these are the best highlights from the matchup between T1 and hle during the 2024 lck summer split the uh games play is kind of insane as owner uh you know they've been putting him on sedani they've been putting him on Ivor and it's been a little while that's actually significant because now if he passes through here he'd be seen on the ward yeah actually the angle would have been perfect he was he was behind but uh now he's kind of in an awkward spot they could still try to go for it if Doran okay the angle is it there yes it is Doran is going to live it is going to die Doran able to get away from the gank such a clutch play from Duran just doing that quickly enough that there couldn't be the followup from Z and Zea making getting full value out of his health bar when he got he's like I got him I got him um but yeah in the mid line zeka does not have TP neither does Faker so that's actually a really good trade that Faker takes uh to push zaka out of Lane gets him behind a little bit as we do have Doran uh trying to get over here and stop them from taking the crugs or the the grubs rather but Peanut's doing the Drake so yeah not not going to be able to stop them I feel like that was such a psycho play like your jungle is doing Dragon you're intered Nal you know enemy support's coming up and D's like yeah I'll just I'll mess about a bit you know so got to be careful and Doran is again he's only 5 CS behind so he's still kind of vibing as now Faker kind of a rough spot here going to get flashed on and now the zeri coming on in but Faker nice uh Valkyrie and Flash away just 5v5 here but again I don't feel like H life vs need to unnecessarily take a fight if they don't see the angle would be good if they can deny the six grubs though see the like posturing does have that hex flash if he wants to get over the wall yeah at this point in time though T1 have four people right here and dor is backing he is going to TP into this one but it's quickly turning into that 5v5 you were talking about zeka looking for the angle on the wall as already four grubs going over the side of T1 and K just wants to fight as they immediately dunk got the peanut and he goes down but the turn here on to zus as he's going to fall but Doran on the run is going to hop away and T1 they do trade one for one but take a look at this they have control of the river and that means they should get six scrubs yeah stupid play there from carrier Pina didn't get to play the game no flash used no ult used and I feel like that loss of power that engaged threat being unavailable really killed the ability for H life he to do more in that fight he do get a second kill for Doran but it will be six grubs over to T1 and they'll instantly look to make use of those in the Top Lane Faker getting some more damage on his Tower yeah I mean Faker at this point is just so fed right like there hasn't been a lot of interaction in mid he's been csing like a madman and now he's just getting all these plates in the top side and delight and z are here trying to save this turret I don't think they can as one last shot will do it doesn't even need it as the grubs get to work and T1 take down the first turret yep and still got 2 minutes left and I feel like when you have six void grubs you get an angle to really pressure Towers you take them so quickly the look for dive on AAS though in a bit of trouble here especially with the TP coming on in the tiia just to join in on this one and Z no Dominus no hope of survival as sh trying to go for the empowered Q heal under Tower was like you know I'm dead uh get as many me as you can set of Gooma and now Doran looking for an angle but they don't really have the setup between the Cory nly uh T1 should be able to take down this turret extremely fast six grubs down it goes and I mean compared to the speed of Zea pushing alone in top this is very good for T1 they're just going to keep pushing yeah and I mean getting a Herald on the cross map but what is a Herald something to take Towers T1 will just take the towers yeah you see them moving up to defend though oh the double stun with the counter strike and now zeri is popping off Viper going to help in dealing damage as Doran picks up the kill and they push they get a bunch of damage into that turret but they will pay one life for it right would you see H life Esports will pick up this Tower in the Top Lane mitigate some of that goal difference yeah finally he is not going to deny the can no he's like you know what Z you need this one it in it Baker is so far up the lane here he's trying to trade on aeka but he has serap's finish that's just a kill going over to the side of P Esports and zeka did have to TP for it but they still have doran's TP H you just getting range and press oh well T1 do have control of the river for now but if hum life Esports are able to make like an outpost here around mid and just press those buttons as you mentioned they're going to be in a good spot and Faker is way down the lane they're trying to engage but that engage is going to not work at all and now T1 are like well I guess we just cannot fight I say that though they are sticking around some missiles being thrown out some Spears as well yeah the Poke threat still big and obviously wasn't an ideal engage but they did at least get Z's flash there and he's chunked out yeah I he's trying to hold strong here but more poke connecting Z is so low and the TP is coming in for a flank angle the TP is coming in and Z not sure if he spotted him here as now the engage comes in Zea no flash but the nice Mi sh to get him away zeka stays safe peut though extremely low but down to go Cara no he is not going to he survives and the Drake goes to T1 H life Esports On The Run trying to get out and Doren the mman shutdown goes over to owner although we do have uh Guma going a bit he does take out peup and trades his life for it trying to open up some more kills for his teammates but it's not quite going to happen Jack as well I mean owner is just ginormous right now owner was already fed and now it's become even more severe and the thing is if the