okay so this is going to be the tutorial for all the doors that you see in front of you which are the smallest three by three observerless seamless class a small four and five by five um seamless glass door and then the smallest six by six through ten by ten seamless glass doors it's a lot of doors and so this is probably gonna be a fairly large video so i'll put time stamps down in the description but anyways let's let's get started with the first okay so we'll start with the 3x3 door this is by me naked and newcomer it's 180 blocks it closes like this and opens like that to build this sort of the layout starting in this corner here you can build your piston worm with three normal pistons facing up and three sticky pistons facing downward a layer of your door block three layers of glass and another layer of your door blocking this will also be your floor level you just build your door frame like this and then above this i'm gonna build a triple extender just like that and then you go two blocks above and build okay so we're going to start with the triple piston extender which is really the bulk of the door the bottom is fairly simple our input block is going to be this one right in the middle of our extender here which powers all three those pistons it'll also power this piston here which will extend the block over this torch creating a burnout just like that that's going to power a two tick repeater right here in this line of redstone here we're going to have a second line of redstone here and the third one below it so this burnout here will also activate this burnout here will also update and activate the second burnout under here which will power repeater on one tick this will also power two redstone right here and power is this three tick repeater like that now all we need is a updater piston and you have a rail right here which since rails update the block below then we'll update this row of pistons here that should be the entire triple done just like that now for the bottom part there's actually no toggle for this so you see when i press this button here the one gets activated every single time so even on opening the bomb still gets activated until it relies on some fairly well timed pulses and so to get one pulse from this line here which is spammed we have our updater piston pushed on a call of blocks here which is only pushed up at the end of the door um closing and opening and that will update this piston with redstone block here which will cause this one here to retract as well as this one here this piston here will power this uh updater piston you know or just piston here to push our column back up we'll also depower this torch here powers this redstone line before opening then there's another line here here and these both get these both get powered by this burnout here which gets an update after this four tick repeater here turns off that should be the entire door just like that so there's opening there's closing and you just build the role here to complete it but this layer isn't used at all okay so now on the 4x4 this one here is 378 blocks and it's built by me and rodoon has a fairly similar layout to the survivory just extended of it so has a quad on top and another worm on the bottom you can see it closing just like that and then we can watch it open [Music] okay so to build the four by four you're going to need a nine wide too deep and 19 high area and once again we'll start with our worm so you want to go to the back row and go three blocks in from the left and do a row of four normal pistons facing up and three sticky pistons on top facing downwards and a little row of your door block then the 4x4 area of glass in another row of your door block which will be the floor level then just build our door frame right here just like that then we're then we're gonna build our quadruple extender on the top so just four pistons facing downwards on top of the frame just like that then for our top row we're gonna piston normal piston right there an observer piston facing down [Music] another observer like that another piston facing down observer facing outwards and then one more observer for one more piston facing there i'm just going to have a sticky piston here with a block on it or observer on it and any block observer facing in like that similarly in the piston observer facing into the door which will power a quad two pistons here to push those observers in and two pistons yep right here which will push these columns back up so one small corrections you're actually going to want this normal piston here way up here the observer facing into us and two more blocks right there and start the door we're gonna start with one observer right there and this is gonna be your input and this here will power a hopper observer facing this side one facing down this will go into a tick repeater observer facing back up into this piston this will create our slider here which will give us our first extension now when this observer travels back to this position here it's going to power a second hopper with two observers here comparing this block and this will power our top line of redstone here just like that we're also gonna have three more lines two more lines of redstone right here and the second one here is gonna get powered by a two tick repeater going into a block this will extend this piston down here as well as power the second line or it's kind of an observer here which will push this piston down and that's third line is powered by this observer here which gets pushed down by the piston going to this redstone line here so this will do our full extension for the quad circuit and then to get our um side pistons to extend on this side it's fairly easy because we can have a immovable block over here so it is we have a three tick repeater here which will power this block which will bud power this piston which will be updated by this one here she'll also extend that an observer which creates this falling edge so when this piston retracts it'll power this one here she'll give two more pulses to this piston so the pistons here can both extend and retract for the pistons on this side we're going to have a repeater line coming up this block here but first we're going to place these two observers for later then we have a two tick and a three tick repeater there going into a redstone which goes down into a one tick repeater going down into a piston for redstone block here this can go into any other any immovable object this gets just a furnace and so power this side piston here yep also blood power this piston with the same falling edge circuit here this should be our quad extension just like that so now all you have to do is build the retraction circuit so to build our retraction we're going to start with an observer detecting this piston here which goes out into the side and we have a long chain of them all the way back up to here this will give two pulses which is going to be useful for our retraction as we can retract these pistons here and then we're trying these ones here when they're being butted by this line so two observers going into this line of redstone right here as well as two of them yeah going into this top line here as well as one going into this line of redstone here which is going to be which is on this observer which is on three texts here which is powered by this observer facing down so this massive line of observers here powering the dust well actually that's quite a bit so you can see our extension gets to there and it almost retracts all the ways quite fast so you just need one more pulse which is done by pushing this column here back up at the right time to what powers these pistons here so to do that we're gonna get first detect the output from this observer here and have observer facing down which will power this redstone here which will power this to yes a two tick repeater on the observer here so this observer will get an output from facing down into these two observers here we have a four tick repeater here yep and so this just goes back into this piston here which will push it up at the right time so now we can just i'll do that when it's not um timed right because that's the blood powered pistons so now we can see it should be our entire quad here yep so now we just have to push this line up like that and so to power this column here and push it back up after the top extension is done we actually use a slider going across the bottom so this will be we'll have a piston here which is powered by this observer here and we'll have an observer right here which is used for closing a normal block and four observers right there facing up as well as a piston here facing back to push the whole thing back and from this observer here where we have a lamp an observer facing up having this block here and the door frame an observer here facing down with a redstone on top this will also power this four tick repeater here which will power this piston here pushing the column back up we just have a piston right here just to update this one here so it doesn't get butted by this block so this should be our entire closing dot or top done just like that so now we have to do is work on the bottom worm so to power our piston worm on the bottom we're going to use this wall of observers observation droppers here and so we build it by having a row of five observers across the bottom which will be a pusher the piston there and one there as