Transcript for:
Building a Website with WordPress

Hey everyone, Kevin here. Today, we're going to  learn how to build your very own website using   WordPress. If you haven't heard of WordPress  before, it's free and open-source content   management system that makes it super intuitive  to build your very own website. You don't even   have to know how to code. It's also very popular.  It turns out that over 46% of websites online use   WordPress. In this video, we're going to start by  customizing your very own theme. Then we'll look   at how you can add pages and posts and media. And  finally, we'll also publish your site. By the end   of this video, you'll have your very own fully  functional website. Let's check this out. To get   started with WordPress, head to the following  website. You can also click on the link down   below in the description. Once you land on this  website, right here near the top of the page,   click on the button that says, get WordPress. On  this next page, you have two different options to   get WordPress. Over on the left-hand side, you  can download and install it yourself. This is a   little bit more technical and also complicated,  but it also gives you full control. Over on the   right-hand side, you can also set up WordPress  using a hosting provider. This is where they   install and also maintain WordPress on your  behalf. In this video, we're going to use   this approach. Let's click on see all recommended  hosts. You have thousands of different hosts who   host WordPress for you. On this page, you'll see  some of the recommended hosts. You have Bluehost,   Dreamhost, and also You could  choose any one of these. In this video, we're   going to use, and the reason why is  they're a pretty good host and they also offer a   free plan, so there's no barrier to testing it  out. Let's click on This drops   us on and you might be a little bit  confused. We started out on and now   we're on is a service  that hosts WordPress. It's a little confusing,   but props to them for getting a really good domain  name. If you scroll down just a little bit on the   page, here you'll see all the different available  plans. And right here, we have the free plan and   that's what we'll be using today. But there are  also other plans. Here, we have a personal premium   and you also have some more advanced plans down  below. With the free plan, you get a tremendous   amount of functionality and also capabilities.  The primary downside is you will have a banner   at the very top of the site that says that this is  hosted by WordPress. But then again, you do get it   entirely for free. Right here, let's click on this  button that says start with free. Once you finish   signing in, it'll ask you to personalize your  site. First, you can add a site icon and this   will be used throughout your website, say in the  headers. Right here, you could also type in your   site name and also a brief description. I'll go  through and add all these different items. And   just like that, I've now filled in all the basic  information for the Kevin Cookie Company website.   Down below, let's click on continue. This now  drops us on a page where we can choose the design   for the website. And you have so many different  designs that you can choose from. Up on top,   you can also click into all of these different  categories to narrow down the different available   templates. I run a cookie company, so let's see  if maybe there's an appropriate category. Oh,   there's restaurant. I think that one sounds about  right. And here I see a few more templates. One   thing to call out with templates is you can  fully customize these. You could come in,   you can modify the text. You could also modify the  images so you can make it your own. Also, another   thing to keep in mind is that although you may  pick a template right now, you can always go in   and you can change to a different template in the  future. For now, I would like just a little bit   more control than what these templates offer. So  right up in the top right-hand corner, I'll click   on this button that says design your own. And  look at that. Welcome to your homepage. There's   not much on the homepage yet, but we're going to  change that very soon. Over on the left-hand side,   we can start selecting patterns. Basically, we can  start constructing our website simply by clicking   our mouse, it really couldn't be any easier. First  off, we need to pull together the header. That's   the first category over here. And within header,  we see all these different possible headers that   we can use to start constructing our site. Here  we have some very lightweight options at the top.   Here's a dark background one. Here's also one with  an image. So, we have all these different options.   One thing you'll probably notice is that icon  that we uploaded earlier. Here it's incorporated   it into some of the header options. Now right here  with this one header option, you'll see this large   image included as part of the header. You could  always go in and you can modify this image. So,   think of this more as a placeholder versus the  final image. Now I'd like to go with something   a little bit more lightweight and I like this  dark background option. I'll click on this and   over on the right-hand side, we see that it's  now integrated this header into the website.   