Transcript for:
Python Basics Lecture Notes

language scripting language foreign foreign foreign a library scripting languages quality so Nino next month thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] virtual machine thank you uh welcome to python live YouTube Channel videos foreign Sunday so once you we may go uh downloading eventually we install your scholar so install this one simple and yes install yes foreign foreign foreign so today foreign thanks for watching Heidi welcome to python live YouTube channel so here is foreign foreign foreign quotations so foreign foreign so comments so comments for example 100 lines of code Russia so 100 so are they underlines of code is um so comments yesterday foreign thank you simple foreign foreign statement or method okay statement will print will print something you don't know what the printer yes [Music] foreign foreign thanks for watching foreign [Music] equal to value variable name equal to Value management a simple variables variable equal to Value so just um it may be float it may be complex Boolean list Tuple set dictionary a head or something that is ABC equal to 0. ABC one two equal to 1 and 11. but first is foreign thank you hi uh welcome to python life with the channel so my name is normal foreign simple one three foreign foreign foreign okay now printed foreign not alone um quantity entity um foreign okay now uh videos thank you foreign [Music] integer next to float and Boolean string complex okay basic data types foreign okay additional data type thank you um foreign [Music] printer type of EA type of a comma type of type of Honey um so uh is zero okay okay so run this is I know um uh for example five J this is a complex number okay so for example type of type of width again foreign foreign printed floats on this one so 5.5 so easy for example in the indicator okay [Music] data losses explicit type conversion no data loss hours conversion okay discussions information subscribe okay thank you statements is statements foreign foreign okay foreign [Music] thank you foreign conditions foreign if if condition as per syntax is greater than 18 is condition is good girl you know foreign [Music] conditions foreign [Music] bye bye okay if conditions okay print ing something okay if conditions bye foreign so conditions foreign foreign if if condition if condition colon space statements statements true foreign for example if foreign foreign foreign two years it is Bitcoin is conditions foreign created if so else uh print is only foreign information in different different conditions foreign you can vote okay won't change conditions body Okay so um okay okay multiple conditions current edition it is thank you hi welcome to python live YouTube channel looping statements looping statements iterative statements so looping statements something is so multiple times foreign for example for I for I in in range 0 comma 10 honey 10 um zero first zero one two three four five six seven eight nine overcome foreign [Music] for example uh for example a equal to list one comma two comma three comma four comma five okay this is foreign foreign python python life okay in big big soap for example is elements foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign for example conditional because [Music] k equal to 3 less than 20 okay 11 less than 20 12 less than 20 13 less than 20 14 less than 20 up to someone 20 less than 20. false hypothesis foreign in range 0 comma 10 okay for J in range 0 comma 10. okay now print is so foreign I know so first foreign foreign foreign so for example for I in foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign conditions equal to something nine okay while conditions uh High okay foreign [Music] foreign infinite foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] thank you welcome to python life YouTube channel so Heroes my topic which is jumping statements so each jumping statements and just saying like a control statements so foreign foreign so foreign foreign conditions okay same situations ignore my channel thank you foreign foreign for example uh for I I in a python like me examples information is foreign information is welcome to python live YouTube channel important topics for example characters character so group of characters for example ABC for example python for example a life group of characters collection of characters is called also strings like um for example b equal to double quotes the Pi for example c equal to Triple coaster pi so foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign placed split okay splint yes foreign so for example space this is a printer okay now printer land offer yes foreign okay now um thank you is a collection of characters life okay now python live so in double gross the matter for example b equal to python life okay python f so it is a type of type of B comma uh type of a comma type of with so even is Str is nothing much free HDR is nothing but strength a share is nothing but string okay now so you could do Independence uh okay okay foreign foreign [Music] I strip learning discussion again per second please subscribe subscribers on life python life Dot Upper okay now variable dot method foreign investment for example python language ends with the true language starts it so start with this funny whether our string is start starting with python is um print to foreign foreign Channel [Music] s indexes this is foreign okay so even more