Transcript for:
Biological Evolution Lecture Notes

Evolution. It’s a word that shows up in a lot  of games and cartoons – some of which one of   us is quite into - but tends to be used in a  way that is often not really what evolution   means in biology. Unlike what you might see in  a game where an individual character evolves,   with biological evolution, individuals don’t  evolve during their lifespan. And it’s not   just the misconceptions about evolution like that. Some of the vocab or terminology  can be misunderstood. For example,   our video that explains how theory means something  different in science versus casual conversation.   Or the word fitness – in biology, fitness is  related to how many offspring are produced,   meaning genes are getting passed down---so  biological fitness is not how strong the   organism may be. Or even the word “evolution”  itself - in casual conversation, the word   “evolve” might refer to products getting more  complex; for example, a product changes to have   more advanced features. But in biology, evolution  does not necessarily result in more complexity. Let’s talk about what this video is going to  focus on. We’re going to define biological   evolution along with some of its mechanisms  such as natural selection and genetic drift.   Then we will look at different lines  of evidence for biological evolution. First: let’s get a general definition for  biological evolution. Biological evolution   is the change in a population’s  inherited traits over generations. Let’s talk about that word population because  it is populations, not individuals, that evolve.   A population has multiple organisms of the same  species. But even though they’re the same species,   there’s variety in a population, right?  Different traits. Those traits are coded   for by genes. So, all together, there is  variety in the gene pool in a population. But mechanisms that cause changes in  the population’s gene pool can lead to   evolution because inherited traits in  the population are coded for by genes.   Consider a population of grasshoppers.  Same species of grasshopper but there   can be variety in this population. In this  particular population, some are solid green,   some have orange spots. Some have slightly  longer legs, some have shorter legs. Let’s   illustrate some mechanisms of evolution  that could occur with this population. First mechanism we’ll mention: gene flow.  Genes that move between populations which   can happen through migration. This can  impact the genetic makeup in the population. Mutations. They may be harmful,  they may be beneficial,   they may be neutral. But mutations  do occur, and they are sources of   changes in genetic material that can  change the genes in a population. Genetic Drift: This involves a  change in the genetic makeup of   a population due to a random chance  event. In our grasshopper example:   if a lawn mower happens to go through an area –  which is generally not a good thing if you’re a   grasshopper- the gene pool of the remaining  grasshoppers may not represent the original   population’s gene pool. This can impact  the genetic makeup in the population. Natural Selection: If, in this particular  environment, the green grasshoppers are   better camouflaged than any other color  of grasshopper, they may not be seen as   well by predators. So if they don’t get  eaten, they can survive and reproduce,   passing on the genes that code for being green.  In this particular environment, other varieties   may not reproduce as frequently and would have  lower biological fitness. The green grasshoppers,   with their higher biological fitness, result  in more offspring that carry the genes for   the green trait. This can impact the genetic  makeup in the population over time as more   and more green grasshoppers reproduce. So these  are mechanisms of evolution as they can impact   a population’s genetic makeup and the genes  passed down can code for inherited traits.   Evolution doesn’t necessarily result in a  new species but it can: more about that in   our speciation video. Evolution has multiple  lines of evidence: let’s explore some now. So first: homologies. Several different  homologies. When using homology in evolution,   homology is referring to a similarity  due to shared common ancestry. First, molecular homologies. With molecular  homologies, many immediately think of DNA –   comparing DNA relatedness – which is definitely  part of molecular homologies. But there’s also   the importance of looking at homologous amino  acids and characteristics of proteins. So all   animals are part of the domain Eukarya: animals  like termites and turkeys, sea slugs and snakes,   emus and elephants! Molecular evidence would  support that these animals are more related   to each other than they would be to a bacterium,  for example. But in this assortment of animals I   just gave: molecular evidence would also support  that the turkey and emu are more closely related   than the turkey and the termite. The turkey  and emu share a more recent common