Transcript for:
Mindfulness and Movement in Yoga Practice

at home it's still good to see such we have like i think like 12 people registered from online still i think that's great that we're getting to reach everybody no matter where you're at so right now where we are at is on our mat and that's the only place our mind should be so close your eyes and arrive on your map feel your shoulders slide down your back and then as your heart lifts you gently draw the lower belly in and with your eyes closed just notice try to notice every single sound that you can in the background or the foreground or within yourself it's speak people talking footsteps birds chirping fans blowing ac's running whatever it is try to pick it up notice it as our awareness is our attention and it matters where our attention goes so now notice what you feel physically so your skin the part of it that's exposed the part of your skin that's under clothes notice your muscles some of them are actually holding the bones and some of them actually draping over your bones and now notice your breath bringing our full attention and awareness to our breathing as you're watching your breath move in and out through your nose so what we're doing is we're being deliberate with our energy what energy is is power and it's something that cannot be taken away or given away it's simply used more or less and more focused on our breath we're focusing with intent being intentional and deliberate with our power with our energy place your hands down on your knee and let your head just roll around the top of your shoulder good now just a little bit of a sway from side to side your ribs kind of like an accordion like a slinky was the last time you heard that word slinky and something kind of weird coming out of my mouth now let's make a circle clockwise [Music] now lean all the way to the right left arm overhead side body stretch bring the hand to the knees and go counterclockwise to the left right arm overhead side body stretch turn the palm down toward the ground [Music] both hands up high inhale exhale cactus your arms as you lift the chest your sits bones press take another inhale breath then as you exhale bring your pinkies towards each other around your back repeat that inhale open up expand try to touch your elbows exhale round and contract inhale open exhale squeeze one more time inhale reach around behind either bridge on fingertips or make a bind take a big inhale breath and then come down into a tabletop exotic cows and cats that simply means you're doing more than just going up and down or forward and back all right just slide your right hand underneath left arm forward you're on your right cheek left arm stretches overhead place your left hand next to your right bicep press down reach right arm to the sky there's a little twist right hand comes down left arm threads underneath the right arm overhead place right hand next to left bicep now you press now we twist come back to a tabletop position bring your hands forward just a little bit and watch this because i want you to repeat control the toes and hover the knees we're keeping a bend in the knees as i push back and then i'll straighten my legs and then i'll bend once again and press and going through that a few times it's kind of an undulating wave like movement of the spine there is no down dog though there is no pause there is no stop just rounding the edge elbows stay extended arms straight the whole time now press both heels down walk it out bend left knee bend right now let's move with the breath inhale on the balls of the feet exhale bend both of your knees bear pose now inhale forward to a plank as you exhale we're going to go all the way down keep your shoulders pulled back shoulders stay away from the mat press into your hands cobra pose rise next exhale breath hips to sky inhale lift the heels high exhale bend the knees deep inhale forward plank exhale all the way down inhale cobra exhale down dog one more round inhale exhale inhale exhale inhale up dog this time lift your knees up your thighs exhale downward facing dog bend your knees and walk your hands all the way back towards your feet [Music] heel to toe the feet about as wide as the mat let your body hang no [Music] [Music] right hand on your left foot left arm reach to the sky circle your wrist yes you're actually circling your hand you're moving your wrists now half wraps [Music] switch left hand right foot left knee bends reach up circle your hand stretch your wrist a bit both hands to the mat bend your knees chin close to chest slow long inhale breath to stand down high above your head reach up both hands your palms are facing in let's keep it grab your right wrist fine keep your palm facing in instead of turning it out and then bring it to the side palm is facing down come to center switch pull the wrist palm facing down really matter come back around make a bind pull your knuckles down toward the ground move your hips lift your chest big inhale breath exhale fold sweet alchemy [Music] so what are you here to say yes to that means you have the choice you decide it also means you can say no and you don't