing if you're not careful but the point that I'm trying to make here is if you don't have a very clear indication of who you are becoming then you are lost and he who is lost cannot be found so if you want a version of yourself if you want to bring forth a a part of you that is different to now then you need to write it down man you know we could talk about the law of attraction but truly it's just the law of action everything is cause and effect if you have obstacles or problems to solve then you can learn how to solve them even if it's out of alignment with your current sense of self and your current identity humans are malleable we change the self is not solid self- solidification is the biggest tragedy psychologically of the 21st Century and when I was 18 and I was putting together these documents you know and I was writing these manifestos and I was putting these vision boards in place so that I could you know I would look at this every day twice a day sometimes you know when I was putting these things together like this I was not this person you know like you know that quote like you're not that guy like I was putting this [ __ ] together dude I was a [ __ ] loser it's 18 uni Dropout £350 an hour can't make ends me still living with my parents no girlfriend no Prospect but a work ethic and a vision a vision that's the most important thing is you have to have a vision you have to know exactly what you want and exactly when you want to bring it into reality and it's easy to do this in in physical form because I need to redo this now because I [ __ ] did it so I need another one for 20828 I need something else that's you know 5 years out 10 years out and this time it won't be material so when I was 18 my the easiest way to sort of create those vision boards is to have visual things that you can look at right so you can look at the body or you can look at the Rolex or you can look at the car you can look at the flat but all of that doesn't mean anything once you get to a certain point and you acquire those things you can appreciate them and you can enjoy them but you struggle to derive meaning there's a the meaning has a diminishing nature past a certain point when it comes to material objects um the truth is that you could put me in a different flat and give me a worse car and you know strip me of my like relatively nice clothes although I do have a questionable dress sense but you could take stuff away from me and I wouldn't mind because it's not I buy these things I have these things because I enjoy them but they don't own me because I I don't see myself as owning them they are objects in my life that are there to be enjoyed but I'm not prepared to let them be anything more than that you know tomorrow I'm buying this car I don't own the car you can't claim ownership over a piece of metal and glass it sounds cool it looks cool it feels cool provides you with good emotions so what it does is it gives you the emotions but to say you own it because then if that car gets stolen or scratched then my ego gets damaged and I'm not prepared to let my ego get damaged so you have to be careful with stuff like this because I'm telling you if you write one of these if you put one of these together and I can't stress enough that is the building I live in that is the flat I live in and that is the car I drive the body thing I'm working on it got long covid struggle to exercise it's a problem but I was actually there before I got Co ironically so you get the point but when you're writing this down you're going to have doubts and you're going to be terrified you know you're going to restrict what you believe is possible within the realm of your current sense of self but you must understand that to achieve this you have to become someone more and I want you to know I didn't just [ __ ] whack these up for this video I made these these years ago and I just found them they were buried they got like a little storage thing in the corner and I was clearing it out I found them and I was like [ __ ] the day before I buy the car so and it scared the [ __ ] out of me I was like [ __ ] think about that like you can think you can just think a thought like 18yearold version of me just was it was a there was a single thought there was a single moment in time in my conscious history in my Consciousness where I declared I want that and I wrote it down and I looked at it every day and I focused on one business solving one problem for one type of person and becoming he who could purchase it in cash but here's the thing you'll notice here right in my in my statements of my sense of self there's constant there's constant reference to stoicism and minimalism and non-m materialism because I knew that one day I'd be able to afford the car and that when I did it could own me and it could destroy me and the pattern of behavior of buying expensive things to gratify a past sensor self that was deeply insecure is a very foolish game but it doesn't mean you can't have a bit of fun extremes are unnecessary unhealthy and they make for an unpredictable life which I don't like what do you want what do you need what do you crave if you shut your eyes and you imagine yourself 5 years from now 10 years from now what do you want your life to look like who's there with you what do you drive what do you own where do you live what's the color of your