Transcript for:
Podcast with Dr. Hillman

I don't even know where to begin with this episode The Following guest Dr Hilman has a master's degree in bacteriology a master's degree in Classics as well as a PhD in Classics until he was eventually investigated by the Catholic church for demon possession which led to him being ejected by his university now although I did read his book The Chemical Muse before we recorded this podcast it quickly became clear that I was not prepared for what was coming and I'm still trying to process this conversation weeks after we recorded it due to the provocative and unsettling nature of this episode it has been heavily censored with parts redacted however we posted the full uncensored version in its entirety on patreon if you want it you better buckle up folks please hammer that subscribe button below and enjoy the show [Music] all right Mr alen Hillman you you are a uh quite the controversial figure when it comes to religion Classics um ancient texts you're you're a linguist you're a classicist what um what is your official title Hil Satan Danny it's nice to be here by the way thank you so much are you a Satanist am I a s Satanist oh God those people bother me so much I don't no I I can't be a Satanist I'm sorry they bother you what bothers you what bothers you about them the whole religious side of things yeah no no ah what am I well you are a religious scholar right no I'm a classicist religious Scholars no we eat those for breakfast yeah no no I'm a classicist what I do is what is a classicist it's somebody who is a specialist in the translation of ancient Greek some people do Latin too but that's you know Latin was for hot dwelling Romans you know I mean it's just not to the level that the Greek is um the the unique word count alone is off the chart for Greek it is a superior language that devoured languages and Antiquity it just ate them up boom boom and this is normal in any um language over time any language over time right some become strong and they become dominant others die out the Greek was the Behemoth it was the dragon of antiquity modern Greek is nothing like it how long how long have you been studying and reading and translating Greek uh for 30 years now for 30 years now and um every classist knows it's our honor and duty to guard the um the Muse and to keep those ancient documents within the flow within time itself so we're we're dragons man that's what classes really are unfortunately most classicists today they're focused on things that are more to build careers and garbage essentially so a lot of texts a lot of these ancient text that we've got they aren't translated even I've got an entire book that I brought to show to you that is from the 1800s it's Galen and these things are unrated it's all in Greek I have the physical copy sitting in my bag wow so what pushed you in the direction to be interested in this stuff was you did you have a religious childhood or a religious upbringing or what got you into this Jesus got me into this yeah I actually when you were how old oh God when I was like 13 when you were 13 so you were religious when you were a child oh yes I was born again love Jesus Christ oh Jesus yeah yeah um I used to teach you a mission are you kidding me I used to convert people I used to have mostly drunks mostly drunks and I don't know we were like a place for them to go and to sober up but they had to listen to my crap oh excuse me they had to listen to my sermon in order to get that meal cuz that's how we spread brother do you understand what I converted Souls into Mission you converted souls to Christianity when you were 13 uh no I was uh I started doing that when I was like uh 17 when you were 17 yeah I was teaching Sunday school class too cuz their Sunday school teachers sucked really yeah how does a 17-year-old get to start teaching Sunday school were were your did your parents get you into this stuff oh of course you know you know through the family and through some very intelligent teachers like Dr Jay Vernon McGee oh God beloved Dallas Theologian you know what I mean Dallas Theological seminar I went there for three months and their Greek program was so bad I said I went to the President of University I said hey it's not up to stuff his name was walfred John walf and I said your program isn't up to isn't up to Snuff what's the your Greek program is terrible right so I went on to University to get a PhD and and so going going back to the Early Childhood stuff when you were in your teens you said you were teaching Sunday school yeah what what particularly were you teaching and did was there some point in your life that led you to question the the teachings of the Bible and the teachings of the church and everything you knew when you were young um I got there through Aristotle so I saw here's what happened I saw how bad the standards were on the Christian side for ancient Greek and I said said I've got to follow a track to be able to to get there and um it went through the Sciences it went through the sciences and I think what happened was when I was 21 I just cracked I was reading Aristotle mhm and the pure unadulterated Glory of his reason just and you're talking about Greek you're reading Greek yeah what yeah so how did you learn Greek at 21 um because I went to I went to a special high school first of all okay shout out to the people from Special Projects special projects that was his first name everybody you had a test to get into it right uhhuh um everybody that I was around is somehow involved in you know military government you know stuff like that we won the Chess Championship two years in a row mhm National Chess Championship right bunch of nerds right total nerds so I knew I would be going um to to learn about Jesus at a seminary someday because that was my bent I saved people you know and you said when you were saving people you were saving alcoholics drunks rather they were the easy peckins so what did they do they just came to you they said my life is terrible no it's a mission so they check in for the evening they got to sit and listen to us preach then they give them dinner they're mostly there to get fed you know right you know charity so to speak I was the one who was saving Souls that was my that was my thing it was delicious have you never saved a soul probably not no no M oh you should try yeah have to learn you teach me yummy okay so you're doing this at TW in your early teens saving souls in a mission at a mission it's called a mission okay um and then you decide in your early 20s you're going to learn Greek at the the high school you're at no I started the that was my high school um right after that I went to the University of Arizona okay and started their Classics program there and I went through in three years and ate it ate it up and went to T megiddo at the time and did a dig at T megiddo in Israel so okay so you said you did a a Classics program at the University of Arizona when you when you first went into that program in college what what was your goal what were you looking for anything did you what what did you want to learn Jesus you wanted to learn about Jesus yes okay is that okay yeah I think so yeah all right I think so I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this man I'm trying I'm trying to understand your curiosity here that's I'm just trying to yeah I'm trying to dig deep into the psyche of of Amon Hillman okay I love it um okay so that's when you learned Greek yes was it hard to learn Greek uh yeah and you never stop you never stop I I'm I'm not kidding you I can take a text right now throw it in front of any class IST in the world and have them and say translate it and they'll be like yeah n no nus I can do that with nus right now throw it in front of 98% of classes out there they'll stumble and the ones who have done nonis they'll be able to get it why is nonis so hard to translate um cuz he's using an archaic style he's trying to do something that they were doing a thousand years previous to him okay and he's putting together together the longest epic M it's about dianis and a bunch of arrow poison using women oh wow arrow poison yeah interesting hot hot stuff yeah yeah it also causes sasis it's a drug yeah okay um do you know what sasis is Sader Sader yeah what is Sader a Sader is a guy who walks around with an constantly no constant how does he have an eruption constantly constant unremitting erup H yeah the old Spanish fly in there oh God keeps it hard all the time you can kill a person they say after seven days you got to stop them oh really yeah wow that's what they said in Antiquity seven days I don't know how'd they find out okay so going back to your college you're you're studying Greek and then you said what point did you go to Israel and why did you go to Israel yeah right after my bachelors went to Israel and stayed there for a year and worked on the megido T megiddo excavation what is that for people who don't know people who don't know anything about the stuff no that's okay why would they it's the place of Armageddon so um it's a site in Israel and it has a temple our team discovered the temple um floor that was there it's a c canite Temple floor under everything and that dates back last time I saw they thought that dated back to about 4,000 BC so and I don't use the um about 4,000 BC so um it was a momentous wondrous um excavation and I'm proud to have been part of it yeah what kind of stuff did you find I found a chicken uh chicken yeah I found a chicken cuz I was digging the old French dump he what they found that was so important was the floor of a Canaanite Temple were these Canaanite priestesses in 4,000 BC where all the power where all the authority is oops is uh um it's there yeah tell megiddo there it is I'm sorry I'm distracted that's it yeah tell megiddo um and it's a wonderful site and I tell you I slept the the most interesting part of the story is I slept in the vineyard of Jezebel so what did you learn from the stuff you found at Telmo um the the earliest occupation was probably by these Canaanite populations they're which was 4,000 BC yeah they're um they've got a circular dance floor for them to be worshiping whatever divinities it is is that they worship and these are these are like the Phoenicians and the it's all up and down the coast Jezebel was a Phoenician princess baby you know what I mean so they had a circular dance floor yeah right right is that un impressive very impressive for 4,000 years ago it's very impressive well move on because when I was in the vineyard of Jezebel these these guys that went nuts they got up at night and they sat there and they talked and they told me what was going to happen to me what they say was Happ to on successive nights they said a troop of demons will assist you to bring the Antichrist yeah who said that um two guys on two successive nights nuts there were people with us at the on the excavation right we we're working during the day and in the evenings we're sleeping and people are waking up and they're sleep and talking to me mhm and then going nuts is that Thunder yeah this is amazing we're doing this podcast in the middle of the thunder storm yeah we got a storm so these guys told you what about the Antichrist they said I would be protected by a troop of demons a troop of demons yeah and they said it on successive nights so like the first guy mosha he went totally nuts right he sat up in bed 2: a.m. started talking to me like a pu it the next morning runs off Boom the head of the kibuts where we're staying comes to me she says what's going on this said off he goes I don't know right the next night I didn't think it was OD I love Jesus at this point mhm I didn't think it was odd but on the next night the dude that they replaced him with he did the same thing he sat up in bed he gave me the same message you'll be protected by troop of demons a troop of demons for what purpose to bring the Antichrist what did you make of that um I thought he was nuts the first time he said it and the second time he said it I thought wow this place is like what happened is there's some kind of material in the ground or something out here making these people crazy you know what I mean making people not the head of the kibuts came to me and she said what's going on and I said what do you mean she said what's going on two of your roommates have gone totally nuts I said h if I know yeah yeah what what do you what would you expect me to say when they when they claimed that I was able to levitate through doors at the University and they had a they had a uh inquiry as to my state of demon possession when was this uh when I worked for St Mary's University so this is much later yeah okay let's try to stay on track let's try to stay like in a wow you see what happens are you sure you're not the Antichrist there's just a raincloud that follows them around everywhere yeah what is the Christ what is the Antichrist what is the Christ if you have to know the Antichrist you have to know the Christ right it's a Greek word for for applying a drug to your eyes so that they may may be open that's what the Christ means in Greek yes it's from the verbo to be stung by the gadfly huh who's the gadfly who was the godf yeah I don't know Socrates said he was it's a thing they had going on remember they have ories and stuff like that so MH you better buckle up right but does that have to do with the G I mean you think o oh no oysters to be stung oh it's a state of mania they is they call it in Greek oyr Mania okay to be in an altered state right right right okay anyways let's go back to um you're in you're in Israel right and you're doing this escavation you're finding all this stuff these crazy people come up to you telling you that you're protected by a troop of demons yeah um how long did you stay there and then what did you do after that a year and a month okay and then I decided okay I've maxed out what's my interest here and okay came back and enrolled in a um another program which ended up a master's program ended up sending me to a lab where I cut brains cut brains yeah okay what were you cutting brains for identify neuropeptides oh okay yeah um on the science I want this is your study in bacteriology no it hadn't gotone to the back te but it's what led to the back te um I wanted to bolster my science okay education so I did a lot of like neuropeptides what's a neuropeptide yeah it's a it's a peptide that is active in the brain as part of a signaling system so we talk about communication between the hypothalamus and the pituitary and how puberty is regulated that was a big one we were looking for the peptide that um brings on premature puberty do you hear that that's uh those are souls swirling around outside dude that's loud yeah is that rain yeah rain or wind blowing the rain godam god um so the neuropeptides that were responsible for puberty yeah the onset of puberty what made you so interested in that um they had a grant for it wasn't mine they had a grant you just got thrown into it it's for premature yeah it's for uh people who have early onset puberty okay is there a problem with that there's a well hell yeah there's a problem with that what's the problem all that stuff is timed with growth so if you're is it peptides go astray in the brain but what makes the peptides go astray is there some sort of external influences oh we didn't know at the time what it was that's what I was doing was this is where I am in the experiment you know it's not experiment it's just investigation but you're tagging you take an antibod conjugated substance and um you it's either something that fluoresces or it's a diee of some sort right and you localize where these peptides are in the brains of these things that you sacrificed yeah we animals yeah we used to drill holes in animals heads mhm and then put in a little catheter little tube and then you can insert a substance anything you want anything you could insert orange juice if you want but we would insert substances and then take another collector and see what the hyp Thalamus did and it was a beautiful it was a beautiful beautiful finding um because they were mapping at the time people were mapping how the brain works and this is how they were figuring out what the hypothalamus does yeah absolutely yeah that's interesting stuff yeah I was proud to be a part of it it was a good good education how long did you do that stuff how long did you do those studies a couple of years a couple of years uhhuh yeah I taught into chronology too oh did you really well everybody in the grad program had to you taught Endocrinology yeah uh-huh yeah I did the brain part of it so um and you had to graduate students had to like the hypothalamus and the pituitary and the the third ventricle man you know what that is what's the third ventricle it's an open space in the middle of your head really and it's filled with a fluid it's the Water of Life The Water of Life yeah and this fluid has people in ancient times try to drink that Water of Life from people's heads you know they did do you want to see the text I'm sure the text can verify this baby brains man baby brains o yeah no they used to bleed them too so is this what is this Steve what are we looking at this is this is the third ventricle beautiful Okay the third ventricle is it just does it say it's just liquid in there or what yeah it's a pristine pool it's beyond what is the purpose of it what is it how does what is the function to carry the messengers that's the scientific uh description of what it does yeah actually it is yeah really yeah huh yeah cuz it's communicating with all the tissue that um it's it's overlapping it's communicating M okay that little special area of the brain yeah there's the three ventricles right is like pristine that has to be the purist totally beyond the barrier for any sort of infection right if you've got an infection there you're you're dead really yeah wow yeah that's interesting yeah lots of brains I caught up lots of brains so um at what point in your life did you start writing this Infamous dissertation that got suppressed by the heads of the department in Classics when you wrote when you started writing about the use of drugs and Antiquity that's a perfect from that exact point okay um I picked up some a professor professor RoR came to me Professor RoR yeah Frank University of Wisconsin um yeah at the time he was at University of Wisconsin I think he went out somewhere in California mhm um but um Frank RoR and he said hey he said I I know you're when I was on the science side he said I already had him in Classics right so he knew what my interests were and he said here we have a whole bunch of documents that are nobody's ever translated from Greek have at it it was like a you know the greatest where do you find those documents the everywhere they've been for the last 2,000 years where just sitting there where on his desk in the libraries oh really yeah nobody reads them classes don't do it you know why why cuz they're hard they're hard cuz these Greeks are smart they're smart in these pH how many how many classes do you think know pharmacology yeah I have no idea probably not many zero zero zero yeah they don't do the medical stuff it's a shame it's a shame so I well that's just like any field right A lot of people who are experts in certain fields or certain disciplines they don't have a uh a wide variety of of of skills or disciplines as well they're typically just in one lane you got to talk to a lot of people yeah or you got to be a jack of all trades interdisiplinary interdisiplinary yeah that's a good word love that you keep one foot on either side of the fence you know what I mean yeah yeah so I went to the University of Wisconsin Madison to work with the country's best um medical historian who was and what's his name again again John Scarboro John Scarboro yeah and he had a knowledge of the um medical side as well okay um but he was also a great Byzantine he did a ton of the Byzantine sources he was one