I feel a deep spiritual manifestation on the atmosphere and I believe that tonight is a night of shift I believe that the kingdom of God God calls people for different functions and I always try to remain faithful to my assignment which is to activate people's Destiny so I stand before you tonight as a prophet with a word that the spirit has downloaded in me and this prophetic word is to manifest over our lives and over this nation and what God is about to do in the world and I believe that tonight the holy spirit is giving you an invitation to participate in what he is about to do in this planet we are going to see things that we have never seen before we're going to witness a number of Salvation that we have never seen before and God is preparing the generation for this moment and so I want to speak to you tonight not from my mind not from my own wisdom I want to speak to you through the holy spirit is that okay um but before we do that can we give God a big hand of praise for the pastors amen my brother my sister I love you in Christ I am honored to be here amen and I thank God for their lives we don't have many pastors like them anymore and we have to treasure amen we have to treasure the gifts that God gives to the church I want to start by reading Matthew chapter 24 and I'm going to go straight into the word of God Matthew 24:2 to 8 and then I'll read from 10 to 14 you can sit down and follow me as I read Matthew 24 amen Matthew 24 if you found it just say amen I like us to follow amen follow together scripture so if you don't have a Bible maybe it's going to be on the screen yes it is there it is amen amen if you don't have a Bible Bible on your smart phone you can look at the screen it's very important because everything I'm preaching to you tonight will be from the word he says then he asked him you see all these do you not truly I tell you not one stone will be left upon another all will be thrown down and when he was sitting on the Mount of Olives the disciples came to him privately slain tell us when will this be and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of age and Jesus answered them beware that no one leads you astray for many will come in my name saying I am the Messiah and they will lead many astray and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you are not alarmed for this must take place but the end is not yet for nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places and all this is but the beginning of the birth panss the many will fall away and they will betray one another and hate one another and many false prophets will arise and Lead many astr and because of the increase of lawlessness the love of many will grow old but the one who endures to the end will be saved and this good news of the Kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the world as a testimony to All Nation and then the end will come can you say amen amen amen amen I want to talk to you that we are living and I cannot affirm theologically but I can give you my opinion my prophetic opinion that we are living and we are coming into the season of what I believe is the end times the Bible refers to the end times and a lot of people mistaken the end time as the end of everything not realizing that the Greek expression to the end time is actually the end of an era in other words the end of a season to begin a new season but the Prophet Daniel he expresses through his Visions what this would look like when he has a vision of a statue and in that statue he sees the dominions in the kingdoms that will come upon the Earth that will establish the rules and if you look at to the bottom of the statue you will see that he saw the mix of clay and iron and he begins to see a symbolism of democracy coming into place as a power but once he sees all these Powers manifest he sees a stone a large Rock and the Bible says that in Daniel's Vision this rock would come and crash the statue representing Jesus yeshua's Kingdom and he says that that Kingdom would subdue would rule the Kings and the rulers of the world and his kingdom would be established forever so when we read in the Bible Jesus referring to the end time it's not so much what Hollywood has portrayed as the end of all things the Earth gets destroyed everything is destroyed and a bunch of uh um um um holy people are taken away and and we never see them again right that's what many of us believe or perceive not realizing that we have mistaken our interpretation that we are so focused about going up that we forget that we're coming back down we forget that he's coming to establish a kingdom we forget that the end time is not actually the end of all things but is the end of man's rule so that a Eternal rule begins and within that rule he will give an inheritance to each according to the works that they have performed through the gifts that he has granted them in fact the Bible says that Jesus says that he will make you rulers over cities governments Nations each according to their inheritance according to their price and we' have often mistaken the galadon of the Kingdom to the gift of Salvation And so we think well if I am saved that means I automatically inherit the Kingdom well it cannot be because the inheritance of kingdom is given according to the works but Salvation is not according to the works it's a gift that God gives you for free there is nothing you can do within the pyramids of Salvation that you can guarantee it if not by the blood of Jesus it is by the power of Jesus by his blood by the cross that is sufficient enough enough that is the only Power that can save me and you in fact the Bible says he chose you before you chose him salvation is a gift of Revelation when you come into the presence of Jesus when you hear a message the Holy Spirit who is the only one that can convince men of his sins he convinces you and then you accept that gift that's salvation but the kingdom The Works of the Kingdom the gift of the Kingdom that is done by us that is our effort that is what we put into it and that is what we do through the activations of the gift of the holy spirit in our lives are you with me here say amen amen so we have mistaken things because a lot of us think well if I'm saved then that means that everything is all right I'm saved now so if I'm saved I can sit back and watch the world burn as I'm saved because it doesn't matter and we misinterpret things like when Paul says I'm not from this world I'm an alien I'm a passenger and we're so focused about going going going going we forget that we only go for seven years and come back down and the question is when we come back down what does that look like for me and you there is an inheritance to claim in fact there is a Golden Crown to claim there is a a a a a city to walk upon which is made of Golds there are ranks there are things that God will establish in his kingdom that he wants to give me and you but he's also saying that for you to inherit the Kingdom you also need to work for this Kingdom you cannot just be saved and sit on your salvation