information languages foreign every morning okay anymore foreign Spirit energy is print uh um printer python life python like dot strip dot strip this is so we so run yes now um there is foreign [Music] so mutable data type elements store different types of elements list different types of elements duplicates indexing indexing containers foreign foreign foreign [Music] until foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign okay now foreign foreign foreign foreign information so for example if you do for example so this is for example elements foreign foreign count so count this is for example uh is zero one okay um description foreign register Ed information discussions improved foreign thanks for watching uh welcome to python live YouTube channel so here is foreign slicing index me uh immutable foreign foreign equal to um foreign foreign [Music] 2. concatenation so it is for example for I in T1 printer I Loop iteration membership operations repetition printer or T1 into okay this is thank you hi d uh welcome to python live YouTube channel so previous camera information is printer type of type of C print type of C is foreign foreign foreign for example printer mean of C print mean of C print to print Max of C Max of C printer printer sum of C it is foreign foreign uh repetition C into something 11 reputation foreign foreign foreign thanks for watching hi Andy uh welcome to python live YouTube channel so here's my topic dictionary in Python so this is so foreign foreign let's do key will act as an indexes no slicing no slicing no slicing economic index possibility no slicing slicing possible duplicates and um so thank you foreign foreign hi Andy uh welcome to python life Edition so may the dictionary so okay dictionary dictionary uh dot p y and JP file created so dictionaries [Music] foreign uh python life okay uh colon colon one and yeah key value key value key value okay now so valuing accessories D of okay now index calculations foreign so get get and otherwise update get update another we think of values values keys keys and other than the items if we discussion another methods so if you discuss the estimate additionally complete so first discussion so faster than any distance so printer then what about one 22 foreign foreign foreign foreign so um foreign foreign thank you Andy in Python one comma system don't allow duplicates so duplication is foreign foreign [Music] so thank you welcome to python live YouTube channel okay so for example for example places like a type of yes okay type of s foreign matter okay sorry is equal to okay for example so an element is foreign foreign simple Gap s printer yes for example foreign foreign event we set methods set to methods set operations Union intersection intersection uh difference uh difference is a subset and is uh superset first two first two okay one one comma like one comma two comma something that is so Union okay Union in Union intersection intersection type so for example uh set one dot intersection intersection of a set of two okay now for example foreign foreign foreign foreign so subsidence foreign thank you in Python so first functions in the discussions foreign so foreign keyword function name and a function name Okay so um foreign function [Music] call is a function called okay now so what about this [Music] parameters foreign okay now next to eat too early for example one plus two three and it's written yesterday return yes so written is nothing but two basis for example is so foreign uh Within foreign keyword function name okay this is you know okay so printer in again so functions output outer and inner is output also okay now the initial functions are down water so yeah keyword arguments arbitrary elements and in case of like default parameters thank you foreign colon IES this this is a function and the pressure so kind of print this is functions function definition function definition and the circle the function body okay now so function body function board okay function call function call is foreign this is function of one a two a three another outputed parameters for example so either function s function s a printer uh so say multiple methods for example foreign important information foreign doesn't matter yes foreign Center like read only okay uh editors foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you hi Andy welcome to python live YouTube channel handling foreign print okay now is the daughter read model open JC read JC printages foreign foreign so are they foreign position s thank you hi Lee uh welcome to python live YouTube channel so first two headers first what is error until interrupting normal execution of a code is called error so normally is we will handle by using here really so normally executed like foreign try blocker try accept block accept blocks finally block okay now so try block try blocked situations foreign foreign foreign foreign okay now thank you hi Andy uh welcome to python live YouTube channel handling foreign foreign no error okay finally so finally always okay always try blocking yes foreign connection okay now try something printer uh printer uh for example place is okay so accept so printer printer uh type error type error foreign [Music] information is situations [Music] device foreign foreign foreign later foreign thank you handy uh welcome to python live YouTube channel foreign foreign foreign foreign only thank you hi Andy uh welcome to python live