yo one question before the course starts do you watch these videos for entertainment or educational purpose you probably think well education right but it's that really true because I have to make my videos fast-paced new image every 1 to two seconds just to keep a mediocre retention rate and it's the same thing with this presentation here I used like four slides already instead imagine if the pacing would be like this would you still be watching like think about it seriously are you already getting bored see the reality is that most high value information doesn't come in the form of a quick 4minute video but that's what I made to attract bigger numbers of people here's a graph so at the bottom we have people and right here we have the magnitude of their achievements their lives basically and you see 80% of the people don't achieve big things in their lives and that is totally okay like if you're a mission L I don't have any problem with that but those are the people that I have focused on with my videos right but now I will start to help people that are actually serious about achieving something great so these 20% right here and this means more value slower Pace less editing and it's going to be less interesting for people that are only here for entertainment and this course right here is for the few people in the 80% so here that have a deep desire to achieve great things as well so this course is for you I used to sell it for $50 you get it for free and that's simply because I respect your Ambitions and I want you to succeed and for you guys here the 20% there's going to be lots of value coming soon and I also made a new school group for high Achievers apply in description it's free but not everybody's going to get in there so U just try your best enough talk now immerse yourself in this course and apply everything hello and welcome to this course first of all I wanted to tell you well done for taking action it's pretty rare for people to actually spend money on something and when you spend a certain amount of money on a course or investing in yourself that simply means that you value this thing more and more than other people uh who don't spend money on it and it's important to realize that um if you're ready to pay for something like that you're probably also going to be doing pretty well after this course and uh I have I have high hopes for you and I think that this is going to help you a lot so first of all I want to start off this course by uh giving you a quote by noval Roy K and it's making money is not a thing you do but it's a skill you learn now you might think uh well I didn't buy this course to make money and you're you're right with that um but I kind of took this quote and I put my own speed on it and I'm saying that being disciplined is not a thing you do but it is a skill you learn now I'm saying that you can become disciplined after this course and so that I I just want to talk about what even is discipline because it's such a broadly used term and it kind of even lost its meaning I think so here is my understanding of discipline and what are you going to learn in this course so discipline is feeling resistance and acting despite it it is being consistent so being consistent with your actions discipline is also having impulse control not getting distracted not getting sidetracked it's uh doing the same thing without seeing immediate results so you can think of delaying gratification right discipline is also about having a pain tolerance or building that up it's about saying no to all the things that don't help you and it is also about setting boundaries so here again this quote that I kind of stole being disciplined is not a thing you do it's a skill you learn and now this time I want you to look at this word word here now a skill that's really important because here is what a skill is it is something you can learn it's not something you were born with right so it is something you get better with time and practice and it's not something you master from one day to another or after watching one simple course yes I'm promising that you will become more disciplined and you will have the tools to become disciplined but this is a process that takes years and I don't think it ever ends really and just directly a skill I mean it's the ability to use one's knowledge well in execution of tasks and it's this knowledge that I'm giving you here that I've acquired over the past 3 years to basically make better decisions and also what's really important is that discipline is non-binary now I'm not talking about any genders but what I mean is it's not black or white F or one or zero so it's not either or you're not disciplined or undisciplined you can be 25% disciplined 36 78 whatever right it's obviously hard to measure this but the key point is that it's not either or so it is something you can get better at every single day little by little all of this applies to discipline so you can learn all of these things and in fact this is pretty much about what I'm going to teach you in this course and this will help you work towards your goals and Achieve them like not many other things I've seen on uh on the internet so I basically put everything in here that has helped me over the past well six months now I've been I've been working on this for longer actually but uh it only really clicked after I've figured out all of these all of these things so you have to understand that it takes time and becoming disciplined is an iterative process this is also really important now what is an iterative process an example would be the scientific method now for for those of you who don't know what that is here is a little graphic to that so basically what I want you to look at is only this part here so you you have an idea and you construct the hypothesis and then you test this hypothesis hypothesis with an experiment you analyze the results and draw a conclusion and then you you look at well is this true for example does this chemical reaction equal to what I've expected something like that and if it's false think again or think and try again and then you construct the new hypothesis and that's basically what we're doing as well with discipline so developing a a framework a mindset or a plan to make you do what you're supposed to do this would be the hypothesis then trying it out obviously seeing if it see if it works analyze track the results did it work cool use it again I'm I'm I'm very glad glad for you like that's very nice if it didn't work back to the drawing board it's like that's not not of a not not like a bad thing people think well I failed and now I just can't become disciplined and in fact that is that is how most people people go about it so most people think like uh yeah I'm going to try this framework that I've heard people talk about online for example I don't know eat the Frog and this might work right they tried it didn't work and then they think well I guess discipline just doesn't work for me or I'm not a disciplined person and then they give up and it's like that is not what we are trying to do here so this way of thinking is extremely flawed because everyone to some degree is disciplined and now you might think don't man I'm not disciplined at all like I can't even watch this course really and I have proof that you're disciplined and the proof is that you can read you can literally read this I mean probably um if not you can understand what I'm saying hopefully so you have learned a language you can also walk you can also talk most likely now let's look at walk walking learning how to walk is an iterative process you know you first as a baby you try to walk and then you fall over most likely for the first time then you stand up again you try again and you fall over again and really with each time you are learning something you know you learn you're learning how to balance over time and like imagine if babies were like this they try to walk for the first time it doesn't work and then they think I guess I just can't walk it doesn't work for me and so they give up it's like that's that's an extremely flawed way of thinking so uh I hope that this is not you um and it is completely possible I just wanted to say that again it's completely possible if you just do not give up and the point of the game is to keep playing is a really good saying so we're here for the long run so it's really important to understand that you have the power and you can change in fact and we're going to look at that more into in detail in part two of the course so first of all thank you again for uh buying this and tring me and also trusting yourself and valuing this so much in your life it makes me really happy to see people take action and so this right here is the end of the forward and let's start with the actual course see you guys in next video hello and welcome to the first part of the basics course so in this video I'm just going to I'm just going to outline the course basically and uh here's how it looks like so first of all obviously the basics you are watching the first video of this already after that we're going to have the mindsets and perspectives course then the discipline course and the dist distractions I highly recommend you watch everything in order because I put it uh in this order for a reason and and uh it's just going to give you the best experience basically quickly before we go to start who am I and why do I have to the right to teach you these things right so first of all a little bit about me I am a 20-year-old guy living in Switzerland although people always tell me i s i sound like 16 I'm actually I'm actually an adult um so I've had a pretty comfortable upbringing um you know just middle income middle to high income family never had to do really a lot of things I always had pretty easy time in school and this resulted in me being extremely lazy and undisciplined because well I could just do everything on a wh basically and I could just Survive by that so yeah everything everything was also done for me like my parents were they really cared for me and they did so many things for me and they were trying to be like well nice and caring for me but what happened is they just did too much for me and I couldn't develop my own like work ethic and I just didn't really mature at all when I was still like 18 19 years old um so I Tred to become disciplined I've been trying since I was like 18 years old and uh I started to actually get work done at the start of this year so it took me a very long time I have the lots lots of ups and downs and I finally figured out a system that works for me and this is basically what I'm going to share with you and it it like it's really good it's really good I think and it's going to help a lot of people people as well and so my Feats what I've achieved this year basically so I started this YouTube channel uh in January I have achieved 7,000 subscribers after a few months and I built that up while I was in school and I'm living by myself and I also work parttime so uh yeah that's basically nothing too spectacular but it's it's something what's more interesting is my story so as I told you I've been extremely lazy I've been depressed and I had a lot of anxiety an example of my laziness would be this story so I bought a grill last year that I didn't use a single time so I bought it at the start of summer last year I didn't use it a single time because I was too lazy to clean it up afterwards you know I always thought about yeah well I might as well use it but then I'd have to clean it and I don't want to do that and that's literally the reason why I didn't use it it's really sad honestly and I mean I haven't been diagnosed as depressed but uh so here's another story so I was working at an internship and I hated it like every hour of there I was I was extremely anxious about it and I just yeah I hated being there so one day I didn't want to work at my internship so I voluntarily went on a walk without a jacket without a jacket on in Winter right for about 20 minutes in hopes to get sick like literally physically sick so that I didn't have to work the next day and that is just that just seems really crazy to me in hindsight and I mean it worked I was sick for two weeks and I would like I was happy being happier being sick than being at work so uh yeah there was definitely something wrong with me but um you can change even from a situation like this and so I tried multiple businesses but as you can imagine if you can't even like use a grill uh you're not going to you're not going to achieve much so I never really suck to one longer than two weeks and I never really made anything happen and yeah I was basically too afraid and lazy to do anything and at my worst stages even showering and eating felt like a chore and I this person right here I managed to get my together um and I have a quote by ber Russell the very best proof that something can be done is that someone else has already done it and so I just kind of wanted to show you this little insight into my life and show you that you can't you can't change too like 100% uh and and you will understand and agree with me after going through this course like you might have doubts that this won't work for you but I will I will pretty much make sure that you will believe that you can change too because you can honestly 100% so here is how you get the most out of the course I want you to always take action be worksheets or just your own life in general I'm going to I'm going to show up actionable steps and you have to do those otherwise it's like not going to work and we're trying to get better at taking action so this is literally the best possible way to practice right then second of all practice don't expect to uh suddenly be disciplined as I've told you previously this is not something you learn over night there is no secret pill it's it's really about figuring out stuff that works for yourself and I'm giving you these ideas in this course basically whenever I mention a framework I will give examples think about how you can apply these these ideas to your own life and ideally try them the same day this is really the best thing that you can do so uh I I really recommend you do this and I hope hope uh to see you take action and to finish this video off here's another quote by Carl Yong you are what you do not what you say you will do and I think this is pretty self-explanatory and with that uh I hope to see you in the next video Welcome to part two of the basics discipline is not something you do it is something that helps you do things I think this is something really important to understand there is no one single task that will will make you more disciplined right there's not one thing for example if you're trying to earn money well you could do sales calls for example and sell something and that would make you more money but discipline is not like something you do a specific thing that you can do it is something that helps you make decisions and so I want to start this off with another quote by uh nche this time he who has a y can bear almost any how and this is a really really strong quote I uh I really like this one and so basically what is your reason to be disciplined what is your why and you need to have a why right so remember this slide from the from the beginning from the forward so this is what discipline is all these things and honestly this is pretty hard to do like everything it's it's not easy and so doing something hard means suffering to a certain degree like if it's going to be hard it's going to be painful in in some way uh or form so it's either like especially mental mentally uh texing right and so your reason why can be either from the past or from the F for the future now here's what I mean by that you can either have a situation from the past that you want to get away from so it is something that you've experienced that you never want to experience again and that is why you change it's like um an FTE right this event if you've heard me talk about this before well with the future it's like it's something that you want to avoid by any chance in the future like something that has even the slightest possibility of happening and you want to avoid it for example you want to avoid being obese you