ancestor. Next, anatomical homologies. In this category,  we’ll focus on homologous structures and vestigial   structures. Homologous structures – consider  this human arm and dog forelimb. You will find   similarity in not only the general arrangement  but also the components that make up these   structures. These are inherited from a shared  common ancestor. It’s important to note that   they do not have the same functions. Functions  don’t indicate common ancestry. For example,   a bird wing and insect wing may both be  used to fly but that’s not an indication   of relatedness. A bird wing and an insect  wing are not homologous structures as they   weren’t from a shared common ancestor  that had wings. And structure wise,   the wings are very different- I mean, the  bird has bones for one thing. So, a bird   wing and insect wing are what you call analogous  structures – same function but not homologous. Vestigial structures. To explain this one, I  first need to tell you about the algorithm that   shows me videos: because I imagine it probably  shows me more chicken videos than the average   person. Because I really like chickens. Among  many cool chicken facts that I could share,   one is that some adult chickens actually  have a claw at the top of their wing.   Yep. It can be kind of hard to see with  all the feathers but for this chicken,   it’s a nonfunctional structure and  other birds can have it, not just   chickens. The claw on the wing is considered a  vestigial structure. A vestigial structure is   inherited from an ancestor but generally the  structure has lost all or most its function. Moving on from anatomical homologies:  Developmental homology. Embryology   studies the development stages such as embryonic  stages and look for similarities in development   among organisms which can support shared  common ancestry. In our animal video,   we mention a phylum called Chordata. In this  phylum, all the animals have something called   a notochord which they have at least in some stage  of their development; some have the notochord for   their whole life. Vertebrate animals -including  humans – are all included together in Chordata   and make up a large part of the phylum. During  embryonic development, organisms in this phylum   have similar development structures including  pharyngeal slits (or pouches) and a postanal tail.   Similarities in development can support shared  common ancestry among these organisms in Chordata. Now let’s shift from homologies and move  into another piece of evidence of evolution:   the fossil record. A fossil can be remains or an  impression or a trace of an organism that once   lived. Fossils aren’t just animals:  they can be plants or fungi or yes,   even bacteria. Most organisms don’t actually  leave behind a fossil, because it turns out   it matters the surroundings, the environment,  the type of remains that are present (because   not every part fossilizes well) – but for fossils  that are discovered and continue to be discovered,   there can be a lot of knowledge to gain  about the organism. Fossils can reveal   how characteristics might have changed in a  population over time and build understanding   about ancestral organisms that once lived.  Radiometric dating – which takes into account   how long it takes radioactive isotopes to decay  – can be used to determine the age of the fossil. One more we’ll cover here: biogeography.  Biogeography combines “biology” and   geography – this looks at how organisms  are distributed geographically on the   planet and that way they are distributed is  supported by evolution that has occurred in   the populations of organisms on the planet. For  example, populations on an island – they can be   quite unique in appearance – this is expected  as the mechanisms of evolution have acted on   them independently from the location where they  originally came from. However, the populations on   the island tend to be the most closely related  to the populations nearest them – whether from   another nearby island or mainland near them vs  somewhere much farther away. It’s also important   to take into account factors like continental  drift and plate tectonics. For example, marsupials   in Australia and marsupials in South America are  really far away from each other geographically,   right? But, it turns out marsupials of South  America and the marsupials of Australia have   shared common ancestry. Why? If you go back to  the time of Pangea, the continents were connected.   As the continents separated, mechanisms of  evolution acted on these populations separately. One last thing we want to emphasize: evolution is  not done. It’s not some finished thing. Evolution   continues to occur – after all, populations of  organisms continue to change over generations.   Since it’s over generations, it’s easier for us  to see it in action when the generations do not   take long. Such as antibiotic resistance in  bacteria - check out our natural selection   video for more. Well, that’s it for the Amoeba  Sisters, and we remind you to stay curious.