i am going to talk about one of the known issues while installing the esxi 7.0 update 3 on intel and uc i received couple of emails from some of our friends so in this video i will show you the resolution steps how we can fix that known issue okay and so the agenda is like this what is one of the known issues while installing esxi 7.0 update 3 on intel and uc system and where do we get the compatible network driver for esx 7.0 or 7.2 update 3 and how to add network driver to esxs 7.0 update 3 and make a custom iso for intel and you see system so some of our friends already aware of intel and uc just in case if anyone not aware of intel and you see uh this is a screen capture like i get it from the intel website so intel and you see is normally we can use it for a vmware home labs so the system is it's like a palm size only so this is the screenshot and if you see the what is the main hardware peripherals it consists is it have a power button headphone jock and also the usb and the main button is power pin button and also the sd card slot and we have few usb ports and also we have a local area network land connections and hdmi connection okay but this system it's a completely customized nuc system and uh suppose in my home lab i'm using two models intel and uc 10 and intel and uc11 and the sum of latest model is intel and uc12 and the memory present it's supported for until 64 gb and hard disk you can increase up to 2 tb based on your budget and the cpus also it comes with a 6 core or 8 core process and so based on your choice you can select any of the model whatever you want but while installing the practicing the sx installation directly on intel and you see there is one of the known issue so this is the known issue so normally it will while installing esx at the end during the esx installation it shows that no network adapters so clearly in this error message it clearly says that no network adapters were detected either no network adapters are physically connected to the system or a suitable drive suitable driver could not be located a third-party driver may be required so normally when we are installing esxi on any of the system we know the minimum requirement is we should have a 1gb 1gbps network card so most of the time we have a network connection so but in this error they clearly says that there is one driver missing so the observation from this error message is it requires a suitable network driver or doesn't have a compatible driver so we already find the glue so for the with this help of glue we need to go for a further troubleshooting so first we need a driver where we can get the network driver so vmware already giving a one of the community website vmware flings links dot vmware.com here we can get it so the question is where do we get the compatible network driver for esxi 7.0 update 3 and to download the community network driver this is the link and later i will copy these links in our video description if you want you can use this links so this link says it will provide you a community network driver for esxi so when we download this link at this driver again this driver has to be included or combined with our esxi 7 iso so how we can combine and all i will show you in the next slide see how to add a network driver to esxs 7.0 update 3 and make a custom iso for intel and uc system so in order to do this one the first one we already have esxs 7.2 iso so but while preparing this customize so uh what's the recommended step is instead of using iso folder you can just download esxi esxi zip file uh zip file means offline bundle so once you download the sxi offline bundle that offline bundle you can add with our network driver community network driver for esx once we combine this both we'll have a custom iso is ready with network driver so using this iso we can directly install on intel and uc so that that error will be resolved successfully okay and let me explain the high level steps so here are the high level steps firstly download the esxs 7.0 update 3 offline bundle star.zip file that means that update 3 zip file only offline bundle only we can download and secondly download the community network driver from vmware flink's website and thirdly place these two zip files this the even network driver also comes with a zip file only these two zip files you can place into one of the windows system prepare any of the one temporary folder and keep it in the same folder and then combine the both zip files using vmware power click command let's that means using vmware power click commands we can combine these two zip files and next create an esxs 7.0 update 3 custom iso with network driver using this com after combine make one customize so that means export both into a one customer iso file that iso file eventually make a bootable esxs 7.2 update 3 usb and then proceed to install it in our nuc system once we prepare the bootable usb you know how to install the esxs7 already okay so here the key point is power cl like commands so this commands i will show you in the next two slides okay so the first i will explain the commands and later i will log into our lab system i will explain you that how we can execute all these commands in vmware powershell light okay and we have to install vmware power cli modules from the powershell command line so this is the important pre-requirement before we run this command our powershell must on top of the powershell must run with a vmware power cli modules okay and in order to run the all the scripts all the scripts execution set execution policy should be all execution policies should be all signed okay this is a recommended step and then we can install the module name vmware power cli in our lab system we already installed but if you want to install a power cli on powershell you can run this command okay and then change the power cli directory to the temp folder where where the our esxa offline image and network driver is located okay and then