well so these will push them across to activate the bottom row of pistons they have four observers facing upwards then the rose droppers on top another row of observers another of droppers and on the top you just have a row of blocks you can also just fill in the rest of our door frame right now just like that then on this side you have a slab here so it doesn't bud this piston observer facing down with a three tick repeater on top just like that on this side we have a piss uh sticky piston with an observer here facing down and so when this is extended it'll create a clock which will push these across and create tons of pulses to powers a worm so next we have to power all this we have a toggle right here which is going to be this piston observer since um slider only activates once every time the door is powered so one time it will retract this observer and do nothing the other time it'll extend it which will do the closing and from here we're gonna detect the pulse from this piston with two observers we have a hopper dropper system with four items in this drawer here which go into a comparator with an observer below it detecting the pulse you should go into this slider here which once is pushed back up it will power this piston here again causing it to retract and stop the clock here and just uh make sure this is pushed down before the closing start just have an observer here facing down powering this so now when i power closing you'll see the worm climbs to the top here and then if i place the observer correctly you'll see it'll stop like that when this dropper here runs out of items so now you can see here's closing just like that here's opening for the door just like that okay so here's the 5x5 glass door to watch it closing right now this is the beginning of the flying machine based ones and so this five ipad takes a bit of time to close just because it has this massive tape which goes around outside the door here to move the pistons up to the top for the flying machine here's the closing for the door it's again here's opening and now we'll just do the tape to hide the pistons again just like that so to build the store we're first going to start off with our system layout again we're going to locate the center of their um area here which is going to be 9 wide too deep and 24 high and you're going to build a 5y area of normal pistons facing upwards and sticky pistons facing downwards to be the worm again the layer of um your door block within a by five area of glass which will be the door and then another layer of your door block here then just build the door frame here and on top you're going to want to go one block above and just leave a air gap here that's going to be where your pistons facing downwards are and then on top of this you see the cyan wall you're going to place three cyan wall in the center on the outside two observers facing down just like that go two layers above here and have five observers across and then five observers facing down three more facing down the center and trap doors on the edges just like that and then we're gonna have one more layer sticky pistons on the top with a layer of normal pistons facing down and then a layer of immovable blocks on top just like that finally you're going to want to have a piston facing here as well as one right here a piston facing upwards here and one more right here which will be our tape let me just fill this in so these five door blocks here are going to be replaced with our pistons and i have course blocks or any block on the side here the observer right there and more of your door blocks on the side like that and that is your piston layout so we're going to start with our piston tape we're going to build this circuit here which is quite useful and it's used in um three of the larger doors you can see it's in all of them on the side right there this will be used both for the tape control and for closing and for the worm on the bottom so you have an observer facing from from this observer here in the corner you have the observer facing out that one to the side and one up as well as one down which will be used for later let's go to a block here which powers this piston here this will be our tape control so we'll stop the tape when this observer here gets to this position now the toppers have two observers which will power this piston on this side observer facing out and one up going into a sticky piston actually let's make sure that it's observer up like that going into a hopper and the observer facing down just here we just have two again yep just two observers like that this will be our tape which will send the blocks around to the power of this tape we have a observer facing down right here which will be powered by your input by a redstone dot right there and to finish off closing what we're going to do is when this observer down here cycles all the way around to the opposite side to this corner up here it's going to power this block here with a slider on it which will activate the closing so four blocks three blocks chasing downwards going into this uh observer here with a piston here which gets bud powered we'll get power them both let's push down and up which will serve to both start and stop the tape this will power this observer here facing down to power this block here going into a dust going into a piston here which will push this observer here down into this chain here which will serve to either clock for the closing and on this side you have a three tick repeater here which will power this piston pushing it down which will have this piston here spam give a signal through this chain here to push the pistons back of course you have our six observers across the bottom like this literally push back and forth and our wall of observers and droppers here which will be used for our closing okay so these ones here can be normal blocks so we can just finish our frame here so now to send this column here back up you have a better hopper dropper here yeah okay so this here has to be move one block further down like that inside here we're gonna have four items and the observer facing here so as soon as this comparator turns off it'll push the slider back up causing this piston to power again disabling the volume that should be our entire closing we can actually just test it now so push this tape around and then it will have the ball and part push up to close so i guess there seal push the column down and the bottom will close just like that then the column will push up when it's done okay so for okay so now for opening we're gonna have a mono table here which is gonna be a piston and observer which will when it extends it'll power this block which will power a piston here going to a block facing up which will power a repeater here this will get output from going up like that and this observer here will power this line to act as the first extension of the top flying machine as well as going into this piston here which will your clock that's it you want to have it one more block up it's gonna have a normal block observer normal blocking another observer like that and one piston at the top to push it back down then we have two observers placed that are not looking to the observers because we'll be pushed up then they'll create a clock which will power these lines here for the extension or the flying machine going down close this redstone here will power this block and this hover dropper will have 10 items in it going into comparator here observe facing up and this piston here which will disable and push down the column again to stop the clock and finally we're just gonna have um that's right yes you go make sure that this computer here is on the block facing down [Music] which goes into another block of a piston facing upwards observe facing down which detects it piston here then one more um upwards facing observer into a block and this will give our final two pulses to fully extends the flying machine let's just update that and still start to go down and once then it'll start to go up this side here derps a bit but doesn't matter finally to [Music] um send the entire thing back down just have this circuit here which was shown to me by protune it's really just luck so when the flying machine goes down this observer here gets spam which causes this piston to go up and down a bunch and by a luck this piston here doesn't get powered until this thing returns back to the top which will power this piston here bring down three observers and just powers this um and powers this piston here which will start the clock tape again so you can test it again and whole thing should work to see it leads it up there and then once this gets back up to the top it'll pull that observer down and start the tape it looks like this piston is left in the wrong state but you should see that hopefully now we'll finish the tape and be done with opening a little black there yep so that's the salt the tape on opening i just watch it one more time so this is closing and here's opening so that's a 5x5 here done okay so for the 6x6 through 10x10 they're all fairly similar doors both all in layout and their sequence so you'll see that they all have a tape on the bottom and the top and flying machines on the top so just watch the 6x6 here so you see the tape on the bottom will cycle the glass the top as well as these door blocks to the what will come the floor here before having the worm move up so i guess that