like everything is okay are you with me here and so we we we've become what I call religious uh uh uh um Liars because we we give the excuse that Jesus is coming back for us to be Exempted from The Things Are happened in the world not realizing that this world matters so much that he wants to bring his kingdom to the Earth this is serious because we we we walk around like Christians like God called us to be in four walles we walk around like our kingdom ends here it starts here and it ends here when we don't realize that God is calling us to take Dominion back to something that was created for us to rule in the first place and until the church understands that we are not a system that fits in the system we are going to be limited in what the kingdom wants to manifest through our lives oh God help me cuz I came as a prophet tonight we are seeing a terrible thing happen to the church right now because the church is almost uh uh we call it Modern Times And we need to catch up let me tell you something you can catch up all you want but there's only one thing that can break the Yoke of a person's life and the Bible calls it the anointing of the Holy Spirit and it doesn't matter how many screens we buy how many microphones we buy it doesn't matter how many uh followers on Instagram we obtain and how many YouTube videos we get and how many people we reach out there if there is no anointing to what we're doing it is void it's in vain because people are yoked and they don't want to hear anymore about your information they want something that can get them out of the mess they in they need something that can show them something Beyond The Darkness that's trapping them that's training them and so the world is tired of Jesus loves you I I'm only staring but I'm going to preach this thing tonight because the devil should have killed me while he had a chance and when I came on this walk I said my mouth will be a peace to you and God is saying to the UK that a time is coming where we need to stop looking to America and this and that and awaken within our nation that there is an anointing in the atmosphere and God is saying who is the next one to take it I walk in the land where John Knox walked I walk in the land where John Wesley walked I walk in a land where Spurgeon would sit down and preach for hours and hours and hours at the Tabernacle in elephant castle and cues and cues and cues of people who line up to hear the gospel and we look around now and we think that all we see is dry bones but God is saying that there is a kingdom to manifest within the kingdom and that kingdom is taken by force it says you will hear rumors of War you're going to hear the political signs we're living that right now country threatened countries just today they found two bombers U um flying near Alaska near the territory of America Russian and China the bombers they they they provoking each other and and and there's rumors of war is the war going to happen is it going to come and we don't know we're on the edge governments don't have solution to our problems anymore famine has gone beyond the control of money with all the money in the world we cannot kill famine pestilence that we have no control over and man of dark powers that use pestilence to make income out of the pestilence and we take medications and things that we don't even realize the deepness of the works of the spirit of lawlessness and when the Bible talks about Jesus saying the spirit of lawlessness is coming upon the Earth Jesus says the spirit of liness will take such place that the hearts will become cold the spirit of lowless is the spirit of the Antichrist Jesus said the spirit of the Antichrist is here but he's yet to come in other words he's operating preparing the way for when the man does manifest himself everything will be on the plate for him and a lot of us think that the this will only happen when the Antichrist shows up no it's already happening before our very eyes because when he comes there will be no resistance to him there will be no difficult for him he's not going to have to do rallies and travel the world and do political stands like we seen with Trump and all this in America he would just be there and people will follow him why cuz everything is that we're going to destroy the ideology of family we're going to feed the generation principles and and oh God help me I know this is probably being recorded but God did not call us to be in favor for lgbtq and whatever other cues they want to put at the end and and so he's going to normalize all these things into we are so normal with it that we become desensitized to it to the point where we're no longer bothered about it and we call it peace that's false peace that is not the Peace of Yeshua in his kingdom because the Peace of Yeshua causes div Vision the pece of Yeshua causes rejection and persecution because his peace is not a peace of the world his peace is a peace of his authority and the establishment of his kingdom but we we becoming the church where oh it's okay you know we don't want to offend him and we don't want to offend her and it's not her and him anymore we got people are cats and and elephants and we got people that want to be what they want to be so identity is gone out of the roof we no longer have our own substance and source of identity social media is a guideline the people will spend more hours on social media to the point that the human brain is in evolution now our spam is 20 seconds and the devil has been preparing this for millenniums where the church cries if the preacher preaches for more than 30 minutes because we're so used to everything being rapid and quick and quick and quick and what the enemy was doing was trapping you from remaining in his presence because when you remain in his presence when you want revelation of the Kingdom you can't put a time on him you can't detect to him when and how it happens the spirit of God manifests and when he manifest he sometimes wants to take his time but we we're too busy we got to work we got to pay bills we going to follow the system of the world and and we don't realize that the apostles were not like us but we call ourselves Apostles but they were not like us they didn't walk like us and didn't behave like us cuz these men were thrown off walls and stoned almost to death and ping bats and prisons and shackles but the gospel was preached with power and signs follow them with wonders but we can't even get someone's head they to disappear and we're F in first class and I'm looking around the world and uh I'm preaching around the world I speak three different languages and I'm experiencing things in my own personal life and God's breaking me because he's showing me how broken the church really is we are under a time of a broken Church how can it not be he said to himself he said many will go astray and do you know what the funny thing is we we think that this going astray is people leaving church not realizing some of us are in the church building we're already astray because we think Jesus is talking