Transcript for:
Artificial Lift Technology - Lecture Notes

hello good morning good afternoon and good evening on behalf of Petr and Military search Hub I'd like to welcome you all in our summer internship program my name is myter a senior gas and petrochemicals engineering student as Egypt young professionals member and I'll be your moderator for today so before we start please keep the chat box professional and ethical and don't forget to drop your question in the Q&A section below so without further Ado let's wel welcome Dr Muhammad G who will give us a session on artificial left technology Dr Muhammad has PhD in petroleum production engineering in spe with a specialty in artificial lift and production engineering and operation he's currently a staff member of future University and a head of petroleum technology department of new Kido Technological University meanwhile he's a global technical director of artificial left system for United left Technologies Dr lar is a technical and business professional with over 34 years experience in oang gas industry with long experience of Business Development sales marketing operation teaching and applications engineering covering artificial life design operation troubleshooting and optimization for major serves this companies like lkin GE Tundra process solution Weatherford United LIF Technologies and oil field operation for a major operator um like ini agba GPC Dr Muhammad field experience include the setup installation operation and optimization of different forms of artificial left system in Middle East North Africa Russia Romania turkey and brunai over the past years Dr Muhammad also has played a major role in the Practical training for the field staff of uh field staff and engineers in oil gas production engineering and well operations for different major companies in the Mana region USA Canada Romania turkey and Far East Dr Muhammad was Society of petroleum engineering SP Egyptian section president program and membership chairperson U he is the membership chairperson and direction of SP International artificial left and gas Del liquification technical section he published and presented over 55 technical papers he chaired several technical sessions for local and international com conferences and workshops currently he is a Committee Member of ATC atce 2020 and 2021 m l F and SB Middle East artificial left conference Dr Muhammad is TW is 2011 and 22 recipient of the s Regional Technical award in production and operation thank you so much Dr Muhammad for coming today and the mic is yours thank you mayor thank you thanks a lot you know Alum good morning good afternoon good evening and uh I'm glad to be with you today you know for this is first session about one of the main important technology for oil and gas it's an artificial LIF artificial LIF system is one of the major technology for oil and gas while if you are reviewing the worlds producing even currently you know you will found over 95% maybe up to 98% of the worlds are artificially lifted artificially lifted due to several reasons you know we try just to see what's the reason behind that and why the artificial technology is important you know I guess the majority of you while you are working in any company will find one form of artificial lift which will cover in our coming session you know uh I try to divide the session as simple as possible I try to just give my lectures to be as simple as possible because I received several you know message from different a few you know different student different young engineer and so on they are not have they not have any background about patronum engineering and so and they are very interesting to work in artificial lift even some of the of of The fres Graduate engineer which already jointed the the major artificial LIF company or operators you know working in this area of artificial uh we'll try to divide all the training to four sessions you uh today is one tomorrow is the second and next week is the same you know Monday and Thursday it will be also another two sessions you know we try to cover the major artificial lift system and if there is a times you know we can go to some more type of artificial lift system uh our our agenda for the four days will be like that you know we'll try today to give you some introduction General overview about artificial lift what type of artificial LIF what's important of artificial lifts what we mean by artificial lifts you know why we use artificial lift is artificial lift using only for oil or can be used for water or for even gas currently you know all or most of the unconventional gas Wells is using artificial lift is artificially producing you know and then we can give to you some some general overview about gas lift reciprocating SAR bombing system electrical submersible bombing system and Progressive cavity bond this is a main artificial we will try to cover in the four lectures you know uh and we try if there is a time we can go to Jet pumping system and plung a li however you know I'll try to be simple as much as we can and this is uh the fourth session will be a foundation for you to be an artificial LIF Engineers you know or artificial service specialist and so on if you need some more you can have little bit you know just some more reading or something like that and you will be familiar with all type of artificial today you know just as I said you know this is will be agenda of our today or give you General overview about artificial lift a comparison of different type of artificial LIF as a general comparison