Transcript for:
Foundations of Chinese Medicine: Yin-Yang Theory

Hey there this is Clara from AcuPro Academy I'm  so glad you're here this course is all about   the foundation of Chinese medicine specifically  the Yin-Yang Theory made easy because my goal is   to empower you to achieve superior patient care  and grow a successful practice while having fun   because after all I know you are a TCM Rockstar  and no matter what if you need to review your   foundation or check it again this is the course  to do so So enjoy this course and don't forget   keep rocking it using TCM! The Yin-Yang Theory  in Chinese medicine is probably the single most   important theory It is the foundation for  everything including Physiology Pathology   and treatment in TCM You look at the symbol the  Tai Ji symbol which is translated loosely by the   supreme ultimate this Yin-Yang symbol we used  to see everywhere really we represents what the   Yin-Yang theory is about you can see the little  dot in either color and that's because there's   always a seed of the Yang with an Yin in the seed  of Yang with an Yin they are obviously opposites   right we got two different opposites but they  complement each other and make a whole a whole   circle that can actually change and transform  into each other so the symbol really represents   well what the union theory is about and we use the  Yin-Yang theory TCM to be able to help us diagnose   patients to see how the physiological part of  the body functions and of course pathology and   treatment First of all Yin and Yang are opposite  but it's a relative opposition meaning that we   cannot compare a table with an orange because  they have nothing in common but we can compare   a cat to a dog they're both animals so we're cats  a little more Yin compared to a dog which is more   Yang so my dog is full of energy he's full of  Fire he wags his tail he's so happy to see me   he loves running around specifically during the  day but sleeps at night my cat on the other hand   is much more subdued likes to be alone is sleeping  during the day but is always up and going at night   so they are opposite but you can take two dogs  for example and you can have a dog that's much   more Yang lots of energy loves to run around never  gets tired you know that kind of type of dogs like   maybe Australian Shepherds full of energy and then  you can have a Bernese Mountain Dog which would be   much more subdued really relaxed and doesn't want  to exercise much and it's tired very quickly and   it's more Yin and sleeps a lot more so you can  always change and compare two different things   that are opposite and those things are gonna  change now even though those two things are gonna   change let's look at more in the term of opposite  so Fire is much more Yang and water is much more   Yin those are two elements in nature that are  opposite Yin will go downwards right when you   pour water water always goes down it never goes  up but Fire always goes up no matter what if you   take a candle and you put it upside down fire in  the flame still goes up right so upward is Yang   downward is Yin the night which is more dark in  nature and more cooler cold is definitely more Yin   the day which has the Sun is more warm and bright  it's definitely more Yang usually we say feminine   energy is more Yin women are more dark what can  you say and Men energy or masculine energy is   more Yang so you can have a woman that has a lot  of masculine energy and be very Yang in nature   even though she's a woman and you can also have  a man that has feminine energy is more sensitive   kind of person and is much more Yin in nature even  though he's a man and he's Yang so can you see how   opposite doesn't mean it's very completely totally  Yin or totally Yang there's always change within   the Yin and Yang in the opposition so let's look  at a few more I'm going to look at the picture are   the blue on the right and compare Yin and Yang  for specifically disorders and when it comes to   Chinese medicine and treating people so chronic  disorder versus acute a chronic it's considered   more Yin and acute more Yang it does not mean  that every chronic condition is Yin or that every   acute condition is Yang it's just when we compare  chronic versus acute okay that's the difference   the body or anything that's above is always sorry  the body which is always below compared to the   head which is above so the body is below it's  closer to the Earth closer to the ground it's   more Yin the head which is more up above or closer  to the sky the Sun the heavens is more Yang so   anything that's above is more Yang anything that's  below is more Yin so if you compare your hands to   your feet your hands are much more Yang your  feet much more Yin because anything that above   or closer to the Sun is more Yang anything that's  also to the Earth is more yet someone with a weak   voice feels very deficient Yin in nature compared  to a loud voice which is more Yang and excess in   nature we talked about this before an introvert  versus an extrovert anatomy versus physiology so   Anatomy is much more static physiology is much  more energetic right so matter is Yin energy   