about people that walk away from the building he's talking about people that walk away from the Ecclesia which is a spiritual body which is the real church and you can be in the building and not be the church you don't want to hear me and you can sing your Kumbaya and still not be in the church and you can hop around and speak in tongues and clap your hands and come here for the prophet to prophesy over your life but the bigger prophecy that I have is that he saved me and my name is written in the book of life so I'm not too worried about those things I'm worried about what the Holy Spirit wants me to do with my life because Jeremiah thought he wanted to be a priest because his dad was a priest and God had to stop him and say hold on hold on that's not the plan that's not the conversation we have because before I formed you in your mother's womb I knew you I knew you name I knew the plans I had for you you can't be what you want to be you need to be what I called you to be but no it doesn't work like that anymore we tell God now what we want to be we tell God now what we are called for you know we was talking and I I get surprised we're in a generation where people want to be pastors they want to be prophets I'm thinking do you know what you're asking for and the truth is is that Theology of suffering has escaped the church because it's almost most a sin to be suffering now not realizing that Jesus said and I just read to you because of my name's sake you shall be persecuted they shall throw you in prison for my name's sake they shall hunt you down because we are meant to have a gospel that provokes reactions in society and the problem is is that our gospel is not provoking reaction because we look just like them oh God I need to preach this thing so so we see around the world it's famous to go church now huh can I preach this it's famous to go church now it's a celebrity status to go to church and we got rappers that go to church but after they in courts for abuse but it's famous to go to church now we and we say God is moving and God is doing this but I the Bible says who the son of man sets free it's free indeed don't tell me that you encounter the gospel and your life is Tangled and messed up in all sorts of things and we we want cheap down the gospel and water it down but the effect of the Gospel is instant it may take a process but it's instant you may fall into it again and the weaknesses may follow you into the end of your days but you will not want to go back to that vomit something will keep pushing you away something will keep convicting you something will keep calling you out and even if you fall seven times seven times God will pick you back up but there is something in you that says keep fighting can I keep preaching and I'm I'm I'm worried because he says many will come and Proclaim to be the Messiah Now understand this Messiah is a word for the anointed one and what Jesus is saying here is that many will come and pretend be me but he's also saying many will come and pretend to be anointed oh you don't want to hear this and then he explains what it will look like because he says there will be false prophets among you and the reason why he says there will be false prophets among you here hear me out here he very carefully it's because they will use the very scriptures that we are meant to live by and manipulate it for their own kingdoms and the danger that Jesus is talking about here is that there's a Str spirit this thing it's not something that we're going to scandalize outside the church he's saying it's going to happen among you he's saying it's be careful he says he says be careful in fact he says if God doesn't shorten the time I would be lost oh God help me help me because we're walking in a Time folks where we are no longer seeing the evidence of the the things that we keep telling people about can I preach this we tell people Jesus heals and there's no healing I'm tired of these evangelist Crusades and people come testify they got healed from headache go take your paracetamol I'm tired of these Evangelistic Crusades that have no evidence of medical report or nothing and people claim to be healed and healed and healed and after you see them get out of tents and wheelchairs when my God heals he heals for complete I'm tired of manipulating so that we can make God look powerful he doesn't need you to make him look powerful he is powerful sufficient by himself and if he doesn't want to heal he ain't healing he's Sovereign but even if he doesn't he I've got to worship inside of me because I'm a kingdom I'm a moving Force I'm not moved by what he does for me I'm moved by what he already did for me which is he died on that cross to save my life he says many of them will come and be lestrate I'm telling you the signs I'm telling you the signs understand this folks that the the the rumors of war the nations against Nations these things that we' seen happening right now these are the signs that are indicating that right now we are going to be going under a Warfare of a spirit that will lead people astray are you with me it's not something that happened yesterday today it's going to happen in the future it's happening right now right now right now scripture is manipulated right now people are led by a message of a kingdom that looks like Kingdom but it's not the Kingdom right now there are people experiencing emotionalism and and things labeled as Kingdom but their life is a mess and nothing changes for them and they go back home saying I'm going church and I'm doing this and nothing's changing for my life and that's because we losing losing the anointing we are negotiating for strategies and influences but God doesn't want us to do this for we're not meant to look like the world so Pastor what's your message my message is is that you are the kingdom and the problem that we have here is that we look so much to man God help me we are so moved by man that we forget that the V was to and the bridge is Jesus and what Jesus is saying to me you is the Church of the last days is not a church that's moved by one man or one prophetic Voice or prophets or evangelist or Pastor it's a church that's moved by all for I shall pour out my spirit Over All Flesh your young man and daughter shall prophesy the old shall have it's not one person it's all and until we understand as a church that we can no longer be moved by Ministries that look big that we can no longer be moved by people that speak good but we need to be moved by what the spirit has deposited within us the problem is is that you're not secure with your word anymore because you don't read it and because you don't read it you need someone to explain it to you well when when Paul received the revelation of Jesus by himself because the apostles didn't want to accept him he didn't have a new testament to read from but God used him and he wrot it because you need to walk in the spirit in such a way that even if a preacher can't preach to you you will preach to yourself but we're moved Now by people and I I wonder