how we select artificial LIF what the main criteria to select artificial lift why why you found in the same country maybe in the same field you know you will have different type of artificial lift producing um the same way WS or just same characters of the Ws and so on after that I will going to gaslift since the gas lift is one of the M important artificial lift especially currently start to be booming in some area for unconventional and so on I will give you some concept about gas lift gas lift equipment and valves mechanism like how to to design on mandering spacing just in in in in very short just in very simple way you know gas lift basic optimization if if there is a time we'll cover the last two point if there is no time we can cover in Q and A and and so on you generally speaking you know what is artificial Lim and why we need artificial Lim how the world is producing mainly you know in order to understand how the world producing why you need artificial lift how the artificial lift is working we have to understand the well how the flow is flow inside the well how the flow is flow from bottom of the well to the top what's making the flow to flow you know just in order for any flows for any flow just to flow from one point to the other point then you need to have a Delta P differential pressures in order to have a flow to flow from the reservoir going to the world inside the world then you have to be the reservoir pressures should be higher than the pressure inside the whe against the formation against the perforation what we are holding here bottom whole flowing pressure then the bottom hole flowing pressure is the pressure at the bottom of the well the pressure against the reservoir while the well is producing while the flow is flow then in order the flow to come from the reservoir and entering into the walls then the reservoir pressures it p Reservoir must be higher than the bottom flow pressure okay this one point what else what's making a flow to flow from the bottom of the well to the surface in order the flow to to flow from the bottom of the walls then to the surface then the bottom hole flowing pressure should be high enough to overcome what should be high enough to overcome the P hydrostatic the weight of the fluid inside the Well from the bottom of the well up to the surface it is a hydrostatic pressure of the fluid inside the oil whatever type of fluid oil oil with water oil with water with gas oil with gas whatever type of flow inside the walls this is the hydrostatic pressure equivalent to that bottom ho flowing pressure should be you know lifting that should be capable to lift that not only that I need the float to reach to the surface not only to reach to the surface I need the flow to reach to the surface with a certain wallhead pressure what we call called surface pressure what's what is a surface pressure the pressure is required to move the fluids from the head from the well head up to the inside separator to the surface facility because I need just to treat this oil and so while the flow is flow in the pipe and so there is a pressure loss then the pressure loss this is added pressure to the pressure required to lifting then in order for that well to be a flowing well nitary Flowing Wells then the bottom hole flowing pressure should be equal or higher than the hydrostatic head of the flow inside the plus the Wellhead pressure plus the pressure loss that's if I have a well in that situation that mean this well is not reflowing doesn't require any type of artificial it's using the natural power of the pressure from the wells and the well can produce n what happen you know when we when when we need artificial lifts for for for one for one well like that you know or such well like that we need artificial lift if this is higher or equal symbol should be less symbols you know that mean when the bottom ho flowing pressure is less is less than the summation of the hydrostatic head plus the surface pressure plus the pressure loss that mean this will need some help need something to help him you know to lift the float to generate pressures to generate bottom or artificially bottom ho flowing pressure or artificial pressures down hole capable to overcome these three type of op that's mean in this case we need an artificial lift system for the world that's in the oil and gas industry artificial lift that's mean or in this case artificial lift is referred to any technique any types you are employed or you are used in the wells just to generate different type of pressures remember see here I put you know the word is pressures not pressure one it's pressures you know more than one pressure that's mean the artificial is generated artificially more than one pressure inside the wellp what these pressures what type of pressures you know I will show you later on what this pressure what type of pressures why is more than one pressures is artificial lift need to generate inside the well someone you say okay you said in the previous slides that I need pool flowing pressure to to be higher than the hydrostatic head plus pressure losses plus will head pressure but what other pressure is is here I will show you what other pressures is here and so on you this is done either by you know by by just reduce one of the item like hydrostatic head if I reduce the value of hydrostatic head or the will head pressures or or the pressure L whatever is capable to give me the equations which is making the bottom of FL pressure capable to lift all that flown it's can be you know artificial lifted or just can