That was really easy. Over on the left-hand side,  I now want to start adding some more content to   this page. So, let's click into sections.  This now opens up sections and over here,   I'm currently in the intro category. So, think of  this as the section that you might see at the top   of your page. Here, you can simply click on one  of these sections and that'll now add it to your   website. We're basically building it from the  top down. Now I'm not sure if I really wanted   this section in here. When I hover over it here,  you'll see this overlay and here I have the option   to remove this section or to delete it. I'll click  on that and that section is now gone again. Here,   I can look through all the different intro  options and at the very bottom, I can even   show more patterns. And here I get this expansive  list with all of these different options that I   can add to my website. Now I would like to show  the tagline of the Kevin Cookie Company, along   with a beautiful looking picture of a cookie.  Here I see this one intro section that has a   large image. Now, remember we can always swap out  the image later on. This is simply a placeholder.   Here I could place a tagline right here with  a little bit of a text, and I also have a call   to action. I think this will work well, so I'll  click on this option and this is now incorporated   it or integrated it into my website. Over on the  left-hand side, I would also like to include maybe   a map of where the Kevin Cookie Company is so  customers can find it. Over on the left-hand side,   again, I have all these different sections that I  could choose from and well worth looking through   here to see what all the different options are.  Now for a map, it's probably under contact,   so I'll click on this and here I see all these  different options. Here you can include a contact   form so customers can reach out to you. Down here.  Oh, where to find us, and there's also a large   map. I think this will work perfectly. I'll click  on this and this is now added this section to the   website. I would also like to include some photos  of cookies. We're a cookie business and it's   really the image of the cookies that really sells  them. So over on the left-hand side, let me click   into gallery and here, this opens up all of these  different gallery options. I like this one, which   is the two photos. I think we have two really  good-looking photos of cookies that I can include   on the website. So let me select this option and  this inserts it down at the very bottom. So again,   we're constructing our website or at least the  initial state of the website. When I look at this,   I think I'd actually rather have the gallery  ahead of the map with our location. So right here,   when I hover over this section, I have the option  to move it up. I'll click on this up arrow and   that switches the order of these sections. As we  start building out this website, don't feel like   you have to have everything final right now.  This is just trying to help you get an initial   website down. You could always come in later  and you can add more sections. You could switch   the order. We'll go in and we'll modify some of  the text. Again, this is just the initial state   of the website. I think this all now looks good,  so in the top left-hand corner, let's go back to   patterns. The last item that we need to add to the  homepage now is a footer. Right down here, let's   click on the footer category, and just like we saw  with headers and sections, we have all of these   different footer options. I kind of like this  one right here. I’ll select that, and that way   I have this banded effect where I have kind of the  darker color at the top, lighter, darker, lighter,   and then darker at the very bottom. I think that  looks good. In the bottom left-hand corner, let's   now click on select styles. This now drops us  into styles and right here, we can customize the   colors and also the fonts. Although with a free  account, it's somewhat limited. Right up here,   we only have one option for colors and with fonts,  we also only have one option. So, I guess I'll be   sticking with that one option. One other thing to  call out. Over on the right-hand side, here, we   can see a preview of what our website looks like.  And at the very top, you'll notice these different   icons. This first one is a laptop. This gives you  an example of what the website will look like on   say a laptop or a desktop computer. You can also  preview what the site will look like on a tablet.   So here we get a preview of what this looks like.  