sometimes if God plugged out the five Ministry folds out of what we claim to be in individual Ministries how would we function if tomorrow you came to church and no Pastor stood here no preachers stood here there was no guest artist there was no nothing and it was just you how would you preach if tomorrow God decided to take All His prophets decided to take all the guiding voices how would you guide yourself do you not have the Holy Spirit would you not according to Ephesians chapter 2 predestined for such a time as this and he says those he predestined he also equipped and marked them with the Seal of the Holy Ghost you were not sealed by a prophetic voice you were sealed by the Holy Spirit himself gosh I wish I had somebody that understood this the Holy Spirit has sealed you by yourself that means that even if there is no preacher to go to no Prophet to go to no Pastor to go to the holy spirit is walking with you you can go to him you can pray to him you can cry out to him you can talk to him you can walk with him what's happening with the church why do we want to look so much like them and and you know the culture is so strong we we don't even see it that that we're so much like them that we even cancel each other now because they cancel each other so we cancel each other now and so preacher talk bad about preacher Prophet don't want to associate with this Prophet don't go to that church don't go to this church what kind of kingdom is this where we can't have relationship where if one is broken the other doesn't want to lift him up oh oh if you're so holy why you still on Earth you should be raptured for we all fell short of his grace but he who is rich in mercies loved us so much that he called us forth I I'm I'm crying in my heart to God because I've given my life to this nation I'm from Brazil my mother was a Satanist my father a murdering man a gangster my mother grew up a whole life in Satan coming from a Jewish Family prophetic gifts my grandma didn't understand her gifts and so my grandma called a psychologist a private they had my family had money they're Jewish people that immigrated to Brazil and they called a private psychologist uh to help my mother because she would see visions and see spirits and they thought she was possessed but they thought she had something mentally wrong and they called a psychologist and she was an undercover witch my mother was 12 years old and she was recruited to be a wick witch traveling the world my grandma before she was in boarding school and she was learning how to do witchcraft became a witch dedicated they called the uh uh you know in witchcraft they call the Widow of Satan you can never get married you make a PCT with the devil you can never have children my mother had over 25 abortions so many abortions the devil will cause her to miscarriage that her womb clothes and the doctor said you can never get pregnant ever again one day she's in Spain and my dad is running away from federal police in Brazil and he hides in Spain because that's where my his sister my auntie lived and she was friends with my mother he he runs to Spain he meets my mother and they fall in love and they marry each other in the satanic Church while being married my mother starts to have serious impacts from the holy spirit because when the preacher can't preach he will preach himself don't not think you're the last coconut water in the desert if you don't want to do it God will find someone to do it and even if he doesn't find someone to do it the rocks will do it for him cuz the Bible says even the rocks cry out but we we we coming to this mentality that we we're the last coconut water in the desert you know we're special I will be careful if I was you because she started to have dreams with Jesus saying I love you I want to save you I want to change she never experienced love so every time she have that dream it would be a wave that would change her life impact the life do you know what happened she began to to cry out to this dream to this voice and saying who are you whoever you are reveal yourself to me it's a long journey but God began to work in my mother's life while my dad continued to do the things he was doing they went back to Brazil things got really bad because now my mother is getting closer and closer to her salvation whenever the devil knows that God's about to break something he gets crazier you know when some something's in your your life gets crazy is because the devil knows that he's about to lose power and so she began to be self-d delivered through the Holy Spirit and they got to such a point that she was start to fall possessed because the Devils couldn't fight anymore the spirit of God that was trying to invade her and there's only one spirit that can habitate in your body it's either the holy spirit is the devil and one of them have to get out but I've never seen the Holy Spirit lose a battle and she got to such a stage that this woman said she was anorexic she couldn't eat no more she was dying the spirits were killing her someone came to her and said there's this place that you can go to and they will pray for you and their prayers work legal Assemblies of God Church on top of in the the flla favellas are these poor communities in Brazil Where I Come From This legal Church no mics no screens no nothing nobody has a degree nobody's been uni but when they pray cancer came out of people and that's what I was born into and they prayed for my mother and she was delivered out of her Satanism and she accepted Jesus she went back home now to a husband who's a Satanist a gangster and the violent man every time she would be in the house he would get violent cu the spirit possess him and under the influence of cocaine he would slap her and hit her and threatened to kill her my dad would come in the middle of the service and drag my mother out of church and freten if you go back to that church I will shoot you she said God I cannot stay in this situation anymore because I I'm yours now I've accepted you and and he's he's still in darkness how can I be in such in such relationship it was a marriage of satanic influences and the Holy Spirit said to you will not leave him because I will save him pray for him she began to pray for him and pray for him and pray for him and pray for him and pray for him one year praying night after night the pastor would give her the key to the church so she would go in the middle of the night when he was most drunk so that he would know she was in church do you know people were so scared of my dad that the pastor would say don't tell him that I gave you the key to the church but she prayed she prayed and one night she's at the altar and the Holy Spirit says you're pregnant she says oh I'm going crazy I can't be pregnant it's biologically impossible the devil took that away from me and the voice said to her you're pregnant and in you there's a messenger I want you to name him Gabriel and he will see listen listen he will see reviv in the four corners of the Earth but he will specially see an awaken in England