be the well it's enhanced produ or just producing production that's mean you know I need just initiating production from what what type of WS what type of WS artificial Li should be used either well is not produced at all not flowing the flowing not the flow inside the well is not able to reach to the surface that's we called nonflowing Wells or well already flowing well already flowing but I use artificial lift for that Wells when I use artificial for a flowing WS if these flowing WS producing less production than what I expected according to the will productivity and productivity index or just will in flow performance the will is capable to produce a certain fluides but they will only produce you know just much less than that or less than this value of of this flow rate in this case we are using artificial to enhance to increase production from currently Flowing Wells un okay if you look to this this is graph you know what what's showing showing inflow and outflow that's mean o is not producing you know outflow is not cut the inflow the whe is produced if the outflow is cut the inflow performance this is inflow performance this is outflow performance this type of oils called Dead oils in this type of oils we need to use an artificial LIF order just to move this is outflow curve down you know to cut with to intercept this is inflow in order to give me certain production according to the reservoir requirement Reservoir engineering requirement or a well like this in the left side graph it's already well produced this is outflow It's intercepted with the inflow cut but you know at a certain flow rates still if you look to the the right side hand still you know still still we can produce more and more than what we are currently this world produce in order to do do that you need to move this outlow curve to the right side in order to move this curve to the right side that's mean I need artificial lift in both cases you know I need artificial lift to just producing the well in with a situation like the down hole sorry the down curve the curve in the down of the screen you know in this case you know yes I produce near to the open potentials and this case if you compare with the first one that did the did well the well is produced if you compare with the wells Flowing Wells at a certain flow race yes the will produce but with a higher production rate with a higher flow rate in both cases this is you you you if you use artificial left is transfer your situation to the lower care FL part inflow and outlow care that's mean what for these case you know for example if I have a oil producing with botom flow pressures bwf1 at flow rates q1 you know in this case you know they will still have potentials you know to produce if I run an artificial lift in this well if I wanted to produce higher production in like a Q2 in this case the bottom hole flowing pressure will be lower than the well is produced lower bottom hole flowing pressures in in in that case that's it's it's far from the outflow value need to lift the flow to the surface in this case what what we need we need an to run an artificial lift to generate more Delta P more pressure that's mean not only to generate botom FL pressure no to generate bottom hole flowing pressure just to reduce the bottom hole flowing pressure in order to allow the res to get me more production but if I reducing bottom flowing pressure that mean it will not be capable to lift float in in in the same way or in the same times the artificial Li should be generated some Delta P pressure above the bump below below the device bump whatever system you use below that you are generated bottom all flowing pressure you are reducing the bottom hole flowing pressure reducing bottom hole flowing pressure as a result point of flu point of view you allow more flow to come from Reservoir but in the same time the amount of flow will be much much less amount flow sorry amount of pressures will be much less to lift flow then in this case the the artificial lift system must be generated another artificial pressures what this artificial lifs called thisch charge pressures the pressure required to lift flow to the surface with the Wellhead pressures and overcome the discharge pressure that's mean the artificial lift in any Wells is generated two type of artificial pressures is generated artificially bottom hole flow pressure less than the normal less than the current I used in the same time generated artificially thisch charge pressure or or just what we called here artificially bottom new bottom flow pressure above the bombs to lift the flow to the surface with the wellhe pressure capable to move the float to the facility then how this come you know generally this can be achieved by either used a bumping system inside the Ws device whatever type of bumping system bumping system is making these two different pressure one below the bump and one above is the bump the below the bumps called bump and take pressure in this case pressure it's a bump and take pressure if the bump sitting at the formations depths and so on plus some discharge pressure above the BM then decreasing the bumping system again is decreasing the pack pressure against the reservoir to produce the desired production the required production in the mean times is creating as I said this charged pressure cable to the flow to the surface or in the other side I can you know lightening the the head or the flow inside the wells if I have inside the well oil or oil with water and so on if I start to inject some light fluids or just like