start closing the bottom part does take a bit of time to fully finish just like that and then for opening you'll see it will um run the tape on the top plus if you don't like the no block sound you can just put a slab on top which will make it so it doesn't make noise then the top flying machine will go down and back up and both tapes will run so to build the 6x6 you need a 11 by 2 by 24 area we're going to start by building our worms you only go two blocks over from the side in here build six blocks across six pistons facing up and six sticky pistons facing downwards like that and then rather than putting a layer of our floor block we're gonna immediately put a 6x6 area of glass here like that and then our floor layer above build the rest of the frame right now like that just like that okay now for the flying machines you're gonna wanna build a row of sticky pistons facing downwards above the door like that then you wanna have i think three nope gonna have two blocks like that can be any block and then six normal pistons facing upwards like that so you have one here on the side and then you want to have um your layers of observers you have six observers facing across like that and then two facing down [Music] right there and you have your layer of sticky pistons facing upwards and one layer of normal pistons facing downwards and just for the sake of building i'm going to put a immovable block above here the door doesn't actually need them however they'll be useful to something from flying away if we wire something incorrectly okay so one correction is you want this block here to be a cauldron i'll make sure to fill them up on the server down automatically and this piston here instead has to be a normal piston facing upwards with a block here you also want two sticky pistons form a double piston extender there's a piston here to push that part of the tape a piston facing down here one facing to the side that'll be our tape for the top and then for the bottom so i have a piston right there piston here what er one here that's two blocks over and one right there and now just to fill up the tape and now just fill up the tape what you want to do is when i have some non-solid block here observer facing up cauldron another non-solid block then two door blocks that are solid at least i'll fill this up here with any block that's solid as well you saw me these two blocks here the same as your floor block as well okay so to start the wiring start the input you want to find this piston here go two blocks down and one to the side place an observer and a lever on it this will be your input to the door you have an observer facing downwards like this into a block and on the side you have a piston facing down an observer going into a block and once again we're going to build our circuit from here which goes in the corner so just observers facing out from this block here should go up out and up this piston as well as one observer going down for later three tick repeater here we're also gonna put a piston here which is going to push a row of observers across these observers are used for closing however we also use them to signal across here this will go into this piston here and this will power this block here going into a hopper going up into a block like that this will go into a toggle here which will power this piston here for redstone block and this will be used for top tape control this will build here two hoppers facing into each other and repeat on one of them going into your drawer block so this will switch which one's locked um when this wrestling block swaps positions inside you want to get some item that stacks to 16 do two stacks and 10 or something like that just place our blocks across like that you want to have after the block between the hawker and computer i'm going to have five comparators going across make sure this is a slab this will go into a redstone dust here which in observer will detect the signal strength changes let me just redirect it with a tripwire here this will be used for the um top tape now to finish off the bottom the tape we're going to first start by wiring up this piston so you want to have an observer facing out one facing up and then going into a piston observer like this this observer should be up going to a hopper another observer facing down and here you just want to have an observer facing to the side and down and decide you don't have one facing out then two facing up they'll still just give a bit more delay so this side has time to reset here to actually trigger the closing when this cauldron gets over to this side we're gonna have a computer detected this will trigger an observer here which will trigger a two-tick repeater here so from this two-tick repeater here and i get observer facing down one facing to the front and one facing to the side this will also push this slider back as well as powering this redstone dot here so it powers this piston facing down with an observer here and this will create once again the clock which will be used for the bottom closing and so we can just place our observer lines down here usually push to power the bottom pistons close the piston down here we want a row of observers a row of droppers another row of observers and i wrote droppers here this will get the inputs for our worm then right here we're going to have a proper dropper timer so so from whenever observer come out from what shield detects this observer here and once this side which will power this hover dropper here we're going to have six items and it can be yeah i'll be stacking to 16 once it can be any item when this comparator turns off it'll power this observer which goes up and powers this block here which retracts this piston so that should be our entire bottom circuit done so you can just click the lever and test it you'll see the tape will start to rotate around once this cauldron gets over here the bottom will start just like that i'll push the glass up into the door and the table will run for a bit longer until it finally sauce but there's no way to eliminate that i could find okay and then once you flick this lever again it'll pull this observer down and trigger the clock here which will start the top so there's a wire up the top we're going to first get an output from this observer from using this one tape repeater to go up into this zigzag of observers to add a bit more delay finally go up into a piston here which will extend and activate this observer which will push this top part of the tape over we have two more observers facing up into a lamp which will go into one more observer facing up and the piston facing to the side this will power the top piston our double extender then detect the output from this hopper here we'll have two more observers which will power both power the piston ones down here now on the other side you're gonna have just another observer facing upwards into a block and we'll just have a note block to update this piston you put here slab on top just so it doesn't make a noise then detecting the output from there when the block gets here we just have two more observers like that okay so now we're gonna build the top flying machine part but first i'm just gonna place our blocks around here which will be the as a door frame i'm gonna start by placing another layer of wool which will have a redstone line on top and we have two more lines of redstone on top of that to power the flying machine and then on top of that we're going to have a piston here and another slider for the flying with pounding the top row of the flying machines let's replace our invisible blocks here we have a piston here which will push the slider back as well as a piston here which will have the observer on it and this piston will get pushed over to start our clock which will have an observer facing down here into a hopper and then two observers facing over which will power our inputs and we'll have a four tick repeater here if you go into a block and push this back and actually start our top we're gonna have here a which comparator detect this colder when it gets over to this end this will power piston facing up into this hopper here an observer facing which will power this line here to push down the layer of glass so the top pistons don't hit the push limit and the line of observers facing upwards like that this will power our pusher attach this hopper here we're going to have a dropper with seven items at yeah this will go into a comparator here and so this will be used to disable the tape or disable the clock up here so you want this observer here going into a lamp going to two more observers facing upwards and these two observers will power this hopper again which will give another signal you also want to observe facing there outside out of the um comparator as well as a three tick repeater here which will power this line at the bottom you should be on a slab like that you also want to have a comparator facing outwards from this hopper dropper going into an observer which goes into another toggle here this will deactivate our clock that's almost the entire top done all you have left is to start the tapes again after the whole thing finishes this is done with in a piston here with an observer on it and so this will get blood powered by this lamp here and updated by this redstone dust this will get a 1.5 tick pulse that will extend and retract the observer so power this 4 tick repeater here it goes into