Transcript for:
Lecture Notes on Contacting the Dead

Goodmorning everyone. So, today I would talk about the dead. What word did I say, they are called dead, they are called disappeared, loved ones disappeared, those who were, those who are no longer, we never say the dead and rudeness. The dead, that is, they who are de functional, to function, who no longer function. Or from deceased, to die, to surrender for what? Give in from life to death. Therefore, we don't talk about the dead, we don't talk about the dead, unless we talk about the way of contacting the dead, which some people fear frigate, others like it a lot. Contact with the dead is sometimes possible without any preparation, without any school, because there are people who have a capacity for contact with the dead, and in general they realize it because as children or very young, sometimes even greater age, when they wake up they are almost paralyzed in a middle world and see a lot of people, which are normally people who are in the world of the astral , and that is, the astral is a middle world, at least the one that is in contact with the earth is a middle world, then there are other worlds. There are many worlds that I do not know, my knowledge is very limited, mind you, even if it is far superior to that of many others but it is limited, we are limited, then there will be someone who has much more than me, indeed, I would also like to know him, perhaps to compare ourselves. Contact with the dead is possible especially if we are not afraid. You will understand .. what I said, not being afraid of the dead means not being afraid of death, we are afraid of death, because the death we know, or at least, the danger of dying that we know is that of abandonment, of abuse, reproach, all the negative things they gave us especially in childhood. So we associate death with everything negative that was given to us in life, but death is not that, death is to be discovered. Contact with the dead is possible, as I said, when we are not afraid of death, when we are not afraid to go beyond this land. The fear of going beyond this earth is the fear of going beyond the mind, mind you, because what normally guarantees us our stay on this earth is the mind, the mind gives us solid pillars that make us immortal, these solid pillars are our parents , or religion, which is the same thing. In the sense that religion is a hidden parent, in fact we owe it to obedience, in fact it gives us the rules, it doesn't let us experiment, it doesn't allow us to, we just have to obey, as any parent would do, then there are also parents enlightened, but well, poor people too, they were children, they were raised like this, they grow up, they are grown children, it is not that they have changed so much, for the most part. The contact with the dead, in general, we have the people, or at least they want people often who have lost loved ones, and therefore wish to contact them to find out how they are or not losing them altogether. Now, it is clear that many films have understood this, that many people dying, remain attached to the earth, but then later they have to go, that is , it is not that they can stay here forever, they decide to stay, and I think it is a his decision, also because the feelings that guide us are not the orders, no one can be ordered to want, to stay, we may want to stay or not. So, they are people who stay close to the earth, next to certain people, because in some way they want to accomplish something, usually it is a protection, it is a help. Mind you, it's not that the dead can do everything, because in life they couldn't do anything, now suddenly when they are dead they can do everything, no, the only thing is that they can give us advice, or they can try to instill positive things, positive thoughts in other people towards us, cannot turn a person who hates us into a person who loves us. Attention, it is not possible to change the feelings of others, if not through a long spiritual journey, which follows that those who do the bills, things to change the feelings of others, like, does not love me, now I make myself loved by him or her, (usually it is women who do it,) it doesn't work, or if it works badly, because that person is attracted to a memory, usually of a sexual nature, after which he gets angry and mistreats us as well. "There," meaning if it was we who ordered this "spell." In healthy magic these things are not done, true magic, what I mean is evolutionary magic, does not aim to command others, so all the desires for power that you may have, forget it, because they are not done with me, they are not done. not out of abstract morality, but because I know what you are getting into, and also because I don't like doing it. Each has its own nature, therefore, let's say that the dead who can be contacted are people, the dead, who have remained in a middle ground, let's call it that, between our dimension is the one they must reach, and it is a temporary dimension , where they will not always remain. Sometimes it happens that a mother who has loved, as only a true mother knows how to love, a child in an absolutely altruistic way, can also stay for the whole life of the child, to protect him, to try to protect him, because it is not so easy, however. out of love he can do it. Only a true love of a mother can do this, rarely of a father, but there are also exceptions there. Of course the parent who has such a deep love is destined, I have already told you that love is one of the simplest spiritual ways, that is to say, if one already has it inside it is fantastic, slowly, slowly, it breaks everyone. obstacles, it is not easy to have it inside, it is usually reached. I was saying, if a mother has this powerful love towards her child, there is no death that changes the situation, because with death, as I said, all the mental part goes away , in the mental part there is also the our mental identity, there is our name, our surname, our past, everything we remember, the memory is erased. If we suddenly lose our memory do we no longer have a feeling? It