of the translators of the Greek magical papy so that in it's a big deal it's a big deal come on can you explain what the magical papy is for people don't know this episode of the podcast is brought to you by mudat mud water is a coffee alternative containing four adaptogenic mushrooms with only a fraction of the caffeine as a cup of coffee you get energy without the Jitters or the crash of coffee and each ingredient was added for a purpose cacao and chai for a hint of caffeine and hot chocolate likee flavor Lion's man to support Focus cordyceps to help support physical performance and both chaga and Rishi to support your immune system what I really love about mud water is that it tastes great and they took their time to find all the perfect ingredients to develop a product that helps you feel better every single day mudwater donates monthly to 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when you first discovered the use of drugs or the idea of drugs being ubiquitous and Antiquity yeah I was studying ancient pharmacology that was what my area was that's what I was forging okay and you already knew about Galen right you'd already been studying Galen yeah and no and I had been to a I had been to a conference in uh England and the London Times said wow this guy's work is the last Wild Frontier of Classics you know um and they're right cuz nobody does this stuff MH nobody for people also give to give some more context to people who are listening who is Galen can you explain who Galen was yeah Galen is a second century physician of uh he works for Marcus aelius the emperor and he's probably one of the greatest intellects of Western Civilization definitely he was a he wrote thousands and thousands and thousands of pages and probably 10% of it has been translated if that if and nobody goes near the pharmaceutical stuff now in 2013 I saw for the first time um a dissertation was written in which the person translated galen's thec um to piso the what's a thec a thec is a multi-drug component um um that's used to balance a poison or deathbringer they called them to balance a poison or deathbringer so like an antidote yeah an ant exactly an antidote but they they they called it a a galenic reaction unrelated to the reason of galin oh okay a galenic reaction that's reaction that's to bring the balance of the one that can kill you with the one that can keep you alive bring those together that's thec baby wow interesting what's the point of that um to die and to be born again die and to be born again wow okay yeah do you want how much gay have you read uh considerable yeah considerable how many give me an idea like how many pages oh god um thousands thousands yeah and he's written how much oh 22 volumes at a thousand each so somewhere around 22,000 pages and and where does all this literature exist like where is it being held it's held currently in a book that's sitting out in my you have all of it yeah I have I got it from John Hopkins wow yeah cuz Professor Scarboro was in with all the book Traders right and they were like oh [ __ ] Galen has become has become available okay can I run out and get gayen and show you gra go grab it he's got an original galin book here he comes with the original original 1840s this is from 1840 yeah what's the date say on it 1827 there you go Opa Omnia [ __ ] 14 1827 yeah I was off a few years so so open it up and you'll see the it's basically um Danny it's a medical text for physicians in 18 you know in the early 1800s wow right what are they studying they're studying Galen you ask me who Galen was guess what he's the dude who dominated medicine from the second century when he lived and until until that book that you're holding right this is the last set you're talking the second century BC right yeah no no anod Domin oh okay okay yeah Marcus aelius yeah this is his physician by the way he says in here that Marcus aelius is a total dope head what language is this Greek on the top Latin on the bottom and the Latin translation is garbage right wow man this is wild hold yeah now what you're holding there is Volume 14 of a 22 volume set from John's Hopkins as you can see those BS put their Mark all over it by the way isn't that beautiful paper look at this look at this everybody that's centuries old centuries think about it look at that right oh it's gorgeous it's a work of art it's a work of art but how many pages is this 700 800 Pages 800 Pages now think about um it's volume uh 14 which is one of 14 books yeah it's one of 22 and but it is uh 14 and 14 is all about the pharmacology of the antidotes and nobody looks into that stuff and gayen says Marcus rius is toal dop head he's on way too much what was he on specifically um the thec It's a combination of plants and animal products that is meant to balance a c cult ritual drug called the Black Death the cult ritual drug that was called the Black Death yeah this is from Nero's library right okay Nero has his arch physician get this formula from the East for the theak the theak is meant to balance the cup of Lady Babylon okay let's let's go back to I think I feel like we're starting to go down a rabbit hole we're it's going to be hard for us to get out of yes so I want to make sure we we we explain uh this story in a in a linear fashion so people can follow it and don't get lost um you're studying galin right and you're you're working on your dissertation and and what happens next oh so for my dissertation I did it on Roman Pharmacy okay right Roman Pharmacy Roman Pharmacy nobody's written a work on Roman Pharmacy and I had already done a translation and commentary for a master's thesis that's usually what they give to doctoral students I had done one for a master's thesis and I was like I'm not doing that again so I'm going to write a text that's just kind of a general um Roman Pharmacy text so that people can learn about drugs in the ancient world and the committee told me take out the chapter uh on recreational drugs or we're not going to give you um the degree and um you had so you only had one chapter that was about recreational drugs yeah yeah the rest were all medicinal oh wow yeah but didn't you say that they didn't distinguish between recreational and medicinal is that right no that's exactly right we were distinguishing we do it now but they didn't back then no back then things that you and I would call recreational they didn't consider recreational they considered medicinal m right so curing depression is a medic medicinal process how long did you spend on this dissertation oh couple of years couple of years yeah yeah and then um so there was one specific moment a date where you had to go in to I guess receive your judging on it or get graded on it or get a feedback on it I have no idea how this process works you're going have to walk me through it yeah so you write your dissertation and you take it before your defense before your defense okay yeah and your committee there is a group of professors and usually there's one from outside the department just so the university stays kind of impartial you know what I mean and um so it's a committee of professors anyway you present your dissertation to them and then they either tell you you you're terrible you don't they tell you you're terrible um yeah or uh they pass you and you get to walk out and say I'm a I have a doctoral degree so they told me at the end they're supposed to give a thumbs up or thumbs down but they didn't give me anything and I was standing there looking around what right and now um and they uh I met with the head of the department and was told um you have to take out this SE the chapter on recreational drugs and you have to scrub any references to recreational drugs and the rest of the work and you're fine yeah what did you what did you what was your response um she said the Romans just wouldn't do such a thing this is the head of the department and by that time I had seen so much stuff the Romans were doing I was like oh my God I understand what's going on they're they're building a ceiling that we can't get Beyond m that doesn't exist we go we should be able to go right through that thing with these texts we can do that anyhow so I took the material and I sent it to McMillan I just I just scrubbed it and then I sent it to McMillan and um they accepted it Thomas dun accepted it uh and it was fantastic McMillan is what it was uh St Martin's press Publishing Company it used to be S yeah publishing company St Martin's press yeah okay yeah yeah and that's what became the book the famous book that you created the chemical Muse correct correct and and once you scrub you you decided to scrub the chapter from your dissertation and any any sort of reference to drugs whatsoever and then they accepted it and gave you your your PhD any any references to recreational drugs recreational there a whole bunch of drugs all over it right for healing right I mean drugs that you use in an athesia right right right right you know what did they use you know fantastic what was the response after your book The Chemical Ms was published um the brenmar classical review came out which is the big reviewer um and a European Professor uh French um came out and said this book is dangerous he said it shouldn't be read at any University anytime ever and he was like what year are we talking oh this was uh 2008 wow 2008 okay and um so uh it was it was roundly um ignored you know put into the the guy said this guy obviously has a drug agenda was like oh no let's just talk about the drugs cuz they don't read these texts now that same uh journalist has gone and talk to um the aforementioned brenmar classical revist and now they're writing a book and about Shamanism all the same stuff all the same material it's cuz they didn't know it MH you were the first one to sort of uncover the stuff and make it po make it known I was not um the first I would say I was the one who took it and ex uh took the big picture of it I was the first one to bring the science side who the on over Carl Rock Carl rock yeah yeah no cuz he said there look he said they're using something in the elisan Mysteries right he was already looking at he didn't have any problem with the concept that he coined entheogens right these are substances that are in Theos that bring that Divine being into you mhm it's a whole class of drugs they were using excuse me they were using um have you ever had any conversations about Carl rock with the stuff that you discovered and this like your the stuff you talk about in the chemical Muse yeah I've had the pleasure once the chemical Muse was published um they sent it to Dr Brook for um for you know consideration you know cuz he's the he's the only one who had been on the list of people who had talked about drugs and he got shamed he got completely shamed I um well look it seems like this it seems like this idea and this the idea of drugs being used back then is becoming more and more accepted I mean you got people like Brian Mar rescu and Graham Hancock you know I think Brian's new book's called or his latest book is the immortality key where he talks about the the mystery Cults of ucus and the Urgot yeah um I know Brian oh really yeah how you how did you guys meet um Professor rck sent sent him to me to get the medical stuff so you guys spoke about when he was working on this book we had a couple of interviews before when he uh came up with the idea okay gave him a couple of interviews about what what the sources are and what the extent of the stuff is he um he said do you mind if I um put mention you and Joe Rogan and I said uh yes um go ahead and do that but if you do you have to mention that Jesus Christ was arrested in a public park with a boy at 4:00 a.m. screaming I'm not a trafficker you made sure he you told him he needed to say that he had to say that exact phrase and so so he [Laughter] didn't so he chose so he chose yes yeah right right look I mean it was really interesting to me me reading your book and I was I was really gripped by the what you've sort of uncovered which it makes a lot of sense when you really think about it that life back then life in in Antiquity was terrible uh and and people didn't die from heart disease and from diabetes and from old age like they do today they died from hand toand combat and plagues and famine yeah and to live back then was a miserable existence for the most part infant mortality was what like 50% and they needed these drugs just to get through the day and the warriors fighting these wars they needed to take these drugs to suffer these these insurmountable wounds they would have to they would have to suffer in battle um can you talk a a little bit to that and to to like some of the details that you want to cover in your book about what life was like and and how hard it was and and the amount of death and plague and famine and and how these drugs were used to uh to curb these sort of ailments yeah yeah the best way is to resurrect the soul of hypocrates and to look at the works that he wrote uh called the epidemics in which he describes all the diseases that people are getting what they're suffering from all the ailments oh my God you know what herpes does when it goes untreated no oh hypocrates has descriptions of it they call it herpes because their word Heron is there word for a snake or something that slithers something that crawls cuz that's what herpes does when it goes untreated it crawls all over you it rots you thank God I don't know I don't know about that you get descriptions of this kind of stuff you see life on a different you know at a different level onethird of women were having death as a side effect of birth onethird of women were dying from child birth the problems are bleeding right right they're constantly trying to control bleeding and whatnot yeah with drugs with drugs miserable and you know about a third of the population of the youth from in the late teens that's getting eaten off that's getting eaten off they become soldiers and certain number of those get sacrificed right there's a it's not a cheapness they don't have a there isn't a sense of futility um it's looked at as a sacrifice and what what point in history are we talking about oh God far back is the Bronze Age all the way down to about byzantin the bronze AG is what more than older than the fifth century yeah yeah oh I'm sorry um um you know in the best time of the Bronze Age it was late Bronze Age around 1200 to 1100 1 1200 to 1100 that's where some of these oldest text that you've read come from yeah the myy and linear be stuff comes from like 1600 um BC which is that's spectacular they've got dianis and all that stuff I worked with M Bennett who was a Navy Navy cryptographer who studied um who cracked Linear B and um in it we have the name diosas he's the son of Zeus the Thunder and um it was a gorgeous gorgeous world to be able to follow that but that's where the Greek can take you sign up for courses now well let me ask you this how and this is like this is sort of like broad Strokes questions yeah what what um how did your development of your understanding of these ancient texts and and reading this ancient Greek and even the Hebrew everything that you've read how did that change your perspective on religion and Christianity in Catholicism you you were raised what Christian or Catholic I love Jesus man I was I don't know what was your family Baptist Baptist okay okay yeah so so once you start to understand the history and the texts how did this change your worldview of religion um and and and what sort of like misconceptions did you have that were Shattered by this understanding I had a long-term uh relationship with a muse so the whole time that I'm developing this educationally oh look I was just going to bring the Antichrist oh it's happening guys the Antichrist is coming everybody tornado warning don't bring him yet okay hold him off okay hold off Zeus these texts that you're that you're reading and that you're translating are these the original original original sources of of religion of Christian and and Catholicism and baptism and all this stuff is this like The Originals yeah this is the language that held that um all of those texts so the New Testament it's all written in ancient Greek right um the what you call the Old Testament I'm going to shock people with this one what you call the Old Testament which people say is written in Hebrew right which is not a language that I am work with I had to take a little bit of modern in Hebrew when I was there just because it was part of the you know education and um but the text that you think is written in Hebrew is not it's a Greek text that's written in the 3 Century it's a helenistic text called um that you call the Torah or the Old Testament that is not an original Hebrew text now how can I say that what we have is the septu agent that I'm talking about it's the Greek Old Testament do you understand Greek Old Testament mhm okay it's the oldest form that we've got okay okay the whole big deal about the Dead Sea Scrolls was they said huh we finally have some Hebrew because none of it survives right Hebrew is only an eight um is only an 8,000 word ancient Hebrew 8,000 word uh unique word count language okay which puts it in the realm of something you could expend by the end of your breakfast 8,000 words that's not a lot okay and the Dead Sea Scrolls were all in Hebrew the Dead Sea Scrolls were fragments in Hebrew and fragments in Greek and everybody assumed oh this is the original in Hebrew right because now we're following church history you and I live in a time in the Stream the time stream we live in a time when we think that there was an original Hebrew text of the Old Testament but there wasn't it doesn't exist right and to show people the Greek now what's the proof what's the proof the proof is when you read the septu agent that is the Greek Old Testament M it is does not read as a translation it reads as an original it uses Greek idiom it's like a fingerprint on a language and it's got Greek how can you tell it read Greek fingerprints H how do you how do you discern the difference whether be an original or a translation oh you can tell it's easy to tell because colloquialisms don't translate right and so it's like tagging it so how do you you're testing this language to see if it's to see what it's ages okay so you tag it with certain certain things and one of them is colloquialisms right the other one is technical vocabulary you cannot translate from a higher technical degree to uh excuse me you can't translate from a median technical degree to a high technical degree okay you can go down the slope you can take something that's not technical right um and make it more technical right you force that you know you can't drift Upstream right right right so the or if the original the original is going to have the highest degree of technicality yes so the the Dead Sea Scrolls were not the highest degree of tech of tech of technical no writing they were lower they were lower than the than the Greek uh what was the word the the the book you talking about they're Hebrew back translations because at the time the Dead Sea Scrolls they are Hebrew back translations so they took the Greek of what specifically they took the Greek and they said how do we translate this into Greek okay that's why you lose all the technical terms cuz didn't have them in their language and you and what I'm asking is what were God that's crazy this is the first podcast I can I I can remember where the lightning has been this crazy this loud so the Dead Sea Scrolls came from where what were the sources of the Dead Sea Scrolls so those caves and kumran right they've dated these things to probably I've heard as early as first BC but all the way up to second on OD Domin so somewhere in that range somebody is taking the Greek text that we know is already established because people are quoting it right we know for example they had the Book of Enoch in Greek because people are quoting it in Greek so that's how you