Transcript for:
Lecture Notes on Thaddeus Ross and Sam Wilson Interaction

THADDEUS ROSS Wilson... Thanks for comin' in. SAM WILSON Well, thank you for the invite, sir. I have to admit, I'm still gettin' used to the new look. THADDEUS ROSS They said lose to mustache or lose the election. You and I... haven't always agreed in the past. But I wanna make another run at making Captain America an official military position. SAM WILSON And if we disagree on how to manage a situation... then what happens? THADDEUS ROSS Work with me, Sam. [Applause] THADDEUS ROSS We'll show the world a better way forward. -Isaiah! -[Gun cocks] -[Gunshots] -[Glass shatters] SAM WILSON Sir, your inner circle has been compromised. Either you can't see that, or you don’t want to. JOAQUIN TORRES What if it's a trap? SAMUEL STERNS Global power is shifting. You're just a pawn. [Car explodes] [Gunfire] THADDEUS ROSS You may be Captain America, but you're not Steve Rogers. [Explosion] SAM WILSON You're right... I'm not.