YouTube channel entity okay now physical entity physical entity so we can create any number of objects of our classes foreign using an object we can access methods and variables of a class so when a class variables yes so object name is foreign Sunday [Music] classes colon colon classes normal syntax okay normal syntax important method is um foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thanks for watching foreign foreign right there foreign grandfather for the foreign one parent class multiple child classes one parent class multiple child classes multiple child classes one or more base classes but only one child classes one parent class of multiple chat classes thank you multi level multiple multiple inheritance multiple inheritance okay inheritance inheritance okay now so singularities [Music] [Music] I am the parent I am the foreign [Music] [Music] c equal to child c equal to child you couldn't just notice C dot o output and the pressure output to C okay objects yes foreign inheritance foreign is the grandfather grandfather pair into child together so simple you got a grandfather better parents accessories foreign foreign and uh um father father comma mother father mother programming language classes I am the parent I am the grandfather because foreign [Music] father child one child two is the father class with a child one class trade one class easy child to class ES foreign C2 foreign thanks for watching wrapping of variables and methods into a single unit so rapid okay in the variables using access specify errors access specifications [Music] so many foreign foreign that abstraction that abstraction hiding of information hiding off information until for example personal money is like internal games thank you education [Music] foreign [Music] under the private under double underscore under the uh so in case [Music] private access yes foreign uh class demo 2 another classes definite in it is [Music] a defer output output a self self this is foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] a comma so this is Adam is [Music] uh comma uh this is one plus one two uh like one plus two three okay now uh a plus b and a b is the concatenation thirty four four three foreign thanks for watching in this suggestion oops are okay HTML what is HTML HTML identity Piper text markup language foreign foreign okay now yes web Scrappy web Scrappy previously organization yes yes peeling the data out there collecting the data okay data scrapping okay good okay good so we're scrapping antenna to discussions what is web scrapping foreign is a computer software technique of extracting information from websites is either this technique mostly focus on the transformation of unders unstructured data like HTML format on the web window structured data or databases spreadsheet aim is simple hi there foreign [Music] foreign exactly we will still website is simple web stats and websites and that I know collect yes libraries required for web scrapping so beautiful Library it is an incredible tool for pulling out information from a web page you can use it to extract tables list paragraphs and you can also put filters to extract information from the web pages foreign blinded Arrow Planet okay so user user okay for example foreign foreign yes so easy informational and um Atlanta London again it was another bad gateway http status codes HTTP shaded course hyper text transfer protocol status codes foreign okay now so are the informational yes with yeah a package manager for python package Central Market uh from [Music] uh from phone tools Punk tools import reduce and JPC organizations right there academics is kada subscribe uh like built-in methods that's what they ended yes foreign [Music] subscribe so simple guys CMD foreign CMD is nothing but command prompt and then yes dependent is install request request requests is actually the request uh two years already satisfied under the requirement already satisfied into meaning foreign foreign together installations [Music] installation um request installation suggestions bingo foreign foreign thank you foreign I'm gonna so you request I want to explain that is can we can we access your code like when you access your data okay 200 responses foreign yeah websites click on the websites permissions what is Flipkart something e-commerce site e-commerce website foreign done so ready that is nothing but URL URL uniform resource locator uniform or resource locator so a uniform resource located foreign [Music] dot get okay requested dot get to get my business coach there and accessories responsible [Music] so they are ready because permissions okay responsive response dot content box foreign [Music] uh something um foreign so is that is foreign right click right click inspect inspect just say either yes [Music] academic answers um again a class copies foreign videos for example class foreign foreign so open yes there um [Music] foreign [Music] ideal classes foreign foreign [Music] foreign names for in names foreign sorry right there it is foreign okay now okay now okay okay yeah foreign foreign [Music] 12 ravali foreign uh what happened then only okay okay for example something um foreign or undo ches [Music] Texas so text I had to put an error or something else um foreign foreign Museum um okay prices [Music] are key prices okay now so I think and um next to uh ratings ratings so right something okay so ratings ratings so ratings which is 44.7 okay