could that's how you can like track your library where's your library at the time right that's how you track it by the way have you read The Book of Enoch yeah uhhuh I read the Giza fragments of it I can see that much what do you think about all these people talking about about Anunnaki aliens flying around and building pyramids back in the day I think it's silly you do damn it you know how many podcasts we've done with people who claim that they're experts on the anunaki yeah it's it seems to be a big a big area but they were drug users bro what can you what can you expect that's what they taught in the Giza in the Giza um text it says they taught the women the art of drugs so these weren't aliens they were just drug users they were just drug addicts they were giants bro they were giants yeah yeah like real giants gantas that's St are you crunching oh you can hear that oh my god oh I liked it I liked it it's this is the the ASMR podcast there stimulus everywhere they taunt in the drug craft that's what the text says and you don't understand man they've got Medusa at the time you say wait wait wait go back to Giants yeah what are you talking about Giants that's the Greek word gantas Giants meaning physically they were huge people no okay right no they had a superior knowledge of the drugs and they had a group of women who were called the Medusa and the Medusa could hit you with a drug on an arrow and paralyze you and then they would take you and do things to you hm and that's how a group of these women function that's how they hunted they hunted men you can imagine the society women that hunted men yeah you have to kill three men in order to get married huh yeah and they don't really marry you they just Farm men and when when is this what time period was this this is Bronze Age late Bronze Age Bronze Age M like 1200 Peak at 1200 say BC 1 1200 this is when the Great Queen media is around yeah and so back okay okay this is great I'm loving this but back to my original question how fundamentally how did did your understanding and and learning all of this ancient Greek change your understanding of how religion is preached today and the story of the Bible it's a fairy tale it's a fairy tale what they teach now and do now is not even a hair's breath of semblance to what they did originally yeah you don't understand um mystery um is not a word that means a question or something you don't know right the mystery is the performance that brings you through death back into life and once you've been initiated into that environment you're given um Keys things to open up um a way to decode what's being said so that you understand what's at the higher level now if you're like Jesus you do that with 12 children people don't realize that the apostles are just children pump the bricks we'll get there okay [ __ ] okay we're going to get there don't worry this um that's so loud this is the best day of my life is it really thank you for allowing me to come I'm going to say you've had a terrible life this is the day in Greece in in Athens in we're talking the Iron Age or the Bronze Age when when they started to develop uh these mystery Cults of elus what what what time was this yeah this is late Bronze Age late bronze AG late Bronze Age uhhuh and couple of generations before the Trojan War a couple of generations before the Trojan War and this is when were experimenting with these with these drugs the that would uh these psychotropic drugs like Urgot yeah and and other things what were some of the other drugs they were using back then they were using the ones that make you crazy so there's whole there's several classes and one of them the deathbringers that's one 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the perp what did they gain by taking these drugs and and what sort of uh what did they learn what sort of Enlightenment did they achieve what was the so what was the the ends to the use of these drugs for them yeah yeah we have an instead of me making something up you could read the the mythis Liturgy in the Greek magical Papi where it talks about what you'll see and how you should interact and what you have to do oh they had like a protocol yeah it's like a manual wow yeah yeah and you got to have the right things to bring with you because you got to make the drugs right you you get there and you first of all you're going to be fasting for a certain number of days MH and they put you through these um repetitious songs right we have these in the PGM where you're setting the images in your head remember this is idolatry aolon is the word for image Right image and there's you know so when we're on our snake venom and you've got a con auction with a and they're using tons of snakes stff I got an entire author for you watch this pH luminus is his name f luminous pH luminous with a pH on the front yeah he is a physician somewhere before the fourth Century cuz they start quoting him in the fourth and he's a physician who talks about um the Venoms I've got a couple of slides of him he's a they he talks about the Venoms that are used some great stuff by way snake Venoms were used as as mind altering drugs or they were used as antidotes they were used as medicines medicines right right the Medusa really exist right they're women they're group of women these are syian tribes by the way MH what do I mean by that tribes that are um they were horse culture um mobile MH and um they ravaged people that's how they you know got what they needed and the Medusa were the ones that you said they had to kill a certain amount of men before they could get married it's the same tribes that are producing those that specific group of women they have this cult thing where they apply the medicine to their hair they wear it in their hair and they use arrows and that poison can petrify you and they'll drag you off and they'll do things to you like what eat your brain no no no sexy stuff they'll either mate or kill you well hm yeah yeah it's a shame to have end up relationship that's weird that back then you would have to poison a man to have with them right like wouldn't a guy just want to have with these are these are people being raided imagine being raided I mean it's hard to rape a man if you're a woman right so you got to give them truns to make them hard when you're them because you're probably going to kill them too what effects did drug use have on the philosophy of Western Society um and the Democratic forms of governance yeah so um it's a part of the fabric of pushing Society toward um inspiration looking for sources of inspiration all the earliest Greek temples are temples of the muses so that written word connection is very very important and bring magic people want to know what is Magic right um classically and classically it's that control of logos it's a control people think logos oh that's a Greek word right oh and the seminarians get all excited you know I mean and they don't really know it because seminarians don't read classical tags the logos is that reason that Reckoning that Reckoning okay so that's what um to me that's what I studied so carefully that's why classes study ancient Greek yeah they do who is Solon Solon he's a reformer he's a he's a rich reformer who basically turns and gives power back to the people he was advised by oh this guy on crack he carried it around in a he carried it around in a c of uh the hoof of something and it was a plant they root that they said he grounded up and snorted all the time he advised Solon and um solon's reforms ultimately become what you and I know as democracy yeah what is the proper definition of democracy and Antiquity compared to our democracy today yeah it's the rule of the people if you want it's the rule of the people the damos is just the neighborhood you know Athens is divided up into deems mhm right the Hood um you get a neighborhood speak that's what democracy is it's a neighborhood speak and it's direct representation too and they've got all sort all sorts of reforms like look you cannot take any money while you are a uh you know part of the Boule part of the council you can't you can't take any money and you have to have terms and everything and I it's what inspired Jefferson part of your book uh says that there was 300,000 people in in Athens right is that and then and then 10% of them were part of these councils that sounds right there was like 30,000 of them were part of these councils that made the rules and made the laws and right and um they have a couple of assemblies Boule and the E yeah which becomes our word for church well I love the way that it your book described the differences between our Democratic Republic that we have in America compared to uh their version of democracy and you had all these people that would have to debate all these ideas and rules and laws and punishment for crimes um and I think you said that people only were able to do this for one year at a time they had like onee terms or whatever it was different at different times but right right and what we have now is so far away from that very very far away from that yeah well we don't also don't have juries with 300 people either can you imagine that just big crowd of people from the polis doing the city thing right they're being they're exercising their polya it's where we get our word politics right the functioning of the city and they were vehemently against people people who could gain any sort of benefit in this system or or make any sort of money or any sort of economic gain from from this system to corrupt it like it was it was the it was like the their version of democracy was essentially to protect Humanity from itself yeah exactly it put the breakes it was the ultimate check and balance definitely and it's what inspired our democracy or the thing we call democracy yeah but our democracy is so much different I mean it's if if you look at all the people that are in the government and have been in the government making decisions and making millions of dollars for so long it is run by tyrants yes that's how you know the Greeks said they said whoever is profiting watch who's profiting and you cannot have the running of the state with somebody profiting from it because when you do it becomes corrupt they knew that you you have to keep that government um sacred you have to keep it sacred right yeah and Solon was one of the originals uh in responsible for the creation of democracy Yeah well yeah things that led to ultimately what you and I would say voila democracy and how long did this last um you could argue that um this is a process that doesn't start and end but it's a process that Cycles throughout time um and the deity this is where it gets cool the deity that we put on the hill is that Warrior that Warrior girl yeah we put a warrior girl on the hill and you know what she does she nourishes the serpent King isn't that funny she gives him her haa what does this mean her blood drank my blood yeah they're using blood as a medicinal yeah the Virgin Queen she's the one who raises that serpent King yeah no they got him you can go to Athens today go to the top of the look for the erectum in the top of the place and be like where is he where's the serpent King he's there who is the serpent King Stephen can you find this guy he's look for Eric thonus Eric thonus ericus he's from the ground baby Thor when Jesus is on the cross and he's like I am thirsty sabak Thor all right that's what Jesus said when he was on the cross yeah is this in the Bible yeah oh really yeah why would I why would I make this up well I'm not saying you're making it up I'm just trying to distinguish the difference between what's in the the the Bible and what's in the text and I assume that they're drastically different right I no I will give you the hardcore evidence it what is the difference it's just the text I'm just going to bring you a Greek text and this is from the biblical Greek text I'm my question is what is the H how big of a gap is there between the original texts and the Bible people read today mhm um okay so these are the texts that are ultimately assembled into what you call the Bible right those are the same thing right this is the so there's only some pieces like there's a there's a huge load of ancient Greek texts and only certain pieces are cherry-picked for the Bible oh yeah I see what you mean what's the common thread that's uniting all of these things together it's the Cults man and the operation of the Cults they're driving the literature at the time yeah they've got a hostage and they're bringing it in and you can get that from the read all you got to do is bring up those Cults and their activities the stuff the early Christians were doing they're collecting blood and this is from their own insiders who are telling us this ustus tells us this and he says oh my God he says look at they're doing in these ceremonies and he goes on to describe it and I've described it in in detail um but they collect the blood who is this guy fetal blood who's Eric thonus oh this King this king of this serpent King can you pull up a description of Steve I need Wikipedia's I need Wikipedia's description to give me the truth so I know keep Al in in check Eric thus in Greek mythology King ericthonius was a legendary early ruler of ancient Athens According to some myths he was autot God born of the so autoist autus yeah exactly and what happens is hesus comes along and he's like wow look at look at the beauty of what we've made he was adopted and raised by Athena with this virgin Athena her name is aana okay in Dorian so how did we get okay so explain to people listening how we got to Eric from soulon creating democracy um it's that line it's the drug using mystery that drives everything cisero says his life was begun again he was reborn what happened he went to the um great Resurrection these guys These Guys these guys were taking drugs and having some great trans transcendental experience right and and they were similar to people when they take crazy psych do crazy psychedelic trips today right they call it the ego death and they they or they do iasa ceremonies this is what's happening to people back then is that what you're kind of describing yeah yeah yeah okay yeah okay and it's a death to to life I think it's it's a death to life experience it's a rebirth or what they described anyway is a rebirth mhm and yeah that makes sense yeah they put you the drug concoction is incredible we have it in Nero's Library we have it we have the exact concoction that they used has anybody ever tried to recreate it I've tried to get people to do so have you asked Hamilton to try to recreate it he said give me the formula so I did MH um and he's got it could he um it's got a lot of stuff in it that I don't know if you know he could actually produce right it's got several it's got like seven snake Venoms seven different snake Venoms yeah you can put it up your butt oh my is that how they is that how they typically did it back in the day like a suppository yeah we've got a description of a guy who um his Priestess she's spanking him uh with some staining Nettles right on his gen and she's putting inserting that into his you know it's a rectal Drug Administration and we have a text that describes it um it's called Aeron cyan was the word they used in Latin it's from Greek broad from Greek um that is the drug that causes you to have pism right what is prismism is constant okay okay and this is what the Medusa use on their victims too late is it too late for that or too early can we talk about that now it's probably it's still too early yeah we still got more stuff to cover stay tuned yeah we're going to go really deep into all of the uh really crazy stuff here in a little bit we're going to cut off and go to patreon but I want to lay a solid foundation for uh your work and your research before we go there um so back to ancient Greece democracy is formed by Solon and Aristotle and Plato where did they come into the picture um they're a couple of Smarties couple of Smarties yeah and uh who else was there Pythagoras he's a little bit earlier and is he's founding he's the one who said by the way that um they came to him and asked him they were going to send out a colony and the Oracle had given the go-ahead and you have to understand this is late coming from late Bronze Age um governmental Tech where you have oracles that rule that tell you who can go to war with who you know which Tyrant needs to be executed right if you if if you send an embassy out and they ask the Oracle and she says execute right what about this leader we got and she's execute him that's it he's dead what is so special about this Oracle um they're they start with these drugs they use the drugs that those cyan tribes are using up on the Black Sea and they're causing this transformation that they describe as adamantine Freedom so Freedom that is not corruptible mhm right it's a form of government that's why they call them the Medusa from medwa it's an old Myan concept um yeah yeah any who we we we were talking briefly earlier about the Dead Sea Scrolls and you said the Dead Sea Scrolls were part of them were written in Hebrew and they were back translated from earlier Greek right yeah no none of them were originally written in Hebrew they're all originally written in Greek that's why they had complete Greek texts with them Greek was the first there was no there was no Hebrew spoken at the time Hebrew had become a lurgical language right by the by the 2 Century um BC what why Greek I stood I stood in a synagogue in Israel second century and you know it was written there was nothing in Hebrew it was all Greek really and people yeah no you can look check me on it right they all are MH um they all have Zodiacs right right wow yeah isn't that something yeah that's all reflected in the language it's like a fingerprint man you can track this stuff the Old Testament if I say anything today the Old Testament is a work of the 3 century and it's originally in Greek yeah the name Eve a is the the shout that a bachant makes Eve is the shout that a bachan bachant what's a bachant uh it's a woman under the influence of some pretty powerful drugs who's s everything is about drugs there's nothing that's not about drugs is there anything is there anything in history that has nothing to do with drugs or is it all drugs yeah but it was boring you know you just refuse to acknowledge it if it's not about Drugs That's what I'm taking from this is that right no no it's just so many drugs yeah no I mean the Bania right the Ecstasy the world the place we get the concept ecstasy is from the state that one of these women would be in and they could murder you and it was totally freaking legal and that was one of the things that they like to do you know why you get a bloodthirst does that bother you you get a blood thirst yeah cuz and you carry around these baskets we have these represented full of snakes and snakes and D do you ever just like find like when you're looking through these texts you ever like like maybe I'm not looking at this from a neutral perspective like maybe I got somehow corrupted at some point and I'm only looking for the stuff that's going to fly in the face of Academia because they me over when I was doing my dissertation no now what drags me in is the Christ I'm still looking for Jesus that's your that's the one thing that term Christ is a pharmaceutical term is it is it possible that the texts that you've read that tell you some of these things can be translated in different ways or seen from different perspectives or or is what you're saying that these texts say is that is that objective fact yeah I'm all about sources and you you have to be genuine to your source so when I say something I know it sounds outrageous but there's a source that does exactly what I just said that's all I'm supposed to Doh as a journalist is report to you the sources and um let me give you an example um there's a there's a guy named nonas and nonas um he writes a a paraphrase of