Here we see with the photos, it places them one   on top of the other instead of side-by-side. And  lastly, we can also preview what the website looks   like on a mobile device or on a phone. So here we  see an example of that. That way you could preview   and make sure that your site looks exactly how  you want it to look irrespective of what device   someone happens to be accessing your site on. Down  in the bottom left-hand corner, let's now click   on save and continue. And lastly, we now land on a  screen where we can activate this theme. If you've   used before, this will replace  your existing homepage. I'm using a new account,   so this isn't a concern for me. Down below, I'll  check this box and then click on activate. And   look at that. They're making you cookies. How did  they know? This now drops us into the site editor   and we can use the editor to completely customize  what our website looks like. Now, as I hover over   these different items or objects on my page,  you'll notice that I get this rectangle or box   around the different items. All of these different  objects or items are referred to as blocks.   And this page that we pulled together, this is  composed of many different blocks. If I go to the   very top, here we see the icon or the logo that  we loaded earlier. And here, if I click on it,   I get this overlay. If I hover over this icon,  this will tell me what this block is. Here, this   is the site logo. Here, if I click on the Kevin  Cookie Company text and I hover over this icon,   this is the site title, or here, if I click on  this main cover image, here if I hover over this   icon, this is the cover image. At the very top on  this toolbar, I can click on this list view icon,   and here, this opens up all of the different  blocks that make up my site. So, let's expand   the header. Here, I'll expand the header block and  it's made up of a group. And here there's a row   and within these rows, I have different blocks.  So, here's the site logo. Here's the title.   Then over on the right-hand side, I have the  navigation and then I have the buttons. So again,   a website is composed of many different blocks.  Let's close out of this list view by clicking   on this button. I now want to start building out  my website. I'll scroll down just a little bit,   and here I have these text blocks. To modify a  text block, all you need to do is click into it,   and there I have a cursor. I could select all this  text and I'll remove it. And here I could enter in   my own text, deliciousness in every bite. That's  our tagline here at the Kevin Cookie Company.   I also want to modify the text below. Here, I'll  click into this block and I'll select all the text   and let me enter in some of our marketing speech  that we use here at the Kevin Cookie Company. With   any single block that you click into on the page,  you get this overlay that appears, and this allows   you to customize or tweak the block that you have  selected. Again, we can see the type of block. If   I click on this, I can see that it's currently  a paragraph block, but I could also transform   it to a different type of block. For instance,  I could change it to a heading and now I have   heading sized text on my page, but I don't want  this much heading text. I can click on this and   I can change it back to a paragraph or to undo a  change, up on top, I can click on the undo icon,   or I could also press control Z on my keyboard and  that undoes that change. I'll click back into the   text, and here again, I also get that overlay. Now  over here, I could drag the position to a new spot   on my page. I'll click on this and here I could  place it above my heading. I'll place it there,   but that probably doesn't make sense, so let's use  these arrows to also move it up or either down.   Right here, I'll click on down and that places  it under the heading. I could also adjust the   alignment. I can make it left aligned, center,  or right aligned. There is also an AI assistant   that you can use that helps you with your text.  You can also bold, italicize, add links, and you   have many other formatting options down here in  this dropdown. I could also click on the ellipsis   and here you also get some additional options.  I'll click out of this and I think this text now   looks good. Let's now go back up the page and I  want to swap out this cover image with an image   of cookies. I'll click on this block and just like  we saw with the text, I get this overlay with all   of these different options. Of course, because  I clicked on an image, I get a different set   of actions within this overlay. Here, I can apply  different filters, or if I click on this, I could   also adjust the alignment. Here, I could adjust  the focus points. I can make it larger. I can make   it smaller. So, I have different image adjustment  tools. And right here, I see the option to replace   the image. That's exactly what I want. I'll  click on this and I have a few different options.   I could select from pre-existing media that I  might've uploaded. I could also upload an image   or I could use a featured image. Now I haven't  uploaded any media yet, so I'll click on upload.   This opens up the file picker and right here, I  see that picture of the cookies that I baked just   this morning. I’ll select this one and in the  bottom right-hand corner, I'll click on open.   