now we were live my mother was living in a flla in the middle you you don't know where I come from don't look at this Zara on sale suit don't be fooled cuz this was $15.99 don't be fooled with what I look like because you don't know where I come from I remember sleeping on the bridge with my mother crying for nights and nights and nights not knowing what we would eat but we had one thing the promise that God would use me to preach the gospel one day and I didn't need no connection and no phone calls and no influence and no call podcast and no Instagram no Facebook I stand Here slowly only on the promise that if he said he would do something in your life and you are faithful to his promises he will make way for your [Music] destiny I feel like some Destiny are going to wake up tonight God says it doesn't matter the skin of your color it doesn't matter where you come from it doesn't matter where you are I am the god of death to me you are my kingdom you you are my chosen people I've selected you I separated you I called you oh God I feel the Holy Spirit I did it I mocked you I reserved you I cannot fail I cannot go back on my word I cannot get things wrong I am yahe and if I chose your bloodline is because I knew what I had inside of you how long are we going to let socialism influence us how long are we going to let ideologies influence how long are we going to let the trades of this world influences you were born for such a time as this Esther you're not in the palace to look pretty you are in a palace for such a time as [Music] this you're pregnant do you know what I am I am the least of all I am the example of how God can do something with nothing I am the example of how God can take something from nothing and make into everything I know I'm not the best preacher I know I'm not the best Ministry I don't have 25 355 follow, followers but one thing I do know is that I will die for the gospel and one thing I do know is that a time is coming where Instagram will not matter a time is coming where we won't have time to create Studios and do lives a time is coming where the Antichrist will shut the doors of buildings and he will Rush us into the streets there's a Time coming where you won't be able to buy water without being marked and coming up on the system but I tell you even if that time came tomorrow my soul will cry out for the kingdom because I was not birthed out of Superstar ISM I was not birthed out of influence I was birthed out of the Kingdom of [Music] Heaven don't fall astray by the false voices that take you away from the suffering of Christ that take you away from this farfetched flower garden looking gospel it's almost a sin now to not have money but some of you God did not destined you to have money and I will be a prophet to you tonight because some of us are called to be Jeremiah we're meant to weep some of us are meant to be Kings like David's or Queens like ases but some of us are meant to be just prophets of the altar some of us are meant to be Servants of water but in the kingdom it doesn't matter if you got the mic on your hand or if you're H in the church he will call you my good servant he doesn't say my good prophet he doesn't say my good Evangel he says my good faithful servant I'm going to laugh that day when Mega preachers don't make it but the widows that Hoover the church will run through with crowns on their head because he says those who you think will come will not come and those who you never expected to enter shall enter and we're here trying to to to figure this thing out it's already written I don't need the prophecy I need to read the word of God it is written there is nothing that a prophet can speak that's not in the word it is manifested in the word I'm not saying that God doesn't use prophetic voices and the fivefold ministry that's what I'm saying what I'm saying is that you are the five-fold ministry what I'm saying is that you are the voice you are the force are you with me here Ephesians chapter 1:9 to14 don't you don't need to read it now but you can write it in your own time it says he has made known to us the Min mysteries of his will according to his good pleasure that he has set forth in Christ has a plan for the fullness of time it's about a moment that he's ready to manifest on this Earth all of this is about a moment that he's going to come and manifest to the Earth are you with me here there is a set time by God to manifest the kingdom to the whole earth we are just constructing the foundations we are just Paving the way to the kingdom he says to govern up all things in him things in heaven and things on the earth in Christ we have also obtained an inheritance having been destined according to the purpose of him who accomplishes all things are you with me here having been destined and you still sit here think God hasn't called you you are destined that's why you're saved he didn't save you so you can sit on the chair or what you a bench woman huh some of us are like England is coming home and it never does we live false realities are you with me here God's going to do something in the Uka when you get up and wake up oh God church is in this and church is that you are the church so you are the problem huh you know I come from a family of satanists you know I never seen a Satanist divide each other I've never seen a you should see my aunties when they get together to do their witchcraft it's like their twins CU Jesus the kingdom cannot divide itself so even if Satan can't divide himself so why do we divide ourselves because they ain't Satan even he doesn't divide his own kingdom you are your biggest problem the church in the UK is its biggest problem but God is saying I am touching a generation full of my Holy Spirit and this generation is called the generation of the anonymous unknown they don't have followers they don't have nothing but when they stop preaching at the bus stops people will give their life to Jesus I'm talking about a generation that works as nurses in hospitals and as they're praying for people people are healed in bed I'm talking about generation that become politicians and go into Parliament and while they're in Parliament they begin to stir prophetic voices to move the kingdom like John KNX moved the queen are you with me here I'm talking about a generation that's not worried about this stage this ain't the altar by the way this is a stage cuz I'm the altar I'm talking about generation that doesn't need to keep coming back to this Altar for a change because your change happens when you say now I need a change because he has power to do it now he has power to change it now because say he's destined inside of you for that to happen are you with me here my mother prayed I was born because God is not a liar a little baby I'm finishing am I boring you can I keep preaching I was a little baby she was holding me him my dad carried on his rais and whenever I was in the house he will fall possessed the holy spirit says to her put Gabriel in his arms my mom's thinking well he's possessed I'm going to put