a block or goes into a piston which goes into another observer facing downwards which will pull this redstone block starting to tape again and this is why we need this extra delay on this side and we also just have three more observers here which will power this hopper starting the tape again for the bottom just to check make sure that you have a block here when the door is closed and that your um popper is right there and you have two normal blocks and the pistons here offset by one block like that so one small mistake i made is that this observer facing up here has to have a immovable block on top of it this is to make sure that these pistons here don't extend and uh mess up the tape okay so now it should work so when i flick this lever it'll start this opening so the tape on this top will start cycling the pistons around once it does that the flying machine should start we can also remove the blocks up here yes sir flying machine should start now what should i do okay so one mistake that i made is that this piston has to be a sticky piston not a regular one so you can just manually push this lock down here and it should cycle the tape around so it's fixed and after this the door should work properly and hopefully now it will work and yep it works and the top tape will start again i can just watch the door finish just like that it's done okay so for our 7x7 you'll notice that we don't have the comparator line the hopper rom here that's because all of these inputs have to be shifted up or extended up one block in order to power the worm therefore that we can't um put any of them here so instead we have this slider here and this clock here which is completely self-contained within the side which controls the top so i can flick the lever the bottom is pretty much the exact same just extended the one higher and one wider there's no changes there let's wait for this thing to finish once again takes a bit longer a bit more uh the spamminess on the bottom before it'll finish like that now you'll notice an opening the slider will push once and that will start this clock here which controls a toggle and this does the top tape and when this comparator here gets to this computer it'll push this whole slider down stopping the clock so again then start to open once again i'll start the clock again this time it'll disable it from this side here in the cauldron gets this comparator let's see when it gets here clock will stop and then there's just a bit more of the bottom so once again we'll get started with our layout it's pretty much the same as the last one so we're gonna go two blocks over from this side pull up two this will be our worm if you want to make sure it's seven blocks wide do seven sticky pistons on top then 49 glass blocks just like that and then a layer of ports on top and this will be your floor level just like that then once again we have a piston right there piston here piston here and one more here for tape for tape what we're going to do we have a non-solid block here observer non-solid block cauldron and one more don solo block and then just two more of any solid block and here we're gonna have two of our door blocks because these ones will end up here and here it's like it doesn't go completely around on closing and just fill in with more of any block so that's it for our bottom for top once again we have a row of sticky pistons across here like that the row of normal pistons like that any block here or they won't have our cauldron here and make sure you fill these they're filled automatically on the server and we're playing on two more and normal blocks there are piston here two sticky pistons there for a double extender one normal piston here one more normal piston there then once again i go up two blocks and have a line of observers facing to the front of the door and two facing down on below them then all i have sticky pistons facing up and normal pistons facing down just like that that is our entire layout for the store so to get started on building this once again we're going to be building our tape control circuit from both of these past doors so you want to start with an observer facing towards the front one to the side and one up going into a block with sticky piston observer and then the block below it then one more observer facing down from this one here and the normal piston like that as well as a three tip repeater here which will be used later you also want to have two blocks above this block here observer with a lever on it and this will be the input sometimes facing down into this block which powers this piston to start the tape as well as a piston here if a row of observers to here which will be our slider to send the signal to this side of the door kill power this hopper here going to an observer to the side observe facing up piston here and piston here this will be a toggle for starting the tape then on this side first let's just do our rest of our tape here have observer facing from where the head of this piston will be then one facing up piston [Music] observer that's one above the piston then hopper and observer facing down two observers like that on this side and an observer here at the same level as our input and two facing up and this is important cannot be like this has to have two facing up here then once again we'll have the observer facing down with a comparator above it this will detect our [Music] we've got a cauldron here and then it'll power through this block here into a two tick repeater going and from the observer below this two ticker pit will have a observer facing forward to the side into a block and this will also send our slider back we'll also power this redstone below it which will start our clock for the bottom so push this observer down which will power this piston here and start the um slider here which will take care of most of our closing so the rule of observers going across the bottom like that a row of observers facing up droppers on top and these cannot be note blocks they have to be droppers another row of observers another row of droppers then we'll have our slider here another row of droppers one more row of observers in a row of any solid block and above that we'll have our floor level and fill in the rest of our frame now as well like that then let's check yep from here we'll have this reverb detecting this observer here one to the side it's going to a block which will power a dropper here with six items in it it could be any six another comparator here which should be on like that and so when all six items leave this dropper ill the computer will turn off and this will power this um block here which would retract this piston that should be our entire bottom closing done so now we can build our top tape this one is fairly similar to the smaller door however there are a few notable differences but first we'll do is we'll do two observers facing up from that piston into a lamp into another observer so also power a piston with an observer facing down the text ahead and the hopper is there so this will butt this piston here for the double extender then from this hopper here we'll have two more observers like that going to this block which will power the lower piston our double extender on this side we're gonna have two observers facing up to any immovable block in the block here we shall power this piston facing down then all right so you want to have an observer detecting this piston here and one more facing down which will power this piston then finally to power this piston here which will run the entire tape just have a toggle like that so this toggle here gets spammed by our clock on the sides and the way that we activate this clock is from this toggle here so when this piston here is powered by this observer it'll push this entire row across and so this last observer in a row here will power this block i have a note block to update this piston that's getting butted and we'll also get a signal from uh the snow block here if you go to a sticky piston facing up with a note block on it in two blocks about or a block above that note block we'll have another block uh yeah then another block above that and from this block we'll have a observer this block will power a repeater with a one with a one tick repeater with an observer below it i'll just have a block there so [Music] let me push this up i'll just create a clock like that and when we have to disable this clock from when to compare detects the cauldron when it gets to here we'll just have we'll have a comparator here going into two observers like this and the piston here which will push our entire column down so now we just need one observer facing up from this repeater which will be our entire uh tape so you can just activate this right now and you'll still start cycling the pistons around when this cauldron here gets to where this comparator is it'll stop just like that so we also needed to stop when the comparer gets over on this side so when it's finished opening the way we do that is we have a observer here with a comparator on it which will detect the pis the cauldron yeah go for the non-sticking then we'll have piston here which is but powered by this observer so the power activates this observer another piston that's but powered by it and then one more uh observer here this will just powers this um hopper which will power this observer which is part of the um toggle so you just activate it one more time