And look at these cookies. If this doesn't make  you hungry, I don't know what will. Now, I think   the way to complete the top of the page would be  to include the logo of the Kevin Cookie Company   on top of this image. Luckily, it's very easy to  include an image or an additional block anywhere   on the page. When I hover over this image, over  on the right-hand side, I have this plus icon   and I can click on that to add a block, but you  could also add a block anywhere on the page. Here,   for instance, I could hover over here and I could  add a block here, or I can go to the top left-hand   corner and here I can also add a block. I want  to add a block directly on top of this image. So,   let's click on this plus icon that sits on top of  the image. This opens up a pop-up and right up on   top, I can search for specific block types or down  below, I can see some of the most frequently used   blocks. Here we have a heading, a paragraph,  an image, and a few others. If I go all the   way to the bottom, I could also browse all of the  different blocks. Let's see what's in there. This   opens up a pane over on the left-hand side with  all the different types of blocks that I could   add to my site. And you have so many different  options that you could choose from. It is a truly   extensive list of options. Up on top, you could  also click into patterns and you'll probably   recognize this from the beginning of the video  where you could insert different sections onto   your site. You can also click into media and you  can add media directly to your page. Now I want to   add an image, so up above, I'll search for image  and here's the option for an image. I'll click on   this and this has now added an image block on top  of this image. Over here, I'll click on upload.   This opens up the Windows file picker. I'll click  on the Kevin Cookie Company logo and then click   on open. This is now inserted an image block on  top of my cookies. Look at that logo. That is   beautiful, but it is covering up these cookies,  so I want to make the logo a little bit smaller.   With this logo selected, I have these handles on  the edges. I can press and hold on them and I can   adjust the size of my logo. So, let's make that  a little bit smaller. Now that I've made the logo   smaller, I also want to center it. With the logo  selected, I get that overlay here with all these   different options. I'll click right here and this  allows me to adjust the alignment. Let's align it   in the center. That looks a lot better. Here,  I'll click out of this logo and I noticed that   it's a little far down on top of this image,  and that's because there's another block on   top where I could enter in a title, but I don't  want to enter in a title. I'll select this block.   With this block selected, I'll click on the  ellipsis. And at the very bottom of this list,   there’s an option to delete a block. So, if you  no longer want to block, you can very easily get   rid of it. You'll also see the associated shortcut  key shift, alt and Z. I'll select delete and that   moves the logo up a little bit. This is really  starting to look nice. Let's now scroll down the   page to see what other changes I need to make.  All of this looks pretty good, except I think   I need to swap out these images. So just like we  did above, I'll replace these with other images.   And just like that, we now have some great looking  images. I'll scroll down just a little bit more,   and here I have the map where I would like to show  a location for the Kevin Cookie Company, just like   we've seen with text or images, you can simply  click into the block and here you get that overlay   with context specific actions. Right over here, I  can add a marker and I can now type in a location.   We have a new location opening up in Times Square  in New York City. I'll type in Times Square and   right up here I see Times Square in Manhattan,  New York, New York. I'll select that and that   updates the location. Again, with any different  blocks on your website, simply click into it   and you can modify the different attributes of  that block. We've been making so much progress   today and I would hate to lose all of the work  that we've done. In the top right-hand corner,   let's click on the save icon to make sure we don't  lose all of this work. Right here, it asks me if I   am ready to save. I am indeed ready to save. Let's  click on this. Now that we've saved the website,   let's preview what this looks like. Right next  to save, let's click on the laptop icon or the   view icon. And here I could preview on different  device types. But at the very bottom, there's also   the option to view the site. Let's click on this.  And look at this. The website looks beautiful. I   think customers are going to love this website and  hopefully they order a lot of cookies. Up on the   top bar, over on the left-hand side, there's an  option for next steps. Let's click on this. This   opens up next steps. And because I'm using a free  site here, I could see what my web address will   be. It'll be Of  course, if you would prefer a domain name for your   website, you can also upgrade your plan and then  you can choose whatever domain you want, assuming   that that domain is available. Down below, let's  click on launch your site. Congratulations,   the website is now live. Over here, I can see my  website address. And if you type this in, you'll   see this website. Over here, I can click on view  site and this shows me what it looks like. Because   this is a free account, I get this banner up on  top, letting everyone know that I can remove this   banner if I decide to pay. Now, looking at this  website, I still have a little bit of work that I   need to do. Up in the top left-hand corner, I'll  click on my sites. This drops us into the admin   experience for your WordPress site. Over on the  left-hand side, you have all of your navigation.   