in this video I'm going to share with you every fat loss technique and hack in less than 12 minutes you can finally get the six-pack I already know you have and feel as good as possible let's start with number one eat ramen noodles to get a six-pack you see you have some Fitness gurus telling you oh liquids are best to make you feel full other guys will tell you oh it's solids that are the best to make you feel full well they're both wrong and I'm going to show you with science there was a specific study where researchers wanted to see how different foods liquids and solids made participants feel full what they found was interesting liquids made you feel full faster because they expanded the stomach instantly but this feeling didn't last long on the other hand solids took longer to make you feel full because it takes your body time to break down the food however you end up staying feeling full for longer but they didn't even stop there they discovered something even more interesting thick soups which have both liquid and solid parts are the best at making you feel full because they expand your stomach initially like liquids do so you feel full fast but the solid parts make you feel full for longer number two walk on sand to lose belly fat look when you're just doing a simple walk your body is burning calories just to be able to move and balance itself depending on the terrain what that basically means is that the harder the terrain you walk on the more calories you'll burn so for example the average man will burn around 150 calories an hour walking on concrete walking on grass or dirt you're going to burn around 160 calories but when you walk on sand well you can burn up to 3 350 calories an hour meaning that if you just replace your daily walk around your neighborhood with a nice walk on the beach or take a her on her first date on a nice walk on the beach you could be burning an extra 200 calories a day without doing any effort now of course you can't Target belly fat but the more calories you burn the more fat you burn on your body overall and just with these two steps which are incredibly simple you're already on track to start losing weight and I have nine more fat loss techniques that you've probably never heard of this takes us to number three drink water at the right temperature to lose weight faster look most people will they'll drink water one of two ways without realizing that one way will make them burn fat without even trying one group loves to drink their water at room temperature while other people like to drink their water freezing cold now this was studied in a German paper where they gave 14 participants 2 L of cold water and then they ask them to drink that water throughout the day the researchers track the metabolism of the participants and that those who drank the cold water burned in extra 100 calories a day without even trying which means for yourself I need you to buy a big theris of water add some ice to it in the morning and then throughout the day you need to drink that entire jug of water number four never eat between these specific hours if you want a six-pack you see when you're exercising your body will use two fuel sources first is the glycogen stored in your muscles this comes from eating carbohydrates once your body depletes these glycogen stores it will switch over to the second fuel source which is burning fat so here's a quick way to make sure that you're always burning fat as soon as you wake up first I need you to stop eating at least 3 hours before bed this will allow your body more time to digest the food and also burn fat as you sleep next you will refrain from eating within the first hour of your day and if possible try to exercise in that hour this way your body will use your body fat as fuel source leading to much faster and better results with fat loss now this this is just a trick to kind of guess when you're burning fat or carbs throughout the day now if you want to be precise like I am I use trackers for everything I have a tracker for my sleep and I even have a tracker for my metabolism to know when is it that I'm burning fat and when is it that I'm burning carbs now how it works it's actually pretty dope it's from a company called Lumen it's a little device and all you do is breathe into it then the device will measure your CO2 from your breath to tell me whether I'm using glycogen which is the carbs or fat as my fuel source on a 1 to 5 scale now when I blow into it and I see that I'm burning more fat bro that's when I go extra hard in the gym cuz I know my body is using all my fat stores which is great that's when you start getting shredded and then on days that or on times that I'm noticing that I'm burning more carbs I can be a little bit more relaxed cuz I know my body is using more of the glycogen stores now you can do it the freeway and just predict and assume when you're burning carbs or fats or you can be precise like I am and check out this device bro this device will change the gain for you when it comes to Fat Loss I'm going to have it linked down below and I'm also going to give you a 15% discount which is going to be an absolute steal bro if you want to get a six-pack for summer this is your hat you guys want to check it out it'll be linked down below number five replace cold water immersion with heat immersion there is a common belief that when you sit in ice bath it will help you burn more calories but according to science this is actually not true actually there's a way to burn 20 times more calories you see in a study published in the National Library of Medicine they had participants sit in an ice bath for 20 minutes and then they tracked their metabolism they found that sitting in an ice bath only burned an extra 10 to 20 calories during that period in contrast another study conducted a similar study with participants sitting in a sauna for 4 10minute sessions in this study they found participants burned up to 400 calories meaning that rather than sitting in an ice cold bath sign up to a local gym that has a sauna you can use and start using that to get shredded number six eat McDonald's chicken nuggets to burn 30% % more calories food is made out of three major macronutrients fats protein and carbs one of these is harder to digest which leads to 30% more calories being burned when you do digest it for example if you eat 100 calories of fat your body will burn around 3 calories to digest it if you eat 100 calories of carbs