Transcript for:
Activités passionnantes et entraînement des bras

[Music] all right I've got a little I've got a little topic of discussion before we actually get into the ins and outs of the arm training that's going to go down today but dude you need something you need something cool some kind of uh some kind of hobby some kind of activity just some kind of something long-term that you can really dive yourself into and I'm not saying you have to find that right now I'm not saying you need that this exact moment but it's just [ __ ] fun man I mean just think about it I mean if you um I was just talking to a guy a couple days ago where he had a he was telling me he's got a full shop like his whole family is kind of into uh like into race cars so they've got drill presses and like machines like he's uh his wife was mad at them because the garage spot that was supposed to be for her car has like an old Corvette and everything else like just and the guy's been doing this for years and I can you can just kind of tell when somebody has something that they're into like that which isn't like even it doesn't even have to be directly monetary you know like everybody's got kind of side hustles and whatnot but if you can have something that well I guess you could combine them that' be the best case scenario but you need something which you can [ __ ] kind of uh pour some energy into you know I mean it's just it's just [ __ ] fun Idle Hands of the Devils play things so if all you do all day is you know whatever your job ends up being or school or whatever and then afterwards the rest of your time is just kind of spent chilling I mean it's just not that fun you know like there's definitely a certain satisfaction of life that you're going to get with having something that you're really that you really lock into you know I get um we've all been down the rabbit hole right who hasn't watched who hasn't watched a three-hour stream of um moist critical looking at uh forged and fire episodes you know just random random stuff like that man that's uh that's the fun part and I'm a bit spoiled because that happens to be working out which I don't think working out has to be your main thing I do say that everybody should work out but it doesn't have to be like your [ __ ] primary Outlet of your of your free time but if it is then you good on you you're probably going to get some damn good Gaines but yeah I'm not joking you need you need something like that and if you don't have it then that's uh it doesn't mean you're screwed just means you start looking around see what you like there's um there's a certain there's a sweet spot when it comes to uh when it comes to things that you um well I guess there's all sorts of ways to look at it but if you can find something actually well this would be the [ __ ] Golden Rule if you can can find something that you like doing that you're good at and that which is now getting much easier that you can potentially make some bread off then that is the best [ __ ] bet you can get into you know and right now I was talking to the same guy I'm like dude because I was uh you know I was talking about all the Social Media stuff and the videos anybody that's really deep into anything like if you know somebody who's a dieh hard [ __ ] um uh like loves making Miniatures or uh or whatever else I can't really think of any like slightly more Niche Hobbies than just you know like [ __ ] golf or something but if you know somebody that's really into something see if you can get them to start posting about it you know you don't have to um you don't have to make a ky ky you don't have to make a Casey nice atad 10 million view video off the rip but the that's probably one of the best parts about social media now is if you have some which you are reasonably into there's an audience for it so apart from working out which I think there is kind of a reasonable percentage of dudes where they're just total [ __ ] freaks like high level bodybuilder guys even more just kind of athletic like um H what's the word oh like hybrid athlete kind of guys I mean there's all sorts of dudes who are pretty [ __ ] I was going to say who excel in their fields but it's kind of tricky I mean you know it's definitely uh if you've never done it guess there's a little bit of um there's a little bit of a what's the word I'm thinking of here I don't want to say Fear Factor but it's it's you know it's a little bit tricky to just start posting some [ __ ] about yourself but you know don't forget how many times have you spent uh have you spent hours diving down a rabbit hole of like the randomst [ __ ] ever you know I've probably watched a well I don't know if a couple but at least like 30 or 40 hours of like the same dude where he's a he's like an engineer like machinist and he's just making all sorts of random like vices and other you know everything else so I'm kind of re-rooting my uh my pre lift speech here but what I'm uh the main point I was trying to say find something you like it has a very large and long term kind of progression to it and as long as you're having fun doing it then I think you're going to reap some rewards Beyond just what's directly related to that I mean getting really good at working out and like doing it for a long time and like making gains based on like locking into your diet and everything else you don't only get like a a [ __ ] muscular build it's uh honestly the benefits are kind of [ __ ] innumerable right but we don't I don't uh I don't need to be a Salesman for working out if you're already here I think we're I think we're on the same wavelength but yeah plan for today with arms triceps biceps and uh really nothing else let's keep it simple