Plot: The story revolves around a down-on-their-luck family that infiltrates a wealthy family's life by taking up jobs as a driver, housekeeper, and tutor.
Key Theme: The contrast between two different social classes and the dynamics between them.
Social Commentary
Social Satire: The film critiques the perceptions of wealth and poverty.
Character Dynamics:
The unemployed family uses intelligence and cunning to navigate their lower status.
The wealthy family is depicted as unaware of the struggles of those less fortunate.
Visual Storytelling: Much of the film's narrative is conveyed through striking visuals, illustrating differences in the characters' realities.
Cinematography and Direction
Cinematography: Praised for breathtaking visuals; scenes of a flood highlight the disparity between the two families.
Opening Scene: Introduces the lower-class family's resourcefulness by showing them leaving windows open during fumigation to receive free treatment.
Humor and Intelligence
Humor: The film is recognized for its clever humor that respects its characters and understands their motivations.
Character Portrayal: The less fortunate family is portrayed as intelligent and resourceful, challenging stereotypes often seen in Hollywood films.
Shift in Tone
Story Development: A significant turning point occurs when the film shifts from humor to a more serious tone, enhancing the realism and creating a sense of fear.
Plausibility: The events feel realistic, making the film's tension more effective.
Visual and Narrative Techniques
Visual Connective Tissue: Subtle imagery used to convey deeper meanings and character plights.
Ambiguity: The film embraces ambiguity, allowing viewers to understand characters' emotions through subtle expressions rather than overt explanations.
Final Thoughts
Overall Impression: "Parasite" is described as beautiful, well-acted, and impeccably shot with a genius musical score.
Personal Impact: The film reignites passion for filmmaking, inspiring creativity and reflection on the art form.
Rating: A+
Recommendation: Highly encouraged to watch, with anticipation for deeper analysis on a second viewing.
Affirmation: This year has been rewarding for film enthusiasts, with this movie being a standout.
Follow-up: Additional reviews and analysis to come.