John the Gospel of John okay and in it nus um uh talks about like Mary's Alabaster and that whole Sexy event and what Mary's what alabastron what does that mean oh it's an oil containing um device it's a okay yeah yeah there's older forms of them that are bigger mhm um Aristophanes makes fun of it on the stage okay in the list Aristophanes was an ancient he a he was a playright comedian like an ancient comedian the father of they were like Father come on man this is Aristophanes he's the one they March out on stage you know big yeah the the last chapter of your book was all about him yeah it was it was fascinating hearing that you know back then they they were able to make fun of you know the top Elite part of the society and the people in government and he made fun of Socrates ripped Socrates right yeah it's a stage is a religious place the stage in Antiquity was not for entertainment nobody's getting rich off of it m what we're doing is we're purifying the people yeah and so they needed that they needed that here the Romans carried the same thing for the to their credit those hot dwelling Romans to their credit they did bring this protection as well and you see it on their Imperial side when you've got a whole bunch of people surrounding Julia Caesar yelling at them things like are you sleeping with the King you know stuff like that cuz he was visiting some place they're trying to ward off the the malaia the magic that's bad The Bad making what do do you ever like when you're reading these texts how do you know what could how do you know what you're reading isn't sort of like an ancient cuz I'm sure people in ancient times they when they're writing everybody whether you're a journalist or um whatever it is you everybody has an act to grind right and how do you know like what you're reading isn't sort of like a a tabloid or a or a a hit piece for lack of a better term that is skewing the the Optics of what was really happening yeah I to what you talking about is getting through a dark cave essentially yeah there's a line on the wall and with a rope on it and you can follow from one end of the cave to the other that's how we get through back and okay back and forward um through the cave yeah and in that in this case it's the pharmacology the science it's not just the pharmacology it's the science um that's really what um if you follow the scientific development of people and watch that over time you you can notice trends like what's popular when they're reaching a pinnacle and the Greeks can now Express calculus with words right that's you know that's quite a quite an advancement can you express calculus with words no I can't even do it yeah no forget that physics too physics too man right no h no um but yeah I don't want to Rattle on what what do you want to you want to ask another question yeah yeah I have I have I have an endless amount of questions um are you familiar with um the guy John Marco Allegro who spent all of his life deciphering the Dead Sea Scrolls and he wrote The Sacred Mushroom in the cross one of the reasons Carl rck has anything to do with me is because I have no interest I have no interest in any of that and you think that isn't that insulting to Carl Ruck it seems right in line with what you're doing though no well it does but I have no interest in it because it tracks I'm sorry can I Denny I'm going to be completely honest with you um there's a lot of Hokum yeah there's a lot of Hokum we only have the sources that's what I'm saying this is so hard to navigate what's good what what's [ __ ] and what's real go to the primary sources that's easy that's easy for you to say yes enroll in my class today right yeah that's exactly the point of why you need classicist that's why Thomas Jefferson was trying to recreate democracy right no establishment of any laws for religion right right purifying he purified the stream made another democracy and wait and he's the one who said I'm sorry MH it's you it's your show I didn't mean to say wait no no it's not rude of you go ahead he said every 150 years you're going to get somebody who tries to insurrecto the government and everyone 150 years yeah 100 he said 100 to 150 mhm and he said when they do you have to take the tyrants and you have to shed their blood anybody who tries to overthrow their government you have to shed their blood and the blood of their lieutenants on the tree of Liberty isn't that interesting what's the tree of Liberty oh God that's just a that's just a symbolic term it's the state mhm yeah it's the race publica it's the Republic baby you got to save the Republic by sacrificing the tyrant that's an ancient Greek idea back when they had tyrants too who were women who could take you captive they could drug you and they could cut your testicles off and they would sell you H yeah trafficking women isn't that something yeah how do you make Unix how do you make Unix for the kingdom of heaven so that's what kind of pulled me out of the Christianity we seeing a lot of the stuff that's actually there yeah seeing some of the depictions of the the the darker side with the human trafficking and stuff like that and the trafficking I would say the reality right it's history you want to know the the truth history means inquiry people don't you think it meant like it's set of events if you were a historian right I can't stand historians unless they can do the original languages and most of them can't classical historians don't do the the side that is the philology so why don't you take um John Marco algro seriously oh cuz I want nothing to do with any controversy it's it's hooko it's you don't want anything to do with controversy I'm I'm a purist right I just want those why do you think he's controversial sources keep getting me fired and I just want the sources out there and he didn't read the sources no no it's just it has to do with he spent it because he was reading the Dead Sea Scrolls right and he based everything that he was talking about the Dead Sea Scrolls yeah which I don't so to you it's irrelevant it is totally irrelevant was there any evidence of using psychedelic mushrooms in Antiquity yeah I used to send um Carl Ruck references every time I came across I was going through these formula these ancient formula and every time I would come across the mushrooms I sent it to him and I did that because I just wanted to pound him and say look you were right you were right you were right cuz people shunned him they they blacklisted him right you know um yeah and it's it's not right he was there bringing the knowledge um of the use of drugs and Antiquity right yeah what what is so Superior about Greek compared to Hebrew or any of these other Aramaic when was when did Aramaic oh God who cares who cares I cannot think of it less relevant look in the librar in the libraries that we have from the ancient world okay if you just look at the libraries remember um look at the Peaks what libraries are you talking about it's always Alexandria big libraries Alexandria right look at what's in those now we don't have we don't have anything we do have one that just opened up in herculanum they just scanned it and the first word they scanned was purple oh yeah por purple was the first word yes it's one of my words that I brought to you in my little presentation so again my so so to you what makes Greek so Superior to any of these other languages or or Linguistics it's able to convey and stretch it's able to build essentially it's flexible so imagine a system like half half of English is based on Greek Roots right imagine you've got words that are using Greek and Latin right some of it is Latin but that's only oh God I'm going to step in here but every look there's two types of classes it's those who are helist and those who study Latin and um everybody knows what happens to the helist they know it attracts the intelligent people and over time it turns their brains into mind expanding right this is the power you asked me what's so beautiful about Greek Greek is able to build um let me give you an example um the word to kiss is filo right we get all our Phil words from that um philosophy is the love of wisdom right um filto means to kiss so if I if I were nice Roman skirt wearing Roman I may walk up to you when I met you and kiss you you know do you mind if I kiss you that's filto then there's Kata filto Kata is an intensifier so it takes it to the level of a you and I French I I meet you like making out give you yeah give you a nice big kiss now what about like is there is does it discern from one person just kissing versus them kissing together like both kissing each other it changes no it's the degree of amorousness that's involved like the degree that Jesus had with Judas right right right when he kissed Jesus we'll get we'll get there we'll get there I want to expand a little bit more I I want you to talk a little bit more about about Greek the language and uh how far it expands compared to other languages and how it expand is just just the human mind so you have a set you have a set of prepositions that are used as prefixes and with those you can build Concepts and if you just look at the concepts alone those are um basically um when you're talking unique words that's like the capacity of your language Greek has between it's been estimated 250,000 to Upward I've seen upward of 500,000 um unique words um just to give you a way to compare it ancient Hebrew has about 8,000 right so um it's Unique word it it it can build its own vocabulary so that you can create or coin terms you should do you walk around coining terms no okay there's the problem right if you start and engage in this problem process of letting the Greek pump your brain you'll start coining words you'll open up a capacity to engineer around you it's a superiority of the language it's a power it's overwhelming and it overwhelmed Antiquity Marcus aelius the emperor who's on a ton of drugs including opium so much opium that gayen says I can't I can't um stand this guy keep he keeps bothering me about his opum he just wants me to more and more you know he's you know he's adjusting his medication up giving him a stronger dose who developed the language um you mean what people like when did it first come about and how long did how long did it take to expand to 250 to 500,000 yeah let's take what modern Scholars would say and just throw that out the window okay what would modern Scholars say mod they all sorts hit and miss all over the place they guess all sorts of you could probably have a range of 3,000 years they wouldn't know okay where does Greek actually come from it's that old Indo European bunkum right that stuff's not accurate the Greeks like forget modern Linguistics the Greeks what did the Greeks themselves say in their own text they said we are the descendants of the Palco these are a group of the marauding calculus iic um uh so this 5,000 BC okay 5,000 BC called the Palco the carriers of the purple yeah this is where Greek came from these are the anant of the of the um fans those who carry the purple okay what what is the purple way back oh God it's Mir squeezing I take a little snail out of the water and he's in a shell and I squeeze out this stuff and process it there's a whole bunch of processing and they turn it into a substance that we use in our religion right in order to induce oyster Mania right you can tell the girls who develop it because their fingers are stained with the purple you can tell because their lips are stained with the purple yeah yeah it's a who knows what's in it I mean I've heard people say is it DMT is it blah blah blah whatever who know who knows and who cares at this point when do these people stop using drugs what is this Steve herculanum Scrolls a 20-year-old journey to read the unreadable yeah this is what uh what Hillman was talking about um th this is a herculanum is that city that was destroyed was a sister city to Pompei and it has a lot of preserved Scrolls in it and so it's if you can unwrap these crusted little Scrolls you can read them and and uh there's one kid that did with AI he used an AI uh to help him out but yeah like what Helman said it said purple one of them did it was the first word that they could visibly read this Library they suspect is I don't know they waffle so I don't know that's for the archaeologist they got to figure that out but they they say it's probably the Julian library from the Gin Julia so the Gin of Caesar himself right um it's and it's destroyed in 79 so it's going to have I can promise you inside of this thing I've already talked to the professor who did the scans oh really yeah yeah he's at um Kentucky okay seal and he's nice guy really nice guy and he said no this is all going to be made public right Public Access so I've already got a team of people shout out to the followers of Lady Babylon um who are ready to transcribe and translate I guarantee you I promise you how close do you think AI is a translating Greek and how accurate do you think you could possibly get I just had a conversation with Dr Ruck about that just a short one um and it's G to it's going to happen yeah um even if they feed it the Lexicon it depends on what they feed her right like Mary nourished in the temple did you know Mary was being fed by Angels no yeah she's got purple fingers in the in the apocryphal text yeah she's got purple fingers she's she's feeding from so Mary was doing drugs from the Angels yeah that's when they auctioned her off at 12 a lot of this this can we go here yet or no how far into the podcast are we we're at I would say 1:45 we can start to delve in um there's got to be a point where we're going to cut it for patreon but let's let's let's let's keep going and and then yeah I'll I'll mute some stuff if we have to and then if it's getting too uh too deep then we'll just jump to the patreon so deep breath I'm going to say sound like a complete idiot when I'm trying to ask you this question but I'm I'm to the best of my knowledge at some point uh the Romans tried to get rid of all these texts and get rid of all of the the links to drugs right and they tried to rewrite they tried to rewrite history um the Romans I wouldn't call those people Romans I would say the Christians Christians yeah yeah who were the first Christians who were the you know who the first one was is the guy on the cross with the head of the ass that's the Jesus was the first Christian that's no that's the first depiction of Jesus the first depiction of Jesus yeah isn't that neat if you knew the ancient cult you'd have ears to hear and you'd know what that means the Metamorphoses will teach you everything the transform ations can you expand on that what was the first depiction of Jesus uh him on a dude on a cross very crude dude on a cross with a with a head of an ass with the head of a donkey yeah yeah you didn't know nander no no nander was a priest first century BC late second first and at the time they were all super well educated mhm and this guy nander he's quoted by later authorities all over the place they're going to find a cander and herculanum you watch so at what point or was there a point that the drug use started to taper off yeah um in the third and fourth you start getting movements of Christianity that is bursting in libanus talks about these they're raids and and the um Christians burst in if anybody is using incense cuz one of the main ways that they're using drugs is through fumigation right right it's an active practice the first Baka media she does this there's an account of it by diodorus the Sicilian and diodorus says that she filled a pot full of all the best choicest drugs and carried it through the town burning mhm carried it through through the town and fumigated everyone wow and everybody joined into this giant thing that we now call an or right when we say the rights the cult rights those are the or right and you have the association with sex but not I'm not going there well there there was unless you'd like to were a thing they they were they were just a thing that was always going on right back then in the no no what do you think these people are lunatics there's just like a whole bunch of yeah that's what I thought no no this isn't I thought that there was thought I thought that there was there was like in um in Athens yeah like in Greece in Greece there was always but the problem was that there was like family members participating in the same like mother and son yeah and then that that was looked down upon by the people in Rome that's what the Christians were doing they started persecuting the Christians for the Roman government oh so the Christians were the one that that were the r the Greeks oh no uhuh it was Roman political control yeah that exerted that influence they're the ones who were to save the children from SE mommy you know what I mean okay um they were rounding up especially in Alexandria because that was a thing they would get involved in practices the Christians they would fate the dude who was their equivalent of a priest it was like a father yeah he was the leader of the Christian coven yeah it was this there and Romans were like no that we stop at the in were they have an or all the time no but you have seasonal or right seasonal um religious actions that you and I would classify as both or just a religious ritual and right right there's a reason those two words are from the same you know emotion right right right same gut cuz was religion to them as well Ryan if you don't understand that it's because you're not a no I understand I can understand it I can I can you did Buddhism stuff didn't you you were you probably I don't have any of that but isn't that an Eastern thing as well I didn't do any Buddhism stuff you didn't no no what gave you that idea I don't know previous misconception didn't now it was somebody you were interviewing was talking oh it was oh now you did it it was the guy that I hate that okay look I don't hate this guy but I hated his interview with you I thought he was being condescending why um you just thought he was being condescending you didn't disagree with anything he was saying you thought you didn't think what he was saying was wrong right no I thought a lot of what he's saying is wrong yeah but he's not a text guy he doesn't work with those classical text so whenever you have to be careful whenever somebody steps out there onto some classical concept like gnosticism hey buddy if you can't go back and you can't read The Originals don't don't bother saying anything about it my my my mentor Dr John Scarboro at the University of Wisconsin Madison told me on the first day he said it's great to have you as a student and um drop all your secondary sources because we're not about that we don't care what other people think we don't want you to tell me what your theories are religious studies and I'm telling you this just as one person to another religious studies this is why classical philologists laugh at religious studies why because they don't master the basics don't tell me what cisero said don't tell me what Homer said unless you can read what Homer said I used to tell my my seminarians that M cuz I taught at Seminary who was Homer who was he was a poet he was a b baby from when he sang the song eth 8th Century yeah 8th Century yeah there was there was there was uh there's three uh famous poets who you talk about who you take the sources from which is Homer ID and who else uh yeah Avid not so much not so much Avid yeah yeah no if I were if I only had my three choices I was going to make a soup of the best stuff MH yeah I would say Homer and I would say p pendar pendar yeah pendar gives you that classical flavor and then I would say escalus as did Ides um um have he had to give in in aristophanes's play the frogs diis goes to the underworld remember the stage at the time is a place of ritual purification mhm it's a place of ritual purification so so um Aristophanes pulls out um Ides and esus fighting about who's the best who's the better poet in hell if