don't want to work in a corporate job 9 to5 you don't want to like have your wife work and basically not be there for your kids for example so it's either things you want to get away from or it's things you want to get towards to so I mean you might also want want to have a certain car in the future you might want to have certain amount of money you want to live in in a certain country and those are all part of your why now here is the first actionable step fill out the vision and antiv vision worksheets and I'm I'm just going to open that up real quick so we can see how it looks like you will find it below this video uh and you can just go to the Google Google site click file make a copy and then you can basically edit this file please do not go to here and request access um I I get an email and I will just decline it literally so please don't do it but uh yeah so here your vision and anti Vision you can read through this so this is pretty much what I've said right now and then I've written down a few questions for you to get an idea of what you could uh want in the future right and so we have first of all the vision and then we have the anti vision and the anti- vision is basically the thing you want to get away from and the vision is the thing you want to have in the future and so please fill out this uh worksheet it's an exible step and once you've done that you can continue watching the video but please first do that so once you've done that save this file because we will need it for part four of the course as well now that we have your why we need to find out the what and uh remember discipline is not something you do is something that helps you do things so we kind of have to Define what what things we need to do to get to our vision right and so what brings you uh what things will bring you closer to your vision and what things will get you further away from your vision now I know this is pretty pretty much a lot to do but here is another actionable step um and it's to create your plan to achieve your goals and this is another worksheet which you've probably seen uh below this video as well uh it's the your goals and action plan worksheet and so I'm going to show you this as well right now here's another worksheet and basically I'm not going to go through everything but how it works is you you read through this and then you write down your 10year goal your 5year goal your onee goal and your one month goal and what allows you to do this is like reverse engineer this or your goal so that you have pretty measurable STS steps to take to get there this is really good I did this uh on the 12th of January 2024 and I even like I literally put in here what I wrote uh in my notebook so uh you can do that and what's important is you can also print it out I'd recommend you actually do this in a journal um but you can obviously also use this uh on a piece of paper you can also draw which makes it a little bit more uh just better to look at and easier for you to you know doodle something uh please also fill out this worksheet and then once you've done that we're going to continue with the video and then again also please save this file and what's really good about this is look at it when you feel lost so when you don't know why you are on this planet like when you don't know what to do do uh when you feel like you've lost your y look at this file and also at your vision file and it will help you get back on track because it shows you what you're actually what you're actually trying to do and if you've actually done both of the of the things both of the actionable steps well done because that's already the end of this video uh really important one so it's rather short but it's probably going to take you around 10 to 20 30 minutes to fill out both sheets but please do that very important and then I'll see you guys in the next one hello and welcome to part three of the basics course discipline is hard there is resistance to overcome if you want to act in a certain way to overcome this resistance you need energy and this course will mostly talk about the mental side of things I mean not only this course but the next three courses they will they will talk mostly about you know mental energy and how to make the right decisions but if you don't have the physical energy like no matter how hard how hard you'll try you probably can make hard decisions I mean think of someone who is like on 3 hours of sleep malnourished and overweight and you know just doing really bad do you think this guy is ready to delay gratification and do something for his future probably not right so you need to have a baseline of energy en um and this here is how we get more energy how to get more energy in a nutshell there are basically four things that are really important and I'll just focus on a few of these things each so first of all obviously sleep then we have Diet exercise and water this is the most important thing regard regarding uh this just becoming more energy or having more energy so first of all let's address the sleep how to fix your sleep I've put on I've put on five things that you could try to fix here but really the first two things the one in the Bold uh font they're the most important so ideally always sleep the same amount like 7 to 9 hours and always go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every single day if possible this is literally the highest Roi activity that you can do and it's really really really important to get more energy now another few things that you can try is stop using your phone or any screen on 1 hour before bed you can install f. loocks on your computer to dim your screen this is really good application it's free and try to have your last meal a minimum of 3 to 4 hours before sleeping and only use your bed to sleep not chill or watch movies so that's something I did I usually just you know I was using my phone in my bed all the time but right now I'm only in my bed once per day and that is when I go to sleep I don't use it at all other than that so yeah then how to fix your diet don't eat too many processed foods and don't eat junk foods go for Whole Foods so like vegetables uh meat fish nuts that's pretty basic advice uh but it's really important that I'm trying to do this as well myself right now and also don't eat too many carbs before working you could have a carb crash uh you can look that up uh basically well don't eat too many carbs or you can feel sluggish because of your insulin I don't exactly know how it works but it makes you uh more lazy um so definitely do that and if you want to you can track your calories and macros using my fitness pile and if you want to work in the mornings uh you can try an intermittent fasting it's I find it really useful to just focus when I wake up first thing I'm going to do some work and when I don't have anything in my stomach I feel pretty sharp usually for some hours at least and then exercise it's pretty simple you got to have at least 30 minutes of movement per day uh so this could be a walk a home workout gym workout sports like any outdoor activity basically or jogging and I mean that's that's like really really the minimum but honestly you should have 5,000 steps per day as well and if you don't know anything about exercise honestly just do like 15 push-ups 15 squats and 15 sit-ups per day and it's really better than nothing so like the first few things that you do to exercise uh they have like the highest Roi so doing anything is really better than doing nothing um but yeah I just recommend going on walks really uh it's really nice and then also water really simple drink two two L of water per day and on that note I'm just going to go and take a sip of my ball really important really important it's really easy to follow these steps and uh when you do that you will have more energy and the most important thing is sleep in my opinion so I would really recommend you fix your sleep uh it makes everything in your life easier trust me on that um but yeah that was our already it for this video thank you guys for watching I hope you take some action on a few of these things and uh I'll see you guys in the next one hello and welcome to the last part of the basics course and we're going to start off with an actionable step that you need to take and it is to take a personality test now I'd recommend you take this one right here big five um test.com it's really good there should be a link also below this video so you can just check that out and the reason why we do that is we get a result of how your character traits look like and this is me as of the 26th of May 2024 so these are my my my real life stats so to speak and it's really important that you quickly take this test and then save your results it should take you about 10 minutes um don't overthink it usually go with the answer that comes to your mind first uh so really don't don't overthink it and uh save your results we're going to need them later perfect now I have uh I hope you've you've you've done that by now and uh now we're going to continue so How likely do you think you will achieve your goals and make your vision your reality in the future so what what percentage do you think you can actually do what you set out or what you wrote out in the last few uh videos like on the worksheets how much do you think it's possible really the answer is it's 0% um like as of right now the person you are right now can't achieve your goals otherwise you you would already be well on track to do so or you would have already achieved that goal right but as of as of right now like whatever this looks like for you you are not you're not ready to to achieve that goal you're like not worthy and so you need to become a new person and that sounds really strange but really these traes right here they are they are not set in stone like they are ma Mal malleable right I take these tests about once every 3 months and I I see how I change so when I first took this test my conscientiousness what at like was at like 30 really 30 or 40 and also my neuroticism was way higher so that's basically um How likely you are to feel sad or depressed or feel emotions I think I mean you can read through this obviously on the website and so you can change these things and you know the more conscientious you become it's basically an indicator it's it's not directly disciplined but it it has to do a lot with discipline as you can also see on the website and so here are desirable traits for discipline that we want to work on and I want you to go to your calendar later on and actually put in a reminder for I don't know probably in about two to three months to just check in and take the course again now obviously you have to save your results from this time and I want you to compare uh yourself in two months with uh you right now and see if you've made any progress or or any changes at all now here are some desirable traits for disciplines obviously high conscientiousness low neuroticism and also High assertiveness so this is in the sub area of extraversion and this I think it's really it's kind of important because assertiveness means means saying no to other people to a certain degree you know respecting your own opinion and that is also really important for discipline so you can check out for that so as I said you need new traits beliefs and knowledge and contrary to popular belief you can actually change and you must in fact change in order to change your behavior and you can change Yourself by changing your Paradigm and now before you what you think well what the hell is a paradigm maybe you've heard of the word before um we're going to basically talk about everything related to this in course 2 mindsets and perspectives so uh this this is already the end of the first course and I hope you took all the actionable steps you saved your results you saved your worksheet and if you did that you are now ready to continue with the second course um I'll see you there hello and welcome to the first part of the second course mindset and perspectives this part I call it World Views and um before we're going to start please make sure you've watched everything in a Basics course and completed all the actionable steps otherwise please go back and do that um if you did that let's continue so as we realized last time your current self has a 0% chance of achieving your goals now you might think that's pretty sad but that's just how it is sad but we can change that because we can change our self now what even is the self so it's it's a really really hard thing to Define right and even the best psychologists have have difficulties with the with defining it so here's my definition of it the self is the amalgamation of beliefs stories values that you hold on to it is not really something you can point at but it's more so patterns that Define your behavior the most important thing is that it's not something you were born with um the self is not something constant it can change even if most people don't realize this and most people don't realize this and most people never change actually so I'm sure you've heard things like well just be yourself or don't forget your roots or don't forget where you where you came from you know things like these but it doesn't really make sense because you you are not yourself like who even is yourself when you say just be yourself who who is that right and so just because most people people never change doesn't mean you can't change it it really doesn't mean you can't and the way you change yourself is by having a new paradigm so really short what is a paradigm it is basically the way you see the world so it's all your perspectives all your beliefs um how you see reality basically and what reality is like for you and so I don't want to explain it too much so I really just put this one sentence here instead I want to give you some examples of how people see the same things differently so working out one person might say okay working out is hard it's exhausting you know people judge me at will judge me at the gym probably because I don't look fit right and I hate sweating I hate you know having a heart rate above 100 it's just really bad they view working out as bad negative and really just hard and then there's other people right there's there's you know this these gym Bros right they think you know working out makes me jacked it gives me confidence and honestly yes it's hard like working out but I generally have a good time at the gym because you know there are people that you get to know there and when you when you hit like really heavy weight it it kind of feels good you know and another example would be partying so one guy might look at partying and think you know partying is really just to have fun right I I I want to have fun I want to hang out with friends and you know getting drunk equals to even more fun really you get to meet new people which is also really cool and we dance obviously it's it's really fun really fun time in general and then the other person might think well you know partying it really is like it kind of destroys my sleep schedule because I always go too bad at at 11:00 p.m. or like 10:00 p.m. and when I when I whenever I party I can't really you know I don't really get as much done the next day so I don't work too well the next day and you know sometimes I I hang out with people that I don't even like you know I don't I don't want to drink because losing irrational sense and losing control is not really my thing I want to be in control of myself and it's it's also just a time waste you know and then also reading one person might say you know reading it's it's so boring and it's just timec consuming like to get through one book it takes probably about a month or so and I just don't have the time and it's just there's way more interesting things and then another person thinks well I don't know but like reading books it's kind of interesting you know I really love acquiring knowledge and learning new skills and you can see that like these views they're pretty much the opposite of each other right but who is who is right with each of these views like seriously with all of these who who do you think is right is it always this guy or this guy and the answer is that both both are