have to comply release your hands to the mat step your feet under your hips place your hands on your shins inhale half lift exhale fall crawl into a plank [Music] exhale chaturanga lower halfway inhales up exhales down nice deep breath in and out [Music] lift your heels up bend your knees step or jump to the front now we're here to expand and unfold into truth let's expand reach back both hands exhale fold in half inhale rise to stand connect your palms together and when you exhale bend your knees and sweep your hands back [Music] look down at your toes straighten your legs and reach forward inhale exhale chaturanga inhales up exhales down shake it out so you're gonna pulse your heels up and down pressing your palms into the mat this is releasing for the pelvis for the lower back your legs should kind of jiggle and shake good now bend and jump to the front inhale expand reach back exhale fold inhale stand connect your hands and then bend your knees exhale sweep look at the toes straight legs reach exhale chaturanga inhale up exhales down shake it out for three two and one hop it up inhale reach back exhale fold inhale stand exhale sweep straighten legs reach inhale chaturanga exhale inhale up [Music] exhales down shake it out we're gonna do it one more round lifting heels up step or jump inhale exhale inhale up exhale bend and sweep legs inhale reach exhale chaturanga inhale [Music] exhale right leg lift make circles with your toes bend your knees stack your hip and then kick your leg like you're trying to kick off a sock [Music] bring it up to your chest take a step runner's lunge all right lower your back knee you got about five to ten breaths do what you need you can reach you can bind you can straighten your legs [Music] and hands to the mat chaturanga step back inhales up exhales down left leg inhale circle with your toes [Music] my heart's on the line bend the knee [Music] [Music] so tell me now are you gonna [Music] i want chair pose meaning your butt back your hips low [Music] fold in half grab your big toe half lift inhale exhale re-fold take your elbows your inner elbows to your outer shins try to wrap around the [Music] outside now slide your hands under your feet palms or up toes to the wrist crease as you press into your toes press your inner thighs back and then forehead in between the shins [Music] [Applause] release place your palms flat in front of your toes little arm balance if you want real simple real sweet here yogis we're just gonna move meditatively right leg lift it up please step to your right hand back foot flat warrior one rise up connect your palms together and all the way up through your fingertips [Music] exhale down left leg inhale exhale step left hand back foot flat inhale rise rise connect exhale breath through the heart to the mat step it back [Music] close your eyes you don't need to see right leg inhale lift exhale step back foot flat grounded inhale warrior one come up exhale down left leg inhale exhale step warrior [Music] exhale down go three more rounds [Music] i could tell you things [Music] i [Music] i [Music] [Music] finish this round and bring it on down taking a rest all right so containing your own energy that also has to do with what you think bring your thoughts back to your breathing now we're facing dog right leg inhale lift it up [Music] exhale step to right thumb around the ball of your back foot reach forward crescent pose rise up [Music] imagine i'm standing behind you just pull your ribs in imagine just pulling your front ribs inward now as you exhale left finger tips to the mat right hand reaches up look down draw left shoulder back it's almost like you're pushing your sternum forward a little bit reverse triangle back foot flat so you're grounded reach up try to touch the sky bend your right knee side angle without resting on anything so bring the elbow inside thigh left arm overhead try not to rest your forearm on your leg or your hand on the mat try to use your core instead take an inhale breath rise and pivot right foot in like we do all the time but now bend your left knee right hand to the mat twist left hand touch the sky [Music] inhale rise exhale warrior two front of the room [Music] one inhale reverse warrior exhale shut around inhales up exhale down left leg inhale exhale take a step to left thumb reach forward first inhale crescent lunge ribs drawing in exhale twist right fingertips but right shoulder drawing back so instead of resting the weight on your hand just stay on your fingertips right shoulder draws back heart reaches [Music] reverse triangle touch the sky left hand high [Music] reach your back [Music] so your elbow your forearm or your hand do not touch or rest on anything side angle reach [Music] rise up inhale pivot right knee bends exhale twist right hand high [Music] inhale come up exhale warrior two to the front one long inhale reaper exhale chaturanga inhales up exhales down right leg inhale exhale step crescent pose inhale exhale twist fingertips inhale reverse triangle exhale side angle inhale right exhale twist to the left inhale come up exhale to the front [Music] reverse inhale exhale chaturanga