depends, if the feeling was in the head, yes, but if the feeling was from here, we don't lose it. This is a bit of the secret of immortality, but understanding and explaining it is even more difficult. We say that we must pass from this identity to this, from the mind to the soul. The mind, which must always be there, is a means to make us live with the environment, the day when this environment changes the mind is no longer needed, but once the conditioned mind has fallen, it is replaced by instinct, it is that it is part of the soul, so it remains. Intelligent instinct, when you make one of two, etcetera, etcetera. So, these beings who are in the middle world can be contacted, but not all the dead who are in the middle world are guided by this love so strong, sometimes they are also guided by a regret for something, sometimes the passage, taking his mind off, it makes him understand what they did wrong, what they did not see about the others, those who left, and then perhaps they try to go, to make themselves understood, live survivors, to communicate their regret for not having been able to help them , for not having been able to understand them, etc. sometimes it happens. Sometimes it happens that the dead communicate with each other to help a living, that is, if a dead man has to help a living in a decision, in a field that is not relevant to him, he can turn to others and get advice, strange isn't it? But it happens, I've seen it done, I've seen it happen. In the world around the earth some dead may remain because they have not been able, for example, to understand their children, or sons-in-law, or people they have known very intimately, and they try to remedy this. It is not for a path of redemption, it is not that with this they must acquire merits in heaven, that is, we do not put this morality in the middle, they do it precisely because they want it, because they have removed the fear of dying, therefore they have removed the conditioned mind that does not has shown things, they can see more, and then maybe they regret not having been able to help, understand, or correspond to a loved one, and then they try to make people understand this. Then there are the so-called, the ancients call them "the husks of the dead," which are astral residues but are not the dead, they are astral residues, usually not positive. They are residues of passage of the dead, who have not been very much in life, that is, which have been full of resentments, misunderstandings, little awareness, little love for others, little understanding, which they have kept, instead of a big love a great anger and hostility towards others, sometimes they go to break the boxes, it is true they exist, but they are rare. A moment that I take the mint hoping that nothing will happen .. There are those who teach the ability to speak with the dead, maybe it is also true, it depends on who does it, if it is a real person it is true, if it is a false person it is false. There is of course a way to get to everything on your own, but it is a little more difficult, let's say, but as I said, the invisible entities are not only these, on the contrary, all in all they are a minority. There are other invisible entities that can be contacted, the invisible entities easier to contact are those inherent in the earth, and they are generally those who call the fairies, I have already mentioned, which are cheerful, playful creatures , sometimes even jokes in fact, and they are very happy, they love nature very much, they live inside nature, they live among the flowers, among the plants, among the bushes, in the caves, they love everything that is inherent to the vegetation, even the trees, and they live in the carefree world of eternal childhood, and they pass this on to us. Among them there are some, they are not bad but they like to make jokes and frighten, they are rascals but they are not bad, they don't want to hurt, they have fun like this. There are others that are curative, and that tend to heal us or at least improve our situation. When I speak of treatment, for heaven's sake we do not replace medical treatment with other treatments, also because it is clear that the creatures succeed, this is to be explained, they manage to cure us, in part, because most of our ills, if not all, in in reality they all have a psychic component. Of course if I go under a machine there is no psychic component, but my ability to heal, taking into account the amount of damage, also depends a lot on my psychic ability, on how long I want to live, and on how good the person is. doctor who also treats me. The fact that almost everything is psychic does not mean that we should not be treated, that is, if I get gastritis because I have anxiety, I have to treat gastritis, it is not that since there is anxiety then I leave gastritis there, otherwise I get an ulcer for example, so I mean, it is important to understand the origin of the ailments, but it is also important to treat yourself in the most suitable way, then everyone chooses his own way. There are those who love homeopathic, alternative medicine, etc., etc., or the allopathic one, this is to everyone's taste, but the important thing is to take care of yourself, also because if you have a very bad health the initiatory path is difficult. , evolution is very difficult, because we are taken by something else. I was saying that there are these other presences who sometimes take care of us physically too, and sometimes they take care of us also psychically, in the sense that they try to give us a better tone, which is then important for everything else, because if we have a better tone increases our immune defenses, while if we have a low tone, that is if we are very depressed, discharged, desperate, hopeless, etc. our immune defenses are very low. This is very important, so the doctor tells you, be calm, don't get angry .. Difficult .. it is not that one can order it, but he rightly gives the indications, to say that it also depends on how you are, on that that you carry with you. The fact of being able