and we'll cycle the tape around again to make sure the door seamless and did i mess up it looks like i messed up but so can just power this piston one more time finish off the tape and yeah so this cauldron should be uh right here not up here or down in this corner that's the top tape done okay so now we're moving on to the flying machines this one is once again quite similar to the 6x6 so we'll start with putting our input lines down this is pretty much the same so we have a line of redstone one block above this ceiling of the door then two more lines of redstone remove each of them then we have we have a observer here which will power this line this will be our first extension to make sure these top pistons don't reach the push limit then from there another observer facing out the whole line of them facing up to the top and this will once again push our slider here across the top to power these top pistons like that another piston here to push them back as well as a piston here which will start our clock so once again this these two observers facing to each other will be our clock and it's like i accidentally powered that one thing that you could do is place some immovable blocks up here so in the event that you accidentally power something all the flying machines don't go flying up off to the build height so anyway we'll have our clock here this will let's go go down into a hopper dropper that and we'll take an output from this top hopper going to this line here fortunate computer here which will power this block pushing this piston back over we'll also have a three tick repeater right here which will power this redstone line here powering the ball all since the bottom resistance of all three inputs are powered then we also have an observer facing down from this one facing to the side here going to a hopper if it's over facing the side observer facing down into a block there has to be a block here into this piston here and into this block here this will give the right pulses or pulse at the right time to the bottom line to the thing travels to all the way down then here we're gonna put 13 items then the 13 of any item well the comparator detecting the base of the dropper going an observer and then a toggle here which will disable our clock up here so one last thing is the reason why we have a block here is that we're also going to be blood powering this piston here like that so this is similar to what we did on the 5x5 there's this circuit here so this piston here is spammed up and down so we can't give up even when the observer returns this upper state it can't give a pulse to this redstone here because it's going to move down again too quickly so only on the last time it's retracted it'll give a pulse we're gonna have three observers facing down into uh this piston here which will start bottom clock and we'll have a four tick repeater up here which will activate them i have from this observer here that powers the bottom uh hopper will have observer facing forward one to this side one down then a hopper another observer and this will power this toggle here which will start the top uh tape again so before activating make sure that this toggle here is in against this piston this um observer's out this one is up and yeah we should be ready to test it size like this it should start the bottom tape it'll start to close and once this cauldron here gets to that computer it'll push everything up the flag once again there's a bit of spam down there it'll eventually stop yep then we deliver again and our clock here starts and they'll start cycling the blocks around and we can also remove our removable blocks from the top no longer need them and then it should start right here yep and so you see that this line is getting power even though the observer is moving around until the very end like that it'll start top and bottom tapes again which will hide the glass and hide the pistons oops the top should stop right now the bomb has a few more blocks to cycle right now we should finish yep it says the 7x7 seamless glass okay so now we're moving on to the 8x8 this store was probably the easiest to build out of all of these just because all the technology is not already existed we have our hopper on our computer line from that door and um the flying machine technology is pretty just copy and paste right now by now so you can just watch it closing here so it'll cycle the blocks around and then once again the warm at the bottom will extend this is also the largest door that can use this setup with this row of observers and droppers because once we get to the 9x9 we deal with the push limit which is why we have to have redstone lines instead so the worms travel both up and down the door a bit of lag there here's closing it's a bit spammy and derpy but still closes okay there's closing i can watch it open sounds again it uses this hopper circuit here with the changes in signal strength to get the right amount of pulses at the top to cycle around once the cycles around here's opening now start to cycle both tapes around again just like that the bomb should finish right now yep so let's get started building it so just like all the past ones we're gonna start with our form at the bottom so two blocks over and start there's a row of eight normal pistons across the wall a row of eight sticky pistons on top then this time 64 last blocks an 8x8 then our row of normal blocks up here we can do our door frame then our tape is the exact same so i have a piston there piston there this one which is two blocks out piston here then a double extender right there this that's the right height in the normal piston here i have our piston here which has once again two blocks from this corner and our piston facing down right let's be one block higher there then we'll do our row of eight sticky pistons along the top are two blocks which can be anything then eight sticky pistons like that okay you have our cauldron here and make sure that you fill it any block right there and two blocks above we have our row of observers here two observers below each one facing down i wrote sticky pistons and then a row of normal pistons above and we just place some removable block above all them so they won't if we mess up they won't go flying then for our tape we have any non-solid block or observer non-solid block any solid block cauldron non-solid block and then two more of any block here and this entire size just filled up with any block like that that should be our layout okay so for the bottom part of this door we're once again going to start by building our tape control circuit so three observers like this block piston observing the block here one more observer facing down going into that piston block and the three tick repeater right there also have our input right there observer facing down so the piston here which will be our slider to get a signal across on this side we're going to have a toggle with this observer at the top going to a hopper two observers facing up piston facing down and uh stick a redstone block here two hoppers right next to it with repeater on top of one so it powers this one and then here we have three stacks and seven items that will give the right number of pulses to the top tape we also have a piston there which will push the slider back this piston as well as the bottom closings be powered by this observer which is an output from this comparator we also have this here which will just cause this piston to push the blocks around and get shifted down and the dust here which will power through this column computer two observers like that going into a block having this and under that block will have a redstone here or piston observer here which will power this piston here for our slider like that then once again our wall of droppers and observers here just like that then once again we have the same circuit here to stop the uh bottom slider you clock put six items in there comparator and two observers like that that should be our entire bottom or it forgot one part let's see we want three observers here like that and our configuration like this here for this piston make sure the observer is up in that position that should be our entire bottom circuit done okay so now for our top tape and flying machines we're going to start from this proper circuit here and we'll have a block here going to a line of comparators going across the door like that into this dust here which is going to be redirected by the tripwire so it doesn't power this piston into observer block and piston here which will go into a another observer and a block and then a dust here the block here into that piston which will power this observer in this piston if you power that just make sure to reset it like that this is going to two observers facing up then a lamp another observer piston here observer facing down in a hopper two observers like that and the block here and this will be our double extender and on this side we'll have one observer facing up into a immovable block um a no block here and you can place a slab on top of it so it doesn't make a noise and then we have observer detecting this block here one facing down so this piston will activate that's our top uh tape we also finished building the frame [Music] here and also wire inputs for the um top three lines of blocks and three lines of dust and are observer line here remove these blocks here for now so we can place this i'll place