gas injecting gas the hydrostatic head in this case the average gradient of the flu will be less then the hydrostatic head will be less in this case you know the bottom hole flow pressure will be capable to lift the fluid and and so on to the surface this just you know a graph symbol to show what I already explained before you know about what what we need from artificial LIF as a pumping system or as an artificial lift system this a is just died world or well not produce Flo reach up to a certain level inside the wells and this is a care represent the hydrostatic or gradients of the fluid inside the wells if the this is equivalent to the reservoir static pressures based on Reservoir static pressures and bottom whole static pressures the flow C to reach to a certain level inside the well if I want to produce this well then I must have if you remember the first slide I must have a pressure inside the walls here should be less than the hydr less than the static reservo pressure in order to do that I must have what we call draw down then if I I I reduced the the static Reservoir pressure and the fluid going to the reservoir with a PO flow pressure with a value less than the hydrostatic head pressure then the flow will reach to lower than that that depth which we have lifted or just the hydrostatic head is lifted in this case what what happen you know in this case I need to run a pumps the bump what we call the bump making me or just generated this draw down since the bump is generated draw down below this bomb in meanwhile this bomp should be generated another pressures another discharge pressure is making another you know what we call artificially pressure discharge pressure is taking the pressure below it and added some more extra pressures what we call this charge pressure BMP this charge pressure above the BM capable to lift flow to the surface with a Wellhead pressures cable to lift fluid just to move the fluid to the searat this is if I use a pumping system if I used an G lift or whatever type of FO whatever type of just something to reduce the hydrostatic head or the float gradient of the float in this case what we happen you know you are you are reducing the hydrostatic head and all the equivalent hydrostatic head will be less than the previous one in this case we are lifting flow to the surface with the equivalent Wellhead pressures and so on what's available in the market just making this type of artificial pressure inside the wells in all cases there is an as I said there is an artificial pressure inside the well all the artificial lift system is doing is just generated artificially pressure inside the according to the current applications and current using worldwide for type of artificial LIF you know according to the energy source and so they are divided to two type of categories two categories one is formation pressure assist formation pressure assist assisting the formation pressure i i a formation pressure is less I assisting that's the bottom whole flow pressures which was give me you know inside the well and I reducing the hydrostatic head inside that or gas assist or or whatever we have you know there is no bound using in this type of of artificial LIF is just formation of pressure assist or gasm assist whatever you have plus there is plenty or just different type of what you call mechanical assist mechanical assist in the mechanical assist I have to run a mechanical device inside the Ws whatever type of mechanical there's different technique either electric Hydraulics mechanics whatever driven by whats and this is just can give me you know the uh the target required from artificially pressure inside inside the one for the formation assist or gas assist in the market currently they are using what you called plunger LIF foam assist or fo list gas lift and and so on each one have a different categories different applications and so on and for mechanical assist we have Brad lift PCP uh hydraulic lift different there's different type of hydraulic lift the BCB is abbreviation for Progressive cavity bumping system plus ESP is electrical submersible bombing system and so on then based on what we are mentioned before what I need from the artificial LIF I run artificial inside the well in what type of artificial lift I must be used in order to decide what type of artificial lift I need to use or I must be used or suitable for my will I have to know what I need from my artificial LIF what I want from this artificial lift system I have to run in the whe remember when you run artificial lift system in the whe usually most of the operators is design or just you know prefer to run a system for the life of the wom because changing artificial LIF it's not an easy it's can be you know but you know it's not preferred you know it's not preferred if you found the system can run from beginning up to the end it's okay however there is different type of of reservoir of oils and so on is required sometimes to change icial during the life of the then I need from artificial LIF to maximize production the my main target is production to maximize production meanwhile to be a flexible in production rate because remember you know there is different type of reservoir Like Water Drive gas Drive depletion drive and so on so production rates can be changed with time or even if the will under some enhanced oil recovery or secondary recovery the production rate can be change with time then I need type ficial LIF if I run I can easy to change the parameters to meet or just to C with the well production rate change in