you will in hell yeah it's not really hell they didn't really have a concept of hell it was the other side of the Dark Star the other side of the Dark Star yeah which is apparently it's it's apparently the place from which they would pull all of this this oracular information they said it was the real and we were the image of it go figure okay I don't know what that means I don't know either yeah maybe you got to be on the juice maybe you got to stick that stuff up your yeah yeah we got to put some purple in our butts to really understand what was going on yeah okay so the first depiction of Christ was a man being crucified with a donkey head correct and so so who was Jesus Christ yeah Christ is a title Christ is a title yeah Christ is a title yeah and it's a pharmaceutical term it's the Christ is a pharmaceutical term where you put in Greek yeah yes and it means there I have several examples of it to show you but it means um you can perform an in Christ they called it where I give you a drug um what usually what you'll see me do is I'll spit on the ground yeah I'll spit on the ground and I'll use a combination of Earth and spittle my own spittle why am I spitting did you know Jesus walked up and spit in people's faces I thought you said Christ was just a I didn't was he was an actual person uh in the text who is he in the text who is he yeah yeah that's what's most important and that text is going to show us history right you can say what you want about the text as long as we're translating it accurately so what is the text because the textes are evidence this is science man I refuse to give over the discipline of Classics to the H uh the Humanity's people it needs to be taken by the scientists it's Linguistics is a science I'm not a linguist I'm not a linguist I'm a classical philologist what's the difference linguists do General stuff right like how how language acts under certain circumstances or okay you know it's the basic mechanic algra was a linguist yeah there um classist do just Greek and then there are some that do Latin okay yeah okay all right so tell me more about Christ yeah so it's a drug term and it means to be putting that um putting that thing in your eye can I show you so so to Christ or to Christen means to put a Dr put drugs in your eyes originally yeah originally originally okay so how how did this get turned into the person everybody knows is Jesus Christ the fairy tale for example you talk about the age of the Apostles right and everybody gets in their mind the images of bearded adult adult men M right people don't realize those are teenagers the apostles we're talking about the picture of like Jesus with the apostles the Last Supper yeah notice they're all bearded men they're all bearded men yeah yeah what happened because the orig description he's constantly calling them children and they aren't in the original description who's constantly calling okay so like James and John are two of Jesus's boys yes he picked them up one day on a boat what do you mean boys like they're his homies or like they're his children yeah what do they do that's the question they end up together a lot with boys in tombs With Boys in tombs yeah okay yeah multiple documents show that okay we have St siral coming out of one of these graveyards with a bunch of Venom it says bleeding out his and a couple of pro with him right mhm yeah yeah every Heracles has his highis what was uh yeah how how common was in these cultures back then and the society how how was Pro viewed and how how ubiquitous was PR and what was was it looked down upon was it or was it just a an accepted part of society kind of like drugs were oh God it's the we got to go to Cyprus we got to go to Cyprus and worship Aphrodite where once a year your wife has two choices either she can shave her head and stay with you or she can go to the public forum and pick up one of the local Sailors and with them all night not thinking about you and come back the next day and be completely healed yeah that's the devotion that's the Devotion to that aphrodite remember the ramens are children of Venus so this is embedded this woman Centric gorgeous goddess this is part of their their medical system it's part of their healing and so those you asked me about um later those the Christians would call them proes and that's where you and I get our term of pro from okay and the negative you would never these are priestesses of Aphrodite you have made sacred the institution of why were the why would the wives have to go have with Sailors and who were the sailors I don't know sometimes you get the need who are the sailors look they come in and they go and it's a religious Festival if you have a problem with that that's between you and your wife now what kind of instruction does that give to people to the men on Cyprus what kind of instruction what what what do you what do you learn from that kind of religious Festival where once a year your wife gets to go have with who with whomever she wants are the wives wanting to do this yeah well you'd have to ask them when they're doing it but since they all come back with smiles it says that they come back with smiles no I made up they they come back with smiles but they do it every year and you only have one choice shave your head and enter and why do they say shave your head because that shows that you're in the sign of mourning that you're mourning the loss of a Donis that you're mourning that so you stay with your husband you see the Loyalty she's loyal to him even in death the women who keep their hair that's Resurrection baby right they're out there this is Easter yeah yeah does that kid look exactly like you yeah half sisters and brothers huh yeah children of Aphrodite right sons of God these are Romans that's what the Romans called themselves right offspring of Aphrodite herself it's gorgeous once you have access to these texts you'll be surprised it'll open up a whole new world that is the actual history history means inquiry it's not a linear chain of events it means inquiry and specifically Historia were the questions that you ask oracles and who are orac Les some 14-year-old girl totally bombed on drugs singing wow singing yeah her words they're Divine if we follow them we're going to end up at democracy I think it was in your book I think it was Plato who uh you said that he was attempting to or or maybe he wasn't attempting to but he thought of uh he thought of drugs and delusion and creativity and Mania all is the same thing right and I think you you used uh an analogy to uh the human the human soul being driven by two horses the the human soul was a chariot being pulled by two sources by two horses that were fed fed drugs basically what what you know whose horses those are those are the horses of the God's baby right and what are the gods fed Ambrosia Ambrosia you know who has the best ambrosia ganam you know who ganam is I don't he's I'm sorry he's if I can if I may kill this if you have to please Steve so for people who are listening to this podcast now uh if it's on YouTube it's going to be heavily censored because there's some words and there's some descriptions that Ammon is giving here that uh can't be showed on YouTube so if you want to watch this thing fully uncensored it's on our patreon it's linked below sorry to interrupt continue please I will be as literal and direct as possible the most scientific as possible in honor of you Danny because I don't I don't want to I just want to make sure that this thing gets out to as many people as possible okay and uh unfortunately uh the the high priests and priestesses at at YouTube and Google will not let that happen if there are crazy words being used so that's the only reason totally totally um so gamed is the lover boy of Zeus and what he does is he pours Zeus the nectar and in prian cold Prius is the god of the AR in Antiquity there's a God of AR yeah in the Met Museum um you can see they've got a thing up now of all the prye stuff and all the you know when you're in a city and they you see a statue of Prius you rub the um if you're a young girl you rub the for the sake of you know good luck you know you know it's a positive thing so you you'd see people doing this every Garden has a statue of prus in Rome can you find a statue oh there we go a statue oh my [Laughter] God blow up one of these photos blow up that one in the [Laughter] middle prus was okay this is according to Wikipedia okay Prius was described in various sources as the son of Aphrodite by dionis and the son of dianosis and chion as perhaps the father or son of Hermes uh or as the son of Zeus or pan okay so that thing oh wow go hang on go back real quick uh wait wait wait wait uh according to Legend hura cursed him with inconvenient impotence he could not sustain an eruption when the time came for SE intercourse inconvenient impotence I've read so he had a huge but he couldn't get it hard I've read descriptions um in different ancient authors about the different drugs that are made in order to induce and um and to reduce it so yeah it's a drug thing they're using look at that little guy there you know the first thing bakas did when he came back from hell is he sat on a over the grave of the guy who pointed in the direction of the cave where he had to go find the underworld H yeah why are they doing that stuff with their uh yeah why why are these people such sickos you you asked me you were like are you sure you're not just focusing too much look at this yeah no it's I I guess it's hard to Escape right yeah yeah the first depictions of Aphrodite are um she has a beautiful woman with a giant coming right at you can you find this Steve yeah find the early Aphrodite sculptures please early Aphrodite sculptur sculptures yeah yeah yeah love it it's good stuff and they put stuff on those you can find this in the saon right and um that's how they're administering drugs it's how they're administering this yes and orally and ocular they have an ocular administration of my person an ocular yeah no not a that's spreading the seed brother right don't you want to have an in Christ station you know somebody's seed um the aites the aites they called them in Antiquity there it is they're a sect they're this is Aphrodite look she's lifting up her skirt what she got under their skirt oh oh my Lord what is that now why why this say f it says statue of f for deto why not yeah why not huh yeah why not is that disturbing is that disturbing it's not disturbing it's just interesting I'm wondering I'm like were they were they hyper obsessed with gender and why why were they so obsessed with they don't even have a word for homosexual I right yeah right so it's all a part of the they don't seem to have a problem so there was no there was no moral or ideological boundaries when it came to course obviously other or scientific I mean scientific other than the fact you can create Offspring right one thing you have to say one thing you have to say and I always use this um whenever you hear a historian or classicist or anybody using generalities right um that's you can tell that they're full of it um different cultures we're talking about span of 2,000 years you know say a th000 BC to a th000 anod Domin you know about 2,000 years so in that time you've got a lot of different things going on right Spartans do something totally different from what Greek do right dorians do different things than ionians do right where do we find this where we find this lady what about the where do we find her tell me I don't remember where this one's from okay but where is she originally her form you got to thank of the great mother baby you got to thank the great mother there's a lot of castration going on in the worship of the great mother you know I've I've seen a 10-year-old boy that's what Lucian says a 10-year-old boy cut off his own and he this was during a religious Festival no don't worry the parents are there Lu Lucian wrote this yeah who is Lucian oh he's second century he's a guy who's writing onod Dominy and he's talking about um the rights of cile okay and at these festivals you know you could go there too it's like spring break but except you're cutting off yeah and we have an account no catalis catalis 63 is an account of one of these boys who did this cut his off the next morning he was like I don't know regret but you take the says Lucian and you throw them into somebody's house and whoever whoever whoever gets the um has to provide you with a woman's kit what's a woman's kit oh all the clothes that a woman needs to be why would they do that cuz you got your off why would you want to be dress cut your off to dress like a woman though cuz you're honoring the great mother you're honoring the great mother yeah okay right everybody loves mom except for Nazis right yeah I guess the Romans imported her cult when they were having a problem with Hannibal they were like we're screwed what do we do and they sent somebody out to the Oracle and the Oracle at dely told she said you got to import the worship of the great mother okay and so they did okay and they blew them that's when they blew up into an Empire this is like 205 BC okay and after that they just blew up their controllers blew up it's that exatic worship of the mother that's what requires the imagine how devoted you would have to be to the great mother cut off your own now he he said sometimes tourists do get wrapped up on the whole festival and we'll be like H you know they'll join in but that's right remember you're on drugs and you're being whipped and stuff too baby I mean this is intricate this is crazy stuff there's a there's a sadistic level to this oh it's gorgeous they open up these Roman Villas like the Villa of the Mysteries herculanum and Pompei and stuff they open those things up and they've got all these frescos of gorgeous people with whips anded people and you're like what are they doing what are these people are doing it's crazy no it's it's mental health don't worry it purges the society the Emperors know this yeah it gets out of hand and they they have a conspiracy in the 180s and it gets out of hand and they they end up killing uh like 2,000 women um and the way that they caught them was their drugs yeah what was the conspiracy it was a bunch of wives of prominent Senators who were trying to restructure the government oh it was a coup attempted coup right that's why they took it down yeah oh wow they made it a legal those ROM these are the Fresco whips of pompe yeah look at these I don't is this them I'm trying to find it this is just what popped up yeah there you go what's going on down there fashion show now the one of them's getting beaten baby there's somebody right next to her with a whip if you had a time machine you could go to any place in history where would where was the first place you would go yeah I would go back to the Garden of Gethsemane The Garden of Gethsemane it's the public park where Jesus was arrested you are obsessed with this I think you constantly talk about this this moment when Jesus was arrested yeah it's yeah it's why is that is this in the Bible yes it is also dumb question how many versions of the modern Bible are there um I don't know how many but there's I can think of at least 12 there and what's the difference between them all why why is there through why are there so many versions depends on the time that they're translated and if you'll notice a lot of them follow the earlier authors right Bible scholars don't read anything outside of the Bible so how good do you think their vocab is how good do you think their translation skills are mhm right that's the problem so those translations are generally pretty bad and that's what I brought some examples of okay and this is in the garden actually that I brought these these slides for um okay and this is the Garden of Gethsemane and where are we we're with Jesus in the first and he's being arrested okay so let's give some context let's give some context this so so so who was Jesus and why and what is so good what is so great about him yeah Jesus is a guy who walked around with 12 children and um all the time and pro and a group of no I'm just telling what the text say he was just a guy who walked around with Pro prostitutes and children so what was so great about he called his disciples and he calls them his children constantly right remember remember God so he's a pimp God blesses those who take care of the children right okay yeah he takes care of these children he takes care of these children okay there is a female underage called the pida when Jesus Christ is in his trial his followers won't admit there is followers right it's the whole you're going to deny me right Jesus is all like I'm going to get freaking scandal ized right and you're going to deny me when he's in the garden and he gets caught mhm and those three Peter James and John they're keeping watch the text says they're guarding at a distance while Jesus Takes naked boy that's been assigned to him that's what the text says like a slave so this the depiction of this event is only in one version of the Bible is that right is it uh Matthew no it's in multiple but the kid is only in Mark only in Mark yeah okay and it's only like two sentences right Stephen can you pull up can you pull up the passage it's I've got it here oh you've got it there okay yeah 1451 is that first slide I can pull up the passages and show different the the different versions and how it translates as well uh what passage is it Mark 14:51 1451 on all right cool okay a young man what is it can you blow it up yeah a young man wearing nothing but a linen garment was following Jesus When They seized him that's all it says yeah now look at the Greek oh yeah yeah and it says a young boy was assigned to him having wrapped his with a medicated bandage and they arrested him a medicated bandage is what it says seone yeah I've got the okay so I'm I'm comparing yours to what this one says so visibility I can turn on Greek as well I would love to see how the uh this online Bible matches uh yours check out the is is okay so right here is that exactly what you're reading yeah that's what I'm reading okay which which one of those Greek words is uh is wrapped in a medicated linen epu this is on the okay let's just start on the first line maybe we should should we go to his computer Steve yeah yeah I I'm punching it up that's it okay okay the first let's go to the first one the second word in is Nanos and that is what we call a diminutive it's a little of something else and what is aanus a nanus is a boy okay yeah so this is a little boy okay and they called py female who were underage okay and when I say underage I don't mean did they Define underage down yeah that's what I'm saying it's not under 18 it's before so okay so that was their word for for before age was they didn't set a year right okay got it right the translation here says young and was there was was there uh any sort of moral bound boundaries when it came to based on not from what I've seen okay yeah now generally in in different no in different civilizations you can still like in Athens you can still prosecute for somebody coercing what you and I would say is underage then before yeah that's still you can get in trouble for that okay but it's not like it um it's not like there's compensation involved because you know it's it's not like a crime like you and I consider a crime it's more like a civil crime yeah okay like being punched right yeah you've damaged somebody so you can give them reparations for damaging them okay that's what you do but the pedagogi in Antiquity pedagogue that person who raises educates the children right that person that's the Kenton they called them the Centaur it's their word for which means what oh um with children oh yeah yeah yeah and Kon remember Chiron he's a centaur who is the master of Heracles and now you know why Heracles has his boy hus do you understand the sacred mystery is pass from generation to generation okay yeah so again what was