So, let's explore some of these. Right here, we  have stats for the website. And look at this. My   website is not that popular. It looks like we've  had zero visitors. I probably need to add some   more valuable content to this website. I don't  think I have enough yet. Over on the left-hand   side, to add more content, there are three  different categories. I could add posts, media   and also pages. And we've actually already added  some media. Let's start by clicking into this   one. Here we can see some of the media that we've  already added. You could add images, documents,   videos and audio. And here I can see some of those  images that I've already added to my site. But so   far, this isn't quite enough to attract people to  this website. So, I think we need to add either   posts or pages. So, what's the difference? A  post is content that changes frequently. So,   think of a news article or maybe a blog post or  an update or maybe even a press release. A page,   on the other hand, is something that's static and  timeless. So, think of maybe an about us page or   a contact us page, or maybe you have a privacy  policy. Those are usually included in your site's   navigation. Let's start by adding a post. I'll  click on this. This drops me into posts, and here   I can see three placeholder posts, but they have  nothing to do with a cookie company. Let's click   on the three dots, and right here I can delete  or trash these different posts. I'll remove all   three of these. And now I don't have any posts.  Right up here, I'm ready to add my own, so I'll   click on add new post. This drops us into the post  editor and it might look familiar. That's because   the editing tools here are just like what we used  earlier when we edited the homepage. Up above,   I'll type in a title. Down below, I'll type in  some text. And here you get access to all of the   same blocks. I can click on this plus icon to add  a block. I could also click on the plus icon up   above or alternatively, a neat shortcut key, you  could press the forward slash key, and this also   gives you access to all of the different blocks.  I just want to insert a basic paragraph. Here,   I'll enter in my text and I think this post looks  good. Up on the top bar, let's click on this icon,   and this exposes a pane over on the right-hand  side. Currently, it's set to the block tab,   but let's switch over to post. Here we can see a  summary of the post. And if we scroll down just a   little bit, let's go into categories. This is how  we are going to categorize or group this article   along with other similar articles. This is a  press release, so I'll check this box. You can   also add your very own categories by clicking on  this link. You can also add tags to your article,   and this helps your website viewers find your  article. Now, this is talking about opening   a store in New York. So let me add New York as a  tag. We're also opening a new store. So let me add   a tag for new store. And this is also a flagship  location, so I'll add that as another tag. Lastly,   you can also add a featured image. And this  way, if we highlight this post on our homepage,   it'll use this featured image. Click on here  and you can now select an image. This opens   up a pop-up. I'll select an image from my media  library. And look at that. Here's a nice photo of   the Kevin Cookie Company location in Times Square.  I will select this and then click on insert. That   looks great. I think I'm now all ready to publish  this post. Up in the top right-hand corner,   click on the publish icon. Here it wants me to  double check, but I think everything looks good,   so I'll click on publish. And look at that. The  post has successfully published. Right over here,   I can click on this link and this will bring  me to the post live on the website. Down below,   I can see the post address. I can now copy  this and share it with others. And down below,   I could also very quickly share it to different  social networks. Right up above, let's click on   this link to see the post live on the website.  This now drops us directly into the post and look   at this. This looks beautiful. Everyone's going to  know about our new flagship store opening up. Up   on top, I can see the category that I selected for  press releases. If I click on the category, this   opens up a page that shows me all articles that  have that category. Currently, I only have one,   so we just see this one, but in the future, we're  going to be opening many more stores. I'll click   on the back button to bring me back into the post.  