production rate meanwhile I don't need something expensive because remember when you Bo away an artificial LIF that's mean each one barrel you are lifting you pay against that a certain amount of dollars certain amount of money then when you are reducing the lifting cost you are getting more revenue from that well then not only you know just the cost here will be on on the equipment cost or just the bading cost what you called capital investment no even one of the main important investment you know it's what you called operating cost sometimes the capital investment is higher but the operating cost is less with the times you found you found you have a save a lot of money and so and also this this should be have should be reliable was up time and so you know that's mean what type of failures we have what's the time between failures you know if there is a failure yes the system is cheap and the operating cost is operating cost is is low but you know this worlds from time to time is required some what you call some maintenance or just some repair because there is a downhall failures for the equipment is this equipment failed each three months each year or which cover Fe and so on bar consumptions how much especially in these days you know the bar consumption is very critical especially in some area remote area while there is no power and you generated Power by yourself or just you are using power from the government grads or so on you know and there is a lot of artificial LIF system using you know in in in some area you know near to just people living in that area and so what type of noise and so on you know and also sometimes you know it's using in farm or using in offure is this artificial LIF need big footprint big spacing to install or no this is just a general view about when I start to decide what type of artificial LIF I need what type of of system I have to run even for the same system what type of size what type of configuration and so on I have to put in mind something like that what what I I have in present to VI then at the end you know for artificial LIF I need to maximize my output for artificial Li system by ensure equipment that's equipment producing Optimum it's in Optimum condition Optimum efficiency Optimum cost you know Optimum as a safety point of view and so on minimizing minim and this can be achieved by minimizing equipment down times is is equipment it's what the down times per months per day per years and so on you know and and also to reduce intervention frequency interventions that's mean you are going to do a surfacing for the either rless or just using a rig I I have to minimize all that you know from time to time you know I should be not stick with my old technology all technique even for the same system for example if I use ESP system system and most times there is some new technology new Innovative technology I can change I can replace I can add it I can improve and so on there is a lot of Technology especially in the area of artificial you know from time to time it will be in the market if there is a sand and there is a problem and you'll found downhole bumps down ho equipment if there is a gas and some like that corrosion and so on that's mean artificial lift it is a unique approach for the selection in order to selection that's mean you know when I want to select the best type or the optimum type for my Wells I have to look to every aspects every aspects from z bar and the reservoir condition the reservoir types up to the end up to the facility while the the flo reach to the fac facility because artificial LIF is used to lift float from the bottom of the well and moving it's up to the facility all that's I have to look all that facility the well inside the wells what type of Wells is a vertical Wells horizontal Wells deviated Wells and so on you know let us to go a little bit you know quickly in in some of that aspects you know and consideration you have to be considered like Reservoir parameters as pressures is a reservoir pressure is high or low is resir pressure is DEET Is Res bar pressure is supported or not supported what's the productivity index PI what's the water cut is a water cut will increase with time is this resir is Water Drive weak Water Drive active Water Drive water permeability what is you know the flow efficiency inside the whe so if there is a sand or tendency to produce the sand if there is even for the water sometimes initially there is very low water cut with the time the water cut was increased depend on how you running your system how you are depleted you know downhole how you generated the draw down inside the world the gas gas or ratio or gas liquid ratio even we can have gas or ratio for the the gas inside the well and outside you know we can say gas o ratio all that's you know as a parameter I have to consider I should be not ignored any one of that one and also the well parameter dips is shallow WS or deep walls if deep walls it's deviated walls or vertical walls even for deviated walls what type of deviations you what what what what's the D severity you know how is what's a completion design sometimes I have to run a certain completion you know due to a certain requirement for the wells for some condition and so on what is the completion have location it is unsure or offure the well Z cost we like to look to the cost especially operating cost Capital yes but especially operating cost because this is artificial LIF running for the life of the Ws and usually you know for the I have to run for this one you know relability for the system