triceps first and really my triceps are what I want to bring up like when it comes to my actual kind of arms uh let's just say distribution of size it doesn't actually add a crazy amount if your biceps get a little bit bigger you know like of course it will of of course it's going to you know going to have a bigger Peak when you're doing like a double b shot and everything else but for me at least my triceps have always been lagging a little bit so that's where I'm most concerned with trying to pack on size and likewise that's what kind of why with triceps I've been the most I don't want to say interested but kind of um kind of versatile in the way that I've been trying to hit him because I mean I've gone through now I think think I'm doing something right I'm beginning to notice some potentially some extra tricep gains doing some lighter squeezing stuff but I've done for like long periods of time tricep training in every different [ __ ] way imaginable you know when I was a beginner I was doing a lot more kind of fluff worksh uh higher volume you know maybe not every set was to complete muscular failure but it was just kind of a know big overload of fatigue I've done kind of lower volume like crazy heavy push Downs like full full stack with three plates on the side of it and I'm like yeah you know my triceps were definitely fatigued afterward but was it even necessary it's that's not uh that's something to actually be considered so for the last like two months or so I've really been trying to really been trying to change it up in a way cuz if you're doing something and it's not really working what does that mean oh does that mean like oh my tricep genetics are just uh they just suck so I'm never going to have big triceps I wouldn't say so more likely than not the situation is whatever training you're doing and whatever style that you're doing it's just not you know hitting it in the right [ __ ] way every time you come up against a new boss you got to aim for its weak spot you know the same uh your same build isn't going to work from well I don't know I didn't I I didn't play Elden ring but I was about that would have been perfect nice little Elden ring reference there but you so for something like uh for something like I don't really know for something like chest I might hit it in a different way in terms of like set Styles than biceps or shoulders or rear delts or calvs or adductors you know it's like each muscle group and especially each muscle group for your build specifically in your genetics is going to require its own set of you know different styles and techniques in your workouts to actually like properly stimulate it to the utmost degree you're capable of now I don't think I'll ever find the exact perfect answer you know if we um maybe as the future unfolds and like DNA and coding and [ __ ] um you know genetic information gets crazy accurate enough maybe we'll be able to understand like oh you know you really need to do uh 5c extensions with this you know fancy new T1000 rope extension you but by the time we're there I mean I'm sure we'll be having some [ __ ] Terminator fear scenarios but all I'm trying to say is you know something that might work for someone isn't going to do the trick for somebody else so for me with triceps to kind of boil down what I've been saying heavier just like brutish kind of sets I don't think they're uh I don't think they're doing as much stimulation for me as much as these lighter squeezing ons are and if you kind of think about it this is a really good way to um at least get a grasp of where you stand on certain positions of things is you know take things to the extreme so what is going to build the most muscle absolutely zero weight on a set or the most weight you can even possibly [ __ ] handle now of course both of those are wrong but odds are it's going to be somewhere in the middle so there's no there's not necessarily A need to push every muscle to its absolute [ __ ] uh you know Force exertion kind of limit and if that were the case then every powerlifter would be Mr Olympia you know so size does not directly relate to uh to strength in that way and then you if you think about the um let's just say even in a more kind of overarching kind of way the exertion during your sets you know same [ __ ] right should you push yourself to Absolute comfortability and then say Oh that's enough my triceps were a little bit fatigued as no more or you know as hard as you can go so in my mind that's where I still want to take each set as hard as I can go but the necessity for the absolute maximum amount of weight I can use just doesn't make any [ __ ] sense but in no ways that's a dog on doing a heavy set really it's just a hype up maybe just grab the rope with half the stack really squeeze burn out be extra thoughtful with your reps and that's been doing the trick for me I'm starting to see uh see some better some better L head development especially now part of that may not even be the fact that oh lighter weight is just somehow magical now what I really think the biggest change is I'm getting a really serious [ __ ] powerful contraction at the bottom of these reps rather than you know if I'm doing a crazy amount of weight sure I'm going to be moving it around but I don't get that same squeeze of the bottom so who's to say I'm even really activating all my [ __ ] triceps you know fibers if I don't get that kind of full uh full contraction at the end so I've actually kind of been taking that um taking that approach with a lot of muscle groups my chest days are getting a little bit different um hamstrings especially no more I mean [ __ ] I've done hamstring days where it was just 10 sets of uh like