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Notes on Quantum Phase Transitions and Quantum Information Theory
Jun 30, 2024
Lecture on Quantum Phase Transitions and Quantum Information Theory
Introduction to Quantum Phase Transitions
Quantum phase transitions are driven by quantum fluctuations at zero temperature.
First Order Quantum Phase Transition
Energy level crossings at a critical point (gc).
Second Order Quantum Phase Transition
Avoided energy level crossings at gc.
Verified in architectures such as cold atoms and quantum dots.
Quantum Analog of the Ising Model
Describes quantum many-body systems using Pauli spin matrices and external magnetic field.
At zero temperature, described by a complex ground state wave function.
Emergence of phases such as superconductivity and magnetism.
Analyzed using quantum information theoretic measures.
Notions of Entanglement and Quantum Correlations
Introduced in 1935 by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen.
Cannot describe properties of entangled particles independently.
Used in applications like quantum communication, cryptography, and teleportation.
Quantum Discord
Introduced to quantify quantum correlations beyond entanglement.
Measures difference between total correlations and classical correlations.
Quantum Coherence
Measures coherence using quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence.
XY Model Analysis
Describes a lattice of spin-1/2 particles with interaction parameter γ and magnetic field h.
Second-order phase transition at hc = 1.
Studies long-range quantum correlations between first site and its neighbors.
Wigner Function Approach
Represents quantum states in phase space using Wigner function.
Wigner function can detect entanglement and transitions in quantum systems.
Analyzed using phase operators and displacement operator.
Demonstrated for complex systems like the XXZ model.
Non-Equilibrium Phase Transitions
Studied using the thermodynamic approach due to the connection between information and thermodynamics.
Utilizes stochastic thermodynamics to treat non-equilibrium settings.
LMG Model (Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Model)
Collective spin model representing infinite connectivity limit of the Ising model.
Second-order phase transition studied through various scenarios of magnetic field quenches.
Quantified using Loschmidt echo and work probability distribution.
Summary of Findings
Quantum information theoretic measures like entanglement, quantum discord, and quantum coherence can detect critical properties of quantum systems.
Wigner function successfully detects various quantum phase transitions including topological phase transitions.
Future work aims to apply these analyses to quantum thermal machines and study energetic advantage in quantum computation.
Research Outputs
Results were published in international journals and presented at conferences in Morocco, Italy, Austria, Portugal, and Japan.
Future Directions
Study how critical phenomena can enhance the efficiency of quantum thermal machines.
Explore the energetic advantage of quantum computation and tensor networks.
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