if the system reliable with me the main important really uh factor is the local experience sometimes when we are going to some area at some fields we found majority of the wells producing with a certain type of artificial for example I saw some some companies near to each other you know just there is a port between the company one useb the other use Road lift system why yes both because in this case they found the both type of artificial lift can lifting the wells can't producing the Ws with a good efficiency with with with a good operating cost but the operators have a good experience in some area what is experience in this area someone have a very good experience in Road lift systems then he prefer to use Road lift system because you know if something happen what you know he know the source you know some other he's he's prefer to use for example or PCP or and so on you know and someone would like to standardize yes at initially life of the wells using maybe I don't know 40 50% of the whe with a certain type of artificial lip when start to drill more then he doesn't like to change you like to standardize type of artificial LIF in order to standardize for the spare parts for for everything and so on this is you know a table just summarize comparison with different type of artificially based on what we are mentioned before you know this table you know need to update really need to update now with the new technology because artificial left really daily is there is something new for each type of artificial LIF you know based on the requirement based on the technology basing what we found in the markets and so on you know for example you know if you look to the maximum operating deps and and what's the maximum operating deps for artificial LIF someone will say okay for Road lift Road lift 177,000 but it's not general 177,000 you know yes it can be run up to 177,000 fet but in case the production is low usually the dips operating dips for artificial lift is jointly you know you have to look in the same times to how much I need to produce from that we for example if you look to the second uh row you know you'll find the maximum operating volume for example for PCP it's 4,500 bar per day now is more you know now with a new technology you can produce more more than that you know you can go higher and higher than this one but this cannot sometimes reach it to can produce from a bom sitting at depth 12,000 ft or 13,000 ft then when the depth is increased the amount of flow capability to lift usually is decreased then I have to look to each one of these parameter in the table as a separate value not you know for example if you look back again to the first throw Road leftt system it cannot someone would say okay I can run to 17,000 ft and the table say I can produce 7 ,000 barel they no in this case 17,000 fet maybe you can produce only 50 Barrel 40 Barrel 30 Barrel but 7,000 ft yes it can produce but at shallow dep like a lot of WS in Canada for example now it's producing 7,000 or just little bit more or less Barrel per day from a depth about 1,000 ft maximum 1200 ft maximum and so on you know if you go to the gas LIF yes if there is a capability of gas and uh you know the bottom hole from pressure is little bit good enough you know and we have enough gas and so you can produce very high amount of volume same for the ESP but you know remember for even for the ESP the dips also limited with that and so on all the other parameters you know if you look to here sometimes you put the table in front of you just a guideline you know you take all that value and to use as a value you have to design no as a de line for example if I say okay I want to produce from oil five for example 4,000 Barrel per day okay 4,000 bar day yes all all the system can be capable to run except plunger left then I I excluded plunger Li yes these Wells the bottom whole temperature is for example is high the botom temperature is around 500° F yes is all is accepted except the BCB except the for example that's mean you know if you look to the table this table just give to you a first guideline about what type of artificial lift I have to use how to exclude a certain type from the other type for example if I have heavy crude oils you know heavy crude oil yes I Look to BCP or I Look to what's type of artificial lift and and so on you know this is just a guideline and for in order to allow you know to start to select the the the most suitable the economical ways the artificial LIF system okay in this case you know what what the challenge in this case not only you know just if I look to the world to produce this type of fluid this volume of fluid from that deps and so on then I say no there is some more Channel challenge when you start you know to hide when you start to just to to compare some artificial LIF for more than one problem inside the well then you will find more challenging technique you have you know to put in in in to considerations just in order to produce like difficult floats gas uh specific gravity viscosity and so on well condition like deviations like horizontal Wells like Doug severity location of sure andure amount of production whole considerations Reservoir at the end all that's you know come to the economical ways and so on okay I just added for you some of the slides just you know about more of what we are mentioned before about what we need to consider when you are selecting an artificial LIF system for your reference you know when you are reading and for the session of q& a if you want to ask me more and more you