the full stack maybe a plate added to the side just as much as I could do for like really quick like brutish hamstring curls which I mean it worked but might not have been the best [ __ ] uh best method and definitely a higher higher likelihood of uh let's just say hamstring tearing which I've had a reasonable and unfortunately large experience with I mean I [ __ ] pulled my hamstrings like maybe three or four times uh never like anything too crazy like I was never I was only ever like limping once that was when I really pulled the right one uh I was doing same [ __ ] hamstring girls way too [ __ ] heavy so all that to say the training is gradually evolving and whether or not it's the absolute perfect correction it's still resulting in [ __ ] pretty good progress for me like uh I didn't weigh myself this morning but yesterday I was a nice and uh nice and bulky 264 so the heaviest I've ever [ __ ] been which is very good for me so I can only expect some more pounds to be gained over the these next four months or so and then I think we'll have something to show off after the next dieting phase but enough talking this is a nice uh this is a nice long one but let's uh let's get in there and get started I have one goal in mind with this set so you know handles yay high yay wide or so and be a little mindful because like every time you do a single arm [ __ ] thing like this and you're holding this ball if you hold it at like an angle compared to the cable itself you're just going to wear it down and in a worst case scenario if somebody were to go heavy here it would [ __ ] snap so I'm trying to keep this like in line with itself so I'm not going to break it or anything but I'm trying to completely straight my arms and then Flex them even more I I say the same [ __ ] every time but I'm trying to like feel like I'm hyperextended like that's how hard I'm trying to pull at the bottom and then come up slow kind of feel uh don't feel the stretch and repeat until impossible actually want pick a better so good a set light too nothing this is not too crazy no no [Music] okay one more okay let's switch for a rope start off with a two squeezing movements and then switches up heavy same plan same everything except now with a rope but I'm not joking something about and I mean I've heard it a million times before I've only just now started to really apply it but it's like you know chest up shoulders back try to keep my arm in the exact same position throughout the whole rep and then just really kind if iing well I mean use your triceps if I'm thinking about it with any sense of logic it just makes sense but half the stack here actually I go a little heavier but still light enough that I'm just doing a squeezing set and literally the exact same thing and I'm trying to pull almost like down in a way I've got a history of doing the rope and what I would do instead of like pulling down like towards the back of my I guess the side of my waist what I end up doing is like pull the [ __ ] rope totally sideways and when I would do that like sure I could squeeze my triceps but it's like all short head and Ian I mean the biggest chunk of your [ __ ] tricep is this sort of long head down here so doing it like this has let me really focus on that part of the activation to the point where it's almost like I can kind of well not manually focus my long head but I can really squeeze it more than before but either way let's get another one with a different song this uh there we go all right God those are [ __ ] nasty plus a little hole in the stretch D I think the [ __ ] effectiveness of the sets that I'm doing tricep wise has maybe not doubled but has definitely increased by a marginal percentage cuz my overall body's fatigue yeah I'm getting a little tired and sweaty but my triceps are totally [ __ ] destroyed already let's keep going let's let's get some viewership oh yeah there we go okay one more I lied let's assum overhead set a little heavier and this one's really going to be stretch focused give me one give me one come on [Music] us to okay make good drops all right let's switch to uh not sure yet something let's just do a straight bar set B okay than a drops okay I want to call it there or do some dips let's think about it for a moment the sack was too heavy so a little bit lighter but either way still trying to squeeze the [ __ ] out of these things all right more three more come on three got got okay no more after that one that was really good though I think uh I think one more that was good two I want one I want one [Music] push push push push that's enough appreciate the hype exactly the same start as last storm day I like it and not cuz it's magic I mean it's just different than what I normally do but I've got a habit of starting with just really heavy dumbbell curls which is fine it works but I'm kind of taking inspiration from triceps and kind of quads a little bit for the start here you know pick a moderate weight but instead of just you know making the primary difficulty Factor the set just how heavy it is you know this is I mean I could swing this around for I don't know how many reps just like quick kind of nasty ones but being a little more thoughtful like one second hold slow Ecentric I mean I'll probably get 15 and then that'll be where I have to tap out which is kind of what I'm aiming for all right [Music] know okay [Music] okay oh my gosh yeah now let's move on to some dumbell and I might come back honestly we'll see all right I was going to do just a straightup set of uh alternating dumbbell curls you know yipp be pretty classic but I've been liking these kind of incline like not drag curls but your hands are kind of or your arms are like