wall what sort of plants are in your house you have to think through these details in every single way the more Vivid the visualization the realer it feels the realer it feels the more emotion you can tie to it the more emotion you can tie to it the more action you can take the more action you can take the more cause you can put to effect because what is a goal a goal is an effect it's a culmination or an aggregation of causes you put things into the world you you move your body you tap your fingers on your keyboard and you click your mouse and you use your verbal Pros to put actions into the universe and when you act the universe responds every action has an opposite and equal reaction so if you want what you want you have to do what you have to do to get it which is simple but it's impossible if you don't know what you want this is [ __ ] proof this is like this is not some wooah Law of Attraction see it and you'll believe it affirm it every day this is [ __ ] cold hard evidence that this [ __ ] works and that you can become anyone you know I [ __ ] the amount of [ __ ] I'm going to get emotional but the amount of [ __ ] pain you go through to to [ __ ] do this is unbelievable but it is so [ __ ] worth it to create a life to create a [ __ ] life that's what you're doing you have you have been given the gift of life you have one life you have one [ __ ] shot on this [ __ ] weird rock that spins in the middle of nowhere Bound by the laws of physics you have one life and you have you have to do something with it man woman you have to think about this and you have to the the best way to offset anxiety and depression is trajectory because nothing creates angst and fear and depression and Terror in your life like directionless if you know where you are headed then you can never be lost because you will always have the North Star the Polaris star the means of trajectory if you know where you're going and you're on that path for long enough you will get there this is evidence this is concrete [ __ ] that you can look at and think okay well maybe Charlie you're just special no no no no no no I had to create this version of myself I had to work every day 12 hours a day for years on end go put myself through [ __ ] Hellen back and I will continue to do so because that is how you how you generate meaning life is suffering and if you accept that suffering and you put it to some [ __ ] good work you can have a loud exhaust and get as many women as you want but ultimately it's not about buying the car or having the flat it's about putting yourself on a trajectory and offsetting the [ __ ] nihilism that life can be with work and pain nothing is more meaningful I mean there might be other things like finding a wife right but for me my experience this is evidence look I'm B I've got the car I'm buying the car tomorrow that's the exact flat I live in I don't know if I'm monk like yet I didn't buy the tag her Carrera cuz I actually fell in love with my $30 Casio watch but you get the point like I I I don't I don't know I'm hoping that you can understand this man like it's possible and you can do it you just have to think of what you want and then accept that you must kill your current self the big word there is current not advocating for the the s word right that that rhymes with um I was going to say suede it doesn't rhyme with suede but you get my point right don't do anything stupid you must commit psychological suicide you the person you are right now is not capable of this because if you were you would have it so the fastest route to success and the easiest path which is always the hardest the easiest path take is the hardest sorry for another day the fastest route to to success is to accept that you with your current sense of self and your current identity and how you perceive yourself and how the world presents itself to you through your lens and your Paradigm you're not capable of bringing about the future that you want to bring about which is why when you put together something like this you feel so much doubt doubt is a doubt represents the psychological limitations of success and what that means is if you're sure if you're unsure as to whether or not you can accomplish something then you're right because you can the 18-year-old version of me couldn't do this I had to become who I am today for this to manifest so I was never chasing don't don't fool for the shiny objects I wasn't chasing the vision board I wasn't chasing the car I wasn't chasing the flat I was chasing the version of myself that I had to become right and that's the thing we don't achieve goals we achieve characters we achieve identities and sense of Senses of self that Sol ify example in order for me to do this I had to learn to sell and not just learn I had to be the best at it I had to be able to train people I had to be able to teach people I had to be able to be so [ __ ] good at sales that no one can say no to me I had to do it I was awful at sales I hated every single [ __ ] minute of it at the beginning because my my identity was misaligned with it I was going to study psychology I thought about doing computer engineering when I was like 16 I was a nerd I was I was lonely I didn't have many friends I was addicted to video games I wasn't good I wasn't good at sales I was I was all flat couldn't [ __ ] sell water to a dehydrated