so special about Jesus he was a guy who walked around with kids yeah Apostles Apostles yeah so um what was so special about was he the only one doing that what was so no what's so what was so special about like oh and this is that's perfect um no he's not it's called being a lce what is a l he and he was crucified between two of these a leace is defined and I've got it on the next let's see oh here look this follows my presentation so this is what the boy that was with Jesus boy this is what he was with him um doing him he's he's following him notice they use this ter term and where do you get this from this this this is the thank you to the victorians from Oxford who have given us this wonderful fantastic lexicon of ancient Greek okay 1850s after that book that you just had was oh okay was written okay um and here it is and it's notice that um it's using soldiers it's using term for soldiers and slaves right so um this kid is not just hanging out with Jesus right we people have tried to explain this um for a while what was the kid doing with Jesus right okay um anyway let's go on to the next one double click there you go now hit the green button hold up look this is what the kid has wrapped on his gomos and you say what's gomos uh goom fine cloth usually linen yeah yeah fine cloth look look look look where it's look at the second line it says booon right so they're wrapping things in this right and surgeons bandages mm and bandages and that's where I get it on my end when I'm reading the medical authors they're all saying that you impregnate linen with drugs that you're going to treat the wound with right this kind of makes sense you impregnate women no no linen linen I'm sorry you impregnate linen don't impregnate the women with drugs yeah to treat wounds yeah okay do that make sense this is this is the original text and this right here is the translation that we have right now which is punch it up for people uh but a nothing but a linen garment yeah notice how they turn took it from a bandage and turned it into who did this who's responsible for this crappy translators people who do not work with the Greek if you bring up the next is this but is this is this an accident or is this intentional no translations intentional stupidity are they intentionally leaving this this [ __ ] out of the Bible no it's bad training oh it's just bad training okay yeah there we go now watch this one okay so that last one had booos on it well what is the booos it's fine linen bandage right they give you at the top but then look at the reference on the second line that's Ides baky okay so this is something that they're using within some kind of religious ritual and look at number two at the bottom Roman numeral number two porus that's hus and who's hus hus is SE lexicographer from the fourth and fifth who comes in and he has access to these ancient Greek um lexicography texts right so before anybody was having any kind of substantial literature the Greeks were already at the level and these are ancient Greeks they're already at the level of creating um a language that is so highly specialized we're still trying to translate it look at poror furos here right and you see the different dialects that you get from the top you got it in attic and you got it in eolian and you got some safo there we look at number one right has something you do with the sea number two blood gushing M purple number two the purple of purple of stuff cloths Etc yeah Etc it's a diey right look at number three purple clad you can have the purple people right walking around with their purple and then um number four purple spots but then number five is a specific and then number six oh Mor there it is it's that thing that sets right the purple um it's the um it's the chemical that we're going to be using within the right to make what is called The Burning purple and that comes from the Virgin and it comes from the Virgin yeah right Mary's fingers were covered with purple and when her Midwife came in to check her because that's what midwives do all this stuff by the way is coming from medicine it's coming from women's medicine yeah that's where all the sciences and when the Midwife came in to check her to check Mary she palpated her how'd she do that say she stuck her two fingers and um that's how that's what they do when they're when someone's pregnant to check how dilated their cervix is or whatever right yeah you do the same thing with cows right I guess never a cow no well here she her and then she oh God now you're going to have to pull that out don't say that don't PR sorry sorry sorry okay um what happened um yeah we're just creating more work for the editor she she had purple fingers and those purple Fingers um burned right it says the apocryphal text say it burned her finger the midwife's finger H okay um where are we getting Baptist from and you say wait a minute this thing is jumping all over no we're still talking about the purple look at this this is the word baffet dipping of red hot iron in water hence temper or edge of a blade or tool produced thereby yeah yeah yeah now look at now number two die and the source there is theop die of blood yeah that's the source there is theophrastus it's the Historia plantarum he was a student of Aristotle MH and he's the first botanist he's considered the he wasn't the first Bist but he was considered to be the father of Botany and if you look at the word that follows theop frases it's poror fura which is just the word we got out of herculanum and it says por the baptism is a baptism into the purple okay we didn't we didn't leave the cult we're still on the cult mhm right Baptists you know what Baptists carry they carry drugs yeah they carry drugs everybody's carrying drugs MH um uh oh and by the way and the Roman Market is an OV Market the Roman Market is an open market yeah you can buy anything you can buy Venom from North Africa in the Roman Market make a caution it'll knock you down and we know this because they have recipes and doctors writing about what do you do when you come across somebody and he's had too much Hemlock the first time I read that I was like wait a minute too much Hemlock that's what Socrates was killed with right mhm mhm yeah but this is a dude who just use small amounts to trip balls he said he said he'll be walking on all fours and bleeding like a sheep God yeah and what do you do you got to give them an antidote and that's where I was talking before about the Rope that's in the cave that's guiding us through the cave is the science um they have they have uh come through the Romans have come through a world that was a Bronze Age Renaissance of drugs dotes and antidotes they call it Christ and Antichrist oh yeah yeah they are pharmacological terms terms and they're using them that way and when you get baptized this is what you're being baptized into it's the only way to bring eternal life and you say wait a minute why I thought cuz you're thinking the wrong eternal life there's no phrase in the New Testament that says eternal life they all say ionic life ionic life uhhuh which what does that mean it's outside the Tim stream that's how they describe Pythagoras said it has 360 degrees yeah so they're talking about some sort of DMT realm maybe I don't know quantum physics I don't understand it because they're also talking about the Dark Star this stuff is all accessible across the Dark Star so I don't I don't know what that means but I know that you have to join a lot of drugs and a lot of mhm um Behavior where does Bonas always lead bakas always leads us to Aphrodite why is that because she is like life there's a sacred name of Rome that is secret and I give everybody on my channel a hard time to derive the sacred name they can't derive the sacred name if you know this this is what they said in Antiquity don't blame me they said if you knew the sacred name of Rome you can control her power if you knew the sacred name of Rome you could control her power yeah yeah yeah and that name is the operation of the mystery the name is an operation of a mystery yeah it's the operation it is that resurrection of the Kora that's why in the which they did at lusus every year right which is is why you have the very same kind of worship that's spreading through the oracles the oracles are spreading the power of that elisan they call it a purification when you can put your population through an act that brings them healing they're better citizens wow yeah wow yeah now you understand why they call the temple this is some wild [ __ ] man uh priest is means Prost well that's what the later Christians call them you know why they did now because this is the activity they're doing they're bringing that healing right there's 20 th there's 20,000 I think it was 20 or 22,000 that celebrate during the uh Bona DEA the Romans called it I mean it's it's all this is all making a lot more sense to me now I mean it's it's when you're talking about the creation of democracy and and saving Humanity from itself and trying to eliminate all all the negative influences of of ancient oligarchs or tyrants and trying to create a just and fair Society that's essentially what what they did and and the use of of drugs to to have an understanding of this and to create this sort of world that would that is the best way I mean even in modern times when you hear people talking about uh psychedelic experiences and or you know experimenting with things like DMT or or whatever it is um there are many modern descriptions of the same thing you're sort of talking about I mean even like if you talk like if if if you wanted the best most just and fair uncorrupted version of government today you would want the president of the United States to trip to be tripping on mushrooms right so but the problem with it is the way that we look at the way we look at at it today is if you have all the people like when it going back to democracy if you have all of these people 10% of your population making the decisions and debating the decisions you're never going to become the number one Empire yeah you're not going to be able to control other Empires because you're only worrying about yourself yeah you're not creating Wars and trying to influence the rest of the world and trying to trying to have the strangle hold on everyone else you're just worrying about your society and being good and the downside of that is you become vulnerable to the outside world or to an Insurrection which is which is what happened uh to the Romans and they're screaming the emperor Julian is like oh my God do not let the Christians teach and you know today that's like what oh that's so terrible and no he says they will pull down your government right around yours and they'll set up something that's horrific in its place sure enough they did they killed him though within a few years he was dead by a Christian soldier who speared him in the back yeah yeah it's the attempt to extinguish that's why I'm so great grateful for the herculanum Scrolls because every time this is the largest um the only intact library that we have from the ancient world and it is the largest collection it will have completely new Authors it will have authors that we know exists but we didn't have that copy of that play I'll have those two MH and every time in history there is I have great I bring you great news because every time in history that we have a an Enlightenment um it's based upon a Resurgence of that classical um Muse it's based upon her and to call that forward I predict that um this thing is potentially able to create another Renaissance and and I hope people are um aware that it's out there and it has silver it has the purple written on it right there yeah exactly exactly so so these translations that you've just pulled up what does this have to do with or or what does this tell you about the scene of Jesus in the park that's exactly what this verse says right here it says can you zoom in on that a little bit yeah can we there you go there you go you just did it yeah and so he's um what happened so Jesus is there and it says um the kid dropped the band bage uh and ran off naked that's what exactly what that says she had dropped the bandage and ran off naked okay yeah so and it says specifically in previous in 51 that it was epig gumos and epig gumos is on his private parts an epig gumna which is the bandage that's soaked in drugs the scon that's on there right why why is Jesus with the kid remember when he first walks in the garden he falls over he stumbles over and he's ah he's in pain he's going through the exact same symptoms that doctors will describe Jesus of the drug users yeah it's in this chapter it's in Mark 14 yeah so he's tripping um he's it says that he's exceptionally fearful right so it looks like he's in some kind of psychotic fear MH and he's screaming about take it don't you know don't let me do it and he's with his kid he's with this kid at the time right and he ends up with stuff on his face stuff that is like big drops of poron talking about bodily bodily fluids blood is how it's typically no that's how it's translated it's not the blood that he's got it's purple and he's got an antidote from the kids that's the galain is the kid se he has to Heracles has to have hus he has to have his boy Zeus has to have ganam on the prex side they call it gamid and the question is do you drink from ganam I don't well that's why you're not in [Laughter] charge yeah [Laughter] probably all right bring me back down to earth here what's what's going on in the park again so so Jesus has um the purple on his face yeah he's got the purple on his face J Jesus is Jesus is is having some sort of a psychotic fit right he's having a he's having some kind of overwhelming emotional state that's hitting him so hard he's falling on the ground so he's got some kind he's got something on board that's causing him to stumble and it's 400 a. in the morning yeah it's 4 a.m. yeah yeah and he's got and and who who he just came from the who wrote this by way party with the kids he just came from the did one of the cops write this one of the cops that arrested him no this is Mark Mark was there well no mark is telling you the things that the secret things that you're not supposed to know so how does Mark know if he wasn't there yeah well I don't care if he does or doesn't know the fact is he's saying them okay and that's what's scary well how do we know Mark didn't have antra against Jesus you want to make Jesus look like a like a bad guy and make him look like a weirdo or crazy person he could maybe I don't know for all I know right oh that's why I say we have to stick with exactly what the sources the point is that this is what take it for what it's worth this is what Mark said yeah and he and Mark was not there uh no it's Peter James and John and then kid okay yeah now Mark uh excuse me where did Jesus come from before this in the scene he came from the place where he was with all the kids in the upper room that's where they came from right in what room in the upper room it's just the way to refer to the place look it was shady right this is part of the cops this is part of what the cops have on him right he sent out a couple of his boys to go scout out a place and when he did he told him hey you're going to come to this guy and he's standing there and he's doing this and you got to approach him and say Jesus's boys where do we need a place for Jesus to celebr and he says take him in here and he finds a guy and they take him up they get a shady back room business remember what what does Jesus do with his boys we all know this that's why we're a crowd and we're angry and we want Jesus crucified now you understand well there was a freaking crowd there yeah a little bit brutal with them weren't they well yeah they had good reason to be he was with those 12 underage kids in that room washing feet and you got to get when you wash feet have you ever washed somebody's feet not that I can recall how about a 12-year-old boy no absolutely not now why wouldn't you do you have some kind of problem with Jesus apparently I do yeah okay all right that's too bad because he ends up in the garden after this with the three older ones and he says keep guard while he takes the young kid off to the middle of the garden in the meantime they're falling asleep while Jesus is rolling around in agony and doing what he's got to do to get for the Galan from the boy and that's the Mastery here the boy has some kind of antidote gayen describes pre yeah it's not milky gayen describes this yeah as long with the pre girl's um uh EX date from their breast you can milk you didn't know you could I did not know that okay we can medically probably has antibodies in it to whatever the Venoms they're using cuz these same girls you cut them and this stuff you cut them and you wrap them with the snake venom and that's why we all hold up serpent right we all know it you see my tattoo right it doesn't it doesn't say it was on a pole show me the tattoo you're talking says it was on a tattoo I'm just any of just any of them I'm waxing poetic I'm sorry okay so Galen talks about this pre that boys and girls create and he talks about this being used as an antidote to snake venom specifically it's the ant it's the Galan with it's a Greek term that means the calm after the storm Galan and what is the calm after the storm supposed to mean though because um okay remember how Jesus was screaming on the cross I mean yeah I guess yeah yeah you don't have to scream while you're on the cross right you don't have to right but he Not only was a screamer he was a dire early he didn't die of the crucifixion Jesus Christ did not die of a crucifixion he screams out and then boom he's gone and it says the soldiers are surprised they reported the pilot like he died early bro nce tells us that that vinegar that they offered to Jesus on the cross and the sponge that that was an antidot to the Deep SAU the Deep SAU is the horned viper of North Africa and its venom makes you really thirsty they were trying to give him an antidote his followers all his they were around the cross they were trying to give him an antidote he didn't get it and he overdosed he's dead that's it how did they administer the snake venom oh that's the brother while he was on the cross no no oh no he had had it already by the time when he shows up in the garden he's got it on his face oh so he had already been given this he gave himself the snake V that's why he's going through the gations and ah feeling bad he's already going through it it was the boy that was the antidote to it the antidote and he says he says let this cup pass what is that cup in Apocalypse the Revelation yes it says that cup is borne up by that thec by that Galan they're using the same it's one right they're using the same drugs in the apocalypse and the great enemy of God is that lady's cup which is full of you have to drink the boy's to survive in order to survive but why why did he get this why did he to take the snake venom in the first place cuz he was a Christ so he was just so he he he overdosed so he overdose prophesy how are you going to prophesy he accidentally took too much is what you're saying no I don't think he took too much I don't think he got an antidote the text are saying he just didn't get an antidote yeah I think that's why Nona says they were attempting that sponge which by the way no this is corroborated by the geop the geop is a Byzantine uh Farmers manual for lack of a better term and in it it says the vinegar the oxus that is the remedy that's the common term for the remedy of the dipass snake mhm right so it's the chemical knowledge is all there they were just using it you know and it's yeah yeah um Heracles likes it in the eyes though that's the thing but how much later did he die from that from that moment in the park how much time passed before he was crucified yeah um it's it midday isn't it midday when is he shout out I think it's a during an eclipse cuz there was like the last supper