we have to run this command add the esxi software depot depot with this our zip file downloaded zip file similarly add the network driver also to the software depot okay and this is the second command once we run these two commands and go to the next point now define a new esxi image and add the software package so we have to define a new esxi image profile and clone the profile with our default esxa name to with the custom name i just given a custom name as intel and you see and vendor name you can keep it any name suppose i given a our channel name non cloud garage and add the second command is add the esxs software package image profile with net community that means whatever the package name we created that same package we included the network driver okay and then as a final step we have to build the customer so so to build the customer so first we created a software package then we are preparing a customizer okay so you can run the command export iphone esxi image profile hyphen image profile our image profile and export it to the because our image profile already running with your network driver so expect it and make it as a iso so our actual file path file path should be our default temp folder and it will make it as a iso folder once this custom iso image is ready and then you can copy or write it to the usb and we can use this as a boot to our intel and uc system okay hope you clear about all these steps now we can quickly jump into our lab system and we can execute all these commands so for graphical wise this is a clear understanding download esxa zip file first and i mentioned as i saw just ignore this iso word but we have to download the esxa offline bundle extension is dot zip and then download network commodity driver combine this both make it as one software package that software package you can convert into your iso file that iso we can use it to install on intel and uc system okay now log into our lab system okay so inner logs lab system we can use default power cla or integrated scripted environment also you can use so right click here and select run as administrator so once we open a power cli we have to verify see there are right side all the com modules are running if you select the drop down menu you can see already scroll down you can see all the vmware modules are installed okay suppose if you want install i already shown you the command okay that command you can use it and if you want to verify our power cla version you can run the command ps version table and press enter if you want to run power cla powershell should be fine minimally 5.1 or later edition okay and to verify the power cli version get hyphen power cli version so commands just for our quick instead of typing i copied in the desktop so let me copy and paste see that to verify the power clear version get hyphen power cli version just copy and run it in our power cli see our power cli version we can see it now it is saying that we have to run the execution okay see now this warning we can safely ignore and we can see power clea version is 12.7 okay this is the latest version now and if you want to verify whether power cla module is installed or not just run the command find module hyphen name vmware power cli because we already verified through the graphic mode here we already verified vmware modules are installed to verify from command line this is the command so just to find hyphen module space hyphen name our vmware dot power cli module so once you present it will automatically detect our vmware power cli module so within all the command lets it's trying to detect from the all the modules okay and even there is another module mainly for to make a customized so vmware dot image builder must be included in our module so if you go to the command here c when we run the find module already power cla module is there and for image also you can up verify from graphical or command line if you just scroll down here you can see vmware image builder also should be there see vmware dot image builder so image builder is there means we can able to make customized source custom image or customize okay so now as per our slide i already given one of the command before running the any of the executions we should make all the execution policies should be all signed so copy this command this is a normally a standard command just run that command so s to all so this is set execution policy is already all signed now another command the command is we need to install a power cli we already running with your power cell so we can skip this command suppose in your home lab if you do not have power cla run this command in powershell okay and we have two methods either you can install online method with if you have a internet connection if you do not have internet connection download the bundle and paste it into the c drive program files windows powershell modules folder location okay and then you can run the input command now change the power cli directory to temp folder so temp folder before changing the temp folder i'm just showing you the power cell like download link if you type in the google vmware power cli download you'll redirect it to the official vmware download link okay and another link is if you search in the google network driver for esxi you will be redirected to vmware flings website and here you can see download option okay and this is the only the native driver even if you select the requirements tab it will be supported for all the intel ethernet cards and even for supported for 7.0 update three okay and so this is available directly from flinx.vmware.com you can just search in internet network driver for esxi or else later i will copy this link in our video description okay and another link is we already know from vmware downloads website you can download the esxs 7.0 update 3 offline bundle okay and we i am also using one of the software to make the bootable usb so to create a bootable usb you can use