man in the middle of a desert if I [ __ ] tried but I told myself I said well that's not who we are now but who we shall become is the person who can sell anything you know because if you if you don't have what you need then you must grow the thing you need right you must take this [ __ ] seriously I looked at these near enough I stopped looking at them probably about a year ago or two years ago when I was doing like six seven figures but that's a mistake I should have made I should have remade these a long time ago trajectory is more important than speed but speed is an asset to growth how are you going to get where you want to go if you don't know where you're going this pretty simple observation you're you're not going to get very far you might be wondering like like why the hell should I listen to some [ __ ] weirdo with blue light blockers and a dressing gown on he's recording this video at qu 12 on a Wednesday night well it's because I was you that fear and that doubt and the shaking of the head when it comes to anything you think I can't do that like that's not me that you're probably saying that's not me I'm not you that's not who I am exactly you need to put something down on a piece of paper that feels so alien to you because if it doesn't if it feels familiar in any way shape or form you're doing the wrong thing you must create a vision board and create a Manifesto and design a character that is so unlike you that it terrifies you because to become that person would mean to lose yourself and that is the objective it's called ecstasies it's shedding skin right you can't if you if if who you were right now was capable of achieving what you wanted to achieve you would have already achieved it we don't chase goals we Chase characters and identities and through the achievement of the character and identity the goal will manifest that's what I've learned and so you might be wondering well what's next for me like okay what's next well I can tell you we're now pretty close to eight figures so my if I was to redo this two years ago it would have been eight figures right but we're nearly there so the next thing like once I hit it I'll recreate that then it will be n figures could be a property portfolio right could be a SAS business the current vehicle I'm driving doesn't get to nine figures very well the coaching Consulting business it's not something that you can't you can you it's hard to okay so here's the thing about business models in this online space you can get an agency just 100 Grand a month but very rarely beyond that with proficiency you can get a coaching business to 10 to 30 million a year a million to three million a month very rarely beyond that efficiently that's the natural cap of these business models which has been proven by quite a lot of people that I know and so I now need to transcend myself I need to become someone new I need to create a vision board that is [ __ ] alien to me I need to learn how to invest right and I've never touched investing I don't invest money okay it stays in cash in the business people are going to get angry about that but I don't really care we've got a specific strategy we're following it so I now need to become an investor I need to learn more about Finance I need to learn about the markets you know I need to learn about software engineering I need to learn about property I need to learn more about becoming a CEO you know and and managing hundreds of people that's alien to me but I know that if I visualize it and if I set a list of things that I need to become I will become them if I need to become a software engineer you give me a year I'll be a software engineer if I need to become a famous painter you give me 10 years I'll become a famous painter if I need to learn the guitar you give me three months I'll learn the guitar everything that you need to be that is out of alignment with who you currently are can be acquired into your mind and who in your your identity I need to become a YouTuber or become a YouTuber it's another thing I had to do with for Imperium didn't I know you can ask my business partner about this I didn't want to make YouTube videos I didn't want to do it I was like that's not me I don't do YouTube videos I want to I don't want to have audience we have the conversation it's like it's kind of who you need to become to do well in this space bang I have no tie to any any the the biggest strength psychologically and the most important mindset to have is to be no one right so I'm I I have this sense of self right now as a multi7 nearly 8 figure entrepreneur with a you know who does like some small business influence stuff and has a team and you know is good at sales and is really good at organic attraction is trying to make CL like I have this identity and I drive the AMG and I've got the penous but truthfully like I'm willing to let go of all that it's like Bruce Lee said like nobody really understands what Bruce Lee says when he said be like water when water you know flows through the river it becomes the river when it gets into the cup it becomes the cup right the point Bruce Lee was trying to make is you need to be fluid and flexible with yourself and your ident so tomorrow right so right now one of the strong tenants of my identity is YouTuber for all my sins right but if tomorrow a new goal was set and the identity had to