uh inspectors uh Oxford Marlin you know inspectors not only 4.7 rating inspect um foreign [Music] can you change into float can you change into plot ratings we can change so change is ratings and prices foreign and [Music] um maybe reviews and reviews okay now spend hours so spend time okay span pan so spam reviews okay it reviews to use review reviews Sunday [Music] um together foreign [Music] tag s is reviews features features of mobiles so every features together so inspect so in script to chase there of features which some features uh list one it is foreign so then run that one so run just expectations yeah okay now so images so either way HTML anchor diagnology so links links anchor tag sorry link s and then link print link okay now so also on the last day it is foreign foreign uh it is foreign foreign foreign images okay so you may just images image image images okay yes image okay so print image images foreign yes so right click just now wait a minute uh right click them all right JC inspector image images foreign exactly um IMG Akada is foreign uh different situations foreign for example locations image um okay now please elasticity foreign pandas dot okay now data frame yeah definitely data frame under intended two-dimensional matter data frame is nothing but a table in the Matrix just continue on the depending rows and column Sunday rosu column okay now pandas is nothing but one Library using uh yeah then you use your submitted data analysis um done put into DFO bring to DFO actually bro data frame difference empty table 20 empty empty data frame okay now available in yellow subscribe my channel [Music] data equal to dictionary foreign [Music] ratings ratings ratings foreign list of data okay now I'll go to the Bitcoin so National um [Music] reviews so review review images foreign bring to data into Data sorry uh yes index foreign into DF double format choose to seven columns you will lose seven currency situations foreign in our ending his index and every utilization something index output on air run out of study is converges series is nothing but one dimensional matter okay now a recording us Japanese yes to CSV CSV format blade is uh sorry okay so yeah you cannot create a new ending to Sarah so if I'll open yes um okay now so desktop python badges April mobile foreign foreign foreign IMDb okay now okay so um foreign yes so we have like machine learning English numbers foreign ER to learn from data and past experience of Their Own okay now subscribe [Music] I can learn everything automatically from experience can you learn internet okay now yes I can also learn from past data within help of machine learning foreign AI ml DL deep learning machine learning artificial relationship data science okay now so well artificial resistance deep learning oregano together machine learning English what is data is oil and zip code to uh data is uh okay now it may be numerical data it may be categorical data it may be time series data it may be Text data okay now so numerical data under one two three categorical data into mail it's like a category fruits animals categories categories time series data anti for example Time series okay now um foreign [Music] and uh web scripting and in the communities third party companies foreign foreign foreign and together uh like the international company is slow public places Maybe um foreign [Music] Atlanta foreign okay now please unsupervised learning reinforcement learning [Music] one day foreign foreign reinforcement learning and the internal learn from mistakes reward internet uh and um learning so the reimbursements different types of machine learning types so machine learning different types different different types of algorithms so India supervisor classification under the regression under classification is clashing at a group of data irritation making in that kind of Japanese learn English foreign window s B id idea Mass B uh foreign as exactly y equal to MX plus C line equations so foreign foreign foreign under that um data pre-processing Channel and data preprocessing you until the data group processing is the process of transforming the raw data into your understandable format and the unstructured data unstructured data energy structured data merge column Untouchables us Control Data transformation um foreign foreign visualization is organization representation so data visualization is a graphical representation of info information and data by using the usual elements like your charts graphs Maps is foreign [Music] foreign foreign happy pins no no correlation Maybe maybe less transition something is magana is yes regression foreign okay now exactly is yes foreign is your study agrees it depends on a Model body processation is quality is ready to deployment meaning meaning [Music] foreign foreign service center and foreign foreign [Music] control foreign okay now so easy information is foreign [Music] aluminum liabilities yes exactly okay now foreign children okay now database 33 31 foreign using the biggest word and save it into CSV website [Music] so easy I am video IMDb website what is jig Wheels jig Wheels [Music] okay now [Music] um prepare a dock on ml basics okay now again subscribe you know thank you thank you learning foreign Technologies foreign okay so middle one one this is uh yes ice pack is nothing but advance of pandas and coach strings foreign foreign [Music] Venom do while do a very one of the looping