these all back and this one's gonna be similar to the six by six and how we activate it well where we'll have a comparator here with a observer facing down detecting it a piston here like that and that will give a pulse this hopper which will power this line as well as the sign of observers going to that piston and then once again this is the same as our other doors where we'll have that right yep piston there to push the slider back and our clock right up here then this will go down into a hopper dropper again like that and also go over into this line to computer powering this block to push the slider back i'll take a look at something yeah we'll also have a three tick repeater here all right that block to power all three of these lines that will have 15 items in here compared here into a toggle to disable our clock then once again just like this one we have a piston down here to power the bottom line so we'll have observer here facing down hopper observer facing out and down into this piston here with the observer like this we can't do it like this in the past stores because um these top pistons in the worm here will be right here and they'll be butted so this observer here needs to give an update to them at this level as nothing else at this level as nothing else does so this should be our entire flying machine circuit and then once again like the pass door we're going to use the same mechanism where we spam uh this piston here an observer and so eventually it'll power um all right this four circuit repeater on the observer it's also power that block with another four-six repeater let me try to build this right so we'll have a hopper and observer here which will power our bottom tape again that can be powered as soon as the flying machines get to the one they don't have to wait for them to return to the top and the block here and the toggle here which will power this this four tick repeater gives two pulses this will power this piston here and dragging the redstone block back up so this should be our entire door i'm just gonna remove these and we can wash it functioning so i'm closing this observer here gets pulled down so it doesn't activate this hopper and the bottom tape should activate just like that looks like i forgot that these two blocks here have to be door blocks they can't be just any block like wool then on opening paper redstone blocks switch states powering this line of comparators here and our top our cauldron gets over there it should trigger the top then you see our 42 computer here activates when it gets to the bottom yep and our top tape should activate again finishing off the opening and hiding the pistons so that's the 8x8 right there and one to the 9x9 next yep so you should just make sure that these two blocks here are your door block and not just any building block yep it's a 9x9 now okay so now we're on to the 9x9 this is probably my least favorite door mostly just because it takes a while to open takes nearly two minutes to open which is quite a bit longer than the 10 by 10 in all of the other it also has a minecart in it which despite how much i use them i generally dislike having them indoors anyway let's watch it closing is fairly standard once again just cycles the tape around for having to warm at the bottom push everything up it does use dust here lines of dust instead of the wall of observers which is a bit harder to implement but had to be done because of the push limit as these pistons here have to return all the way to the bottom so the top doesn't push too many blocks to watch it push up like that it is quite fast compared to the others however they'll end like this these pistons don't have to return all the way to the bottom because this piston here is gonna be the 12th block the pushers on the top push however if i had to push both of these then it couldn't do that let's watch the opening it's quite long because of the configuration the tape up here so as you can see it spams all these block this row of pistons up here and that's because um all of these dust lines here are offset compared to the previous doors so you see here we have two blocks before we have the dust but on this one it's directly on the ceiling and that means that this circuit here from the double center is going to power this dust here and because of that um we have to slow down this side quite a bit so see it takes a while before this slider here comes in before this piston here pushes down meaning the other tape is quite a bit slower and where that's our opening look for minecart there and because of that um every second time this double piston center here fires it doesn't grab a block slowing down the tape even more this had to be done because the flying machines in these smaller doors just aren't long enough to reach all the way to the bottom so you had this um stack there's a redstone inputs on this one so it can do that so it's a few more blocks before it finishes just like that'll finish so let's get on building it there's a bit of a cool down there before the minecart because the minecart fires an extra time when the tape's done so so despite the store being quite a bit different from the other ones delayed is still pretty similar main difference is that for worm down here we're only going to have sticky pistons so i have nine c episodes here 2 34. we still have 960 pistons on the bottom and nine more on the top then we'll have our 999 area of glass here's our ninth layer save our nine by nine af glass and then our floor box okay as well as our frame like that and then once again we'll have our um row sticky pistons here for the flying machines then on this one this is going to be a bit different we're actually going to have three uh building blocks here instead of two [Music] for our tape here also have our double extender and a piston there we're gonna have a piston here hanging off the edge as well as one right a there piston here piston there for our tape and we'll have a cauldron right there and once again above this we're going to have our row of observers and two more facing down a row of sticky pistons across the top and normal pistons facing down and actually on this door we're going to put once again a row of immovable blocks but these ones are going to stay here they're not going to be removed and we want one block that's immovable but uh is not solid i just use a science that's cheap but it can be a hopper or anything that's immovable once again we have our distance here which is two blocks out piston there just in here and one more facing up right there there's chickens yep and then for a tape we're gonna have a uh non non-solid block observer non-salt block and then our cauldron and then just a bunch of any building block i have two of our door blocks here and more building blocks like that to finish off the tape that should be the layout complete if you're closing we're going to once again start by building our this point fairly standard uh like tape control circle on this side so it's just like that with those three observers block piston observer facing down here and this time we're gonna power it with an observer right there and break that piston here while i place this lever this will be our your input that's going to power like that and then for closing we're going to build first our bottom slider here this is used to power the pistons at the bottom because this dust line here has to be one block higher so it can't power these bottom pistons and the easiest way to do that it's a slider so we have two observer piston here the two observers before our um worm here and then every other block is going to be an observer staggered with building blocks that so it should end with just a normal block and we have our piston here which will push it back and to power this piston we're just gonna get an output from this piston here so when this is pushed over this observer will power it which will activate this observer and power this piston here we're also gonna have our lines of redstone here so on ghost block there so we just have lines of redstone every two blocks all the way up to the floor level just like that because just finish our frame right now just like that um once again we can build our tape so on this one it's going to be a bit different instead of having three observers here to power this piston we only need two and we're gonna have our standard circuit on this side like this for this piston i have two observers there so to power a closing circuit we're going to have our comparator right there which will um power toggle here if observer there this observer will power a 2 tick repeater and then a chain of four observers facing down this piston here which will power our slider at the bottom and actually power our clock which powers all these redstone lines we're gonna have a toggle here so the reason i have two observers right here is that it gets powered both on and the side is pushed both to that side and back so create one pulse here so it'll push this observer out and then pull it back in install power a block here or piston here which has an observer there and we'll also have one observer right here and these will get pushed together and create the clock if you want to remove that uh block before you place the block here so it doesn't activate everything and this will in this cl to stop this clock you just have a piston here which will push everything down now to get the pulses to the rest of