if you want to improve your confidence overnight part of it just to study your brain you're in this Incredible Gift right the challenge is this brain doesn't come with an owner's manual and it's not user [Music] friendly how many of you by the way when you're taking a shower you get a lot of good ideas when you're in the shower it's always when you can't write something down right and that's why you need to have a super brain to be able to remember it all and but it makes you more creative right you have all these good ideas I took six showers for you guys this morning just so I could be good for you right but the idea here is that puts you in the Theta State and in superb brain I talk about the different brain wave states to be creative to learn languages faster facts figures give speeches without notes but you know it's about knowing who you are and then being who you are that's really the success right know thyself right having the Curiosity to know yourself you know if you want to proove your confidence overnight part of it just to study your your your brain you're in this Incredible Gift right the challenge is this brain doesn't come with an owner's manual and it's not user friendly so I'm going to give you a framework today on how to do more it's not in superb brain uh it's in Limitless how many of you have my book raise your hand yeah all right so I'm going to show you a framework and to the best of your ability I would uh even if you can't write this down because you don't have a notebook just just understand this this is the the key to become Limitless and Limitless is not about being per perfect it's about advancing and progressing beyond what you believe is possible does that make sense now there are three areas you have to unlimit in order to be uh reach more of your power reach more your potential reach more of your uh profitability your peace so imagine everybody if it's about advancing I'm going to turn this into a workshop is that okay all right imagine there's an area of your life where you're not advancing like be honest with yourself you don't have to share it but what area of your life do you feel like you're not progressing in like you feel stuck in your relationship in uh your personal health in your finances what area if you're honest are you stuck your memory maybe your focus your your reading speed right where do you feel stuck where do you feel like you're in a box so just imagine a box right and a box is three-dimensional right three dimensions those three dimensions are the three forces that contain that box and that keep you stuck there are three those are the same three forces that if you expanded it your box would expand right you would become more Limitless and so those three forces I represent by three circles so if you imagine three circles this is what do they call this a ven diagram right ven diagram the these are represented by three M's and these are the three M that will change your life and change your learning forever now the first M or one dimension of that box that keeps you contained and actually could unleash your power is your mindset now you hear this a lot Vision was talking about growth mindset yesterday but this is where you don't think something is fixed right people come to me all the time and they're like they'll say I'm too old or they'll say like they'll come to me Jim say Jim I can't wait for you to talk I have trouble remembering people's names and I always say stop if you fight for your limits you get to keep them does that make sense if you fight for the limits there are yours and so in your mindset the these are how I Define mindset because there are a lot of speakers on mindset and I could put people in different boxes and categories so that's what I do when I learn because I need to know you know what areas where I need Improvement mindset is I'm defining as your attitudes and assumptions about something your attitude's assumptions about something so your mindset could be your attitude's assumptions about money right if your attitudes assumptions about money like you don't feel like you're worth a certain amount uh you think that uh money is evil whatever it is will that keep you in that box yes or yes yes or yes yes right because your behaviors are going to be determined by your beliefs you write this down all behavior is belief-driven all behaviors are belief-driven how many of you want to create a new result in your life raise your hand some a new result to create that result you need to do a new Behavior correct it's not going to happen by itself new behavior in order to do a new Behavior you need a new belief that mean that that allows that behavior to be possible right cuz your brain brain is this incredible supercomputer and your beliefs your selft talk are the programs it will run so if you tell yourself I'm not good at remembering names you will not remember the name and the next person you meet because you program your supercomputer not to does that make sense because you can learn a great technique on how to remember names but if your mindset is I'm too old I'm not smart enough you're still going to be stuck in that box the second M let's say you have a limitless mindset now by the way three areas of mindset to be aware of to put your sensory awareness towards about yourself right so it's not just your attitudes assumptions about money or your attitude assumptions about relationships it's your attitudes assumptions about you three things I would put under here are things like what I believe is possible so write that down what I believe is possible the second thing what I believe I'm capable of you might believe it's possible for your friends or people you follow or people that you know uh people on stage but if you don't believe it's possible for you you're still going to be stuck but this gives you an area where you could put your focus on right because you could change that through uh self- hypnosis through uh EFT right through EMDR there there's so many different NLP there's so many different therapies you could use to change your limiting beliefs we talk a lot about that in in our courses but this is your mindset the third thing not only is what you believe is possible what you believe you're capable of I'll give you a third one what you believe you deserve because what you believe you deserve it's like you're a thermostat and that thermostat is the temperature that you regulate things with right I always talk about the difference between a thermometer and a thermostat a