Poke is just too much of a problem for H life Esports and they can't find a good engage angle they just lose every setup run at the baron just yet as much as T1 would like to as owner desperate to try to get a Scuttle crab here is going to have to pay for it with this Flash Delight has to throw his Al in but they'll be happy to get that flash out of owner yeah very aggressive play there oh Viper's in trouble yeah he is going to have to throw the alter now he's just going to flash away and now look Del light is caught once again but the S shove is huge from zeka K in a rough spot once again is going to have to just walk this one off in kind of a rough spot yeah think get some damage on TI I think we just take this and he will get it so finally that battle over the mid tier one T1 will be the victors there uh when he can just go on a stasis H life Esports once again moving down towards the bot side yeah they just conceive banana brush control and they say okay we're fine to just fight here trying of circumvent them a ward being thrown down Z could go for a similar trick tping in for the flank but they might be War for now yeah it's just going to be a flip here I think but owner not in position to go for the Smite it does go the way of peut and now they're turning on a ker who's left out to dry nobody can get in there there on the side of T1 per goes down oh B Sports looking for more that's a flash comes in The Counter Strike hits two but the front line is being tipped away with the engage from Delight gets out of the back line and now Baker and Goomba in a really terrible spot they're both going to be taken down H life Esports crush the fight beautiful Target selection from hmal Life Esports using all these layered forms of engage to get on top of the members of T1 they're moving the baron they have no jungler owner is alive they have a lot of confidence they can make this work they're going to need to use delight and Zea in particular to keep oner out of the pit he can't even get close you know we see peanuts still not on the map this is delicate yeah I mean trying to get Vision Horizon Focus but it's just not going to happen and how Sports able to Zone them away they have an Alis and that is Baron on all five members of Han of everything and they're going to look to take some gold off the map and extend that lead here in the Red Bull Baron power play and this is such a rough spot for T1 to be in because you know we kind of talked about before the Renekton is going to fall off the nle not going to be as relevant late uh and hor life Esports team fighting is so strong so them picking up all these structures and getting all this gold is going to be such a huge payoff T1 you know the ideal scenario of this game would be they secured that third Dragon maybe a bar themselves they're fake backing they're fake backing they're not backing at Faker he falls for it trying to uh just Farm in front of them and that is going to be Faker down and now Doran is just Gigantic on the Jacks and they're just diving over the wall it's very risky but they just don't care as they're getting into that backline T1 are falling like a house of cards H life Esports will win this game The Confidence from H life Esports the fake back into the faker pick and every time it looks like the fight is over one more person steps up finds the jle continues in honestly just some beautiful execution there very Cris team fighting and H life Esports start this series off with a bang absolutely huge win from H life Esports in this one so closing the gap on a T1 might be harder and the thing is T1 still have that poke for the N the Jin as well if the Poke starts to land you can just open up with the ultimate please check the brush you know what's going to be the worst is we get a situation where there's like one attack left to go for the stun and goom's just struggling with the ammo dropping running around reloading like oh God he's fooling us all man uh we do have a fight here over the grubs this time peanut is going to get one but it does look like they'll give the other two over to T1 but not going to be six this time to T1 yeah and I think H life Esports happy they could NAB that one get the extra XP for the Zyra and uh sure they don't get more but they just engage the situation and can look potentially towards the dragon later on he does have flash but okay here comes owner as well and and actually peut has backed away Zea's like you want to fight let's fight I'll take the 1 V one Faker can't even join this and owner will be pushed away now we got a knock up here and a carry and an MF hold straight to the face is the door not able to help at all that is First Blood given over to actually Delight yeah the turret felt a little bit confused by the situation honestly as say is going to flash away here but he's not getting out by any means he's not even going to hit mear and owner it's just alone now underneath the turret and Doran and penut say no we got what we wanted we picked up an orange buff for our reekon and we're just going to back away yeah Z didn't realize that he's not allowed to farm this game um oh uh okay trying to take the 1 V one here actually is going to win that owner get some revenge in the Top Lane endurance kind of left with a cheeky little smile Luan br comb you know I I just think it's very funny we have one of the fastest R passive stackers in the mid lane but they just didn't so now Sports going to take this one I think T1 were like look we want to get things done in the early game we need to generate gold lead let's not do Drake uh they are now down 2,000 gold and on life fors will take the Fier Drake so oh okay well that happened now peanuts on Vision he doesn't care he's just going to throw hisa on an owner who is going to dodge a lot of the damage but we got the super plans coming in and owner will disengage on the disengage cone where where do I get to F I'm going to ask if someone can let me know hopefully from the space when did Zas buy his Co and I'm kind of curious when he actually Stacks outside of you know the dive early on he's having a