statement under the python where the programming language foreign you know um foreign yes thank you thank you hi uh welcome to python live YouTube channel data science and DND and First Data different types of data allowance foreign so faster is okay what is a data science so what is data science present marketing data science data science data science foreign gathered by observations measurements research or analysis foreign data is everything under okay data is a everything under until okay data okay so data foreign foreign column whatever foreign foreign foreign foreign uh is called foreign extracting insights from vast amounts of data using various scientific methods algorithms and processes it helps you to discover hidden patterns from the raw data so data science another study first okay now yes foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign for example for example um so um I'm gonna so we do yeah so sorry first name is foreign foreign foreign foreign informational [Music] foreign foreign foreign okay data and those are the key information knowledge wisdom DNA different different categories like your data anti-individual facts and under two measurements and useful useful condensed accountants like different different names information okay now so nice like when did data science used like yep data science is about finding patterns in data through analysis and make future predictions like better decisions for example this is employee okay okay pictures yes what will happen next in case or data foreign thank you foreign foreign circuit so where data science fraud fraud detection there are detection is OT devices like automated uh switches and automated lights Japanese [Music] data to thank you yes [Music] thanks for watching Andy foreign how to access both keys and values using item function foreign foreign foreign thanks for watching foreign subscribe this channel okay subscribers okay therefore string length string length left string length okay then in our str1 okay like string one string this is count equal to equal to 1 plus count okay so then there's an elastic written count okay return count foreign foreign thanks for watching foreign foreign foreign upper okay okay lowercase lower okay lower lower is lower is lowercase discount okay lower case so lower case would increase this is python life Channel okay um letters uh print to lowercase letters lowercase one letters okay and uh comma comma and D of O lower case okay which is foreign foreign foreign okay so input is equal to First equal to foreign first two uh comma second foreign paper first equal to equal to okay uh second or last one second second last last column better okay and last you got a last two and you got a circle last okay equal last so lastly true conditions false Eternal fonts Nago first letter is um foreign false okay first to uh and last name another character CM guys using methods and using uh index and using return and if and print function is thanks for watching live YouTube channel Python program to check if a key is already present in a dictionary okay okay foreign comma three C so for example one another key and the value key value key value is my addict Dot case is if foreign not there is not there not there okay one is foreign foreign foreign thanks for watching hi welcome to python live YouTube channel create a list of empty dictionaries dictionary for example is foreign foreign range okay foreign thanks for watching hi welcome to python life YouTube channel so here is equal to 3 3 gamma 4 comma 5. already functions L2 foreign okay so what is difference between append and external python videos foreign [Music] [Music] thank you hi uh welcome to python live YouTube channel write a program like Python program to solve the Fibonacci sequence using recursion okay foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign minus 1 and the zero one minus 1 1 equal to this one or two minus one and the one plus two two minus two and that's zero it is foreign minus one n minus 1 Plus 5 of fifth of n minus two same with the yes foreign hi welcome to python live YouTube channel fourth interview question is find the largest number among among the three input numbers equal to like 53 okay okay three numbers one two three three numbers function okay Max Max questions foreign foreign foreign largest largest equal to number one so in is to greater than number one and other Vision you could have number two greater than number three okay number three so okay the number two like largest okay number one is print largest largest number number is foreign foreign foreign foreign thank you hmm hi welcome to python live YouTube channel foreign [Music] requirements foreign [Music] print print negative printed negative Okay negative so negative is suggestions using input function float function and a variable and if condition alif condition and else is foreign Japan so first time strong number and then the joint for example in case five power three plus three power yes [Music] okay Enter the number this is printer while [Music] for example r equal to or equal to n modulus in modulus right there three would be r R into into okay three months foreign floor division 110 years 153. okay 153. okay Vietnam 150 plastic this is okay five five one answer foreign plus 125 so run this is Armstrong number else function number okay enter the number 153 um foreign thank you hi Andy welcome to python live YouTube