right you know they're not wrong both both of them have valid points right but some views are more helpful for what you want to achieve right so I mean if your if your goal is to have fun and you know live your life whatever that means partying might be for you you know you might like partying I mean obviously everybody wants to have fun but maybe your goal is to you know get checked then this view might be more beneficial to you than thinking yeah well I want to have a nice body but I think gym is just such a you know it's a place that I never want to go there um I I don't think that will help you right so it's really the both views are right but some views are more helpful for you and in this course I will basically show you perspectives that are consu conducive to get more stuff done that is basically what this course is about and that was that is the end of the first video of the second course uh thank you for watching and I see you in the next one hello and welcome to the second video of the second course this video is about first and second order consequence quences so well even third order thinking and consequences and you might think well what the hell is that what is first second third order thinking and consequences what does that you mean I'm pretty sure you've heard the term Instant versus delayed gratification right and so put really simply it is just another term to say well instant gratification is basically the first order consequence of a thing and late gratification is the second order consequence of a thing and well with gratification it's only about the good part and first and second order consequences really apply to everything like every action you take has a first and second order consequence and it's it depends like some first order consequences may already be gratifying and some second be gratifying and there's also third order consequences which would be basically the second order consequences of the second order consequences sounds really confusing it's not here's some examples activity eating junk food the first order consequence would be well enjoying the food your dopamine system goes crazy second order consequence is you gain some weight and over time like this could even be a third uh third or consequence your health the TV rates over a long period of time another one drinking alcohol you know you drink some alcohol the first thing you feel is basically well you you feel more chill relaxed and you're having a fun time right but the secondary consequence of drinking alcohol is that you feel groggy the next day and over the long term it's not really good for your health right working out the first order consequence is that it's hard it's exhausting you know your body hurts you're sweating and you have a high heart rate and the second order consequence and third order consequence would be you know you're losing weight and you're having an athletic physiques so this right here is pretty much only the second order consequences however you want to Define it and you could say you know the third order consequence of working out because basically the consequence of having an athletic physique is that you may get more women or you may I don't know uh get better job opportunities because uh you know the halo effect is a thing right and so second and third or thinking is what we need remember the examples of different world use from the video before right so I showed you this already working out you can look at it hard exhausting people J judge me at a gym versus it makes me Jack confidence Etc You' you've also seen this right here partying and reading right so there's there's always these different things and it's really interesting because one view is pretty much almost always about the first or the consequence and the other one is about the second so let's go back if you say that well work working out is hard and exhausting and people judge you at the gym it's like this is this is right when you're doing the activity so these are the first or the consequences of working out that's just how it is and this right here is the second these are the second and third order consequences and it's the same thing here right so this here well it's not only first and second order but this right here is mostly first order consequences and you know not working the next day is a second order consequence that you want to avoid or uh well you can also avoid uh first s consequences that you don't like for example being drunk um but you see I think you understand what I mean here now which one is more important for you to achieve your goals the first the second or third order consequences it is the second and third order consequence and the reason for that is really just because changing takes time achieving a goal takes time and living your life takes time like your life is pretty long and you know tomorrow is inevitably going to come so if you optimize for second and third order consequences you know well you might have a harder time in the short term but if these if the second order consequences are so much better than the suffering you have to take on from the first order consequences then I think that is pretty worth it now you might say you know I like partying and I I like having instant gratification and if you if you think like that if you truly think like that and think into the future think about the consequences um you know go ahead like if Hedonism is your thing go for it like just be aware of the consequences so I'm not saying one thing is better than the other right um some people are just made for hedonism maybe I don't know it's it's really not something for me but you you might want to do that and that's okay you know and I mean it's not it's not again just like with discipline this is not a binary thing so it's not either or you can have like a drink or two every once in a while and you go you can go in a party like that's totally fine but um yeah this this right here is a takeaway you know see things for what value they bring in the long term and you should use that as a basis for decision because of these things basically because of changing takes time achieving goals takes time and living your life takes time this all takes a lot of time we are here for the long run and we should make smart decisions that will help us in the future because tomorrow is inevitably going to come and that was that was it for the first no not the first video for this video of the course the second one I think or the third I'm not sure anyways see you guys in the next one welcome to part three of the second course and this here is about the Paradigm so action really important words our past actions made us who uh our I'm sorry Jesus Christ our past actions made us become who we are right now and our present actions will determine the person we will become so how do people take actions or take action people take action by making decisions and how do people make decisions well people make decisions based on the options they perceive right so for example should I work out today or should I just watch another YouTube video that would be you could make a decision right there because um you have perceived these two options now how do people perceive these options well basically or most simp put they perceive the options by having thoughts about them you know whatever thoughts arise you can basically see options to make decisions about them and how do people have certain wait there's a there's the typo how do you people my bad please ignore that how do people have certain thoughts people have thoughts based on how they see the world right so then we end up with the paradigm and so this is what we were talking about previously you know the the different worldviews that someone has regarding working out or partying or reading books this really comes down to how you see the world and how you see things because they don't have like an inherent value that everyone everyone thinks about them for example not everyone thinks about reading books as interesting right that those things are very subjective and so basically what we just did is describe how your life came to be um and I'm just going to reverse it and I I'm going to show it to you in this uh little uh float or I don't know how to call it but you'll see so first of all your Paradigm determines how you perceive the world right so how how you see working out how you see drinking everything basically your your beliefs about the world and your perspectives and your perspectives and how you perceive the world they determine what thoughts you have right as we said you know basically what thoughts come to your mind and your thoughts determine what options you perceive what what options you perceive determine what decisions you take because you can't make a decision about something about an option that you don't perceive right and all the decisions that you make determine what actions you take essentially right and in the end all the actions that you take they determine your life and so you can see that our Paradigm plays a huge part in how how our life ended up to be because your life is essentially a culmination of all all the actions that you've ever taken right and if you if the actions that you took brought you to to to a place where you're not happy like if you're not happy right now it's it's you have to realize that it's basically because of the actions you took because of the decisions you made because of the options you perceived because of the thoughts you had because how of how you perceived the world and this is ultimately because of your Paradigm okay and I have to give credit where credit is use credit is Du so I learned this from Charlie Morgan and Sam ens uh this is pretty much not entirely copied by them but I learned this from them so just wanted to put it in here and um I'll now present you views that you can adopt into your Paradigm right do this thing right here we want to change this this thing and you can you can basically adopt my ideas into your Paradigm if you think they make sense this is really important and we're going to talk about how you do that later on so really important first of all you won't change your Paradigm overnight this takes time as with everything right so how to change your Paradigm there's a few steps okay so first of all new information challenges your current Paradigm right so I could be saying something like I don't know you know alcohol is actually really good for you and you think like what what is this guy talking about and I mean I'm not saying that alcohol is good for it's just an example right so something challenges your current um world view now what happens is you you kind of decide if you accept that Paradigm or not and this depends on like what your Paradigm is already made of like how you reason and how you how you think basically and when you accept this Paradigm then you will have a new perception of reality for example oh yeah well alcohol is really is really good for you I'm going to drink like three three glasses of alcohol every single day right now like and and what what this what this makes you do is you perceive reality to be that way you perceive alcohol to help you in this in this example and what these like arrows symbolize is is basically this right here so I didn't write out every single step right but you can imagine that you believe alcohol helps you and then All Things fall into place you know you perceive the option oh I maybe I I should have a glass of alcohol today and then you will have new actions and these new actions will lead to a new situation right so in the end the actions you take they will determine your life it determines if you drink alcohol or not and so that's what happens that's what happens if you accept the new paradigm what happens if you rejected is you keep the same perception of reality or what you deem to be true and that will just lead to you know the same actions and same actions will lead to the same situation you know there's this this saying that um insanity is when people take the the the same actions or do the same thing and expect a different outcome and this is basically what applies here so if you if you keep trying the same things which ultimately leads back to if you keep believing the same thing if you if you always keep believing in in the same few things and they've never helped you it's like maybe you should try to open your eyes like to just a few different ideas that might help you and so here are a few like three things that are really important to change your Paradigm so first of all you may have already noticed that you need humility so destroy your ego stop being offended by everything so as soon as a new paradigm tries to enter your brain don't just think that you are right you know you got have some humility and think okay maybe this could help me second of all you need repeatability we need to be reminded more often uh more than we need to be taught all right so it doesn't like it's not enough to hear one piece of information once and then you just you're live is going to change that's not not how it works you need to hear this over and over again and the third thing is knowledge and this is really just mental models and clear thinking and what I mean by that is if you have certain mental models in place and you have like pretty good thinking it's easy for you to you know think about really critically about think critically about a new paradigm and whether it might actually help you and how you could use it and so here is an example and uh it's pretty well it's pretty abstract example not abstract but like obscure it's porn so you know there's this thing called NOAB uh and and people talking about online how porn is bad for you and obviously it is and you know I don't know how long this has been a thing but previously you know or at least in my friend group many people just watch porn and it's like a socially accepted thing right now okay and so when you do this and everyone around you thinks that this is basically normal thing to do the first time you hear how porn is bad for you or you hear of NOAB or whatever that you probably think I don't really know I don't think it's bad for you you know like I'm living my life I'm doing pretty decent so you probably reject it right and this is where the humility needs to come in like you have to be open for these ideas and then the same with the repeatability you know with time when you hear like I'm I mean let's say you you're scrolling and you get more and more Shorts YouTube shorts about NOAB and how porn is bad for you you know with time you heard more authoritative people talk about it and then it's more like you're going to believe it you know it's not going to happen after one time and then knowledge you know like with with time you figure out okay how could this thing how could this Paradigm actually help me how could watching LP help you and I mean obviously can various different ways but um this is this is really just one example and you can do this about pretty much everything really important it takes time for a parad time for parad to shift and uh it also takes time for it to produce visible results and I have an idea from history so not an idea sorry an example and it's Darwin's theory of natural selection so if you don't know this Theory maybe look it up and it's really important anyways so Darwin had a paradigm shift when he discovered the birds on the Galapagos Island so I don't know when exactly he was but um a long time ago and basically people didn't know anything about Evolution right and so he he found these different birds and he basically he had a paradigm shift because nobody else thought like that before him well except another guy I forgot his name but anyways beside the point so so he figured this out and he put up like a really good hypothesis and theory essentially but it took almost 100 years for this Theory to be accepted by the scientific Community right like 100 years just because the ego of of people is so big I mean you can also if youve if you've read about like um Galileo galile and and like his history and the and the church um it's it's pretty it's pretty impressive how people want to be more right than actually find out the truth and uh yeah