can find but I put this just to clarify maybe you know while I I just explain maybe I'm not clear enough for that you know for example for what mean of the reservoir and fluids ibr and flow performance liquid production rate and water cuts and so on uh liquid ratio viscosity what's formation volume Factor remember you know when you start to design artificial lift and when you start to use artificial lift you are using artificial lift to displace fluids at the the reservoir deps this mean the volume of the fluid what the bomp is displaced or just produced as the bom depth is completely different than what you are receiving in the tank then when you start to design when you start to select the bump when you start to calculate how much I need to produce at the surface then you have to calculate the bottom whole displacement flow you have to consider what you called formation volume Factor you have to consider also Reservoir driving mechanism for example what I say the system flexibility for Change and Reservoir pressure and flow rates and so on you also this is a reservoir characterization what the deps what the casing what type of completion sometimes I am restricted to use a certain type of completion due to some downhall conditions you know problems or downhall conditions I have to to produce from more than one zone you know and for example I use Road lift or I use PCP and so how to produce from more than one zone hly or just you know separates each Zone you know at a single zone and so on you this is casing and tubing you know what size of casing are you slimhole or just normal size of casing is is this casing cable to run the tubing inside it what the smallest tubing I can use inside this o in order to produce the O as I said you know the whole deviation whole deviation for example if I used uh reciprocating or or PCP uh artificial lift with a deviation have to be considered some more factors some more you know parameters special design down hall yes it can be used but with a special design can be used downhall and so on plus surface facility you know surface production facility how the flow rates how much flow rates these production facilities can be handled you know and the pressures and how much it you know pressure loss can be handled due to the flu rates contamination if these fluids have some paraffins some salt contain have some you know sour sour gas have some Waters saline Waters rain Waters what type of salinity and and sand you know one of the major problem for all type of artificial lift is sand and corent this really one of the major problem for us that if there is a power available at the W site or just at the as the field you know what power source is a power source enough to run the system and so on you know fi locations you know as I said onore ofure far away or just in the middle of the desert and so on you know operating you know field operating characterization you know yes this field is planned to have a big Reservoir is a planned recovery for these Wells to produce my field of my reservoir over 20 years over 50 years or over just a lances Reservoir small Reservoir you know what you called long ring recovery plan you know is there is AER maintenance inside that all that you know I don't need to ignore it you know someone you know I I saw some of the engineers own start to design artificially to select artificially select based on the production deps and so on and ignore you know a lot of parameters and after couple of months they start to face a big problem if there is a field plan to have enhanced or recovery after five years six years then I I don't need to change my artificial Li if I start to select artificial capable to produce the world with all the challenge I mentioned before and economicas and can be Contin to to use the same type of artificial lift after enhanced oil recovery that would be a great you know I I I see a lot of fields here for example you know in some Middle East using for example currently steam injection or some other injection and whatever use artif from the beginning still using the same for for what type of automation is an automation technology available or currently with the using of all the technology like artificial intelligence and machine learning and so on you can control the Well from your mobile if there is availability for that automation monitoring the down hall monitoring the surface and diagnostic what problem they have or this type of artificial lift have a limitation on that there is no big you know data or no big automation system you can change parameter you can change the whe foundation and so on you know and availability as I mentioned in the couple of slides before local experience availability of the operating and service person and to support the the the system and the area and and so on this is just a general overview about artificial this really General General about artificial you give you some Foundation about you know if you start to hear about artificial LIF what I need to consider if you start you know to work in a company and put you engineering to design to select art we have to put in mind yes artificial LIF is a unique design artificial LIF yes it's a very simple very simple what you call Technologies and so on but meanwhile is required to consider a lot of information a lot of data I need to consider everything because artificial LIF is running 24 hours for the Ws artificial LIF is running continuously for each W artificial LIF is running even if the condition the wells it change if the condition of the reservoir