right yeah during the eclipse yeah no it's later right last supper was the party all night naked right it says specifically Jesus was naked with his Pia with his boys and he's always calling them boys he calls them my little ones I've got some verses here where he calls them my little ones mhm right so why is he what is he doing he's perpetuating a cult that is a practical um business is a um if it's it's illegitimate because it's prosecuted by the government um and Julius Caesar was one of the people who who cracked started cracking the back of it because they kidnapped him they were going to sell him off uh and he got a ransom and came back and killed them all wow crucified him so I'm surprised it took the snake venom so long to kill him yeah I mean what that mean that was so it was more than 24 hours from when he was crucified from when he was found in the park no he would have gotten it so he went to the party with the boys at night so that's when he they would have done the administration of the Flesh and the blood okay yeah and it was the next day he was remember the oits still fate for the sacred communion H Roman soldiers do too yeah so the sacred communion Mythic yes was was a your seed your seed makes me high so they were so Not only was this stuff being used as an antidote they were also mixing it with other stuff to get high it's poly Pharmacy it's a ton of plants and animal substances some of them I laugh at him like oh gee how did they figure that out no idea but didn't you didn't you mention that that somehow um the boy or or either animals or humans were used to endogenously create drugs they tested on roosters they tested drugs on roosters and they would give them poisons and then feed them the antidote caused them to swallow the antidote and to see if that you know gayen writes about that he says you can do it on people too and they do so were they were they giving the poisons to these people and then assuming that these people would their immune system would react in a certain way and they could pull out like for lack of a better term like the antibodies that were using to fight the poison and use that to put into other people I think that's what's happening when they talk about breast milk these priestesses will give off a breast milk they cut their arms and they would give themselves drugs and then they they give themselves Venom over time in a wrap mhm and then they and their body would start fighting against it and then they would use they would pull out the breast milk and use that as an antivenom as an antivenom yeah essentially or an antichrist it's not really a antivenom either it's a it it is a balancing drug right so you're not stopping the Venom you're you're basically the Physicians say you're stopping the negative symptoms oh wow yeah poly Pharmacy wow yeah yeah good stuff let's get some Hemlock and some henbane some aconite some really poisonous stuff and then do you think that their Pharm their their pharmaceutical knowledge and their drug knowledge if if if uh if we understood all of that today do you think it it would it would Advance our knowledge currently in science and and pharmaceuticals and and uh treatments of illnesses and disease yeah undoubtedly and I tell people just that um they're thinking of making the human body the producer of the drug right your body becomes they're not thinking okay this person is depressed therefore I'm going to hit him with this drug right this one drug I'm going see what happens to them and watch them you know what I mean they want to kill themselves oh that's not going to work right that's not what they're doing they're looking at using multiple drugs to basically create the potential that the human body has to make its own communion to be a source of Health right sacred name of Rome right is that Health it is that power it is that extended capacity it's why we insist that the vessels are virgins yeah they direct us it's why we insist that the vessels are virgins yeah what do you mean by that yeah it's why that they have to be in a certain physical state because the person becomes the vehicle of the drug the cup is full of her that's her we are talking about the communion that is the of a virgin right and a WRA ular virgin right yeah and when I say virgin I mean the kind that they put up on the statues right remember Athena aana that's the exact image the adalon that they're creating is Athena the Virgin holy virgin you didn't like you didn't you don't worship the holy virgin do I yeah what is your religion I'm not really religious yeah I didn't think so it's a bunch of crap isn't it I don't know yeah I'm not according to you no according to you it's uh it's way more than I thought it was um so so why why in the Bible do they explain that the guys who were being crucified next to Jesus were just thieves yeah that's how they translate it that's how they translate and again this is not on purpose they just accidentally did this how are you going to transl but isn't it convenient that they they isn't it convenient for them that they made they didn't they left all this out oh you are right on top of it detective no seriously write your dissertation now why why would you choose between a kid having a linen garment and a bandage on his parts and why would you choose um to present Jesus in a way that's not um accurate to the to the sources I'm not saying to anybody's interpretation there's no room for interpretation here it's just what are the sources say he's a he's a l which is a pimp which is basically a trafficker yeah which was looked down upon which was frowned upon back then because it's an active organized crime but a civil crime um you've got boys of Galilee and those boys of Galilee they're in they're entrenched in the but didn't you didn't you say that when when the when the people approached Jesus in the park you call them cops they were like an cops cops did they have uh chess cams no but they had it big weapons he know he notes it and I have that and he said and and according to Matthew the first thing he said is I am not a l or a right he said I'm not a lce man he says why did you come out here why did you come out here with all your heavy weapons like I'm a lace right right right so well maybe he wasn't maybe he was just trying to get the antidote well it could be but he's making a big deal about it right for some reason and he's standing there right next to contextually right next to a kid so you know maybe he's trying to give an answer for why there's kid with public park for him that if I'm his lawyer that's what I'm going to say yeah exactly exactly yes no um more importantly what's that uh what's that naked kid actually doing and I think that's the that's the question what do you think the evidence only shows that um he could be one of these boyes who's providing the people who are in The Cult with the Galen okay with the thing it's going to balance whatever it is that Jesus has taken that's put him into a state and yeah it doesn't work and he ends up getting he ends up dying on the cross and and you know if you notice in the resurrection we just had Easter you know did anybody notice it's another boy we just had an Easter and we just had an eclipse yeah another boy with Jesus in the Tomb don't you remember no yes I never read the Bible yeah oh you didn't that's right oh we got to start reading the Bible more should I read it yeah I think you should which version should I read the Greek version yeah yeah come to my class come to my class I'll have you 20 weeks 20 weeks I'll have you just enough to be dangerous 20 weeks yeah well no most of my students are how do I go to your class 40 is it online 40 weeks to show up to a to a a university I'm working for a I'm working for a Tutoring company um because once you've been ejected turns out from a university you're pretty much you're roning from that point on and I had people that I applied for jobs they like why would you want to have this job do you just want to be around run young people you know what I mean I'm like skip you show me the show me the sources my students love it my last semester my last semester I had 90 some students petition the administration to take my class that was capped at 30 right they had to form me a petition they wanted it um for a small liberal arts university that's that's not bad you know 100 people is a big audience I had 270 350 at University of Wisconsin when I taught history of uh medicine but as a grad student and I can very proudly say I'm the only grad student to ever teach the level of of a professor at the University of Wisconson I taught a whole course on medical history and medical terminology wow yeah it was a lot of fun they wanted to they want to know the dirty stuff though it's the dirty stuff you got to bring out why do you you you have to bring it out yeah you do you got to have women having how do you get an Antiquity how chemical they got all sorts of The Midwives they have all sorts of you know you can regulate your own wouldn't it be cool if you were a woman and you could regulate your own yeah we do that now right yeah it's called we have like iuds we have these like little metal metal prongs no I mean but chemically chemically so that you yeah those things have chemicals on them you could turn up your flow and turn down your flow mhm right dial it mhm yeah why are you why would you want to be doing that because there's a point of ecstasy people don't realize in Antiquity in a woman's there's a point where she is close to the gods there's an eclipse H yeah there's an eclipse and when you have the eclipse you have the power of that Moon blocking that sun is that why women when uh when uh right before they had their they get so um is it yeah is it because of AP frety they would say and my answer would be yes okay yeah that's the eclipse and and you have to no that's the pre- eclipse and you have right and you have to channel that within a woman's being in order to be a proper mate yeah you have to channel that within a woman's being yeah you got to be a proper M you got to make her ovulate it's all it's all about that production right even the cyan women who hunt men the only reason they gave them the cyrion was to caus them to be able to cuz they're already paralyzed can you imagine being paralyzed in a after after someone has given you a drug that induces psychosis they called it the pan the fury fear so they've put you in a state of psychotic fear and they've giving you a drug that gives you an and they manually bring you to or for what yeah for what that's got to be a state to be I mean if you could take somebody there is that what caused the enlightenment was it people sitting around you know what I mean was it people sitting around who followed you got the Templar Templars are licking and I mean and head yeah they're looking at them licking licking them yeah initiates lick there's a purple cross on the bottom of that where they give the medicine drizzles out and those initiates that's where they start to get exposed to it and you can do it they said in the in the papers that they the court papers so to speak mhm um the investigation papers um you can the Templars were uh it's one of the reason they were persecuted so heavily um is because they were having them lick their or they could also lick the and get that purple stain what what sort of uh push back or backlash have you gotten from uh the mainstream academic institutions for talking about all this stuff none none none no um it's better to ignore right it takes him a professor from Brown told me it'll take him 10 years to catch up with your research and um they're just didn't the didn't the church or something come make a statement about you specifically I was investigated for de by the Catholic Church you were investigated by the Catholic church when for when I worked for the St Mary's University really and and how did you find out about this uh I had a m Senior come to me and say hey I've been to uh he was one of my students right um keeping tabs on everything and learning Greek he got to learn Greek in the process so I hope he kept it up to this day um he told me he said I've been to five meetings about you what I couldn't help but laugh you know what I mean at this time my professor coming to me going you're going to get fired you're going to get fired and oh by the way we support what you're doing but we're not going to put our asses out there right I thought well cowards but whatever I had to stay true to the sources so I did so the Catholic Church well look a student on campus claimed that she woke up at 4:35 in the morning mhm um and that I um was floating I floated through the door of her dorm and hovered over her roommate M and had with her roommate as I hovered over her bed and then she woke up and made a noise and um I extended my hand and paralyzed her now they to this student was released from uh School due to the Mania it was a middle discharge this was one of your students no she wasn't one of my students she was one of the students that was working on the play the media that I was the contracted advisor for okay and the student that I allegedly hovered over and made Cosmic Love to was uh the lead role as the younger form we had two forms we had a younger the one that killed her brother and then an older form yeah and so they had a hearing that they had an in who did she tell this to who did she tell the story to uh Administration and then and then and how did the Catholic Church get inv church had an inquiry and the bishop had to come and sit I'm sure it was hilarious right I had a group of people before the inquiry out a group of people come to me and say I was like who are these people in my office and they said we know who you are and we know what you're doing and the demons that you're working with and I was like excuse me right excuse me um and then there was the inquiry the formal inquiry and it was two I'm told it was two charges number one was demon possession which personally I think that's pretty cool that's pretty that's pretty metal no that is yeah number number two it was I was opening portals to where I don't know but do you think I would be a Catholic can you find this is this is this published anywhere yeah it is I got to finish though so people can have a little sympathy for me I was fired after the production of the Meda it was wildly successful people said it was the best thing they ever produced right but I had I had Furious choruses of Catholic University students po pointing those what yes they said they wanted it accurate so we brought in the Prius we brought in what they call the fos om it's a Roman Implement it's a and when you point it at somebody like a priest Who's involved in doing naughty things to Children you are throwing off from the stage that corruption you're purifying your audience and it was quite successful it succeeded to the point um that you know the monor that I knew I probably shouldn't put his he probably going to put his no he's a big guy um he uh he said look you know he brought up the book I had just published a book that was about um ritual in the early church and apparently that was what was making all the HBL the story of me flying through the air and and all of that just kind of added a added an atmosphere of it was like religious frenzy and the monsenor um explained it to me the charismatic Wing was quite active in that area and he didn't like the way Direction it was going and I just happened to be one of their targets so that's why you know they they did what they did and you know once you've been ejected you can't go back there's no way I'm Ronin now so what I do is I I use the same skill what now was the word you used Ronin it's a Japanese Samurai who's lost his Lord M he's got no protection of the instit nothing like that yeah what is this okay this is an article all right so I mean I'm sure Hillman can put more fired over the fallace a junct at St Mary's University of Minnesota says his contract wasn't renewed and he was fired from a custodial job on campus due to a play prop all right this is now get this during the week this is it Hillman was contracted by the Catholic University this fall to translate sena's version of media a story largely about about a woman's revenge on a husband who's abandoned her for a more politically advantageous marriage but hman technically the Productions playright also highlighted media's undertones about greed and suggested that the cast members deliver admonishing lines about corporate greed while pointing facina at the audiences used in the ancient world in certain rights and to ward off evil facina are supposed are supposed to embody the deina power of the phus in the in that Spirit the props being uh prepared for the show looked distinctively like one of the props pictured at the right there was one that was 6 feet long that I They carried in procession into the into the performance now remember these are sold out too all of our performances were totally sold out really yeah yeah and they said it was the best it was the best thing the theater Department ever had ever produced yeah so when I was fired after this people were like what what's the what's going on and when I was fired um the American um uh professors it's like a union the N that's what it is National Association of University professors um uh sent a couple of people out to inquire about my termination and um they ruled that I was improperly terminated and this was not you know this was just because of what I was teaching nothing to do with anything else MH so um I thought that was I thought that was nice that the aaup would come out and do that they had the international one do the same thing there's an article on fire which is the freedom for um free speech on campus MH and um the act of the University at St University firing me got them put on the top 10 list of bad places for free speech really yeah yeah the USA Today is the one that publishes it you find that yeah it's got to be on there and um they made the top 10 list because of what they did to me wow no way so and there's a quite an article they had me in a place where I had to even work um and I didn't mind cuz I don't mind doing dirty jobs but I used to claim toilets I used to clean toilets cuz the professor's salary they paid me was not enough to feed my children yeah so you can see why the mon senior was like okay how did that how did that um affect you personally after this all happened uh you know it shut off my you know look every time something happens has happened in in my life uh uh it's helped to build to forge my path ahead when my head of my department told me the Romans wouldn't do such a thing as take drugs he said why would they do it back what why would they do that back then when we don't do it today right something to that effect she said um they just wouldn't do such a thing mhm they just wouldn't do such a thing right um when she when she said that I realized okay I've got to go investigate everything there is to know about drug use in the ancient world right I I've got to find the I've got to dig the hole and I've got to find that that reality that lies there beneath the ideas of Scholars right that real history I want to see it I want to see it and so um yeah one thing I wanted to ask you about that that we haven't talked about is um lucian's writing on Alexander the false prophet yes good good nice can you talk about that who who is Alexander was Alexander the false prophet a real person or was this just a story yeah no he's a real person and Lucian is a real person writing about another real person in capid doia um up on the Black Sea again they're up on the Black Sea and he started a um um a cult an oracular cult and he's called the um Lucian says you know look I hate to write to you about bad people history should be awful of good people right but just like this other guy he says wrote about this La days I'm going to write to you about a la days that is like he's the worst he's the