I'm not going to get too much in that but that's this just an example for how this can take a lot of time sometimes and so you might have a paradigm shift but for you to see the result it might take multiple years for example it took me three years to actually become really good at working on myself in my business even though I've I've you know I've known this thing for about two to three years now like always you know all of it but I I I knew that this thing was possible you know self-improvement and growth mindset and everything but it it really takes time for you for to solidify and actually show some results in your life and so please have the right expectations about this um this is not going to just be overnight and this this is going to take some time and um that was pretty much it about uh this this topic right now the paradigms and this is the end of this video and I will see you guys in the next one hello and welcome to part four of this course mindset of perspectives now we're going to talk about the path of least resistance really important video so the path of path of least resistance basically says that humans want to avoid pain and this is just human nature really because at its most fundamental level we associate pain with death um so it really leads back to death and I mean we should be scared of that we are scared of that you know we are living beings we want to live and we want to get away from Pain and resistance and this is also the reason why every product or service on the market is is created to solve a problem right you cannot sell a product if you if you don't solve a problem with it because really it's it's because unsolved problems make us feel pain you know you know that problem might be I don't know you feel thirsty and you want you want to have a drink or you your mouse broke or like I don't know something I don't have pretty good examples on the top of my head but you can look at anything you know people sell computers because well people need to to work and and if they have slow computers that's pretty painful and basically the world optimizes to become easier and easier and it's pretty good you know it's it's nice to solve problems for people but this way um you know just everything becomes easier and everyone is used to it like everyone is used to surviving not being hard or survival not being hard but what what we are doing here like being disciplined it's pretty hard and so you see we go into like different directions than the rest of the world um and so what's really important is basically that you need to stop trying to avoid pain and instead focus on the second second order consequences of your decisions right so that's what we've talked about previously and what's interesting is that you have the ability to do that every every single human has it it like in fact it's disability is what separates us from from other animals um but I will get more into detail uh on that in course three but I just wanted to look take you or make you look at this graph so this this green TI right here basically symbolizes um good positive feelings something is easy so whenever the first order consequences are easy or like feel good or you know pretty easy to do then usually the second order consequences are not not that good or like hard so for example you know drinking alcohol right so it's it's fun but then the secondary consequences you feel groggy it's not good for your health Etc or also junk Foods you know scrolling on on Tik Tok it's fun at the moment but then the secondary consequences come around and you just uh feel bad or like it it just doesn't help you long-term right and so if you want to have like good second order consequences if you want them to help you most often the first order consequences of these things right here they are pretty hard to do like they suck for example working out or working on the business you know sending out uh emails to get new clients for example this is pretty hard um and so for most things that that is the way how it is right and what happens is when people like see this or I mean they don't see it in that way but when people don't really think about it they they take the path of Le resistance and it would be the first or the consequence that would be pretty enjoyable pretty fun pretty easy right and so what happens they take this this right here and they end up here so they really get like trapped in it it's really it's really sad to see but that is how it works and so in order for us to have better whatever that means you know better more fulfilling uh long-term life most things that we're going to do right now or they might be hard now that doesn't doesn't count for it's that's not the case for everything for example you know you can go on a walk and going on a walk has pretty good first order consequences you know you feel pretty relaxed you know you get some fresh air but also long term it just helps you stay healthy so there's definitely things that uh are like good shortterm and good longterm and also bad shortterm and bad long term uh but those things we generally don't do at all so for example I think that would be would be a bad first order consequence and also a bad or second order consequence is just you deciding to cut off your arm for example right because it it doesn't really make any sense in the short term it also doesn't really make any sense in the long term right so I just want to show you this and um you have to understand that what we do basically this right right here this this right here is hard and that is why most people can't do it or don't do it because they without thinking they always will go here they always go down this path and then they suddenly you know wake up 10 years later and think what the have I been doing with my whole life you know it is hard but hard does not equal impossible it's really important just because it is for other people people like that is hard for other people doesn't mean it's impossible for us and that was already it for this video I just wanted to show you that what we're doing is hard and I want to prepare prepare you for uh what's coming next so uh yeah see you guys in next video hello and welcome to video number five of the second course this here is all about sacrifice and so I'm going to show you uh this graph right here and I think it's a not a graph but like this you know I I don't know what the name for this is actually my English is very bad but anyways I think it's pretty obvious what this right here is trying to tell you and so really it's all about not spreading yourself too thin right so this this could be you right now for example you have many different interests you want to learn a new language you play video games you like to travel uh you want learn a new instrument you play chess you know you want to meet friends every week or so you also want to work out and you just spread yourself too thin and if you were to if you were to Simply align all of these like all the energy like these arrows that you put into each and every one of these things just into one s s single thing for example business you would make much more progress now the more you want that thing the more you need to sacrifice for it so as I said don't spread yourself too thin and what's really important though is it doesn't have to be one big thing that you're focusing on so for example you know this right here it's very binary right it's like either you do all of these things or you only do one thing it's not it's not binary um it's you can have something in between you know you can work on your business like this much and then maybe still work out but but only put in so much energy you know like only go three times a week for an hour and then you can still meet your friends like once every two two to three weeks I mean that's totally all right and so it's it's really it really depends on how how much you want one thing right so it's it's really good to start with one thing you just want to focus on just to get better at that uh thing and develop new skills basically but really what you focus on and what you need to sacrifice uh it solely depends on your vision and your plan for achieving it right like the worksheet we did at the very beginning and if you didn't do it then well what what the hell are you doing here like go back and do the worksheet um it's really all about this right and sacrifice is also about impulse control so you will focus on something and suddenly a new interest arises you know this this happens all the time it also happens to me you know for example you've been working on a business but then suddenly you have a good job opportunity like for example you've been you've been trying business for 6 months and now you are making like I don't know let's say $200 per month and then suddenly for some reason you get like a good uh job opportunity by you know connection you have and then you can earn you could earn like I don't know $5,000 there maybe something like that or even more like what not will you switch Focus because you just invested 6 month into this thing and now obviously uh the sunk cost fallacy is is a thing but you know what are you going to do will you switch or will you stay where you are and so this obviously really depends but um generally speaking maybe you've heard of maybe you've heard of the shiny object syndrome so generally speaking people think that the the grass is greener on the other side you know they think that another opportunity is much easier and better for you so you just switch Focus for example well you know a job is actually it's pretty you know secure you get your money each month and with business it's like you you you don't need to work or you you don't only work 40 hours a week you know with business you work like 70 hours every single week and you make like a tenth of what you could earn at that job and so it's really tempting right and that is when you need uh impulse control so it's it's most often like if you don't know this uh this image here this is the emotional cycle of change right so up here we have the emotional stage uh everything above this uh line is optimism everything below is basically pessimism so it's not very fun and this right here is time and so what usually happens is you figure some you find something new for example I don't know copywriting um growth operating YouTube SMA whatever you know a business for example and then you start that you you are uninformed but you're very optimistic because well everyone on YouTube talks so nicely about these things and everybody tells you oh it's so easy to make some money and then you know you try and with time you you learn you learn more and so you end up at the informed pessimism stage so you are now actually informed and you realize damn this is actually pretty pretty hard to do and there's so much more that I need to learn and then you keep on going and going and it just gets harder and harder and then at one point like stage three this is the value of this prayer okay this is like the worst you can possibly feel this is the worst stage and so this right here is when you need impulse control the most because you think oh this is so hard I don't know if this if this is going to work and then something else comes around you know for example you're doing with you're doing pretty bad with business because well you're just learning and then a good job opportunity arrives and it looks like this to you it looks again like uninformed optimism and you think oh you know might as well just do this because this is much better than what I'm doing here right and so this is just how it usually goes and they also I mean they wrote down here quit and repeat phases one to three this is usually what happens I mean you see something here then you quit and you start again here uh you work go back down here and you quit you know and overcoming this thing and just having this impulse control it it takes time as with everything you know I had four subscribers four subscribers Jesus Christ well we're just going to ignore this as well four subscribers after three videos and two months on YouTube and I was like well this is pretty bad you know this is actually pretty pretty hard I thought it was this was easier obviously so I was right there after two months of posting but then you know i' I've known this um this graft basically and so I decided to push through I decided to you know not let my impulses control me um because I was thinking about just you know working a job you know 9 to5 is not even that bad but then I decided to push through anyways and then you get to the informed optimism stage and this is honestly this is honestly the best stage and I mean obviously success in fulfillment is better up here but the reason this is the best Stage is because this right here is the verse stage and so the difference from from here to hear is like it's it's so incredibly big and when you're here you feel so good even if it's just like a little bit above the optimism line whatever that means you feel so much better because now you you have the informed optimism and that means you basically you know that you can earn a lot of money for example and you know exactly what you need to do so you have everything like laid out in your head and it's just like obvious what steps you have to take and then you just have to keep push through and eventually you're going to end up here and so the grass isn't greener on the other side it's Greener where you water it AKA stick to it so AKA you go through this and you stick with it and that is impulse control and you know this this can be this can be anything this doesn't have to be business this has can also be a hobby let's say you want to get good at I don't know basketball but then suddenly you think well it's actually pretty hard and I maybe I'm actually better at tenis or something like that now another analogy I have for you is the popcorn effect I don't know if this is the official name I've heard this somewhere I can't really remember where but basically that's not really the best graph but it's you I'm going to try my best to explain it so when you when do you make popcorn right so it takes a while for well obviously the pan to get hot or whatever um for the for the first uh cor to pop it takes a while and then after a while it it starts like it it starts becoming faster so the first pop it might take take like I don't know 30 seconds and then for a second one it only takes 10 seconds and then suddenly all of them explode and so it's basically exponential growth which this graphy represents and that's really what it is um so when you when you are here you know you're doing all of this and it takes so much time you're seeing no progress but then suddenly it can take off and that is why we have to have impulse control so the key takeway is don't focus on 10 different things and also don't switch your focus after just a few weeks if it's not working you know that's it's really hard um but this is really really important and so here is another actionable step there is another worksheet below this video and it's focus and sacrifice one I'm just going to show it to you again so this is what it looks like and basically well you have to write down down actually you know what I'm not going to say anything you can read through it yourself it's really self-explanatory um but please do that and obviously save it and um then you can continue with the course and actually this is already it um there's there's no more there's no more slides to this presentation so um please do that save it and I see you in the next video hello and welcome to part six of the second course and we're going to talk about limiting beliefs do you think you can earn $1 million in the next 5 years yes or no just quickly think about it and uh well whatever you answered it's true you are right and that is because your beliefs determine the possibility of things happening if you don't think you can make a lot of money you can't now I'm not going to say it will happen but if you think you cannot do it then you will will not be able to do it like there's like zero chance and if you think you can then there is some chance and so what is better than zero chance well it's it's some chance and you