a newborn baby in his arms and God says put him because the spirit will work in him you see you see because it's not about your voice and what you can say it's about what you carry and that's why even in the mouth of children the word of God will come forth and my mom would put me as a baby in his arms and the spirits will leave him and one day he was in the kitchen he says uh I cannot live like this anymore I need to be better for this child I need to change my life he was one day running away from the police and the only place to hide was a church the preacher was preaching he hid in the church at the back of the seat he said don't tell no one pleases after me the preacher was in the middle of the Old Co something hit him and he began to weep and repentance began to come out of him and he accepted Jesus because no man can convince men of their sin if not the holy spirit so if you're looking for a man to help you convince yourself you're in the wrong place only the spirit of God can convince you what you need is not one more prophetic word what you need is the Holy Spirit to convict you to arrest you to transform you to change you you are the kingdom he accepts Jesus nine months later his best friend kills him because Jesus accepting Jesus doesn't wash away the consequences of our choices and we're getting this thing mixed up here because we think I've accepted Jesus and I can just be free of my past you are free of condemnation and guilt but you're not free of your consequences sometimes we escape it but sometimes it's too big to run away from but he shot him in front of my grandma's house and where my dad fell on the floor and he was dying he smiled and said to my grandma don't worry I'm saved me and my mother went to sleep on the streets we lost everything because when God wants to do something in your life he would take away everything the devil gave you she had a last PR because you know they lived life house in Malaga jet skis boats lost everything because whatever the devil gives you whatever the devil has planted in your life when you say I am the kingdom God says I need to take that away it doesn't enter into my kingdom she lost everything to the last PR shoes I never forget the scene walking up the faell muddy with her par shoes and they broke Holy Spirit said everything goes the anointing has a price I remember sleeping under the bridge and tears rugging down her eyes but she would go to church I said mom why do you go church and then we go back to the streets what kind of Jesus is this she said I don't serve him for what he gives us I serve him because he saved me from Darkness this woman one day comes I'm 7 years old she's a Praying Warrior you know those old school praying mothers two minutes and I'm finished I'm watching the clock God help me I'm an evangelist we don't know time she she's in church can you imagine this woman comes and says when I would look to you never seen the woman the Holy Spirit spoke to me and I saw you with your child and when I say we slept in the streets I'm talking about we slept in the streets okay I'm not doing these social media prophets we really slept in the streets she said I Look to You and God said to me this is not their place for he's a Messenger to the UK this woman looked my mother in the face and said God told me to take my money and pay two tickets for you to go to England because his Destiny awaits him you see when you are the kingdom you are not moved by what you can do but what door you can provoke what connection you can provoke when you are Kingdom you are moved by a thing called the destiny of the Holy Spirit and he will mock you to be at the right place at the right time Jesus was so precise that he died right at when the priests were sacrificing in the temple he was shouting it is finished there is such a Precision to Destiny that when David was taking cheese and bread to his Prophet Goliath was shouting because Destin meet you at the place of obedience he was just serving bread for his father to his brothers but when he got there the giant of his Destiny was waiting for him your obedience would take you to your destiny it doesn't matter the circumstances or what we see out there you have to be obedient to the kingdom she said you have to go this is this is a Wednesday night Saturday we're in London he for airport I got to wrap this thing up so I got to be quick now we're walking in on he I've got my little real G nrow shorts cuz Brazil's hot it's January snowing in England 1999 snowing falling down all sorts of crazy things happening and we're walking there no credit card no Visa just fresh passports and a bag with mixed clothes that donated that they even fit us because that's what churches do in those poor places of the world they believe in God's Destiny so they send you whatever way and we were sent like that and the immigration officer looked at my M and said uhuh you're going back tonight you can't enter here like this I'm going to have to deport you and every time she tried to deport us the system deny her and my mother you know when you come from Satanism and you're radically changed like my mother you're a bit crazy are you with me here and so my mother was a bit crazy she looked at this woman in the face and said you can't Deport me because as long as he's not of age I need to be in here with him and his Destiny is in this country so we will enter the woman said are this in church you're not in church what are you doing one 2 3 days we couldn't get deported she took us into this room and began to interrogate us there was I remember like yesterday on my right side there was this window that you can't see outside but someone's watching interrogating interrogating nothing my mom kept quiet because the holy spirit said to her I am your lawyer the woman got so angry you know even Satan's on the payroll of God even even Satan sometimes have to make things work for your good because when he does something bad God changes it makes it feel you good the woman got so possessed and angry my mother she tried to slap my mom in the face and for some reason that day that particular day the Secretary of immigration was watching the interview because when Destiny wants to meet you it will meet you he walked into the room pulled her out and looked at my mom in the face said I'm sorry she does not represent the British people he said from this day forward no one will ever kick you out of this country ever again I don't know about you some of you immigrants but I I I I'm amazed until today of my own testimony because we didn't have to spend money we didn't have to do applications we didn't have to lie or make fake Visas and fake passports we didn't have to open businesses abroad to be able to go abroad all we had was the promise of a Destiny and when you have a promise God would do it so good so good that I still keep that baby passpor because there's a stamp on it a special stamp saying no one can kick them [Applause] out now it could be politically for them because they got in trouble I don't care for us it was