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Effects of Negative Feedback on Amplifiers
May 30, 2024
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Lecture Notes: Effects of Negative Feedback on Amplifiers
Properties of Negative Feedback
Bandwidth Extension
Increase in Input Resistance
Decrease in Output Resistance
Bandwidth Extension
Key Concepts
Bandwidth = Difference between lower cutoff frequency (fL) and upper cutoff frequency (fU).
Negative feedback increases bandwidth.
Frequency Response Diagrams
Without feedback: Lower cutoff frequency (fL) and upper cutoff frequency (fU).
With feedback: Lower cutoff frequency (fL') and upper cutoff frequency (fU').
Negative feedback decreases fL and increases fU.
Steps to Prove Bandwidth Extension
Lower Cutoff Frequency
Gain at low frequency without feedback: AL = AM / (1 - j(fL/f)).
AM = Mid-band gain.
fVL = Lower cutoff frequency without feedback.
Gain with feedback: ALF = AL / (1 + ALβ).
Substitute AL value: ALF = AM / (1 - j(fL/f)) / (1 + (AM / (1 - j(fL/f)) * β)).
Simplify: ALF = AMF / (1 - j(fL'/f)).
AMF = Gain with feedback (AM / (1 + AMβ)).
fL' = fL / (1 + AMβ).
Conclusion: Lower cutoff frequency decreases with feedback.
Upper Cutoff Frequency
Gain at high frequency without feedback: AU = AM / (1 + j(f/fU)).
Gain with feedback: AUF = AU / (1 + AUβ).
Substitute AU value: AUF = AMF / (1 + j(f/fU')).
fU' = fU * (1 + AMβ).
Conclusion: Upper cutoff frequency increases with feedback.
Overall Bandwidth Conclusion:
Bandwidth increases due to the extension of fL and fU by the factor (1 + AMβ).
Increase in Input Resistance
Key Concepts
High input resistance reduces loading effect.
Steps to Prove Increased Input Resistance
Consider feedback amplifier model with input resistance RI and feedback voltage VF.
Input impedance with feedback: RIF = VS / II.
Substitute VI = VS - VF;
VS = VI + VF = VI + βVO.
VO = A * VI.
Simplify: RIF = RI * (1 + Aβ).
Input impedance increases by the factor (1 + Aβ).
Decrease in Output Resistance
Key Concepts
Low output resistance avoids loading effect on subsequent stages.
Steps to Prove Decreased Output Resistance
Consider small signal model with output resistance RO and current IO.
Voltage drop: IORO = VO - AVI.
Assume no input signal (VS = 0), the feedback voltage acts alone: VI = -VF.
Substitute: IORO = VO(1 + Aβ).
Simplify: ROF = RO / (1 + Aβ).
Output resistance decreases by the factor (1 + Aβ).
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