channel check if the input number is odd or even interview questions a number is even if a division by 2 gives a remainder of 0. foreign foreign is okay foreign foreign thanks for watching foreign [Music] foreign zero one two three okay zero one two three together zero one two three okay uh like foreign foreign right there it is foreign internal positive indexing indexing is [Music] one minus two minus foreign [Music] minus two minus three minus four minus five minus six minus one is thanks for watching foreign [Music] three comma 4 comma five so one plus three four comma two plus four six comma three plus five eight so English printer in the original Eastern basketball foreign foreign foreign result is the result so result okay um shortlisted conversations L1 print to L2 so IPL foreign map and Lambda functions so either matter so easy functions thanks for watching hi welcome to python live YouTube channel to add two matrices using nested Loop Sy Thon to Python program to add two matrices using nested Loop nested loops foreign foreign [Music] okay so print print off Len okay so run just not like that okay three on the length so length is like 20 one element Two element three elements foreign then off then off yes foreign foreign I and J J Plus place y is first two is equal to 0 equal to zero equals zero zero on opportunity zero okay zero it is 0 and it is foreign print ers foreign General subscribe First Column and zero secondary okay so this is three zero three zero three foreign thanks for watching foreign Global variable alternative is not like that local variable functions okay now so inside function insert function user outside function outside function write a Python program to detect the number of local variables declared in a function functions current function okay for example variables is going to make x equal to two y equal to 3 and is equal to K done something variable with integer is integer is showing okay and it's circuit let's do D equal to 2.2 float is local variables no problem s print function name function name Dot dot code okay code code references Dot Co in locals okay and locals okay one two three four in the company four local variables for example foreign [Music] [Music] thanks for watching foreign foreign okay therefore get permutations so no problems get permutations for example this is okay so string at it is string length of string okay cool so then is foreign get permutation get permutation functions foreign foreign foreign foreign internet is three times are are Allah are you yeah hello foreign one and Dakota even though okay two and equal to 2 and equal to 2 and equal to solve it out so replace Sunday it is words what what's I comma words J equal to equal to watts J comma Watts Watts I so words I and what's J words J parts J so in case um foreign for example for example in case printer yeah equal to 10 this is foreign foreign thank you hi welcome to python live YouTube channel to Generate random integers between 1 and 300. to generate a random integers randomly integers foreign foreign [Music] [Music] 300 okay blue um okay so print X okay so X is foreign [Music] together foreign thank you hi welcome to partner live YouTube channel to print off pyramid using star okay satellite nested foreign foreign J wait a minute okay next to zero one two is zero one two three hello one two zero one two three foreign [Music] foreign [Music] punctuations equal to um [Music] entity enter this string enter this string okay punctuation like new string okay new string no string will equal to this Bitcoin number is see in my string okay plus equal to plus equal to C is punctuations my name is James okay James James Bond okay and this is class Okay so and this is laptop okay my name is James okay this is [Music] like a like variables users thanks for watching hi welcome to python live YouTube channel like write a Python program to reverse a number for example number okay for example for example to the four five three two one okay so it is foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] thanks for watching hi welcome to python live YouTube channel foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign for example result column s simple guys for R in in result between discontent results same thing is foreign foreign [Music] foreign one one one one one two one two one three one three okay okay information okay yeah and uh increment adoption change okay subscribe okay thank you hi uh welcome to python live YouTube channel so it is find all members which are divisible by seven but are not a multiple of five okay like a range of for example range this content 098 000 or 10 000 numbers for so print foreign [Music] right there foreign foreign thanks for watching thank you hi welcome to python live YouTube channel my name is foreign some function name numbers function parameter okay function parameter under colon so if function parameters function definition foreign foreign foreign [Music] function call function call okay run distance foreign until um for example sum of sum of X is okay sum of yes foreign explore foreign foreign date time dot date time date time dot date time dot now present time now okay um dot time simple guys um hi uh welcome to python live YouTube channel is foreign until collection of collection of collection of functions and zip codes dot now present time now okay um simple guys um explain for example like projects foreign foreign