Right here, I can see the featured image as part   of the post. That looks beautiful. This location  is going to drive so many sales. Down below,   I could also see all the texts that I entered  in. Here, visitors to my website can share this   article with others. And at the very bottom,  you can also leave a reply or comment related   to this article. Now, one concern I have is I'm  not exactly sure how people are going to get to   my press releases from the homepage. Right up on  top, I'll click on the Kevin Cookie Company, and   this brings me back to the homepage. And currently  I don't surface the press releases anywhere. So,   let's change that. To do that, I need to edit the  homepage. In the top left-hand corner, let's click   on my sites, and this brings us back to the admin  experience for WordPress. To edit the home page,   we need to edit the page. Over on the left-hand  side navigation, you'll see a category for pages.   Let's click on this. And here we can see all of  the different pages that are part of this site.   Now, currently we haven't added any additional  pages. We just have the home page. To edit this,   let's click on this text. This drops us back into  the site editor that we worked with earlier. I'll   simply click on the page and that way it adjusts  it to use up my full screen. I want to add a   block that displays all of the different posts  directly here on the homepage. To add a new block,   in the top left-hand corner, let's click on this  plus icon. This opens up a pane on the left-hand   side. And right here, I see a category for  blog posts. I'd like to include posts on   the homepage. This sounds right. I'll click on  this and this expands the pane. And here I can   see some different options for surfacing  posts on the homepage. And right here,   I like this option. It has a slightly different  background color, a header, and then it'll feature   all the different articles in a column format.  I think this looks good, so I'll click on this.   And here it tells me that it's added the block  pattern onto the page. Up here, I'll close out   of this pane. Let's now scroll down the page to  see if we could find this new block that's been   added. And here it is at the very bottom. Now I  would like to change the title here to say latest   news. I'll highlight all of this text and then  type that in. Now I don't want all the news to   be at the very bottom of the page. At the very  least, I would like to have it above all of the   contact information. When I hover over this block  here, I have the option to move it up here. I'll   shift it up. And now we have the map and we show  the latest news. And then I have all the contact   information at the bottom. And there's my article.  If you click on this now, that'll bring visitors   directly to this place. That's great. Down at the  very bottom of this block, it's included a button   to go visit the blog. But rather than saying visit  blog, I would like it to say, see all news. I'll   highlight the text and let's change this to see  all news. If you try to click on this right now,   it doesn't go anywhere. I would like to send this  to the press releases category. Right underneath   this post, there's a link to press releases. If I  hover over this, in the bottom left-hand corner,   you'll see the address where it sends a user when  they click on this or the URL. I'll right click on   this. And right here, I have the option to copy  this link. Let's click on that. And that link is   now on my clipboard. Let's click on this button  that says, see all news. And this opens up that   block overlay with all these different actions.  Right here, there's the option to insert a link. I   could also press control K. When I click on this,  I can now paste in the URL for press releases.   I'll paste that in and here we see the link. Now  I'll press enter to add this link to this button.   Now, if someone clicks on, see all news, this  will take them to that press releases category   where they can see all of the news and all of  those posts that are attached to that category.   Let's now save our changes. In the top right-hand  corner, let's click on save and then let's click   on save again. And it has now successfully saved  the website. Let's now scroll to the very top of   the page. Right up here, I have the header for  the website. Over on the right-hand side of   the header, I have some in site navigation, but I  currently don't have an about page or contact page   or even starting a project. Let's change that.  In the top left-hand corner, let's click on the   Kevin Cookie Company icon, and this opens up the  navigation. To go back to the admin page, let's   click on this back button. Back on the dashboard,  I would now like to add a page. Remember a page   is something that's more static. So, this is like  about us or contact information, unlike a post,   which is time sensitive. To add a page, let's  click into the pages category. Within pages, over   on the right-hand side, let's click on add new  page. This now opens up an overlay that will help   me construct my page and I have many different  options. However, I just want a really simple   about us page. On the left-hand side, I'll click  on blank page. This now drops us in a blank new   page and you probably recognize this experience.  This is the same site editor that we've been using   throughout this entire video. Up at the very top,  I'll type in a title for this page -- about us.   