is Yang medial closer to the midline is more Yin  in nature so all meridians that are in the front   of the body or medial close to the midline or a  much more Yin in nature while the meridians that   are on the lateral or the side of the body and the  back of the body are much more Yang cold I'm gonna   need more Yin bluish kind of hotish condition are  gonna be more Yang but again it depends we have   to look at specific when we're comparing right so  someone that is cold feeling stuffy achy shivery   is more Yin in nature compared to someone who has  the flu whose feverish sore throat and feels like   they want to drink a lot of cold drinks they're  more Yang okay someone that likes tea and hot   drinks is more Yin in nature someone that like ice  cold drinks is more Yang in nature someone that's   deficient versus someone that's excess a Yin  condition is more deficient a Yang the more excess   but again not every Yang condition is excess and  not every Yang condition is deficient it's just   comparing the two okay so you got a bunch more  on the other side there we said dark and bright   right cold and hot heavy versus light wet or damp  versus dry soft versus hard right so you can look   at there's the feminine and masculine energy and  look at all of them and compare the Yin and Yang   so those are opposites now the second thing about  the Yin and Yang is that they can transform into   each other right and it's a qualitative change  because we need certain condition to be able   to change so the egg change into the chick which  becomes the chicken and then the chicken lays the   egg and then the egg change into the chick which  becomes the chicken and which one came first the   egg or the chicken don't ask me that question  but it's the same at night changes in today   and the day change in tonight and the cycle keeps  repeating itself right so what does that mean well   it means that also in diseases and disorders they  can change into each other as well so for example   someone wakes up in the morning with flu-like  symptoms like feverish and a sore throat and   feeling like oh no one I think I'm coming down  with the flu which is more of a Yang disorder in   nature but then the next day that person wakes up  and now they're completely stuffy they feel achy   shivery they want warm tea and they realize oh I  thought I had the flu but no it's just a cold and   now I feel all tired that's more Yin in nature  so the fluish symptoms became the cold symptoms   and that couldn't go the other way around as well  so it's very often that the disorder can change   and it's the same thing with we talked about  introverted versus extroverted for example my   husband was very introverted as a teenager very  shy subconscious would not talk to people very   reserved now he's the life of the party he's the  extroverted guy and loves to be around people and   make fun of everything and be the clown and be the  center of attention completely different and maybe   when it becomes older he'll go back into being  a Yin person maybe you'll become a grumpy old   man and don't talk to anybody but that's the  intern transformation of Yin and Yang that's   constantly happening it's never static things  change all the time we know change is constant   that's the Yin-Yang theory right there they are  also in the interdependent of each other so they   form a whole meaning that together they are one  and they cannot exist without the other right so   the interdependence is that basically you look at  winter cannot exist without summer night cannot   exist without day the expansion cannot exist  without contraction that makes sense right   they are opposite but they are dependent of each  other the Liver and Gallbladder for example work   together right they work together and they can be  separated we can have our Gallbladder removed but   then that affects everything in the digestive  system right forever so the body cannot be   separated from the mind they are dependent of each  other that makes sense good Yin and Yang also have   a mutual consumption and again it's a quantitative  change meaning there's an adjustment continuously   that has to happen for keeping the relative level  of Yin and Yang balance so the balance between the   rest and activity is one that is has to happen  in order for balance to stay constant so for not   Yin to be too much or Yang to be too much or not  enough there's got to be a balance between rest   and activity so when we exercise this is very  Yang in nature we move we do a lot of exercise   we get hot and warm sweaty this is very Yang in  nature but we also need to balance this with Yin   time Yin time means rest on so sleep relaxation  meditation time to read a book using our mind   instead of our body right so we need to balance  constantly the Yin and the Yang within our body   and that's what us as practitioners we try to do  with patients is to keep their Yin and Yang as   balanced as possible that's the first thing we  want to do is to keep a homeostasis or a state   of complete health that's our goal now we said  earlier nothing is totally Yin and nothing is   totally Yang so let's look at the extrovert person  who