date time dot date time date time dot date time dot now present time now okay um simple guys um foreign [Music] input subscribe for I in range range like a foreign number comma Monica multiplication number one into one into comma so yes equal to equal to so equal to then I'm into foreign three into two onomata is for example foreign thank you hi Andy uh welcome to python live YouTube channel write a Python program of recursion list some okay list using recursions so using recursion is therefore for example a recursive recursive recursion of functions foreign total element total equal to Total pressure total pressure element okay um print recursive function call two comma three comma four in National list I comma 6 is foreign foreign foreign thanks for watching hi uh welcome to python life Edition Python program to access index of a list using for Loop pro access index and time is start the indexing with the non-zero available foreign first two for for eign later thanks for watching hi welcome to python life or not foreign [Music] [Music] deaf deaf is is Paul in drug okay he is function definition and then parameters okay parameter so important written yes foreign print to print to this is okay this is okay this is no problem okay not a foreign yesterday it is okay functional functions foreign foreign [Music] remove all whites spaces from a string and the combination of characters foreign original original text okay original text comma comma text is an accordion text s white species so white spaces okay uh after removing without white space without without white white spaces ok so without white space is disconnected for example today is the old value is new value for example um foreign thank you hi welcome to python live YouTube channel foreign okay because so okay and then next is just not like there for example print just on printer items printer items items like that just now so you got to press CSA around just run this is okay now foreign printer okay okay you know foreign print ers and item system okay this is foreign comma red comma black comma White right okay okay for example is equal to is equal to like L daughter okay L dots yes foreign [Music] string two list converter using split says like um foreign a collection of characters okay collection of collection of characters split testing with multiple delimiters okay okay for example D equal to the book is good okay for example D dot split okay split of evidence is [Music] foreign foreign the quick brown comma Fox gems yes thanks for watching hi welcome to python live YouTube channel check that a string contains only a certain set of characters regulations colon ists equal to so regulations foreign foreign [Music] return yes foreign foreign foreign Bitcoin foreign thanks for watching foreign Lambda okay Lambda uh like Anonymous functions Expressions okay foreign subscribers and thanks for watching hi Andy welcome to python live YouTube channel check if your number is prime or not Prime so money is prime numbers are a positive integers that's a general that's greater than one prime numbers that also have no other factors except for one and the number itself for example two into one okay three into one another 4000 and 6 into 100 years except for one and the number itself for example the number Phi is a prime number Phi N is a prime number while the number 6 is at in the content 600 prime numbers [Music] prime numbers are opposed to integers that is for num in rate range it is false okay so that again has not a return return false return false conditions return return true okay then inco data foreign print is prime is a prime of 1. like a monarchy Prime then six items is not apply Prime not a prime not a price not a prime okay okay foreign 2 3 4 5. so other questions okay six modulus modulus modulus two two equal to equal to zero under zero okay conditions foreign end of input enter the number enter the number okay Enter The number is foreign foreign this additional day is added in February which makes it 29 days long normally 365 days okay now 365 days 36 66 days if a year is evenly divisible by four okay means having no reminder then go to the next step it is if it is not usable divisible by 4 it is not a leap year so either for example 1997 is not a leap year okay the if a year is divisible by 4 but not by 100 for example 2012 it is a leap year if air is divisible by both the 4 and uh 100 go to the next step animata okay if a year is divisible by 100 but not uh by 400 for example 1900 then it is not a leap year if air is divisible by both then it it is a leap year so 2000 is a leap year so much functions So Def check check year or checklist check here okay check check here so my name is divisible by hundred and divisible by 400. okay now foreign foreign year year 400 400 equal to equal to zero close okay now close so 200 times okay it is okay okay okay okay um not equal to sorry equal to equal to zero not equal to zero conditions so if if you check either functions printer okay printer not a leap year not like not a leap year okay leave here so after governance functions foreign foreign [Music] so true false true places like two thousand two thousand wait a minute two thousand two thousand more or less more or less 400 400 equal to yanta and it is logical logical or table to them logical all tables logical articles if condition true then it's said to be a leap year foreign [Music] thanks for watching Andy