There's another philosophical question I would like to put in front of you. Many people have this question. How can someone who sinned for just a few years in this life get hell forever? Because the crime was just small period of time and the punishment is endless time period. The crime you're comparing عالم الخلق to عالم الأمر the crime was actually against عالم الأمر so the punishments is from .عالم الأمر The crime was about the روح inside of you that travel through the heavens to come into you. The crime was against the revelation that traveled from the heavens that is beyond time so you committed a crime that is timeless in its value in its seriousness so its response is also timeless in its seriousness. The problem with this kind of logic Muslims get trapped in this kind of thinking also is because we think of the world more in عالم الخلق and less and less in عالم الأمر. So we start seeing unfairness and injustice. The philosophical problem of eternal hell. It's not that problem. How come nobody has a problem but when you say سبحان الله and when you say الحمد لله it's more valuable than the world and everything in it. Or two ركعات فجرare more valuable than everything in the world. Nobody has a problem with that. Why? Because they know they realise these are the rewards of عالم الأمر because these are acts خفيفتان على اللسان so easy to say سبحان الله and الحمد لله so easy but ثقيلتان في الميزان very heavy on the scale. Well if it works one way, it also works the other way. You understand? This is the relationship we have, and this is the same way when you're talking about somebody and you're saying bad things about them. Allah says {وَتَحْسَبُونَهُ هَيِّنًا} [24:15] you think it's something light. It just came out of your mouth {وَهُوَ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ عَظِيمٌ} and with Allah it is huge. Meaning in the unseen world this is a massive crime. Think about another one. The Christians say God has a son. Every time they say God has a son. Allah says the skies all seven skies are about to tear open every time they say it. All seven of them. They're just saying it. They don't think anything of it. They just make a TikTok video and post it and yet there are eight legions of angels across seven heavens that are shaking because somebody said again that God has a son. Can you imagine? So because we are now not tuned into the unseen world. We are developing these questions that are more clearly indicating that we're so focused on the seen world. And we even want to think about جنة and نار in the same way that we think of the seen world. That's where these problems are coming from. Anyway, so now, I already told you about these. The second one إنا أعتدنا اثبات على غير الفاعل this is an important thing in this Ayah So when you say "أعتدنا" it means we prepared. But if you say "إنا أعتدنا" it means we are the ones who have prepared. Not anyone else. This is the Quran's way of doing اثبات على غير الفاعل which means Allah is saying "Don't worry about it. You don't have to deal with them. That's on me. The كافرين will do what they will do. They will say what they will say. And you don't have to say how come Allah is not getting them. How come Allah is letting them get away with it. How come they're doing this? How come they're..etc? Relax. Breathe. We're the ones that have prepared something. It fits. So nobody got away. Nobody escaped. So you don't have to get all worked up about how the كفارare getting away with everything." This is yet another trick of شيطان that people that become obsessed with this world and no longer remain fully conscious of the next world or the unseen world lose sight of. These guys are running, committing all kinds of crimes and Allah is showing us they are running right into a pit. You're like "How come Allah is letting them run? Because there's a pit. But they're running so happily. Why aren't they running sadly? Cause there's a pit. Let them run. This is not your problem." Just that إنا in the beginning it removes my frustration with what they're doing. You have to do what you have to do. You don't have to worry about them. If you were to do the the punishments fits the crime discussion. And that's because every time Allah mentions a punishment in the context it has to fit the crime. The punishments here seems to be a few things. Thirst which means deprivation and it also seems to be very close to the description of a prison. Why? Because chains and colors are very much about prison and restriction.