got to take that and you know that's because people always want to think they are right it really is an ego thing you know if you don't think you can earn a lot of money you will find a way to prove it to yourself and others like you will you will find you know EXC exus is like I have this disorder or I'm I have depression I uh I'm just lazy chronically my parents are aren't Rich whatever right you will find a way to prove it to yourself and others that you can become rich and then um you know you will be right you're you're right you won't be able to earn a lot of money congratulations like you Pro that you're right by not earning a lot of money now what like um are you are you proud of proving it are you proud of proving that you can't earn a lot of money or would you rather be wrong with that belief and then still make more money it's like what's more important to you being right or earning more money and so if you think you can though like if you really think that you can make money then you you can it's generally possible but yeah as I said people would literally rather be right than find out the truth and the truth is that you can do pretty much whatever you want like the actual truth as long as it's physically possible if you adopt 100% responsibility you will have the power to choose your own destiny why do I think that it's because it's all cause and effect right uh if you don't know what cause and effect means uh I'd recommend you look it up but basically everything happens for a reason so for example um I could drink uh bottle of water that could be a cause and the effect would be that I would be less thirsty and I would be healthier and then basically every cause and effect turn into a new cause and effect and so everything everything that has ever happened happened for a reason and so really making a lot of money all comes down to cause and effect if you know the right causes uh that will that will bring you the effects that you want AKA earning money then you can make a lot of money and you can make a million dollars so if you didn't believe that I'm just going to prove it to you how you can do it so if you can make a business $5 million is more profit per year they would probably be really happy to pay you $1 million for I mean they they get 4 million and you get 1 million I mean they probably would pay you for that right and I might think well but I don't know how to make a business an extra $5 million per year and you know that's true probably but if you acknowledge that you can start learning the skills required to do exactly that because people are doing this you know the rich guys they that's what they're doing they're helping other Rich guys and that is one way you can make money and so it's really up to you right and that's what I mean by taking responsibility it's because you are not capable of doing that it's not because it's it doesn't work or it's not because you're lazy or because of your depression or your country or your government right if you think that because you have depression anxiety ADHD or any disorder that you can't do a certain thing then well that is true congratulations you are right if you give power to external things you will you will lose the control right but if you if you say you know I don't care if I have mental issues I will still do what is required then you have the power and the control and to solidify this concept or I mean I try to solidify this into your Paradigm really one of my favorite thoughts experiments is this so you don't feel like working towards your business today and you blame it on your anxiety Then a guy comes and approaches you he puts a gun to your head and he says if you don't work towards your business today for at least 1 hour I will kill you and your whole family now do you think do you still think you would not be able to work for 1 hour and I don't know blame your anxiety or blame your laziness it's like probably you're not going to do that so in the end you do have the control right if you adopt the responsibility anyways you can choose what to do and this is what I mean by cause and effect if you choose to work for an hour which you can it just takes practice it takes time this is exactly what you're watching this this course for right if you can do that then the ultimate effect is going to be that you're going to earn money that's just how the world works that's just how it is and so so here is a quote to slowly end this end this off you know with the limiting self beliefs uh this is a little bit a different topic but I mean still applies so we suffer more in imagination than reality um this is one of my favorite quotes by senica because it just it's just so true um you know usually when you start doing something like I don't know cleaning the dishes working out or reading a book it's not that bad but it's always everything before that you know imagining like this going to be so hard but in the end it's not really that bad and so I just want to give you this quote on the way to just stop overthinking many things and just start doing you know that I mean EAS easier said than done obviously you are watching this course to learn how to start doing things and and that's why you're here that's that's pretty good um but I just wanted to give you that way uh regarding limiting beliefs as well so takeway you can change your life life if you adopt the responsibility and with it you adopt the power you have you have the full power if you want to if you don't then I I can't help you genuinely I can't see you guys in the next one hello and welcome to the last video of the second course the mindset and perspective course today we're going to today Jesus Christ average YouTuber sorry for that one so in this video we're going to talk about feedback loops and uh this right here is how a feedback loop could look like so you take an action you see the results or the reward and then the results motivate you to take more action of that same thing for example if you if you liked doing a certain thing right and so I'm going to give you another example later on but what what I'm going to talk about is Instant versus delayed feedback loops because feedback loops they're really really powerful so if you have something that you work towards and it gives you an pretty quick feedback that you like you're probably going to do this thing again right and so you can think of like uh these these experience with rats where they start pushing the button for uh any drug I don't quite remember but uh let's say rats push a button and they get a drug induced and then well they're probably going to keep pushing that button right and so this is really really powerful and the problem is kind of that with feedbacks feedback loops the shorter you see or the faster you see the results the more likely you're going to take the action again and so I want to talk about Instant versus delayed feedback loops so an instant feedback loop would be you drink alcohol and then like I don't know 10 minutes later 5 minutes later you feel better you feel relaxed and and this leads you to drink more alcohol now a delayed feedback loop takes much more time and so here's what it could look like for working out so you work out you you don't see much progress you work out again not much progress and you do these you do this for like I don't know one to two months maybe and then you finally start seeing some small progress right and so you have to remember that most things take time I think this is like the fifth time I've said this already but it's it's really important to know that everything takes time and we are here for the long run so yeah with with the gym it takes about one to two months to see some progress as a beginner you know in business it might take six months to make your first dollar for me it took like four months with YouTube it might take 10 videos for for one to blow up right these things take time and with YouTube and with business it's not always entirely in in your hand like of course cause and effect is a thing but you don't have control over every single thing you don't have control over for example the algorithm on YouTube now of course it's not really luck and if you know what you're doing you're going to have a good video but you probably not know what to do in the beginning and so that's what I mean with most things take time it takes time for you to get better at at certain things and most things with negative second order consequences have an instant positive feedback Loop so that is really uh really sad but that's the way it is so for example you know you eat a french fry like a single one it tastes pretty good and you want to eat then you want to eat more french fries obviously um or playing video games you you play video game it's fun and you just want to keep playing and this is how addictions happen by the way and this is like the deadliest combo uh in negative way so basically the first thing that people do is you know do an easy thing which is the path of least resistance right as you hopefully remember they usually see pretty fast feedback because these things they have generally speaking pretty instant positive feedback loop loops and then they keep doing more of that thing and um that's basically how they make their whole life miserable Okay so it's really important that you understand this and you avoid doing this but we can also use this concept by making delayed uh feedback more instantaneous because it always depends on how you define the results that you get of course so instead of waiting two months to see progress in a gym you make working out the reward and so making the delayed feedback loops instant would look like this from what we've seen before you know working out and then finally seeing a result or getting the reward after like two months you work out and then the reward is you know that you had a workout and that you track your workouts and and your goal basically becomes working outs so essentially reward yourself for working not for achieving a certain thing or state because this will ultimately make you achieve that that that certain thing or state much faster you you need to make your work the goal this is really important and you know pretty much the best strategy to to get better at whatever whatever you're doing really and so if you worked well you know you have your goal achieved and you can feel good because that is how you define your goal and for that you need to look at the activity that will bring you to your goal which is usually the second order consequence of set activity so for example working out the second order consequence is actually the goal that I want and the first order consequence is it's pretty hard but we want to make this activity working out the first order Consequence the goal instead right so because then we can like we can track how well we have worked every single day and how uh how good we making uh progress towards that goal as well and so it's really comes down to just making the work the goal and with time you will achieve your desired results as a side effect so that's really cool because if you fall in love with the process like even if it's hard you can basically reward yourself for it and you will fall in love with the process and then suddenly one day you wake up and you will be at your desired results so um and that's pretty powerful and I'd suggest you become obsessed with hitting perfect work days because in the end the work is what what will get us there now here is a actionable step uh check out the daily planner and tracker and start to use it daily I have also included short videos on how to use the tools everything should be below this video in the course and you can just check it out um I've explained everything in the videos so yeah uh please start doing that it's really really good really good tools and other than that well done for completing this course this is already the end of the second course and uh I hope it helped I hope it you know made you aware of how much is actually in your control and how you can change yourself to actually achieve the goals that uh you that you have for yourself and I will see you in the next course course three yeah exactly all right see you guys hello and welcome to the first video of course three the discipline course today we are going to talk about I still talk like a YouTuber Jesus Christ in this part we're going to talk about pain and resistance now as always before you watch this please make sure you have watched everything in the courses before this one and you've completed all the actionable steps so I have already talked about the path of least resistance but now let's find out what even resistance really is to do that we will do a simple test so depending on where you are right now you can do either a plank or hold something slightly heavy with a straight horizontal arm so for example plank or you can just take a water bottle and hold it out just do it right now please and wait a bit I'm doing it with you by the way I'm holding up a water bottle and so with time you can feel your arm getting heavier like your shoulders start to hurt a little bit and just keep doing this until at some point your brain tells you to stop um for some reason but uh just keep keep going you know at some point your mind will make up very good excuses for you to stop doing what you're doing right now because well it's starting to get exhausting but uh you can you can keep going unless it's like really hurts just keep going and you know whatever your mind is telling you it's it's one form of resistance and now like listen to it but then try to ignore it and just keep keep on doing the plank or hold out your arm because you can keep going I'm still I'm still holding up that water Bott by the way I'm still doing it you any thoughts from your mind that's that's basically this exact feeling tells that tells you to stop doing uh what you're doing right now is what you need to overcome so become aware of this as best as possible and we'll cover awareness in course four so I mean you can stop doing it uh if you want to now but whenever you're trying to do something hard you feel some type of resistance and this can be anxiety doubt pain depression physical tiredness and and lots more um but in order for you to truly change your behavior and change yourself as we have talked about in the second course you need to overcome this resistance and you do this by building up a pain tolerance now this s this sounds quite uh painful well pain tolerance I guess uh but uh this is really one of the most important Concepts you will learn in this course so please pay attention as we've talked about most activities with desirable second order consequences have first order consequences that suck it's hard to do them you feel pain in order for you to be able to take certain actions for example working on your business for 5 hours straight you need to be able to build up a pain tolerance big enough to be able to handle this all right the way this works is pretty simple and it's Progressive overload so for you guys who go to the gym you probably are familiar with with this term so like in the gym you progressively overload how much pain you take on and this makes changing yourself extremely manageable because what you need to do is you need to start very small like smaller than your ego allows it if you set yourself a task to do and you can't do it you need to make the task smaller your paintal Rens for that specific thing isn't big enough so for example let's say you plan your day and you want to read for 15 minutes at 8:00 p.m. okay and then when the time arrives you don't feel like doing it at all like your brain makes up the best excuses and it's really good but in doing that by the way and you literally can't force yourself to read for 15 minutes you think well I am not good enough for this whatever but you basically just don't do it and then here's what you do the next day you make the task smaller let's say just just 10 minutes and you do this as long as you need until you actually sit down and read and even if it's just one page in the beginning or even just one sentence like make it as small and manageable as possible you need to you need to start doing it and