to communicate with the dead is linked to the matter of being able to enter a different dimension, how? Everyone has their own way, usually people in the dark see something, like a bright dot or a slight light, then there are those who see the eye, and abandoning themselves through this, a stronger light enters and changes the view and yes enter a parallel world which is this. If we are lucky, if all goes well we enter this one, otherwise we enter another as well. In this world there is the possibility of being contacted by a loved one, but also by others less expensive, that is, the risk of seeking the presence of the dead is to run into a negative astral. All invisible creatures belong to the astral, the astral is the area without stars, without light, dark, dark for us not for them. It's dark because we don't see it, so dark for us, it's dark for us. Being able to contact certain people has no contraindications other than this, also says Blavatsky, Helena Blavatsky, that of theosophy, who when you go into the darkness of the astral does not come out without a snake attached, and by snake means that then something we carry with us, even negatively, indeed I would say above all negatively, it depends on our evolution, if we have overcome or not, the most negative aspects of us. More negative aspects of us that can be both ours, but also those who have served us up, that is, if our parents hated us we find them there, because it is something that we had to cancel, so we find it in front of us. In the astral dimension we also find our past, if we have not deciphered, interpreted, understood and therefore weakened the emotions it entails. So we all have emotions closed in a part of ourselves , which can open the moment we try to get in touch with the dark side, the less known side, the unconscious means not known, and there we can enter. anything, even the black astral. The astral black, and here by black I mean the negative one, that is, that of the suffering souls who want to make others suffer, which is the explanation. They are so suffering that since they have no hope of getting better, they want to make others suffer too, which is a bit the same reason why the executioners on earth, the torturers do this in short, are so sick that they enjoy seeing suffer others too, because then they are not only victims but are also persecutors, since they have been persecuted, they have allied themselves with the persecutor, and therefore in turn persecute. It is a mechanism that affects us a little at all, when we have suffered from "not very nice" things, we ally with the parent. Not very nice even at a minimum level, that is also the fact that the parent may not have really understood us, because he had his worries, his evils, his distortions, etc. This not being understood brings us pain, it has brought us pain, so the child, by reaction, tends to ingratiate himself with the parent, to ingratiate himself with the parent, tries to become what the parent thinks he wanted him to be. Try to become what the parent wants, and then try to be good, or try to be strong, or try other things, depending on what the parent thinks he wants. It's like women, (more women than men,) trying to be the way the guy wants them, "I'll be the way you want me." Basically they do nothing but repeat the experience they had with the parent. Trying to be as the parent wants is practically trying to be like the parent, so if the parent is one who bullies, abuses others, exercises power, he will become one who exercises power over others. , so it nourishes this part that is in everyone, because it grows as a part detached from us, it grows on its own, and we welcome it only in moments of great emotion, of a relationship with others that gives us great emotion , because it reminds us of something, because it brings us back to the past. I was saying, we all have this allied side a bit, but it depends on how strong it is. This part allied with the negative parent is in another dimension, from which it rarely makes itself heard, more or less rarely. If the part is very strong the negative astral can take over and make its use, and then here we have for example the splits, with a more positive part a more negative part, with a more condescending part with a less condescending part, but beware it is not compliance that makes us contact the negative astral or not, but it is anger and not understanding anger that makes us vulnerable to the astral . As I have already said, the negative astral usually ignores us, and thank goodness, also because the danger of these speeches that I am making, and I repeat it, and I will repeat it several times, is that someone goes out of his mind, because he loves feel persecuted, because he has the delusions of persecution. Persecution delusions, psychologically speaking, exist, and generally derive from negative events that we have received and that we have canceled, not reminding us that people in our childhood treated us badly, we attribute it to the present, because we do not remember it. , as always, that is, we project it, we cancel it and we project it. So does anyone want to hurt us? It is not our parent who got angry because we broke a dear object, so he wants to give us a bang, but it is the so-and-so party that is hatching a political plot with other people for which Italy will be under , etc., etc. Or there is a plot to prevent us who feel these delusions of persecution, to prevent us from speaking, from being heard, from reporting, etc. These delusions of persecution derive from our experience, the astral does not need to interfere because we do everything by ourselves, we prepare the soup, that is, we prepare the ground for them to be able, one day when we abandon the earth, devour us and take us away. Conversely, the negative astral moves and tries to capture the moment in which we begin to awaken, and this is a very important moment, and therefore next time, or in the next few times, I will talk about how we can realize that we are awakening, that is of the negative astral, a greeting to all.