Destiny I'm here preaching to you at the age of 30 to tell you that God is about to do something with you in this nation come on stand to your feet stand to your feet stand to your feet do not be like Saudis that you look like are you with me here the churches out that you look like you're alive but you're dead don't be like them because Jesus was talking about this church now of our time don't be like them when we look like we're busy but we're not actually doing anything for the kingdom and I don't know what you came here expecting to hear but I'm a prophet of God and I came with a simple message to you God is Awakening A violent spirit inside of you for the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent Tak it by force it is a time to stop being politically correct and apolog in this and that it is a time to build the kingdom like never before are you with me here are you with me the kingdom suffers violence and is what and what Matthew 11:12 and what and what what are you waiting for for them to come here go get this thing out of the devil's hand I feel the Holy Spirit Awakening someone with a spirit of violence I'm not talking about killing I'm not talking about offending people in the nasty demonic way I'm talking about a violent anointing that walks into places and doesn't say sorry excuse me it says in the name of Jesus you need to be set free you need to be changed you need to be [Music] delivered you are that Kingdom I pray prophesy over your life that the months that are left in this year shall be so radical in your life that whatever profession you are in shall turn into revivals because as you walk into that place God says I will manifest my kingdom in a supernatural way Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready Get ready after feel the Holy Ghost Get Ready Get Ready Get Pastor I ain't got money Pastor I'm poor Pastor I'm broken oh God Moses was a murderer Abraham was a liar Jacob was a cheater Paul was a persecutor but when the Holy Ghost touches someone he anoints them he changes [Music] them change a Breaking of these ideologies that have captivated your soul and your spirit of these demonical voices that have changed your destiny I break it in the name of Jesus you are lose from the system of the world I call you like Daniel I call you like Joseph to rule in the place of Darkness I want to quickly pray I got 13 minutes to pray for you but I need to do this I didn't come here to look pretty cuz if Jesus comes back tomorrow I did my part I came here to awaken you cuz some of you are violent but you're sleeping like a cat when God called you to be a roaring lion some of you there's something inside of you that the devil is so scared that he's captivated you into that addiction and you can't break it but God says the addiction has to break today some of you are so powerful that there's a mess in your blood life mess in your family messing your relationship messing your mind and you keep blaming yourself not realizing the devil is scared of you and he wants to keep you in that place but tonight you are loose by the power of Jesus because you are a moving Force I don't care what you're carrying I don't care what's happened to you look at me if God can do it with me he can do it with you they're going to talk about you let them talk bad about you but do it while you're under the anointing they're going to reject you let them reject you but be rejected under the anointing they can exclude you let them exclude you but when your time comes to manifest the kingdom hell can get up demons can get up principalities can get up it shall bow down to the voice of Yahweh laws will change for you governments will die for you because when God wants to do something he will do it and I don't know who this is for but things are going to shift for your life things are going to shift for your death Destiny you are a moving force and you're walking into that now because you are the violent chosen generation some of us are going to invade Parliament I see a shift happening in the governmental powers of this nation the church shall resurrect it's prophetic governmental voice again John not mantle shall fall over a generation that will not be apologetic for the Kingdom of Heaven I want to pray for you I want to pray for you I want to pray tonight two prayers but my first prayer is very specific God shall F the weights of the Holy [Music] Spirit there are DES in this place that are tied that are chained and you're loosing therefore I came for you tonight let go of that mind wherever there's a demonical spirit captivating Destiny right now wherever there's a hidden Spirit and the mind and the body I command you to manifest and let go let go let go in the name of Jesus let [Music] go I see Angels flying all over the atmosphere and they're bringing in the hands fire of the altar of God to burn away every strange fire that's trying to HD in your destiny you shall walk under the power of the holy spirit this is Al to go this is Al to go don't look at me I'm just a Messer this is alt to go fight for your destiny Fight for Your Destiny fight it's taken by force it's taken by force stop looking pretty stop looking pretty it's taken by force it's Tak by force it's Shen by [Music] force England get ready England get ready England Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready the lion of the tribe of Judah will grow in this nation one more time [Music] I feel it I feel it I feel it I feel it I feel it I feel it I came from a Satanist background but the Satanism did not hold me back I came from a mergy background but my father's sins didn't hold me back my mother's sins didn't hold me back I don't care what generational curses have come before you it breaks tonight it breaks right now you're chosen you're chosen [Music] I want to pray for you you're going to have to do this quickly I got 8 minutes I want to pray for the first group of people my prayer is this you that feel a shift in your life it's a Ministry thing there's something there's a violence there's something that you're not confirmed with you look at things you look at videos in the internet and and something tells you that there's something more to happen for this nation there's something more to happen for the ministry for the kingdom of God there's something in you that wants to speak out there is a violent spirit in you trying to come out I want to pray for you you the God is Awakening for this thing come quickly I want to release this over you come quickly come quickly I'm going to pray for this first group of people there's something you're saying that I this is not the is this all there is there's something in you that's not comfortable you're seeing there's more God there's something deeper there's something more profound and God told me Gabriel I was going to preach something else and God told me 1 hour before I left the hotel he said Gabriel I want to release an anointing of the violence of my [Music] kingdom you're going to grab that Devil by his horns and drag him in the streets stop