just make that first first decision in the right direction as small as it is it will help you extremely and you know if you can do that you need to start even smaller and yes it's hard for your ego to comprehend how how incapable you are but that's just how it is and you have to you have to accept that you know you have to take responsibility for that and so when I was uh at the worst stage of my life like even showering and eating felt like a Cher I told the story already and you know now it's 7 it's 11:00 a.m. when I when I was writing the script and I've been working since 7:00 a.m. straight and I've cre created the seven presentations before this one this morning and fun fact it's still the same day it's not 11 a.m. it's uh 6:20 p.m. and I have had I've created seven more presentations and I've recorded every single one of the videos including this one um that you like are watching on the same day so I created uh 14 presentations today and this is I think the 13th video recording uh my voice is kind of getting uh a little bit uh yeah it's it's starting to hurt but I'm just going to keep going and also it's Sunday by the way so I started working when most people are about to wake up and so not not not to brag I'm just trying to tell you that if you build up this pain tolerance you can go from being a complete loser who who's basically like an an infant Can Do Anything by himself to to this you know I've been working for almost 12 hours straight now I also had two coaching calls today so anyways it's possible completely possible but this didn't happen overnight so yeah as as I told you this took me about 3 years and I started with journaling for 1 minute going on box for 5 minutes and then cooking like once a week because I was always eating out or eating just chips and other bull crap basically and don't get this wrong it's like the higher your pain tolerance gets this doesn't mean that your life gets worse or more more painful or that you're going to be in more pain because you're basically getting used to more pain and like for me I've been working for 12 hours now almost and it's I mean it's hard but it's not extremely painful right now okay it's it's completely manageable and I actually well I kind of enjoy doing it now but really you you always feel pretty much the same because you just adapt over time that's what Progressive overload feels I mean when you start out in a gym you start with like just the barbell right 20 kilos and then it's hard for you it hurts right but then you progressively progress aggressively overload and when you have like then suddenly when you have like 20 kilos per site plus the bar so 60 kilos I mean does it hurt more not not really it's like still the same pain right you're just more capable really and so that's really crazy because you can you can literally become a hardworking uh individual by just putting in the work destroying your ego basically and just building it up from very small but you need to stop shying away from Pain and set face it head on this is how you grow you really need to look for the pain make it manageable that it still it still sucks and then you just do it and when you can't seem to do it you make it smaller and you you push through you need to be even grateful for the pain because well pain is like the dragon that needs to be slain in order to save the princess and the typo here my bad I've been working too much today um but that's really just the case you need to be grateful for the pain because the pain is what allows you to stand up okay Jesus Christ I think I definitely needed to take a break here another typo edit my bad but it it's what allows you to stand out from the crowd and if it was easy everyone would achieve their goals which they don't so you have to kind of be grateful if you want to be extraordinary this is your chance it's it's facing pain headon and just destroying your ego taking small steps not giving up having impulse control and you know adopting responsibility I and I think you can slowly start to see that it is completely possible for you to do anything you want because I mean you can develop this work ethic and you can learn all the skills it's it's mind-blowing that this is not taught in schools or I don't know where but um yeah it's crazy so take away don't shy away from pain grateful for it and that's really all I had for this video uh hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next one welcome to course 3 part two this is a really short one and it is about inevitable suffering so I just want to give you one concept basically one uh world view one perspective for your Paradigm if you want and it is that life is suffering and that's not obviously my uh realization I think that's a core believe in both Buddhism um I'm not too sure anyways but you can basically choose the path of the path Jesus Christ please forgive me for my uh my mistakes my typos I wanted to write the path of least resistance as you can tell please forgive me so you can choose the path of least resistance and avoid suffering right now but feel it later or you can choose to suffer right now voluntarily and Thrive later on so basically you know thinking of thinking of the first and second order thinking and consequences I would call this first order suffering or second order suffering right and that's just another way to look at it right because there is really no way around suffering in life there's going to be times that are extremely hard and you know I've already talked about how the world is getting easier every single day because people solve problems all the time and you know you don't have to be like smart or hardworking anymore to just survive you can like be another Wast man and still you know survive but you you will suffer in life you know be it be it right now by voluntarily choosing to do something hard like putting the work or by then regretting the regretting to not do that thing later on and living with the consequences of that all right so really the best thing we can do is choose what we want to suffer for you can't avoid it but you can choose what you want to suffer for and that was already it the key takeaway is suffering is inevitable choose your suffering see you guys in next one welcome to course three part three this one is all about evolutionary conditioning and it's basically it's really interesting it's basically the reason as to why we naturally choose the path of least resistance and it makes you understand how the human mind works um based on Evolution um I've I've learned most of the information what I'm going to tell you here from the book sapiens by Yu Noah Harari so if you want to uh learn more about this it's really interesting book highly recommend it and so basically we have two different parts in our minds the hunter gatherer mind and the rational mind or the I don't know how how you going to call it the lizard brain the monkey brain and like the logic brain the prefrontal cortex right so as the name suggests it's the hunter Gathering mind is what we used to rely on 70,000 years ago uh up until probably like 30,000 years ago um probably speaking and so it is our instinct animal part that makes our body work based on incentives and hormones and so it's the reason we have the instinct to gorge on high caloric food which isn't healthy at all for our bodies you know in long term you right second or thinking right here the second or consequence of high caloric junk food like eating a burger that has th calories I mean that's not that healthy and you know there's a reason why we do that so imagine a human 70,000 70,000 years ago if he would come across a tree full of ripe figs he would probably eat all of them as fast as possible before any other animals would find that tree and basically steal the food because he wants to survive in moment right it would be stupid for him to think oh I think I'm just going to you know I'm just going to eat one of them because actually I can't eat more calories today uh you know like no that's not how it works probably now on the other side we have our rational mind our from the cordex that we started to make use of after the cognitive reolution um about 70,000 to 30,000 years ago and so and what our preformal cortex allows us to do is it lets us think into the future make up things and believe in common myths such as money weekdays and countries basically things that don't exist but they exist in like a uh fiction world that we all believe in and that is how we organize the world and our thoughts uh it's pretty interesting so um our animal mind simply wants to survive the next moment so you know it doesn't care if fast food is going to make you obese in the long term in like a few months if you will it just wants to survive the next second the next minute and the next you know day and so as long as you survive the next few few minutes you're good to go because your DNA still thinks that you are living in the savan right your brain doesn't care that you want to have an aesthetic body in the future so if you're hungry right now that equals to pain and pain equals Death as we have uh learned before and yeah you don't want to die your brain doesn't want you to die so uh this is also the reason why your brain brain doesn't want to change it's pretty much the same reason because think of about it you have survived so far with everything that you have been doing so so why should you change you know change could mean death possibly because you've been doing great so far right and that is why it's so hard to change by the way now secondary thinking is what separates humans from other animals is what I've been uh what I've told what I've talked about already in the first or second course don't really remember uh but the best example for is is the Agricultural Revolution now I'm not going to go into detail but it was about 10,000 years ago probably and we don't know exactly and you know it didn't really make the lives of humans better immediately okay so there wasn't really like one thought of of a hunter Gathering saying like you know I think we should start to settle down and plant crops and you know stop hunting basically basically and they were probably way better off Hunting and Gathering because that is what they have evolved for and humans could easily hunt even big animals back then because they were so much smarter so after cognitive Evolution they could they basically wiped out most of the animals back then because they were so uh smart and they had no problem just hunting and surviving that way all right so planting crops actually made it harder for them for the humans to survive in the short term um because we we weren't meant to work on the fields so whole day it wasn't a um you know evolutionary like we didn't evolve to to work on fields the whole day and so I don't want to go into more detail but basically people had it rough uh in the first first few years of this or first few centuries even of the Agricultural Revolution because you know bad weather bad crops uh but anyways the reason I'm I'm telling you this is because the Agricultural Revolution was a first display of second order thinking you know whether intentional or not I mean it was definitely intentional to some degree but what I mean with intentional was like that they thought so far into the future that they realized that it's going to be extremely important as it is nowadays because nowadays you can't really argue that you can't argu know this we rely heavily on agriculture that doesn't make too much sense but you know we need we need uh the agriculture to survive and it is what has allowed us to grow as a species and so they they figured out a way to work for something that they're only going to see the benefits later on right they didn't kill the animal instantly they didn't just eat the berries so they they started they started uh you know basically thinking long term and so that is literally display of second order thinking if you ask me and this was just an example to show that every human with a brain has the ability to work towards something big in the future despite not seeing the words immediately like remember we also talked about feedback loops imagine uh having to plant a crop and then only getting the rewards like I don't know how many months later I don't know too much about agriculture but um that's basically uh delayed gratification so to speak right and so the the way to overcome our evolutionary condition is by progressively overloading our pain tolerance which uh I've talked about previously and it's basically about not going the path of least resistance because imagine if humans did that right it would have been easier for them to just keep on keep on hunting and the Gathering but you know as we've talked about before there's inevitable suffering and there's consequen to everything so when there's good first consequences like you know hunting an animal and then eating it right away which was which was easy for them relatively speaking then there's going to be probably some bad second order consequences and the bad second order consequences was that the humans wherever they went they they basically uh you know drove half of the species there to Extinction like it's actually crazy you have to look up how many how many animals we drove to Extinction uh simply because we you know we were so Advanced basically and they they could keep up with us and so I don't know if they realized that or not that would be pretty smart but um the that way you know the humans would have just basically killed everything off and then we left with no more food on on the table and so it's really it's really smart and they chose to not go the path of least resistance right they they it was painful for them to work on the fields probably and they did it it's it's really it's really impressive so um anyways it's it's hard but we get used to it as I've talked about you know overloading progressively overloading our pain tolerance which makes it a lot easier and this also basically habitualization right because I've talked about how changing yourself is hard because of well how you have survived so far without changing without the need to change right and so with time when you get used to you you know like being discomfortable for example when you get us used to this that is basically becoming becoming a part of you and so it's not really hard anymore with time because you just get used to it so this is also what makes it Parable basically and so we need to figure out how to not be controlled by DNA by our DNA is basically the key takeaway and we all have the ability to do so um it is harder these days because of all the distractions and just the modern world in general um but it is possible and we can do it by the steps that I've talked about so far and uh yeah that was it for this presentation this video I will see you in the next one hello and welcome to the last part of the uh discipline course course three this here is all about Clarity really really important now the clearer the steps the easier is to do them to follow the steps you know think of a recipe which one would you be more likely to follow all right so the recipe on the right on the left preheat oven make cake better bake cake or would you follow this right here you know preheat oven to etc etc Grease the the pan and you know combine dry ingredients speed eggs until Etc finish cake B bake there's actually more to this is only like half the recipe by the way um but I think you get the point like it is much easier for us mentally to just follow something like a program like as we as if we are a program or like a robot just following instructions it's much easier because we don't have to think like okay preat of and Jesus Christ how do I do that like what's what uh you know what type of I how you call it um you know what program should I run on the oven how how hot will it should I should it be what what cake better should I do like there's so many questions there right and you get lost immediately and so each decision you have to make takes mental energy and if you're not experienced or skilled at what you do this can stop you from doing anything at all and this is also why we plan our days in advance using the daily planner it just