shift from away from YouTuber it's gone right this is a skill that you have to learn because the faster that you can change yourself the faster you can change your reality right and if the reality that you're experiencing right now isn't one that you want and I hate to break it to you man but that's a result of your current sense of self I'm well aware if you're in a third world country and you've been you've you've got a bad spawn then it might not be all your fault but the the quicker you assume personal responsibility for your immediate circumstances the quicker you can change because here's the thing like responsibility is the Cornerstone of progress because blame mitigates your ability to change right what I mean by that is as soon as you point the finger and say I'm not it's the rocky quote I'm not where you want to be because of him or her or anybody CS do that and that ain't you you're better than that but I didn't mean to slip into a rocky quote but you you can't point the finger to it has to be you if you like you have to have accountability for your actions and for your reality and so the most powerful thing that you can do right now that sets you on a trajectory along these lines is to is to accept is to say I am solely responsible for my immediate circumstances the reality that I'm experiencing the the way that the universe is is manifesting to me through my senses the way that I'm hallucinating this thing that we call life and Consciousness is my own doing all of this the good stuff and the bad stuff in my life right now is my fault there's some good stuff in my life there's a little bit of bad stuff nothing like bad you know I'm a human being we deal with problems right right so I created all that it's all my fault responsibility is a two-way streak the things that happen good in your life for your fault the things happen bad in your life are your fault now you could lose a family member someone could crash the car into you you could you could break your arm by accident right there's there's a there's an element where you you can't take responsibility for things that are outside of your control but for the most part it's a pretty healthy thing to do I'm not a philosopher I'm an entrepreneur right this isn't supposed to be a philosophy lesson this is supposed to be a business lesson but the strongest business growth you will experience will come from your life your personal life for as long as that you seek for as long as you seek the latest piece of copy or the newest sale script or you know the next shiny object or whatever that looks like for you you will fail instead of looking to copy and paste the piece of email copy you think you need to be successful become the person that can write it you will be way way better off you know shiny objects are you know they're shiny and sometimes they can help you but become he who can that's how I would summarize this whole thing is like my life has basically for the last six years my life has been becoming he who can so you put or if you're a woman she who can or if you're not if you don't have a gender they who can I don't care right but yeah it's [ __ ] wild man I like you know I walk past these Flats the ones that I live the one that I live in now I walked past them I think when I was like 18 or 17 or 18 something I sort of like dropping out of uni and I visited the city I'm in right now I loved it and I looked up at the flats and I've got a picture on my phone that's me with those apartments now willbe it I had a lot more hair back then and then here's a picture of me pointing at the apartment and this was when was this so where are we now 20123 yes I think this was five years ago you see this now if I look out the window I can see where I was pointing from right I mean it's just like it's it's it's uncanny you know here you go look here's me again with the buildings I'm in can see that I'm not sure yeah there I am look with a lot more hair I don't really know what to say about it like it feels weird every morning [ __ ] man every morning I would I would wake up and the first thing that I this was my life for four five years was I was building my first agency and building my my my my agency North FL Consulting every [ __ ] morning I would wake up and I would go through these these documents like different stages I made different ones at different times but it' be the first thing I'd think of the first thing the house the car the life the character who am I becoming reminding myself every single day of the end goal because if you're on a trajectory it's very easy to get off of it you know if you are here and you need to be here and you're trying to bridge this Gap it is so [ __ ] easy to just vom you're off you get offered an opportunity in a job or this that and the other when you have a goal and an end result that you're looking to get you can optimize every single decision and action in your life around it it's the fastest way to achieve success and the best thing to do is to imagine that you're here and you want to be here right denoted by these these fists [ __ ] you up right I won't so if you're here and you want to be here right you've got to you've got to Traverse this Gap but you you imagine you're like a bee like a honey bee right honey bees fly faster when they're not bogged down by pollen pollen to you is things in your life