Tower of Babel and Post-Flood Genealogy

Jul 27, 2024

Tower of Babel and Post-Flood Genealogy: Lecture Notes

Context of Wednesday Night Sessions

  • More in-depth Bible study compared to Sunday services.
  • Studying the Book of Genesis, focusing on four major events and four main characters.
    • Major events: Creation, The Fall, The Flood, Tower of Babel.
    • Main characters: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph.
  • Currently studying the Tower of Babel.

Genesis 11:1-9 - The Tower of Babel

Genesis 11:1-9

  1. Men moved east, found a plane in Shinar, settled.
  2. Built city and tower to avoid being scattered.
  3. Lord confused their language, scattered people worldwide.
  4. Result: Named Babel, means confusion and scattering.

Analysis of Genesis 11:1-9

  • One language: Initially, same language and dialect globally.
  • Contradiction claim: Genesis 10 speaks of multiple languages.
    • Explanation: The Babel story inserted to explain the diversity of languages.

Middle Eastern Culture in Biblical Genealogy

  • Importance: Cultural context key to understanding Bible stories.
  • Genealogy: Noah -> Shem -> Arfaxad -> Shelah -> Eber (ancestor of Peleg).
    • Noah's descendants spread post-flood, leading to diverse nations and languages.

Timing of the Tower of Babel

  • Approximately 100 years after the flood (1,656 years after Adam’s creation).
  • Noah and his sons were still alive during Babel's construction.

Nimrod's Role

  • Nimrod: Grandson of Ham, became a mighty warrior, ruled with violence.
  • Hunter: Not of animals but men, establishing his kingdom brutally.
  • Kingdom: Included Babylon in Shinar, the location of the Tower of Babel.

Interpretation and Sarcasm in Genesis 11

  • Irony: The effort to create a portal for gods resulted only in God's appearance.
  • Anthropomorphism: Sarcasm by stating God had to 'come down,' underscoring the futility of man’s rebellious efforts.

Cultural Impact of the Tower of Babel

  • Ziggurats: Seen as stairways for gods to descend, symbolizing idolatry and pantheism.
  • Astrology: Emerged from the belief in heavenly portals.
  • Division of the earth: Genesis mentions earth divided in Peleg’s time, possibly hinting at geological continental shifts or national divisions.
  • Scattering: Babylon became the origin of global idolatry and spiritual harlotry.
  • God's Response: Confused languages to prevent unified rebellion, causing global dispersion.


  • The Tower of Babel explains the origin of different languages and nations soon after the flood.
  • Nimrod’s rebellion symbolizes early pantheism and idolatry, later influencing global spiritual divergence.
  • God’s intervention prevents further rebellion, enforcing His divine plan through Abraham's forthcoming lineage.