behind your body apart from the fact that it's got a really good stretch it's still a curl but I really like it and the fact that my hands are basically going to be facing upward the whole time means not too much form activation which in turn means more bicep better bicep activation better pump better gains better life I mean it just goes up from there so let's uh let's pick a good song and throw the 40s around actually no no control the 40s around these are not going to be nasty reps yeah there we go all okay no [Music] okay holy crap all time for a new movement I think this might be the last set so 60 pounder which after a feeler rep felt like I'll be able to manage it but I'm not concerned it's a little too heavy because I'm going to be giving myself assisted reps at the end so just by feeling even though only four sets were done so far my biceps are pretty cooked and I know that after these sets plus the self assistance it really wrecks him so I think this will be the last one if I feel like I need one more to really finish off the pump then that's what it'll do but as many pounds or as many reps as I can do you know reasonable range of motion but as soon as I can't really get past like here or so that's my cue to grab the dumbbell pull it up to the top let go and ride it down and kind of work more of the eccentric and by the time I've done five of those let's just say let's just say I'm going to be uh I'm going to be in a certain state which all lifters are aware of no need to get into it any further than that come on okay holy crap Fu it okay all right let's go post down go damn it there we go only yeah only five sets of curls it was a little more like can I even remember how many maybe closer to seven sets of push Downs for triceps which is about right I'm not uh I'm definitely not concerned with doing more tricep volume than bicep volume my tries are behind the game compared to my biceps so my arm days are always inadvertently a little bit tricep focused which if that's a weak point good on you man perfect so let's see how they're looking pumped up at presumably eh 264 yesterday was kind of like a spike in weight so right now I'm probably 262 but I definitely foresee before day 100 I'll be consistently in the 270 Mark and then [ __ ] man I'm might had a schedule Weight Wise so that is cool for me let's get a little bit of an extra zoom in here and actually see how we're looking it is [ __ ] hard to hold a back double body shot CU I'm really trying to open up wide get my lats out and everything else but pumped didn't bring my freaking measuring tape but next arm day we'll get another measurement last time we were just barely yeah I think last last time I measured pumps was just barely 20 in I would love to see 20 and uh you know 20 and a half but I guess we'll have to really find out then but for now I can definitely tell the forearm ratio is starting to make a little bit more sense this little uh kind of bump here is just about tricep size maybe even a little bit bigger so really I want my tricep if you kind of look at how just overarchingly round it is I want that to be as big or bigger than how kind of wide across my forearm is so forarms are ahead of the game so it's up to me to bring these [ __ ] uh bring these guys up all right so I think I um I think I need to say this a little bit you know and not just a dog and anybody specifically or anything but uh this is a this is kind of a point I like bringing up when it comes to you know different motivators in your mindsets during your working out and if you really want to lock in during like the extent of this uh of your lifting Journey you know as many are going to put it uh being big does not automatically just like Spike the quality of your life tenfold or anything like that you're not automatically like the ship because you're you know extra lean you and uh if that's what you're aiming for then I think you're a little bit misled in a way now look in no way am I going to say I don't like being big but uh don't don't expect anything anything magical to happen overnight the um the real kind of cool part about working out is the fact that it's kind of a long-term Endeavor so to have gone through the process of getting whatever the gains are that you may be aiming for odds are you're going to be a bit more kind of disciplined and consistent and when you I mean if you're just lifting casually it's not so like crazy but something that it's pretty interesting that happens when you really get into something and you have um you have like a priority during your day which isn't you know it's not like for anybody else's sake you know if you've got to go to work every morning or when you're going to school every morning or if you have to like do whatever because you have to then you don't get the same kind of like you know kind a pride and excitement for it right it's it's like whatever it's like a chore but when you have something like that that you want to do on the regular then what happens is not only do you kind of get a cool little level of discipline and consistency with it but it also is going to make you re-evaluate the way that you spend your time because if every day and I'm not saying you have to be like a [ __ ] um you know there's no there's no benefit to working out Beyond like the 2hour a day mark and that includes like a half hour of cardio you know leg day I can is a little bit of an exemption my leg days are pretty long but it's not because I'm doing a million sets it's just because I have to rest a bit longer in between each set because like a really good set of leg extensions or no no a really good set of like leg press or like rdls I mean it's very taxing on your