going to sleep with the devil stop talking Walking With the Devil enough is enough tell him to let go of your marriage tell him to let go of your children tell him to let you are the vient of the Kingdom of Heaven [Music] Warriors I came for War I came for War I came for War I don't care if you don't like me I'm speaking to your destiny I'm speaking to your destiny get [Music] up rise up you have been called for such a time as this get up let go of the world let go of the system and be the Kingdom of Heaven upon the [Music] Earth that's said that say come to the altar come to the altar come come come as you are here just speak to God right now you know your story you know your destiny but even as you here the spirit of God is moving right now right now activating your destiny activating your anointing Pastor I'm shy that Spirit of shyness goes Pastor I'm timid the Tim shall not inherit the kingdom of God that timidness goes you shall be Warriors you shall be voices you shall be the the Kingdom of Heaven on the [Music] earth you will not go back to that pornography you will not go back to that man you will not go back to that woman get that Jezebel out of your life get addictive Spirit out of your life run to the [Music] altar If my people who cry out by my name humble themselves I God shall hear their prayers and answer their prayers and heal that [Music] land Revival is coming revival is coming revivor is coming revivor is coming and it starts with you it starts with you fight fight for your destiny Fight for Your Destiny I said that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it that's [Music] it right now right now right now fall fall upon you fall upon you the anointing of the last days the anointing of the end time receive right now the spirit of God to be Warriors [Music] to it praise pray to it praise pray to it [Music] praks that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it Lord father here is your people I am your prophet and your messenger they have responded to the message you've given me you told me that you had an activation for their lives tonight and they are here before your presence as a prophet of God I release right now over your life a spirit of Kingdom violence I awaken you to be Warriors I call forth in you to be violent for the kingdom I cancel out of your spirit every seed of the world's ideologies and I bring down upon your mind right now the spirit of God father I speak right now to every Destiny here in the name of Jesus awaken awaken awaken now now now now now break break break break every impediment every resistance break break break break break now now now now now break break whatever is break break break break break break break by the power of Yeshua break right [Music] now wherever you are receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit receive receive receive receive receive let the spiritual gifts awaken within [Music] you I pray to the open doors of your destiny open now open now open now Lord shift government shift Destiny awakened right now [Music] he's here he's here he's here my second prayer I need you to hold hands hold hands stay in the spirit hold hands my second prayer will be a message to the principalities stay in the spirit my second prayer is I need you to Roar with me are you with me here my second prayer is a message to the principalities and it's a very simple prayer you're going to tell them and we're not just telling the principalities of London we're telling the principalities of this nation you're going to tell them I'm coming are you with me here I'm coming there's a violent Spirit of the kingdom of God that's going to manifest in the UK it's going to shake the four corners of this island oh I feel the Holy Spirit and something's about to shift that cannot be conformed to conferences and walls and oh God I feel I feel universities being transformed into revivals I feel hospitals being turned upside down into Revival are you with me come on cry out cry out cry out cry out cry out I feel Revival coming to Len war from Soul London north south east west England get ready a generation is coming under the fire of the Holy Ghost [Music] we're coming we're coming we're coming we're coming we're coming with power we're coming with fire we're coming with salvation we're coming with [Music] healing Revival Revival Revival Revival Revival Revival Revival Revival Revival Revival [Music] my time is up my time is up oh feel the holy spirit it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming Get Ready Get Ready Get ready I'm not talking about some Revival that ends with the conference ends I'm talking about people stopping in the middle of the bus stop and looking at you and saying I want to accept Jesus and you you oh God I feel the Holy Ghost I'm talking about baptisms at the beaches I'm talking about baptism in bathrooms inside houses because the holy spirit is going to break out in Revival in this nation and man cannot control it [Music] my last prayer I have to be quick sorry oh he's here he's here he's here he's here he's here his eyes are like fire his hair is white as snow the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against my church get up from that fear oh God we need you God in this [Music] nation we need you we are tired of looking to America and other part of the world we need you to awaken our prophets awaken our preachers awaken our evangelists awaken our people we cry [Music] revive forgive us for our iniquities and sins we repent on behalf of this nation heal our land we need you you are here and you've heard this message and you're saying pastor I've never had a relationship with Jesus I've only encountered religion stay in the spirit I've gone to church and my life has never changed the Bible says whoever confess Jesus publicly shall be saved your name shall be root in the book of life it's a gift you can't do nothing for him all you need to do is believe in him but you're here tonight and you heard the message you say I want to be part of this if God can do it with a flla boy he can do it with me and you're saying I need this Jesus I need this transformation is there someone here that wants to accept Jesus just lift up your hands I want to pray I see a hand there is there anyone else lift up your hands you want to accept Jesus this number two free the back raise your hands keep your hands up keep it up keep it up is there anyone else that wants to accept Jesus lift up your hands lift up your hands hi hi hi hi hi hi is there anyone else that wants to accept Jesus I see your hands I see your hands Hallelujah I see your hand at the back I see you wherever you are just put your hands in your heart and say Jesus forgive me for my sins I believe in you that you came to this earth died on the cross and you resurrected you have ascended to the third heaven and you sat at the right hand of God write my name in The Book of Life use me mold me for your kingdom in Jesus name can we give God the big hands of praise for them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]