tough time here comes Doran he wants to take a trade up against Faker not going to overextend there's not much of a wave here though K is trying to get this done the stun comes down and dor flashes but it's not enough forer it's going to go down to the left shot from the tower survives long enough for the tower to do the work what's happening here um so you can see in the bottom left oh wait Z going to hit a wave a he's getting some CS in he got a couple okay so he bought Cole thank you very much conic at 7 Minutes well we're going to yeah we got to we got a little dive going on here as another TP is going to come car's just going to die to the turret um Z says yeah maybe I can do that as well can he even get K the back up comes in from delight and the dive is just awful this H life vports will easily clean that up heed to save Z clutch play oh my god oh no not zus not this guy and oh nice little Dodge there on the missile but again you're not allowed to farm in this game we've already established that and H vports have made 100% sure that this Nar does not get to Lan at all will he complete the call by the end of the game I'm honestly unsure at this point H Herold coming in but they won't be able to do more uh the spear hit Viper and he's still full health yes yep uh poke not really going to do much against him that's like three or four kills in a row where T1 members are trying to do things and they're just getting clobbered it's getting very go I think we can say but H life sports are not hesitating we've seen happy gaming this just looks like sad gaming CRA that I say that and then Zea just does this yeah like I literally say h life Esports aren't hesitating I'm trying to compliment them and Zea just takes 18 Tower light he's going to have to flash this and that's a turret going over to H life Esports he's 20 away from the coal being stacked it's coming I don't want to get too excited br oh he's going to go for the trade instead he's looking to take down Doran zos actually behind Doran now and Delight is on the huge flank here they should two stacks where are you going get the away no there's no call in this play I'll tell you that zus is dead uh the only question the minions get the minions oh no who he's not going to get it and Viper is going to pick up the kill the baron but it's it's very much a very small thing don't don't get me wrong zo's going down and also faker's just leaving ker to die I love how we get the engage R and Faker goes I don't condone that I'm leaving if ker dies and T1 get the dragon I I feel like that's pretty worth for T1 although it depends on who gets the kill I they're just going to give it over to Z also pe's just going to die this game has just gone off the rails guys I don't even know like where we are where am I uh where is z right now yeah well he's he's in potentially zero four land he is about to hit mear but let's see if they can take him out before that yes they will down he goes and z in fact will hit Mega AR and he still hasn't finished the call it's been 15 minutes and how will like vports get the dragon guys you need the coold C power Spike how are you supposed to win if you don't get this stack oh well I if he's supposed managed to respond pet obviously went down but a quick clean up will get them their third Dragon T1 will Clear Vision around the baron and that Co will remain unstacked is very scary you're not allowed to approach him yeah will be super dangerous big spikes for peut with the LeAndre riiz all right this is the angle they going for they have the plan set up already I mean they're they're they're just getting it done peanut showed in the brush they don't know what starting they don't have a trinket and look at how fast it's burning the T1 yes they realize now but can they get in position owner being zoned Away by the Alis kria desperate to try to steal it with a Q it's not going to happen H Sports take the baron for free yeah not doing anything really to the corki uh in terms of pressure has resulted in h life Esports being far further ahead than they were at any point really in the first game slows on everything with riy he has Andre so he's doing damage he's slowing them they cannot approach and he's poking them down and now with mountain Soul about to hit that is going to be taken by zeka alone and three members just pushing by themselves down on the bottom side how Esports don't even care and um I think you're right it's the only way now for T1 you just got to Burger flip it get the spatula out hope you land a spear you get owner in the pit you find a way to to get Elder and and Chip them away but again like this is the first time Z has hit the turret in a long time and he may pay for it actually I think he's absolutely going to pay for it as uh he's just burning down he doesn't do anything to peanut uh except half his health as now they're trying to engage on a Viper but he just so fast that the braal just too slow to catch the MF even though in terms of dashes the MF doesn't have many you can see Viper so hard to hit when you can just run back and forth with 60 extra movement speed than everyone else yeah with that massive Shield the MF Just Feels So Good by it's so obnoxious it's it feels so good just as a pick I mean I know we had like 6 or 780 carry bands which is why we get Jim versus MF like it's another year but you know I think it's pretty good how Esports they don't have Baron they don't care and a big spear is going to hit Doran also the roof coming in maybe the angle but you know what the wallets are just so gigantic the knup comes in on the owner and Doran lives it's two kills make it three for Viper com life esport smash them in their base and they will take the two tonight absolute decimation once again hon life Esports find their angle no hesitation they close out the game in even more dominant fashion than that last matchup against T1 these were some of the best highlights from the 2024 lck Summers s split matchup between T1 and hle which moment was your favorite let me know in the comment section below this is op and I'll see you tomorrow take care