Question 1
Which philosopher in 'The School of Athens' was modeled after Michelangelo?
Question 2
Which god is depicted on the Platonic side of 'The School of Athens', representing sun, music, and poetry?
Question 3
Who are the central figures in 'The School of Athens' fresco?
Question 4
What book is Aristotle holding in 'The School of Athens'?
Question 5
Who is depicted among astronomers in 'The School of Athens' as a self-inclusion by Raphael?
Question 6
Who commissioned Raphael's frescoes in the Stanza della Segnatura?
Question 7
Which period in art history does Raphael's work in the Stanza della Segnatura belong to?
Question 8
What is the central theme of 'The Dispute' (Theology) fresco in the opposite wall?
Question 9
What theme is depicted on the wall representing Philosophy in the Stanza della Segnatura?
Question 10
What does Plato's upward-pointing gesture symbolize in 'The School of Athens'?
Question 11
What is the main idea celebrated in Raphael's frescoes in the Stanza della Segnatura?
Question 12
How does Raphael use architecture in 'The School of Athens' to reflect ancient Roman style?
Question 13
Which element colors are used to dress Plato in 'The School of Athens' and what do they symbolize?
Question 14
What was the original use of the Stanza della Segnatura?
Question 15
In 'The Dispute', what is the symbolic connection between heavenly and earthly figures?