right now that don't help you achieve your goal social media bad friends alcohol video games Netflix right what else drugs right women that aren't good for you or men that aren't good for you anything that you have in your life right now that isn't going to help you achieve your goal you need to remove ruthlessly and it will hurt and you'll say oh no but I need this thing get rid of it because the the the lighter you are psychologically Al right and physically I don't mean physically in terms of how much you weigh but you get the point the lighter you are psychologically the less stuff that you have pulling you back the easier it is to Traverse the Gap so if you imagine that you're you're here you want to be here it's like if you've got all this [ __ ] if you cling on to social media and alcohol and bad friends and Netflix and all of this crap if if you've got all this crap that like by doing it like if if you want to buy the AMG and you want the penthouse flat if you've got if you you got friends you drink with every Friday that you know you get [ __ ] up and do c in with and enter a khole and then go to the darkness every weekend and then you're also playing video games when you should be working like that's taking time and energy away from you that means you regress away from the goal so if you imagine you're trying to go from here to here it's like if you've got stuff here in this current situation it's kind of like a magnet if you've got bad things like St stupid things like Tik Tok or if you're playing Call of Duty all the time or if you're watching porn or if you're if you're doing all these drugs or doing all this alcohol or just being idiot like it's like these things in your life are magnets that your current sensor self will use to basically fight tooth and nail to make sure that it can't die right and so you must get rid of it all if you get rid of it all then your traj the the bridging of this trajectory becomes much easier and much faster because you're lighter and there's nothing dragging you back so it's not it's not always about moving forward right it's it's it is about asking who you need to become to achieve the goal but it's very heavily about first of all getting rid of parts of yourself and things that you associate with that don't help you achieve your goal it's the fastest way is sacrifice I had to sacrifice a lot of [ __ ] I've got a really good group of friends now but anyone who who knows me well any of my friends will tell you that I went dark for like two years example this is my friend will who does setting for me at the moment and also my friend Vince who does sales for me close friends of mine they've known me since I was like 199 and they can tell you like firsthand like yeah Charlie just went off grid for like two years I sacrificed my entire social life entirely right I sacrificed social media I sacrificed alcohol i s I didn't do drugs so there was that I sacrific drugs didn't sacrifice them because I didn't do them never have never will I sacrificed like all my social medias I sacrificed all my video games like literally everything was gone I I even sacrificed women I didn't see women for like a whole year maybe 18 months can't remember exactly how long it was but you know I got rid of it all the only thing was the character who am I becoming and then what you need to do is once you know who you are becoming it gets very easy to behave accordingly because you know let me give you a thought exercise right so let's say that I need to I I want to get to 9 figures next I want a net worth of1 million which is probably going to be my next goal I need to ask ask myself how does that person behave right so if I'm ask if I'm thinking about like doing something right let's say I've got the decision of like going on a night out on a Thursday night with some friends and getting drunk would Charlie Morgan with a 100 million pound net worth do that no he wouldn't right he'd go to bed on time and you get out the next day and get to work alternatively you know would like if I'm if I'm thinking about like I don't know let's say I'm thinking about like I don't [ __ ] know traveling southeast Asia for six months living the laptop lifestyle would Charlie with1 million pounds in the bank go and do that no he wouldn't so the way to become who you need to become to achieve what you want to achieve is to run all of your decisions and actions against the person you're becoming as if you already are them because you're you're one or two years of of specific action and specific decisions away from he or she who can so you have to ask yourself what would Charlie V2 do or whatever your name is right you you ask yourself I've got this second version of myself that I'm becoming I've got this temptation I've got this impulse I've got this emotion I've got this situation what would Charlie V2 do so ask yourself for every Crossroad at every decision at every action at everything you know you shouldn't do what what would the second version of myself or what would that person do and then if you ask yourself that question long enough and you behave in accordance with what they would do then you will become them it's [ __ ] wild crazy this [ __ ] is [ __ ] nuts and I found these in my drawer and I I I remember I made them I didn't know where I put them though I thought they were gone which which