whole system so my leg days will occasionally reach like the 2our Mark just because of you know longer rest times but you there's really no need to be doing it for much longer than that on a regular basis so just knowing that you have that certain amount of time where you have to you don't have to you want to spend it doing something that you know you like doing it's going to make you a little bit more careful you know you're not going to be so kind of I don't know aimless with the way that you spend your days in a sense and another thing it's going to kind of make you reevaluate your time outside of the gym itself cuz if I know I want to have a good workout then odds are I'm going to say well okay I probably shouldn't stay up till 3:00 a.m. playing Fall Guys right now I should probably go to bed so I can wake up and be well rested get better gains of course and you know have a better start to my next day wake up eat my meals or don't eat eat a breakfast if I'm trying to die it down usually I usually I save my meals for a little bit later in the day you know make sure I'm extra hydrated the lifting part of things is cool because everything that you can do to improve your gains apart from like you know extra supplementation that's its own thing but you know all the basics [ __ ] taking all your vitamins eating a reasonably balanced diet of your proteins and carbs and fats and taking all your um like taking your fish oil and getting a good night's rest and staying well hydrated everything that's going to improve your gains is also just going to improve your day-to-day like enjoyment um but it's not like it's not exactly like it makes you feel like crazy awesome just makes you feel like comfortable if I'm well rested if I'm well fed and well hydrated everything's in order in terms of running this whole system then I'm going to wake up pretty naturally I'm it feel it feels good you know I'm not going to wake up groggy like what what's going to happen is that you're not going to suddenly feel like Superman if you got your eight hours of sleep but you're not going to feel like [ __ ] and it's I think an unfortunate [ __ ] situation that I mean what percentage of um of dudes let's just say in the states to keep this simple are walking around chronically underslept dehydrated underfed just [ __ ] I mean dude literally in a catabolic State indefinitely and then you stack on [ __ ] you know Vapes zins whatever else on top of that I mean dude not awesome you know so that's uh that's just some extra bonus points for me to try to get anybody to you know get into working out is the more that you put in gains wise it kind of relates to your whole [ __ ] day-to-day moving around and if you're uh if you're part of the older audience or if you've got um let's say you're pretty close with your grandparents or maybe you live with them anything like that D bring their ass to the gym with you you know I'm not going to say uh tell your Grandpa to squat five plates but the older you get man and I I've seen it you know guys uh it and not a not to be mean or anything but there's um we've all seen the Instagram post of like the 80-year-old jacked dude or like the you know like the however old like Marathon or like cyclist like old lady who's still in good shape moving around like on a just in your [ __ ] life you got to move some weight I've uh where where I really see it the most is on um like on flights you know people need help moving their luggage it's and what happens if you [ __ ] get stuck somewhere you fall over if your quads are too frail [ __ ] that could be life-threatening lack of gains could literally be life threatening down the line so make sure you uh make sure you bring make sure you bring your your older folks to the gym with you somehow try to get them interested that's a that's a piece of advice I can I can really stand behind but apart from apart from trying to indoctrinate every man woman and child in the uh in the world into pumping iron and working out just make sure you are right be the change you want to see in the world so planed now post-workout meal actually you got to turn left oops but some kind of combination of protein carbs and fats which um not totally sure where I'm going to get it from I've got some steaks but I kind of I I want to do those in the SV so they're extra tender and they're a little bit easier to cook because whenever I whenever I make a steak SUV style where like you put it in the hot water in the Ziploc and it you know gets fully medium rare pretty much and then you see the ends of it it's not a guess because I mean I've I've wrecked some stakes in my day don't uh don't forget it [ __ ] pull it out cut it in half completely raw in the middle put it back on the Pan 2 minutes later totally overdone and I know what you're going to say sam just use a thermometer uh you might be right but in either case we're gaining weight we're getting pumped up we staying hydrated having fun with it this is [ __ ] perfect we're in the good times right now we are in the good times and the more amount of uh well the more amount the more time that you can have under your belt like that gains wise at least the better and you know even not gains wise like I was saying in the beginning of the [ __ ] lift uh or when I was driving to the gym you know talking about having something that you're good at it's just nice man you get a certain s uh you get a certain sense of satisfaction you know it's just kind of hard wired into your brain so try to uh try to do something worthwhile even if it's not working out though I would say start working out but that's the end of it tomorrow's a leg day let's make sure to make it nasty so I'll see you then