uh rufus software so rufus software only i'm using okay and all these links i will share it later now let's quickly log into our temp folder will verify with interest of our time i already downloaded and i created one temp folder in c drive custom iso and i copied these files so community network driver and esxi 7.2 update 3 zip file both zip files are copied to temp folder and also the our rufus iso rufus software also copied okay now first we'll run on the power click commands first as per our description slide description so the first command is add we have to change the power cli directory to temp folder so let's quickly clear the screen and now run the command just close this one so command is change directory and our directory is running on c drive and we have the folder is customized so when you select iso we are redirect to customers to verify our files are there or not just type directory command dir you will see our community driver is there and also esxs7 is there okay so and also i downloaded for to create a bootable usb i downloaded the rufus software also okay so now to add this to run the command add iphone esxi depot this command just copy so paste it here now space dot slash and we have to type with a vm and press tab so now press enter so this zip file is depo url is added okay and similarly run the another command for your network driver so again use the same command so just paste and dot slash our driver is net net community so press enter so this driver also going to add it to our depot url so both are added now another command is now define a new esxi image and add the software packages so the new esx image means the command also start with new hyphen esx image profile and we can use the clone profile so copy paste and our esxi name is same as it is whatever the name we have here you can just use the same name copy okay so now quotations close space hyphen name and space we can enter our any of the custom name suppose in our command i given custom name is esxs7 hyphen intel and you see you can use this name also so we can use esxi 7 hyphen intel and uc this is our custom profile name image profile name and hyphen vendor name also you can enter just copy and vendor name just for our easy understanding a given vendor name as our channel name grant cloud carriage okay now press enter when you press enter it says that cannot process the argument so clone profile no image profile has been matches okay so that is the case we can just go here so we have to give the name as a standard name okay so re-enter the same command and change the name to standard so we can use hyphen standard okay now enter okay so intel and uc name vendor is created and accepted the partner supported okay now another one is add the esx software package so for this image we are going to add a software package net community so we can copy the same command copy paste and for this image profile i'm using the same name so just copy from here the standard name paste it here and this image we are going to add sorry image should be intel and uc image net community esxs7 hyphen intel nuc now run the software package is net hyphen community okay now it says that we may not use the same name okay let's slightly adjust the name here there is a hyphen so sorry for the typo just remove the hyphen now enter okay so package also added software package is added then the last step is exporting so export this into the iso file so copy so make sure the naming convention whatever we used in the ebook same naming convention we have to use so we have used the above naming convention is intel i7 and hyphen intel and uc now it's export into the same path we are making the software package into a iso file so esx i7 hyphen intel and uc dot iso once we type this command press enter so it may take a while to make the iso file okay see iso file is completed when you just go to our default temporary folder you can see iso file is ready disk image file if you want to see the extension go to the view and we can see the show the view file extension view we can see or else it is already in it it is showing the type as image file okay now this image file we can make our usb to bootable usb let's say a bootable usb i have the nun okay and the usb is completely free this usb d drive i'm going to make this as a bootable usb so how we can make bootable usbs we can use rufus software so just go to the custom iso folder open this rufus software once we launch this one it will detect our thumb drive okay once it is detected see already our thumb drive is detected once it is detected we have to select the boot selection so click on select and mount our iso file see iso file is in custom iso mount to the esxi 7 intel and uc click on open and now click on start the other options you can just leave it default click on start so it says it is going to write an iso image mode okay that is a recommended click on ok and it is going to erase the existing data so currently there is no any data so just click on ok so now it is preparing the bootable bootable esxi 7 up you update 3 okay see copying the iso files is in progress so once this is make it as a bootable iso and afterward you know how to install the esx in your intel and uc system okay okay 94 yeah it's completed see once it is ready just click on close this wizard and go to the computer and verify whether all the bootable files are copied and see bootable files are ready okay so now our esx seven intel our name thumb drain name also changed esxi 7 intel so using this bootable thumb drive we can install it in our intel and uc system okay so hope you got an idea how to add a network driver to esxs7 u3 image file okay and we are making as a so for intel and uc system okay so that's it for today thank you if you are watching this video first time please do view like share and subscribe to my grand cloud gary channel and if you are already subscribed i appreciate all your support bye for now