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Exploring Theories of Child Development
Sep 1, 2024
Theories in Child Development
Overview of various theories in child development.
Importance of revisiting these theorists as they help explain human behavior.
Understanding Theory
Definition: A theory is an explanation or generalization of phenomena, similar to gravity.
Challenges in creating a unified theory of child development due to human complexity.
Comparison to blind individuals describing an elephant based on limited perspectives.
Multidisciplinary Approach
Best research involves collaboration across fields (linguistics, neuroscience, health).
Aim: Identify patterns in development and formulate explanations.
Importance of multicultural perspectives in research.
Key Themes in Childhood Development
Shape of Development
: Debate between discrete steps (stairs) vs. gradual change (ramp).
: Critical and sensitive periods in development (e.g., forming attachments).
Source of Development
: Nature (heredity) vs. nurture (environment).
Major Theoretical Areas
1. Ethology
Focus on inherited behaviors from evolutionary history (Darwin).
Sociobiology examines how social behaviors aid survival.
2. Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory
Proposed three elements of personality:
: Basic desires and instincts (the baby self).
: Moral constraints learned from society.
: Balances needs and societal rules.
Developmental stages include:
Oral, anal, phallic phases.
Notable for the concept of penis envy.
3. Erikson's Psychosocial Development
Identity and social bonding through eight stages of development.
Emphasis on trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. shame, etc.
Sequential model where earlier stages must be resolved to progress.
4. Behaviorism
Classical Conditioning
(Pavlov, Little Albert experiment): Conditioning responses through stimuli.
Operant Conditioning
(Skinner): Modifying behavior using reinforcers and punishers.
Positive/negative reinforcement increases behavior.
Punishment decreases behavior.
5. Bandura's Social Learning Theory
Emphasizes learning through observation and modeling.
Introduced the concept of self-efficacy, influencing motivation and learning.
6. Information Processing Model
Compares brain function to computers.
Information moves from sensory memory to working memory and finally to long-term memory.
Incremental learning process.
7. Piaget's Cognitive Development
Stages of cognitive growth from concrete to abstract reasoning.
Emphasized sequential progression through developmental stages.
8. Vygotsky's Socio-Cultural Theory
Learning is a social process guided by more knowledgeable others.
Introduced the concept of the zone of proximal development (ZPD).
Importance of cultural and psychological tools in learning.
9. Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory
Development must be studied in context; various systems influence behavior.
Systems range from immediate family to broader societal influences.
Reflect on a personal developmental change for discussion.
Utilize terminology from the theories to articulate personal experiences.
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