And down below, I simply want to enter a paragraph  of text. Here, I'll enter in all of the story of   the Kevin Cookie Company. It's well worth a read  when you have some time. In the top right-hand   corner, I'm all done adding content to this page  now. I'll click on publish. I am ready to publish,   so let's click on publish. And look at that! It  has now published this page and it's now live.   However, we need to add it to our header of our  site, so visitors are able to navigate to this   page. Right here, I can see the page address.  Let's click on copy. Let's now go back to the   dashboard. In the top left-hand corner, let's  click on the icon and right here, let's click on   this back icon to bring us back to the dashboard.  Back on the dashboard, on the left-hand side   navigation, make sure that you're in pages, and  right here, let's click into homepage. We click   into homepage to modify the header navigation  of the website. I'll click into this. To modify   the header, let's click on the header block  that selects it. Let's click on it again,   and this opens up that overlay where I could edit  the different attributes. Here, there's the option   to edit. Let's click on that. This opens up a  screen where I can start making modifications   to my header. Let's start by updating the site  navigation. Right here, I have that about link.   I'll click on this and that opens up that block  overlay. Let's click on this icon. This allows me   to modify the link. Then let's click on this edit  icon. Right up here, I can change the text. Let   me change this to say about us and down below I  can type in the link. So, when you click on this,   this is where it'll send the visitor. I would  like it to go to the about us page. We previously   copied this. This looks good, so I'll hit enter  and that's now attaching that URL or that link   to this text. Let's now click on home and right  up here, let's click on link. The text says home,   but currently the link goes nowhere. So, let's  click on this edit icon and here let's delete   that and paste in that same URL. However, here  let's delete the text that says about us. This   will send the visitor directly to the homepage.  This is our homepage address. Right down here,   let's click on save. I don't currently have a  contact us page. I’ll select this block, and   right over here, let's click on the ellipsis or  the three dots. At the very bottom, let's click on   delete and that removes that block. Also, I don't  have a need for this button right now. I'll click   on the button and over here, let's click on the  three dots, and at the very bottom, I'll click on   delete. And again, let's go up to the three dots  and click on delete. And that button is now gone.   I am now satisfied with this top-level header. In  the top right-hand corner, let's click on save and   let's click on save again. Now that I've made all  of the changes to the top-level navigation, let's   go back to the dashboard. In the top left-hand  corner, let's click on the icon and then click   on it again, and this will send us back there.  Back on the dashboard, I'd like to highlight a   few additional settings that you have available.  On the left-hand side, let's click on comments   and here you can see all of the different comments  related to your posts and look at that. We already   got a comment for the flagship store opening.  Woohoo. I can't wait. I can't wait either. Over on   the left-hand side, you can also click into users  and you can add additional members to your team.   This way it'll make it a little bit easier to  maintain your website. Back on the left-hand side,   let's go down a little bit more and you also have  settings and you have a wide variety of different   settings that you can modify. So well worth  looking through here to see if you would like   to change anything. Back on the left-hand side,  let's click on my home and let's now look at   our final website. In the top right-hand corner,  let's click on visit site. And look at this. We   now have a fully functional website for the Kevin  Cookie Company. Right up on top. I have my header   and over here I can click on about us and that  navigates to the about us page. Right up here,   I could also click on home and that navigates  us back to the homepage. Here I can scroll down.   There's that beautiful logo. Here we have some  of our texts. We have these images. Here, we   have the map block and we customized it to look at  a specific location. Here, I could go down and I   see all the different news and here we have all of  the different posts featured. Right over here, I   can click on this button and this will bring me to  all the different press releases. Right up here,   I'll go back and this is now a fully functional  website. Of course, we can continue building it.   We could add more posts. We could add more pages,  but this gives us a really good starting spot. All   right, well, hopefully you now have your very  own website and I think you'll agree with me   that it was relatively straightforward to build  a beautiful looking website. To watch more videos   like this one, please consider subscribing,  and I hope to see you in the next video.