likes to sing and be with people and party   in order to stay balanced that person needs some  downtime like a massage or meditation or reading a   book but they need Yin time or downtime in order  for their excess extroverted personality to be   balanced and otherwise there's gonna be an out  of balance person and an unhealthy person who's   gonna eventually get sick or get a disorder the  introvert person usually loves their downtown they   like to read to be by themself to create maybe  like to paint love to walk by themself or go for   a run on the own but often they also still need  other people and social interaction otherwise   they're gonna feel imbalance and depress and  lonely so they still need interaction and a lot   of time teachers can be very much introverted but  they feel comfortable in a classroom environment   because they are in control of the students so  that's the constant balance there's nothing can   be totally Yin or totally Yang and as we said  earlier there's always the seed of Yin within   Yang and the seed of Yang within Yin when it comes  to the Yin-Yang theory in Chinese medicine the Yin   organs are the lung heart liver spleen kidney and  pericardium for specifically meridians organs and   system their opposite Yang organ or the large  intestine the small intestine the gallbladder   the stomach the urinary bladder and the San Jiao  in English called the triple burner triple warmer   or triple heater those organ or system and  meridians are going to be very important in   the way we're going to diagnose people using Yin  and Yang theory to help us figure out what's out   of balance with each patient and how we're gonna  go about treatment so let's look at the pathology   in general and excess of Yang so Yang is more  warm in nature or fire right so if we have an   excess of Yang within the body we're gonna have  heat syndrome we're gonna have symptoms that are   gonna have a lot of heat into them in excess  of Yin the Yin is the cold part of everything   opposite of Yang right so if Yang is heat again  Yin is cold in excess of Yin causes cold syndrome   so we're gonna have a lot of cold symptoms now a  deficiency of Yang a deficiency of Yang means that   you know fire since Yang is your fire the fire in  you is not there you have lost your fire or if you   want to see it as a house the heater in the house  is broken and if the heat in the house is broken   the house is gonna be really cold right the heater  is broken no heat in the house more than a couple   now if there's a deficiency of Yin remember Yin  is the cold part of you if you have no cooling   system the Yin part of you is your cooling system  right if your cooling system is broken or your air   conditioning in the house is broken the house is  gonna be hot it's gonna feel that make sense so   excess of Yang too much fire causes you to feel  hot but the AC the air conditioning within your   body or the deficiency of Yin also causes you to  feel hot excess of Yin too much cold in the body   is gonna make you feel cold but Yang deficiency  or your heating system is broken then obviously   you're gonna feel cold also so the idea is to look  at those and say well how do I know if this person   has excess Yang or Yin deficiency because they're  both gonna feel hot how do I know if this person   is Yang deficiency or Yin excess because they both  gonna feel cool we need to figure out how those   differences are happening in symptoms because  the treatment is going to be completely different   so homeostasis is the line where basically  everything is in balance and the person is   super duper rocking healthy if we have excess Yin  so above the line too much cold in our body then   we are that if we have not enough fire in the  body a Yang deficiency we also feel cold so we   have to figure out how do we know the difference  well Yin excess or excess cold in the body always   congeal it creates blood stagnation meaning that  it becomes an ice cube so blood circulation is   impaired and the blood circulation not being able  to properly reach certain areas is gonna cult is   gonna cause some pain symptom so excess Yin is  gonna stop blood circulation and create pain now   compared to Yang deficiency there is no fire no  heat because it is broken or it's not working so   our fire is down our heat is down we have no  energy no energy very very fatigued so we're   gonna compare those two and see the differences  because after all if you have excess Yin see above   the homeostasis on you want to get rid of the  excess that's your treatment while if you have   Yang deficiency then what you need to do is tonify  right boost it you need to lift it back up to this   homeostasis line so the treatment is not the same  it's completely different with Yin excess we are   gonna get rid of the excess and we're gonna move  the blood circulation with the Yang deficiency we   need to bring the heat back up so let's look  at the different symptoms Yin excess versus   Yang deficiency so we know which one it is usually  someone that has Yin excess has tendency to have   constipation which feels much better after a bowel  movement while someone that's Yang deficient it's   