worst of these guys and it turns out um he's a when he's a boy he's entered into the trade and he becomes cuz he's known for being very good-looking yeah he's got a really good Look to Him MH alexand the false prophet yeah right right and he travels around he gets the attention of a couple of very wealthy women who set him up making oracles and he has imported to himself um boys um Young boys who are exceptionally handsome and he has a very specific list of what they should and shouldn't look like you know don't take the short ones take the taller ones you know don't take the ones that have problems on their skin take the ones that are smooth right that kind of thing talking about like ancient Eugenics yeah kind of like uh keep your lover um keep your lover uh in the best ideal form remember the gods are just the ideal that's why you see a lot of depictions of the Gods is this you know jacked yeah and and young and you know what's weird about the about the God the depictions of the Gods and like even the sculpture of like David and Zeus is they were all like these big jacked Warriors but they had small wieners yeah yeah yeah that's what happens when you spend time with the queen of the Amazon man Hercules did for a year she made him walk around in a dress you know why CU wait wait who made made who walk around a dress oh the queen of the Amazon and if you think the Amazon are a myth they're not um we have Athenian graveyards full of the people that they killed so these are again those Waring um roaming tribes around the Black Sea that just plunder they live by plunder and by the way the thran uh the thians are big on the unic trade and making Unix is a big deal and that's why dsus is so what's a unic when I cut somebody's off I turn them into a unit cuz what am I doing I'm changing the pharmacy right right that testosterone is going to change whatever the so when you cut off their they have no more testosterone yeah so and what what's so good about that what what's so great about a unic cuz then you can use their right you can't use it otherwise so it's got to have no it's got to have no in it yeah it's got to have no testosterone that's what they need so they're turning the person into the dispensary they're turning the person into this dispensary of drugs right and a drug Factory essentially yeah a communion a place of communion okay yeah wow yeah it's intricate Tech I mean so okay Alexander the false prophet he wanted these perfect looking people tall no skin abrasions yeah so he runs a business and it ends up know in a bad way one of the kids he thinks is murdered and or he hasn't murdered and it's just it's not good looks bad for him and that's the moral lesson that l is trying to teach um is what happens when you become profit driven and you have no you have no um you have nothing to stop you no breaks and that's this guy Alexander the false prophet but it's important to know that he's a prophet because that's what prophets are in Antiquity there are not prophets that are not jacked in Prophet prophesying is taking drugs there's no there's no way around it it's the part of doing what they said going into the Aron and what is that Aon it's the Wilderness you know what I mean when you're in that you're in that void um okay Mark talks about the void yeah where Jesus meets Lucifer and Converses with Lucifer you didn't know yeah it's in the Bible he yeah okay yeah he um he sees uranos split and out of uranos comes that dove with that milk and he ends up going into the Aron where he is tempted tested Tried by [Music] Lucifer yeah yeah so he's going through it Jesus good for him he's going through the he's doing the whole right right he's he's really practicing that Baptist is really practicing and what a standard issue of every Baptist according to juvenal the standard issue is a shaped cup you can put it it's called The we Crum prium or the glass yeah and every Baptist carries them that's why they take the kids out it's the pederasty of the ancient Greek religion SLE seeping in and that's why Paul is screaming you can't do this that dude is sleeping with his stepmother right that's what Paul says yeah Paul's into Viper Venom right okay yeah he is he gets bitten by a Viper and the locals are like you're going to die and he doesn't cuz he's got the antidote yeah cuz he's obviously using right right myth rades was a great king who couldn't be poisoned to death because he was taking the therc all the time he had constant antidote on board right and Marcus Aus when we get down to Marcus aelius people are saying about him that um he's looking better since Galen started him on the theak he's looking better yeah yeah like it's doing something like who nice Improvement there and he said gayen says in his Trea us to Pisa remember this is not madeup literature these are accounts of Roman medicine and in it he says yeah it's gonna this was used after Marcus aelius 2 um but they acknowledged it more H yeah it's good stuff man he says Cleopatra was in the game too she couldn't who was is Lucifer he's the dawnbringer yeah they first called him lucifera and he was a girl you ever see a girl with a big I mean I saw a girl with a little earlier he showed me a statue of one that's the Morning Star what was her name again Venus tell me more about Lucifer yeah he's the morning star and he's the one who guards the gate they call him he's way older than Christianity right or Judaism he's way older he's part of the Satan religion and what is that that's the mystery that revolves around Sun Moon and Earth so it's a very con it's all constellations and stuff like that and all solar stuff and yearly festivals and whatnot that's saturnian the worship cronis they call it the Golden Age it's before the Zeus enters and takes over right on Olympus right it's before he takes over so Lucifer comes from that older generation and he's a dawnbringer what is everybody's job what does that mean it means you bring Dawn you Harald bring the new day you yes you Harald the dawn the dawn is that funny moment when you don't have any sunlight direct sunlight and it's kind of a they talked about it as a spark in The Ether Spen theater they call it a spark a spark in The Ether and that's what you're preserving when you meet as a Christian and you get up early in the morning this is how they originally met they get up at sunrise right that's why that you have the associations of Sunrise with you know Easter and all that kind of stuff like that um they get there early because they're Dawn Bringers right Jesus is saying in the in the apocalypse he says I am the Morning store Jesus says that yes yes and he's got a bra on too a what a bra a bra yeah yeah it's a special device so what do you make of that why did he say he was the Morning Star CU he has to be if he's going to be the Christ if he's going to be what the one in the position to be elevated as Christ he's got to be the morning star that's the title they're they're all Dawn brers okay right Christos is a dawnbringer mhm right um so yeah he's got to he's following at least the people who are writing about him in John uh John's Apocalypse at least they're making that Association yeah notice that they've got field TR too the Angels when an angel pours out a filtra right or filtron when they pour it out um that's a drug containing device so um the angels that pour out the plagues those are drugs the Beast is called theion so how did Jes how did uh Lucifer become a bad guy how did Lucifer become a bad guy because God's a liar because Zeus yeah Zeus what did Zeus do to him he lied how he closed the eyes of his a of his what of his a his Eve in order to make the second Adam right don't you know we're dealing with sacrifice huh yeah God killing his only son oh oh oh yeah yeah right in order to elevate him in to the what they call the so that's the Savior it's where we get for savior right that's an old title for lucifera the female dawnbringer that's why he's wearing a bra this is hard to a lot of this is really hard to digest that's what that boy thought Pro but where does the word Satan come from now people would say you you you always say in your in your videos or your your uh documentaries that you make on your YouTube channel you always say hail Satan right indeed but you also claim that you don't worship sat I don't have a religion do you I'm way too lazy for that I don't think you're lazy man no no um yeah no I don't have no I'm not promoting a religion and that's something I tell everybody I tell everybody don't I don't want you to buy my books I don't have any reason to condescend I don't have anything to set up here and P up and say you should buy this um no what is out there is a lot of Greek texts and I a classicist and my job is to protect those texts and get you the Integrity of what's in them and what you have read from the Bible that you have read in English is a mistranslation it's it best a hack job at worst it's a purposeful um obscuring ausc of the actual history and when you start looking at Jesus who's screaming um you know when he's getting arrested that he's not a one of these yeah then he's uh you know you see the real all of a sudden the real becomes obvious and that's what I think is the job of a classical philologist is preserve these tags and get them to you so what is what does hail Satan mean to you um it's the gadfly what's the gadfly again it's the punch in somebody's face it's the it's the oysters that you need there's a reason you get beaten with whips it does something yeah it does something you know not in a doad kind of way it shock it shocks you yeah brings you I don't know it does something chemically to you right causes you to release something in your blood you ever get the thirst for the blood do you know what it's like to eat do you think first of all do you think it's possible that you could give me the dress where they do this but they eat they take that freckled redhead kid and we have text for this by the way it's called the de wani and you take this redhaired freckled kid and you pump him full of drugs and you roast him slowly raising his body temperature and you bleed him as his body temperature rises and that blood is communion blood that's what you get the taste for now why he has to be red-haired and freckled I mean not freckled redhaired and pimpled he's got to have pimples which makes you think well you got to use a teenage kid for this or something something about the pimples you know it has to do with hormones CU it's right at that time that whatever is going on his body is producing those those pimples but that's what you got to use where does this come from the de ortu wani it's a recipe for media's communion and it is sandwiched in an arthan tail um which is terrible it's terribly written it's Latin 12th century Latin it's awful it's awful it's it's like torture to read it right but it come what sort of Greek uh sources is come from we don't know oh you don't know no I don't know nobody knows is this what comes from these modern-day uh conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton and uh the Clinton family trying to uh traffic young kids to drink their blood and and uh to get adreno Chrome to make them young Bohemian Grove and all this stuff yeah who um I have no idea to be honest do you think maybe that culturally influence yeah I have no idea honestly I don't do you pay attention to any of that stuff I I see it and when I do I laugh because it's like y look they're talking about cults that yeah you know that do I can show you right ustus talks about the cult that takes that 9-month-old and delivers it forcefully and then bleeds it yeah Flesh and Blood Man how do you think why do you think Jesus is sitting you got to drink my flesh and eat my blood right it's part of the cult m M yeah I'm glad he wasn't like the ofit saying you got to drink my or else you know when you went to Catholic church today they would be giving you some rice ping or something I don't know how often are you reading new stuff and new texts every day every day you read new stuff every day the Corpus metor gorum is huge and it's got a whole bunch of works that nobody reads um Galen I can never finish reading Galen I'm just you know there's no way I'm going to I'm just specializing on his drug Works um I think that's what I'm you know my future is he's got lots of good stuff but I'm I'm looking at nander I'm looking at nander and I'm looking at a lot of arus of capid doia these are all pharmacologically oriented nander is a priest though so he gets into the Priestly stuff which is pretty cool so what does this all mean everything you've learned everything we've talked about today all the drug use and all this cult rituals in the ancient world what what are the uh what would be the implications on the modern world today if we were to be enlightened by this information yeah it means our religious background is rooted in a guy that we venerate and that guy was somebody who used children he was involved with drugs um it and um a mystery that was nothing like going to church today at least I don't think it is maybe somebody's out there but I don't think it's like that anymore and the fact is we have built a society based on a lie on a complete lie and it's such a hypocritical lie because the very guy that you venerate I mean dude he's arrested in a public park with a kid Danny if you got if you and I got arrested in a public park with 12 kids what do you think we would be we sure as wouldn't be right are you the only one that's are you are are you the only one that's translating this stuff this way are you no there's other people no I'm just the first one to have guts to do it are there there other uh classicists or linguists who can who who have uh translated these same text you are corroborating what you're saying yeah Dr Rock for example and that's why I always throw him out as my corroborator Dr Rock will tell you cuz he and I translated um apocalypse together and I showed him my break down an outline of it m um and so he can tell you all I'm doing is translating I'm not none of this stuff is made up it's just straight up translations but it's translations coming from somebody who's actually read the medical side and read the science side and can talk about what the terms are actually doing um until classes get off their lazy rumps and stop trying to sell books um they're not going to they're not going to classicist in infamously hate Bible studies yeah I mean they're kind of a joke biblical Scholars are kind of a joke with classicists and they know that if they get into that Patty there may be some landmines in there you know what I mean are you ever going to write another book uh Dr Rock asked me to write another book but I think what I'm doing is with Lady Babylon I'm trying to write the book through a different medium Yeah a different medium yeah yeah hopefully lady babyon is your website and your YouTube channel it's my YouTube channel yeah and I'm not I think why do you call it lady Babylon um because lady Babylon is that first Christ I told you I love Jesus man and lady Babylon is that first Bronze Age Christ that's actually the oldest Greek that we have for Christ goes to her she's that medwa that media she's the one who has that knowledge it's such a breakthrough for humans and brings that Water of Life That's and Lady Babylon she was Queen of Babylon the lady Babylon is um um she's the one who holds up the cup and that cup is full of her and that's what causes us that the Beast is able to cause us um to enter into that communion so if that's the history because that's what the text say you can say well what is it what does all of it mean it means that we have texts that say this and welcome to the museum that's what's really important is that you see these texts you see Jesus arrested with an boy I sent a letter to about 45 heads of seminaries and uh professors asking them about these very passages saying who is this kid and what is this have you ever seen this medicated bandage and do you know anything about the mystery Pagan mystery and the universal answer except for from one one woman was uh uh that's interesting um is what she said everybody else you know was negative they're not going to get into this they're biblical scholar can't handle it first of all and second of all um they don't want to because it's dangerous man what are people going to do um back when this thing was in the um when Pope Gregory came out in one of his homilies he said this is not um we're going to excuse Mary for having the sex drugs number one and number two that kid that was with Jesus was his cousin right kissing cousins something like that yeah yeah but it was an excuse it's a way to excuse it because the reality of what Jesus was is far harder to Bear right and but when you go back and read the gospels now now people and people have told me this oh my God other things suddenly make sense M like why people were telling we're saying hey he's touching stop touching right all that stuff makes sense now um why is Jesus saying hey if you're a real Christian you're going to lift up these vipers and you're going to drink thos you're going to drink a drug a death inducer Jesus says you will drink Death inducer that's a drug and he's saying it this is what you're going to do people don't they read a fairy tale I want the real Jesus I don't want a fairy tale Jesus I want the one that was arrested with a kid and I want to know that my Society has based its morality on that dude H wow powerful stuff man um where can people pirate your books yeah uh you know what I think I'm just going to post my book uh somewhere in electronic copy because I just my students found it don't buy my book um just get an electronic copy if you if you really are um interested and most importantly what I want to draw people to is I bring these sources out there in lady Babylon and um yeah it's my final portrait and um I hope hope that you know I hope to that people will be able to appreciate the museum again that people will worship and honor the Muse because that's what our society and our our gorgeous democracy our gorgeous SE democracy is built on that and I want to preserve that do you think everyone knowing this stuff and the and basically I mean I if if people accepted this truth that you claim do you think that that would be a benefit to humanity to know this truth yeah just and for the I assume that um practicing religions would collapse right and cuz who would want to if you knew that Jesus was a would you really go right would you want to be involved would you want to give your how do you think it would benefit our society uh Freedom Adam man Freedom yeah um nobody is above no nobody is above the Democracy nobody is above your reason nobody is above the mind that you've been given and that nature is your is your mom and um the mystery brings you to a place where you know who you are that's what it said on the Temple of Apollo it said know yourself no know yourself right so yeah I think it there would be a renaissance and I would love it I would love it but you couldn't worship Jesus Anymore you couldn't take the communion if you knew what he was doing to that kid you couldn't take that communion anymore I don't care what what the priest say I don't care if they're following that or not they're following that spirit and you know yeah needs to be stopped no yeah that's fascinating stuff man well almond thank you so much for coming here and uh talking about this stuff I really appreciate your time Danny it's a huge huge honor for me to come here and I want you to know I really um to your audience I you know you're you're a really cool guy man thank you I appreciate it you you as well man um this is I think what doing is I think what you're doing is uh exploration and it's like free it's like University or you know Salon grade um spirit that I get here and so kudos to you for being able to pull that off in this crap World cheers brother I appreciate your time and uh good night folks