change condition of the flow producing from the whe change artificial LIF is must withstand the well problems I have a Wells and Wells is deviated or horizontal Wells have corrosions they have some sand and so how I use my artificial Li with a certain parameter selecting from beginning just also to understand all that type of condition this just as a general about artificial lift and what type of artificial lift currently in the markets what we have in the markets and so on thank you than you so no you're if you wanted to continue I can give to you another 30 minutes if you like or just more for other or if you wanted to break now for some question I'm ready you know whatever you like we we have two questions now yes uh the first one asking if you want to gas lift an inactive well where the bottom hole pressure has been equalized to Reservoir pressure is it is it going to be valuable if yes what will be the parameter to look for optimization okay this is you know I cannot say yes or no you know yes sometimes yes sometimes no depends on as I said you know if you if you back to the previous slide what I said before and also we plan to go to the gaset you know if you look to the all the parameter what type of load inside the what is the bottom all pressures you know if if for example if you inform me that I have wells did cease to flow and the flow inside the Ws you know for example the dep 6,000 ft the flow inside the Ws at 4,000 ft the flow API gravity is 20 25 apis the reservoir gas oil ratio it's 200 300 500 maybe I say no but if pleas tell me yes I have a reservoir from 6,000 ft the flowed inside the wells you know just at maybe 200 300 500 1,000 fet from the surface is the API is over 30 or 35 the gas liquid ratio inside with this world you know it's quite a little bit high and so on maybe yes maybe I say yes we can we can use this depend on you know in some parameter we try presented in in in in G LIF and so on you know because I it's not an easy to say straightforward yes or no if you look to all the previous slide what I said when I start to select or design artificial LIF I need to look to all different parameters can be affecting on the LIF system and I just you know after guys left if it's not clear we can we can answer again okay okay uh and the second question uh is form left uh is form left same like capillary string for for gasel Del to deification Method why we using fo to LIF one yes usually you know form yes you're right you know usually we are using the formet for G deification you know you use fo for G deification just you know the forming you know reducing the hydrostatic head you know some some GS have a tendency of what we call Liquid you know liquid hold up Liquid you know just drop is due to some low Reservoir pressures or low bottom ho flow pressure we use foam just like you know like apparent gases inside the wells so important here just to reduce the hydrostatic head of the gas sometimes sometime but not you know not common used we can use for shallow you know WS with a very high gas ratio oil low production could be but generally speaking it's usually used for gas for gas Wells you know and it's not common use because it requires a lot of form uh required also it's it's little bit expensive you know unless you know it's with the economical study found it can be used you know for even you know ER for for for low production Wells it's not for high gas production Wells and and so on you okay thank you Dr Muhammad okay I I continue for guys left or just you want to of course you can Contin okay thank you okay let us just you know work you just through the gas lift one of the M important artificial lift while it's you know it's really it's more for more used for offshore wealth you know majority of offure Worlds using gas LIF or just sometime other e worlds and so on currently in in different area for unconventional gas Wells using also gas lift and so on however you know let us just to have some quick overview about gas LIF I start with the Gaz LIF at the first type of artificial LIF for one reason because you know it is a lot of people consider this extending of the flowing WS whatever you are dealing with the flowing WS you are um understanding flowing goals you can easy to understand the gas LIF WS the gas lift WS we can consider you know it is a flowing WS with some artificially gas injection with some artificially reducing the hydrostatic head if you remember you know the first slide we say the bottom hole flowing pressure here at the bottom of the whe it should be capable to lift the hydrostatic head plus the whe head pressures plus the pressure loss the hydrostatic head of the fluid is a function of what of the fluid fluid gradient inside the well and the fluid gradient inside the well is the function of the fluid density flow if it's only water or just only oil or oil with gas when the amount of gas increased inside the the tubing inside the well po then the average gradient will be much less this is the main concept of the gas lift the main concept of the gas lift is I used just a certain volume certain amount of gas pre-designed pre-calculated gas to inject inside the tubing while injecting the gas inside the tubing is mixed with the fluid inside the tubing then the total average of flu gradient will be less than if I not use the gas then the gas lift is a form of artificial lift really is using in just to to assemble just to to you know to to some to to help some WS already can be a flowing WS to be a gas lifted W it can be considered extension a lot of people