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Weight Loss Tips from 4-Hour Body

[Music] what's up guys in this video I'm giving you straightforward tips on how to lose weight keep your blood sugar low and be healthier overall all coming from the 4-hour body by Tim Ferriss and at the end I'm giving you an easy to follow advice it might prevent you from going bald so make sure you watch this video to the end to lose weight follow the slow carb diet it's true that different diets work on different people but this one will certainly work for most if you follow it you will have a flat stomach and see your abs in a relatively short time there are 5 rules to follow rule number one is to avoid white carbohydrates and dairy avoid eating bread even if it's whole-wheat bread rise even if it's brown rice cereal potatoes and sweet potatoes pasta tortillas and fried foods with breading you should also avoid eating oats quinoa and amaranth dairy is also a no-no obviously sugar and sugar equivalents such as honey and agave nectar are also not allowed as well as artificial sweeteners like Splenda rule number 2 is to eat the same few meals over and over again this diet is effective but unfortunately it's also boring there are only a couple of foods you're allowed to eat these include proteins such as eggs and fish as well as legumes like lentils and beans most vegetables such as broccoli asparagus and spinach you can eat these until you feel satisfied the exception is corn one would assume it's allowed but it isn't there are other foods you're allowed to eat but only in moderation these are what Tim Ferriss calls Domino foods nuts chickpeas and hummus all fit into this category you can have a couple of almonds if you want a little snack for a couple of carrots with hummus but don't overeat domino foods or you will hinder your progress don't drink calories on the slow carb diet you have four choices when it comes to liquids you're allowed to drink as much water unsweetened coffee and unsweetened tea as you want up to two glasses of red wine per day are also allowed but not more than two no milk no soft drinks and no fruit juice which takes us to the next rule don't eat fruit you're not allowed to drink fruit and you're not allowed to eat it either fruit can be very healthy but it has fructose so avoid it the only exceptions are avocados and tomatoes but remember to eat avocados in moderation lemons and limes are also allowed more on these later rule number five is to take one day off per week one day a week you're allowed to go crazy and eat what you want there are no restrictions white carbs ice cream sweets fruit it's all allowed one day per week you don't have to count calories it's your cheat day remember that a cheat day once a week as a rule it isn't optional it's key to losing weight calorie restriction can slow your metabolism so one day of eating junk increases fat loss by keeping your metabolism working fast to avoid total self-destruction on your cheat day start the day with a high-protein and high-fiber meal beans and lentils should do and also have some grapefruit a couple of minutes before you start eating junk this diet will make you lose a lot of excess water on the other six days of the week and minerals will exit your body with all that water for this reason make sure you're consuming enough magnesium potassium and calcium you can buy these in pill forms or you can make sure you're eating foods that are rich in these minerals foods rich in magnesium include nuts like almonds cashews peanuts and Brazil nuts potassium rich foods are salmon black beans lentils and mushrooms for calcium eat tofu collard greens tempeh and sardines the one food that has all three minerals is spinach so make sure you're eating enough of it as well you should also remember to eat enough protein and drink a lot of water on this low-carb diet these are necessary to avoid headaches and to avoid feeling weak have at least 20 grams of protein in every meal and drink water throughout the day balancing bacteria for fat loss there are two different types of bacteria in your gut that can either help you lose or gain weight they are Firmicutes and bacteria debts that people have more firm acute bacterial while lame people have more bacterial debts as fat people get leaner they start to develop more of the other and vice versa if you can increase your amount of healthy bacteria you will be leaner and healthier this is how you can do it stop consuming Splenda Splenda my have no calories but it makes you gain weight by increasing the amount of unhealthy bacteria in your gut avoided at all costs eat fermented foods fermented foods contain high amounts of healthy bacteria these include fermented cheese kefir kimchi Japanese natto sauerkraut and fermented fish if you're on the slow carb diet you obviously won't be consuming dairy so scratch the cheese and kefir all the others are allowed consume probiotics and prebiotics Tim uses Sedona labs eye flora probiotics and the athletic greens supplement which contains a prebiotic called inulin prebiotic foods include garlic leeks and chicory another benefit that comes with balancing the bacteria in your gut is a beneficial effect in allergies aging obesity and even aids and type-2 diabetes also probiotics help you produce more serotonin in your brain making you happier overall lowering blood sugar your body takes the carbohydrates of the food you eat and turns it into blood sugar also known as glucose foods with a high glycemic index like wheat rice and potatoes drastically raise your blood sugar levels low glycemic foods such as vegetables and fish don't affect your blood sugar levels by that much all living beings require glucose to stay alive but high amounts of it lead to weight gain heart disease and cancer I'll give you four tips to lower your glycemic response the first is to eat healthy fats fat reduces sugar jumps more fat earlier in the meal lowers your glycemic response so remember to have some before you eat your main dish nuts avocados and olive oil are all very healthy fats Tim Ferriss eats for Brazil nuts and a table spoon of almond butter every morning the second is to drink lemon juice lemon juice can lower your glycemic response by up to 10% it also contains high amounts of vitamin C add some fresh squeezed lemon juice to your meals into the water you drink the third is cinnamon cinnamon can lower your glycemic response by up to 29% there are three different kinds of cinnamon cassia Ceylon and Saigon cassia is the most common one each has its own benefits and drawbacks but they all lower blood sugar to some degree according to the book Saigon cinnamon is the most effective one to lower blood sugar followed by cassia and then Ceylon don't consume more than four grams of cinnamon per day excess consumption may thin your blood the fourth and last tip I'll give you is to eat slowly sugar and starch will spike your blood sugar no matter what but protein and vegetables can do the same if you eat them fast Tim divides his plate in thirds and waits five minutes between them if you're used to eating fast do the same thing drink to your water and then between time liquids will help you digest your food better also chew your food more chew each mouthful at least 20 times you should take at least 30 minutes to finish your meal to prevent hair loss simply wash your hair with bar soap to be completely honest with you this might not actually work but this advice was given to me by an 80 something-year-old man with a perfect hair line he started doing this when he was a teenager and I started doing it about two years ago if you use shampoo soap will feel funny the first couple of days but you will get used to it think about it soap has a lot less chemicals in shampoo it's probably safer I would recommend buying the one with the least amount of ingredients you can find and give it a try you might thank me when you're old if I still have a full head of hair when I turn 80 I will let you know thank you so much 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