makes making decisions so much easier because you don't have to think about them at that point you know you can think about them ahead of time so so when planning your days try to write down every task as clear as possible as clearly as possible as you can and you know this really it depends on your skill level so for example let's let's say someone tries to go to the gym for the first time and you know as we've talked about changing is hard and when you're lost and when you don't have clear steps it's much harder to change and so you know when you were go when you were to go to the gym for the first time this is what step step you would need to take you know that's what I would write down for myself you know first of all put on gym clothes pack the gym bag take the bottle and the towel with you you know leave the house walk to the gym enter warm up for 10 minutes exercise and I mean that's that's still pretty like general advice I mean this right here not so but you know exercise you could still like okay you do 10 reps of this then you take a two-minute break and then you do another reset and etc etc right and it's if you've been to the gym like a few a few times for example I don't know like after 10 20 30 times you just think like okay you know I have to go to gym it's routine basically you can say go gym you know exactly what you need to do like you you've done these things right here enough times to just know go gym work out go home that's about it right and so the clearer the steps the easier is it is to execute that is just how it is so you need to break everything down into manageable chunks until you are good enough to do that thing really so another example I have for you is business so let's uh let's talk about building a business for the first time as a complete beginner versus Jeff basos like what instructions do you need to give to someone who's doing it for the first time so I would say you know first of all think of a solution to provide or a product you know create that product create a compelling offer create ads to get the leads nurture leads book sales calls close to calls set up everything for client to make the client happy you you might think this is pretty in depth but it's like not in depth at all you could make probably about 100 more points like bullet points for each of these things so it's like there's so many things that you need to know when doing business right and when you would talk to Jeff basos and you would tell him like you know can you like build a business like a profitable business for me he would say like sure and then he just s doing it because he knows the steps to take he knows what he needs to do another example cooking so cooking for the first time like first of all decide what to cook what ingredients to use like what recipe you know when should you cook what tools do you need you know then you need to follow the recipe don't mess up and when you're like a chef you can ask a chef to like you know can you make me fried rice and he's like sure um decide what to cook fried rice and then he just does it basically right so break things down just like with progressively overloading your pain tolerance we want to have small chunks to focus on starting small it's always a very good idea now don't write things on your planner like 11:00 a.m. I'm going to do something useful I mean you won't do anything if you are unspecific like that like what even is useful in the first place you're going to sit there at 11:00 a.m. in the morning you know think useful I don't really know I mean I could watch some YouTube videos on a business or maybe I could do this or that and then you just don't do anything it just takes up so much mental energy so key takeway here is break things down into small chunks and clear steps you need to have Clarity if you know that these steps will get you to your desired goal you can make the steps to the you can take the steps to the goal and create a feedback loop around working hard on them so it's really really important and I've also just talked about with a client of mine about this and he agreed that Clarity is like the best thing ever it just makes life more more easy you know think of think of that U graph I've showed you earlier the emotional uh cycle of change I think it's called with the value of Despair right and now basically Clarity is when you are at informed optimism it's the best feeling ever and so be clear about your steps you know think it through think into the future and um yeah work on them that was it about for this part so just to quickly summarize the takeaway from this course like this part of the course you know make decisions based on second order consequences that are aligned with your goal and the goal needs to be important enough to for you to push through the immediate suffering right because we have first consequences first order consequences that are that are hard and so you need to have something important enough to push through that is why we wrote down the vision and the goal plan and you also need a high enough pain tolerance to do this so if you can't even manage to clean your house you won't be able to work on a business that's just how it is and so break down the tasks that you need to do so you aren't lost you don't feel lost and when you feel resistance know that you are doing good keep pushing that's this is like this is what hard feels like and if you expect it to be hard and you can feel it's hard then just know that this is what heart feels like and that is what you signed up for that's just how it is and then well done for completing this part of the course um there's another one left the distractions course and I will see you there hopefully bye-bye hello and welcome to the third course um this is all about distractions and in this part we're going to talk about allocated thinking now again before you watch this please make sure you have watched everything thing in the questions before this one and you've completed all the actionable steps so quickly what even is a distraction and I would Define it that way as a thought or every single thought that is not cons conducive towards your goal and vision meaning the less distracted you are the more you can think about your goal and vision and therefore work towards it now I'm going to talk about uh something called the reticular activating system uh you may have heard of this already before um I'm going to just refer to it as um yeah R in the presentation but basically it is your natural information filter because essentially there's too much information for your brain to take in like every single day you have five senses and it's just too much to comprehend at every single second of the day so it filters out the information here's how it works as an example and that example would be buying a new car or any accessory really so first of all you think of buying a new car or a new thing then you're interested in the car you know you look it up you look you look up some information about it um you watched some videos about it I don't know I really know I don't buy cars but uh then suddenly you see this car everywhere so I mean let's let's let's say you want to buy I don't know a Tesla or something or a Lamborghini and then you and then you suddenly think that damn so many people have a Lamborghini as well like it's not even special anymore and you know the same thing happen happens with clothes bags shoes and even ad advertisement really and uh that is that is really just how it works and that's because the more you think about your goals um more Vision or whatever it really is the more you think about something the more will your particular activating system L conducive information into your head so uh information that could be applicable to this thing you're thinking about so for example if you're interested in starting a business and you're learning a lot about it then you suddenly you start to question like not the prices of certain products but how how they created it um how they make money off of you how a certain ad might want you to buy you just change your perspective uh automatically um on how these things work and what people actually uh like want from you or or how they make you want to buy and so your brain filters are important information for you and helps you but only if you actually spend a lot of time thinking about that certain thing now distractions make you not solve problems this is another really big deal with the Discretions because essentially you don't think about the problems to solve because you distracted so for example you don't you don't think about uh business like solving solving the problem of you know making money for yourself uh because you don't even have time to think about it really because you're distracted all day and I mean why think about how to solve problems when you can just Escape into some video game world I want to say video World whatever or you know simply open up Tik Tok and just Doom scroll for like 40 minutes right and forgetting everything around you and so this is really just what happens these days so if you've ever been like on a train or a boss lately or any public place for that matter and you just look around and you see everyone is everyone is just on their phone constantly like even small kids and it's kind of it's kind of sad to see um and it's for for those of you who have read uh Brave New World so I think I feel like Instagram and Tik Tok is pretty much equals equal to S and for everyone who has not read that book it is basically uh s is basically the drug that people in the book take to well Escape real life and it has no really it has no real downsides to it uh you just kind of go on vacation on S vacation I think they call it I'm not too sure and it's honestly the same thing with social media and just being distracted all the time you know now this is a big problem for us because we want to solve our problems and you know we can only do that when we have space to think you know for example the problem of becoming more disciplined or the problem of I don't know it can be simple things what should I cook for dinner or how can I make more money we can only solve these problems for ourselves when we have uh space to think and time to think and usually people immediately go to the internet internet to search for Solutions but really one of the most helpful things that I figured out over time is to just think for yourself and ask yourself how you could solve the situation without looking up uh any information in the internet basically and by the way this is also why shower or sauna thoughts exist it's not because of the shower or the sauna it's is because the only time in your day that you are not distracted and that's also the reason why why I mean toilet thoughts for example don't exist I mean I don't know the term maybe they do exist I don't really know but um it's because when you're when you're taking a you're probably on your phone like when was the last time you when was the last time you were on the toilet without being on your phone seriously so yeah and funny side note this train of thought right here actually occurred when I was in the showers so um yeah um and this whole what I've been talking about like this is why I promote going on walks all the time it's because when you go on a walk without distractions without music even without your phone maybe you have nothing better to do than think it's like having shower thoughts really it's just you do this every single day right and it's going to it's going to allow you to solve your problems pretty quickly by yourself is pretty crazy and I I recommend it like so much um but yeah so the takeaway is spend more time without distractions allocate more time towards your goal and vision and you will make remarkable progress that was it for this presentation this video I will see you guys in next one welcome to part two of course number four and I just realized that I I think I said course three in the previous video uh well obviously this is U course number four distractions and we're going to talk about the ultimate killer of dreams so distractions we've defined them in the last video and now we're going to talk about why they make everything worse so hey distractions they make you makes you addicted to easy dopamine uh this literally lowers your P pain tolerance by the way so what we've talked about before distractions also well distract you from the reason that you should be working hard AKA from your vision and your go and it also messes with your attention span so you lose track of what you wanted to do so this is why I recommend looking at your vision and plan every every single morning and this is also why I recommend you writing down your your plan for the day every single day because that way you have you have a plan if you follow that you're probably going to do good okay now for some people this issue is very big I mean for most people but um right now please go and and check your average daily screen time on your phone just check real quick there's a I think you can check it on Android and iPhone and you know if it's above 3 hours and you're not doing something productive on your phone like we genuinely need to fix that so just to solidify or or give you another example with with uh your phone time you can do this by yourself so I'm just going to calculate three hours up into the future and think about the second and third or Consequences of basically being 3 hours on your phone and I think this is like the average time someone spends on their phone uh as far as I have uh read the data correctly online um so 3 hours on your phone is almost 1/5 of your waking hours because you probably are awake about 16 hours you sleep about 8 hours uh per night per day whatever and so if you continue like that that is going to be 45 days that you are wasting each year okay so one and a half months basically you're just throwing out of the window okay and let's say you have 50 more years to live obviously I don't know how old you are let's say you 20 or 30 years old you just 50 years you're probably going to live longer maybe not um you would waste a total of 2,281 days and this equals to 6.25 years of your whole life you you lose 6.25 years of your life by by being on your phone essentially I mean obviously if you do something productive on the phone like reading or whatever like working sure go ahead but like it's just so much time and if you if you look up like the stats for people that smoke cigarettes I mean if you smoke cigarettes you should probably also stop but um I think when you smoke like one pack per month or per week your life expectancy is about 5 years lower and so I mean you know smoking cigarettes is bad you you're going to you're going to lose five years of your life but if you keep keep using your phone that much you're also going to lose 6.25 years of your life or even more than that so that's pretty crazy and I mean people also watch TV people watch YouTube and so it's just so much time wasted right and now yeah these these 6.25 years of your life they're just gone lost to the Tik Tok algorithm or YouTube or whatever really TV just useless things I mean think about when you're on your deathbed and you think back and think about all the time you've been scoring on Tik Tok do you think you're going to be like happy or full of regrets like um but yeah so now let's let's think about the third order consequence of spending too much time on your phone it's like well yeah time is obviously much much value valuable so let's let's uh add a price tag to your time and we're going to do like only only $10 an hour now obviously depends on what country you're from but in the US or like any like developed country it's not that much money I think it's like minimum minimum wage pretty much or I have honestly no clue depends on the country well it's not that much you can you can earn more in that basically but we just going to stay with $10 now which is not much for the rest of your life okay now obviously you can imagine that would be um $ 30 $30 per day because 3 hours time 10 equals $30 per day like okay that's that's quite a bit of money and you know just to just to calculate better you'll be wasting 54,000 wait 54750 