thermometer just reacts to things it reacts to the economy it reacts to the weather it reacts to how people treat you but the happiest most successful productive performers they act more like a thermostat a thermostat doesn't react it knows the temperature it gauges the room but it sets a temperature and then what happens the environment the environment reacts to you right that that's leadership so this is your mindset but you could have a limitless mindset and still be stuck in that box because you also need the second M which is your motivation and I know this is a big issue for some people you know because I get a lot of feedback how many of you know what to do but you're not doing what you know how many you know what exactly you probably If we're honest I'm going to call you on your your your BS your your belief systems if if I'm honest many of you know more about this these subjects you're learning over these couple of days than most of your friends and family will ever learn is that true yes or yes how many of you like like you have friends and family just wondering why you're at this event right now right and so they don't they don't know and they don't know what they don't know but you probably if you're honest have forgotten more but is your life reflecting that and I'm going to show you the difference that makes a difference things could be in your head but the motivation and in Limitless I I teach you the three keys for Limitless motivation I'm not going to go through it now but a lot of this is your purpose a lot of this is the reasons if you're not motivated to remember someone's name you're not going to remember that person's name does that make sense because things have to go from your head to your heart to your hands head heart hands so I don't always ask myself like what do I need to do a lot of times how many of you are faced with some kind of big dilemma or difficulty right now honestly that you're here because of you're facing something and you're kind of being tested most people ask what do I need to do I I would suggest before you ask that question is to step back and say who do I need to be you know what do I need to feel at this moment because if you're going to feel compassionate or be compassionate your behaviors are going to take care of themselves naturally does that make sense right but a lot of motivation to overcome motivation this is all purpose this is all energy this is all small simple steps little things that you could do because sometimes you're not motivated because this thing is too big this goal that you have and I'll even have like my goal up here like I'll I'll I'll have my goal here and I'll say like this is my goal what's the mindset I need for that goal you know what's my purpose energy small simple steps my motivation but you could have Limitless mindset Limitless motivation and still be stuck because you still have to activate the third M which are your methods so you let's say you have Limitless mindset you believe it's possible you believe you deserve it you believe you're capable of it you have Limitless motivation you could still not have the life you desire or deserve because you're not using the proper methods you're using all methods of marketing all methods for fundraising all methods for losing weight right old methods for learning right a learning old methods for memory old methods for memorization old methods for reading and then you're still stuck in that box so the reason I bring this up and then I'm going to give you the strategies now is because most people especially the past few years out of fear and security they're downgrading their dreams to meet this current situation and I'm going to tell you that that's a big mistake you shouldn't be thinking about like the problem is not usually the problem the problem is our attitudes and assumptions about that problem and what I'm saying here is you shouldn't be downgrading your dreams to meet the current situation you should' be thinking how do I upgrade my mindset how do I upgrade my motivation how do I upgrade my methods or skills to be able to meet those Big Dreams does that make sense yes or yes all right now what watch this where the three M's are also three hidden eyes here where mindset crosses over with motivation you have the first eye and that's inspiration and now this is how I look at the personal development performance World there are books on mindset there are books on motivation very good books very good books on on methods to to lose weight to make money right but you won't be Unlimited or Limitless unless you address all three in your life so where mindset and motivation cross over you have inspiration because what's something that's inspiring it change your mindset and it gives you some motivation is that true yes or yes yes right but you don't have the methods so you're inspired but you're not doing anything that's that's where most people like live where let's say mindset and methods cross over this is a very popular place people live also you have the Limitless mindset and you have Limitless methods for getting whatever that goal is up the second eye is ideation ideation what's ideation it just stays an idea you believe it's possible and you know what to do but it still stays in your head because why you have no say it out loud motivation so you're still stuck in here right and then finally where motivation and methods cross over you have the third eye third eye interesting implementation implementation and that's your application that's the action right and the challenge though is you have motivation you're ready to do this you have purpose energy you know exactly what to do the methods but you can still be stuck in that box because you lack what say it out loud mindset because your mindset said could say it's not possible and that's why you self-sabotage or you take one step forward and two steps back right or you don't you think you don't deserve it now by the way right here there's a fourth eye where all the M's and all the eyes converge right in the middle that's integration that that's the goal right that's just who you are that's your identity in other word is your identity and when it is your identity it's just you just I am Limited L that's that's what you're saying to yourself right and so anything that you're facing right now if there's a gap between where you are and where you want to be narrow it down what's holding you back is it your mindset motivation and methods and then you know where to put your [Music] focus