was tragic but the funny thing is is that I also knew that one day this would happen so when I made these I made them like specifically for this visual thing cuz I knew at some point I'd be doing YouTube like 5 years ago I knew at some point it would come through um and I challenge you like go and write it down I've actually got a video on my phone I'm not going to try and find it there's a video on my phone somewhere of me like going through all my goals like it's like five years ago but he who has a y can bear almost anyhow as n said and and here's the thing about becoming successful is it's extremely painful right and so there's not you can't convince your body and your mind to go through pain without reason so you need to have a reason and it needs to look something doesn't have to look like this necessarily but you need to you need to wake up and remind yourself every day of why you're suffering because if you don't you're pain avoidance Tendencies will kick in and you'll stop working you'll stop putting CA to effect and you know you'll slip backwards into those bad habits but you can become anyone you want anything is up for the taking it's just a shame that when I was 18 all I thought I could achieve was this because you know you stretch yourself to the goals you set so if 18 yearold me had actually said you know what I want by the time I'm 25 or whatever you know I want to have a 100 million and I want 10 amgs and you know that that that's stupid but you know this is this is what I thought Peak success looked like right was the car and the flat and the watch and the women and all that [ __ ] but now that I've got it I realize that there's a new Echelon and I guarantee what will happen is I will achieve the new Echelon in 10 years or 20 years however long it might take and then I'll get there and I'll sit down and I'll make another video or prob might not be doing YouTube then I don't know but I'll sit down and I'll make another video and be like [ __ ] like there's another Echelon because maybe now I should set the billionaire thing but this is the thing is like that you have to be careful with your belief systems because if this actually feels like it's Way Out Of Reach like it needs to feel Out Of Reach because it needs to stretch you to become someone who is who you currently are not but if it's like if I put down here to be like a trillionaire then to the body and the brain like that's not justifiable because it doesn't feel realistic so it has to be this sort of balance between you don't think you can do it but you also think that it's possible so I believe the billionaire thing is possible but I don't know whether or not the I don't know whether or not the I am at the right mindset and psychological level to set that goal and truly believe it's possible like I know it can be done and I've got no doubt that I can do it but I think that you need to do this sort of one step of time thing where you go from Z to $100 a month then you go to one grand a month then you go to 10 grand a month and 100 Grand a month and a million a month then 10 million a month then 100 million a month then maybe a billion a month but to pass through those levels and and that sort of multiple of 10 you have to become more right so I'd suggest you watch this video a couple of times just to truly understand the power of this [ __ ] and the core Central message of of what I've just said you know I might have slipped up here and there um but the the core Central thesis of of of my Pros in this video needs to be deeply understood in your brain if you're going to go into your mindset and you're going to sort of tweak something and [ __ ] with some [ __ ] and really change your the way you think and see the world the core message of of this video should help you do that and and I would summarize that by saying if you want what you want you must become he who can get it or she who can get it or they who can get it there probably more right be interested to know your thoughts so you got the comments box I don't want people to congratulate me or I'm not looking for anyone to say oh Charlie well done you did so well don't don't do that ask any questions about the journey I'll take a look if you like the video you can like it you can subscribe if you found this video helpful and you want to see more of my stuff um that's it if you run a agency business or a coaching business if you're struggling to acquire more clients there's a link in the description you can click I will I'm not going to piit you anything beyond that like there's no 997 course so don't worry about that but I'm just a guy who was 18 and put some pictures on an A4 piece of paper and looked at them every day until they became true and lo and [ __ ] behold here I am and do you want know the the most sour part of it all is I'm no happier which is [ __ ] right happiness is is is frivolous it doesn't mean anything the thing you should be going for is meaning and I believe the true meaning of life is to assume responsibility for your circumstance and to manifest your potential with as much Vigor as possible and to expand the universe and to do your duty as a citizen of the World by creating more than you are by adding value to the universe by expanding it and improving the lives of other people you know you've got this got this duty all right thanks for watching