inhale up exhale down left leg inhale exhale inhale crescent right exhale fingertips inhale reverse [Music] exhale siding inhale come up exhale twist sideline [Music] exhale chaturanga be real deliberate with breath and movement inhale up exhale down right leg inhale relax inhale right exhale twist inhale [Music] exhale side ankle inhale up exhale side lunge inhale exhale to the front reverse inhale exhale chaturanga inhale up exhale down left leg inhale exhale inhale rot exhale twist fingertips reverse it inhale exhale extended side inhale rise exhale inhale up exhale exhale so you decide that means you choose you have freedoms right you can do it one more time or you can rest either is fine [Music] dude [Music] hey [Music] hey [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right down dog [Music] right leg up step to right hand back foot flat warrior one come up left arm under eagle wrap bring your elbows up and bring them all the way down like you're trying to reach your left elbow to the ground not your fingers your elbow bring your thumb to your third eye your right thumb to your third eye [Music] we're really going to load up and turn into the hip rise back up keep your eagle arms elbows up we're gonna do eagle but i want you to stay upright like your back is up against the wall behind left hip back right knee pressing to the right [Music] stand up tall left knee to chest [Music] take a step back crescent pose [Music] unwrap the arms out wide twist to the right then deep in the right knee arms are spreading chests up breathe keep the right shoulder pulling back and maybe even look at your right thumb left hand up inhale [Music] exhale hands to the mat send your right leg up kick it out shake it out pigeon pose on the right lots of sensation in that right leg and hip chest lifts exhale rest [Music] my [Music] [Music] go ahead and sit up so curl the back toes underneath lift your back knee and then tuck your right knee into your chest now you're just going to rotate your hips and flip [Music] reach your right hand to the sky step your right foot forward both hands behind interlace your fingers make a bind draw the shoulder blades towards each other lift your fist high warrior three right [Music] now bring your hands to the mat lift your left leg up [Music] step back and straight leg runners lunge i actually meant to do that before the warrior three it's all right it's all same thing you're up on the ball of your back foot nice and high forehead towards the shin left fingertips down right arm up twist [Music] be real deliberate with your breath with the intent to find some inner peace to let go of something [Music] all right bend the right knee reach your left fingertips forward revolve half moon right hand stays high in the sky try to get your left toes to spread really wide left toes spread while the foot's going to press [Music] keep your arms apart set your left foot down next to the right chair twist arms out wide [Music] place your left hand on the outside of your right foot if you can [Music] now you're gonna lift your heels up and lower your butt down into a prayer hand twist you're still facing the right be on the ball is your feet now most of you have seen this with me i'll demo both sides so you can see hands come off the mat i'm gonna lean extend watch my left leg it bends and reaches back so i can then come into splits i'll show you from the other side see what it's like off the mat even hands i just place my wrist right on the edge left leg extend or right leg extends left foot because you'll be doing the left foot we'll reach back and i push into my hands and end up in splits you should end up on splits on the right [Music] yes lulu straighten your right leg toward me bend your left knee bend it reach it as far back as you can reach your left toes there you go perfect [Music] all right downward dog maybe shake it out feels really good especially on that right butt cheek [Music] emily emily watch me less of this more up and down yeah in your pelvis up and down all right left leg up step to left hand back foot flat warrior one rice lift up inhale and then just slide it right down shoulder inside the knee reach your right elbow down bring your left thumb to your third eye [Music] keep the eagle arms right [Music] right leg over top [Applause] try to stay upright like your back is against the wall right hip back left knee left right knee right so your knees are pushing out not squeezing in you'll notice the difference when you do it you'll find more stability it's pretty sweet [Music] all right let's reach the arms up and bring the knee to the chest start to step back press it twist left hand behind arms wide [Music] maybe even looking at left thumb give it a try [Music] right hand up in the air inhale [Music] exhale come down both hands to the ground left leg high kick it out shake it out [Music] pigeon pose left side [Music] chest up welcome all that sensation in the butt region break it down [Music] yes hands to the curl the back toes and lift the knee and then tuck left knee to chest and then rotate hip and split [Music] left hand to the sky step left