your body will burn around 20 calories to digest it but if you eat 100 calories of protein your body will burn 30 calories to digested meaning that if you want to burn more fat while eating the same amount of calories just eat more protein so for example if you go to McDonald's rather than getting a large side of fries just get an order of 10 chicken nuggets they're both 500 calories but the nuggets have far more protein meaning your body will use more calories to digest it not to mention the Nuggets will also make you feel Fuller for longer by doing this not only do you remove your body's Reliance on carbohydrate but also increase the rate at which your body uses fat as a fuel fuel source which is the goal and again like I told you if you want to be precise with this you need to know when is it that your body is using fat or cars as a fuel source so get yourself a metabolism tractor like the one from Lumen that I showed you the the one that I use that way you can monitor your protein intake and reduce your carbs here's what's great about Lumen when my body is using more fat as a fuel source I'm going to get notifications on my app cuz it's connected to my phone on how I can better optimize my day to continue burning more calories cuz the on burning is coming from fat essentially it's like having me in your pocket a metabolism coach telling you exactly what to do right when your body's Prime for it and if you guys check it out you're going to get 15% off number seven use non-exercise activity thermogenesis look when you exercise your body uses calories this is called thermogenesis but your body also uses calories when you're doing everyday activities around the house this is known as non-exercise activity thermogenesis in other words neat so I'm going to give you a five-step routine that you can use to increase your knat around the house first grab your Fone put on some music put on a podcast put on a free Audi book then follow this five-step routine I want you to vacuum your room for 10 minutes this will burn around 37 calories then make your bed thoroughly this will burn around 23 calories then wash the dishes that you have this is going to burn around 26 calories then iron any clothes you have for 20 minutes this will burn around 50 calories and then finally wipe down all the surfaces in your room for around 10 minutes this will burn around 7 calories by following this routine you're going to clean your room and burn an extra 173 calories in the process Boys by this point I'm helping you lose weight with science doing things you've never heard of by eating more ramen noodles by walking in the Sand by changing the temperature of your water by eating at the right times of your day by increasing hot exposure by eating McDonald's nuggets and now just by cleaning your room the point is I'm getting your body to burn more fat which is the goal so you can get the six-pack you want and I'm not even done there are four more science back fat loss techniques I want you to start implementing this takes me to number eight drink this amount of water every single day there was a study conducted on 173 overweight participants each of them consume 2 L of water a day and experience significant weight loss this is because when you consume this much water your body will experience three things more fullness fewer cravings and an increase in metabolism so moving forward buy a single 2 L bottle of water at your local supermarket and make it your mission to finish that bottle of water every single day and remember like I told you before make sure it's cold now before every meal breakfast lunch and dinner out of that bottle I want you to drink two cups of water before you even start eating this will prevent you from overeating number nine eat from smaller plates to get a six-pack a metaanalysis conducted out of the University of Chicago conducted a study to find out how plate sides impacts weight what they found was that smaller plates reduced overeating and increased weight loss so you're going to take three steps to use this to your advantage first if you love sugary drinks like sodas with your dinner I want you to pour it into a small shop glass to reduce the amount of intake second when you're eating your meals use the smallest utensils you can find for example replace your standard spoon with a dessert spoon and third use a small saucer plate instead of a large dinner plate by doing this you're going to have to Plate your food sit down eat and if you want to refill you have to get up go get the food and come back this will reduce the chances of you doing that all of these techniques will slow down your eating Pace making you eat less food number 10 balance your day with these micro workouts look when you're trying to lose weight no doubt you're going to feel hungry in the evening to manage this craving and not go over my calories I like to do micro workouts that burn the same amount of calories as the ones I'm consuming for example let's say I want to eat a pudding cup and it's 130 calories so to stay within my calorie limit I need to burn 128 calories so here are a few microw workouts El you can do I know every single push-up Burns around 33 calories that means I need to do around 389 push-ups one squat Burns around the same amount of calories which means I need to do around 389 squats one pull-up Burns around 1 calorie which means I need to do around 128 pull-ups and 1 minute of walking Burns around 3.5 calories which means I need to go for around a 37 minute walk typically I choose one or a combination of these micro exercises to balance out my calorie intake number 11 eat more food to lose weight faster see most people will tell you oh reduce the amount that you're eating to lose more weight but let's be real this approach will leave you feeling hungry and craving even more the food that you love so instead you should decrease the calorie density of the food that you're consuming by choosing healthier alternatives for example swap sugary drinks like coke with a zero calorie alternative like Coke Zero replace high calorie snacks such as chips with low calorie popcorn substitute sugary chocolate bars for a protein bar go for leaner cuts of meat like turkey bacon instead of dense Cuts like actual and replace full fat milk with Alternatives like zeroc calorie almond milk if you do this everything else I just shared on this fat burning list you're going to get to your dream six pack in no time and not even feel it