gonna have tendency to have undigested food in the  stool loose stool diarrhea with undigested food   and feel tired after the bowel movement the person  that's Yin excess very difficult and warming up in   excess I'll give you a syndrome frostbite people  that go and have frostbite on their fingers they   can't warm up it takes forever the fingers are so  cold so painful there's no blood circulation they   turned blue and purple right because there's no  circulation while someone that's Yang deficient   if you bundle them up and keep them nice and cozy  and a lot of clothes they can eventually warm up   as I said earlier Yin excess says people will  have local local pain right very local pain so   you can have menstruation pain that happens during  menstruation that stabbing strong pain but it's   relieved by warmth so when we put a heating pad  on the lower belly then the pain gets better or we   can have pain like sciatica sciatica pain on the  glutes that is really painful but when we put the   heat on it he feels much better ok so a local pain  bluish color for Yin excess so like I said blueish   fingers would be what we present a Yin excess with  a Yang deficiency if we have something it will be   definitely milder it won't be as strong and it  will be better on massage so if someone gives   you a nice rub a nice massage you feel much better  while usually the person that is Yin excess does   not like to be massaged because it hurts and  it makes it very pain now someone that's Yin   exercise usually a pale bluish face it's kind of  like a bluish tone bluish purple tone because no   circulation compared to someone that has no fire  and that's really fatigued and has no energy there   tone is gonna be pale and their face is gonna be  pale because they have no fire no heat so no color   it is also going to be puffy face and swollen  tongue because if there is no fire the water   circulation in the body is not going to happen and  we're gonna have some water retention happening   often edema and swelling that's chronic not acute  Jung deficiency is usually not always but usually   something that is more chronic why while the Yin  excess can be chronic or acute more often and   again nothing is totally one way or the other  this is just comparing those two good alright   let's continue now let's talk about again that  homeostasis line and now we have Yin deficiency   meaning not enough cooling system so we are down  no cooling system the AC is broken so we feel hot   or we have too much fire too much heat excess  Yang in our body and we need to clear that up   while the Yin deficiency will need to nourish and  boost it back up to the line right so it's a very   different treatment so the difference here that  we can look at is a Yin deficiency which has no   AC no cooling system is small heat symptom while  the young excess all this excess fire is big heat   symptom what does that mean when we compare  the symptoms the Yin deficiency because it's   a deficiency it's gonna have smaller symptoms  while the Yang excess will have big symptoms so   let's see what does that look like Yang excess  person and the Yin deficiency person love cold   drinks because of course they are hot they want  cooling drinks right but the Yang excess is gonna   go gulp gulp while the Yin deficiency is gonna  sip sip sip see the big symptoms gulping versus   the small symptoms sipping the person that's Yang  excess just like some Simon Cowell here will have   a red face so the whole face is red in general  while the Yin deficiency only has red cheeks   not the whole face just red cheeks okay the Yang  excess is very restless cannot sit down shaky leg   body that cannot stop while the person that's  Yin deficiency is not necessarily moving but   they're very anxious inside with in their mind in  their body the Yang excess feels hot all the time   all day all the time while Yin deficiency only  feels hot in the evening and at night because   night time it's Yin time well so the Yang excess  person is gonna sweat a lot all the time while the   Yin deficiency person usually sweats at night the  Yang excess is gonna have a red tongue and so is   the Yin deficiency because they both have heat but  the excess can have excess meaning a yellow coat   on the tongue more on the tongue right an extra  yellow coat while the Yin deficiency has nothing   its deficient so it has no coat and sometimes  can be cracked so that's how we compare the two   because we are gonna treat them differently can  Yang excess lead to Yin deficiency absolutely it   can can you have both yes we're just comparing and  differentiating but yes you can have both that's   it for me today I hope the Yin-Yang theory was  made easy for you to grasp review and enjoy in   this course if you want more go and check out the  Facebook page daily fun post videos every day I   create them all myself so go ahead and check  them out check out obviously anything on the   website for a lot of resources more courses  videos PDF and lots of online continuing   education as well for all the acupuncture  professionals so go to   if you want more stuff in the meantime have a  fantastic day and keep rocking it using TCM!