the inputs here we're gonna undecide we're gonna have a rail this will also serve as a block updater um and then two observers facing up this will power these two lines here and we also just want to have a hopper right here two more observers facing upwards and redstone there and l power top line now for updaters you want to have a slab here and the two rails here this will be our updater for these pistons yeah and you just want to have two more observers detecting that rail which will give updates to the rest of the pistons to um stop this tape we're going to use we're going to have our hopper dropper circuit again here with i already forgot how many items get 14 items there's a little 14 item there that will cause this comparator here to depower and give a signal to this piston pushing the slider back down stopping the closing that should be our entire bottom circuit done power our tape we actually can't send the signal across here then have another slider here because of the dust so instead the way we do it is we build a toggle on this side so we'll have a piston here and observer and that will be powering this repeater on the slab here this side just so this piston here doesn't get butted going up two blocks and two block here this is going to hopper which will power this observer in a block here which will create our clock it's going to have a piston here with a note block on top of it an observer one block above and a block here observer facing down and then two tick repeater and a block there so that so this gets pushed up we'll have a clock i guess retracted it'll stop it and we'll just have our same toggle here like on our 7x7 which will power this piston here and once again we'll have two observers facing up into a lamp which also go up into a piston that asia this is a lamp here let's also power this hopper which will power the bottom piston for the double extender now for this side gonna have a distance here hopper piston dust and then you have a dust here which will power a three tick repeater what's your power this piston here it'll have two more observers like that to power the bottom piston so this is to slow down our tape here so we don't mess up stuff when these pistons here try to extend so that's our top tape now we can get onto the flying machines so we'll first start our flying machines by building our input lines if you want to have one line of redstone here along the ceiling of the door another line here once again this will get powered by the double extender which is why the tape is so slow one line up here and one final line here that will pop at the same level as these bottom are these upwards facing pistons here we're instead gonna have a piston right here which will have our slider be pushed by it so nine observers along here and our piston there uh no yes put one more block out and one observer here facing to your immovable uh but non-solid block and we'll have our clock here let's see this will go down into a hopper dropper like that as well as two observers here which will power this line for the computer here powering this piston and then uh to power this bottom line this line here we're gonna have observer detecting this line of redstone one facing down which will power that line this will also power our um second hover dropper this one with six items with it and this one will power a toggle here which will start a second clock to power this bottom line here so after all the items are out of here it will pull this observer up powering this bottom redstone line so i'll make sure to reset that like that sound check then we have 17 items in the top one 17 items up here once again this will go into the same circuit to stop the clock just like that and finally to power this whole thing we'll have a comparison here which will detect the um cauldron this will power a piston here which will push the whole thing down to stop the clock as well as a line of observers here and we'll actually have a toggle this time i'll make sure the observer is up powering this piston here this is because the computer here will get pulsed twice and so we don't want this top side to get pulsed twice here because that will deactivate our um clock i think we're gonna have one more observer here this happens this observer which detects the comparator that's because when this whole thing is done this block will actually be down here and that'll break the tape and we don't want that so we want to give it one more pulse from this observer here which will pull the block back up and that is our entire top circuit done finally all we have left is this area here which is used to control our tapes again and so we're going to do you detect when this um [Music] observer is put back down if that observer there in this piston this will power a piston here which will push a minecart into a cobweb so you can build that right now so you want to have uh um a minecart here and we're gonna push into a fence like that then we're gonna push an observer in and the easiest way to do this is to zero take it in so you don't place a piston here making sure it's sticky and you just want to place a button on it which will disappear as soon as the is pressed and zero take this in without disturbing the minecart i just want to place a cobweb right here and the string right here which will give the output to the observer here this will then power uh right toggle here initial power this piston here comes over here this will power our this piston here which will start the bottom tape and also power one more toggle here like this which will um power start the top tape by giving a two tick signal to this line this top line here which will be detected by this comparator here and since comparators won't give an output when they're only given one tick pulse input it won't this comparator won't trigger the tape when the line is being spanned for closing it's almost either so all we have left is stopping the tape on the cauldron returns back to this side the way we do that is so make sure that when you place this that this observer here is um reset because this computer will also power this observer in this spline here so you want to make sure to have a sticky piston here which will create a toggle the normal piston here which will once again powers this two-tick repeater here and do the entire uh stop the top tape so that should be our entire door done just make sure that uh both of these toggles here are up and this one's down this one here is down and then we should be ready to test it so on closing we activate our tape and this observer here should be pushed out pulled down so this uh repeater doesn't activate starting the top and our tape should cycle around and our closing looks like it works fine the worm travels all the way to the bottom now i'm opening your tape activates and it starts it's quite slow so you can see here that this um double extender only grabs a block every second time it fires this is because of how slow this side is this time has quite a bit of delay before it pushes down but here yeah looks like it'll start the top flying machine this will travel all the way down back up and you see our minecart here stuck in the cobweb and it returns back to the top it will power the tape again and once you should know that this door is a bit of a cool down after opening as this minecart here will fire again and so it'll get stuck in the cobweb and give remove the light before it finally resets there that's the open and the entire door completely done okay so on to the 10 by 10. this is probably my favorite door i've evolved them because one of the most unique maybe not as unique as the 999 but it doesn't have all the problems which the 999 has especially with the top tape so let's just watch it once again it has instead of a wall of droppers and observers it has the lines of dust here it gets the worm as a travel upping and down the tape here does take a bit of time because it's quite large compared to smaller doors like the 6x6 and 7x7 there that's closing there now here's opening both tapes will run in hide pistons and glass to make the door seamless just like that so let's get on with building it okay so once again we're going to start with our layouts just like all the other doors i go two blocks over from the side and start your worm this one you have to have sticky pistons on both the bottom and top there's 10 sticky pistons facing upwards i have 10 on top facing downwards then we have a 10 by 10 layer of glass there's our 10 by 10 area of glassware door and our uh that's our four level here for four block here's our frame but then then we'll build our flying machine up here we're going to have 10 city pistons going across yeah and then once again like on the nine by nine we're actually gonna have three blocks right there for our tape and we'll start placing our normal pistons up here i'll have one there and one here as well one piston there and normal piece in there with a cauldron once again we have our observers about 10 of them facing towards the front of the door and two facing down below each of them row of ten sticky pistons facing up or my frozen for this one you're gonna wanna have two of any building block here just like that and then a row of sticky pistons facing up and normal pistons facing down like that from now you can just place any immovable block on top then for a tape on the bottom it's the same as all the other doors we'll have