foot forward stay there runners lunge straight front leg stay on the ball of your back foot though not a pyramid pose [Music] right fingertips left hand reaches twists [Music] bend your left knee reach around behind interlace your fingers make a bun warrior three yeah this is way better right hip down a bit right hand down fingertips left arm up twist right hand yes try to get your right toes to spread as you press through the ball of the foot [Music] chair twist arms wide chest high [Music] i'm gonna have to make this class easier for me all week i'm gonna be pooped by friday right hand to the outside of your left foot i'm just gonna have emily and sophie do it for me up here [Music] up on the balls of your feet lower your butt prayer hand twisting you're transitioning nice all right off the map balance on your hands off the map left leg to the front bend your right knee reach your toes back and then push into your hands [Applause] oh [Applause] up [Applause] okay recess it's either rest or play handstand headstand child's home [Applause] [Music] yeah nice you hit the sweet spot on that one right hello sweet 45 minutes i'm like doctor strange i control time can't explain it lie on your backs [Music] did you imagine my class was an hour and a half oh my god i'd never come back bend your knees do a bridge on your hips [Music] [Music] come down and rest we're going to do it again so another five to ten breaths bridge your upward bow back bend here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] rest your lower back on the mat [Music] [Music] bring your right knee to your chest left leg will extend right knee across your body twist [Music] maybe you want to even extend your right leg and grab with your left hand we kind of prep the body for that [Music] come around to center right leg extends left knee to the chest take it across maybe extend [Music] [Music] from the center happy baby [Music] [Music] [Music] go ahead and rock up to a seat souls and feet together knees wide [Music] allow a little rounding to the spine [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we're going to sit up and you're going to take your left foot and set it flat and then bring the foot back turn to the right hand left hand to right thigh maybe a half wrap behind your back if you like [Music] keep the right shoulder drawing back and see if you can press your left butt cheek your left sit bone down [Music] now as you come to center extend your right leg forward bring your left knee all the way in next to the right if this hurts your knee simply do this but don't do this just out of laziness do this only because you have to because of your avoiding pain i want to strongly encourage you to stay like this if you can now come forward it's a deeper stretch for the hamstring because the way this tilts the pelvis ah slowly coming up left leg to the front okay now your right knee is going to bend back and your left foot's going to slide inside your thigh there's kind of like a zigzag shape we make good turn to the left press the right sit bone down draw the left shoulder back [Music] good come to center extend the left leg forward now and if you can avoiding any pain in the knee bring your right hand close then forward fold if you need to though john news your shots [Music] just [Music] coming up both legs to the front so i'm still recovering from last week all the back bendings what i like to do is i like to stretch my back momentarily before i fold forward so i'll grab the tops of my feet even if you have to bend the knees just round the bat it's like you're pushing your spine to the back wall and then you can let the elbows bend and bring the heart forward [Music] [Music] all right if it's in your practice today because things change plow pose if it's not your practice today that's fine let's not get stuck in old patterns or beliefs maybe today is your day [Music] those of you that have a little extra space curl your toes underneath press your heels to the back wall and the bottom back of your knees to the ceiling [Music] shoulder stand [Music] i've resorted to doing this modified version because of my neck i let my hands hold my hips and my feet over my face instead of a straight line from shoulders to hips to knees to toes [Music] [Music] slowly start to bring the knees around the and ears stretch your feet out wide [Music] [Music] so your awareness is your energy be deliberate be present just notice your body feel your muscles relaxing around the bones [Music] [Music] [Music] just observing your breath as though it's as it's happening on its own [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] a nice deep breath knees bend [Music] roll to your left [Music] come up to a c so imagine if we did everything with as much mindfulness and intention our work our conversations the way we interact with our family our friends our kids let's try it we'll seal it in and start center let's close with an o deep inhale [Music] [Music] namaste all right super great way to start the week thanks for doing it with me i'll be back i'll be back we'll keep doing that same thing nice and challenging [Music] [Music] you