hours in the next 50 years my brain is slowly stopping uh to work so please excuse me um but that equals to $547,500 left on the table with with $10 per hour right it's it's pretty crazy okay now obviously inflation and stuff like that but dude anybody want to have a million dollars like I'm I'm going to take those man I don't have a problem with that that and you know remember $110 $10 per hour is is not a lot but if you waste 3 hours a day you lose out on $210 per week and $840 per month all right so four times uh four weeks per month about $800 so question for you how would your life change if you had an extra $840 each month you know probably probably quite a lot okay and um I think the reasons should be very clear right now and it's really time to get rid of distractions and and this is what I mean by like second order consequence or second order thinking because if you don't think into the future just think oh yeah 3 hours I mean it's not that much right but no it's it's really powerful and you could earn a lot more if you I mean you will probably earn a lot more if you you put in the work and your your hourly rate getss higher so yeah it is time to get rid of distractions because they not only steal this much time uh they also make the rest of your time on Earth worse because well they make you addicted basically they mess up your dopamine Baseline and they make you have no attention span right so it's really just one big miserable thing to do take away your time is worth a lot stop wasting it every time every day distractions make everything worse and we need to focus on removing them as much as possible that was it for this video thank you guys for watching and in the next one we're going to talk about how to actually get rid of distractions see you there welcome to the final video of the final course in this series so well well done for making it um all to the end here um as you know maybe I am recording every single one of these videos in one sitting and I also made pretty much every presentation today and it's now 7:00 a.m. uh 700 p.m. but I started working at 7:00 a.m. now at 700 p.m. um I am pretty tired but I'm just going to go and keep finishing this or trying to finish this today because I mean I also kind of want to show you how this will or or to what to what levels this can possibly bring you and obviously I don't work 12 hours every single day but every once in a while like once a week I have like a work day for just you know working really hard for 12 hours and you get a lot of done I mean I made 14 14 presentations and 19 videos today and so I mean would the quality have been better if I I space it out well probably but I have a deadline and I have to make this course right now and I also didn't just make this course in like today I I didn't start today in the morning so I've been like planning for it for much longer uh like probably 1 to two months and I have obviously written down many essays about these topics and I have written down the course outline already about two weeks ago so I knew exactly what to put in the presentations I just did it today so obviously not everything done today and um that would also be just a little bit too much like it wouldn't be too much effort for what I'm charging realistically so no I've been uh doing this for pretty long but anyways let's get started I don't want to I don't want to waste your time any longer we're going to talk about the dopamine trap now you probably know one thing or another about dopamine and so really what's important to know is that different things are more simulating than others okay for example reading a book is less stimulating than scrolling on Tik Tok that is just how it is uh I I think I can say this objectively and it's probably true but you know reading a book would be more stimulating than just sitting in the silence for an hour and so distractions really mess up our dopamine levels to you know make us addicted the more addicted we are the less deating other activities feel um and they do this obviously by giving us the feedback loop of you know always wanting more which we've also talked Al about and I'm just going to tell you right now there is no chance you will do for example cold outreaches for your business after scrolling YouTube shorts for 3 hours straight like there's no chance and that's the same for me as well like it's not like no matter the amount of discipline you have if your if your receptors are fried for the day it's really hard to to make that that turn and just get back to work it's really hard okay and so we need to fix our BAS sign level of dopamine so basically we need to try to get back to zero so that stuff like reading reading books is interesting again okay and to do that we deliberately have to engage in low stimulation activities for example you know going on walks sing in silence or or even reading a book and meditating what's important to know is that your Baseline resets to some degree overnight so if you start your day of well AKA you know not checking social media first thing in the morning you will do really good already because in the morning your Baseline is fresh and if you do what I did today I just woke up uh sat down at my PC and started working I didn't even I didn't even shower I didn't even brush my teeth it's pretty ugly I I know um but I mean I was inside the whole day and I just worked the whole day and it's it's it was much more manageable imagine if I tried to do this after watching like an hour of YouTube shorts in the morning and then I got up and I was like oh well I have to do this course right now and but I don't really feel like it so yeah I'm not I'm not going to do it right now but maybe later so yeah I think you can relate big time to this so um try to try to start your days of well uh don't put your phone near your bad for example but we're going to talk about that later as well so it's generally easier to avoid the distractions by changing your environment than to stop doing them while you're already engaging for example I you obviously you obviously know that if you if you are scrolling it's pretty hard to get away from it it's so addicting and you just keep going you just keep going you see like one more one more it's like you're just waiting to get another hit right and so it's much easier to just simply try to avoid tapping into that into that dopamine trap as I called it in the beginning than to escape from it essentially okay so we have to try to create an environment that helps you do that now here's an example of environment hacking the most OP let's say that means overpowered strategy is if you want to completely change your life change where you live and start fresh you know like move to a city where you don't know anybody uh literally anybody like not even your friends and you you start a new life because you will have basically no no strings attached to your old self you can just completely change yourself like the people that are like your five closest people um they won't hold you back for example and they won't pull you back down into into the buckets because you're just gone right and so that is really your power I I I didn't do this I mean I live on my own and it helps like living on your own helps a lot because you just decide everything you want to do and it's much easier than having someone always influence you another another hack so I'm just going to give you an example want to stop smoking weed so if you smoke weed for example you know break with your dealer don't buy any weed you know don't have any weed around you at all break contact with people in your friend group who still smoke if you really want to quit it do these things and and you'll be better off you know and when to stop watching TV you know sell your TV get rid of it when I stop using your phone in the morning stop having it into your room by a physical alarm club like a real one they used to have like a few years ago before phones became a thing and you know want to go on a walk morning well put your walking shoes and clothes already beside your bed you know make it as easy as possible to go on a walk so these are all examples of environment hacking and what's really important to get rid of you know distractions is identifying triggers and so we are we as humans are on autopilot for most of the day and that is just how it is um our our brain saves resources that way because well we don't have to make too many decisions consciously pretty much I think that's how it works it works and you know therefore we need to find out the triggers so we need to find out uh the triggers that are that are why you start engaging mindlessly in a bad habit we need to find those things and you know the triggers are also they they are like what initiate the feedback loop to start right so it's also by addicts uh that are at rehab at rehab center they can quit you know aof substance but when they get back home you know they start again I think about 50% of addicts like relapse when they get home or even more and the reason for that is well they have simply changed their environments to the rehab center right this is what I've been what I've talked about here you know change change where you live in sort fresh basically they completely changed their environment and removed all the triggers so I don't know you know depending what substance there are different triggers for example whenever you eat lunch or something that could be a trigger um or or you know just sitting down on your couch could be a trigger or watching YouTube videos could be a trigger really anything and so here is an example of how a single trigger can destroy your day so uh this is an example of My Life by the way so whenever I would eat lunch I would watch YouTube on my TV and so then I finish eating lunch obviously at some point and I think well let's just finish this video okay the video probably goes on for about 5 to 10 minutes and you know this thought right here let's just finish this video this thought is in my mind for exactly obviously not exactly but about 2.5 second seconds probably for about 2 2.5 seconds then I just forget about it and that's because of the low tension span that we've also I've also talked about that uh distractions uh will make you have basically and so because I forget that I don't want to watch YouTube and actually have things to do I just keep on watching it on autopilot and this equals to just 2 hours of my day wasted and my productivity fell afterwards as well because my Baseline dopamine levels got disrupted it's the same thing with watching shorts in the morning or just checking your phone in general right so my solution to it unplug the TV and now you might think well I could still plug it in and you know watch YouTube again but with the with these triggers it's really more about being aware of them and when when you're aware of it so for example the next day hour was as soon as I sat down on the couch and tried to power on my TV I realized what I was doing because well it obviously it didn't work right and so then I noticed and I basically escaped that autopilot and from then on it's it's all about overcoming the resistance to still watch YouTube for me and if you can't seem to do that the trigger isn't the problem it's your pain tolerance and you have to start smaller basically right so it's the same thing with um it's the same thing with people that are trying to create social media I mean you can delete the app okay and then the next time you're trying to open the app it's just not there on your home screen and and this alone is basically enough to show you that you wanted to go on the app by accident and obviously it's not going to completely solve the problem for you because you still have to push through you know you still have to go through the suffering and accept that it's hard but it all comes down to you really and your your pain tolerance levels right and so another example is uh my friend is studying for for a test so that he can study medicine there's a name for it I don't really know what it is but you know he wants to study medicine he has to take a test an exam so he always like every day I think he goes to libraries and schools or schools and his studies there because he he can't work at home like obviously he could but he just started doing that because it's literally the easiest fix you know he could try to get used to working at home but he just changed his environment completely so the key point is to become more aware that you can make a decision and that you can think about the second order consequences right it's all about the awareness of being able to make a decision and not being on a pilot and slipping into that habit again because when you're an autopilot and you start doing a thing then the feedback loop just kicks in and you start doing it all the time basically right and making a decision is not easy but uh as I said countless time now nobody said it would be easy you know apply what you've learned in course three and also course two you know make tasks smaller Progressive overload make everything uh as clear as possible okay so now here is the actionable step go on a walk meditate or just sit in silence for a set amount of time each day so whatever you feel the most comfortable with out of the these three things um this is really important to get rid of distractions and stop wasting time AKA losing half a million of dollars right and um it's important obviously to to start small here so it really depends so I'd recommend you know just go for a 5 minute walk in silence you know no music no phones and just think and also try to get rid of distractions in general now you are pretty much aware of the problem it should be easier for you and I mean it's it's easier it's still going to be hard but it's to as you know you have 100% of the power if you want to have it um and yeah I mean that is pretty much the last actionable step I have for you so well done for watching this course until the end and I want you to I want to ask a question do you remember how to shift your Paradigm so that's what we talked about pretty pretty much in the beginning of the course uh part I think course two um part three or something like that and one part is of it is repeatability you know to change your paradigm shift it is repeatability and so you may want to take this course watch this course one or two more times I mean it's not going to cost you anything besides your time and just let every idea sink in really and of course you also need to take action and I hope that your ego didn't come in the way and disagree with what I've been saying I mean chances are I have not been saying everything and you that that was true but I'm obviously still figuring out this for myself and it's been working quite well um it's now 7 uh 7:15 p.m. and I am about to finish everything like I'm about to wrap this thing up really excited I hope you can achieve similar things um that uh that like things like working 12-hour days it's pretty pretty crazy uh but it's it's lot of fun and yeah I really hope I could educate you better on this topic and make you ready to become better every day because ultimately it's up to us right um this this is really just like a fundamental fundamental piece of Education to help you get better by yourself because I can walk you through each step of the of the way and you kind of have to figure that out for yourself as well and it's really really uh depends it really depends on the person how fast they can progress how how much they want something um but really I hope this gave you great Foundation I think it did uh you should have a lot to work with and um I would love to hear some feedback on the course so please let me know how you how you felt about it if you learned anything valuable if it was trash please tell me be honest so you can reach me out reach me on Discord or just email me I read all messages pretty much at least that is right now and uh yeah that is pretty much the course and I thank you very much for watching and having the attention spent to actually push through I think if you watch until here you have a very good chance to make something out of your life and I'm very proud of you and yeah see you great time thank you for watching