piston there piston here it's in there and one i here two of our door blocks there then film the rest of any building block a glass observer glass five uh blocks any building block a cauldron and a wool that should be the layout done okay so just like all the other doors we'll start with our tape and once again we have our same tape control circuit here so just like that observers and piston this one will uh just remove that block for now power with a lamp here this will be our input this can also be a note block but i think the lamp is better for the input so i will power our tape here you also have two observers like that for this piston once you have an observer facing out and one up piston here the observer on it hopper and observer and then two observers there for that part of the tape now for uh closing we're gonna have a comparator here yep computer here which will detect that cauldron over there observer facing up with a toggle on it a piston observer right there five observers facing down uh six observers facing down as well as a two-tick repeater on top of this which will be powered by this observer it'll have a dust here which will power this dropper has to be a dropper it cannot be a note block during this observer this will power the bottom line of dust here right now we can also just build our inputs for the worm there and so this uh redstone dust here will also power that piston which will power a clock here let's remove this block here when you place this one some power you're gonna have so push these two observers into each other to create a clock and also have one facing down which will power this dropper again to make sure it gets the final pulse to pull the worm down then on this side we're gonna have a rail two observers facing up going into a block which will power these two lines here and then two more observers facing up into another block which will power the top line now we need our updater rails so we're gonna have on a slab one here just make sure it doesn't get powered by this bottom dust we also have one there which and they'll connect uh you want to have two right there and this one one more on the slab here like so that will ensure that all of our uh pistons here get updates and finally we want our uh timer here to stop the clock so we'll be powered by is this observer here we're going to have 16 items in it of a comparator detecting the signal or detecting the dropper observer below the comparator one right there uh two here the piston that's right then you want a piston right here which will uh push the whole thing slider down to stop the tape that should be our volume closing done so now for our top tape and tape control just like the 999 we can't have a signal going across the top we can't have a slide or anything like that so we're going to control it from this side we also can't place a comparator here because we'll be able to get a signal from this observer so instead what we use is torches so we'll have a torch here and torch here which we can easily to two ticket from our repeater right here however to power on this side we have to do something a bit different and since there's really no way the repeater here and also power it what we do is we give it two one tick pulses right after each other which will still cause the torch to turn off so we'll have the observer here which will power this line power these two observers also have a piston facing upwards with a observer on it powering this block and this hopper here show power um this dust here and give it another pulse at the right time if you can remove this block here you'll see it'll cause the torches pulse and on the other end nothing will happen make sure to replace that block so this torch will will have an observer detect that torch going into a block with a sticky piston on it it will have the observer on the sticky piston observer facing up one block above i'll have a repeater coming out of it with on two ticks and one more observer facing down this will create once again a clock just like that but it'll be much slower than oops it'll be slower than the past ones because we need that because in order to stop the clock at the right time you have to send the signal all the way from here down the side of the door across and back up and that takes a bit of time so we want to slow down the clock so we can do that fast enough then we'll have once again uh observer and piston facing up to create a toilet to power this at the right times a lot of two observers facing up detecting that um piston here one more observer facing up into a piston and observer facing down into a hopper let's say we'll have two more observers here to power the bottom piston then finally for this side to stop the tape we'll have a comparator here detecting this cauldron so go into a normal piston with a block and then two observers on it this will create a slider which will push itself back up and you have the bottom observer here so we can power this uh make sure it's not sticky yep so you can power blood powers this piston here so we push this down to power the bottom system and let's have observing the block there let's stop on this side we'll just have computer here closer to the side of the observer facing down in a piston here which will push this slider down to stop it and that's our tape okay now on to the flying machines first can start by just filling in all of our door frame blocks here just like that then we'll build our inputs so we have a line of this here another line here that's there and one more up here yeah and then once again from this computer we'll have an observer facing up the power this bottom line here then observer will have an observer chain facing like that all the way to the top because this tape is so slow um this comparator here will actually give two pulses to the observers we just need to build a toggle here like that in order to only get one i'm just gonna remove these blocks just for a sec so we'll have um our row of observers here with the power to talk put these blocks back just like the other doors we'll have pistons there that push the observers back then we'll have our clock right here don't have an observer facing down this one is a bit different instead of having a hopper dropper here we're going to have it facing to the side instead like that and the dust on top i love the observers detecting the dust to power this top line about another four zip repeater there and it's the block there it will have two more observers like this which will power this line here this one here then finally we'll have our three tick repeater here which will power the bottom line sorry okay and in here we'll have uh 21 items like that so two observers like that just place them now because we have to place the comparator on top then from the computer which will be our clock here let's do a toggle here which will disable the um clock here i also forgot this part i'm gonna have two observers facing up going into some immovable block so how is this just awesome nope here and then two more observers detecting this piston base to power that finally from this chain of observers which goes under the competitor like that got one facing down one to the side and one more down let's go into this block here and this um piston here which will just like on the 8x8 and 7x7 will power this bottom line at the right time to stop the door and send it back up so that should be our flying machine done so i have to do now is start the tape again and we'll do that just like the other doors with an observer here and a block here which this will get spammed up and down and we'll only give a pulse at the very end let's go into a four tick repeater here i think we have a toggle that's two observers block i'm gonna toggle here let's go into another four set computer no yeah so a little toggle here i think this will power the hopper here to start our uh bottom tape again then we'll have a toggle here which will power this repeater this is just to add delay and then we'll have another four tick repeater here add more delay observer facing out two more down and one more toggle here because the four tick repeater gives two pulses and that should be the entire door complete and go up and move our blocks right there and test it now actually you want to make sure that this uh lever is on when the door is open so you can just remove this observer here and this block here just power the lever nothing should happen replace the observer and the block now you can de-power the lever it should start to close okay that's our worm should go up to the top and then return down yep and then when we depower our lever or power deliver tip at the top to start their flying machine goes yep all right it's like i made it there's a mistake on the top is it fired a bit too early take a look at that okay so the mistake that i made is that these two repeaters here have to actually be on three texts it's f4 you can just remove this piston here then set both them to three like that and replace this piece in here again should work let's see it should work this time yep so tape starts the right time to stop the flying machines from going away and it should finish off here completely fine we should stop right now yep and that is the entire door yes if you've made it this far and watch the whole video congratulations hope you learned something or learned how to build these doors yourself thanks for watching you